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The thickness of varves in the sediments of Skilak Lake, Alaska, are correlated with the mean annual temperature (r = 0.574), inversely correlated with the mean annual cumulative snowfall (r = −0.794), and not correlated with the mean annual precipitation (r = 0.202) of the southern Alaska climatological division for the years 1907–1934 A.D. Varve thickness in Skilak Lake is sensitive to annual temperature and snowfall because Skilak Glacier, the dominant source of sediment for Skilak Lake, is sensitive to these climatic parameters. Trends of varve thickness are well correlated with trends of mean annual cumulative snowfall ( ) of the southern Alaska climatological division and with trends of mean annual temperature of the southern ( ) and northern ( ) Alaska climatological divisions. Trends of varve thickness also correlate with trends of annual temperature in Seattle and North Head, Washington ( , respectively). Comparisons of trends of varve thickness with trends of annual temperature in California, Oregon, and Washington suggest no widespread regional correlation. Trends of annual snowfall in the southern Alaska climatological division and trends of annual temperature in the southern and northern Alaska climatological divisions are reconstructed for the years 1700–1906 A.D. Climatic reconstructions on the basis of varve thickness in Skilak Lake utilize equations derived from the regression of series of smoothed climatological data on series of smoothed varve thickness. Reconstruction of trends of mean annual cunulative snowfall in the southern Alaska climatological division suggests that snowfall during the 1700s and 1800s was much greater than that during the early and mid-1900s. The periods 1770–1790 and 1890–1906 show marked decreases in the mean annual snowfall. Reconstructed trends of the annual temperature of the northern and southern Alaska climatological divisions suggest that annual temperatures during the 1700s and 1800s were lower than those of the early and mid-1900s. Two periods of relatively high annual temperatures coincide with the periods of low annual snowfall thus determined.  相似文献   

Sedimentological analyses of 289 years (AD 1718-2006) of varved sediment from Shadow Bay, southwest Alaska, were used to investigate hydroclimate variability during and prior to the instrumental period. Varve thicknesses relate most strongly to total annual discharge (r2 = 0.75, n = 43, p < 0.0001). Maximum annual grain size depends most strongly on maximum spring daily discharge (r2 = 0.63, n = 43, p < 0.0001) and maximum annual daily discharge (r2 = 0.61, n = 43, p < 0.0001), while varve thickness is poorly correlated with maximum annual grain size (r2 = 0.004, n = 287, p = 0.33). Relations between varve thickness and annual climate variables (temperature, precipitation, North Pacific (NP) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) indices) are insignificant. On multidecadal timescales, however, regime shifts in varve thickness and total annual discharge coincide with shifts in NP and PDO indices. Periods with increased varve thickness and total annual discharge were associated with warm PDO phases and a strengthened Aleutian Low. The varve-inferred record of PDO suggests that any periodicity in the PDO varied over time, and that the early 19th century marked a transition to a more frequent or detectable shifts.  相似文献   

A quantitative high-resolution autumn (September-November) temperature reconstruction for the southeastern Swiss Alps back to AD 1580 is presented here. We used the annually resolved biogenic silica (diatoms) flux derived from the accurately dated and annually sampled sediments of Lake Silvaplana (46°27′N, 9°48′E, 1800 m a.s.l.). The biogenic silica flux smoothed by means of a 9-yr running mean was calibrated (= 0.70, p < 0.01) against local instrumental temperature data (AD 1864-1949). The resulting reconstruction (± 2 standard errors = ± 0.7 °C) indicates that autumns during the late Little Ice Age were generally cooler than they were during the 20th century. During the cold anomaly around AD 1600 and during the Maunder Minimum, however, the reconstructed autumn temperatures did not experience strong negative departures from the 20th-century mean. The warmest autumns prior to 1900 occurred around AD 1770 and 1820 (0.75 °C above the 20th-century mean). Our data agree closely with two other autumn temperature reconstructions for the Alps and for Europe that are based on documentary evidence and are completely unrelated to our data, revealing a very consistent picture over the centuries.  相似文献   

