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A seismic survey was carried out at Stromboli volcano during August 1973. Statistical and spectral analyses of volcanic tremor and explosion quakes were performed. The statistical analysis has shown that the value of them coefficient in Ishimoto & Iida’s relation is high and that the hourly frequencies of events are fairly constant. The spectral analysis has shown a similarity in shape between tremors and explosion quakes. These events have the dominant frequency of 5 Hz at the craters area.  相似文献   

Seismic observations were carried out at Stromboli from October 16th to 24th, 1972. One three-component seismic station was set up at Semaforo Nuovo, about 2 km on the E of the crater plain. Seismic observations showed the occurrence of microtremors, with variable amplitude but constant frequency content, and different types of explosion earthquakes. Spectral and vibration orbit analyses of microtremors and quakes were made in order to infer their nature and the depth of origin. Changes in microtremor amplitudes corresponding to different phases of volcanic activity indicate that their study may be useful in forecasting strongly explosive volcanic phases at Stromboli.  相似文献   

Three small-scale paroxysmal explosions (also called major explosions) interrupted ordinary mild Strombolian activity at Stromboli on May 3, November 8 and 24, 2009. Products were largely confined to the summit area, except in the November 24 event, during which coarse pumiceous lapilli reached the coast. Emission of crystal-poor pumice closely mingled with crystal-rich products characterized the three events. The textural and chemical study of minerals and glassy matrices revealed that the two end-members are mingled together physically in the May 3 and November 24 pumice, whereas November 8 products contain heterogeneous glass with intermediate compositions derived from chemical mixing between crystal-rich and crystal-poor magmas. We here discuss the different degrees of interaction between the two magmas in the three explosions in terms of magma dynamics during small-scale paroxysms.  相似文献   

A combination of fortuitous eruptive and wind conditions at Stromboli volcano in September 2002 enabled the collection of samples of multiple lapilli from individual observed explosions. These ejecta present the first opportunity to analyze the vesicularity of material ejected in a single Strombolian explosion. Samples of between 40 and 92 lapilli were collected from each of six sequential explosions on 30 September 2002, and 28 lapilli were obtained from a single explosion  24 h later (1 October). Density measurements and microtextural observations show that considerable heterogeneity existed within each of the seven samples. Centimeter to millimeter size bubble-rich and bubble-poor zones are present and are, in places, mingled together. These data confirm that the shallow conduit at Stromboli is a texturally diverse environment at the instant of a single explosion, and that a similar range of heterogeneity can persist through closely-spaced sequences of explosions on a timescale of hours and, probably, days, despite the dynamic processes of ascent of melt and decoupled gas phases.  相似文献   

Microtextural characteristics of fresh ejecta from Stromboli volcano were examined from three periods of differing eruption style and intensity in 2002. Activity shifted from relatively weak and infrequent ash-charged explosions during January through May into two broad cycles of waxing activity in June through late September, and late September through December, followed by the onset on 28 December of the 2002/2003 effusive eruption. Analyzed sets of lapilli from May, September/October, and 28 December show contrasts in the physical properties of magma resident in the shallow conduit during this range of activity. Three distinct textures are observed among the analyzed pyroclasts: low density (LD) with an abundance of subspherical bubbles, the presence of large, irregularly shaped bubbles, and a light-to-transparent glass matrix; transitional texture (TT) with an intermediate number of subspherical bubbles, a high frequency of large, irregularly-shaped bubbles, and a honey colored glass matrix; and high density (HD) with sparse relatively small bubbles, conspicuous large irregular bubbles, and a dark glass matrix. Observational and quantitative data (density, vesicle size) indicate that these textures are linked through variable residence time in Stromboli’s shallow conduit, with an ongoing evolution from LD to HD magma. Calculations suggest that residual LD magma will evolve to HD texture in a period of hours to days. Contrasting amounts of the LD, TT, and HD magmas are present in each sample, with the most TT in May, the most LD in September/October, and the most HD in December. This implies that the shallow magma had a different rheology at each collection period. The viscosity of LD and HD magmas are calculated to be in the range of 2,000 to 2,600 and 3,000 to 5,000 Pa s, respectively, which, with their changing proportions, must have implications for rates of bubble slug ascent and processes of fragmentation. This study suggests that an increasing maturity of magma in Stromboli’s shallow conduit (with resultant increase in viscosity) feeds back to reduce the intensity of explosions, whereas a steady flux of LD magma favors more powerful explosions.  相似文献   

