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黄土高原土壤侵蚀(水蚀)多尺度过程与水土保持研究进展 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
从产生土壤侵蚀机理出发, 分别阐述了黄土高原地区的坡面、 沟谷、 小流域、 流域尺度上的土壤侵蚀(水蚀)研究现状与取得的进展.结合平凉城南侧泾河一级支沟的纸坊沟小流域治理实践和调查, 总结黄土高原地区水土流失治理和水保措施实施的经验及其存在的不足. 建议未来的研究向着"规划性"、 "综合性"、 "量化尺度性"、 "弱化尺度性"模型的研究方向发展, 这对提高地区水土保持质量、 改善水土流失治理现状、 实现水保效益最大化目标具有重要意义. 相似文献
黄土高原土壤干层研究进展与展望 总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23
土壤干层发生机理及其生态环境效应是土壤物理学和生态学及其交叉领域的重要科学问题,也是我国黄土高原开展生态文明建设,实现可持续发展面临的重大生态环境问题之一。通过回顾土壤干层研究取得的重要进展,包括土壤干层的概念与特征、评价指标、形成原因与危害、不同尺度时空分异特征及调控对策等,针对黄土高原水资源短缺和植被退化现状,提出土壤干层研究面临的机遇和挑战,包括建立统一的土壤干层动力学量化指标、干层内土壤水分对植物生长的有效性、土壤干层强度对土壤—植被—大气传输体(SVATs)中水分运移的影响、土壤干层发生发展过程和时空演变规律、土壤干层预测模型及其调控机制。此外,土壤干层的研究应结合当前植被恢复与生态文明建设的国家需求。在气候变化和剧烈人类活动背景下,开展黄土高原土壤干燥化与土壤水资源影响及其调控对策研究,将是水科学与生态学领域长期面临的科学问题之一。 相似文献
黄土高原土层深厚, 蕴藏着大量的土壤有机碳, 由于植被自然生长和生态建设等因素, 黄土高原生态系统发挥了、并在未来持续发挥重要的碳汇作用。在"双碳目标"的重大国家战略背景下, 黄土高原土壤碳汇效应将迎来重大的转机和严峻的挑战。鉴于此, 首先回顾了黄土高原植被恢复进程和土壤的固碳效应, 聚焦植被恢复过程中土壤有机碳固存这一核心过程, 基于土壤物理、化学和生物学的固碳机制和原理, 并结合土壤"微生物碳泵"核心调控理论, 论述了黄土高原植被恢复过程中土壤有机碳的固定过程, 同时概括和总结了土壤有机碳固定的驱动因素; 最后, 对黄土高原土壤碳固存所存在的问题和挑战进行了展望, 为黄土高原乃至我国陆地生态系统土壤碳汇功能、生态效益提升具有重大意义。 相似文献
Regulation of vegetation pattern on the hydrodynamic processes of erosion on hillslope in Loess Plateau,China 下载免费PDF全文
As vegetation are closely related to soil erosion, hydrodynamic parameter changes under various vegetation pattern conditions can be used as an important basis for the research of the soil erosion mechanism. Through upstream water inflow experiments conducted on a loess hillslope, how the vegetation pattern influences the hydrodynamic processes of sediment transport was analyzed. The results show that the placement of a grass strip on the lower upslope can effectively reduce runoff erosion by 69... 相似文献
Fractions and Bioavailability of Soil Inorganic Phosphorus in the Loess Plateau of China under Different Vegetations 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Plants play an important role in soil phosphorus nutrition. However, the effect of plants on phosphorus nutrition in soils of the Loess Plateau of China is not well understood. This study was conducted to reveal the relationships between plants and phosphorus’ fractions and availability in the Loess Plateau of China. Twenty-two plant communities were surveyed and soil samples under different plant canopies were collected for the determination of soil properties and inorganic phosphorus fractionation. The results showed that Leguminosae and Lilaceae reduced pH and increased organic matter, cation exchange capacity, total and Olsen phosphorus in soils under their canopies, while Labiatae and Rosaceae increased pH and decreased organic matter, cation exchange capacity, total and Olsen phosphorus in soils under their canopies. The contents of Ca2P, Ca8P, Al-P and Fe-P were highly related with soil Olsen phosphorus. They were all higher in soils under Leguminosae and Lilaceae and lower in soils under Labiatae and Rosaceae. The results of this study indicate that Leguminosae and Lilaceae improved phosphorus nutrition in soils, yet Labiatae and Rosaceae impeded the improvement of phosphorus nutrition in soils under their canopies, which will be of more help to instruct vegetation restoration in the region and provide information for soil development. 相似文献
外源氮输入对草地土壤微生物特性影响的研究进展 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
