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The Secche di Lazzaro (SDL) phreatomagmatic activity, with the associated Neostromboli sector collapse, represents the most powerful activity of the last 6 ky at Stromboli. As revealed by its present-day activity, Stromboli is one of the most eruptive volcanoes in Italy, and flank instability, along its NW flank, is a common process. Volcano instability is often dramatised by explosive eruptions, thus it is of crucial importance to understand the linking between volcano collapse and the plumbing system itself. The possible role of pre-eruptive magmatic processes as triggers of explosive eruptions can be mainly preserved by minerals and revealed by petrochemical studies. We studied the juvenile components (scoria and pumice) of the pyroclastic deposits from the SDL phreatomagmatic activity with the aim to understand the eruption–collapse link.  相似文献   

The tephra fallout from the 12–15 August 1991 explosive eruption of Hudson volcano (Cordillera de los Andes, 45°54 S-72°58 W; Chile) was dispersed on a narrow, elongated ESE sector of Patagonia, covering an area (on land) of more than 100 000 km2. The elongated shape of the deposit, together with the relatively coarse mean and median values of the particles at a considerable distance from the vent, were the result of strong winds blowing to the southeast during the eruption. The thickness of the fall deposit decreases up to 250 km ESE from Hudson volcano, where it begins to thicken again. Secondary maxima are well developed at approximately 500 km from the vent. Secondary maxima, together with grainsize bimodality in individual layers and in the bulk deposit suggest that particle aggregation played an important role in tephra sedimentation. The fallout deposit is well stratified, with alternating fine-grained and coarsegrained layers, which is probably a result of strong eruptive pulses followed by relatively calm periods and/or changes in the eruptive style from plinian to phreatoplinian. The tephra is mostly composed of juvenile material: the coarse mode (mostly pumice) shifts to finer sizes with distance from the volcano; the fine mode (mostly glass shards) is always about 5/6 phi. Glass shards and pumice are mostly light gray to colorless. However, considerable amounts of dark, poorly vesiculated, blocky shards, suggest a hydromagmatic component in the eruption. A land-based tephra volume of 4.35 km3 was estimated, and a total volume of 7.6 km3 arose from an extrapolation, which took into account the probable volume sedimented in the sea. Bulk density ranges from 0.9 to 1.10 gr/cm3 (beyond 110 km from the vent). Rather uniform density values measured in crushed samples (2.45–2.50 gr/cm3 at all distances from the vent) reveal a relatively homogeneous composition. Mean and median sizes decrease rapidly up to 270 km from the vent; beyond that point they are more or less constant, whereas the maximum size (1 phi) shows a steady decrease up to 550 km. A concomitant improvement in sorting is observed. This is attributed to sorting due to wind transport combined with particle aggregation at different times and distances from the vent. The Hudson tephra fallout shares some strikingly similar features with the Mount St. Helens (18 May 1980) and Quizapu (1932) eruptions.  相似文献   

We investigated the impacts on buildings of three pyroclastic surges that struck three separate villages on 25 June, 21 September and 26 December, 1997, during the course of the andesitic dome building eruption of the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, which began on 18 July, 1995. A detailed analysis of the building damage of the 26 December event was used to compare the findings on the flow and behaviour of dilute pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) with the classical reports of PDCs from historical eruptions of similar size. The main characteristics of the PDC, as inferred from the building damage, were the lateral loading and directionality of the current; the impacts corresponded to the dynamic pressure of the PDC, with a relatively slow rate of rise and without the peak overpressure or a shock front associated with explosive blast; and the entrainment of missiles and ground materials which greatly added to the destructiveness of the PDC. The high temperature of the ash, causing the rapid ignition of furniture and other combustibles, was a major cause of damage even where the dynamic pressure was low at the periphery of the current. The vulnerability of buildings lay in the openings, mainly windows, which allowed the current to enter the building envelope, and in the flammable contents, as well as the lack of resistance to the intense heat and dynamic pressure of some types of vernacular building construction, such as wooden chattel houses, rubble masonry walls and galvanised steel-sheet roofs. Marked variability in the level of damage due to dynamic pressure (in a range 1–5 kPa, or more) was evident throughout most of the impact area, except for the zone of total loss, and this was attributable to the effects of topography and sheltering, and projectiles, and probably localised variations in current velocity and density. A marked velocity gradient existed from the outer part to the central axis of the PDC, where buildings and vegetation were razed to the ground. The gradient correlated with the impacts due to lateral loading and heat transfer, as well as the size of the projectiles, whilst the temperature of the ash in the undiluted PDC was probably uniform across the impact area. The main hazard characteristics of the PDCs were very consistent with those described by other authors in the classic eruptions of Pelée (1902), Lamington (1951) and St Helens (1980), despite differences in the eruptive styles and scales. We devised for the first time a building damage scale for dynamic pressure which can be used in research and in future volcanic emergencies for modelling PDCs and making informed judgements on their potential impacts. Editorial responsibility: T. Druitt  相似文献   

