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Abstract— The large, complex Woodleigh structure in the Carnarvon basin of Western Australia has recently been added to the terrestrial impact crater record. Many aspects of this structure are, however, still uncertain. This work provides a detailed petrographic assessment of a suite of representative drill core samples from the borehole Woodleigh 1 that penetrated uplifted basement rocks of the central part of this structure. Fundamental rock and mineral deformation data and high‐precision chemical data, including results of PGE and oxygen isotopic analysis, are presented. The sampled interval displays likely impact‐produced macrodeformation in the form of fracturing and breccia veining at the microscopic scale. Contrary to earlier reports that these breccias represent pseudotachylite (friction melt) or even shock/shear‐produced pseudotachylitic melt breccia cannot be confirmed due to pervasive post‐impact alteration. Abundant planar deformation features (PDFs) in quartz, in addition to diaplectic glass and partial isotropization, are the main shock deformation effects observed, confirming that Woodleigh is of impact origin. Over the investigated depth interval, the statistics of quartz grains with a variable number of sets of PDFs does not change significantly, and the patterns of crystallographic orientations of PDFs in randomly selected quartz grains does not indicate a change in absolute shock pressure with depth either. The value of oxygen isotopes for the recognition of meteoritic contamination, as proposed by earlier Woodleigh workers, is critically assessed. Neither INA nor PGE analyses of our samples support the presence of a meteoritic component within this basement section, as had been claimed in earlier work.  相似文献   

Abstract— The circular Cloud Creek structure in central Wyoming, USA is buried beneath ?1200 m of Mesozoic sedimentary rocks and has a current diameter of ?7 km. The morphology/morphometry of the structure, as defined by borehole, seismic, and gravity data, is similar to that of other buried terrestrial complex impact structures in sedimentary target rocks, e.g., Red Wing Creek in North Dakota, USA. The structure has a fault‐bordered central peak with minimum diameter of ?1.4 km, composed predominantly of Paleozoic carbonates thickened by thrust faulting and brecciation, and is elevated some 520 m above equivalent strata beyond the outer rim of the structure. There is a ?1.6 km wide annular trough sloping away from the central peak (maximum structural relief, 300 m) and terminated by a detached, fault‐bounded, rim anticline. The youngest rocks within the structure are Late Triassic (Norian?) clastics and these are overlain unconformably by post‐impact Middle Jurassic (Bathonian?) sandstones and shales. Thus, the formation of the Cloud Creek structure is dated chronostratigraphicly as ?190 ± 20 Ma. Reported here for the first time are measurements of planar deformation features (PDFs) in shocked quartz grains in thin sections made from drill cuttings recovered in a borehole drilled at the southern perimeter of the central peak. Other, less definitive microstructures consistent with impact occur in samples collected from boreholes drilled into the central peak and rim anticline. The shock‐metamorphic evidence confirms an impact origin for the Cloud Creek structure.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Crow Creek Member is one of several marl units recognized within the Upper Cretaceous Pierre Shale Formation of eastern South Dakota and northeastern Nebraska, but it is the only unit that contains shock‐metamorphosed minerals. The shocked minerals represent impact ejecta from the 74‐Ma Manson impact structure (MIS). This study was aimed at determining the bulk chemical compositions and analysis of planar deformation features (PDFs) of shocked quartz; for the basal and marly units of the Crow Creek Member. We studied samples from the Gregory 84‐21 core, Iroquois core and Wakonda lime quarry. Contents of siderophile elements are generally high, but due to uncertainties in the determination of Ir and uncertainties in compositional sources for Cr, Co, and Ni, we could not confirm an extraterrestrial component in the Crow Creek Member. We recovered several shocked quartz grains from basal‐unit samples, mainly from the Gregory 84‐21 core, and results of PDF measurements indicate shock pressures of at least 15 GPa. All the samples are composed chiefly of SiO2 (29–58 wt%), Al2O3 (6–14 wt%), and CaO (7–30 wt%). When compared to the composition of North American Shale Composite, the samples are significantly enriched in CaO, P2O5, Mn, Sr, Y, U, Cr, and Ni. The contents of rare earth elements (REE), high field strength elements (HFSE), Cr, Co, Sc, and their ratios and chemical weathering trends, reflect both felsic and basic sources for the Crow Creek Member, an inference, which is consistent with the lithological compositions in the environs of the MIS. The high chemical indices of alteration and weathering (CIA' and CIW': 75–99), coupled with the Al2O3‐(CaO*+Na2O)‐K2O (A‐CN'‐K) ratios, indicate that the Crow Creek Member and source rocks had undergone high degrees of chemical weathering. The expected ejecta thicknesses at the sampled locations (409 to 219 km from Manson) were calculated to range from about 1.9 to 12.2 cm (for the present‐day crater radius of Manson), or 0.4 to 2.4 cm (for the estimated transient cavity radius). The trend agrees with the observed thicknesses of the basal unit of the Crow Creek Member, but the actually observed thicknesses are larger than the calculated ones, indicating that not all of the basal unit comprises impact ejecta.  相似文献   