A sediment core representing the past two millennia was recovered from Stella Lake in the Snake Range of the central Great Basin in Nevada. The core was analyzed for sub-fossil chironomids and sediment organic content. A quantitative reconstruction of mean July air temperature (MJAT) was developed using a regional training set and a chironomid-based WA-PLS inference model (r2jack = 0.55, RMSEP = 0.9°C). The chironomid-based MJAT reconstruction suggests that the interval between AD 900 and AD 1300, corresponding to the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA), was characterized by MJAT elevated 1.0°C above the subsequent Little Ice Age (LIA), but likely not as warm as recent conditions. Comparison of the Stella Lake temperature reconstruction to previously published paleoclimate records from this region indicates that the temperature fluctuations inferred to have occurred at Stella Lake between AD 900 and AD 1300 correspond to regional records documenting hydroclimate variability during the MCA interval. The Stella Lake record provides evidence that elevated summer temperature contributed to the increased aridity that characterized the western United States during the MCA.  相似文献   

The varve record from High Arctic, proglacial Bear Lake reveals a regionally coherent hydroclimatic signal as well as complexities due to changing hydroclimatic and limnologic conditions. Varve formation is strongly dependent on underflows that exhibit variability in strength during the past 750 yr. Periods with reduced underflow sedimentation and accumulation rates fail to produce varves in the distal part of the lake. Isolated coarse silt and sand grains occur in 80% of the varves and are interpreted to be niveo-aeolian in origin. Coarse (>500 μm) sand grains deposited on the lake ice by strong winter winds are notably less common since A.D. 1850, likely due to reduced storminess. Regression of the varve thickness record with meteorological records indicates high correlations with autumn (September and October) temperatures and total monthly snowfall. These correlations are best at times when underflow activity is sufficiently strong to produce varves throughout the lake. The close association with warmer temperatures and snow-bearing synoptic systems moving north in Baffin Bay suggests that the primary climate signal in the varves is varying autumn snow pack that controls nival discharge in the following year. The similarity between the other records of melt season temperature and sea-ice cover and the Bear Lake record suggests that summer and autumn conditions were generally similar across the Baffin Bay region through much of the last millennium.  相似文献   

Geotechnical characterisation is undertaken for 3 broad units comprising the bulk of the stratigraphy identified on White Island Volcano, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, an active island stratovolcano. Field and laboratory measurements were used to describe rock mass characteristics for jointed lava flow units, and ring shear tests were undertaken to derive residual strength parameters for joint infilling materials within the lavas. Rock Mass Rating (RMR) and Geological Strength Index (GSI) values were calculated and converted to Mohr-Coulomb strength parameters using the Hoek-Brown criterion. Backanalysis of known landslide scarps was used to derive strength parameters for brecciated rock masses and hydrothermally altered rock masses. Andesite lava flows have high intact strength (σci = 184 ± 50 MN m− 2; γ = 24.7 ± 0.3 kN m− 3) and typically 3 wide, infilled joint sets, one parallel to flow direction and two steeply inclined, with spacings of 0.3-1.7 m. Joints are rough, with estimated friction angles for clean joints of ?j = 42-47°. Joint infill materials are clayey silts derived from weathering of wall rocks and primary volcanic sources; they have low plastic (54%) and liquid (84%) limits and residual strength values of cr = 0 kN m− 2 and ?r = 23.9 ± 3.1°. RMR values range from 70 to 73, giving calculated strength parameters of c′ = 1161-3391 kN m− 2 and ?′ = 50.5-62.3°. Backanalysis suggests brecciated rock masses have c′ = 0 kN m− 2 and ?′ = 35.4°, whereas GSI observations in the field suggest higher cohesion (c′ = 306-719 kN m− 2) and a range of friction angles bracketing the backanalysed result (?′ = 30.6-41.7°). Hydrothermally altered rock masses have c′ = 369 kN m− 2 and ?′ = 14.9°, indicating considerable loss of strength, especially frictional resistance, compared with the fresh lava units. Values measured at outcrop scale in this study are in keeping with other published values for similar volcanic edifices; backanalysed data suggest weaker rock mass properties than those determined at outcrop. This is interpreted as a scale issue, whereby rock mass characteristics of a large rock mass (crater wall scale) are weaker than those of small outcrops, due in part to the overestimation of friction angle from measurements on small exposures.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the incorporation of Sr, Mg, and U into coral skeletons and its temperature dependency, we performed a culture experiment in which specimens of the branching coral (Porites cylindrica) were grown for 1 month at three seawater temperatures (22, 26, and 30 °C). The results of this study showed that the linear extension rate of P. cylindrica has little effect on the skeletal Sr/Ca, Mg/Ca, and U/Ca ratios. The following temperature equations were derived: Sr/Ca (mmol/mol) = 10.214(±0.229) − 0.0642(±0.00897) × T (°C) (r2 = 0.59, p < 0.05); Mg/Ca (mmol/mol) = 1.973(±0.302) + 0.1002(±0.0118) × T (°C) (r2 = 0.67, p < 0.05); and U/Ca (μmol/mol) = 1.488(±0.0484) − 0.0212(±0.00189) × T (°C) (r2 = 0.78, p < 0.05). We calculated the distribution coefficient (D) of Sr, Mg, and U relative to seawater temperature and compared the results with previous data from massive Porites corals. The seawater temperature proxies based on D calibrations of P. cylindrica established in this study are generally similar to those for massive Porites corals, despite a difference in the slope of DU calibration. The calibration sensitivity of DSr, DMg, and DU to seawater temperature change during the experiment was 0.64%/°C, 1.93%/°C, and 1.97%/°C, respectively. These results suggest that the skeletal Sr/Ca ratio (and possibly the Mg/Ca and/or U/Ca ratio) of the branching coral P. cylindrica can be used as a potential paleothermometer.  相似文献   

