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The use of covers with capillary barrier effects (CCBEs) for reducing acid mine drainage (AMD) from sulphidic mine tailings is simulated using the MIN3P finite volume model for coupled groundwater flow, O2 diffusion and multi-component reactive transport. The model is applied to simulate five pilot-scale in situ test cells containing reactive tailings from the Manitou mine site, Val d’Or, Que., Canada. Four of the cells were constructed with CCBEs over the tailings, while the fifth tailings cell was left uncovered. Observed and simulated discharge from the base of each cell showed that the capillary barrier covers significantly reduced sulphide oxidation and AMD. Compared to acidic discharge from the uncovered cell, discharge from the four CCBE-covered cells had neutral pH levels and 1–7 orders of magnitude lower concentrations of SO4, Fe, Zn, Cu and Al. The simulations showed that the moisture retaining layer of the CCBEs reduced AMD by inhibiting O2 diffusion into the underlying reactive wastes. Provided the moisture-retention layer of the CCBE remains close to saturation, its thickness had a relatively minor effect. Under such near-saturated conditions, O2 availability is limited by its diffusion rate through the bulk porous medium and not by the diffusion rate through the oxidized grain shells. The model is providing important new insights for comparing design alternatives for reducing or controlling AMD.  相似文献   

Establishing a shallow water cover over tailings deposited in a designated storage facility is one option to limit oxygen diffusion and retard oxidation of sulfides which have the potential to form acid mine drainage (AMD). The Old Tailings Dam (OTD) located at the Savage River mine, western Tasmania contains 38 million tonnes of pyritic tailings deposited from 1967 to 1982, and is actively generating AMD. The OTD was constructed on a natural gradient, resulting in sub-aerial exposure of the southern area, with the northern area under a natural water cover. This physical contrast allowed for the examination of tailings mineralogy and geochemistry as a function of water cover depth across the OTD. Tailings samples (n = 144, depth: ≤ 1.5 m) were collected and subjected to a range of geochemical and mineralogical evaluations. Tailings from the southern and northern extents of the OTD showed similar AMD potential based on geochemical (NAG pH range: 2.1 to 4.2) and bulk mineralogical parameters, particularly at depth. However, sulfide alteration index (SAI) assessments highlighted the microscale contrast in oxidation. In the sub-aerial zone pyrite grains are moderately oxidized to a depth of 0.3 m (maximum SAI of 6/10), under both gravel fill and oxidized covers, with secondary minerals (e.g., ferrihydrite and goethite) developed along rims and fractures. Beneath this, mildly oxidized pyrite is seen in fresh tailings (SAI = 2.9/10 to 5.8/10). In the sub-aqueous zone, the degree of pyrite oxidation demonstrates a direct relationship with cover depth, with unoxidized, potentially reactive tailings identified from 2.5 m, directly beneath an organic-rich sediment layer (SAI = 0 to 1/10). These findings are broadly similar to other tailings storage facilities e.g., Fox Lake, Sherritt-Gordon ZnCu mine, Canada and Stekenjokk mine, Sweden where water covers up to 2 m have successfully reduced AMD. Whilst geotechnical properties of the OTD restrict the extension of the water cover, pyrite is enriched in cobalt (up to 2.6 wt%) indicating reprocessing of tailings as an alternative management option. Through adoption of an integrated mineralogical and geochemical characterization approach for tailings assessment robust management strategies after mine closure can be developed.  相似文献   

