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The Qilian Mountains, as a major orogenic belt in the northeastern margin of the Tibetan plateau, is the forefront of the expansion of the plateau to the northeast, where thrusts and folds dominate tectonic deformation. The Baiyang River starts from the inner Qilian Mountains, flowing northward across various structures, and finally into the Jiuxi Basin. This work focused on exhaustive investigations to the terraces on this river to characterize the Late Quaternary tectonic deformation in this region. The results show that (1)these river terraces on the Baiyang River are segmented, of which multiple levels developed at steep terrains and anticlines in the basin. Bounded by the Niutou Mountains, mainly 2-3 and 4-5 levels of terraces formed in the upper and lower reaches, respectively. (2)The longitudinal profiles along the river suggest a vertical motion rate of the Changma fault as (0.32±0.09)mm/a and crustal shortening rate (0.12±0.09)mm/a. There was no vertical activity since the formation of T5 surface (13ka)on the Hanxia-Dahuanggou fault. At the terrace T5 (9ka)on the Laojunmiao anticline, fold uplift amounts (6.55±0.5)m and shortening amounts (3.47±0.5)m, yielding uplift and shortening rates (1.23±0.81)mm/a and (0.67±0.44)mm/a, respectively. The Baiyang River anticline began to be active about 300ka with uplift and shortening rates (0.21±0.02)mm/a and (0.14±0.03)mm/a, respectively since 170ka. (3)In the Qilian Mountains, there were two different deformation characteristics in response to the expansion of the Tibetan plateau. Shear deformation dominates the inner Qilian Mountains, which is manifested as lateral extrusion of blocks. In the northern margin of Qilian Mountains and Jiuxi Basin, the deformation is dominated by compression, expressing crustal shortening and uplift, and the shortening within the basin accounts about half of the total deformation.  相似文献   

用岷江都江堰—汶川段晚第四纪阶地面的变形量估算了龙门山断裂带中段的滑动速率。岷江及其支流发育3级晚第四纪河流阶地,阶地面的年龄分别约为10,20,50kaBP。阶地纵剖面在茂汶-汶川断裂、北川-映秀断裂和江油-灌县断裂处有明显的垂直变形。断裂活动具有间歇性特点,晚第四纪以来有过3期活动,其起始时间分别为50,20,10kaBP。依据各级阶地面年龄和变形量估算的茂汶-汶川断裂、北川-映秀断裂和江油-灌县断裂晚第四纪逆冲滑动速率分别为0.5,0.6~0.3,0.2mm/a;据阶地走滑位错估算的茂汶-汶川断裂和北川-映秀断裂的晚第四纪右旋走滑速率均约为1mm/a。现代河床之下发育很厚的河流堆积物表明,龙门山的构造抬升经历了较为复杂的过程  相似文献   

The Longmenshan fault zone is located in eastern margin of Tibetan plateau and bounded on the east by Sichuan Basin, and tectonically the location is very important. It has a deep impact on the topography, geomorphology, geological structure and seismicity of southwestern China. It is primarily composed of multiple parallel thrust faults, namely, from northwest to southeast, the back-range, the central, the front-range and the piedmont hidden faults, respectively. The MS8.0 Wenchuan earthquake of 12th May 2008 ruptured the central and the front-range faults. But the earthquake didn't rupture the back-range fault. This shows that these two faults are both active in Holocene. But until now, we don't know exactly the activity of the back-range fault. The back-range fault consists of the Pingwu-Qingchuan Fault, the Wenchuan-Maoxian Fault and the Gengda-Longdong Fault. Through satellite image(Google Earth)interpretation, combining with field investigation, we preliminarily found out that five steps of alluvial platforms or terraces have been developed in Minjiang region along the Wenchuan-Maoxian Fault. T1 and T2 terraces are more continuous than T3, T4 and T5 terraces. Combining with the previous work, we discuss the formation ages of the terraces and conclude, analyze and summarize the existing researches about the terraces of Minjiang River. We constrain the ages of T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 surfaces to 3~10ka BP,~20ka BP, 40~50ka BP, 60ka BP and 80ka BP, respectively. Combining with geomorphologic structural interpretation, measurements of the cross sections of the terraces by differential GPS and detailed site visits including terraces, gullies and other geologic landforms along the fault, we have reason to consider that the Wenchuan-Maoxian Fault was active between the formation age of T3 and T2 terrace, but inactive since T2 terrace formed. Its latest active period should be the middle and late time of late Pleistocene, and there is no activity since the Holocene. Combining with the knowledge that the central and the front-range faults are both Quaternary active faults, the activity of Longmenshan fault zone should have shifted to the central and the front-range faults which are closer to the basin, this indicates that the Longmenshan thrust belt fits the "Piggyback Type" to some extent.  相似文献   

