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INTRODUCTIONThermohaline circulation(THC)is normally de-fined as the density-driven global-scale oceanic circu-lation,which flows northwardin the upper layer andsouthward in the deeper layer in the Atlantic.Itplays ani mportant role in the global meridional heatand the freshwater transports(Marotzke,2000).Thus,changes in the THC alter the global oceanheat transport and affect the global cli mate(Broeck-er,1991).The increase in the concentration of greenhousegases will reduce the effici…  相似文献   

正The large-scale summer monsoon circulations of south Asia makes a strong impact on precipitation in the area of southwestern China including Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and Yun-Gui Plateau.however,the monsoon is both spatially and temporally complex and smaller-scale circulations are forced by a variety of local or regional orographic effects,local or regional land-atmosphere or  相似文献   

施雅风院士的论著(中国冰川、气候与环境变化研究文集), 收集了施雅风先生1964年至2007年间发表的59篇英文论著, 已由气象出版社于2008年7月在北京出版发行.  相似文献   

Sediment samples at different depths were collected from a large shallow lake named Wuliangsuhai in China, in order to determine the response of sediment characteristics to trophic state change. The lake changed from natural state to eutrophication in the late 1970s, creating a Transitional Sediment Layer (TSL) that can be visually used to separate sediments derived from multi-biology and macrophytes. Sediment characteristics were enumerated as a means of corroborating extant eutrophication data from sediment record. Inferences about the timing and trajectory of eutrophication were made using sediment characteristics-based reconstruction. Water content, electrical conductivity, pH, organic matter, nutrient (total nitrogen and total phosphorus) and metals (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn and V) were measured in about 20 different layers of 63-71 cm deep columns of the sediment.  相似文献   

There has been growing interest among researchers in factors influencing carbon emissions of energy-intensive industries in China due to the important roles they play. Such studies mainly focused on evaluating carbon emissions and identifying the contributing factors separately for each energy-intensive industry. Regarding energy-intensive industries as a whole and investigating the contribution of each industry to changes in carbon intensity have not yet been sufficiently addressed and quantified. In order to deeply understand this issue, this study employed the LMDI decomposition analysis to study driving forces (e.g., emission coefficient, energy intensity, and industrial structure) of carbon intensity of energy-intensive industries. Then, attribution analysis was further used to study the contribution of each energy-intensive industry to the percent change in carbon intensity through each impact factor. The results showed that the carbon intensity of energy-intensive industries dropped by 31.83% from 1996 to 2014. The energy intensity effect was largely responsible for this decrease, of which, five industries were the contributors except for the fuel-processing industry. The industrial structure effect also contributed to the decrease, and non-metallic industry and fuel-processing industry played important roles. However, the emission coefficient effect showed a slight impact on increasing carbon intensity, which principally due to chemical industry and power generation industry. The findings suggested that the adaptability and sensitivity of different energy-intensive industries to the implemented policies were various. Based on the results, differentiated and feasible policies related to energy intensity, industrial structure, and energy structure for energy-intensive industries were provided to further mitigate carbon intensity.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The surname of the second author should read Grigoryeva  相似文献   

Due to deficient water resources in the Loess Plateau, watershed management plays a very important role, not only for ecological and environmental protection but also for the social development of the region. To better understand the hydrological and water resource variations in the typical watershed of the Loess Plateau and the Qinghe River Basin, the influences of land cover and climate change were analysed, and a SWAT model was built to simulate the response of the hydrological situation to land cover changes that have occurred over the past 30 years. The results demonstrated that the main land cover change occurring in the Qinghe River Basin was the conversion of land cover from grassland to woodland and farmland from the late 1980s to 2010. Woodland and farmland took 87.36 and 10.55%, respectively, from the overall area transferred over 20 years and more than 18% of the total watershed area. Hydrological simulation results indicated that land cover played a predominant role in the hydrological variation of the Qinghe River Basin, although the effects of climate change should not be discounted. The significant changes in land cover could be superimposed by policy orientation and economic requirements. Although it is hard to evaluate the land cover changes and the corresponding hydrological responses in a simple language, related analyses have demonstrated an increasing trend of runoff in the dry season, while there is a somewhat decreasing trend during the flood season in the river basin. There results could be significant and provide a positive influence on both future flood control and the conservation of water and soil.  相似文献   

