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Based upon our characterization of three separate stones by electron and X‐ray beam analyses, computed X‐ray microtomography, Raman microspectrometry, and visible‐IR spectrometry, Sutter's Mill is a unique regolith breccia consisting mainly of various CM lithologies. Most samples resemble existing available CM2 chondrites, consisting of chondrules and calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusion (CAI) set within phyllosilicate‐dominated matrix (mainly serpentine), pyrrhotite, pentlandite, tochilinite, and variable amounts of Ca‐Mg‐Fe carbonates. Some lithologies have witnessed sufficient thermal metamorphism to transform phyllosilicates into fine‐grained olivine, tochilinite into troilite, and destroy carbonates. One finely comminuted lithology contains xenolithic materials (enstatite, Fe‐Cr phosphides) suggesting impact of a reduced asteroid (E or M class) onto the main Sutter's Mill parent asteroid, which was probably a C class asteroid. One can use Sutter's Mill to help predict what will be found on the surfaces of C class asteroids such as Ceres and the target asteroids of the OSIRIS‐REx and Hayabusa 2 sample return missions (which will visit predominantly primitive asteroids). C class asteroid regolith may well contain a mixture of hydrated and thermally dehydrated indigenous materials as well as a significant admixture of exogenous material would be essential to the successful interpretation of mineralogical and bulk compositional data.  相似文献   

The polymict Kaidun microbreccia contains lithologies of C‐type chondrites with euhedral iron sulfide crystals of hydrothermal origin. Our FIB‐TEM study reveals that acicular sulfides in a CM1 lithology are composed of Fe‐rich pyrrhotite with nonintegral vacancy superstructures (NC‐pyrrhotite), troilite, and pentlandite, all showing distinct exsolution textures. Based on phase relations in the Fe‐Ni‐S system, we constrain the temperature of formation of the originally homogeneous monosulfide solid solution to the range of 100–300 °C. In some crystals the exsolution of pentlandite and the microtextural equilibration was incomplete, probably due to rapid cooling. We use thermodynamic modeling to constrain the physicochemical conditions of the extreme hydrothermal alteration in this lithology. Unless the CM1 lithology was sourced from a large depth in the parent body (internal pressure >85 bar) or the temperatures were in the lower range of the interval determined, the water was likely present as vapor. Previously described light δ34S compositions of sulfides in Kaidun's CM1 lithology are likely due to the loss of 34S‐enriched H2S during boiling. Platy sulfide crystals in an adjacent, intensely altered CI1 lithology are composed of Fe‐poor, monoclinic 4C‐pyrrhotite and NC‐pyrrhotite and probably formed at lower temperatures and higher fS2 relative to the CM1 lithology. However, a better understanding of the stability of Fe‐poor pyrrhotites at temperatures below 300 °C is required to better constrain these conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract— Clasts of alkaline (the second find in meteorites) and subalkaline rocks were found in the Kaidun meteorite. One of them (#d4A) is a large crystal of albite with inclusions of fluorapatite, arfvedsonite, aenigmatite, and wilkinsonite. The two latter minerals were previously unknown in meteorites. Another clast (#d[3–5]D) has a melt crystallization texture of mainly feldspar (oligoclase) composition and contains relict grains of both high‐Ca and low‐Ca pyroxene and fluorapatite. The mineralogical characteristics of these clasts suggest a genetic relationship and an origin from the same parent body. The textural and mineralogical characteristics of the clasts indicate origin by extensive igneous differentiation. Such processes most likely took place in a rather large differentiated body. The material of clast #d(3–5)D is similar in some mineralogical respects to basaltic shergottites.  相似文献   