In the mining environments of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB), the oxidation of sulphide wastes generates acid drainage with high concentrations of SO4, metals and metalloids (Acid Mine Drainage, AMD). These acid and extremely contaminated discharges are drained by the fluvial courses of the Huelva province (SW Spain) which deliver high concentrations of potentially toxic elements into the Gulf of Cádiz. In this work, the oxidation process of mine tailings in the IPB, the generation of AMD and the potential use of coal combustion fly ash as a possible alkaline treatment for neutralization of and metal removal from AMD, was studied in non-saturated column experiments. The laboratory column tests were conducted on a mine residue (71.6 wt% pyrite) with artificial rainfall or irrigation. A non-saturated column filled solely with the pyrite residue leached solutions with an acid pH (approx. 2) and high concentrations of SO4 and metals. These leachates have the same composition as typical AMD, and the oxidation process can be compared with the natural oxidation of mine tailings in the IPB. However, the application of fly ash to the same amount of mine residue in another two non-saturated columns significantly increased the pH and decreased the SO4 and metal concentrations in the leaching solutions. The improvement in the quality of leachates by fly ash addition in the laboratory was so effective that the leachate reached the pre-potability requirements of water for human consumption under EU regulations. The extrapolation of these experiments to the field is a promising solution for the decontamination of the fluvial courses of the IPB, and therefore, the decrease of pollutant loads discharging to the Gulf of Cádiz.  相似文献   

Weathering of Hitura (W Finland) nickel sulphide mine tailings and release of heavy metals into pore water was studied with mineralogical (optical and electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction) and geochemical methods (selective extractions). Tailings were composed largely of serpentine, micas and amphiboles with only minor carbonates and sulphides. Sulphides, especially pyrrhotite, have oxidized intensively in the shallow tailings in 10–15 years, but a majority of the tailings have remained unchanged. Oxidation has resulted in depletion of carbonates, slightly decreased pH, and heavy metal (Ni, Zn) release in pore water as well as in the precipitation of secondary Fe precipitates. Nevertheless, in the middle of the tailings area, where the oxidation front moves primarily downward, released heavy metals have been adsorbed and immobilized with these precipitates deeper in the oxidation zone. In contrast to what was seen in pore water pH, but in accordance with static tests of the previous studies, the neutralisation potential ratio (NPR) calculated based on the mineralogical composition and the total sulphur content suggested that tailings are ‘not potentially acid mine drainage (AMD) generating’. However, the calculated buffering capacity of the tailings resulted largely from the abundant serpentine because of the low carbonate content. Despite its slow weathering rate, serpentine may buffer the acidity to some extent through ion exchange processes in fine ground tailings. Nevertheless, in practice, acid production capacity of the tailings depends primarily on the balance between Ca–Mg carbonates and iron sulphides. NPR calculation based on carbonate and sulphur contents suggested, that the Hitura tailings are ‘likely AMD generating’. The study shows that sulphide oxidation can be significant in mobilisation of heavy metals even in apparently non-acid producing, low sulphide tailings. Therefore, prevention of oxygen diffusion into tailings is also essential in this type of sulphide tailings.  相似文献   

A series of laboratory column tests on reactive mine tailings was numerically simulated to study the effect of high water saturation on preventing sulfide mineral oxidation and acid mine drainage (AMD). The approach, also known as an elevated water table (EWT), is a promising alternative to full water covers for the management and closure of sulfidic tailings impoundments and for the long term control of acid mine drainage. The instrumented columns contained reactive tailings from the Louvicourt mine, Quebec, and were overlain by a protective sand cover. Over a 13–19 month period, the columns were exposed to atmospheric O2 and flushed approximately every month with demineralized water. A free draining control column with no sand cover was also used. During each cycle, water table elevations were controlled by fixing the pressure at the column base and drainage water was collected and analyzed for pH and Eh, major ions, and dissolved metals (Fe, Zn, Cu, Pb, and Mg). The columns were simulated using the multi-component reactive transport model MIN3P which solves the coupled nonlinear equations for transient water flow, O2 diffusion, advective–dispersive transport and kinetic geochemical reactions. Physical properties and mineralogical compositions for the material layers were obtained from independent laboratory data. The simulated and observed data showed that as the water table elevation increased, the effluent pH became more neutral and SO4 and dissolved metal concentrations decreased by factors on the order of 102–103. It is concluded that water table depths less than or equal to one-half of the air entry value (AEV) can keep mine tailings sufficiently saturated over the long term, thus reducing sulfide oxidation and AMD production.  相似文献   