The alkenone unsaturation index UK′37 has been applied to reconstruct past temperature changes in both marine and lacustrine systems. However, few studies have addressed whether the relative abundance of the C37:4 alkenone to the total C37 production (%C37:4) can reflect surface salinity changes in lacustrine systems. Here we present long-chain C37 alkenone distribution patterns in surface sediments from Lake Qinghai, China. Surface sediments were sampled over a large range of surface salinity changes (1.7-25 g/l) within Lake Qinghai and its surrounding lakes, while temperature differences at these sampling locations should be relatively small. We have found that %C37:4 varies from 15% to 49% as surface salinity decreases. We tentatively describe this %C37:4-salinity link with a general linear regression: %C37:4 = 53.4 (±7.8) − 1.73 (±0.45) × S (n = 28, r2 = 0.62), although step-wise %C37:4 changes in response to salinity variation may exist. UK′37 values vary between 0.10 and 0.16 at these sites and the inferred range of lake water temperature changes is ∼2-3 °C, suggesting that UK′37 largely reflects temperature signal across a large salinity range, consistent with previous findings that UK′37 can indicate temperature changes over a large diversity of environmental settings. We have also found that UK′37 values are correlated with salinity changes (r2 = 0.4), and thus cannot exclude potential temperature effect on %C37:4 and salinity effect on UK′37 in this study. However, even extreme estimates of temperature differences within the lake are still unable to explain the observed %C37:4 changes. We therefore suggest that %C37:4 could be used to infer past lake salinity changes at a regional scale.  相似文献   

The Yucatan Peninsula consists of a karstic terrain that allows the aquifer to directly recharge from rainfall. Due to the various dissolution/precipitation reactions occurring during groundwater flow, the groundwater discharge in the coastal zone becomes a source of trace elements including Ba. The aim of this study was to use the coralline Ba/Ca record as a proxy of precipitation under the consideration that rainfall rates vary at inter-annual time scales. Annual Ba/Ca ratios, both the total content (Ba/CaTC) and the Ca-substitutive fraction (Ba/CaCaF), were quantified in a 52-a old coral colony of Montastraea annularis from the Punta Nizuc Reef, Mexican Caribbean. Average Ba/CaTC (5.90 ± 0.56 μmol/mol) was ∼20% higher than Ba/CaCaF (4.85 ± 0.33 μmol/mol) indicating that Ba is also incorporated in other fractions. Correlation between annual precipitation and Ba/CaTC time-series is significant (r = 0.77, p < 0.05), allowing the use of the Ba/CaTC ratio as a proxy of precipitation, and hence, enabling the reconstruction of precipitation patterns through time. Likewise, the Ba/CaCaF ratio can be used for the reconstruction of dissolved Ba in coastal seawater.  相似文献   

