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岩石圈地幔结构及其对中国大型盆地的演化意义   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Pn波是通过莫霍面下方的上地幔顶部的地震波.由于Pn波的速度随温度和物质成分而变化, 以及Pn波各向异性可以反映地幔形变的历史.因此Pn波的速度以及各向异性成为探索岩石圈结构的重要工具.中国岩石圈地幔的Pn速度的特征是很高速的异常区和很低速的异常区呈镶嵌状出现, 反映了地质结构的不均匀性.西部大型盆地(塔里木、准噶尔、吐哈、柴达木和四川盆地) 具有较高的Pn速度和较弱的各向异性, 反映出这些盆地的岩石圈是冷的和坚硬的, 其变形较小.大面积的华北地区, 在太古代的基底下具有明显的Pn波低速度.研究结果表明与这些地区裂谷、岩石圈减薄和地幔上涌区相一致.Pn波各向异性与在最新(和目前正在进行) 的大规模变形期间, 岩石圈地幔沿NNE向右旋简单剪切相一致.华北的金矿藏以及华北和松辽盆地的石油储藏的位置明显地与该区的低Pn波速度区相吻合, 表明该区金属成矿和油储的形成与中、新生代以来在岩石圈地幔中的热活动, 以及壳幔之间的相互作用过程密切相关.   相似文献   

Venus is similar to the Earth in size, mass, composition and distance to the sun. However, Venus has neither plate tectonics nor dynamo that exists on the Earth. The lithosphere of Venus is very thick based on its topography and gravity. The admittance and correlation between Venusian geoid and topography are very high, suggesting that they are strongly influenced by the internal dynamical process of Venus. Analyses show that there may be 10 Hawaii-like mantle plumes in Venusian mantle. Data from Venus Express has shown evidence for recent active volcanism among several of these plumes. The distribution of impact craters on Venus shows that Venusian surface has a young age and the age is averaged about 500 Ma, suggesting that Venus may have experienced a global resurfacing event. However, whether this resurfacing is catastrophic or equilibrium is still under debate. It is also unclear whether Venus had plate tectonics in the past, is it always in stagnant lid regime, or might it have an entirely different mode?In general, the style of mantle convection on Venus is quite different from that of the Earth which is manifested by the plate tectonics. Here we reviewed the main observations including gravity, topography and surface tectonics which provide constrains on the interior structure and dynamics of Venus, and recent advance in the interior structure and dynamics of Venus. This review aims to provide new insights into the interior dynamics of Venus.  相似文献   

In this study, we compiled and analyzed 69310 P-wave travel-time data from 6639 earthquake events. These events (M ≥ 2.0) occurred from 1980s to June 2019 and were recorded at 319 seismic stations (Chinese Earthquake Networks Center) in the study area. We adopted the double-difference seismic tomographic method (tomoDD) to invert the 3-D P-wave velocity structure and constrain the crust-upper mantle architecture of the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt (MLYB). A 1-D initial model extracted from wide-angle seismic profiles was used in the seismic tomography, which greatly reduced the inversion residual. Our results indicate that reliable velocity structure of the uppermost mantle can be obtained when Pn is involved in the tomography. Our results show that: (1) the pattern of the uppermost mantle velocity structure corresponds well with the geological partitioning: a nearly E–W-trending low-velocity zone is present beneath the Dabie Orogen, in contrast to the mainly NE-trending low-velocity anomalies beneath the Jiangnan Orogen. They suggest the presence of thickened lower crust beneath the orogens in the study area. In contrast, the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks are characterized by relatively high-velocity anomalies; (2) both the ultra-high-pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks in the Dabie Orogen and the low-pressure metamorphic rocks in the Zhangbaling dome are characterized by high-velocity anomalies. The upper crust in the Dabie Orogen is characterized by a low-velocity belt, sandwiched between two high velocity zones in a horizontal?direction, with discontinuous low-velocity layers in the middle crust. The keel of the Dabie Orogen is mainly preserved beneath its northern section. We infer that the lower crustal delamination may have mainly occurred in the southern Dabie Orogen, which caused the mantle upwelling responsible for the formation of the granitic magmas emplaced in the middle crust as the low-velocity layers observed there. Continuous deep-level compression likely squeezed the granitic magma upward to intrude the upper crustal UHP metamorphic rocks, forming the ‘sandwich’ velocity structure there; (3) high-velocity updoming is widespread in the crust-mantle transition zone beneath the MLYB. From the Anqing-Guichi ore field northeastward to the Luzong, Tongling, Ningwu and Ningzhen orefields, high-velocity anomalies in the crust-mantle transition zone increase rapidly in size and are widely distributed. The updoming also exists in the crust-mantle transition zone beneath the Jiurui and Edongnan orefields, but the high-velocity anomalies are mainly stellate distributed. The updoming high-velocity zone beneath the MLYB generally extends from the crust-mantle transition zone to the middle crust, different from the velocity structure in the upper crust. The upper crust beneath the Early Cretaceous extension-related Luzong and Ningwu volcanic basins is characterized by high velocity zones, in contrast to the low velocity anomalies beneath the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous compression-related Tongling ore field. The MLYB may have undergone a compressive-to-extensional transition during the Yanshanian (Jurassic–Cretaceous) period, during which extensive magmatism occurred. The near mantle–crustal boundary updoming was likely caused by asthenospheric underplating at the base of the lower crust. The magmas may have ascended through major crustal faults, undergoing AFC (assimilation and fractional crystallization) processes, became emplaced in the fault-bounded basins or Paleozoic sequences, eventually forming the many Cu-Fe polymetallic deposits there.  相似文献   