The Haveri tailings area contains 1.5 Mt of sulfide-bearing waste from the Au–Cu mine that operated during 1942–1961. Geophysical and geochemical methods were used to evaluate and characterize the generation of acid mine drainage (AMD). Correlations were examined among the electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) data, the total sulfide content and concentrations of sulfide-bound metals (Cu, Co, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) of tailings samples, and the resistivity and geochemistry of surface water. The resulting geophysical–geochemical model defines an area in the vadose tailings, where a low resistivity anomaly (<10 Ohm m) is correlated with the highest sulfide content, extensive sulfide oxidation and low pH (average 3.1). The physical and geochemical conditions, resulting from the oxidation of the sulfide minerals, suggest that the low resistivity anomaly is associated with acidic and metal-rich porewater (i.e., AMD). The lower resistivity values in the saturated zone of the central impoundment suggest the formation of a plume of AMD. The natural subsoil layer (silt and clay) and the bedrock surface below the tailings area were well mapped from the ERT data. The detected fracture zones of the bedrock that could work as leakage pathways for AMD were consistent with previous geological studies. The integrated methodology of the study offers a promising approach to fast and reliable monitoring of areas of potential AMD generation and its subsurface movement over large areas (ca. 9 ha). This methodology could be helpful in planning drill core sampling locations for geochemical and mineralogical analysis, groundwater sampling, and choosing and monitoring remedial programs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work is to characterize the hydrochemical behavior of acid mine drainages (AMD) and superficial waters from the Adoria mine area (Northern Portugal). Samples of superficial and mine drainage water were collected for one year, bi-monthly, with pH, temperature, Eh, conductivity and HCO3 determined in situ with chemical analyses of SO4, Ca, K, Mg, Na, Cl, Ag, As, Bi, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn and Cd. In the mine, there are acidic waters, with low pH and significant concentrations of SO4, and metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd and Ni), while in the superficial natural stream waters outside the mine, the pH is close to neutral, with low conductivity and lower metal concentrations. The stream waters inside the mine influence are intermediate in composition between AMD and natural stream waters outside the mine influence. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) shows a clear separation between AMD galleries and AMD tailings, with tailings having a greater level of contamination.  相似文献   

The geochemical and mineralogical study of the Quiulacocha tailings impoundment has shown that the hydrological connection of the three studied mine-waste systems at Cerro de Pasco (Pyrite-rich waste-rock dump Excelsior, old tailings impoundment Quiulacocha, and the active tailings impoundment Ocroyoc) is a critical concern for effective acid mine drainage (AMD) control and mine-waste management. The Quiulacocha tailings covered 114 ha, comprising 79 Mt of tailings, which contained  50 wt.% pyrite, and are located at 4340 m altitude in a tropical puna climate with about 1025 mm/a rainfall and 988 mm/a of evaporation. The tailings were partially overlain by the Excelsior waste-rock dump, which contains about 26,400,000 m3 of waste rocks that cover 94 ha and contained  60 wt.% of pyrite, which origin from a massive pyrite-quartz replacement body. Therefore, these two mine-waste deposits had a direct hydrological connection, resulting in the export of AMD produced at Excelsior towards Quiulacocha. In the Quiulacocha impoundment there are two different types of tailings recognized, that interact with the AMD from Excelsior: 1) Zn–Pb-rich tailings and 2) Cu–As-rich tailings. During the sampling, the Zn–Pb-rich part of Quiulacocha was not producing important excesses of AMD from the oxidation zone, since the pH increased to near neutral values at 1 m depth. The underlying tailings were still able to neutralize the acidity produced in the oxidation zone through sulfide oxidation by the carbonates (mainly dolomite and siderite) contained in the Zn–Pb mineral assemblage. The main source of AMD in this mine-waste system is the Excelsior waste-rock dump. Its acid seepage infiltrates into Quiulacocha forming a Fe–Zn–Pb plume with a pH 5.5–6.1 and containing up to 7440 mg/L Fe, 627 mg/L Zn, and 1.22 mg/L Pb. The plume was detected at 10–13 m depth in the stratigraphy of Quiulacocha tailings. Additionally, the AMD seepage outcropping at the base of the Excelsior waste-rock dump was channeled on the tailings surface into the Quiulacocha pond (pH 2.3), which covered the Cu–As-rich tailings. Infiltration of this Fe(III)-rich AMD increased tailings oxidation in the southwestern part of the impoundment, and subsequently liberated arsenic by enargite oxidation. Additionally, the AMD collected in the Quiulacocha pond was pumped into the active Ocroyoc tailings impoundment, where sulfide oxidation was strongly enhanced by the input of dissolved Fe(III). Therefore, the AMD management and a hydrological separation of the different mine-waste systems could be a first step to prevent further extension of the AMD problem in order to prevent increased sulfide oxidation by Fe(III)-rich solutions.  相似文献   

