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西北地区空中水汽时空分布及变化趋势分析   总被引:58,自引:11,他引:58  
使用NCEP/NCAR1958%D2000年再分析格点资料,分析了西北地区空中水汽和水汽输送的时空分布特征和变化趋势.结果表明:1)西北地区空中水汽地域分布主要集中在西北地区东部和西部的天山北部以及塔里木河流域盆地,而西北地区中部水汽含量较少,尤以青海的西部和北部为最;2)西北地区空中水汽主要来自印度洋孟加拉湾、南海以及阿拉伯海的水汽输送,北面还有一支来自西伯利亚和蒙古方向的水汽输送;3)西北地区空中水汽含量自50年代末至80年代中期呈明显下降趋势,而从80年代后期开始水汽又呈波动上升趋势.水汽增加地区主要在新疆北部沿河西走廊至甘肃中部祁连山区中段以及南疆盆地西部,而其它地区近年来水汽明显减少,其中减少幅度最大的地方位于西北中部的甘肃、青海、新疆交界处以及东部的陕西省;4)从空中水汽年代际变化趋势看,60~70年代西北大部分地区呈现减少趋势,而80~90年代全区普遍呈现增多趋势,以西北地区西部水汽增多趋势最为明显.最后讨论了影响西北地区水汽分布及输送的气候动力因子.  相似文献   

我国不同区域农田养分平衡对土壤肥力时空演变的影响   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
区域农田养分盈亏是驱动农田土壤肥力时空变化的主要因素。对我国6个农业生态试验站(海伦、沈阳、 栾城、长武、常熟、鹰潭)站区农田土壤肥力在近年来时空演变的研究表明,除了海伦站黑土和常熟站水稻土的有机质和全氮平均含量下降外,其他站区均呈现增加趋势,主要原因是黑土和乌栅土有机质和全氮含量较高,目前农田有机C和N投入水平无法维持其平衡;6个站区土壤速效磷有增有减,而土壤速效钾除了栾城和鹰潭站区域外均呈降低趋势。从站区农田养分的年平衡与土壤养分的年变化量关系看,农田氮、磷、钾的盈亏量决定了土壤养分的变化方向。土壤有机碳和全氮的初始含量过高(分别超过15.1 g/kg和1.60 g/kg)时,也会导致其年际间的变化方向从增加变为降低。农田氮素盈亏量与土壤全氮变化量之间相关不显著,主要是由于化肥投入和作物籽粒输出的农田氮平衡不能完全代表土壤氮素的真实盈亏情况;而农田磷素和钾素的盈亏量与土壤速效磷和速效钾的年变化量的显著相关。  相似文献   

华北平原气候时空演变特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地下水是华北平原主要的供水水源,大气降水入渗补给又是该区地下水的主要补给,因此研究气候时空演变特征对于深入剖析气候变化对其地下水资源的影响具有重要意义。依据中国18个地面气候站1951-2011年逐日气候观测资料,剖析华北平原气候时空演变特征。结果表明:华北平原近60年最低气温显著升高,最高气温基本稳定,平均气温明显升高;空间上呈由西南向东北逐渐降低、由沿海向内陆增高的趋势。降水量总体呈逐渐减少趋势,空间上由山前向滨海逐渐减弱后增强;对比分析典型极端丰枯水年的降水分布特征,不同降水年空间分布差异显著。水面蒸发量整体呈下降趋势,空间上南、北部大于中部。华北平原气候总体向暖干化方向发展,两次突变主要发生在20世纪60年代中期和70年代初。气候变化和人类活动是影响地下水资源的两个重要因素,极端气候则加强了对地下水的影响。因此,定量区分气候变化与人类活动对地下水的影响是有待进一步深入探讨的问题。  相似文献   

高温热浪与干热风的危害特征比较研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
综述了高温热浪与干热风气象灾害在危害特点、类型与指标、气候特征、形成原因、对全球气候变暖的响应、防御技术与应对策略等6个方面的内容。并对两者进行了比较,高温热浪和干热风既有共同点又有区别和联系,两者均是一种较短时间尺度的重大天气灾害,高温低湿是两者主要的基本天气特征;在形成原因——主要是环流特征异常和对全球气候的响应等方面两者基本上是一致的;在同一地域同一时间两者也可能同时发生;在干旱季节有利于这两种灾害的发生发展和加重危害。在危害特点、类型与指标、气候特征、防御技术与应对策略等方面有所不同,高温热浪是一种综合性的气象灾害;而干热风是一种农业气象灾害。  相似文献   