The assessment of potential volcanic eruptions is a critical aspect when evaluating the safety of populated areas. A stochastic approach has been developed for the analysis and simulation of data sampled at active volcanoes. This approach allows for the detection and quantification of time correlation, volcanic event forecasts using Cox model based simulations and volcanic tremor decomposition in order to identify potential precursors of major eruptions. The stochastic approach has been applied to data monitored at Stromboli volcano. Significant time correlation has been detected which makes Stromboli a volcano with a remarkable memory of its recent activity in comparison to other volcanoes. Forecasting of the number of strombolian events for the next few days has been performed by Monte Carlo simulations. Finally, kriging analysis of the tremor intensity has enabled time component estimation which could furnish additional monitoring variables for the forecast of paroxysmal phases at Stromboli.  相似文献   

Stromboli is well known for its persistent, normal explosive activity, consisting of intermittent, mild to moderate, Strombolian explosions that typically occur every 10–20 min. All tephras erupted during this activity usually fall back into the crater terrace, and consist of volatile-poor scoriae fed by Highly Porphyritic (HP) magma. More occasionally, large explosions or “paroxysms” eject a greater quantity of tephra, mainly consisting of HP scoriae and pumice clasts of Low Porphyritic (LP) magma, but also including large lithic blocks. In addition to this activity, between 2004 and 2006 high energy explosions, displaying an intermediate eruptive style between that of normal and paroxysmal explosions in terms of column height, duration and tephra dispersal, were observed to occur at a frequency of one to eight events per year. While many volcanological, geochemical and geophysical studies have focused in the last few years on the two end-members of activity, i.e. normal or paroxysmal, a detailed investigation on these intermediate types of events has not been carried out yet. Here we report of a study on the 9 January 2005 explosion, one of the high energy explosions during which the main fountaining phase lasted nearly a minute causing ejection of coarse bombs up to a height of 120 m, and of ash and lapilli to > 200 m. An accompanying ash plume rose up to 500 m at the end of the explosion. We present a multidisciplinary approach that integrates the results from analysis of live-camera images with compositional and textural characterization of the erupted products. Major element composition of glassy groundmass and 3D views of textures in the erupted scoriae support the hypothesis based on volcanological observations that this explosion falls between normal and paroxysmal activity, for which we use the term “intermediate”. By comparing the video-camera images of the 9 January 2005 explosion with volcanological features of other high energy explosions that occurred at Stromboli between June 2004 and October 2006, we find that three additional events can be considered intermediate explosions, suggesting that this type of activity may be fairly common on this volcano. The results of this study, although preliminary given our limited dataset, clearly indicate that the methodology used here can be successfully applied to better define the range of eruptive styles typifying the normal explosive activity, potentially improving our capability of eruption forecasting and assessing volcanic hazard at Stromboli.  相似文献   