Mining generates huge quantities of waste materials from ore extraction and milling operations, which accumulate in tailings and open impoundments. The risks associated with mine tailings have different nature, namely stability, rupture, surface and groundwater contamination, acid mine drainage (AMD) and precipitation of secondary minerals. In fact catastrophic failure of tailings impoundments has occurred, transporting slurry, dissolved metals and fine reactive metal particles to the environment.Often deposition conditions of old mine tailings are unknown and monitoring is deficient or even inexistent. Thus, in order to prevent accidents it is necessary to establish the internal structure, that is, mapping tailings impoundment, internal sediment structures – limits and stratigraphy – seepage and pathway locations, bedrock depth and topography estimates and actual deposition conditions of the tailings. Owing to the complexity of the problem, only integrated approaches can investigate and monitor comprehensively the characteristics and evolution of mine tailings and its impacts on the environment.As this is a multidisciplinary problem, strategies should consider integrated studies such as Geophysics, Geochemistry and borehole surveys. However data from these sources must be interpreted together, in a GIS database, to provide better models and an enhanced overall knowledge of the studied structures.It is proposed to test and validate such a methodology in a case study, Panasqueira mine, central Portugal and to contribute to the decision-making process of environmental and civil protection agencies with responsibilities in the assessing, prevention, mitigation, and controlling the potential and actual effects of tailings spills on the environment.  相似文献   

对安徽铜陵狮子山杨山冲尾矿库采集的酸矿水(AMD)及表层尾砂样品,采用FeTo选择性培养基,利用Overlay分离技术,获得了一株具有铁还原功能的细菌nju-Tl.形态观察、生理生化鉴定以及16S rRNA基因序列同源性分析结果表明,该菌株属于Acidithobacillus属.平板培养和液体培养实验证明,nju-Tl...  相似文献   

Based on investigation of the characteristics of solid waste of two different mines, the Fenghuangshan copper mine and the Xinqiao pyrite mine in Tongling, Anhui province in central-east China, the possibility and the differences of acid mine drainage (AMD) of the railings and the waste rocks are discussed, and the modes of occurrence of heavy metal elements in the mine solid waste are also studied. The Fenghuangshan copper mine hardly produces AMD, whereas the Xinqiao pyrite mine does and there are also differences in the modes of occurrence of heavy metal elements in the railings. For the former, toxic heavy metals such as Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, As and Hg exist mostly in the slag mode, as compared to the latter, where the deoxidization mode has a much higher content, indicating that large amounts minerals in the waste rocks have begun to oxidize at the earth surface. AMD is proved to promote the migration and spread of the heavy metals in mining waste rocks and lead to environmental pollution of the surroundings of the mine area.  相似文献   

The Ingurtosu Pb-Zn mine, situated in the southwestern part of Sardinia, has been in production from the beginning of the last century up to 1968. The orebody consists of galena/sphalerite/barite/siderite veins in Ordovician arenaceous and phyllitic sediments, near the contact with a Hercynian batholith.

Abundant tailings were collected in a pond from which they were discharged during the winter months into the sea via the Rio Naracauli stream. Today this area of outstanding scenic beauty, is degraded by tailings and waste rock scattered all along the stream.

