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Many of the non-mare rock types at Apollo 17 can be identified uniquely by their spectral reflectance properties. Mineralogical and textural information is present in the spectral curves of samples from Boulder 1, Station 2. It should be possible to determine the regional extent of rocks similar to the boulder using reflectance spectra from a spacecraft in lunar orbit.  相似文献   

Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) U‐Pb ages of Ca‐phosphates from four texturally distinct breccia samples (72255, 76055, 76015, 76215) collected at the Apollo 17 landing site were obtained in an attempt to identify whether they represent a single or several impact event(s). The determined ages, combined with inferences from petrologic relationships, may indicate two or possibly three different impact events at 3920 ± 3 Ma, 3922 ± 5 Ma, and 3930 ± 5 Ma (all errors 2σ). Searching for possible sources of the breccias by calculating the continuous ejecta radii of impact basins and large craters as well as their expected ejecta thicknesses, we conclude that Nectaris, Crisium, Serenitatis, and Imbrium are likely candidates. If the previous interpretation that the micropoikilitic breccias collected at the North Massif represent Serenitatis ejecta is correct, then the average 207Pb/206Pb age of 3930 ± 5 Ma (2σ) dates the formation of the Serenitatis basin. The occurrence of zircon in the breccias sampled at the South Massif, which contain Ca‐phosphates yielding an age of 3922 ± 5 Ma (2σ), may indicate that the breccia originated from within the Procellarum KREEP terrane (PKT) and the Imbrium basin appears to be the only basin that could have sourced them. However, this interpretation implies that all basins suggested to fall stratigraphically between Serenitatis and Imbrium formed within a short (<11 Ma) time interval, highlighting serious contradictions between global stratigraphic constraints, sample interpretation, and chronological data. Alternatively, the slightly older age of the two micropoikilitic breccias may be a result of incomplete resetting of the U‐Pb system preserved in some phosphate grains. Based on the currently available data set this possibility cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Abstract— The lunar soil characterization consortium, a group of lunar‐sample and remote‐sensing scientists, has undertaken the extensive task of characterization of the finest fractions of lunar soils, with respect to their mineralogical and chemical makeup. These compositional data form the basis for integration and modeling with the reflectance spectra of these same soil fractions. This endeavor is aimed at deciphering the effects of space weathering of soils on airless bodies with quantification of the links between remotely sensed reflectance spectra and composition. A beneficial byproduct is an understanding of the complexities involved in the formation of lunar soil. Several significant findings have been documented in the study of the <45 μm size fractions of selected Apollo 17 mare soils. As grain size decreases, the abundance of agglutinitic glass increases, as does the plagioclase, whereas the other minerals decrease. The composition of the agglutinitic glass is relatively constant for all size fractions, being more feldspathic than any of the bulk compositions; notably, TiO2 is substantially depleted in the agglutinitic glass. However, as grain size decreases, the bulk composition of each size fraction continuously changes, becoming more Al‐rich and Fe‐poor, and approaches the composition of the agglutinitic glasses. Between the smallest grain sizes (10–20 and < 10 μm), the IS/FeO values (amount of total iron present as nanophase Fe0) increase by greater than 100% (>2x), whereas the abundance of agglutinitic glass increases by only 10–15%. This is evidence for a large contribution from surface‐correlated nanophase Fe0 to the IS/FeO values, particularly in the <10 μm size fraction. The surface nanophase Fe0 is present largely as vapor‐deposited patinas on the surfaces of almost every particle of the mature soils, and to a lesser degree for the immature soils (Keller et al., 1999a). It is reasoned that the vapor‐deposited patinas may have far greater effects upon reflectance spectra of mare soils than the agglutinitic Fe0.  相似文献   

Abstract— Thirteen glasses from Apollo 17 regolith 71501,262 have been chemically analyzed by electron microprobe and isotopically dated with the 40Ar/39Ar dating method. We report here the first isotopic age obtained for the Apollo 17 very low titanium (VLT) volcanic glasses, 3630 ± 40 Ma. Twelve impact glasses that span a wide compositional range have been found to record ages ranging from 102 ± 20 Ma to 3740 ± 50 Ma. The compositions of these impact glasses show that some have been produced by impact events within the Apollo 17 region, whereas others appear to be exotic to the landing site. As the data sets that include compositions and ages of lunar impact glasses increase, the impact history in the Earth‐Moon system will become better constrained.  相似文献   