龙门山前山断裂北段晚第四纪活动性研究   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:16  
5月12日汶川8.0级地震沿龙门山断裂带中央断裂映秀—石坎段、前山断裂白鹿—汉旺段形成了典型的逆断层-褶皱地震地表形变带,两侧构筑物遭受了毁灭性的破坏。中央断裂地震地表形变带突破了以往所认识的断裂活动分段边界,向北扩展了约60km,余震亦具有从中段向北段迁移的趋势。龙门山断裂带北段在此次地震中地表有什么影响或破坏?该段晚第四纪是否有过地震活动?在前人工作的基础上,我们对前山断裂北段的地震地表特征和晚第四纪活动性进行了详细的地质地貌调查,并重点选择2个影像线性特征清晰、震害较强烈的疑似地点进行了探槽揭露,以期为解决这些问题以及灾后重建积累翔实可靠的基础资料及获得相应的初步认识。主要结论是:前山断裂北段地质地貌、构造、5月12日汶川8.0级地震的地表表现等与其南侧的灌县-安县断裂(中段)均存在显著差异,晚第四纪活动迹象不明显,前山断裂晚第四纪活动段可能终止在永安镇往南一带;永安镇一带前人认为的"活动断裂陡坎"应为侵蚀河岸  相似文献   

龙门山断裂带北段晚第四纪活动性讨论   总被引:43,自引:11,他引:43       下载免费PDF全文
在野外考察的基础上 ,结合所采集的各条断裂之上的覆盖物或断层带物质的热释光 (TL)或电子自旋共振 (ESR)样品年龄 ,对龙门山断裂带北段的晚第四纪活动性进行了分析 ,认为 :后山断裂在第四纪早 -中期曾有过活动 ,晚更新世以来已不再活动 ;中央断裂早更新世或前第四纪是活动的 ;前山断裂在白龙江以北变成一些小的、零星分布的断裂 ,它们在第四纪早期以前有过活动。而已有研究表明龙门山断裂带中段和西南段晚第四纪以来仍在活动。造成龙门山断裂带不同段落新活动时代不同的主要原因 ,可能是区域应力场的变化所导致的活动地块边界的变化。龙门山断裂带的北段现在已不构成活动块体的边界 ,加之岷山隆起对龙门山断裂带东北段的屏障作用 ,使得龙门山断裂带北段活动减弱。而龙门山推覆构造带中南段和岷山隆起构造带共同成为块体持续挤压作用的东界。这为研究青藏高原的运动学及动力学等问题提供了重要信息  相似文献   

龙门山断裂带南段错断晚更新世以来地层的证据   总被引:34,自引:14,他引:34       下载免费PDF全文
在野外实地考察基础上,研究人工开挖剖面并使用现代测年技术后,发现龙门山断裂带南段的前山断裂和中央断裂自晚更新世以来发生过强烈的活动。可以分辩出龙门山前山断裂南段大川- 双石断裂错断距今5-74 万a 以来的冲积层,垂直位移1-74m ;中央断裂南段五龙断裂在错断距今9 万a 左右的冲洪积地层后,被距今约7-85 万a 的坡积层覆盖,剖面上地层的垂直位移为0-73m  相似文献   