Abstract— An approximately 0.4 km diameter elliptical structure formed in Devonian granite in southwestern Nova Scotia, herein named the Bloody Creek structure (BCS), is identified as a possible impact crater. Evidence for an impact origin is based on integrated geomorphic, geophysical, and petrographic data. A near‐continuous geomorphic rim and a 10 m deep crater that is infilled with lacustrine sediments and peat define the BCS. Ground penetrating radar shows that the crater has a depressed inner floor that is sharply ringed by a 1 m high buried scarp. Heterogeneous material under the floor, interpreted as deposits from collapse of the transient cavity walls, is overlain by stratified and faulted lacustrine and wetland sediments. Alteration features found only in rim rocks include common grain comminution, polymict lithic microbreccias, kink‐banded feldspar and biotite, single and multiple sets of closely spaced planar microstructures (PMs) in quartz and feldspar, and quartz mosaicism, rare reduced mineral birefringence, and chlorite showing plastic deformation and flow microtextures. Based on their form and crystallographic orientations, the quartz PMs consist of planar deformation features that document shock‐metamorphic pressures ≤25 GPa. The age of the BCS is not determined. The low depth to diameter ratio of the crater, coupled with anomalously high shock‐metamorphic pressures recorded at its exposed rim, may be a result of significant post‐impact erosion. Alternatively, impact onto glacier ice during the waning stages of Wisconsinian deglaciation (about 12 ka BP) may have resulted in dissipation of much impact energy into the ice, resulting in the present morphology of the BCS.  相似文献   

The complex impact structure El'gygytgyn (age 3.6 Ma, diameter 18 km) in northeastern Russia was formed in ~88 Ma old volcanic target rocks of the Ochotsk‐Chukotsky Volcanic Belt (OCVB). In 2009, El'gygytgyn was the target of a drilling project of the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP), and in summer 2011 it was investigated further by a Russian–German expedition. Drill core material and surface samples, including volcanic target rocks and impactites, have been investigated by various geochemical techniques in order to improve the record of trace element characteristics for these lithologies and to attempt to detect and constrain a possible meteoritic component. The bedrock units of the ICDP drill core reflect the felsic volcanics that are predominant in the crater vicinity. The overlying suevites comprise a mixture of all currently known target lithologies, dominated by felsic rocks but lacking a discernable meteoritic component based on platinum group element abundances. The reworked suevite, directly overlain by lake sediments, is not only comparatively enriched in shocked minerals and impact glass spherules, but also contains the highest concentrations of Os, Ir, Ru, and Rh compared to other El'gygytgyn impactites. This is—to a lesser extent—the result of admixture of a mafic component, but more likely the signature of a chondritic meteoritic component. However, the highly siderophile element contribution from target material akin to the mafic blocks of the ICDP drill core to the impactites remains poorly constrained.  相似文献   

The Flynn Creek impact structure is an approximately 3.8 km diameter, marine‐target impact structure, which is located in north central Tennessee, USA. The target stratigraphy consists of several hundreds of meters of Ordovician carbonate strata, specifically Knox Group through Catheys‐Leipers Formation. Like other, similarly sized marine‐target impact craters, Flynn Creek's crater moat‐filling deposits include, in stratigraphic order, gravity‐driven slump material, aqueous resurge deposits, and secular (postimpact) aqueous settling deposits. In the present study, we show that Flynn Creek also possesses previously undescribed erosional resurge gullies and an annular, sloping surface that comprises an outer crater rim surrounding an inner, nested bowl‐shaped crater, thus forming a concentric crater structure. Considering this morphology, the Flynn Creek impact structure has a crater shape that has been referred to at other craters as an “inverted sombrero.” In this paper, we describe the annular rim and the inner crater at Flynn Creek using geographic information system technology. We relate these geomorphic features to the marine environment of crater formation, and compare the Flynn Creek impact structure with other marine‐target impact structures having similar features.  相似文献   