The morphologies of Tycho secondary craters and their ejecta deposits were studied using full-Moon, Lunar-Orbiter, and Apollo panoramic photographs. These data were compared with similar data for the secondary craters and light mantle of the Apollo 17 landing site. The results indicate that (1) the central crater cluster and the light mantle can be attributed to Tycho, (2) the dominant mechanism for emplacement of the light mantle was impact by secondary craters that threw material across the valley floor, and (3) level sheets of material may be emplaced locally by secondary impact. Analysis of returned samples confirms that secondary impacts rework mostly local material.  相似文献   

Abstract— A fragment of basalt picked from the drive tube collected at Van Serg crater at the Apollo 17 landing site has a bulk chemistry more primitive than that of other high-titanium mare basalt groups collected at the site. The sample has a fine-grained olivine phyric, subophitic texture that is distinct from that of other high-titanium basalt samples. The grain size and texture suggest that the sample has a composition close to that of a magma. The crystallization sequence, with appearance of oxide minerals later than in other groups, and other petrographic features such as more-calcic plagioclase and early pigeonite rather than augite, are consistent with this sample representing a distinct variant of Apollo 17 high-titanium basalts. It is not related through closed-system igneous processes to any of the other mare basalt groups identified among Apollo 17 samples. Its characters emphasize the complexity of contemporaneous magma processes on the Moon and the heterogeneity of that part of the mantle that was melted.  相似文献   

Sixteen samples of Boulder 1 from Station 2 at the Apollo 17 site were analyzed by radiochemical neutron activation analysis for Ag, Au, Bi, Br, Cd, Cs, Ge, Ir, Ni, Rb, Re, Sb, Te, Tl, U, and Zn. Two clast samples contam no meteoritic material and appear to consist of relatively pristine igneous rocks: an unusual, KREEP-rich pigeonite basalt of very high Ge content, and an alkali-poor coarse norite. Nine grey or black breccia samples contain a unique, Group 3 meteoritic component of Ir/Au ratio 0.65–0.82, which appears to separate into subgroups 3H and 3L on the basis of Ni, Ge, and Re content. It is quite distinct from the Group 2 component (Ir/Au - 0.46–0.54) that dominates at the Apollo 17 site.The unique black-rimmed clasts from this boulder show striking compositional zoning. The cores of anorthositic breccia are very low in Rb, Cs, and U, and have a distinctive 5L meteoritic component (Ir/Au1.1). The black rinds are 5- to 10-fold richer in Rb, Cs, and U and have a Group 3 meteoritic component. The cores may represent breccias formed in an earlier impact that became coated with alkali-rich ejecta during the event that produced the boulder.Because of the rarity of the Group 3 meteoritic component at the Apollo 17 site, this boulder cannot represent ordinary Serenitatis ejecta, with their characteristic admixture of the Group 2 Serenitatis projectile. It may represent pre-Serenitatis material excavated from the fringes of the crater during late stages of the Serenitatis impact, but only lightly shocked and hence uncontaminated by the Serenitatis projectile.  相似文献   

A detailed petrologic survey has been made of 17 basaltic chips (sized between 1 and 10 mm) from the 12003 soil sample as part of an ongoing study of basaltic diversity at the Apollo 12 landing site. An attempt has been made to classify these samples according to the well‐established grouping of olivine, pigeonite, ilmenite, and feldspathic basalts. Particular attention has been paid to variations in major, minor, and trace element mineral chemistry (determined by electron microprobe analysis and laser ablation ICP‐MS), which may be indicative of particular basaltic suites and less susceptible to sampling bias than bulk sample characteristics. Examples of all three main (olivine, pigeonite, and ilmenite) basaltic suites have been identified within the 12003 soil. One sample is identified as a possible new addition to the feldspathic suite, which currently consists of only one other confirmed sample. Identification of additional feldspathic basalts strengthens the argument that they represent a poorly sampled basaltic flow local to the Apollo 12 site, rather than exotic material introduced to the site by impact mixing processes. Three samples are identified as representing members of one or two previously unrecognized basaltic suites.  相似文献   

