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The previously published results of a deep seismic refraction study of the Dead Sea—Gulf of Elat rift show crustal thinning underneath the rift and the presence of a 5 km thick velocity transition zone in the lower crust along the rift. The structural interpretation of the first-arrival data was revised using the detailed velocity-depth distribution.The revised crustal thicknesses are 35 km near Elat and 27 km, 160 km south of Elat.The crustal thinning and the presence of the velocity transition zone are interpreted as being the result of intrusion of upper mantle material into the lower crust, possibly representing the initial shape of the processes which have been active further south in the Red Sea since earlier times.  相似文献   

The seismicity of Israel has been evaluated from documented earthquake records of the present century and two years of routine monitoring of microearthquake activity by means of eleven stations spreading from the Gulf of Elat to northern Galilee.

The Dead Sea rift asserts itself as the tectonic feature that accounts for the seismicity of our region. The activity peaks at zones where the fault branches sideways or at a junction with other fault systems. In particular, the crescent fault of Wadi Faria seems to be a zone of high strain accumulation. This is probably the site of many historical earthquakes which caused inland and coastal damage. It is thus found that the most active fault today which constitutes the greatest seismic risk to Israeli metropolitan areas extends along the Dead Sea rift from 31.2°N to 33.4°N.

The seismicity around the Dead Sea conforms with the proposed movement along en-echelon faults. While the southwest segment is presently inactive, most of the seismic activity there is limited to the neighbourhood of its eastern shore with extreme seismicity at its southern tip near the prehistorical site of Bab-a-Dara'a. The seismicity of the Arava is much lower than the Jordan-Dead Sea section. The seismicity of the Israeli coast was found to be somewhat higher than that of the Arava.  相似文献   

We propose a basin-scale (~300 × 100 km) study of the pre-salt to salt sedimentary fill from the Suez rift based on outcrop and subsurface data. This study is a new synthesis of existing and newly acquired data using an integrated approach with (1) basin-scale synthesis of the structural framework, (2) stratigraphic architecture characterization of the entire Suez rift using sequence stratigraphy concepts, (3) lithologic maps reconstruction and interpretation, (4) isopach/depocenter maps interpolation to quantify sedimentary volumes, and (5) quantification of the sediment supply, mean carbonate and evaporite accumulation rates, and their integration into the rift dynamic. The Gulf of Suez is ca. 300-km-long and up to 80-km-wide rift structure, resulting from the late Oligocene to early Miocene rifting of the African and Arabian plates. The stratigraphic architecture has recorded five main stages of rift evolution, from rift initiation to finally tectonic quiescence characterized by salt deposits. Rift initiation (ca. 1–4 Myr duration): the Suez rift was initiated at the end of the Oligocene along the NNW-SSE trend of the Red Sea with evidences of active volcanism. Continental to lacustrine deposits only occurred in isolated depocenters. Sediment supply was relatively low. Rift widening (ca. 3 Myr duration): the rift propagated from south to north (Aquitanian), with first marine incursions from the Mediterranean Sea. The rift was subdivided into numerous depocenters controlled by active faults. Sedimentation was characterized by small carbonate platforms and associated sabkha deposits to the south and shallow open marine condition to the north with mixed sedimentation organized into an overall transgressive trend. Rift climax (ca. 5 Myr duration): the rift was then flooded during Burdigalian times recording the connection between the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. The faults were gradually connected and reliefs on the rift shoulders were high as evidenced by a strong increase of the uplift/subsidence rates and sediment supply. Three main depocenters were then individualized across the rift and correspond to the Darag, Central, and Southern basins. Sedimentation was characterized by very large Gilbert-type deltas along the eastern margin and associated submarine fans and turbidite systems along the basin axis. Isolated carbonate platforms and reefs mainly occurred in the Southern basin and along tilted block crests. Late syn-rift to rift narrowing (ca. 4 Myr duration): during the Langhian, the basin recorded several falls of relative sea level and bathymetry in the rift axis was progressively reduced. The former reliefs induced during the rift climax were quickly destroyed as evidenced by the drastic drop in sediment supply. Stratigraphic reconstruction indicates that the Central basin was restricted during lowstand period; meanwhile, open marine conditions prevailed to the north and south of the Suez rift. The Central basin, Zaafarana, and Morgan accommodation zones thus acted as a major divide between the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. During Serravalian times, the Suez rift also recorded several disconnections between the Mediterranean and Red seas as evidenced by massive evaporites in major fault-controlled depocenters. The Suez rift was occasionally characterized by N–S paleogeographic gradient with restricted setting to the north and open marine setting to the south (Red Sea). Tectonic quiescence to latest syn-rift (ca. 7 Myr duration): the Tortonian was then characterized by the deposition of very thick salt series (>1000 m) which recorded a period of maximum restriction for the Suez rift. The basin was still subdivided into several sub-basins bounded by major faults. The basin with a N-S paleogeographic gradient was totally and permanently disconnected from the Mediterranean Sea and connected to open marine condition via the Red Sea. The Messinian was also characterized by a thick salt series, but the evaporite typology and sedimentary systems distribution suggest a more humid climate than during Tortonian times. Pre-salt to salt transition was not sharp and lasted for ca. 4 Myr (Langhian-Serravalian). It was initiated as the result of the combined effect of (1) climatic changes with aridization and low water input from the catchments and (2) rift dynamic induced by plate tectonic reorganization that controlled the interplay between sea level and accommodation zones constituting sills.  相似文献   

