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Previous research rarely considers the biogeochemistry process of the whole rock weathering layer-soil profile. The aim of Critical Zone science is re-understanding the structure and function of ecosystems from the canopy to bedrock, which emphasizes the relationship of material and energy between atmosphere and plant, between plant and soil, between soil and river in small watershed on the watershed scale. Carbon fixation and allocation are the key starting processes. Decomposition and transformation of soil carbon are the key turnover processes. Carbon migration and balance in small watershed are the key transfer processes. Further research is needed in the process, mechanism and ecology function of ecosystem carbon cycle from the canopy to bedrock based on the watershed scale. Carbon isotope technology has the function of indication, tracing and integration. Based on the 13C natural tracing and artificial labelling methods, we can further understand the process and mechnism of carbon biogeochemistry.  相似文献   

稻田土壤碳循环关键微生物过程的计量学调控机制探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
稻田生态系统碳循环是我国陆地生态系统碳循环的重要组成部分,微生物驱动的稻田土壤碳循环(输入、分配、稳定等过程)的生物地球化学过程是土壤碳循环过程研究的核心。目前,对稻田土壤碳循环过程及其机制的认识缺乏基于生态化学计量学层面的研究。因此,系统解析耦合化学—生物—环境要素的稻田土壤碳循环的关键过程是深入研究当前面临的诸多土壤生物化学问题(如土壤碳循环与土壤肥力、温室气体减排等)的科学瓶颈。在综合分析计量学的基本内涵与土壤计量学发展需求的基础上,论述了稻田土壤有明显区别于其他土壤类型的土壤发生学和生物化学特点,重点评述了稻田土壤碳循环的3个主要过程的研究进展,包括:1稻田土壤新鲜有机质转化、矿化的关键微生物过程计量;2典型水稻土CH4产生的关键微生物过程计量;3典型水稻土微生物CO2光合同化功能的计量。在此基础上,探讨了土壤生物化学过程统计学和数学模型在土壤计量学研究中的应用,并提出了稻田土壤碳循环关键微生物过程的计量学特征研究的发展趋势和科学问题展望。期望能够通过这些探讨对推动我国该研究领域的基础理论建设和新技术发展有所贡献。  相似文献   

氮输入对陆地生态系统碳循环关键过程的影响   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
碳氮作为陆地生态系统最关键的两大生源要素,它们在自然界的循环过程中不仅各自对全球变暖做出重要贡献,而且两者的循环过程显著耦合,互相影响各自的作用和效果。从氮元素对植物光合作用、呼吸作用以及土壤呼吸作用影响的角度入手,综述了氮输入对陆地生态系统碳固定和碳排放这两个碳循环关键过程的影响特征和机理,分析了陆地生态系统碳源汇对氮素变化响应的不确定性,在此基础上对未来的相关重点研究方向进行了探讨和展望。  相似文献   

Advance of Karst Critical Zone and Its Carbon Cycle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The category of karst critical zone includes surface karst zones with strong carbon-water-calcium cycle composed of atmosphere-precipitation-vegetation-soil-fissure-bedrock-water and huge karst underground space composed of karst pipeline/fissure-cave-underground river-aquifer, which is the frontier direction of karst earth system science research. This paper summarized the research results of carbon cycle and its effect on atmospheric CO2 source and sink from the scientific development of karst earth system up to now, including the early carbon migration model,the calculation methods and results of current mainstream regional carbon sink and the new discovery of bio-carbon pump, etc. It discussed the problems that the current research frameworks of karst carbon cycle are too single or inconsistent and time scales of carbon turnover are not the same. It was proposed that systematic monitoring of carbon input, storage and output in karst critical zone should be carried out. The importance of karst carbon sinks in the global carbon cycle model should be more convincing through the construction of online high-resolution monitoring sites and the "3S" technology to achieve point-to-area research.  相似文献   

岩溶关键带及其碳循环研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岩溶关键带的范畴包含了大气-(降水)-植被-土壤-裂隙-基岩-水组成的“碳-水-钙”循环强烈的表层岩溶带以及岩溶管道-洞穴-地下河-隔水层组成的巨大岩溶地下空间,岩溶关键带碳循环是岩溶地球系统科学研究的前沿方向。总结概括了岩溶地球系统科学发展至今的岩溶关键带范畴内碳循环及其对大气CO2源汇效应的研究成果,包括早期碳运移模型、当前主流的区域岩溶碳汇量的计算方法和结果以及“生物碳泵”的新发现等,讨论了当前岩溶碳循环研究框架过于单一或不一致以及碳周转时间尺度等问题,提出应对岩溶关键带碳输入、赋存以及碳输出的各个环节做出系统化监测,通过联网在线高分辨率监测站点的建设以及“3S”技术实现点位到区域的研究,使岩溶碳汇在全球碳循环模型中的重要性更具说服力。  相似文献   