The geologic history of planetary surfaces is most effectively determined by joining geologic mapping and crater counting which provides an iterative, qualitative and quantitative method for defining relative ages and absolute model ages. Based on this approach, we present spatial and temporal details regarding the evolution of the Martian northern plains and surrounding regions.The highland–lowland boundary (HLB) formed during the pre-Noachian and was subsequently modified through various processes. The Nepenthes Mensae unit along the northern margins of the cratered highlands, was formed by HLB scarp-erosion, deposition of sedimentary and volcanic materials, and dissection by surface runoff between 3.81 and 3.65 Ga. Ages for giant polygons in Utopia and Acidalia Planitiae are 3.75 Ga and likely reflect the age of buried basement rocks. These buried lowland surfaces are comparable in age to those located closer to the HLB, where a much thinner, post-HLB deposit is mapped. The emplacement of the most extensive lowland surfaces ended between 3.75 and 3.4 Ga, based on densities of craters generally >3km in diameter. Results from the polygonal terrain support the existence of a major lowland depocenter shortly after the pre-Noachian formation of the northern lowlands. In general, northern plains surfaces show gradually younger ages at lower elevations, consistent local to regional unit emplacement and resurfacing between 3.6 and 2.6 Ga. Elevation levels and morphology are not necessarily related, and variations in ages within the mapped units are found, especially in units formed and modified by multiple geological processes. Regardless, most of the youngest units in the northern lowlands are considered to be lavas, polar ice, or thick mantle deposits, arguing against the ocean theory during the Amazonian Period (younger than about 3.15 Ga).All ages measured in the closest vicinity of the steep dichotomy escarpment are also 3.7 Ga or older. The formation ages of volcanic flanks at the HLB (e.g., Alba Mons (3.6–3.4 Ga) and the last fan at Apollinaris Mons, 3.71 Ga) may give additional temporal constraint for the possible existence of any kind of Martian ocean before about 3.7 Ga. It seems to reflect the termination of a large-scale, precipitation-based hydrological cycle and major geologic processes related to such cycling.  相似文献   

Although we can observe current activity on Saturn's satellite Enceladus with Cassini, insight into past activity is best achieved (for now) through studying the impact crater distributions. Furthermore, approximation of terrain ages can only be attained through calculations using crater densities and estimations of impact rates in the saturnian system. Here we focus on what the impact crater distribution in Enceladus' heavily cratered plains can tell us about Enceladus' geologic history. We use Cassini ISS images to count craters in the heavily cratered plains on Enceladus, along with Rhea, Dione, Tethys and Mimas as references, to develop and compare their size-frequency distributions. Comparisons of our counts show that Enceladus' cratered plains distribution is unique in that it appears to have a relative deficiency of craters for diameters ?2 km and ?6 km compared to the other satellites' heavily cratered plains. Our data also indicates that the impact crater density within the cratered plains changes with latitude. Specifically, both the north and south mid-latitude regions have approximately three times higher density than the equatorial region. We hypothesize that the “missing” small and large craters in Enceladus' cratered plains is due to a combination of viscous relaxation of the larger craters, and burial of the relaxed large craters and small craters by south polar plume and possibly E-ring material. We also conclude that the spatial density distribution is not consistent with recent polar wander.  相似文献   

Impact breccia 14311, was collected from the Apollo 14 landing site as a potential sample of the underlying Fra Mauro Formation. Published zircon U‐Pb ages of >4000 Ma date the source material of the breccia and the apatite U‐Pb age of ~3940 Ma is interpreted as dating thermal resetting of the apatite U‐Pb systems. In this contribution we present new age information on the late stage thermal history of the breccia based on the annealing of radiation damage in the zircons. From Raman spectroscopic determination of the radiation damage within SIMS analytical spots on the zircons and the U and Th concentrations determined on these spots, we demonstrate that the radiation damage in the zircons has been annealed and we estimate the age of annealing at 3410 ± 80 Ma. This age is interpreted as a cooling age following heating of the breccia to above the annealing temperature of ~230 °C for stage 1 radiation damage in zircon, but below the temperature needed to reset the U‐Pb system of apatite (~500 °C). It is proposed that this thermal event was associated with the prolonged period of Mare volcanism, from 3150 to 3750 Ma, that generated massive basalt flows in the vicinity of the sample location.  相似文献   