This article outlines geomorphological and tectonic elements of the Afar Depression, and discusses its evolution. A combination of far-field stress, due to the convergence of the Eurasian and Arabian plates along the Zagros Orogenic Front, and uplift of the Afar Dome due to a rising mantle plume reinforced each other to break the lithosphere of the Arabian–Nubian Shield. Thermal anomalies beneath the Arabian–Nubian Shield in the range of 150 °C–200 °C, induced by a rising plume that mechanically and thermally eroded the base of the mantle lithosphere and generated pulses of prodigious flood basalt since ∼30 Ma. Subsequent to the stretching and thinning the Afar Dome subsided to form the Afar Depression. The fragmentation of the Arabian–Nubian Shield led to the separation of the Nubian, Arabian and Somalian Plates along the Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea and the Main Ethiopian Rift. The rotation of the intervening Danakil, East-Central, and Ali-Sabieh Blocks defined major structural trends in the Afar Depression. The Danakil Block severed from the Nubian plate at ∼20 Ma, rotated anti-clockwise, translated from lower latitude and successively moved north, left-laterally with respect to Nubia. The westward propagating Gulf of Aden rift breached the Danakil Block from the Ali-Sabieh Block at ∼2 Ma and proceeded along the Gulf of Tajura into the Afar Depression. The propagation and overlap of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden along the Manda Hararo–Gobaad and Asal–Manda Inakir rifts caused clockwise rotation of the East-Central Block. Faulting and rifting in the southern Red Sea, western Gulf of Aden and northern Main Ethiopian Rift superimposed on Afar. The Afar Depression initiated as diffused extension due to far-field stress and area increase over a dome elevated by a rising plume. With time, the lithospheric extension intensified, nucleated in weak zones, and developed into incipient spreading centers.  相似文献   

During mid-Oligocene to early-Miocene times the northeastern Afro-Arabian plate underwent changes, from continental breakup along the Red Sea in the south, to continental collision with Eurasia in the north and formation of the N–S trending Dead Sea fault plate boundary. Concurrent uplift and erosion of the entire Levant area led to an incomplete sedimentary record, obscuring reconstructions of the transition between the two tectonic regimes. New well data, obtained on the continental shelf of the central Levant margin (Qishon Yam 1), revealed a uniquely undisturbed sedimentary sequence which covers this time period. Evaporitic facies found in this well have only one comparable location in the entire eastern Mediterranean area (onland and offshore) over the same time frame — the Red Sea–Suez rift system. Analysis of 4150 km of multi and single-channel seismic profiles, offshore central Levant, shows that the sequence was deposited in a narrow basin, restricted to the continental shelf. This basin (the Haifa Basin) evolved as a half graben along the NW trending Carmel fault, which at present is one of the main branches of the Dead Sea fault. Re-evaluation of geological data onland, in view of the new findings offshore, indicates that the Haifa basin is the northwestern-most of a larger series of basins, comprising a failed rift along the Qishon–Sirhan NW–SE trend. This failed rift evolved spatially parallel to the Red Sea–Suez rift system, and at the same time frame. The Carmel fault would therefore seem to be related to processes occurring several million years earlier than previously thought, before the formation of the Dead Sea fault. The development of a series of basins in conjunction with a young spreading center is a known phenomenon in other regions worldwide; however this is the only known example from across the Arabian plate.  相似文献   