Abstract— Metal nodules are one of the major textural components of Kaidun sample #01.3.06 EH3-4. In terms of structure, the nodules are of three types: (1) globular, (2) zoned with a massive core and globular mantle, and (3) nodules with no internal structure. The size and composition of the globules in the nodules and grains of metal of the matrix are almost identical: no greater than 20 μm and Ni, 5.95; Si, 3.33 wt%. The nodules contain small (usually <5 μm) inclusions of SiO2; albitic glass; enstatite; roedderite; and a mixture of SiO2 and Na2S2. This is the first reported occurrence of a simple sulfide of an alkaline metal in nature. The formation of the inclusions appears to be related to condensation of material onto the surfaces of metal grains. The nodules appear to have formed by aggregation of separate grains (globules) of metal, with conservation of condensates on the grain surfaces as inclusions. The inclusions probably condensed over a significant temperature range from 1400 to 600 K. The aggregation of metal grains and formation of the nodules probably occurred simultaneously with condensation.  相似文献   

Abstract— Approximately 275 mineral species have been identified in meteorites, reflecting diverse redox environments, and, in some cases, unusual nebular formation conditions. Anhydrous ordinary, carbonaceous and R chondrites contain major olivine, pyroxene and plagioclase; major opaque phases include metallic Fe-Ni, troilite and chromite. Primitive achondrites are mineralogically similar. The highly reduced enstatite chondrites and achondrites contain major enstatite, plagioclase, free silica and kamacite as well as nitrides, a silicide and Ca-, Mg-, Mn-, Na-, Cr-, K- and Ti-rich sulfides. Aqueously altered carbonaceous chondrites contain major amounts of hydrous phyllosilicates, complex organic compounds, magnetite, various sulfates and sulfides, and carbonates. In addition to kamacite and taenite, iron meteorites contain carbides, elemental C, nitrides, phosphates, phosphides, chromite and sulfides. Silicate inclusions in IAB/IIICD and IIE iron meteorites consist of mafic silicates, plagioclase and various sulfides, oxides and phosphates. Eucrites, howardites and diogenites have basaltic to orthopyroxenitic compositions and consist of major pyroxene and calcic plagioclase and several accessory oxides. Ureilites are made up mainly of calcic, chromian olivine and low-Ca clinopyroxene embedded in a carbonaceous matrix; accessory phases include the C polymorphs graphite, diamond, lonsdaleite and chaoite as well as metallic Fe-Ni, troilite and halides. Angrites are achondrites rich in fassaitic pyroxene (i.e., Al-Ti diopside); minor olivine with included magnesian kirschsteinite is also present. Martian meteorites comprise basalts, lherzolites, a dunite and an orthopyroxenite. Major phases include various pyroxenes and olivine; minor to accessory phases include various sulfides, magnetite, chromite and Ca-phosphates. Lunar meteorites comprise mare basalts with major augite and calcic plagioclase and anorthositic breccias with major calcic plagioclase. Several meteoritic phases were formed by shock metamorphism. Martensite (α2-Fe,Ni) has a distorted body-centered-cubic structure and formed by a shear transformation from taenite during shock reheating and rapid cooling. The C polymorphs diamond, lonsdaleite and chaoite formed by shock from graphite. Suessite formed in the North Haig ureilite by reduction of Fe and Si (possibly from olivine) via reaction with carbonaceous matrix material. Ringwoodite, the spinel form of (Mg,Fe)2SiO4, and majorite, a polymorph of (Mg,Fe)SiO3 with the garnet structure, formed inside shock veins in highly shocked ordinary chondrites. Secondary minerals in meteorite finds that formed during terrestrial weathering include oxides and hydroxides formed directly from metallic Fe-Ni by oxidation, phosphates formed by the alteration of schreibersite, and sulfates formed by alteration of troilite.  相似文献   