40Ar/39Ar incremental heating experiments on whole‐rock lunar samples commonly provide evidence of varying degrees of radiogenic 40Ar (40Ar*) loss. However, these experiments provide limited information about whether or not 40Ar* is preferentially lost from specific glasses, minerals, or polyphase domains. Ultraviolet laser ablation microprobe (UVLAMP) 40Ar/39Ar dating and electron probe microanalysis of mineral clasts and polyphase melt assemblages in Apollo 17 poikilitic impact melt rock 77135 show evidence of geochemical controls on 40Ar/39Ar dates. Potassium‐rich glass and K‐feldspar in the mesostasis are the dominant sources for Ar released during low‐temperature steps of published 40Ar/39Ar release spectra for this rock, while pyroxene oikocrysts with enclosed plagioclase chadacrysts contribute Ar predominantly to intermediate‐ to high‐temperature steps. Additionally, UVLAMP analysis of a mm‐scale plagioclase clast demonstrates the potential to use stranded 40Ar* diffusive loss profiles to constrain the thermal evolution of lunar impact melt deposits and indicates that the melt component of 77135 cooled quickly. While some submillimeter clasts of plagioclase are distinctly older than the melt, other small clasts yield dates younger than the oldest melt components in 77135, plausibly due to subgrain fast diffusion pathways and/or 40Ar* loss during brief episodes of reheating at high temperatures. Our data suggest that integrated petrologic and microanalytical geochronologic studies are necessary complements to bulk sample geochronologic studies in order to fully evaluate competing models for the impactor flux during the first billion years of the Moon's evolution.  相似文献   

The Taurus-Littrow region (Apollo 17 landing area) is located in the northeastern quadrant of the Moon in the mountainous area on the southeastern rim of the Serenitatis basin. The highlands in the Taurus-Littrow region can be divided into three broad terrain types. (1)Littrow massifs - massive, 10-20 km diam, steep-sloped (20°–30°), highland blocks often bordered by linear graben-like valleys. (2)Littrow sculptured hills - a series of closely spaced 1-5 km diam domical hills occupying broad highland plateaus which have been cratered and block faulted. Sculptured hill units stretch along the eastern edge of Serenitatis from the Apollo 17 area north to Posidonius. (3)Vitruvius front and plateau - a long irregular but generally north-trending scarp (occasionally rising over 2 km above the surrounding terrain) and its associated uplifted plateau to the east. This terrain is composed of hills ranging from 2-7 km diam, whose morphology is intermediate between the sculptured hills and the massifs. It is concluded that the highland units in the Taurus-Littrow region are primarily related to the origin of the Serenitatis basin because of their marked similarity to more well-preserved basin-related deposits in the younger Imbrium and Orientale basins: (1) the massifs and sculptured terra are morphologically similar to the Imbrium basin-related Montes Alpes and Alpes Formation, (2) the relative geographic position of the Taurus-Littrow highlands and Montes Alpes/Alpes Formation is the same, forming the second ring and spreading distally, and (3) the structures are similar in orientation and development (e.g., massifs are related to radial and concentric structure; Alpes Formation/sculptured terra are not). Interpretation of the massifs and sculptured hills as Serenitatis impact-related deposits lessens the possible role of highland volcanism in the origin and evolution of the Taurus-Littrow terrain, although extensive pre-Serenitatis volcanism cannot be ruled out. The preserved morphology of the sculptured hills suggests that the thickness of post-Serenitatis large basin ejecta (from Imbrium, for instance) is small, compared to the total highland section. This implies that the primary contributions to the highland stratigraphy are from Serenitatis and pre-Serenitatis events. The highland surface, however, may be dominated by ejecta from the latest nearby large event (formation of the Imbrium basin). Structural elements mapped in the Taurus-Littrow area include lineaments, the Vitruvius structural front, two types of grabens, and scarps. The majority of lineaments, as well as some grabens, appear to be related to a dominant NW trend and subordinate N and NE trends. These trends are interpreted to be related to a more regional lunar grid pattern which formed in the area prior to the origin of the Serenitatis basin, causing distinct structural inhomogeneities in the highland terrain. The Serenitatis event produced radial and concentric structures predominantly influenced by this pre-existing trend. Younger grabens are generally circumferential to the Serenitatis basin and appear to be related to readjustment of Serenitatis-produced structures; those that are oblique to Serenitatis follow the pre-Serenitatis structural grain. No obvious structural elements can be correlated with the post-Serenitatis, Nectaris and Crisium basins. It is believed that the origin and hence the geographic concentration of the Littrow massifs is related to the fact that Serenitatis radials in the massif area coincide with lines of pre-existing structural weakness along a general lunar grid direction (NW). Pre-existing structurally weak lunar grid trends seem to have been structurally reactivated by Serenitatis radials, causing preferential uplift of large blocks in this area. Elsewhere in the region radials would be oblique to this direction. Since Serenitatis and Imbrium radials coincide in the massif area, the post-Serenitatis Imbrium event may have reactivated Serenitatis radial fractures, possibly rejuvenating the massif terrain. The geologic and tectonic history of the Taurus-Littrow highlands began prior to the origin of Serenitatis in Tectonic Interval I. The strong NW trending structural elements are believed to have formed as part of a global stress pattern (possibly shear) sometime during this period of probable crustal formation and fragmentation. Tectonic Interval II was initiated by the origin of the Serenitatis basin. The basic topography and morphology of the region and most large grabens resulted from this event and their orientations show that they were controlled at least in part by the pre-existing grid. No other large basins forming during this interval appear to have had a major effect on the area. Tectonic Interval III is dominated by the formation of narrow grabens following structural patterns circumferential to the Serenitatis basin and tangential to it where they coincide with pre-existing grid directions. Serenitatis isostatic rebound or early mare fill may have produced this stress system. The scarp in the vicinity of the Apollo 17 landing site is the youngest obvious structural element.  相似文献   