国内外不少学者认为中国东部中生代岩石圈演化与太平洋板块向欧亚大陆俯冲、消减有关,近年来作者从岩石圈-软流层深部地质过程审视中国东部岩石圈演化问题发现,中国东部中生代早期(三叠纪至侏罗纪)岩石圈演化与太平洋板块向欧亚大陆俯冲消减没有直接的关系,它们可能是一种源自中国东部周边东亚洋盆系的一些洋盆向中国东部大陆俯冲消减碰撞造山以及由它们引发的中国东部大陆内的软流层上涌的深部地质作用联合作用的结果。软流层上涌作用自始至终控制着中国东部大陆岩石圈与软流层之间以及壳幔之间的层圈拆离,底侵作用以及岩石圈变形缩短、伸展和岩浆活动。  相似文献   

大洋碳循环与气候演变的热带驱动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪气候演变研究的最大突破,在于地球轨道变化驱动冰期旋回的米兰柯维奇理论。然而近年来学术界对热带过程和大气CO2浓度变化的研究进展,暴露了传统的轨道驱动理论存在着对低纬区和碳循环在全球气候系统中作用估计不足的严重缺陷。国家重点基础研究发展计划项目"大洋碳循环与气候演变的热带驱动"拟以南海与西太平洋暖池的深海记录为依据,进行全球性对比和跨越地球圈层的探索,通过观测分析结果与数值模拟的结合、地质记录与现代过程的结合,检验和论证大洋碳储库长周期变化机制的假说,对于不同时间尺度上低纬过程如何通过碳循环在全球气候环境演变中的作用,实现理论上的突破。同时简要介绍了该项目的目的、科学意义、关键科学问题及预期目标等。  相似文献   

中国位于全球三大成矿域的交汇部位,成矿条件优越.同时发育有几种独具特色的成矿系统,如西南大面积低温成矿域、峨眉山地幔柱成矿系统以及广泛分布在华北的前寒武纪条带状铁矿,引起国内外地质学界的广泛关注.对这3种特殊的成矿系统近年来的科研进展进行了综述性回顾,并提出今后需要加强研究的若干重要科学问题.  相似文献   

粘土矿物保存海洋沉积有机质研究进展及其碳循环意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海洋沉积物吸附有机质的量和有机质循环周期与粘土矿物类型和吸附方式密切相关,并在全球碳循环中扮演着不同的角色。粘土吸附有机质有物理吸附和化学吸附之分,前者主要存在于粘土的微孔隙中,参与年、十年或百年尺度的循环;后者主要存在于粘土矿物层间和外表面,稳定性较好,有机质易于保存,可参与百万年或更长时间的循环,这种不同时间尺度内的碳循环,将会改写海洋沉积物有机碳“源”、“汇”的关系。不同类型粘土矿物的性质存在差异,决定了吸附有机质量的多寡,蒙脱石的吸附量远大于伊利石的吸附量,这可能是造成全球不同海域中有机碳“源”、“汇”变化的原因。海洋沉积物处于水圈、生物圈和岩石圈的交汇地带,有机碳的差异和变化,都会对全球碳循环及气候变化产生重要的影响。  相似文献   

The study of the geochemical characteristics of the POC in the seamount area will be of great significance for further understanding the material cycle process in the seamount ecosystem. Based on a comprehensive survey of the Kocebu seamount in the Western Pacific Ocean in March, 2018, the distribution, source and composition of Particulate Organic Carbon (POC) in the seawater of the Kocebu seamount area were discussed. The results showed that the concentration of POC in the Kocebu seamount area gradually decreased with the increasing water depth, and slightly rose in the water layers near the bottom of the seamount. The average concentration of POC in each water mass was sorted from high to low in the order of North Pacific Tropic Water, North Pacific Intermediate Water and Deep Water (DW), and the concentration of POC at stations near the seamount summit was lower than that far from the seamount in the DW. There was upwelling at the water layers of 750~1 500 m above the seamount summit, causing the uplift of the 12.50 μg/L POC isoline in this region, however, no “seamount effect” was formed. The POC was mainly imported from the sea with an average POC/PON of 3.75. At the water layers of 0~300 m, only the POC/chlorophyll a (Chl a) at deep chlorophyll maximum layer was less than 200, indicating that the POC in this region was mainly in a form of life, while at the water layer of 300 m, the POC/Chl a increased sharply, indicating that the non-living POC contributed the most to the total POC.  相似文献   