Sedimentological (line‐logging) analysis of two drill cores, FC77‐3 and FC67‐3, situated, respectively, in the northwestern and southeastern quadrants of the Flynn Creek impact structure's crater‐moat area reveals that the ~27 m thick crater moat‐filling breccia consists of three subequal parts. These parts, which were deposited during early modification stage of this marine‐target impact structure, are distinguished on the basis of vertical trends in sorting, grain size, and counts of clasts per meter in comparison with other well‐known marine‐target impact structures, namely Lockne, Tvären, and Chesapeake Bay. The lower part is interpreted to represent mainly slump deposits, and the middle part is interpreted to represent a stage intermediate between slump and marine resurge, that is, a traction flow driven by overriding suspension flow. The upper part (size graded, and relatively well sorted and fine grained) is interpreted to represent marine resurge flow only. The upper part is capped by a relatively thin and relatively fine‐grained calcarenite to calcisiltite deposit.  相似文献   

Carbonates from the impact melt-bearing breccia in the 2016 IODP/ICDP Expedition 364 drill core at Site M0077 were systematically documented and characterized petrographically and geochemically. Calcite, the only carbonate mineral present, is abundant throughout this deposit as five distinct varieties: (1) subangular carbonate clasts (Type A); (2) subround/irregular carbonate clasts with clay altered rims (Type B); (3) fine-crystalline matrix calcite (Type C); (4) void-filling sparry calcite (Type D); and (5) microcrystalline carbonate with flow textures (Type E). Quantitative geochemical analysis shows that calcite in all carbonate varieties are low in elemental impurities (<2.0 cumulative wt% on average); however, relative concentrations of MgO and MnO vary, which provides distinction between each variety: MgO is highest in calcite from Types A, B, and C carbonates (0.2–0.8 wt% on average); MnO is highest in calcite from Types B, C, and D carbonates (0.2–1.3 wt% on average); and calcite from Type E carbonate is most pure (<0.1 wt% on average MgO and MnO, cumulatively). Based on textural and geochemical variations between carbonate types, we interpret that some of the carbonate target rocks melted during impact and were immiscible within the silicate-dominated melt sheet prior to the resurgence of seawater. Type B clasts were formed by molten fuel–coolant interaction, as the incoming seawater eroded through the melt sheet and encountered carbonate melt (Type E). Post-impact meteoric-dominated hydrothermal activity produced the Mn-elevated calcite from Type C and D carbonates, and altered the Type B clasts to be elevated in Mn and host a clay-rich rim.  相似文献   

Drill core FC77-1 on the flank of the central uplift, Flynn Creek impact structure, Tennessee, contains 175 m of impact breccia lying upon uplifted Lower Paleozoic carbonate target stratigraphy. Sedimentological analysis of this 175-m interval carbonate breccia shows that there are three distinct sedimentological units. In stratigraphic order, unit 1 (175–109 m) is an overall coarsening-upward section, whereas the overlying unit 2 (109–32 m) is overall fining-upward. Unit 3 (32–0 m) is a coarsening-upward sequence that is truncated at the top by postimpact erosion. Units 1 and 3 are interpreted as debris or rock avalanches into finer sedimentary deposits within intracrater marine waters, thus producing progressively coarser, coarsening-upward sequences. Unit 2 is interpreted to have formed by debris or rock avalanches into standing marine waters, thus forming sequential fining-upward deposits. Line-logging of clasts ranging from 5 mm to 1.6 m, and thin-section analysis of selected drill core samples (including clasts < 5 mm), both show that the Flynn Creek impact breccia consists almost entirely of dolostone clasts (90%), with minor components of cryptocrystalline melt clasts, chert and shale fragments, and clastic grains. Cryptocrystalline melt clasts, which appear isotropic in thin section, are in fact made of exceedingly fine quartz crystals that exhibit micro-Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and micro-Raman spectra consistent with crystalline quartz. These cryptocrystalline melt clasts are the first melt clasts of any kind to be reported from Flynn Creek impact structure.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Azuara structure is the largest one proposed so far in Spain as possibly related to a cosmic impact event. A review of the evidence set forward in favor of and against its cosmic origin indicates that the discussion is not yet finished. Some megascopic features (inverted stratigraphy, megabreccia, negative gravity anomalies) and shock‐metamorphic effects (planar deformational features) have been described in relation with the structure, although their real significance has been questioned and is still being debated. Comparison with other similar‐sized verified impacts suggests that unequivocal impactogenic features are yet to be found before the Azuara structure can be related to a cosmic impact. Until then, the Azuara structure should be considered as an unverified impact structure, and should not be included in global comprehensive maps of terrestrial impact structures.  相似文献   