The 5 April 2003 paroxysmal explosion at Stromboli volcano was one of the strongest explosive events of the last century. It occurred while the effusive eruption, begun on 28 December 2002 and finished on 22 July 2003, was still on going and the summit craters of the volcano were obstructed. In this paper, we present a reconstruction of the sequence of events based on thermal and visual images collected from helicopter before, during and immediately after the paroxysm. One month before the blast, ash emission and temperature increase at the bottom of the summit craters were observed. An increasing amount of juvenile components in the emitted ash during March suggested that the magma level within the crater was rising accordingly. Hot degassing vents at the bottom of the summit craters were not persistent, and the craters remained almost entirely obstructed by talus accumulation until the paroxysm occurred. Three minutes before the explosion, we recorded a significant increase in temperature inside Crater 1, accompanied by a thicker gas plume. Thirty-two seconds before the blast, reddish ash was emitted from Crater 1. The paroxysm produced a vulcanian explosion that opened the feeder conduit, obstructed for over three months. The blast was accompanied by a shock wave recorded by the INGV seismic network at 07:13:37 GMT. Explosions with hot material started from Crater 1, and after 15 s propagated to Crater 3, about 100 m away. The velocity of ejecta was ∼80 m s 1, and increased when the eruptive plumes from both craters merged together during the vulcanian phase. An eruptive column rose 1 km above the top of the volcano, and explosions continued mainly at Crater 3. The paroxysm lasted about 9 min, with bombs up to 4 m wide falling on the village of Ginostra, on the west flank of the island, and destroying two houses. This event signalled the start of the declining phase of the effusive eruption, suggesting that the feeder conduit was returning to its former steady conditions, with open vents and continuous, mild strombolian activity.  相似文献   

The persistent normal activity of Stromboli is occasionally interrupted by sudden and highly energetic explosive events called Strombolian paroxysms. These phenomena together with landslide-generated tsunamis represent the most hazardous manifestations of present-day volcanic activity at Stromboli. The most recent paroxysms, on 5 April 2003 and 15 March 2007, have drawn attention to these energetic events because they significantly threatened inhabitants and tourists. Historical accounts and field evidence indicate, however, that even larger paroxysms, in terms of volume, dispersal of products and intensity of explosive phenomena, occurred in the recent past. During these paroxysms incipiently welded spatter deposits mantled the north and south rims of the Sciara del Fuoco down to low elevations, extending much farther than the similar deposits from recent observed events (5 April 2003 and 15 March 2007). In order to identify, characterize and discriminate among products of these outstanding spatter-forming eruptions, more than 50 stratigraphic sections were measured and sampled. Stratigraphic, sedimentological and radiometric (14C) data indicate that only two paroxysms produced spatter that reached very low elevations and inhabited areas: the first occurred in the 16th century and the last in AD 1930. Analysis of texture and deposit components reveals that the early phases of the two eruptions were driven by distinctly different eruptive dynamics. Both identified paroxysms are at least one order of magnitude greater than any similar event observed by monitoring systems at Stromboli. These two large paroxysms were the most powerful volcanic events at Stromboli in the last eighteen centuries.  相似文献   

A new way to study the dynamics of explosive behaviour at different vents of Stromboli volcano is proposed. The method is based on computer processing of images taken by an infrared film camera, at a rate of 4 pictures per second. Each picture has been digitized by use of an image scanner with a 75 d.p.i. (dots per inch) resolution and 256 levels of gray, then processed and the total mass of the ejected material has been calculated for each photograph. With this procedure the flux of ejected matter throughout every single explosive event has been reconstructed. The analysis of trajectories made on adequate samples of ejecta has allowed us to evaluate the ejection velocity. The mode of the mass flux distribution and the mean value of the velocities calculated for individual particles quantify the kinetic energy of an explosion. Vents nos. 1 and 3, which remained active after the last effusive eruption of 1985–1986, show several explosive patterns, the energy of which is measured. The observed flux distributions have been checked both numerically and experimentally by modelling impulsive events.The computer simulations of the mass distributions have allowed us to speculate on the possible explosive dynamisms. Two different models have been used: a single impulse model confirms the behaviour actually shown by one of the two vents, while the behaviour of the other is better depicted by a cumulative trend of successive impulses in rhythmic sequence.Moreover, through the experimental approach we have had the opportunity to test the overall resolution of the method.The observed matter flux distribution has then been associated to the seismic signals in order to correlate the dynamics involved in the explosions with the seismic source mechanisms.  相似文献   