长江中下游成矿带的幔根构造与深部找矿   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
长江中下游铁铜金多金属成矿带,正处于华北板块与扬子板块碰撞造山带的断裂构造部位.由于岩石圈大尺度不连续和地壳减薄无山根的成矿背景,促使燕山期热事件成为断裂-盆地-岩浆-成矿带的响应.区内Ⅰ型花岗岩是地幔基性岩浆底侵与壳幔相互作用的结果,包体研究和透明地震反射区资料证明它们具有软流圈上涌与下地壳拆沉作用的印记,也是幔根构造的源地.正因为透岩浆流体作用,形成大量金属矿床,因而这些矿床的成矿时代具有突发性和规律性,同时成矿物质来源具有多源性和不均匀性;成矿流体具有同一性和矿床类型的多样性;成矿期次具有叠加改造性.从S、Pb、Sr、H、O、C、Si、Cu等同位素组成取得的信息,也可作为幔根构造壳幔同熔成矿的佐证.按照幔根构造成矿机理分析,预测本区仍有第二成矿空间(-500~-2 000 m),建议以"类埃达克岩(体)"为中心的地区,可作为新一轮找矿的首选区.运用综合方法(遥感、磁、电、重、地震及深穿透地球化学等),以探明深部与下古生界碳酸盐岩的接触带为主攻目标,建立四维成矿模型,确定找矿靶区,尽快进行钻探验证.  相似文献   

中国东部上地幔岩石相转变及其意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
樊祺诚  隋建立 《地球科学》2009,34(3):387-391
中国东部新生代玄武岩和大别-苏鲁超高压变质带中的含石榴石相橄榄岩, 带来了发生在上地幔的尖晶石→石榴石相转变和铝辉石→贫铝辉石+石榴石的重要信息, 为中国东部上地幔岩石结构分层奠定了重要基础.通过岩石学与实验岩石学的研究, 推导出发生相转变的P-T条件, 为建立中国东部大陆上地幔岩石分层结构提供了重要约束.尖晶石二辉橄榄岩向石榴石二辉橄榄岩相转变发生在55~70km, 随着深度增加, 石榴石二辉橄榄岩从富铝石榴石二辉橄榄岩(70~120km) 转变为贫铝石榴石二辉橄榄岩(> 120~150km).   相似文献   

 The empirical linear relation between volume and logarithm of bulk modulus of a material, discovered by Grover, Getting and Kennedy is taken as the basis for our equation of state. Using the latest experimental information on the adiabatic bulk modulus, the equation of state is applied to the three polymorphs of Mg2SiO4 to develop a consistent dataset of their thermodynamic properties in the temperature range of 200–2273 K and a pressure range of 0.1 MPa–30 GPa. The results imply that the bulk sound velocity contrast (v βv α)/v α increases with temperature along the α–β phase boundary and reaches the value 8.9% at 13.5 GPa, a pressure equivalent to 410 km depth in the Earth. The bulk sound velocity contrast (v γv β)/v β decreases with temperature along the β–γ phase boundary and becomes less than 0.7% at temperatures and pressures equivalent to those associated with the 520-km seismic discontinuity in the Earth. Received: 1 August 2000 / Accepted: 1 March 2001  相似文献   

The high-pressure behavior of deep carbonate dictates the state and dynamics of oxidized carbon in the Earth’s mantle, playing a vital role in the global carbon cycle and potentially influencing long-term climate change. Optical absorption and Raman spectroscopic measurements were carried out on two natural carbonate samples in diamond-anvil cells up to 60 GPa. Mg-substitution in high-spin siderite FeCO3 increases the crystal field absorption band position by approximately 1000 cm  相似文献   