Observations of the summit eruption of Klyuchevskoi volcano in the period from February 15, 2007 to July 9, 2007 are considered. This typical (for this volcano) summit eruption was explosive-effusive in character. The ejectamenta volume is estimated at 0.025 km3. Calculation of active phases of the volcano was carried out in accordance with V.A. Shirokov’s technique. The identified active phases agree well with the eruptive periods. The 2007 summit eruption corresponds to an active phase (May 2006 to May 2009) favorable for the volcano’s eruption. Geodetic observations carried out since 1979 along a radial profile have revealed uplifts and subsidences of the northeastern slope of the volcano. The maximum displacement of 23 cm was recorded in 2007 on the site closest to the volcano crater at a distance of 11 km from the summit crater center. In the course of two previous summit eruptions (2003–2004 and 2005) insignificant uplifts and subsidences of the slope were also noted, although the general ascent of the slope remained. This indicated possible repeated eruptions in the nearest future. Changes in the seismicity before, during and after the eruption are also discussed.  相似文献   

The seismicity of Algeria since the nineteenth century is relatively well documented. However, compared with the numerous damaging earthquakes that are documented since 1850, fewer than a dozen reports of earthquakes are listed for the pre-1850 ad period, suggesting that the historical record is missing a substantial number of earthquakes. This paper examines the use of literary and epigraphic sources relevant to the investigation of seismicity in Algeria during Roman times. We provide examples where the meager written literary record may be supplemented with appropriate archaeological and epigraphic data describing damage to ancient Roman sites. The examples show that collaboration between earth scientists and archeologists is of utility in improving the seismic record and highlights the need for further study of data sources and repositories located both inside and outside of Algeria.  相似文献   

Understanding explosive volcanic eruptions, especially phreatomagmatic eruptions, their intensities and energy budgets is of major importance when it comes to risk and hazard studies. With only a few historic occurrences of phreatomagmatic activity, a large amount of our understanding comes from the study of pre-historic volcanic centres, which causes issues when it comes to preservation and vegetation. In this research, we show that using 3D geometrical modelling it is possible to obtain volume estimates for different deposits of a pre-historic, complex, monogenetic centre, the Mt. Gambier Volcanic Complex, south-eastern Australia. Using these volumes, we further explore the energy budgets and the magnitude of this eruption (VEI 4), including dispersal patterns (eruption columns varying between 5 and 10 km, dispersed towards north-east to south), to further our understanding of intraplate, monogenetic eruptions involving phreatomagmatic activity. We also compare which thermodynamic model fits best in the creation of the maar crater of Mt. Gambier: the major-explosion-dominated model or the incremental growth model. In this case, the formation of most of the craters can best be explained by the latter model.  相似文献   

Pyroclastic deposits from the 1982–1983 eruption of Galunggung volcano (Java, Indonesia) reflect preeruptive magmatic evolution which is of interest because of: (1) its duration of nine months, compared to a few hours or days for most historical eruptions; (2) the diversity of eruptive styles, from ash and scoria flows to phreatomagmatic explosions, and to the strombolian activity that marked the end of the eruption; and (3) the progressive variation in chemical composition with time, from andesite (58 wt.% SiO2) to high-Mg basalt (47 wt.% SiO2). The 1982–1983 Galunggung basalts are rather primitive: 10 to 12 wt% MgO, 180 to 200 ppm Ni and 550 to 700 ppm Cr. Despite the presence of about 40% phenocrysts, they may represent the most primitive basalts recognized in western Java. Basalts contain phenocrysts of olivine (Fo90-80), diopside-salite, and plagioclase (An95-75). Andesites contain plagioclase (An80–60), augite, hypersthene (En67-64), and titanomagnetite. The distribution of mineral compositions in each petrographic type is nearly unimodal, although scarce plagioclase and olivine xenocrysts have been observed. Abundance of gabbroic cumulates associated with the pyroclastic flows and evolution of mineral compositions from high-Mg basalts to andesites support crystal fractionation as the main differentiation mechanism, although magma mixing of basaltic andesite and andesite cannot be excluded. Major and trace element trends, which display rough decreases of MgO, CaO, Ni, Cr with increasing degree of differentiation and also linear positive correlations of hygromagmaphile elements, are compatible with both processes. However, some discrepancies are observed between major and trace element modelling, which may be explained to some extent by the influence of in situ crystallization and/or magma mixing. The constancy of 143Nd/144Nd (0.51286±3), 230Th/232Th (0.65±0.02), Th/U (4.08±0.07) ratios, and to a lesser extent 18O values (+5.8 to +6.4 % SMOW) and 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.70440 to 0.70468) is compatible with a magmatic evolution through fractional crystallization without significant crustal contamination. Nevertheless low-18O and high 87Sr/86Sr values in basaltic andesites may be due to the introduction of meteoric fluids into the Galunggung magma.  相似文献   