Striberger, J., Björck, S., Ingólfsson, Ó., Kjær, K. H., Snowball, I. & Uvo, C. B. 2010: Climate variability and glacial processes in eastern Iceland during the past 700 years based on varved lake sediments. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00153.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Properties of varved sediments from Lake Lögurinn in eastern Iceland and their link to climate and glacial processes of Eyjabakkajökull, an outlet glacier of the Vatnajökull icecap, were examined. A varve chronology, which covers the period AD 1262–2005, was constructed from visual observations, high‐resolution images, X‐ray density and geochemical properties determined from X‐radiography and X‐ray fluorescence scanning. Independent dating provided by 137Cs analysis and eight historical tephras verify the varve chronology. The thickness of dark‐coloured seasonal laminae, formed mainly of coarser suspended matter from the non‐glacial river Grímsá, is positively correlated (r=0.70) with winter precipitation, and our 743‐year‐long varve series indicates that precipitation was higher and more varied during the later part of the Little Ice Age. Light‐coloured laminae thickness, controlled mainly by the amount of finer suspended matter from the glacial river Jökulsáí Fljótsdal, increased significantly during the AD 1972 surge of Eyjabakkajökull. As a consequence of the surge, the ice‐dammed Lake Háöldulón formed and recurrently drained and delivered significant amounts of rock flour to Lake Lögurinn. Based on these observations, and the recurring cyclic pattern of periods of thicker light‐coloured laminae in the sediment record, we suggest that Eyjabakkajökull has surged repeatedly during the past 743 years, but with an increased frequency during the later part of the Little Ice Age.  相似文献   

A long sedimentary sequence from East Lake, Cape Bounty, Melville Island (74°55′N; 109°30′W) contains a 4200 year-long clastic varved record of paleohydrologic variations at high resolution. Sedimentary elemental geochemistry from micro X-ray fluorescence (μ-XRF) and sediment fabric variability reflect changes in sediment sources and lacustrine conditions through time. The sedimentary environment progressed from marine in the mid-Holocene, to estuarian from 2195 BC to 243 AD, to fully lacustrine source after 244 AD. Correlation with local meteorological data indicates that varve thickness (VT) is positively correlated with snow depth on May 1st and negatively correlated with mean Sept–May temperatures. Our paleoclimatic reconstruction from VT series revealed high snow accumulation and warm Sept–May months before 1350 BC, and a period of low snow accumulation and cold Sept–May between 1600–1900 AD that may correspond to the Little Ice Age. The general trends of VT series from Cape Bounty are in phase with the δ18O series in Agassiz Ice Cap, and in anti-phase with the VT series from Lower Murray Lake in the northeastern of Queen’s Elizabeth Islands (QEI). Low mean Arctic temperatures coincide with clusters of high sediment yield events at East, Nicolay and South Sawtooth Lakes, especially during 1600–1750 AD and 1810–1910 AD. The East Lake record also exhibits the signature of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) for periods: 600–850 AD, 1400–1550 AD and 1750–1850 AD.  相似文献   

The TEX86 (TetraEther indeX of tetraethers consisting of 86 carbon atoms) paleothermometer is based on the relative distribution of archaeal lipids, i.e. isoprenoid glycerol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs), and is increasingly used to reconstruct past sea water temperatures. To establish a more extensive, global calibration of the TEX86 paleothermometer, we analyzed GDGTs in 287 (in comparison with 44 in currently used calibration) core-top sediments distributed over the world oceans and deposited at different depths. Comparisons of TEX86 data with (depth-weighted) annual mean temperatures of the overlying waters between 0 m and 4000 m as well as with different seasonal mean temperatures at 0 m water depth showed that the TEX86 proxy reflects mostly annual mean temperatures of the upper mixed layer. The relationship between TEX86 values and sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) was non-linear mainly because below 5 °C the change in TEX86 values was minor with temperature. This suggests that the TEX86 proxy might not be directly applicable for the Polar Oceans. Nevertheless, between 5 °C and 30 °C, the TEX86 proxy has a strong linear relationship with SSTs. Here, we, therefore, propose a new linear calibration model (T = −10.78 + 56.2 ∗ TEX86, r2 = 0.935, n = 223) for past SST reconstructions using the TEX86 palaeothermometer.  相似文献   