Abundance of estuarine biota can vary with freshwater inflow through several mechanisms. One proposed mechanism is that the extent of physical habitat for an estuarine species increases with flow. We estimated the contribution of variation in habitat volume to the responses of eight species of estuarine nekton to changes in freshwater flow in the San Francisco Estuary. Resource selection functions for salinity and depth were developed for each species (and for five additional species) using five monitoring data sets. The TRIM3D hydrodynamic model was run for five steady flow scenarios to determine volume by salinity and depth, and resource selection functions were used as a weighting factor to calculate an index of total habitat for each species at each flow. The slopes of these habitat indices vs. flow were consistent with slopes of abundance vs. flow for only two of the species examined. Therefore, other mechanisms must underlie responses of abundance to flow for most species.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION The Olongbuluke microcontinent , which wasdisintegratedfromthe northern margin of the Qaidamblock (Lu,2002) ,is composed of a two-fold base-ment with cover strata . The lower basement is themedium- to high-grade Delingha complex and theDakendaban Group, and the upper is the low-gradeWandonggou Group. The Wandonggou Group of theupper basement experienced a Late Mesoproterozoicmetamorphic event (see Yu et al .,1994) ,consistentwith the early isotopic geochronological respo…  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2008,340(2-3):151-165
This paper provides some new evidences on stratigraphic sequence, zircon SHRIMP dating from ophiolite, granitoids, and fold-and-thrust tectonic styles in the South China Block (SCB). Stratigraphic studies suggest that the eastern and central parts of the SCB show a SW-dipping palaeoslope framework during the Late Palaeozoic–Early Mesozoic. These areas were not in a deep-sea environment, but in a shallow-sea or littoral one. Coeval volcanic rocks are missing. Deep-water deposits and submarine volcanism only took place in the western part of the SCB. The three ophiolitic mélanges of the eastern SCB formed in the Neoproterozoic, but not in the Permian or the Triassic. The sedimentary rocks associated with the Neoproterozoic oceanic relics contain abundant Proterozoic acritarchs, but no radiolarians. The Early Mesozoic granitoids (235–205 Ma) belong to the post-collision peraluminous S-type granites; they are widely exposed in the central-western SCB, and rare in the eastern SCB. The fold-and-thrust belt developed in the eastern SCB shows a top-to-the-south displacement, whereas the Xuefengshan Belt of central SCB indicates a north- or northwest-directed shearing. The geodynamic settings of the different parts of the SCB during the Triassic are discussed.  相似文献   

There are two production areas for vanadium-titanium magnetite deposits in China:the Panzhihua area in Sichuan Province and the Chengde area in Hebei Province. The Panzhihua vanadium titanomagnetite iron ore deposits are hosted by a mafic-ultramafic intrusive complex,and belong to late magmatic differentiation condensation of crystalline iron deposits.The rock mass is characterized by good differentiation,clear and differentiated facies zones and rhythm.The rock assemblage can be divided into the following rock facies combination:gabbro,gabbro-norite,gabbro troctolite,gabbro-plagioclase,gabbro-eclogite-olivine pyroxenite,and diabase types.The orebodies occur mostly as close-bedded,distributed in the dark facies zone in the bottom layers of the middle or lower part of the stratiform rock mass.The main ore minerals are granular ilmenite,magnetite,ilmenite spar,and magnesium aluminum spinel,with small amounts of pyrrhotite,pyrite and cobalt,nickel and copper sulfide.The ores have siderite and mosaic textures and occur as compact massive,banded and disseminated structures;they consist of TFeO 20%-45%,TiO2 3%-16%,V2O50.15%-0.5%,Cr2O30.1%-0.38%,associated with trace amounts of Cu,Co,Ni,Ga,Mn,P,Se,Te,Sc and Pt group elements.  相似文献   

A quantitative estimate of the influence on the temperature mode of perennially frozen rocks in the Pechorsk coal basin caused by pollution of the surface by coal dust was undertaken.  相似文献   

Seasonal water scarcity in southern China has been an issue of concern for many years. The increased frequency of low precipitation in the growing season of rice created a flurry of discussions in the academic and policy arenas. These events severely disrupted the supply of irrigation water for agriculture in paddy field areas and posed a substantial threat to farmers’ livelihoods. Within a broader context of accessing farmers’ resilience to agricultural drought, this paper focuses on the response mechanisms and adaptive strategies adopted by farming households in three types of areas (Plain, Hill, Mountain) in Dingcheng, Hunan Province. With the increasing drought frequency and the pressure from the demand for livelihood improvement, farmers’ response mechanisms have evolved, expanding from short-term adjustments to long-term adaptations, and switching focus from securing reliable water sources to improving irrigation efficiency and diversifying both on- and off- farm productions. The three types of geographic units have different resilience profiles and have developed diverse patterns of adaptive processes that update the conceptual model of Disaster Resilience of “Loss-Response” of Location. It presents a temporal dimension to the study of resilience, which is largely missing from the current literature and provides insights into how to enhance farmers’ response capacities in the face of agricultural drought in southern China.  相似文献   

Ge  Yi  Dou  Wen  Wang  Xiaotao  Chen  Yi  Zhang  Ziyuan 《Natural Hazards》2021,108(3):2629-2651