Material derived from mining activities was studied for grain size, mineralogical and geochemical composition. The Rio Naracauli was sampled over a length of ten kilometers at regular intervals.

The results can be summarized as follows: (a) tailings contain a varying, but often quite high, percentage of Pb; lower percentages were found for Zn and Cd; (b) a sharp increase in dissolved Zn, Cd and Pb was observed in the Rio Naracauli where it leached the tailings; and (c) tailings and waste rocks should be recycled or revegetated.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2005,20(3):661-667
This paper describes the geochemical testing of mine tailings sourced from the Black Swan Ni Mine located near Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. Acid–base accounting was used to provide an indication of the acid generating capacity of two kinds of mining tailings: disseminated-ore tailings from the Cygnet Tailings Dam Storage Facility (CTDSF) and massive-ore tailings from the Silver Swan Tailings Dam Storage Facility (SSTDSF). All of the tailings in SSTDSF have acid generating potential which is consistent with previous research reports. New findings in this paper reveal that approximately 16% of the tailings in CTDSF have the potential to be acid generating. In contrast, previous reports state that the disseminated-ore tailings are classified as non-acid forming. Most of the potential acid generating tailings in the CTDSF are found in the upper-middle sections of the tailings profile, but some are located at the bottom of the tailings dam. The upper-middle section of the tailings is oxidized because these tailings have interacted with atmospheric O2 and rain and surface water. Oxidation of the bottom tailings in the CTDSF may be due to infiltration of ground water into hidden fractures under the east bank of CTDSF, which caused these tailings to oxidize under closed and reduced conditions.The acid drainage in the tailings dam storage facility was observed 3 a, after the development of the Black Swan Nickel project. This delayed production of acid drainage was likely due to the slow rates of acid neutralization provided by alteration gouge minerals such as Mg/Fe-carbonates (magnesite–siderite series) associated with the Ni ores. The acid drainage leaking from the tailings dams has contaminated neighboring ground water via increased acidity and heavy metals.Because of the potential acid generation in some of the disseminated ore tailings, it is inadvisable to use disseminated ore tailings as cover materials in the storage facility to isolate the underlying potentially-acid-forming tailings from O2 and water, as proposed by previous research reports.  相似文献   

The Caldas Uranium Mine (CUM), located on the Poços de Caldas Plateau in the southeastern region of Brazil, is presently undergoing a decommissioning process. The aim of the present investigation is to identify and characterize the effects of acid mine drainage (AMD) originating from the CUM on surface water quality. To achieve these aims, sampling stations were located at two AMD sources: the retention pond at the foot of waste rock pile#4 (WRP#4) and the settling pond that receives effluents from the tailings dam (TD). Ten additional sampling stations were located along watercourses in the vicinity, both downstream and upstream of the mine. Sampling was performed during the rainy and dry seasons in 2010 and 2011. The water analysis detected significant changes in pH, electrical conductivity, F?, Cd, U, Zn, Al, Mn, As, Ca, SO4 2?, Pb, 238U, 226Ra, 210Pb, 232Th, 228Ra, and Mo in waters downstream of both pond discharge sites. It was demonstrated that the disequilibrium between 226Ra and 238U can be used to trace the extent of AMD impacts in nearby streams. Variations in 18O and 2H enabled the flow of mining-impacted water to be traced from the ponds to nearby streams. Multivariate analysis yielded a three-factor model: Factor 1 was interpreted as being associated with AMD (from WRP#4) and Factor 2 with a Ca–Mo relationship associated with the chemical constitution of the ore and with the treatment of tailings wastes in the area (from TD); Factor 3 was interpreted as being associated with the natural influence of geogenic processes on water quality in the area. The results of this study provide a scientific basis for recommending appropriate remedial actions during mine decommissioning.  相似文献   