Abstract— Twenty minerals that were not included in the most recent list of meteoritic minerals have been reported as occurring in meteorites. Extraterrestrial anhydrous Ca phosphate should be called merrillite, not whitlockite.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Kaidun meteorite contains carbonaceous chondrite (CM1) clasts that have been highly altered by reactions with hydrothermal fluids. Pyrrhotite in these clasts occurs as unusual needles wrapped by sheaths of phyllosilicate, and pentlandite forms veins that crosscut aggregates of phyllosilicate and garnet but not pyrrhotite. The isotopic compositions of S (δ34SCDT) in individual sulfide grains, measured by ion micro-probe, are fractionated compared to troilite in ordinary chondrites. The S in Kaidun sulfides is isotopically light (as much as ?4.2% for pyrrhotite and ?5.7%0 for pentlandite), unlike sulfides in other carbonaceous chondrites, which are enriched in 34S. The unusual S-isotopic composition of these texturally unique sulfides supports the hypothesis that Kaidun CM1 clasts were pervasively altered under extreme thermal conditions, possibly by fluids that had lost isotopically heavy SO2.  相似文献   

For the first time, ordinary chondrite material—the most common type among the present-day fall meteorite—has been found in the unique Kaidun breccia. The discovered object is a large unequilibrated olivine-pyroxene porphyritic chondrule, with peripheral and central zones of different structures, suggesting different crystallization regimes. In chemical composition, the chondrule corresponds to unequilibrated ordinary chondrites of petrological type 3; it is enriched in lithophile elements and depleted in siderophiles, indicating formation by melting of the parent material, which preceded or was accompanied by metal-silicate fractionating. The chondrule material was subjected to aqueous alteration that formed smectite and calcite in the cavities and veins of its central part. The anomalous oxygen isotopic compositions of the chondrule are evidence of an oxygen reservoir different from known types of meteorites, including the ordinary-chondrite chondrules. Thus, the unique breccia Kaidun contains ordinary chondrite material along with carbonaceous and enstatite chondrite material, products of early nebular processes, and highly differentiated planetary-type material.__________Translated from Astronomicheskii Vestnik, Vol. 39, No. 2, 2005, pp. 169–176.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Ivanova, Kononkova, Ivanov.  相似文献   