On 20 April 2013, a destructive earthquake, the Lushan MS7.0 earthquake, occurred in the southern segment of the Longmenshan Fault zone, the eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau in Sichuan, China. This earthquake did not produce surface rupture zone, and its seismogenic structure is not clear. Due to the lack of Quaternary sediment in the southern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone and the fact that fault outcrops are not obvious, there is a shortage of data concerning the tectonic activity of this region. This paper takes the upper reaches of the Qingyijiang River as the research target, which runs through the Yanjing-Wulong Fault, Dachuan-Shuangshi Fault and Lushan Basin, with an attempt to improve the understanding of the tectonic activity of the southern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone and explore the seismogenic structure of Lushan earthquake. In the paper, the important morphological features and tectonic evolution of this area were reviewed. Then, field sites were selected to provide profiles of different parts of the Qingyijiang River terraces, and the longitudinal profile of the terraces of the Qingyijiang River in the south segment of the Longmenshan fault zone was reconstructed based on geological interpretation of high-resolution remote sensing images, continuous differential GPS surveying along the terrace surfaces, geomorphic field evidence, and correlation of the fluvial terraces. The deformed longitudinal profile reveals that the most active tectonics during the late Quaternary in the south segment of the Longmenshan Fault zone are the Yanjing-Wulong Fault and the Longmenshan range front anticline. The vertical thrust rate of the Yanjing-Wulong Fault is nearly 0.6~1.2mm/a in the late Quaternary. The tectonic activity of the Longmenshan range front anticline may be higher than the Yanjing-Wulong Fault. Combined with the relocations of aftershocks and other geophysical data about the Lushan earthquake, we found that the seismogenic structure of the Lushan earthquake is the range front blind thrust and the back thrust fault, and the pop-up structure between the two faults controls the surface deformation of the range front anticline.  相似文献   

柯坪推覆构造的变形量和变形速率对于认识中国大陆的地球动力学过程有重要意义,但晚第四纪以来的变形特征与缩短速率是众多研究中的薄弱环节。文中通过大量的野外调查、探槽开挖、变形地貌面实测与阶地堆积物的测年,分析了柯坪推覆构造普昌断裂以东部分的晚第四纪变形样式、变形量和缩短速率。晚第四纪以来,研究区在地表和近地表的变形主要通过2种形式表现出来:低角度逆断层运动和新褶皱的弯曲变形。这些变形主要由最新地貌面的隆升和缩短来实现。研究区存在2个变形强度大的地段,缩短速率西段为1·32mm/a;东段为1·39mm/a  相似文献   

The Beiluntai Fault is a Holocene active fault. It is the boundary between southern Tian Shan and Tarim Basin. Since the late Quaternary, steady activities of the Beiluntai fault have resulted in offsets, folds, and uplift of pluvial terraces. We used the high-resolution RTK topographic surveys to reveal that the fault scarp morphology on the Akeaiken(Ak) segment and Zhuanchang(Zc) segment of the Beiluntai fault. We found that the crustal shortening of Ak and Zc segments are dominated by thrusting and folding-uplift, respectively. We employed th optically stimulated luminescence(OSL) dating method to develop a new chronology for the different pluvial terraces, indicating that they formed at 49.14~58.51, 27±3, 13.72~14.64, 7.13±0.88, (3.32±0.43) ka, respectively. These data permitted to estimate the crustal shortening rate(about 2.4mm/a) remains largely constant on the Ak segment, while the crustal shortening rate of Zc segment was 1.43~1.81mm/a since the Fan4 pluvial terraces was abandoned. Compared with the Ak segment, the crustal shortening rate of the Zc segment declined obviously. This shows that the NS-trending crustal shortening rate of the Beituntai fault decreased gradually from west to east. A comprehensive comparison of the reverse fault-fold belt system in the front of southern Tian Shan also indicates that the crustal shortening rate drops from west to east.  相似文献   