The evolution of red variable stars and their use as probes of galactic structure are reviewed. Particular emphasis is placed on asymptotic giant branch stars and on work done from South Africa. Some projects in progress are outlined as are plans for future studies in this area.  相似文献   

Eastern Aphrodite Terra and Western Aphrodite form an altimetrically prominent 14,000 km long part of the equatorial highlands on Venus. Several parallel linear discontinuities striking northwest across the general east-west regional strike of the highlands are mapped in the altimetric and radar image data of Eastern Aphrodite and identified on the basis of abrupt termination of rift-like central chasma, offset and segmentation of the center of the highlands, and radar image discontinuities in the lowlands to the north. These characteristics are similar to those of linear discontinuities previously mapped in Western Aphrodite in terms of length, orientation, and influence on the central highlands and adjacent lowlands.Altimetric profiles in directions parallel to the discontinuities are regionally symmetric, more ridge-like in Eastern Aphrodite compared to the plateau-dominated form of topography in Western Aphrodite, and are characterized by alternating paired ridge-and-trough forms near their crests and on their flanks. By mapping the center of symmetry in multiple profiles, the prominent segmentation of the highland is shown to be imparted by an offset of the regional symmetry along the mapped discontinuities. These characteristics are morphologically similar to several of the large-scale characteristics of divergent plate boundaries of Earth, including mid-ocean rise crests and rifts, offset at fracture zones and transform faults, and symmetric thermal boundary layer topography.The altitude of the surface in profiles parallel to the discontinuities decreases as the square root of distance from the symmetry axes and with a slope similar to that predicted for thermal boundary layer topography associated with rates of divergence on Venus of ~ 1 ± 0.5 cm/yr. In order to test the hypothesis that the linear discontinuities are analogous to fracture zones, the predicted altitude of the surface at great distance from the centers of symmetry of the central highland and in directions across the discontinuities was calculated on the basis of a thermal boundary layer topography model with offset of altimetric symmetry at each discontinuity. Similarity of observed Arecibo high-resolution altimetric profiles across the discontinuities with that calculated for thermal boundary layer topography offset by transform faults reveals that in terms of the sense and magnitude of regional steps in altimetry across discontinuities and the altitude of the surface, Eastern Aphrodite is similar to the known characteristics of crustal spreading at divergent boundaries. The plateau-like form of Western Aphrodite and the ridge-like form of Eastern Aphrodite are analogous respectively to the difference between areas of anomalous (Iceland) and normal crustal production along rise crests on Earth. Estimates of volumetric differences in crustal production in the environment of Venus and as it would be influenced by differences in mantle temperature beneath Western and Eastern Aphrodite imply that Eastern Aphrodite represents normal crustal production. On this basis, Western Aphrodite may be characterized by a mantle temperature that is warmer than the mantle beneath Eastern Aphrodite Terra, perhaps in association with deep convective mantle upwelling.'Geology and Tectonics of Venus', special issue edited by Alexander T. Basilevsky (USSR Acad. of Sci., Moscow), James W. Head (Brown University, Providence), Gordon H. Pettengill (MIT. Cambridge, Massachusetts) and R. S. Saunders (J.P.L., Pasadena).  相似文献   