Identifying and analyzing the urban–rural differences of social vulnerability to natural hazards is imperative to ensure that urbanization develops in a way that lessens the impacts of disasters and generate building resilient livelihoods in China. Using data from the 2000 and 2010 population censuses, this study conducted an assessment of the social vulnerability index (SVI) by applying the projection pursuit cluster model. The temporal and spatial changes of social vulnerability in urban and rural areas were then examined during China’s rapid urbanization period. An index of urban–rural differences in social vulnerability (SVID) was derived, and the global and local Moran’s I of the SVID were calculated to assess the spatial variation and association between the urban and rural SVI. In order to fully determine the impacts of urbanization in relation to social vulnerability, a spatial autoregressive model and Bivariate Moran’s I between urbanization and SVI were both calculated. The urban and rural SVI both displayed a steadily decreasing trend from 2000 to 2010, although the urban SVI was always larger than the rural SVI in the same year. In 17.5% of the prefectures, the rural SVI was larger than the urban SVI in 2000, but was smaller than the urban SVI in 2010. About 12.6% of the urban areas in the prefectures became less vulnerable than rural areas over the study period, while in more than 51.73% of the prefectures the urban–rural SVI gap decreased over the same period. The SVID values in all prefectures had a significantly positive spatial autocorrelation and spatial clusters were apparent. Over time, social vulnerability to natural hazards at the prefecture-level displayed a gathering–scattering pattern across China. Though a regional variation of social vulnerability developed during China’s rapid urbanization, the overall trend was for a steady reduction in social vulnerability in both urban and rural areas.


Lowe et al. (Estuar Coast 34:630–639, 2011) used Sr/Ca in the otoliths of juvenile southern flounder (Paralichthys lethostigma) to demonstrate the importance of low-salinity habitats in the northern Gulf of Mexico during early life. While otolith cores indicated that most southern flounder originated in high-salinity environments (elevated Sr/Ca in otolith core) and moved into lower salinity habitats (decreased Sr/Ca outside of the otolith core), approximately one third of the sampled individuals had otolith core chemistry that indicated spawning or hatching in or near freshwater habitats (low Sr/Ca throughout the otolith). Morais (Estuar Coast 34:630–639, 2012) proposes a different interpretation: he suggests that the high Sr/Ca found in 68 % of juvenile otolith cores (and low Sr/Ca just outside of the core region) may be due to females hydrating their eggs in offshore (high-salinity) waters, with spawning, hatching, and egg/larval development all actually occurring in low-salinity environments (his “sea-run mother” hypothesis). While there is ample literature supporting the importance of maternal contributions to otolith microchemistry during vitellogenesis, it is our contention that such contributions ultimately depend on the ecology and reproductive physiology of each species. Further, a mass inshore migration of adult southern flounder during their spawning season is counter to the well-documented life history patterns for this species throughout its range. While we appreciate Morais' perspective, we continue to stand by the conclusion of our original paper.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,26(4):1644-1659
The formation of a series of intermountain basins is likely to indicate a geodynamic transition, especially in the case of such basins within the central South China Block (CSCB). Determining whether or not these numerous intermountain basins represent a division of the Cretaceous Pan-Yangtze Basin by exhumation of Xuefeng Mountains, is key to understanding the late Mesozoic to early Cenozoic tectonics of the South China Block (SCB). Here we present apatite fission track (AFT) data and time–temperature modeling in order to reconstruct the evolution history of the Pan-Yangtze Basin. Fourteen rock samples were taken from a NE–SW-trending mountain–basin system within the CSCB, including, from west to east, the Wuling Mountains (Wuling Shan), the south and north Mayang basins, the Xuefeng Mountains (Xuefeng Shan) and the Hengyang Basin. Cretaceous lacustrine sequences are well preserved in the south and north Mayang and Hengyang basins, and sporadically crop out in the Xuefeng Mountains, whereas Paleogene piedmont proluvial–lacustrine sequences are only found in the south Mayang and Hengyang basins. AFT results indicate that the Wuling and Xuefeng mountains underwent rapid denudation post-84 Ma, whereas the south and north Mayang basins were more slowly uplifted from 67 and 84 Ma, respectively. Following a quiescent period from 32 to 19 Ma, both the mountains and basins have been rapidly denuded since 19 Ma. Both the AFT data and sedimentary facies changes suggest that the Cretaceous deposits that cover the south–north Mayang and Hengyang basins through to the Xuefeng Mountains define the Cretaceous Pan-Yangtze Basin. Integrating our results with tectonic background for the SCB, we propose that rollback subduction of the paleo-Pacific Plate produced the Pan-Yangtze Basin, which was divided into the south–north Mayang and Hengyang basins by the abrupt uplift and exhumation of the Xuefeng Mountains from 84 Ma to present, apart from a period of tectonic inactivity from 32 to 19 Ma. This late Late Cretaceous to Paleogene denudation resulted from movement on the Ziluo strike–slip fault, which formed due to intra-continental compression most likely associated with the Eurasia–Indian plate subduction and collision. Sinistral transpression along the Ailao Shan–Red River Fault at 34–17 Ma probably transformed this compression to the extrusion of the Indochina Block, and produced the quiescent window period from 32 to 19 Ma for the mountain–basin system in the CSCB. Therefore, the initiation of exhumation of the Xuefeng Mountains at 84 Ma indicates a switch in tectonic regime from Cretaceous extension to late Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic compression.  相似文献   

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