Sand waves on the northern South China Sea shelf had been considered as stable relict bed form. For the industry use of sea bed between stations LF13-2 and LF13-1, a new round of explorations were conducted. The newly obtained data show that both spacings and amplitudes of sand waves are all systematically changing with water depth. Repeated observations since 2003 to 2004 showed that the sea bed is currently active. Due to strong erosion of surface sediment since Dongsha (东沙) uplifting, there are almost no...  相似文献   

以标准化降水指数(SPI)为工具,以鄱阳湖流域为研究对象,选择流域内13个气象站共50a的逐月降水量和5个水位站共50a的逐日水位为实验数据,通过Mann-Kendall检验方法和Kriging插值方法,分析了鄱阳湖流域干旱的时空演变特征,以Spearman秩相关系数为评价指标,比较了流域不同时间尺度的SPI值与各站湖水位、不同时间尺度干旱强度与各站年最低水位之间的相关程度。研究表明:鄱阳湖流域的干旱具有明显的季节性特征,春季和秋季具有较为明显的干旱化趋势;鄱阳湖的干旱覆盖面较广,干旱在不同区域内的不同时期都有可能发生和转移;鄱阳湖流域的气象干旱对湖水位具有较为显著的相关性,湖水位对3个月尺度和6个月尺度的SPI值响应最为明显,其与湖水位的相关程度,自近出湖口地区向远离湖口地区递增。  相似文献   

中国内生稀有稀土矿床的时空分布   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:11  
袁忠信  白鸽 《矿床地质》2001,20(4):347-354
内生稀有稀土矿床在我国广泛分布,矿床的形成时代从太古宙到喜马拉雅期。矿床类型主要有碱性岩型、花岗岩型及花岗伟晶岩型三大类型。碱性岩型矿床的形成时代从元古宙到喜马拉雅期,主要集中在中元古代及华力西-印支期。这类矿床多分布在地台稳定区的边缘,常沿深断裂或裂谷带延展方向呈群分布。花岗岩型矿床绝大多数形成于燕山期,主要见于南岭及其邻区。成矿花岗岩常是花岗岩复式岩体的晚期侵入体,沿大岩体周边或隐伏岩体上方作定向分布。花岗伟晶岩型矿床主要形成于华力西-印支期,大多数分布在地槽褶皱带内。褶皱带内的复背斜及更次一级背斜的轴部及倾没端常是矿化伟晶岩的赋存场所。以攀西裂谷带内的牦牛坪、茨达等碱性岩型矿床,赣南加里东褶皱带内的西华山、荡坪等花岗岩型矿床,闽西北加里东褶皱带内的溪源头、西坑等花岗伟晶岩型矿床为例具体地描述了三类矿床在空间上的定向分布。西部地区是找寻大型内生稀有稀土矿床极有潜力的地区。  相似文献   

干旱作为我国西北地区东部影响最大的气象灾害, 可引起农业减产、水资源短缺、土地荒漠化和生态环境恶化等严重问题.在国家新一轮西部大开发战略实施之初, 在全球气候变暖背景下, 有必要对干旱发展的最新特征和演变趋势进行详细分析研究, 为加强防旱、抗旱,促进经济发展提供科学决策依据和参考.采用国家干旱标准综合干旱指数(CI指数), 利用西北地区东部74个气象代表站逐日气温、降水资料, 分析了西北地区东部不同级别干旱日数在各个季节的时空分布和变化趋势. 结果表明: 在气候变暖背景下, 西北地区东部从长期趋势看, 春、夏、秋季干旱呈加剧趋势, 冬季干旱呈减轻趋势. 21世纪以来春、夏季干旱进一步加剧, 尤其是夏季加剧更显著, 而秋、冬季干旱出现了减弱的新趋势. 在西北地区东部主降水期3-11月重-特旱加剧趋势比轻-中旱加剧显著, 南部干旱化趋势比北部更加明显. 尤其是宁夏同心地区春旱加剧非常显著, 已成为西北地区东部重-特旱最严重的地区.对于干旱发展的这一新动态, 必须引起有关部门的高度重视, 采取科学、有效手段加强防旱、抗旱.  相似文献   

近年抚顺西露天矿矿区滑坡在规模、活动频率以及空间发育位置等方面均与矿区历史滑坡呈现出较明显的时空差异性,为矿区未来治理提出新的挑战。故基于改进频率比模型,选择人类工程活动(主要是采矿工程扰动)和工程地质条件两类致灾因素,对由矿区滑坡时空差异所导致的易发性变化进行研究。结果表明:影响矿区滑坡灾害的主要因素包括坡体结构、工程岩组和水文地质条件;矿区滑坡易发性较2010年前有所降低,高易发区和较高易发区面积共减少1.294 km2,但北帮中区等地段仍呈高易发态势;滑坡易发区的空间位置与2010年前后对比发生了较大变化,矿坑西北帮滑坡易发性大幅降低,东部环矿区境界50~500 m处滑坡易发性轻微降低,北帮中段与南帮中、西段顶部滑坡易发性增加,其中北帮中段为目前最易发的区段。研究结果可为矿区闭坑停采后边坡整治及后续规划利用提供参考依据。  相似文献   