宋天泽 《冰川冻土》2011,33(2):261-267
2010年7月参加第三届北京中学生北极科学考察活动,收集了北极沿岸地区的挪威斯瓦尔巴德群岛(Svalbard)、冰岛、格陵兰沿岸地区的海水、沿岸海水、海冰表面冰样、地表径流等水体样品,对样品进行了氢氧稳定同位素成分测定,分析了北极沿岸地区水体的水循环过程.结果表明,该地区不同水体中的稳定同位素具有不同特征.沿岸海水中δ...  相似文献   

太平洋海山成矿系统与成矿作用过程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
文中初步探讨了太平洋海山富钴结壳成矿系统的结构与成矿作用过程。海山成矿系统的控矿要素主要包括地质要素和海洋要素,地质要素主要包括海山的形成、迁移、沉降和水道的开合等,海洋要素主要包括大洋温盐环流、最低含氧带(OMZ)、文石溶跃面、碳酸盐补偿深度和海山周围海水的动力情况等。重点分析了海山漂移和沉降、水道开合、最低含氧带变化、大洋环流以及气候变化等要素对富钴结壳成矿的控制作用。海山为富钴结壳成矿提供了一个容矿空间,稳定的基岩,即长期稳定的容矿空间,是富钴结壳成矿的基本条件;海山的形成年龄、海山的迁移和水道的开合决定并改变了富钴结壳的成矿背景条件,促使海山成矿系统发生演化。最低含氧带作为富钴结壳成矿的地球化学障,是直接的矿源层;而海山周边的地形旋涡沟通了最低含氧带与富氧、富铁的深层和底层水,使得最低含氧带中的成矿金属离子得到氧化,进而发生胶体凝聚沉淀,形成富钴结壳。以西太平洋海山成矿系统为例,将该区白垩纪以来富钴结壳成矿作用过程划分为5个阶段:(1)白垩纪—始新世,(2)始新世末—晚渐新世,(3)晚渐新世—中中新世早期,(4)中中新世早期—晚中新世早期,(5)晚中新世早期—现代,其中(2)、(3)阶段有利于发育富钴结壳。  相似文献   

Methane(CH4) is an important greenhouse gas, CH4 concentrations in atmosphere hve increased by 2-3 times since the Industrial Revolution. Considering the huge CH4 storage in the Arctic Ocean, the fast increasing flux and their consequences are attracting more and more attention. This paper summarized the advances in the study of CH4 in the Arctic Ocean, especially the distribution pattern and air-sea flux and its biogeochemical cycle in the Arctic Ocean. It also presented the research prospect for the future.  相似文献   

硅酸盐风化与全球碳循环研究回顾及新进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
硅酸盐风化是大气CO2的一个主要汇,直接影响到全球碳循环进而影响全球气候.自Walker等(1981)进行的开创工作以来,有关“硅酸盐风化-碳循环-气候变化”方面的研究大量涌现.从计算机模型到河流水化学研究,从流域面积超过百万平方公里的大河到数十数百平方公里的单岩性小河流,取得了很多重要的进展.从全球尺度上看,硅酸盐风化每年所消耗的大气CO2量为0.138~0.169 Gt,相比现在大气碳库中碳的含量(约800 Gt),乍看似乎是微不足道的,然而硅酸盐风化消耗CO2并将其作为碳酸盐矿物埋藏在海洋,它的存留时间超过了百万年.因此,在地质时间尺度上,硅酸盐风化是调节全球碳循环的一个重要机制.对小流域进行的研究发现,热带地区流经玄武岩/蛇绿岩的小流域有着最高的硅酸盐风化和大气CO2消耗速率,热带区域火山岩化学风化消耗的大气CO2占全球硅酸盐风化所消耗量的10%,而流域面积不到1%.  相似文献   