We performed measurements using an SO2 imaging camera of the SO2 gas mass emitted during five discrete explosive events on Stromboli volcano on 3 October 2006. The SO2 gas mass released during discrete explosions was 15–40 kg per explosion, producing 3–8% of the total daily SO2 gas emission, demonstrating that in terms of gas flux Strombolian explosions are a second-order phenomenon compared with quiescent degassing. Using the typical gas composition measured with OP-FTIR allows us to determine the total gas mass released during an explosion as 360–960 kg with a volume of 1500–4100 m3 at 1 bar. At the probable source pressure of gas slug formation of 75 MPa this gas amount would occupy a volume equivalent to a sphere with a radius of 0.8–1 m, comparable with estimates of Stromboli's conduit geometry.  相似文献   

During the period 1631–1944, Vesuvius was in persistent activity with alternating mild strombolian explosions, quiet effusive eruptions, and violent strombolian eruptions. The major difference between the predominant style of activity and the violent strombolian stages is the effusion rate. The lava effusion rate during major eruptions was in the range 20–100 m3/s, higher than during mild activity and quiet effusion (0.1–1 m3/s). The products erupted during the mild activity and major paroxysms have different degree of crystallization. Highly porphyritic lava flows are slowly erupted during years-long period of mild activity. This activity is fed by a magma accumulating at shallow depth within the volcanic edifice. Conversely, during the major paroxysms, a fast lava flow precedes the eruption of a volatile-rich, crystal-poor magma. We show that the more energetic eruptions are fed by episodic, multiple arrival of discrete batches of magma rising faster and not degassing during the ascent. The rapidly ascending magma pushes up the liquid residing in the shallow reservoir and eventually reaches the surface with its full complement of volatiles, producing kilometer-high lava fountains. Rapid drainage of the shallow reservoir occasionally caused small caldera collapses. The major eruptions act to unplug the upper part of the feeding system, erupting the cooling and crystallizing magma. This pattern of activity lasted for 313 y, but with a progressive decrease in the number of more energetic eruptions. As a consequence, a cooling plug blocked the volcano until it eventually prevented the eruption of new magma. The yearly probability of having at least one violent strombolian eruption has decreased from 0.12 to 0.10 from 1944 to 2007, but episodic seismic crises since 1979 may be indicative of new episodic intrusions of magma batches.  相似文献   

Seismic activity at Stromboli Volcano is characterized by a variety of signals, emanating from three vents. For a long time, the northwest vent has been in constant activity. Periodically, large explosions occur and material is ejected beyond the crater walls. These large explosions are accompanied by sonic and infrasonic pressure waves in the atmosphere, and explosion quakes. Apart from large explosions, there is constant activity in the form of continuous gas bursts which are related to low infrasonic pulses in the atmosphere and volcanic tremor. We assume that volcanic tremor and low pressure infrasonics are generated by gas bubbles inside the volcanic conduit, and accordingly, we compute synthetic tremor by modeling the source function as a pressure variation in a spherical cavity that propagates through a finely layered medium, by means of Haskell's formalism. To simulate a tremor, we superpose in time domain a large number of such pulses of varying amplitudes and time delays, according to the observed infrasonic series. In addition to the spectral similarity, the observed and synthetic tremor display the same autocorrelation and Hurst exponents, implying similar long-term correlation. We present strong evidence in favour of an interpretation of the spectral peaks of the volcanic tremor at Stromboli in terms of resonances of the layered structure, hence, as a path effect rather than a source effect.  相似文献   

Volcanic explosion earthquakes accompanying explosive eruptions are viewed as representing an abrupt release of pressurized magma beneath a volcano through a vent. I examine the source mechanisms of explosion earthquakes assuming two extreme cases of magma property. When magma is assumed to be a perfect gas which migrates upward isentropically through a vent acting as a nozzle, the seismic source is expressed as a single force. On the other hand, when magma flow is assumed to be incompressible, an implosive source is dominant. Both source models predict that the seismic magnitude is proportional to the cross-sectional area of the vent. I investigate observed seismic magnitudes for different volcanoes based on data in published papers and reports. The results show that the seismic magnitude of the largest event for each volcano is essentially proportional to the cross-sectional area of the vent for vent radii ranging from 10 to 600 m. The consistency found between the theoretical prediction and the observed relation suggests that the vent area plays a substantial role in the magnitude of explosion earthquakes. I further estimate that initial pressures in the reservoir are of the order of a few MPa, with a one order of magnitude uncertainty based on the single force model. I also apply the implosive source model to the observed seismic magnitudes and estimate the product of bulk modulus of magma and flow velocity to be 1010–1011 J/m2 s.  相似文献   