我国西南山区降雨侵蚀力时空变化趋势研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
降雨是我国西南山区土壤侵蚀的主要动力因素,降雨侵蚀力反映了降雨对土壤侵蚀的潜在能力,研究降雨侵蚀力的时空变化趋势对我国西南山区土壤侵蚀的监测、评估、预报和治理具有重要意义。利用1960—2009年129个气象站逐日降雨量资料,计算出西南山区各气象站逐年降雨侵蚀力。采用趋势系数、气候倾向率和克吕格插值等方法对西南山区降雨侵蚀力50年来的时空变化趋势进行了探讨。结果表明:西南山区降雨侵蚀力空间分布特征与年降水量的空间分布特征一致;西南山区西北部的青藏高原区域降雨侵蚀力年际变化明显,变差系数Cv一般高于0.40;西南山区大部地区降雨侵蚀力呈上升趋势,说明由降雨侵蚀力引起的土壤侵蚀风险在增加,但在成都平原附近降雨侵蚀力在明显下降;降雨侵蚀力变化趋势系数随海拔高度升高而不断增加,在海拔2 500 m以上地区尤为明显,西南山区西北部的高海拔地区海拔高度对降雨侵蚀力增加具有放大效应。  相似文献   

Based on GIMMS NDVI data of Qilian Mountains region during 1982-2006, using the maximum synthesis, mean method, slope analysis and correlation analysis, the spatial and temporal changes of vegetation cover and its correlations with climatic factors were studied in Qilian Mountains. The results showed that: ①Vegetation NDVI of Qilian Mountains increases from west to east in general, showing the distribution pattern of much more vegetation in east regions than in west regions; ②Vegetation NDVI of Qilian Mountains has generally increased in the past twenty five years, but there are obvious spatial differences, especially vegetation NDVI of middle and east regions increase obviously; ③There have been obvious differences on spatial variation of seasonal NDVI in the past twenty five years in Qilian Mountains, and the increased area of vegetation NDVI is the largest in summer, followed by autumn, spring, but the most reduced area of vegetation NDVI is in winter. The regions of increased vegetation NDVI concentrate on southern mountain of Qinghai Province and in Buha River Basin, while the regions of reduced vegetation NDVI concentrate on Wushaoling, Lenglongling and Daban mountain in each season; ④The correlations between monthly average vegetation NDVI and temperature and precipitation are very significant, which indicates that temperature and precipitation are the main factors affecting the change of vegetation NDVI in Qilian Mountains, but intensive human activities are also important factors affecting the change of vegetation NDVI in some areas.  相似文献   

Due to the IO monsoon impact, the tropical IO circulation has significant seasonal variation, especially in the northern IO. However, in mean-state, a relatively closed current loop is established by eastward current along the equator and westward current south of equator, which is regarded as Tropical Gyre in the Indian Ocean. Based on this circulation system, relevant studies were reviewed. Its impact on heat and salt transports and regional climate changes were discussed.  相似文献   

With the development of regional climate simulation, CWRF, the new generation regional climate model, is increasingly used in climate research because of its advanced capability and high skill. The CWRF application in China was introduced from three aspects: its modifications of WRF physics parameterizations, the construction of modeling domain and lateral boundary conditions, the case simulation study and comparison with RegCM, illustrating the accuracy and advantage of CWRF in regional climate simulations. Furthermore, two major CWRF developmental prospects in China were explored: one was to incorporate more accurate physical parameterization schemes and optimized multi-physics ensemble approach; the other was to nest CWRF in GCMs for short-term climate operational forecast and long-term climate change prediction and impact assessment. The status of CWRF applications in China was summarized and the outlook of its further development was pointed out, which provided a meaningful reference for more general research and application.  相似文献   