Cerro do Jarau is a conspicuous, circular morpho‐structural feature in Rio Grande do Sul State (Brazil), with a central elevated core in the otherwise flat “Pampas” terrain typical for the border regions between Brazil and Uruguay. The structure has a diameter of approximately 13.5 km. It is centered at 30o12′S and 56o32′W and was formed on basaltic flows of the Cretaceous Serra Geral Formation, which is part of the Paraná‐Etendeka Large Igneous Province (LIP), and in sandstones of the Botucatu and Guará formations. The structure was first spotted on aerial photographs in the 1960s. Ever since, its origin has been debated, sometimes in terms of an endogenous (igneous) origin, sometimes as the result of an exogenous (meteorite impact) event. In recent years, a number of studies have been conducted in order to investigate its nature and origin. Although the results have indicated a possible impact origin, no conclusive evidence could be produced. The interpretation of an impact origin was mostly based on the morphological characteristics of the structure; geophysical data; as well as the occurrence of different breccia types; extensive deformation/silicification of the rocks within the structure, in particular the sandstones; and also on the widespread occurrence of low‐pressure deformation features, including some planar fractures (PFs). A detailed optical microscopic analysis of samples collected during a number of field campaigns since 2007 resulted in the disclosure of a large number of quartz grains from sandstone and monomict arenite breccia from the central part of the structure with PFs and feather features (FFs), as well as a number of quartz grains exhibiting planar deformation features (PDFs). While most of these latter grains only carry a single set of PDFs, we have observed several with two sets, and one grain with three sets of PDFs. Consequently, we here propose Cerro do Jarau as the seventh confirmed impact structure in Brazil. Cerro do Jarau, together with Vargeão Dome (Santa Catalina state) and Vista Alegre (Paraná State), is one of very few impact structures on Earth formed in basaltic rocks.  相似文献   

Abstract— The late Eocene Chesapeake Bay impact structure (CBIS) on the Atlantic margin of Virginia is one of the largest and best‐preserved “wet‐target” craters on Earth. It provides an accessible analog for studying impact processes in layered and wet targets on volatile‐rich planets. The CBIS formed in a layered target of water, weak clastic sediments, and hard crystalline rock. The buried structure consists of a deep, filled central crater, 38 km in width, surrounded by a shallower brim known as the annular trough. The annular trough formed partly by collapse of weak sediments, which expanded the structure to ?85 km in diameter. Such extensive collapse, in addition to excavation processes, can explain the “inverted sombrero” morphology observed at some craters in layered targets. The distribution of crater‐fill materials in the CBIS is related to the morphology. Suevitic breccia, including pre‐resurge fallback deposits, is found in the central crater. Impact‐modified sediments, formed by fluidization and collapse of water‐saturated sand and silt‐clay, occur in the annular trough. Allogenic sediment‐clast breccia, interpreted as ocean‐resurge deposits, overlies the other impactites and covers the entire crater beneath a blanket of postimpact sediments. The formation of chaotic terrains on Mars is attributed to collapse due to the release of volatiles from thick layered deposits. Some flat‐floored rimless depressions with chaotic infill in these terrains are impact craters that expanded by collapse farther than expected for similar‐sized complex craters in solid targets. Studies of crater materials in the CBIS provide insights into processes of crater expansion on Mars and their links to volatiles.  相似文献   

Abstract— We studied the infrared reflectance (IR), Raman, and cathodoluminescence (CL) spectroscopic signatures and scanning electron microscope‐cathodoluminescence (SEM‐CL) images of three different types of impact glasses: Aouelloul impact glass, a Muong Nong‐type tektite, and Libyan desert glass. Both backscattered electron (BSE) and CL images of the Muong Nong‐type tektite are featureless; the BSE image of the Libyan desert glass shows only weak brightness contrasts. For the Aouelloul glass, both BSE and CL images show distinct brightness contrast, and the CL images for the Libyan desert glass show spectacular flow textures that are not visible in any other microscopic method. Compositional data show that the SiO2 composition is relatively higher and the Al2O3 content is lower in the CL‐bright areas than in the CL‐dark regions. The different appearance of the three glass types in the CL images indicates different peak temperatures during glass formation: the tektite was subjected to the highest temperature, and the Aouelloul impact glass experienced a relatively low formation temperature, while the Libyan desert glass preserves a flow texture that is only visible in the CL images, indicating a medium temperature. All IR reflectance spectra show a major band at around 1040 to 1110 cm?1 (antisymmetric stretching of SiO4 tetrahedra), with minor peaks between 745 and 769 cm?1 (Si‐O‐Si angle deformation). Broad bands at 491 and 821 cm?1 in the Raman spectra in all samples are most likely related to diaplectic glass remnants, indicating early shock amorphization followed by thermal amorphization. The combination of these spectroscopic methods allows us to deduce information about the peak formation temperature of the glass, and the CL images, in particular, show glass flow textures that are not preserved in other more conventional petrographic images.  相似文献   