Based on the 1︰50000 active fault geological mapping, combining with high-precision remote imaging, field geological investigation and dating technique, the paper investigates the stratum, topography and faulted landforms of the Huashan Piedmont Fault. Research shows that the Huashan Piedmont Fault can be divided into Lantian to Huaxian section (the west section), Huaxian to Huayin section (the middle section) and Huayin to Lingbao section (the east section) according to the respective different fault activity. The fault in Lantian to Huaxian section is mainly contacted by loess and bedrock. Bedrock fault plane has already become unsmooth and mirror surfaces or striations can not be seen due to the erosion of running water and wind. 10~20m high fault scarps can be seen ahead of mountain in the north section near Mayu gully and Qiaoyu gully, and we can see Malan loess faulted profiles in some gully walls. In this section terraces are mainly composed of T1 and T2 which formed in the early stage of Holocene and late Pleistocene respectively. Field investigation shows that T1 is continuous and T2 is dislocated across the fault. These indicate that in this section the fault has been active in the late Pleistocene and its activity becomes weaker or no longer active after that. In the section between Huaxian and Huayin, neotectonics is very obvious, fault triangular facets are clearly visible and fault scarps are in linear distribution. Terrace T1, T2 and T3 develop well on both sides of most gullies. Dating data shows that T1 forms in 2~3ka BP, T2 forms in 6~7ka BP, and T3 forms in 60~70ka BP. All terraces are faulted in this section, combing with average ages and scarp heights of terraces, we calculate the average vertical slip rates during the period of T3 to T2, T2 to T1 and since the formation of T1, which are 0.4mm/a, 1.1mm/a and 1.6mm/a, and among them, 1.1mm/a can roughly represent as the average vertical slip rate since the middle stage of Holocene. Fault has been active several times since the late period of late Pleistocene according to fault profiles, in addition, Tanyu west trench also reveals the dislocation of the culture layer of(0.31~0.27)a BP. 1~2m high scarps of floodplains which formed in(400~600)a BP can be seen at Shidiyu gully and Gouyu gully. In contrast with historical earthquake data, we consider that the faulted culture layer exposed by Tanyu west trench and the scarps of floodplains are the remains of Huanxian MS8½ earthquake. The fault in Huayin to Lingbao section is also mainly contacted by loess and mountain bedrock. Malan loess faulted profiles can be seen at many river outlets of mountains. Terrace geomorphic feature is similar with that in the west section, T1 is covered by thin incompact Holocene sand loam, and T2 is covered by Malan loess. OSL dating shows that T2 formed in the early to middle stage of late Pleistocene. Field investigation shows that T1 is continuous and T2 is dislocated across the fault. These also indicate that in this section fault was active in the late Pleistocene and its activity becomes weaker or no longer active since Holocene. According to this study combined with former researches, we incline to the view that the seismogenic structure of Huanxian MS8½ earthquake is the Huashan Piedmont Fault and the Northern Margin Fault of Weinan Loess, as for whether there are other faults or not awaits further study.  相似文献   

阿尔金构造系晚更新世中晚期以来的逆冲活动   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
在阿尔金构造系中,阿尔金走滑断裂具有逆冲分量。文中将阿尔金构造系的逆冲活动分为西、中、东3段描述。西段从阿依耐克至车尔臣河河口,阿尔金南缘断裂具有逆冲活动迹象,在山前发育了规模较小的逆冲断层,有较新的地貌面被错动;中段从车尔臣河河口至拉配泉一带,在阿尔金山北缘发育大规模的逆冲断层,有较新的地貌面被错动;东段从拉配泉至宽滩山,逆冲断层有2种形式,此段阿尔金北缘断裂有逆冲分量,同时在阿尔金山北缘及山前冲洪积扇上发育逆冲断裂。自晚更新世中晚期以来,中段及东段逆冲速率<2mm/a。中段西部江尕拉萨依地区自16kaBP以来逆冲速率约为0.33mm/a,中部米兰桥一带自32kaBP以来的逆冲速率约为1.42mm/a。东段最大的逆冲速率在近中部的团结乡,自约5.31kaBP以来达到约1.81mm/a,向东西两端有减小的趋势,在西部柳城子自约72.36kaBP以来的逆冲速率为0.57mm/a,而东端的红柳沟自约8.99kaBP以来仅为0.05mm/a。团结乡地区约自19kaBP以来,逆冲活动有增强的趋势  相似文献   