Mesoscale eddies are active and energetic in the South China Sea (SCS), and play an important role in regulating the multi-scale circulation and mass transportation in the region, especially for those long-lived strong eddies. Using AVISO altimeter data and outermost closed contour sea level anomaly method, this study identified and tracked mesoscale eddies in the northern SCS during 2011-2018, and focused on the temporal and spatial characteristics of mesoscale eddies in recent years. Similarly to previous results in this region, statistical results show that about 8.6 anticyclonic eddies and 4.5 cyclonic eddies (lifetime > 28 days) were born per year. Among them, about 1/3 of the total number are strong eddies (lifetime > 45 days), showing relatively strong dynamic characteristics, such as strong Eddy Kinetic Energy (EKE) and highly nonlinear feature. Statistics also show significant seasonal variability in mesoscale eddies’ birth places, trajectories and distribution of frequency of occurrence. Specifically, anticyclonic eddies mainly form at the north part of Luzon Strait between autumn and winter, and then move southwestward along isobaths. During this period, the largest value of the frequency of occurrence is over 30%. In summer, most of them form in the west off Luzon Island, and then move westward paralleling to latitude lines. In contrast, cyclonic mainly form in the west off Luzon Strait, and then move westward in winter and spring. During this period, the largest value is about 26%. In addition, observation finds that the strong mesoscale eddy pair could generate off the southwest of Taiwan Island. Analysis of the Kuroshio SCS Index (KSI) implies that loop current caused by Kuroshio intrusion is the most important mechanism for the formation of eddy pair.  相似文献   

华北克拉通的显生宙破坏在空间上是高度不均匀的。克拉通自身岩石圈性质的横向差异及其周边块体的构造运动和相互作用,造成克拉通不同地区构造变形特征具有显著差异性。而这种差异性必然会在深部结构上留下印迹。因此,详细的深部结构信息能够为研究华北克拉通破坏的方式和动力学机制提供重要约束。对近年来基于华北内部结构计划(NCISP)密集流动地震台阵资料获得的华北克拉通边界带区域的深部结构图像进行介绍,并对比分析地壳、岩石圈结构和上地幔变形特征的区域变化,进而对克拉通破坏的空间差异性以及破坏的方式和过程做初步探讨。研究结果显示,华北克拉通东部的郯庐断裂带作为华北和扬子边界的构造薄弱带,具有克拉通全区最薄的岩石圈(~60 km)和明显减薄的地壳(<35 km),是克拉通东部岩石圈整体性减薄和破坏最强烈的区域;东北部燕山地区和西北部鄂尔多斯北边界区域都表现出厚、薄岩石圈共存和壳幔结构显著变化的特征,反映了这些地区岩石圈减薄和改造的空间不均匀性。燕山地区尖锐的Moho面、岩石圈结构和上地幔变形特征的小尺度变化可能是中生代多期挤压和晚中生代—新生代区域伸展共同作用的结果;而鄂尔多斯北边界附近稳定克拉通地区与新生代裂陷区壳幔结构的强烈差...  相似文献   

为了调查和比较我国海洋型、大陆型和极大陆型冰川覆盖区大气降水、冰川、积雪和融水径流系统内稳定同位素比率的时空分布特征和冰雪相变时的现代同位素分馏过程,在2000—2003年间,按照季节和海拔高度分别对玉龙雪山、慕士塔格峰,念青唐古拉山的桑丹康桑峰以及天山乌鲁木齐河源的1号冰川积雪和冰雪融水径流进行了系统的采样研究.结果表明:在以玉龙雪山为代表的海洋型冰川区,新雪内的1δ8O呈现出显著的时间与空间变化,在冬季表现为“高度效应”,即δ18O值随海拔高度升高和气温降低而降低,反映出冬季风降水的特征;而经过融化的夏季积雪受到“降水量效应”、雪中含水量、蒸发等因素的影响,稳定同位素产生分馏变化“高度效应”空间变化比较复杂,反映出夏季风降水的特征,念青唐古拉山夏季积雪也有相似的特征.在极大陆型冰川分布的慕士塔格山地区和亚大陆型冰川分布的天山乌鲁木齐河源地区,夏季新雪中1δ8O则表现为“高度效应”或者“温度效应”.无论在海洋型冰川或者大陆型冰川分布区,经过融化或正在消融的残余积雪内都有明显的同位素分馏变化,1δ8O值比新雪高.受蒸发作用的影响,冰雪融水在流动过程中,1δ8O随海拔高度的降低、流程和流动时间的增加而增加.由于气候条件的差异,海洋型冰川区冰雪融水相变过程中的同位素分馏和化学作用都比大陆型冰川区强.  相似文献   