A review of compositional data of the major explosive eruptions of Vesuvius is presented, comparing compositions (major elements) of whole rock with glass shards from the proximal deposits, hopefully useful for long-distance correlation. A critical review of published and new geochronological data is also provided. All available 14C ages are calibrated to give calendar ages useful for the reconstruction of the volcanological evolution of the volcanic complex. The pyroclastic deposits of the four major Plinian eruptions (22,000 yr cal BP “Pomici di Base”, 8900 yr cal BP “Mercato Pumice”, 4300 yr cal BP “Avellino Pumice”, and A.D. 79 “Pompeii Pumice”) are widely dispersed and allow a four-folded, Plinian to Plinian, stratigraphic division: 1. B–M (between Pomici di Base and Mercato); 2. M–A (between Mercato and Avellino); 3. A–P (between Avellino and Pompeii); 4. P–XX (from the Pompeii Pumice to the last erupted products of the XXth century). Within each interval, the age, lithologic and compositional features of pyroclastic deposits of major eruptions, potentially useful for tephrostratigraphic purposes on distal areas, are briefly discussed. The Vesuvius rocks are mostly high Potassic products, widely variable in terms of their silica saturation. They form three groups, different for both composition and age: 1. slightly undersaturated, older than Mercato eruption; 2. mildly undersaturated, from Mercato to Pompeii eruptions; 3. highly undersaturated, younger than Pompeii eruption. For whole rock analyses, the peculiar variations in contents of some major and trace elements as well as different trends in element/element ratios, allow a clear, unequivocal, easy diagnosis of the group they belong. Glass analyses show large compositional overlap between different groups, but selected element vs. element plots are distinctive for the three groups. The comparative analysis of glass and whole rock major element compositions provides reliable geochemical criteria helping in the recognition, frequently not obvious, of distal products from the different single eruptions.  相似文献   

Calcitic crusts of calcareous red algae could be suitable material for age determination of raised marine deposits and palaeothermometry at annual to sub-annual resolution. We examined the potential of U–Th dating of cold-water calcareous algae by analysing fossil specimens (n=10) from Kapp Ekholm (Svalbard) and recent specimens from Norway (n=3) and Scotland (n=1). After initial measurements using α-spectrometry, thermal ionisation mass spectrometry (TIMS) was used to study the material in more detail. Recent specimens contain 0.19–1.55 μg g−1 U, and the measured (234U/238U) activity ratios vary between 1.12 and 1.30. Fossil specimens contain 1–168 μg g−1 U, and display variable and highly elevated initial (234U/238U) activity ratios. In general, the TIMS results show increasing (234U/238U) activity ratios and concentrations of U and Th with increasing stratigraphic age. From this it is evident that marine calcareous red algae contain U in-vivo and they experience substantial post-mortem uptake of U. We conclude that direct U–Th dating of fossil calcareous algae from raised marine deposits is not viable without further geochemical understanding of the in-vivo uptake and post-depositional pathways of U and Th in such deposits. Despite the convincing open-system behaviour of the material, comparison with previously published chronostratigraphy from the site shows that the calcareous algae generally yield ages that are too old. This is in contrast to the expected result based on simple continuous post-mortem U accumulation and calls for a complex model comprising migration of U and multi-component addition of Th (detrital/colloidal) to explain the observed trends.  相似文献   