Abstract— Fragments of 24 individual interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) collected in the Earth's stratosphere were obtained from NASA's Johnson Space Center collection and subjected to pulse-heating sequences to extract He and Ne and to learn about the thermal history of the particles. A motivation for the investigation was to see if the procedure would help distinguish between IDPs of asteroidal and cometary origin. The use of a sequence of short-duration heat pulses to perform the extractions is an improvement over the employment of a step-heating sequence, as was used in a previous investigation. The particles studied were fragments of larger parent IDPs, other fragments of which, in coordinated experiments, are undergoing studies of elemental and mineralogical composition in other laboratories. While the present investigation will provide useful temperature history data for the particles, the relatively large size of the parent IDPs (~40 μm in diameter) resulted in high entry deceleration temperatures. This limited the usefulness of the study for distinguishing between particles of asteroidal and cometary origin.  相似文献   

New data from a petrological and geochemical examination of 12 coarse basaltic fines from the Apollo 12 soil sample 12023,155 provide evidence of additional geochemical diversity at the landing site. In addition to the bulk chemical composition, major, minor, and trace element analyses of mineral phases are employed to ascertain how these samples relate to the Apollo 12 lithological basalt groups, thereby overcoming the problems of representativeness of small samples. All of the samples studied are low‐Ti basalts (0.9–5.7 wt% TiO2), and many fall into the established olivine, pigeonite, and ilmenite classification of Apollo 12 basaltic suites. There are five exceptions: sample 12023,155_1A is mineralogically and compositionally distinct from other Apollo 12 basalt types, with low pigeonite REE concentrations and low Ni (41–55 ppm) and Mn (2400–2556 ppm) concentrations in olivine. Sample 12023,155_11A is also unique, with Fe‐rich mineral compositions and low bulk Mg# (=100 × atomic Mg/[Mg+Fe]) of 21.6. Sample 12023,155_7A has different plagioclase chemistry and crystallization trends as well as a wider range of olivine Mg# (34–55) compared with other Apollo 12 basalts, and shows greater similarities to Apollo 14 high‐Al basalts. Two other samples (12023,155_4A, and _5A) are similar to the Apollo 12 feldspathic basalt 12038, providing additional evidence that feldspathic basalts represent a lava flow proximal to the Apollo 12 site rather than material introduced by impacts. We suggest that at least one parent magma, and possibly as many as four separate parent magmas, are required in addition to the previously identified olivine, pigeonite, and ilmenite basaltic suites to account for the observed chemical diversity of basalts found in this study.  相似文献   