The Yellow, Yangtze and Pearl Rivers supply over 90% of the sediment flux from China to the western Pacific Ocean. Trends and abrupt changes in the water discharge and sediment load of the three rivers were examined and compared based on data updated to the year 2011 at the seasonal and annual scales. The total water discharge from the three rivers shows a statistically insignificant decreasing trend with a rate of 0.62 × 109 m3/a, and the total sediment load shows a statistically significant decreasing trend at a rate of 31.12 × 106 t/a from the 1950s to 2011. The water discharge of the entire Yellow River and the upstream portion of the Yangtze River shows significant decreasing trends, and that of the mid-lower stream of Yangtze River and the entire Pearl River shows insignificant trends. The sediment loads in the three river basins all show significant decreasing trends at the annual and seasonal scales, and a dramatic decrease in the 2000s resulted in a more obvious decreasing trend over the studied period. From the 1950s to the 2000s, the contribution of sediment flux from the Yellow River to the ocean decreased from 71.8% to 37.0%, and the contributions of the Yangtze and Pearl Rivers increased from 24.2% and 4.0% to 53.0% and 10.0%, respectively. Inter-annual variations in water discharge and sediment load were affected by climate oscillations, such as the El Niño/Southern Oscillation, and the long-term decreasing trend in sediment load was primarily caused by human activities. Dam constructions and soil conservation projects were the major causes of sediment reduction. From the 1970s to the 2000s, the decrease in total sediment load from the three rivers caused by climate change and human activities was 2.24 × 108 t/a (23.0%) and 7.5 × 108 t/a (77.0%), respectively. In the coming decades, the sediment flux from the three rivers into the sea will decrease further with intensifying human activities, resulting in many challenges for the management of river basins and river deltas.  相似文献   

Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) is one of important ocean color factors. In the background of “Jiangsu Coastal Development”, it is important to monitor the water quality and pollution status of coastal waters by analyzing its spatial and temporal distribution characteristics with remote sensing data. This paper was based on the high temporal resolution of Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) image downloaded from Korea Ocean Satellite Center. The temporal-spatial distribution of CDOM in Jiangsu coastal waters was analyzed on daily, weekly and monthly time scales from April, 2011 to May, 2016. CDOM in Jiangsu coastal waters are mainly terrigenous, and higher inshore than that of offshore. The monthly average concentration of CDOM in the western coast of the South Yellow Sea was 0.167~0.201 m-1, and those of central and southern regions were 0.086~0.187m-1. The maximum values were outside the maximum turbidity zone of the Yangtze River Estuary, which was 0.180~0.206 m-1 (absorption coefficient at 440 nm). The diurnal variation of CDOM in near shore waters was found to coincide with the change of tide, which decreased at first and then increased in the sea area. By fitting the monthly mean using cosine function, significantly cyclical variation of mean CDOM was found in the South Yellow Sea. The central region of the South Yellow Sea waters fitting coefficient was 0.823. Affected by the Yellow Sea cold water mass, the sub-regions of the South Yellow Sea changed seasonally, whose CDOM concentration in winter and spring was higher than that in summer and autumn. Because of Changjiang Diluted Water and other water masses, seasonal variation of the Yangtze River Estuary was contrary to that of the South Yellow Sea. On monthly scale, CDOM concentration was positively correlated with total suspended matter, with correlation coefficient r being 0.72. The trend of the central and southern region was more significant.  相似文献   

利用西北五省区137个测站的1961-2009年逐月降水量资料计算标准化降水指数(SPI), 统计了逐月、春末夏初、初夏、夏季及秋季的干旱、重旱、特旱的频率及面积率, 分析其时空变化特征.结果表明: 新疆北部、青海的中部及甘肃河西是西北地区干旱频率较高的区域, 干旱频率在15个月以上, 新疆南部除个别月份干旱发生频率较高外, 总体干旱发生频率较低;干旱发生区域随月份有由南到北、由西向东变化的趋势;除新疆、青海、及甘肃个别区域重旱频率超过5月外, 其他区域基本上都在5月以下;新疆南部重旱频率仍然较低;夏季发生范围高于其他季节;新疆北部、甘肃河西是特旱的高发区. 不同等级的月及季节干旱面积率其逐年变化具有相似的特征, 西北干旱面积率的变化总体上可以分为3个阶段: 1961-1980年干旱面积率比较高, 平均在35%左右;1981-1990年为转折期, 干旱面积率下降到15%左右;而1991-2009年为稳定期, 干旱面积率变化不大.全球气候变暖导致西北地区降水量、冰川融水量、河川径流量增加和湖泊水位上升、面积扩大, 是1987年以来干旱面积率下降的原因.  相似文献   

采用经验正交函数展开分析了新疆北疆地表水资源的时空分布特征,将北疆地表水资源序列由250a延长到412a,并首次提出了将两个来自不同树轮年表的重建序列进行合并所应满足的条件。分析了412a来北疆地表水资源的突变与渐变特征,对其形成了一些新认识,较之以前的工作取得了一些新进展。  相似文献   

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