Petrographic and geochemical data obtained on the Araguainha impact crater (Goiás/Mato Grosso States, Brazil) indicate the existence of several molten products that originated during impact‐induced congruent melting of an alkali‐granite exposed in the inner part of the central uplift of the structure. Although previous studies have described these melts to some extent, there is no detailed discussion on the petrographic and geochemical variability in the granite and its impactogenic derivatives, and therefore, little is known about the geochemical behavior and mobility of trace elements during its fusion in the central part of the Araguainha crater. This paper demonstrates that the preserved granitoid exposed in the core of the structure is a magnesium‐rich granite, similar to postcollisional, A‐type granites, also found in terrains outside the Araguainha crater, in the Brasília orogenic belt. The molten products are texturally distinct and different from the original rock, but have very similar geochemical composition, making it difficult to separate these lithotypes based on concentrations of major and minor elements. This also applies for trace and rare earth elements (REE), thus indicating a high degree of homogenization during impact‐induced congruent melting under high pressure and postshock temperature conditions. Petrographic observations, along with geochemical data, indicate that melting occurs selectively, where some of the elements are transported with the melt. Simultaneously, there is an effective dissolution of the rock (granite), which leads to entrainment of the most resistant solid phases (intact or partially molten minerals) into the melt. Minerals more resistant to melting, such as quartz and oxides, contribute substantially to a chemical balance between the preserved granite and the fusion products generated during the meteoritic impact.  相似文献   

We have remapped the geology of the north polar plateau on Mars, Planum Boreum, and the surrounding plains of Vastitas Borealis using altimetry and image data along with thematic maps resulting from observations made by the Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Odyssey, Mars Express, and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft. New and revised geographic and geologic terminologies assist with effectively discussing the various features of this region. We identify 7 geologic units making up Planum Boreum and at least 3 for the circumpolar plains, which collectively span the entire Amazonian Period. The Planum Boreum units resolve at least 6 distinct depositional and 5 erosional episodes. The first major stage of activity includes the Early Amazonian (∼3 to 1 Ga) deposition (and subsequent erosion) of the thick (locally exceeding 1000 m) and evenly-layered Rupes Tenuis unit (Abrt), which ultimately formed approximately half of the base of Planum Boreum. As previously suggested, this unit may be sourced by materials derived from the nearby Scandia region, and we interpret that it may correlate with the deposits that regionally underlie pedestal craters in the surrounding lowland plains. The second major episode of activity during the Middle to Late Amazonian (1 Ga) began with a section of dark, sand-rich and light-toned ice-rich irregularly-bedded sequences (Planum Boreum cavi unit, Abbc) along with deposition of evenly-bedded light-toned ice- and moderate-toned dust-rich layers (Planum Boreum 1 unit, Abb1). These units have transgressive and gradational stratigraphic relationships. Materials in Olympia Planum underlying the dunes of Olympia Undae are interpreted to consist mostly of the Planum Boreum cavi unit (Abbc). Planum Boreum materials were then deeply eroded to form spiral troughs, Chasma Boreale, and marginal scarps that define the major aspects of the polar plateau's current regional topography. Locally- to regionally-extensive (though vertically minor) episodes of deposition of evenly-bedded, light- and dark-toned layered materials and subsequent erosion of these materials persisted throughout the Late Amazonian. Sand saltation, including dune migration, is likely to account for much of the erosion of Planum Boreum, particularly at its margin, alluding to the lengthy sedimentological history of the circum-polar dune fields. Such erosion has been controlled largely by topographic effects on wind patterns and the variable resistance to erosion of materials (fresh and altered) and physiographic features. Some present-day dune fields may be hundreds of kilometers removed from possible sources along the margins of Planum Boreum, and dark materials, comprised of sand sheets, extend even farther downwind. These deposits also attest to the lengthy period of erosion following emplacement of the Planum Boreum 1 unit. We find no evidence for extensive glacial flow, topographic relaxation, or basal melting of Planum Boreum materials. However, minor development of normal faults and wrinkle ridges may suggest differential compaction of materials across buried scarps. Timing relations are poorly-defined mostly because resurfacing and other uncertainties prohibit precise determinations of surface impact crater densities. The majority of the stratigraphic record may predate the recent (<20 Ma) part of the orbitally-driven climate record that can be reliably calculated. Given the strong stratigraphic but loose temporal constraints of the north polar geologic record, a comparison of north and south polar stratigraphy permits a speculative scenario in which major Amazonian depositional and erosional episodes driven by global climate activity is plausible.  相似文献   