The Dead Sea Basin is a morphotectonic depression along the Dead Sea Transform. Its structure can be described as a deep rhomb-graben (pull-apart) flanked by two block-faulted marginal zones. We have studied the recent tectonic structure of the northwestern margin of the Dead Sea Basin in the area where the northern strike-slip master fault enters the basin and approaches the western marginal zone (Western Boundary Fault). For this purpose, we have analyzed 3.5-kHz seismic reflection profiles obtained from the northwestern corner of the Dead Sea. The seismic profiles give insight into the recent tectonic deformation of the northwestern margin of the Dead Sea Basin. A series of 11 seismic profiles are presented and described. Although several deformation features can be explained in terms of gravity tectonics, it is suggested that the occurrence of strike-slip in this part of the Dead Sea Basin is most likely. Seismic sections reveal a narrow zone of intensely deformed strata. This zone gradually merges into a zone marked by a newly discovered tectonic depression, the Qumran Basin. It is speculated that both structural zones originate from strike-slip along right-bending faults that splay-off from the Jordan Fault, the strike-slip master fault that delimits the active Dead Sea rhomb-graben on the west. Fault interaction between the strike-slip master fault and the normal faults bounding the transform valley seems the most plausible explanation for the origin of the right-bending splays. We suggest that the observed southward widening of the Dead Sea Basin possibly results from the successive formation of secondary right-bending splays to the north, as the active depocenter of the Dead Sea Basin migrates northward with time.  相似文献   

Seismicity of Sinai Peninsula, Egypt   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The Sinai Peninsula has a triangular shape between the African and Arabian Plates and is bounded from the western and eastern borders by the Gulf of Suez and Gulf of Aqaba–Dead Sea rift systems, respectively. It is affected by strong and destructive earthquakes (e.g., March 31, 1969 and November 22, 1995) and moderate earthquakes (m b?>?5) throughout its history. After the installation of the Egyptian National Seismic Network (ENSN), a great number of earthquakes has been recorded within and around Sinai. Consequently, the seismogenic source zones and seismotectonic behavior can be clearly identified. Available data, including both historical and instrumental (1900–1997), have been collected from national and international data centers. While the data from 1998 till December 2007 are gathered from ENSN bulletins. The seismogenic source zones that might affect Sinai Peninsula are defined more precisely in this work depending on the distribution of earthquakes, seismicity rate (a value), b value, and fault plane solution of the major earthquakes. In addition, the type of faults prevailed and characterized these zones. It is concluded that the Gulf of Aqaba zone–Dead Sea transform zone, Gulf of Suez rift zone, Cairo–Suez District zone, and Eastern Mediterranean dislocation zone represent the major effective zones for Sinai. Furthermore, there are two local seismic zones passing through Sinai contributing to the earthquake activities of Sinai, these are the Negev shear zone and Central Sinai fault (Themed fault) zone. The source parameters, a and b values, and the maximum expected moment magnitude have been determined for each of these zones. These results will contribute to a great extent in the seismic hazard assessment and risk mitigation studies for Sinai Peninsula to protect the developmental projects.  相似文献   

The Sinai Peninsula has been recognized as a subplate of the African Plate located at the triple junction of the Gulf of Suez rift, the Dead Sea Transform fault, and the Red Sea rift. The upper and lower crustal structures of this tectonically active, rapidly developing region are yet poorly understood because of many limitations. For this reason, a set of P- and S-wave travel times recorded at 14 seismic stations belonging to the Egyptian National Seismographic Network (ENSN) from 111 local and regional events are analyzed to investigate the crustal structures and the locations of the seismogenic zones beneath central and southern Sinai. Because the velocity model used for routine earthquake location by ENSN is one-dimensional, the travel-time residuals will show lateral heterogeneity of the velocity structures and unmodeled vertical structures. Seismic activity is strong along the eastern and southern borders of the study area but low to moderate along the northern boundary and the Gulf of Suez to the west. The crustal Vp/Vs ratio is 1.74 from shallow (depth ≤ 10 km) earthquakes and 1.76 from deeper (depth > 10 km) crustal events. The majority of the regional and local travel-time residuals are positive relative to the Preliminary Reference Earth Model (PREM), implying that the seismic stations are located above widely distributed, tectonically-induced low-velocity zones. These low-velocity zones are mostly related to the local crustal faults affecting the sedimentary section and the basement complex as well as the rifting processes prevailing in the northern Red Sea region and the ascending of hot mantle materials along crustal fractures. The delineation of these low-velocity zones and the locations of big crustal earthquakes enable the identification of areas prone to intense seismotectonic activities, which should be excluded from major future development projects and large constructions in central and southern Sinai.  相似文献   