日月山断裂南段晚第四纪活动特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The fault along the southern margin of the Wuwei Basin, located in the eastern Hexi Corridor, NW China, plays an important role in the thrust fault system in the northern Qilian Mountains. The activities of this fault resulted in the generation of the Gulang earthquake(MS8.0) in 1927. Based on remote sensing image interpretation, geological and geomorphic observations in the field and 14C geochronological dating results, we conducted a detailed research on the geometry and kinematics of the fault. According to the discontinuous geometric distribution and variable strike directions, we divide this fault into 5 segments: Kangningqiao Fault(F1), Nanyinghe Fault(F2), Shangguchengcun-Zhangliugou Fault(F3), Tajiazhuang Fault(F4)and Yanjiazhuang Fault(F5). Results indicate that this fault, with a total of 60km long trace at the surface, has been active since the late Pleistocene. It behaves predominantly as a thrust fault and is accompanied with a locally sinistral strike-slip component along the Nanyinghe Fault(F2). Intensive activities of this fault in Holocene have caused extensive occurrence of dislocated landforms along its strike. Some measured displacements of the dislocated geologic or geomorphic units, combined with the 14C dating results, yield a vertical slip rate of (0.44±0.08)mm/a on this fault in Holocene, and a sinistral strike-slip rate of (1.43±0.08)mm/a on the Nanyinhhe Fault (F2) in late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

基于钻探的芦花台隐伏断层晚第四纪活动特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
芦花台断层是银川盆地内一条重要的隐伏构造。在浅层地震勘探成果的基础上,开展了钻孔联合剖面探测和钻孔样品测试,获得了断层上断点埋深、最新活动时代、晚第四纪累计位移和滑动速率等数据。结果表明:芦花台隐伏断层北段和南段的活动性不同,南段为中更新世末活动断层,北段为全新世活动断层;在北段内,断层活动强度在空间上表现为由北向南增强,在时间上表现为晚更新世活动强于全新世。  相似文献   

滇西北通甸-巍山断裂中段的晚第四纪滑动速率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通甸-巍山断裂属于红河断裂带的分支断裂,目前对该断裂中段的晚第四纪活动特征研究较少。野外地质地貌调查和年代学研究结果表明,通甸-巍山断裂中段是以右旋走滑运动为主,兼有张性正断的全新世活动断裂,其最新活动时代距今约2.2ka。晚更新世中晚期以来断裂中段平均水平滑动速率为1.25mm/a,全新世晚期以来垂直运动趋于增强。该研究不仅为该断裂的地震危险性评价工作提供了基础资料,而且有助于理解川滇菱形块体西南边界构造变形的空间分配特点  相似文献   

黄河中上游河段是横贯整个“柴达木 -祁连山活动地块”的贯流水系。通过对青海共和至宁夏石嘴山段长约 180 0km的黄河中上游阶地的系统考察、阶地剖面实测和年代测定 ,绘制了该河段的阶地纵剖面图。综合分析各段的阶地级数、高度、年代及变形特征得到以下认识 :该流域可划分为若干个次级活动地块 ,表现在不同地块之间的阶地抬升幅度和速率存在较大差别 ;活动地块内部在较大程度上具刚性特征 ,表现在块体内部阶地级数、高度和形成年代基本相当 ;阶地纵剖面反映的本区活动地块自 1.6MaB .P .以来的抬升量大于 3.6~ 1.6MaB .P .的抬升量 ;柴达木 -祁连山活动地块距今 1万年以来和 15~ 2 0万年间存在 2次强烈的构造抬升运动  相似文献   