Abstract– The Vista Alegre structure, centered at 25°57′S and 52°41′W, has been recently proposed as a meteorite impact structure. The 9.5 km‐diameter structure is located in the Paraná state of southern Brazil, within the Paraná Basin, which contains one of the largest and most extensive flood basalt provinces on Earth. The Paraná flood basalts belong to the Serra Geral Formation and are temporally related to the opening of the South Atlantic Ocean, having been dated at about 133–132 Ma. Tholeiitic basalts dominate the western portion of Paraná state, with some minor rhyodacites. Morphologically, Vista Alegre has a prominent circular outline, in the form of an incomplete ring of escarpments, and an inner depression. The presence of a central uplift is not obvious, but it is inferred by the occurrence of deformed sandstone blocks near the center of the structure. These sandstones are possibly related to the Triassic Pirambóia Formation and/or to the Cretaceous Botucatu Formation. These units are normally at stratigraphic depths of about 700–800 m below the present surface in this portion of the Paraná Basin. The structure appears to be in an advanced erosion stage and its interior is occupied by a soil cover several meters thick, extensively used for agriculture. As a result there are limited outcrops in the interior of the structure, all of polymict breccias, some of them melt‐bearing. We report the extensive occurrence of shatter cones, in the form of fine‐grained rock clasts within the polymict breccias. The shatter cone‐bearing breccias occur at different locations within the structure, separated by several kilometers. The nested shatter cones range in size from about 0.5 to 20 cm for individual cones, and up to half a meter for complete assemblages. The shatter cones formed in fine‐grained Parana flood basalt and might be the first examples of shatter cones in such a rock type. In addition, planar deformation features (PDFs) were found in quartz grains within sedimentary rock clasts of the polymict breccia. These findings confirm the impact origin of the Vista Alegre structure.  相似文献   

Abstract— The petrology, major and trace element geochemistry, and Nd‐Ar‐Sr isotopic compositions of a ferroan noritic anorthosite clast from lunar breccia 67215 have been studied in order to improve our understanding of the composition, age, structure, and impact history of the lunar crust. The clast (designated 67215c) has an unusually well preserved igneous texture. Mineral compositions are consistent with classification of 67215c as a member of the ferroan anorthositic suite of lunar highlands rocks, but the texture and mineralogy show that it cooled more rapidly and at shallower depths than did more typical ferroan anorthosites (FANs). Incompatible trace element concentrations are enriched in 67215c relative to typical FANs, but diagnostic signatures such as Ti/Sm, Sc/Sm, plagiophile element ratios, and the lack of Zr/Hf and Nb/Ta fractionation show that this cannot be due to the addition of KREEP. Alternatively, 67215c may contain a greater fraction of trapped liquid than is commonly present in lunar FANs. 147Sm‐143Nd isotopic compositions of mineral separates from 67215c define an isochron age of 4.40 ± 0.11 Gyr with a near‐chondritic initial ε143Nd of +0.85 ± 0.53. The 40Ar‐39Ar composition of plagioclase from this clast records a post‐crystallization thermal event at 3.93 ± 0.08 Gyr, with the greatest contribution to the uncertainty in this age deriving from a poorly constrained correction for lunar atmosphere 40Ar. Rb‐Sr isotopic compositions are disturbed, probably by the same event recorded by the Ar isotopic compositions. Trace element compositions of FANs are consistent with crystallization from a moderately evolved magma ocean and do not support a highly depleted source composition such as that implied by the positive initial ε143Nd of the ferroan noritic anorthosite 62236. Alternatively, the Nd isotopic systematics of lunar FANs may have been subject to variable degrees of modification by impact metamorphism, with the plagioclase fraction being more strongly affected than the mafic phases. 147Sm‐143Nd isotopic compositions of mafic fractions from the 4 ferroan noritic anorthosites for which isotopic data exist (60025, 62236, 67016c, 67215c) define an age of 4.46 ± 0.04 Gyr, which may provide a robust estimate for the crystallization age of lunar ferroan anorthosites.  相似文献   

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