 Annually, an amount of approximately 13 million cubic meters of hard-coal tailings must be disposed of in the German Ruhr Valley. Besides the waste of land in a densily populated region, the disposal of the pyrite-bearing material under atmospheric conditions may lead to the formation of acid mine drainage (AMD). Therefore, alternative disposal opportunities are of increasing importance, one of which being the use of tailings under water-saturated conditions, such as in backfilling of abandoned gravel pits or in the construction of waterways. In this case, the oxidation of pyrite, and hence the formation of AMD, is controlled by the amount of oxygen dissolved in the pore water of tailings deposited under water. In case the advective percolation of water is suppressed by sufficient compaction of the tailings, oxygen transport can be reduced to diffusive processes, which are limited by the diffusive flux of dissolved oxygen in equilibrium with the atmospheric pO2. Calculations of the duration of pyrite oxidation based on laboratory experiments have shown that the reduction of oxygen is mainly controlled by the content of organic substance rather than the pyrite content, a fact that is supported by results from oxidation experiments with nitrate. A "worst case" study has lead to the result that the complete oxidation of a 1.5-m layer of hard-coal tailings deposited under water-saturated conditions would take as much as several hundred thousand years. Received: 6 May 1996 · Accepted: 2 August 1996  相似文献   

Five sulfide mine tailings coming from the Joutel mine tailing ponds (Quebec, Canada) were tested by the humidity cell test (30 to 52 cycles duration) and the column test (11 to 12 cycles duration). The objectives of this study were twofold. First, there was the determination of the tailings acid generation potential for site reclamation. Second, there was the kinetic test comparison for understanding the tailings geochemical behavior under different test conditions. The samples used had a wide diversity in terms of acid-generation potential, particle size distribution, and parameters influencing reaction rates. Leachates produced remained at a near neutral pH for the duration of the tests. Evolution of the main elements involved in the dissolution processes demonstrated neutralization by carbonates as a response to the acid generated by sulfide oxidation. Depletion rates given by sulfates are higher for the humidity cell tests when compared to those obtained for the column tests. This is consistent with most studies to date, the humidity cell test being considered as more severe. However, by taking the ratio between cumulative elements coming from neutralization and the ones coming from oxidation, similar curves (named herein oxidation –neutralization curves) for all tests were obtained. These results show that overall geochemical behavior of the tailings is similar at near neutral pH for both types of tests. With this interpretation method, the acid-generation potential of the Joutel tailings were tested and compared to the static test results to constrain their uncertainty zone with regard to the studied tailings. The tailings geochemical behavior (carbonate dissolution response to sulfide oxidation) at near neutral pH condition appears slightly dependent of test conditions under certain hypothesis.  相似文献   

Historical gold mining operations in Nova Scotia, Canada, resulted in numerous deposits of publicly accessible, arsenic (As)-rich mine waste that has weathered in situ for 75–150 years, resulting in a wide range of As-bearing secondary minerals. The geochemical heterogeneity of this mine waste creates a challenge for identifying a single remediation approach that will limit As mobility. A 30-cm-thick, low-organic content soil cover was evaluated in a laboratory leaching experiment where, to simulate natural conditions, the equivalent of 2 years of synthetic rainwater was leached through each column and two dry seasons were incorporated into the leaching protocol. Each column was a stratigraphic representation of the four major tailings types found at the historical Montague and Goldenville gold mine districts: hardpan tailings, oxic tailings, wetland tailings, and high Ca tailings. Hardpan tailings released acidic, As-rich waters (max 12 mg/L) under the soil cover but this acidity was buffered by surrounding oxic tailings. Leachate from the oxic tailings was circumneutral, with average As concentrations between 4.4 and 9.7 mg/L throughout the experiment. The presence of carbonates in the high Ca tailings resulted in near-neutral to weakly alkaline leachate pH values and average As concentrations between 2.1 and 6.1 mg/L. Oxidation of sulfides in the wetland tailings led to acidic leachate over time and a decrease in As concentrations to values that were generally less than 1 mg/L. This study shows that the use of a low-organic content soil cover does not create reducing conditions that would destabilize oxidized, As-bearing secondary phases in these tailings. However, oxygen penetration through the cover during dry seasons would continue to release As to tailings pore waters via sulfide oxidation reactions.  相似文献   