Omar  Kh. A.  El-Amin  E. M.  Dahy  S. A.  Ebraheem  M. O. 《Geotectonics》2019,53(6):765-773
Geotectonics - The Gulf of Aqaba is situated along the southern part of the Dead Sea Rift Area transform (DST), 1000 km (620 miles), the boundary between the African plate and the Arabian plate. It...  相似文献   

The Arabian Plate is important and unique in many ways. The worker wants to highlight the important features characterizing the Arabian Plate. It is a unique fit of the earth's surface jig saw puzzle, different than all other lithospheric plates. It has the three known main tectonic plate boundaries, divergent, convergent and conservative ones. These boundaries are the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, Zagros-Taurus and Dead Sea, respectively. It has three main well-defined and sharp plate boundaries, and it is surrounded by three major plates, African, Eurasian and Indian plates. The Red Sea and Gulf of Aden form the divergent boundary and spreading center. The Dead Sea Transform Fault (the Gulf of Aqaba Transform Fault) represents the conservative boundary and transform fault system. The Zagros-Taurus Thrust (Zagros-Taurus-Bitlis Thrust and Fold Belt) represents the convergent boundary and collision zone. The Arabian Plate incorporates a wide range and variety and subvariety of all three rock types, igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks, this in addition to all kinds of structures. Among these are folding with major fold belts, faulting, foliation, lineation and diapirism. Transform, transcurrent, normal, graben, reverse, thrust faults are all represented one way or another. The tectonics of the Arabian shield, which forms a major part of the Arabian Plate, has long tectonic history prior to the formation of the Red Sea. After the opening and formation of the latter, the tectonics of the Arabian shield became affected and controlled by its tectonics. The Arabian Plate includes the Arabian Platform which has a relatively different setting of tectonics represented by the Central Arabian Graben. The Arabian Plate contains one of the best representative outcropped ophiolite sequences in the world. The Arabian Plate most importantly incorporates most of world oil reserve. Seismic and volcanic activities are also manifested and affected many areas in the Arabian Plate.  相似文献   

Makkah and central Red Sea regions have been re-evaluated from recent earthquake data analysis. Epicenters of recent seismic activity are concentrated in three local seismic zones. These are Ad Damm fault (NE), Nu’man–Makkah–Fatima (NW), and Jeddah-Red Sea (NW) seismic zones. Moreover, an extended seismic zone along the central part of Red Sea is observed. Most of these epicenters are distributed along tectonic faults, as indicated from the subsurface structure analysis of the aeromagnetic anomaly map. Some epicenters of small magnitudes are inaccurately located. The study indicates the existence of large active structural basin south of Makkah region, which traverse Ad Damm fault zone with the Red Sea transform faults. Slip vector analyses were carried out for 50 available earthquake focal mechanisms around Makkah region. In Nu’man, Makkah, and Fatima structural zones, the slip vectors generally trend NW and NNW. However, in the southern part at the Ad Dam structure zone, the slip vector trends NE–SW. These may result from the current complicated drifting motion of Arabian plate away from African plate combined with the opening of the Red Sea rift.  相似文献   

The north Egyptian continental margin has undergone passive margin subsidence since the opening of Tethys, but its post-Mesozoic history has been interrupted by tectonic events that include a phase of extensional faulting in the Late Miocene. This study characterizes the geometry and distribution of Late Miocene normal faulting beneath the northern Nile Delta and addresses the relationship of this faulting to the north–northwestwards propagation of Red Sea–Gulf of Suez rifting at this time. Structural interpretation of a 2D grid of seismic reflection data has defined a Tortonian–Messinian syn-rift megasequence, when tied to well data. Normal fault correlations between seismic lines are constrained by the mapping of fault-related folds. Faults are evenly distributed across the study area and are found to strike predominantly NW–SE to NNW–SSE, with some N–S faults in the north. Faults are interpreted to be <10 km in length, typically in the range 3–6 km. This suggests that rifting in the northern Nile Delta did not proceed beyond a continental rift initiation phase, with distributed, relatively small-scale faults. This contrasts with the Gulf of Suez Rift, where faulting continued to a more evolved fault localization phase, with block-bounding faults >25 km in length. Results suggest that future studies could quantify fault evolution from rift initiation to fault linkage to displacement localization, by studying the spatial variation in faulting from the northern Nile Delta, south–southeastwards to the Gulf of Suez Rift.  相似文献   