Physical analysis of explosive, magma-water interaction is complicated by several important controls: (1) the initial geometry and location of the contact between magma and water; (2) the process by which thermal energy is transferred from the magma to the water; (3) the degree to and manner by which the magma and water become intermingled prior to eruption; (4) the thermodynamic equation of state for mixtures of magma fragments and water; (5) the dynamic metastability of superheated water; and (6) the propagation of shock waves through the system. All of these controls can be analyzed while addressing aspects of tephra emplacement from the eruptive column by fallout, surge, and flow processes. An ideal thermodynamic treatment, in which the magma and external water are allowed to come to thermal equilibrium before explosive expansion, shows that the maximum system pressure and entropy are determined by the mass ratio of water and magma interacting. Explosive (thermodynamic) efficiency, measured by the ratio of maximum work potential to thermal energy of the magma, depends upon heat transfer from the pyroclasts to the vapor during the expansion stage. The adiabatic case, in which steam immediately separates from the tephra during ejection, produces lower efficiencies than does the isothermal case, in which heat is continually transferred from tephra to steam as it expands. Mechanisms by which thermal equilibrium between water and magma can be obtained require intimate mixing of the two. Interface instabilities of the Landau and Taylor type have been documented by experiments to cause fine-scale mixing prior to vapor explosion. In these cases, water is heated rapidly to a metastable state of superheat where vapor explosion occurs by spontaneous nucleation when a temperature limit is exceeded. Mixing may also be promoted by shock wave propagation. If the shock is of sufficient strength to break the magma into small pieces, thermal equilibrium and vapor production in its wake may drive the shock as a thermal detonation. Because these mechanisms of magma fragmentation allow calculation of grain size, vapor temperature and pressure, and pressure rise times, detailed emplacement models can be developed by critical field and laboratory analysis of the resulting tephra deposits. Deposits left by dense flows of tephra and wet steam as opposed to those left by dilute flows of dry steam and tephra show contrasts in median grain size, dispersal area, grain shape, grain surface chemistry, and bed form.  相似文献   

Onset of the persistent activity at Stromboli Volcano (Italy)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

During June 1999, we measured the amplitude and rate (number of events per second) at which gas exited the vent at Stromboli volcano as discrete gas bursts or puffs. This allowed us to identify two styles of gas burst (puffing) activity. The first is characterized by frequent, rapidly rising puffs, the second by less frequent, slowly rising puffs. Each style persisted over 5–40-min-long durations and was associated with a high and low number of strombolian explosions per hour, respectively. Each period was also associated with characteristic delay times between the arrival of the infrasonic and thermal signals during strombolian explosions; the delays were longer during vigorous puffing periods. To explain our observations, we propose a model in which the degassing process cycles between vigorous and weak degassing phases. During vigorous degassing phases, bubble layers ascend the conduit at a frequency of 0.5–1.0 s−1. This high degassing level reflects a gas-rich magma column and leads to an increased rate in the formation of shallow foams and, hence, an increase in puffing and explosive activity, as well as a higher free surface level and/or gas jet velocity. During weak phases, bubble layers ascend the conduit at a reduced frequency of 0.2–0.3 s−1. During such times the magma column is poor in gas. This leads to a decreased rate of foam layer formation and hence a reduction in puffing and explosive activity, as well as a lower free surface level and/or gas jet velocity. Variations in puffing activity can thus be used to track changes in the rate at which the shallow system is supplied by fresh, gas-rich magma. Our observations indicate that the two degassing styles last from 5 to 40 min and that the switch from one to the other occurs over a matter of minutes.  相似文献   

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