铜陵矿山酸性排水及固体废弃物中的重金属元素   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在调查中国铜陵凤凰山铜矿和新桥硫铁矿两种不同类型矿山固体废弃物特征的基础上,研究了矿山尾矿和废石产生酸性排水的可能性及其差异以及矿山固体废弃物中重金属元素的赋存形式。结果表明,凤凰山铜矿的尾矿基本不产生矿山酸性排水,而新桥硫铁矿采矿废石产生矿山酸性排水,并且凤凰山铜矿的尾矿和新桥硫铁矿采矿废石中重金属元素的赋存形式也有差异,前者重金属Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、As、Hg主要赋存于硅酸盐态中,而后者在还原态中有较高的含量,这反映了在地表条件下尾矿中大量重金属元素已经发生了迁移,而采矿废石已经开始氧化,且酸性排水的存在更有利于废石中重金属元素的迁移和扩散,进而导致矿区周围环境的污染。  相似文献   

A sulfur and trace element enriched U–Th-laced tailings pile at the abandoned Phillips Mine in Garrison, New York, releases acid mine drainage (AMD, generally pH < 3, minimum pH 1.78) into the first-order Copper Mine Brook (CMB) that drains into the Hudson River. The pyrrhotite-rich Phillips Mine is located in the Highlands region, a critical water source for the New York metro area. A conceptual model for derivation/dissolution, sequestration, transport and dilution of contaminants is proposed. The acidic water interacts with the tailings, leaching and dissolving the trace metals. AMD evaporation during dry periods concentrates solid phase trace metals and sulfate, forming melanterite (FeSO4·7H2O) on sulfide-rich tailings surfaces. Wet periods dissolve these concentrates/precipitates, releasing stored acidity and trace metals into the CMB. Sediments along CMB are enriched in iron hydroxides which act as sinks for metals, indicating progressive sequestration that correlates with dilution and sharp rise in pH when mine water mixes with tributaries. Seasonal variations in metal concentrations were partly attributable to dissolution of the efflorescent salts with their sorbed metals and additional metals from surging acidic seepage induced by precipitation.  相似文献   

Tailings generated during processing of sulfide ores represent a substantial risk to water resources. The oxidation of sulfide minerals within tailings deposits can generate low-quality water containing elevated concentrations of SO4, Fe, and associated metal(loid)s. Acid generated during the oxidation of pyrite [FeS2], pyrrhotite [Fe(1−x)S] and other sulfide minerals is neutralized to varying degrees by the dissolution of carbonate, (oxy)hydroxide, and silicate minerals. The extent of acid neutralization and, therefore, pore-water pH is a principal control on the mobility of sulfide-oxidation products within tailings deposits. Metals including Fe(III), Cu, Zn, and Ni often occur at high concentrations and exhibit greater mobility at low pH characteristic of acid mine drainage (AMD). In contrast, (hydr)oxyanion-forming elements including As, Sb, Se, and Mo commonly exhibit greater mobility at circumneutral pH associated with neutral mine drainage (NMD). These differences in mobility largely result from the pH-dependence of mineral precipitation–dissolution and sorption–desorption reactions. Cemented layers of secondary (oxy)hydroxide and (hydroxy)sulfate minerals, referred to as hardpans, may promote attenuation of sulfide-mineral oxidation products within and below the oxidation zone. Hardpans may also limit oxygen ingress and pore-water migration within sulfide tailings deposits. Reduction–oxidation (redox) processes are another important control on metal(loid) mobility within sulfide tailings deposits. Reductive dissolution or transformation of secondary (oxy)hydroxide phases can enhance Fe, Mn, and As mobility within sulfide tailings. Production of H2S via microbial sulfate reduction may promote attenuation of sulfide-oxidation products, including Fe, Zn, Ni, and Tl, via metal-sulfide precipitation. Understanding the dynamics of these interrelated geochemical and mineralogical processes is critical for anticipating and managing water quality associated with sulfide mine tailings.  相似文献   

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