Abstract— Major element and sulfur concentrations have been determined in experimentally heated olivine‐hosted melt inclusions from a suite of Apollo 12 picritic basalts (samples 12009, 12075, 12020, 12018, 12040, 12035). These lunar basalts are likely to be genetically related by olivine accumulation (Walker et al. 1976a, b). Our results show that major element compositions of melt inclusions from samples 12009, 12075, and 12020 follow model crystallization trends from a parental liquid similar in composition to whole rock sample 12009, thereby partially confirming the olivine accumulation hypothesis. In contrast, the compositions of melt inclusions from samples 12018, 12040, and 12035 fall away from model crystallization trends, suggesting that these samples crystallized from melts compositionally distinct from the 12009 parent liquid and therefore may not be strictly cogenetic with other members of the Apollo 12 picritic basalt suite. Sulfur concentrations in melt inclusions hosted in early crystallized olivine (Fo75) are consistent with a primary magmatic composition of 1050 ppm S, or about a factor of 2 greater than whole rock compositions with 400–600 ppm S. The Apollo 12 picritic basalt parental magma apparently experienced outgassing and loss of S during transport and eruption on the lunar surface. Even with the higher estimates of primary magmatic sulfur concentrations provided by the melt inclusions, the Apollo 12 picritic basalt magmas would have been undersaturated in sulfide in their mantle source regions and capable of transporting chalcophile elements from the lunar mantle to the surface. Therefore, the measured low concentration of chalcophile elements (e.g., Cu, Au, PGEs) in these lavas must be a primary feature of the lunar mantle and is not related to residual sulfide remaining in the mantle during melting. We estimate the sulfur concentration of the Apollo 12 mare basalt source regions to be ~75 ppm, which is significantly lower than that of the terrestrial mantle.  相似文献   

Lunar mare basalts provide insights into the compositional diversity of the Moon's interior. Basalt fragments from the lunar regolith can potentially sample lava flows from regions of the Moon not previously visited, thus, increasing our understanding of lunar geological evolution. As part of a study of basaltic diversity at the Apollo 12 landing site, detailed petrological and geochemical data are provided here for 13 basaltic chips. In addition to bulk chemistry, we have analyzed the major, minor, and trace element chemistry of mineral phases which highlight differences between basalt groups. Where samples contain olivine, the equilibrium parent melt magnesium number (Mg#; atomic Mg/[Mg + Fe]) can be calculated to estimate parent melt composition. Ilmenite and plagioclase chemistry can also determine differences between basalt groups. We conclude that samples of approximately 1–2 mm in size can be categorized provided that appropriate mineral phases (olivine, plagioclase, and ilmenite) are present. Where samples are fine‐grained (grain size <0.3 mm), a “paired samples t‐test” can provide a statistical comparison between a particular sample and known lunar basalts. Of the fragments analyzed here, three are found to belong to each of the previously identified olivine and ilmenite basalt suites, four to the pigeonite basalt suite, one is an olivine cumulate, and two could not be categorized because of their coarse grain sizes and lack of appropriate mineral phases. Our approach introduces methods that can be used to investigate small sample sizes (i.e., fines) from future sample return missions to investigate lava flow diversity and petrological significance.  相似文献   