A high-resolution pollen record covering the last 40,000 yr (BIW95-4) from Lake Biwa, western Japan, shows regional vegetation responses to millennial-scale climate changes. From 40 to 30 ka, Cryptomeria japonica was dominant around the lake among pinaceous conifers and deciduous broad-leaved trees. During this period, fluctuations of C.japonica are correlated with Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) cycles recognized from the anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM) record. Increases in the abundance of this taxon may have been caused by wetter summer conditions influenced by the East Asian monsoon or increased snowfall on the Sea of Japan side of the Japanese archipelago. Between 29 and 14 ka, pinaceous conifer forests mainly composed of Pinus subgenus Haploxylon, Tsuga, and Picea trees developed. At approximately 23 ka, Picea trees increased in abundance as ARM values decreased. This expansion of Picea trees has been correlated with Heinrich event (HE) 2 in the North Atlantic. At about 14 ka, the distribution of broad-leaved forest (mainly composed of deciduous oaks) began to expand after D-O 1. Evidence of significant vegetation change related to the abrupt Younger Dryas cooling event has not been found.  相似文献   

We present a multiproxy study of land use by a pre-Columbian earth mounds culture in the Bolivian Amazon. The Monumental Mounds Region (MMR) is an archaeological sub-region characterized by hundreds of pre-Columbian habitation mounds associated with a complex network of canals and causeways, and situated in the forest–savanna mosaic of the Llanos de Moxos. Pollen, phytolith, and charcoal analyses were performed on a sediment core from a large lake (14 km2), Laguna San José (14°56.97′S, 64°29.70′W). We found evidence of high levels of anthropogenic burning from AD 400 to AD 1280, corroborating dated occupation layers in two nearby excavated habitation mounds. The charcoal decline pre-dates the arrival of Europeans by at least 100 yr, and challenges the notion that the mounds culture declined because of European colonization. We show that the surrounding savanna soils were sufficiently fertile to support crops, and the presence of maize throughout the record shows that the area was continuously cultivated despite land-use change at the end of the earth mounds culture. We suggest that burning was largely confined to the savannas, rather than forests, and that pre-Columbian deforestation was localized to the vicinity of individual habitation mounds, whereas the inter-mound areas remained largely forested.  相似文献   

The Iberian-Roman Humid Period (IRHP, 2600-1600 cal yr BP), is the most humid phase of the last 4000 yr in southern Spain as recorded in the sedimentary sequence of Zoñar Lake (37°29′00″N, 4°41′22″ W, 300 m a.s.l.). A varve chronology supported by several AMS 14C dates allows study of the lake evolution at annual scale in response to human impact and climate changes. There are four climate phases within this period: i) gradual transition (2600-2500 yr ago, 650-550 BC) from a previous arid period; ii) the most humid interval during the Iberian-Early Roman Epoch (2500-2140 yr ago, 550-190 BC); iii) an arid interval during the Roman Empire Epoch (2140-1800 yr ago, 190 BC AD 150); and iv) a humid period synchronous with the decline of the Roman Empire (1800-1600 yr ago, AD 150-350). Varve thickness and geochemical proxies show a multi-decadal cyclicity similar to modern North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) (60, 20 years) and solar variability cycles (11 yr). The timing and the structure of this humid period is similar to that described in Eastern Mediterranean and northern European sites and supports the same large-scale climate control for northern latitudes and the Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

Globally, the ongoing retreat of mountain glaciers will ultimately diminish fresh water supplies. This has already begun in watersheds with greatly reduced glacial coverage. Still unknown are the affects of glacial retreat on downstream water quality, including the threats to human and ecosystem health. In the Cordillera Blanca, retreating glaciers have exposed sulfide-rich rock outcrops, negatively affecting the quality of the glacial meltwater. This study has evaluated glacial melt stream hydrogeochemistry in the sulfide-bearing Rio Quilcay watershed (∼9°27′S, ∼77°22′W) during the 2008 dry season. Surface water samples were collected from the upper 12 km of the watershed during the 2008 dry season. Dissolved (0.4 μm) and unfiltered acidified (pH < 2) Al, Co, Cu, Fe, Ni, Mn, Pb, Zn and dissolved major ions and organic C (DOC) concentrations were quantified and pH and temperature were measured in the field. Twenty of 22 stream samples had pH values below 4, generating significantly (p < 0.01, α = 0.05) greater cation denudation normalized to discharge than other worldwide glacier-fed streams. Additionally, dissolved trace and minor element concentrations were comparable to acid mine drainage. Non-conservative dissolved element behaviors resulted from adsorption/desorption reactions in tributary mixing zones. At low pH values, hydrous Fe oxides acted as the dominant sorption surfaces. The poor water quality observed in Cordillera Blanca headwaters coupled with the likely exposure of additional sulfide-rich outcrops from ongoing glacial retreat may pose water quality challenges.  相似文献   