Large areas of north-east Africa were dominated by regional extension in the Late Phanerozoic. Widespread rifting occurred in the Late Jurassic, with regional extension culminating in the Cretaceous and resulting in the greatest areal extent and degree of interconnection of the west, central and north African rift systems. Basin reactivation continued in the Paleocene and Eocene and new rifts probably formed in the Red Sea and western Kenya. In the Oligocene and Early Miocene, rifts in Kenya, Ethiopia and the Red Sea linked and expanded to form the new east African rift system.This complex history of rifting resulted in failed rift basins with low to high strain geometries, a range of associated volcanism and varying degrees of interaction with older structures. One system, the Red Sea rift, has partially attained active seafloor spreading. From a comparison of these basins, a general model of three-dimensional rift evolution is proposed. Asymmetrical crustal geometries dominated the early phases of these basins, accompanied by low angle normal faulting that has been observed at least locally in outcrop. As rifting progressed, the original fault and basin forms were modified to produce larger, more through-going structures. Some basins were abandoned, others experienced reversals in regional dip and, in general, extension and subsidence became focused along narrower zones near the rift axes. The final transition to oceanic spreading was accomplished in the Red Sea by a change to high angle, planar normal faulting and diffuse dike injection, followed by the organization of an axial magma chamber.  相似文献   

New multichannel seismic and bathymetric data are presented, which clarify the Plio-Quaternary evolution of the northern Gulf of Aqaba (Elat) and the Dead Sea Transform (DST). The seismic data reveal two main seismic sequences, a lower (pretectonic) and an upper (syntectonic) unit, separated by a prominent unconformity. These units are each linked to a distinct tectonic phase in the history of the DST. Parallel horizons and an undisturbed internal structure point to a tectonic quite time or pure strike-slip without extension or compression during the first (pretectonic) phase. The second (syntectonic) phase, which begins in the early Pliocene, is characterized by a major change in the activity of the DST. The pretectonic sedimentary unit subsided and, consequently, dips southward with a supplementary inclination to the east. The coeval sedimentation of the syntectonic unit is recorded by the divergent reflection pattern and onlap terminations on the unconformity. The apparent fault system seems to be rearranged in the second phase. The stepover of the main strand of the DST from the eastern side of the Elat Deep to the western side of the northern Gulf of Aqaba was mapped in detail for the first time. The very smooth shape of the stepover and the apparent lack of extensional tectonics do not fit with the classical pull-apart basin model for the Elat Deep and point to a decoupling of the crystalline basement from the sedimentary overburden. Comparisons of the new geophysical findings with analog models support this assertion.  相似文献   

The time domain electromagnetic (TDEM) geophysical method was employed to detect saline groundwater bodies within and in the close margins of the Arava Rift Valley. The Arava Valley aquifers are known to occupy fresh to saline groundwater. The lateral subsurface inflow to the Arava from west and east is characterized by fresh to brackish waters. The results of the present study indicate that salination of groundwater is controlled by both present day and ancient base levels, namely by the Dead Sea in the north and by the Gulf of Elat in the south. The configuration obtained by the TDEM survey exhibits interfaces and palaeo-interfaces between fresh to brackish waters and underlying seawater or diluted seawater intruded inland from both base levels as well as brines intruded from the northern base level. The central Arava structural and hydrological divide seems to escape seawater or brine encroachment at least to the considerable depth of the TDEM measurements.  相似文献   

The Africa–Arabia plate boundary comprises the Red Sea oceanic spreading centre and the left‐lateral Dead Sea Fault Zone (DSFZ); however, previous work has indicated kinematic inconsistency between its continental and oceanic parts. The Palmyra Fold Belt (PFB) splays ENE from the DSFZ in SW Syria and persists for ~400 km to the River Euphrates, but its significance within the regional pattern of active crustal deformation has hitherto been unclear. We report deformation of Euphrates terraces consistent with Quaternary right‐lateral transpression within the PFB, indicating anticlockwise rotation (estimated as 0.3° Ma?1 about 36.0°N 39.8°E) of the block between the PFB and the northern DSFZ relative to the Arabian Plate interior. The northern DSFZ is shown to be kinematically consistent with the combination of Euler vectors for the PFB and the Red Sea spreading, resolving the inconsistency previously evident. The SW PFB causes a significant earthquake hazard, previously unrecognized, to the city of Damascus.  相似文献   