Abstract High-Ti basalts from the Apollo collections span a range in age from 3.87 Ga to 3.55 Ga. The oldest of these are the common Apollo 11 Group B2 basalts which yield evidence of some of the earliest melting of the lunar mantle beneath Mare Tranquillitatis. Rare Group D high-Ti basalts from Mare Tranquillitatis have been studied in an attempt to confirm a postulated link with Group B2 basalts (Jerde et al., 1994). The initial Sr isotopic ratio of a known Group D basalt (0.69916 ± 3 at 3.85 Ga) lies at the lower end of the tight range for Group B2 basalts (87Sr/86Sr = 0.69920 to 0.69921). One known Group D basalt and a second postulated Group D basalt yield indistinguishable initial ?Nd (1.2 ± 0.6 and 1.2 ± 0.3) and again lie at the lower end of the range for the Group B2 basalts from Apollo 11 (+2.0 ± 0.4 to +3.9 ± 0.6, at 3.85 Ga). A third sample has isotopic (87Sr/86Sr = 0.69932 ± 2; ?Nd = 2.5 ± 0.4; at 3.59 Ga; as per Snyder et al., 1994b) and elemental characteristics similar to the Group A high-Ti basalts returned from the Apollo 11 landing site. Ages of 40Ar-39Ar have been determined for one known Group D basalt and a second postulated Group D basalt using step-heating with a continuous-wave laser. Suspected Group D basalt, 10002, 1006, yielded disturbed age spectra on two separate runs, which was probably due to 39Ar recoil effects. Using the “reduced plateau age” method of Turner et al. (1978), the ages derived from this sample were 3898 ± 19 and 3894 ± 19 Ma. Three separate runs of known Group D basalt 10002, 116 yielded 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of 3798 ± 9 Ma, 3781 ± 8 Ma, and 3805 ± 7 Ma (all errors 2σ). Furthermore, this sample has apparently suffered significant 40Ar loss either due to solar heating or due to meteorite impact. The loss of a significant proportion of 40Ar at such a time means that the plateau ages underestimate the “true” crystallization age of the sample. Modelling of this Ar loss yields older, “true” ages of 3837 ± 18, 3826 ± 16, and 3836 ± 14 Ma. These ages overlap the ages of Group B2 high-Ti basalts (weighted average age = 3850 ± 20 Ma; range in ages = 3.80 to 3.90 Ga). The combined evidence indicates that the Group D and B2 high-Ti basalts could be coeval and may be genetically related, possibly through increasing degrees of melting of a similar source region in the upper mantle of the Moon that formed >4.2 Ga ago. The Group D basalts were melted from the source first and contained 3–5×more trapped KREEP-like liquid than the later (by possibly only a few million years) Group B2 basalts. Furthermore, the relatively LREE- and Rb-enriched nature of these early magmas may lend credence to the idea that the decay of heat-producing elements enriched in the KREEP-like trapped liquid of upper mantle cumulates, such as K, U, and Th, could have initiated widespread lunar volcanism.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) U‐Pb analyses of zircon and apatite from four breccia samples from the Apollo 14 landing site. The zircon and apatite grains occur as cogenetic minerals in lithic clasts in two of the breccias and as unrelated mineral clasts in the matrices of the other two. SIMS U‐Pb analyses show that the ages of zircon grains range from 4023 ± 24 Ma to 4342 ± 5 Ma, whereas all apatite grains define an isochron corresponding to an age of 3926 ± 3 Ma. The disparity in the ages of cogenetic apatite and zircon demonstrates that the apatite U‐Pb systems have been completely reset at 3926 ± 3 Ma, whereas the U‐Pb system of zircon has not been noticeably disturbed at this time. The apatite U‐Pb age is slightly older than the ages determined by other methods on Apollo 14 materials highlighting need to reconcile decay constants used for the U‐Pb, Ar‐Ar and Rb‐Sr systems. We interpret the apatite age as a time of formation of the Fra Mauro Formation. If the interpretation of this Formation as an Imbrium ejecta is correct, apatite also determines the timing of Imbrium impact. The contrast in the Pb loss behavior of apatite and zircon places constraints on the temperature history of the Apollo 14 breccias and we estimate, from the experimentally determined Pb diffusion constants and an approximation of the original depth of the excavated samples in the Fra Mauro Formation, that the breccias experienced an initial temperature of about 1300–1100 °C, but cooled within the first five to ten years.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Ilafegh 009 meteorite is an impact melt rock from an EL-chondritic parent body. Its mineralogic assemblage is the result of rapid crystallization after shock-induced melting. We report here an analytical transmission electron microscopy (ATEM) study of the major minerals of this meteorite (enstatite, plagioclase, Fe-Ni metal and sulfides). Based on this study, we discuss the crystallization sequence and the further evolution of the rock in the solid state. Microstructure and microanalyses confirm that the mineralogy of Ilafegh 009 results from the crystallization of an EL-chondritic melt. The high compositional variability of plagioclases and the presence of silica-rich glass pockets indicate fast cooling. During crystallization, the large enstatite grains trapped a large number of phases (plagioclase, silica-rich glass and enstatite nuclei). Sulfides (troilite, alabandite and daubreelite) form finely polycrystalline areas and reveal a complex crystallization sequence. Although Fe-Ni metal grains formed during rapid cooling, their microstructures show that some postsolidification process occurred in Ilafegh 009. A large number of tiny Ni-P-Si-rich precipitates were detected that formed as a result of exsolution of elements that become insoluble in kamacite at low temperature. Finally, the microstructure (dislocation arrangements and phase transformations) observed in enstatite and Fe-Ni metal attests that Ilafegh 009 also experienced a moderate postsolidification shock event.  相似文献   

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