大气氮沉降作为全球变化的重要现象之一,沉降量不断增加所带来的一系列生态问题日趋严重.草地作为陆地生态系统的主体类型之一,对大气氮沉降的响应不仅体现在地上植被生长和群落动态的变化,其地下各种生态过程的变化更加值得关注.此外,世界范围内的草地生态系统大部分面临不同程度的退化,草地施氮是寻求草地恢复的有益尝试.综述了大气氮沉降和人为施氮引起的外源氮输入变化对草地生态系统土壤微生物特性(微生物数量、微生物量、微生物呼吸、微生物多样性和土壤酶)影响的研究进展,研究表明:①施氮有利于细菌数量的增加,但对真菌数量的影响甚微或是降低真菌的数量.②长期施氮降低土壤微生物量,但短期施氮的影响效应具有不确定性.③施氮对草地土壤微生物呼吸的影响效应取决于微生物可获得的碳源的量.输入地下的植物碳量增加促进土壤微生物呼吸,输入地下的有机质减少则抑制微生物呼吸.④施氮改变了土壤微生物的群落结构组成和底物利用方式,对土壤微生物多样性的影响表现出负效应.⑤施氮提高了β-葡糖苷酶、磷酸酶和大部分糖苷酶的活性,降低了脲酶的活性.迄今为止,施氮对草地土壤微生物特性的影响效应仍存在很大的不确定性,今后的研究中应开展氮输入对草地生态系统影响的长期试验研究、加强对土壤微生物呼吸的影响研究以及合理确定我国草地生态系统可持续发展的氮饱和阈值,并进一步完善和发展测量土壤微生物多样性的新方法. 相似文献
Suitability of transport equations in modelling soil erosion for a small Loess Plateau catchment 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Rudi Hessel 《Engineering Geology》2007,91(1):56-71
Erosion models have not often been applied to very steep terrain such as the gully catchments of the Chinese Loess Plateau. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the suitability of a number of transport equations for use in erosion modelling under Loess Plateau conditions. To do this the equations were programmed into the LISEM model, which was applied to the 3.5 km2 Danangou catchment in the rolling hills region of the Loess Plateau. Previous evaluations of transport equations used either flume tests or river sections, and did no spatial modelling. The results show that some equations predicted physically impossible concentrations (defined as above 1060 g/l). The results were evaluated by using two methods: 1) by comparing predicted and measured sedigraphs and sediment yield at the catchment outlet, and 2) by comparing the fraction of the catchment in which physically impossible transport capacities occurred. The results indicated that for the small grain sizes, high density flows and steep slopes of the gully catchments on the Loess Plateau the Shields parameter attained very high values. Furthermore, the transport threshold can usually be neglected in the equations. Most of the resulting equations were too sensitive to slope angle (Abrahams, Schoklitsch, Yalin, Bagnold, Low and Rickenmann), so that transport rates were overpredicted for steep slopes and underpredicted for gentle slopes. The Yang equation appeared to be too sensitive to grainsize. The Govers equation performed best, mainly because of its low slope dependency, and is therefore recommended for erosion models that simulate sediment transport by flowing water in conditions with small grain sizes and steep slopes. 相似文献
应用流量历时曲线分析黄土高原水利水保措施对河川径流的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
流量历时曲线(Flow Duration Curve,FDC)是用于分析流域径流特征及其变化的有效方法之一。以长序列日流量为基础,采用FDC方法并结合各流域的径流量时间变化趋势分析方法,研究了黄土高原佳芦河、秃尾河、延河和湫水河等4条流域流量变化的基本特征;通过临界年份前后两个时段序列及不同年代序列的流量历时曲线变化的比较,分析了流域径流过程对大面积水土保持措施的响应。结果表明:随水土保持措施累积面积的不断增大,佳芦河、湫水河、秃尾河的径流量逐年减少,且水土保持措施对高流量部分径流减少的程度较低流量部分大,尤以工程措施为主的湫水河流量减少最明显。在延河流域,与临界年份前的时段相比,后期的高流量部分的径流量减小,而常水和低流量部分的径流量相对增大。尽管流域水土流失综合治理并未使河川径流量增加,但由于高流量部分流量的减少程度较低流量部分径流量减少程度大,从而使流域年内日径流量变化过程趋于均匀化。 相似文献
下离石黄土。在分析过程中发现关键层位(S0,L1,S1,S5,L9,L15,L33) 的年龄具有差异性。 相似文献
1961—2005年黄土高原地区积温演变 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
为揭示黄土高原积温区域变化特征,采用EOFS、小波分析和分形分维分析等方法,研究了该区域在近45 a的年正负积温变化.结果表明:黄土高原正负积温变化的区域一致性程度较高;负积温存在以3-4 a为主的年际振荡,正积温存在以2-4 a为主的年际振荡;负积温在1982年左右发生突变,年总量呈明显减少,3 a周期加强;正积温在1985/1986年突变后呈明显增加趋势,2 a周期消逝,4 a周期衰减,3 a周期突出.积温大振幅区集中在黄土高原腹地,变化信息由高原中部向周边传播;负积温分维数大于正积温,负积温变化全程复杂于正积温,这可能与冬夏季大气环流活跃程度和冷暖空气在近地面运动受大地形影响有关. 相似文献