The western part of Yemen is largely covered by Tertiary volcanics and is bounded by volcanic margins to the west (Red Sea) and the south (Gulf of Aden). The Oligo–Miocene evolution of Yemen results from the interaction between the emplacement of the Afar plume, the opening of the Red Sea, and the westward propagation of the Gulf of Aden. Structural and microtectonic analyses of fault slip data collected in the field reveal that the volcanic margins of Yemen are affected by three main extensional tectonic events. The chronological order of these events is as follows: first E–W extension was associated with the emplacement of volcanic traps of Yemen, then NE–SW extension was related to the Red Sea rifting, and finally, the volcanic margin was submitted to N160°E extension, perpendicular to the overall trend of the Gulf of Aden, which we interpret as induced by the westward propagation of the oceanic ridge of the Gulf of Aden.  相似文献   

Active faulting in the dead sea rift   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Manifestations of Late Quaternary and Holocene faulting were studied in a 500 km long segment of the Dead Sea transform (rift). Most prominent are left-slip faults, whose characteristic physiographic features are recognizable along most of the studied segment. Where these faults bend or are stepped to the left, rhomb-shaped grabens (or pull aparts) are produced, forming depressions. In the reverse situation compressional features such as pressure ridges, domes and folds form positive topographic features. Such structures are combined on a variety of scales ranging from a few hundred meters long to tens of kilometers. Normal faults, sub-parallel to the left slip faults, produce a trough-like valley along much of the Dead Sea transform, but are most prominent along the margins of the large rhomb-grabens, e.g., the Dead Sea trough. They apparently record a small component of transverse extension. Generally, their motion is slow: young slip did not occur along some segments during the last few 104 y. Elsewhere throws of 10–20 m at least occurred in this period. The Dead Sea transform is seismically active. The instrumental and historic records indicate a seismic slip rate of 0.15–0.35 cm/y during the last 1000–1500 y, while estimates of the average Pliocene—Pleistocene rate are 0.7–1.0 cm/y. Either much creep takes place, or the slip rate varies over periods of a few 103 y.  相似文献   

The Red Sea is part of the Afro-Arabian rift system, the world’s largest active continental rift system. The early opening phases of the Red Sea Rift were accompanied by continental flood magmatism. Large volumes of flood basalts emplaced in the Oligocene through to the present time at discrete eruptive centres along the western margin of the Arabian plate. Some of these rocks, in Southern Yemen, were investigated by geochemistry and K/Ar whole rock (WR) geochronology. In addition, the Jabal At-Tair (JAT) volcano, in the Red Sea trough, was investigated by geochemistry, with particular concern to the lavas of the last eruption of September 2007. The magmatism of Yemen is divided in: Oligocene–Early Miocene trap series (YOM), Tertiary intrusive rocks, and Late Miocene–recent volcanic series (YMR). YOM and Tertiary intrusions yielded K/Ar WR ages mostly in the range 31.6–16.6 Ma. Three older ages of 34.6, 35.4 and 49.0 Ma, if confirmed by further investigation, could suggest an Eocenic pre-trap phase of magmatic activity. YMR samples yielded K/Ar WR ages between 2.52 and 8.14 Ma. Both YOM and YMR basalts are alkaline, but YMR tend to be richer in alkalis than YOM. JAT basalts have subalkaline tholeiitic character, are geochemically homogeneous, and in the hygromagmaphile element spidergrams display increasing normalised concentrations from Cs to Ta, then decreasing up to Lu, with negative spikes of Nb, K and Pb. YOM have patterns almost identical to those of JAT, whereas YMR have higher normalized concentrations of all trace elements, but REE. The geochemical characteristics of JAT, YOM and YMR, framed in the broader context of the Red Sea Rift, are mostly consistent with a model of continental uplift and magmatism occurring across a linear, north–south axis of mantle upwelling, which intersects the Red Sea axis at the initiation site of axial seafloor spreading. The symmetrical propagation of the rift system to opposite sides of the N–S lineament, along the Red Sea axis, resulted in the observed symmetrical distribution of geochemical signatures of the Red Sea basalts and Yemen continental magmas.  相似文献   

试论南中国海盆地新生代板块构造及盆地动力学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
南海地处欧亚、印度—澳大利亚和菲律宾海板块的交互带,是西太平洋地区面积最大的边缘海之一,其成因机制和演化过程对探讨特提斯构造域和太平洋构造域相互作用及油气勘探等问题具有重要意义,虽备受关注但仍存争议.综合目前该区及外围已有的大地构造等方面的资料,本文从探讨南海外围的构造格架及中-新生代演化过程入手,分析了南海及外围板块...  相似文献   

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