龙门山断裂带地壳密度结构   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
研究龙门山及邻区地壳密度结构对于认识该地区地震活动性具有重要意义.根据龙门山及邻区( 100°~105°E,28°~33°N)的布格重力异常资料,选取了跨越龙门山断裂带的6条重力测线,在深地震测深资料约束下,使用Geosoft软件分别反演出了龙门山地区地下的沉积层、康拉德界面和莫霍面的深度分布.研究结果表明:龙门山断裂带两侧的地壳结构明显不同,西面高原地区沉积层较薄,大部分为基岩出露;而东边盆地沉积层明显较厚,多在6km以上.莫霍面和康拉德面在两侧均相对平缓,康拉德面从东部的大约24km增加到青藏高原山区的35km左右;莫霍面深度从东部盆地的大约42km增加到西部青藏高原的67km左右.龙门山断裂带整体表现为一条近SN向的陡变重力梯度带,并在其地壳内各界面均发生错断,莫霍面和康拉德面错断距离分别达6 ~ 7km和3~ 5km.该区地壳的这种陡变和不均匀性是导致地震活动性强烈的主要原因之一.  相似文献   

焉耆盆地是塔里木盆地东北缘天山山间的重要坳陷区,盆地北缘发育的和静逆断裂-褶皱带是一条现今活动强烈的逆断裂-褶皱带,对其第四纪以来缩短量和隆升量的计算有利于分析该区域的构造活动情况,对缩短速率和隆升速率的估计可以与天山造山带其他区域的活动速率进行横向对比,从而反映出焉耆盆地在天山晚新生代构造变形的作用。在深部资料不足的情况下,对背斜形态完整、构造样式简单的和静逆断裂-褶皱带,利用地表可获得的地层和断层产状,通过恢复褶皱几何形态,计算褶皱的缩短量、隆升量和断层滑动量,得到逆断裂-褶皱带早更新世晚期(1.8Ma)、中更新世(780ka)和晚更新世中期(80ka)以来的缩短量分别为1.79km、0.88km和26m,初步估计的缩短速率分别为0.99mm/a、1.13mm/a和0.33mm/a。显示和静逆断裂-褶皱带自开始形成以来构造活动强度并不一致。与地壳形变观测结果对比,作为南天山东段最主要的坳陷区,焉耆盆地吸收了这一区域(86°~88°E)的大部分地壳缩短,且主要表现为盆地北缘新生逆断裂-褶皱带的强烈变形。  相似文献   

根据断层位错和地貌位置,麦凯段断层陡坎分为三组,它们是三次史前地震的产物。根据位错量和陡坎长度对比,史前地震的震级大约为7级。利用扩散方程模拟史前7级地震发生的重复时间间隔是5—11千年  相似文献   

龙门山断裂带北段第四纪活动的地质地貌证据   总被引:19,自引:7,他引:19  
以龙门山断裂带北段中的青川断裂、茶坝-林庵寺断裂沿线的地质地貌为研究对象,在青川断裂沿线的土关铺、大安,茶坝-林庵寺断裂上的薛家沟、胡家坝等地,对断裂附近的河流地貌进行了详细的构造地貌制图。龙门山断裂带北段所在地区的河流一般发育5级阶地,T1阶地拔河高度3~5m,为全新世堆积阶地。T2阶地拔河高度10m左右,为晚更新世基座阶地。T3阶地拔河高度一般为30~35m,为晚更新世早期形成的基座阶地。T4阶地拔河高度60~70m,残留的阶地砾石层中花岗岩、砂岩砾石已经被强风化,只保留砾石的形态。T5阶地拔河高度为90m左右,阶地堆积物被剥蚀殆尽。青川断裂、茶坝-林庵寺断裂在河流的T4和T5阶地上形成宽30~180m的断层槽地,深度达8~20m,T4阶地砾石层底面落差达10~15m。T3阶地上不发育断层槽地,或断层两盘的T3阶地拔河高度一致,一些地段断层被T3阶地砾石层覆盖。因此认为,这两条断裂在T3阶地形成之前,T4阶地形成之后有过强烈的活动  相似文献   

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