Buried gullies exposed in road excavations along the margin of a loess tableland on the Loess Plateau of central China lie within a thick loess-paleosol succession that spans ≥780,000 years. Constraining ages for gully cutting and filling are provided by dates of loess and soil units cut by and capping the paleogullies. An episode of gully cutting begins at the onset of an interglaciation and ceases as the gullies begin to fill with colluvium and airborne dust during the transition to full-glacial conditions. The episodic cutting and filling of gullies implies a basic astronomical (orbital) control of gully evolution involving cyclic changes in dominant summer and winter monsoon climates, surface hydrology, and vegetation cover. 相似文献
甘肃黄土高原40a来土壤水分蒸散量变化特征 总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13
用Penman公式计算了甘肃黄土高原20世纪60-90年代40 a来的潜在蒸散值,分析了潜在蒸散的时空变化特征并与蒸发皿所测值进行比较.结果表明:甘肃黄土高原潜在蒸散值的分布与纬度关系比较密切,随纬度的升高,潜在蒸散值增多,变化范围为1 600-2 200 mm·a-1;潜在蒸散值受气温、降水的支配比较大,80年代最小,其次为70、60年代,90年代最大.60-90年代各地潜在蒸散值比实测值高30%-40%,其中夏、秋季潜在蒸散均大于蒸发器所测值,以夏季相差最大,达40%-100%;冬季则小于蒸发器所测值.潜在蒸散量与蒸发器所测值虽在数值上有所差别,但趋势基本一致,蒸发器所测值的峰值变化落后于理论计算值0.5月.90年代以来,各地土壤水分亏缺值增多,植被生长季节,作物水分利用都未及最适宜状态. 相似文献
Review and Prospect of the Study on Soil Wind Erosion Process 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
Soil wind erosion processes include mechanical process and dynamic changes of the factors affecting soil wind erosion, as well as the corresponding changes of wind erosion rate. The former is rich in experimental and theoretical researches that have clearly defined the process of particle starting, transporting and settling. The latter focuses on the dynamic changes of various wind erosion factors and the response of soil wind erosion rate to the change of the factors, of which systematic research of which is very limited. The difficulties in research of soil wind erosion process include: ①Dynamic parameterization of wind erosion factors; ②Observation and quantitative expression of the dynamic changes of wind erosion factors; ③Scaling problem of wind erosion process; ④Prediction ability of wind erosion models. At present, it is urgent to carry out the following work on soil wind erosion. The first is to establish standard wind erosion observation field in typical regions to obtain continuous and complete data of wind erosion in the field; the second is to study the saturation path of wind sand flow to solve scale problem; and the third is to construct a wind erosion model with solid theoretical foundation and fully consider both mechanical process of soil wind erosion and dynamic changes of the factors. 相似文献
黄土高原北部风沙区土地沙漠化问题及防治对策 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
李鑫 《中国地质灾害与防治学报》2006,17(1):133-137,145
本文所研究的黄土高原北部风沙区生态环境脆弱,加上长期以来人类不合理地利用资源,土地沙漠化问题日益严重。沙漠化土地已经以不同的等级类型不连续地散布在整个黄土高原的北部边缘,并有进一步由北向南推进的趋势。其中地表沙性物质基础和干旱多风的动力条件是其发生发展的基本条件,起决定作用;人为因素是外在条件,加速沙漠化的发展。黄土高原北部土地沙漠化的危害,在本区域的表现十分突出。不仅对当地经济的发展和人民生活有严重影响,更为严重的是该地区土地沙漠化的现状、形成及扩展,会使黄河流域土地沙漠化进一步向南推进,对整个黄土高原甚至我国整个北方地区的自然环境都有直接影响。黄土高原北部边缘土地沙漠化问题,不仅是当地经济振兴的严重障碍,而且威胁着整个黄土高原地区资源的开发与利用。因此,如何及时采取有效措施遏制其土地沙漠化势头就成为了一个迫在眉睫,并急需解决的问题。本文在搜集大量原始资料的基础上,对该区土地沙漠化的现状进行了总结,探讨了形成机理,并进一步分析了沙漠化的危害,最后提出了相应的防治对策。 相似文献
为了研究黄土高原降水量的空间分布特征,利用ARCGIS软件分别采用多种空间内插方法对黄土高原108个气象站点1980-2009年30年间的平均年降水量进行空降插值。经过正交检验以及内插检验得到最优的插值方法为普通克里金法,最终对利用该方法获得的黄土高原降水量内插图进行分析,得出近30年来黄土高原区降水量分布呈现出明显的由东南向西北递减的态势。 相似文献
黄土高原区地形与植被分布规律对滑坡发生概率的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
黄土高原区自然斜坡的地形与植被条件对滑坡的发生有一定的促进和抑制作用。通过将研究区划分为31 418个自然斜坡单元,利用ArcGIS区域统计功能提取斜坡单元的地形和植被参数,分析研究区斜坡的坡体形态和植被空间分布规律。依据区内292处滑坡调查点的资料,统计分析不同坡体形态下的滑坡发生概率。分析结果表明,研究区正向类的凸型和直线型斜坡发生滑坡的概率明显高于负向类的凹型和阶梯型边坡;随着斜坡坡度和坡高增大,发生滑坡的概率增大;阳坡发生滑坡的概率明显高于其他坡向的边坡;随着NDVI增大,滑坡发生概率显著降低。 相似文献