Topographic data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) captures the permanent deformation of a prominent highstand of Mono Lake, California USA. Deformation of the Dechambeau Ranch highstand shoreline was measured using the elevation of the beach berm—shoreline bluff break-in-slope. Point source models and a boundary element dike model were used to approximate the source of deformation underneath the northern end of the Mono Craters. The point source model could not adequately explain the observed deformation. The dike model yielded the best results for a NW trending dike dipping 60° NE and inflated to widths greater than 60 m. The results suggest that the geometry of the source is more complex than a simple vertical dike and that the deformation is better explained with a dipping dike following a normal fault, or an elongated cryptodome.  相似文献   

In this study, a new model is developed for the aseismic design of a periodic viaduct when the pile–soil–structure interaction is considered. To account for the influence of the pile–soil–structure interaction, a wavenumber domain boundary element method (WDBEM) model for the periodic pile row supporting the viaduct is developed using the sequence Fourier transform as well as the boundary element method for the elastic medium. By using the WDBEM model for the pile row, the transfer matrices for the beams and piers, the joint conditions at the beam–beam–pier (BBP) junction as well as the periodicity condition for the viaduct, the wavenumber domain response of the periodic viaduct to spatially harmonic waves is determined. Based on the wavenumber domain response of the viaduct, the space-domain response of the viaduct to an arbitrary seismic wave can be obtained by invoking the inverse sequence Fourier transform method. Numerical results show that when the periodic viaduct is exposed to the spatially harmonic wave, resonances may occur at the bounding frequencies of the passbands of the characteristic waves of the viaduct. Also, it is found that the coincidence between the traveling seismic wave and characteristic waves of the viaduct will generate additional resonant frequencies located in passbands of the characteristic waves.  相似文献   

We characterize the Kamchatka seismicity for the period 2005–2007. Regional catalogs of Kamchatka earthquakes were used to develop 2D distributions of parameters of background seismicity. The characteristics we consider include the activity A 10, the slope of the recurrence curve γ, the parameters involved in the methods RTL, ΔS, and the “Z-function”, as well as the control of earthquake clustering. We have detected the space-time agreement between the anomalies exhibited by several parameters.  相似文献   

Information obtained from various parts of the two books on Montagne Pelée by Lacroix enables an estimate to be made of the size of l’Etang Sec summit crater, the volume of the 1902–1905 lava dome and its growth rate at various stages of development. During the week preceding the 8 May nuée ardente, dome growth was between 28 and 38 m3 s–1, leading to a volume of 17–23×106 m3 on the morning of the catastrophe. Considering that significant parts of the dome (~1/3?) were removed by the 8 and 20 May climactic eruptions, a high magmatic flux could have continued until at least 27 May, when the total remaining volume was estimated to 53×106 m3. After moderate activity in June–July (of order 10 m3 s–1), vigorous dome growth resumed dramatically, leading to the third climactic eruption of 30 August (a true calculation for this period being not feasible because of poor quality of the data). From November 1902 to July 1903 most of the effusive activity was concentrated in the great spine (erupted volume ~15×106 m3, magma flux 1.2 m3 s–1), which was eventually destroyed by collapse and minor nuées ardentes. The end of the eruption was characterized by a very low effusion rate, <1 m3 s–1 in average from August 1903 to October 1905.  相似文献   

The rainfall–runoff modelling being a stochastic process in nature is dependent on various climatological variables and catchment characteristics and therefore numerous hydrological models have been developed to simulate this complex process. One approach to modelling this complex non-linear rainfall–runoff process is to combine the outputs of various models to get more accurate and reliable results. This multi-model combination approach relies on the fact that various models capture different features of the data, and hence combination of these features would yield better result. This study for the first time presented a novel wavelet based combination approach for estimating combined runoff The simulated daily output (Runoff) of five selected conventional rainfall–runoff models from seven different catchments located in different parts of the world was used in current study for estimating combined runoff for each time period. Five selected rainfall–runoff models used in this study included four data driven models, namely, the simple linear model, the linear perturbation model, the linearly varying variable gain factor model, the constrained linear systems with a single threshold and one conceptual model, namely, the soil moisture accounting and routing model. The multilayer perceptron neural network method was used to develop combined wavelet coupled models to evaluate the effect of wavelet transformation (WT). The performance of the developed wavelet coupled combination models was compared with their counterpart simple combination models developed without WT. It was concluded that the presented wavelet coupled combination approach outperformed the existing approaches of combining different models without applying input WT. The study also recommended that different models in a combination approach should be selected on the basis of their individual performance.  相似文献   

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