The oxygen isotope composition of phosphate from tooth enamel of rodents (δ18Op) constitutes a valuable proxy to reconstruct past air temperatures in continental environments. This method has been applied to rodent dental remains from three genera, Arvicola sp., Microtus sp. and Dicrostonyx sp., coming from Taillis-des-Coteaux, Vienne, France. This archaeological site contains an exceptionally preserved sedimentary sequence spanning almost the whole Upper Palaeolithic, including seven stratigraphic layers dated from 35 to 17 cal ka BP. The abundant presence of rodent remains offers the opportunity to quantify the climatic fluctuations coeval of the various stages of human occupation of the site. Differences between δ18Op values of Arvicola sp. and Microtus sp. teeth are interpreted as the result of heterochrony in tooth formation as well as differences in ecology. Mean δ18Op values of Microtus sp. are preferentially used to reconstruct summer air temperatures, which range from 16.0 ± 3.7 to 19.1 ± 3.1°C throughout the sedimentary sequence; however, the highest variability is observed during the last glacial maximum.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(5-6):678-689
A high-resolution study was performed on varved sediments from Lake Lehmilampi in eastern Finland. Varve data was collected by digital image analysis using standard 1.8 mm thick samples impregnated in epoxy and X-rayed. Climatic variability is imprinted on varve properties (varve thickness and accumulation of mineral and organic matter) during the last 2000 years. The cumulative counting error of the varve record is estimated as 2.3%. Qualitative comparison of varve parameters and residual Δ14C constructed from tree-rings revealed close correspondence between the two records, suggesting solar forcing on lake sedimentation. Classical climatic periods of the last millennia, Medieval Climate Anomaly (1060–1280 in the varve record) and Little Ice Age (cooler phases culminating in 1340, 1465, 1545, 1680, 1850 and also in 1930 in the varve record) are clearly evident in the varve record. At present the physical link between solar activity levels and lake sedimentation has not been established.  相似文献   

The mid-to-late Pleistocene Devils Hole δ18O record has been extended from 60,000 to 4500 yr ago. The new δ18O time series, in conjunction with the one previously published, is shown to be a proxy of Pacific Ocean sea surface temperature (SST) off the coast of California. During marine oxygen isotope stages (MIS) 2 and 6, the Devil Hole and SST time series exhibit a steady warming that began 5000 to > 10,000 yr prior to the last and penultimate deglaciations. Several possible proximate causes for this early warming are evaluated. The magnitude of the peak δ18O or SST during the last interglacial (LIG) is significantly greater (1 per mill and 2 to 3°C, respectively) than the peak value of these parameters for the Holocene; in contrast, benthic δ18O records of ice volume show only a few tenths per mill difference in the peak value for these interglacials. Statistical analysis provides an estimate of the large shared information (variation) between the Devils Hole and Eastern Pacific SST time series from ∼ 41 to ∼ 2°N and enforces the concept of a common forcing among all of these records. The extended Devils Hole record adds to evidence of the importance of uplands bordering the eastern Pacific as a source of archives for reconstructing Pacific climate variability.  相似文献   

High-resolution physical analyses (varve thickness and relative X-ray density) were conducted on a 3000-year varved sediment sequence in Lake Korttajarvi, central Finland. Climate and the local environment strongly influence the properties of the lake sediments, and, through a combination of physical proxies, severe and favourable climate periods and anthropogenic effects on sedimentation with an annual to decadal resolution could be detected. We observed previously identified historical climate periods in the Lake Korttajarvi varve record. The Medieval Climate Anomaly (often termed the Medieval Warm Period) of AD 980–1250, which is characterized by highly organic sediment and a minor minerogenic flux during mild winters, started and terminated abruptly, but also included a short (30-year) colder period lasting between AD 1115 and AD 1145. The Little Ice Age, however, was not clear in our record, although there were two minor cooling periods in AD 1580–1630 and AD 1650–1710. Natural variability in the sediment record was disrupted by increased human impact in the catchment area at AD 1720. There is a distinct positive anomaly in mineral matter accumulation between 907 and 875 BC, which indicates more severe climate conditions. This period exists contemporary with a cold event, recorded worldwide, c. 2800 years ago.  相似文献   

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