本文采用沉积学与水文地质学交叉研究的思路,对鄂尔多斯盆地下白垩统含水层储水岩石特征与含水介质结构进行了研究。下白垩统是由宜君-洛河、华池-环河、罗汉洞-泾川三套含水岩组组成的一个厚达1300m、具多层结构的巨型碎屑岩地下水系统,发育以长石砂岩、长石石英砂岩为主的多类型储水砂岩,其沉积形成于以河流、沙漠为主的多种陆相沉积环境。由于受沉积、成岩及后期剥蚀等作用的控制,各含水岩组储水岩石的类型、厚度及分布,以及储水空间的类型和发育程度、储水孔隙介质结构均有明显变化;在与其它水文地质条件的共同影响下,下白垩统地下水赋存和富集条件总体呈现"盆地北好南差、北部上好下差、南部下好上差"的宏观分布规律。  相似文献   

赵文津 《地球学报》2016,37(1):7-24
本文以INDEPTH项目对印度大陆与欧亚大陆碰撞带深部成像结果为基础,从构造演化角度探讨藏南陆-陆碰撞带冈底斯斑岩铜矿带的成矿作用问题。深部探测给出的碰撞带深部结构与侯增谦等地质学家提出的深部结构有较大的异同,如何协调起来以深化对藏南陆-陆碰撞条件下成矿作用的认识,这是本文讨论的中心。藏南碰撞带成矿实际上是在新特提斯大洋岩石圈俯冲形成的冈底斯岩浆弧成矿作用的基础上,再经过陆-陆碰撞挤压强烈改造后的再成矿。碰撞带的深部结构构造演化的特点是:(1)新特提斯大洋岩石圈板块向北连续俯冲了约120 Ma,形成的冈底斯陆缘火山岩浆弧带,这导致了陆缘带地壳增厚并含有大量的地幔岩浆流体物质(如南美安第斯成矿带那样);(2)在印度大陆与冈底斯陆缘弧接近碰撞时,在对挤中新特提斯大洋洋壳与大洋岩石圈地幔发生向上挤出与向下拆沉,并使部分洋壳残片和大洋岩石圈物质保存在中上地壳内;(3)两大陆岩石圈碰撞对接后,印度岩石圈地幔加深达70~80 km并沿地壳底部向北推进,并将加厚地壳内大量的成矿物质、钙碱性岩浆,洋壳及新生的下地壳,以及部分地幔物质从地壳底部将其围限起来,成为后期再成矿的物质基础;(4)查明了碰撞带深部壳/幔间产生了一层中间速度层(相当于MASH层),在中上地壳部位出现一层巨大的部分熔融层;(5)在碰撞挤压下冈底斯带内产生多组断裂构造,大型逆冲断裂系与背冲断裂,并引发了含矿岩浆的再活动,并在浮力(下地壳内)和挤压力作用下多次活动上升生成斑岩型铜矿床;(6)成矿后地表遭受过强烈的风化剥蚀作用,使矿床出露地表。  相似文献   

Based on the NCEP/NCAR daily reanalysis data and the daily rainfall data of ground observation at 164 weather stations in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River from 1960 to 2013, the relationship between South Asia high low frequency oscillation and the drought and flood in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River were analyzed using a composite analysis, wavelet analysis and band-pass filtering analysis method. The results indicated that in the typical drought and flood years, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 200 hPa atmosphere u, v low-frequency primary cycle and the summer rainfall cycle over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River were the same. In more summer rainfall, from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to east China and west Pacific coast, there existed a cycle-anticyclone-cycle low frequency wave train. Low-frequency anticyclone controlled eastern China and the low-frequency cyclone controlled the northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. In drought years, results were opposite. In flood years, the precipitation of low frequency over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and that of 200 hPa atmospheric low frequency change of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau was closely related. When the northerly wind in the northeast part of the the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River was strong, and Lake Baikal southerly wind was strong, there was more precipitation. On the contrary, precipitation was less. The low frequency oscillation wave train was mainly spread from the northeast of China and Japan's southern to China’s southwest. However, in drought years, the relationship between them was not clear and needed to be further studied.  相似文献   

张向萍  叶瑜  王辉 《古地理学报》2011,13(2):229-235
中国历史文献中的方志资料是研究历史灾害重要的数据源之一,在使用前人挖掘整理而成的不同整编方志资料时,需要对其由于不同研究目的和空间尺度而在原始灾害记录选入和信息表达方面的差异进行鉴别与分析.为在灾害重建研究中如何综合利用整编史料提供方法借鉴,作者以1849年长江中下游洪涝灾害为例,对4套整编方志资料的灾害记录进行了对比...  相似文献   

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