Progresses and Prospects of the Research on Soil Erosion in Karst Area of Southwest China* 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The karst area of Southwest China is suffering from serious ecological and environmental problems due to soil erosion while the research on soil erosion is not sufficient. Primary achievement was systematically reviewed in this paper in three aspects: erosion characteristics, current researches about erosion on different spatial scales, and key scientific problems. Based on the review, the authors figured out the shortcomings of the existing studies and pointed out the directions on erosion study in southwest China karst region. The results showed that: ① Due to the existence of a dual structure in karst environment including ground and underground erosion, the process of runoff and sediment production on slope scale and confluence and sediment transportation processes on catchment scale were more complex under the unique geological and hydrological backgrounds; ② At present, most researches about erosion mechanism in karst area focus on slope scale and some achievements on quantitative evaluation of erosion factors have been made. Continuous data with high quality about relationship between water and sediment on catchment scale is limited. When data is scarce, river sediment data can be used as an effective way to study soil erosion intensity and spatial-temporal variation in karst area; ③ It is more reasonable to use 50 t/(km2·a) as the grading standard of soil loss tolerance than the previous grading standard of soil erosion intensity. Given the complex relationship between rocky desertification and soil erosion, more quantitative studies about the effects of rocky desertification on soil erosion are still necessary. There are different viewpoints on soil leakage definitions, leakage mechanism and leakage ratios, and new breakthroughs could be achieved by combining different methods and matching multi-scales. In conclusion, in order to further reveal soil erosion laws and establish and revise available regional soil erosion forecasting models for Southwest China karst areas, synchronous test and monitoring on slope, watershed, and channel spatial scales are urgently needed. The results can provide theoretical and technical support for promoting soil and water conservation work for the karst area of Southwest China. 相似文献
Local-scale spatial variability of soil organic carbon and its stock in the hilly area of the Loess Plateau, China 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Soil organic carbon (SOC) is one of the key components for assessing soil quality. Meanwhile, the changes in the stocks SOC may have large potential impact on global climate. It is increasingly important to estimate the SOC stock precisely and to investigate its variability. In this study, Yangjuangou watershed was selected to investigate the SOC distribution under different land uses. We found that SOC concentration decreased with increasing soil depth under all land uses and was significantly different across the vertical soil profile (P < 0.01). However, considering effect of land use on SOC, it is only significant (P < 0.01) in the topsoil (0-5 cm) layer. This indicated that land use has a large effect on the stocks of SOC in the surface soil. The stratification ratio of SOC > 1.2 may mean that soil quality is improving. The order of the SOC density (0-30 cm) under different land uses is forestland > orchard land > grassland > immature forestland > terraced cropland. The SOC stock is found to be as large as 2.67 × 103 t (0-30 cm) in this watershed. Considering time effect of restoration, the slope cropland just abandoned is more efficient for SOC accumulation than trees planted in the semi-arid hilly loess area. 相似文献