Along with the increase of population and extraordinary economic and social development, human appropriation of freshwater supply increases rapidly. Anthropogenic activities have become an important driving factor of the large-scale terrestrial water cycle. The hydrological effects of human water use have attracted growing attention. In this paper, we briefly reviewed the recent studies addressing the anthropogenic disturbance of the large-scale terrestrial water cycle. The review focused on the direct alteration of the water cycle for human needs, with special coverage for the primary aspects of human water use such as irrigation, domestic and industrial water use, reservoir regulation and groundwater mining. The state-of-the-art parameterization schemes of human water use for macroscale land surface hydrological modeling were introduced and the limitations of the schemes were discussed. Considering the impacts of human water use on the terrestrial water cycle is currently a challenge for macroscale land surface hydrological modeling, which hinders the use of the models in assessing water resources under changing environment. Further studies are needed to understand the interactions between human and water systems, to develop integrated assessment model of coupled human-water systems, and to assess regional and global water security.  相似文献   

太平洋海山钴结壳资源量估算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为合理地估算出太平洋海山钴结壳资源量, 基于我国西太平洋海山钴结壳拖网采样调查资料以及对太平洋海山钴结壳资源分布规律和钴结壳矿区圈定参数指标的深入研究, 创造性地按海山不同高度、不同洋壳年龄赋予不同结壳厚度, 进而首次计算出太平洋海山干结壳资源量为(507.06~1 014.11)×108 t, 锰为(111.15~222.29)×108 t, 钴为(3.04~6.08)×108 t, 镍为(2.23~4.46)×108 t, 铜为(0.66~1.32)×108 t, 结壳分布面积为2 062 862 km2.通过Co通量与结壳Co沉积量、结壳厚度的相关分析表明, 赋予不同洋壳年龄段的结壳厚度是理论厚度的6.10%~12.20%, 这与Ku et al.得出"结壳生长时间只占其整个生命史4%"的认识非常相近, 说明所赋结壳厚度基本合理, 得出的结壳资源量基本正确.为整个大洋海盆内海山钴结壳资源量的估算提供了新方法.   相似文献   

Water cycle includes natural water circulation and social economic system water cycle. The concept of virtual water provides a new method and means for studying social water circulation. This paper is based on the theory of water circulation in social and economic system, using input-output analysis method quantitatively describes the Tarim River basin of social water cycle paths and analysis of water resources management in Tarim River basin sustainable development process of the key issues. The results show that the main sectors of virtual water export in the Tarim River Basin are agriculture, petroleum, natural gas and food industry. Agricultural water accounts for more than 98% of total water consumption, most of which is transferred to the food and textile industries, and the food industry export water from the agricultural sector. Shandong Province is the largest virtual water transport area in the Tarim River Basin. The main sector of virtual water input in the Tarim River Basin is the metallurgical industry. Finally, in view of the problems arising from the inter-industrial and inter-regional social water circulation in the Tarim River basin, the paper puts forward the ways and strategies of regulating agricultural and industrial water use in the Tarim River Basin.  相似文献   

Continental margin sediments are important ocean carbon repository, and the internal carbon cycle is mainly driven by the mineralization processes of sedimentary organic matter. Most organic carbon is transformed to Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) by mineralization processes after being delivered to continental margin sediments, and DIC from pore water diffuses into the upper water column and participates in the ocean carbon cycle. At the same time, some DIC combines ions such as Ca2+ and Mg2+ and precipitates as authigenic carbonate minerals so that carbon is stored in the deposits. Based on the biogeochemical study of the mechanism and efficiency of organic matter burial, we discussed the interaction among sulfate reduction, methanogenesis and anaerobic oxidation of methane, and the effect of organic mineralization on the formation of authigenic carbonate. By reviewing the above-mentioned aspects, we can obtain a better understanding of the role of continental margin sediments in the global carbon cycling budgets as well as its climate and environmental effects.  相似文献   

Primary productivity has played an important role in the global carbon cycle during the Quaternary. The average Corg/N ratio was 7.0 from the core MD97-2140 in the West Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) over the last 1 755 ka, which indicates a main contribution of marine organic carbon to the organic matter in the sediments. Large fluctuations in mass accumulation rates (MARs) of biogenics and lithogenics from this core since the marine isotope stage (MIS) 6 reflected the moderate variability in oceanographic condi...  相似文献   

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