Abstract— In this paper we reconstruct the heterogeneous lithology of an unusual intrusive rock from the acapulcoite‐lodranite (AL) parent asteroid on the basis of the petrographic analysis of 5 small (<8.3 g) meteorite specimens from the Frontier Mountain ice field (Antarctica). Although these individual specimens may not be representative of the parent‐rock lithology due to their relatively large grain size, by putting together evidence from various thin sections and literature data we conclude that Frontier Mountain (FRO) 90011, FRO 93001, FRO 99030, and FRO 03001 are paired fragments of a medium‐ to coarse‐grained igneous rock which intrudes a lodranite and entrains xenoliths. The igneous matrix is composed of enstatite (Fs13.3 ± 0.4 Wo3.1 ± 0.2), Cr‐rich augite (Fs6.1 ± 0.7 Wo42.3 ± 0.9), and oligoclase (Ab80.5 ± 3.3 Or3.2 ± 0.6). The lodranitic xenoliths show a fine‐grained (average grain size 488 ± 201 μm) granoblastic texture and consist of olivine Fa9.5 ± 0.4 and Fe,Ni metal and minor amounts of enstatite Fs12.7 ± 0.4 Wo1.8 ± 0.1, troilite, chromite, schreibersite, and Ca‐phosphates. Crystals of the igneous matrix and lodranitic xenoliths are devoid of shock features down to the scanning electron microscope scale. From a petrogenetic point of view, the lack of shock evidence in the lodranitic xenoliths of all the studied samples favors the magmatic rather than the impact melting origin of this rock. FRO 95029 is an acapulcoite and represents a separate fall from the AL parent asteroid, i.e., it is not a different clast entrained by the FRO 90011, FRO 93001, FRO 99030, and FRO 03001 melt, as in genomict breccias common in the meteoritic record. The specimen‐to‐meteorite ratio for the AL meteorites so far found at Frontier Mountain is thus 2.5.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Rumuruti meteorite shower fell in Rumuruti, Kenya, on 1934 January 28 at 10:43 p.m. Rumuruti is an olivine-rich chondritic breccia with light-dark structure. Based on the coexistence of highly recrystallized fragments and unequilibrated components, Rumuruti is classified as a type 3–6 chondrite breccia. The most abundant phase of Rumuruti is olivine (mostly Fa~39) with about 70 vol%. Feldspar (~14 vol%; mainly plagioclase), Ca-pyroxene (5 vol%), pyrrhotite (4.4 vol%), and pentlandite (3.6 vol%) are major constituents. All other phases have abundances below 1 vol%, including low-Ca pyroxene, chrome spinels, phosphates (chlorapatite and whitlockite), chalcopyrite, ilmenite, tridymite, Ni-rich and Ge-containing metals, kamacite, and various particles enriched in noble metals like Pt, Ir, arid Au. The chemical composition of Rumuruti is chondritic. The depletion in refractory elements (Sc, REE, etc.) and the comparatively high Mn, Na, and K contents are characteristic of ordinary chondrites and distinguish Rumuruti from carbonaceous chondrites. However, S, Se, and Zn contents in Rumuruti are significantly above the level expected for ordinary chondrites. The oxygen isotope composition of Rumuruti is high in δ17O (5.52 ‰) and δ18O (5.07 ‰). Previously, a small number of chondritic meteorites with strong similarities to Rumuruti were described. They were called Carlisle Lakes-type chondrites and they comprise: Carlisle Lakes, ALH85151, Y-75302, Y-793575, Y-82002, Acfer 217, PCA91002, and PCA91241, as well as clasts in the Weatherford chondrite. All these meteorites are finds from hot and cold deserts having experienced various degrees of weathering. With Rumuruti, the first meteorite fall has been recognized that preserves the primary mineralogical and chemical characteristics of a new group of meteorites. Comparing all chondrites, the characteristic features can be summarized as follows: (a) basically chondritic chemistry with ordinary chondrite element patterns of refractory and moderately volatile lithophiles but higher abundances of S, Se, and Zn; (b) high degree of oxidation (37–41 mol% Fa in olivine, only traces of Fe, Ni-metals, occurrence of chalcopyrite); (c) exceptionally high Δ17O values of about 2.7 for bulk samples; (d) high modal abundance of olivine (~70 vol%); (e) Ti-Fe3+?rich chromite (~5.5 wt% TiO2); (f) occurrence of various noble metal-rich particles; (g) abundant chondritic breccias consisting of equilibrated clasts and unequilibrated lithologies. With Rumuruti, nine meteorite samples exist that are chemically and mineralogically very similar. These meteorites are attributed to at least eight different fall events. It is proposed in this paper to call this group R chondrites (rumurutiites) after the first and only fall among these meteorites. These meteorites have a close relationship to ordinary chondrites. However, they are more oxidized than any of the existing groups of ordinary chondrites. Small, but significant differences in chemical composition and in oxygen isotopes between R chondrites and ordinary chondrites exclude formation of R chondrites from ordinary chondrites by oxidation. This implies a separate, independent R chondrite parent body.  相似文献   

Abstract— Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 93069 is a glass-rich regolith breccia derived from the lunar highlands. The high abundance of glassy fragments, the presence of agglutinates, the small size of all mineral and glass fragments, the presence of mostly melt rocks, and the low abundance of pristine lunar crustal rocks, all indicate that QUE 93069 is derived from a mature regolith. This conclusion is also supported by its high siderophile element content. The most common mafic mineral is pyroxene, with compositions that indicate derivation from ferroan ANT suite rocks. Rare gabbro differentiation products may be indicated by the presence of silica, fayalitic olivine, and one pyroxferroite grain. Lithic fragments are mostly meta-melt rocks of ANT composition. The glass compositions are dominated by troctolitic anorthosite compositions, followed by gabbroic anorthosite and noritic anorthosite. Most glasses are ol-normative in composition. Some rare basic glasses of noritic composition were observed. Glass fragments and matrix glasses are alkali-poor, except for some rare alkali-rich shards. The bulk chemical composition of QUE 93069, as well as the rare-earth-element (REE) abundance pattern, is very similar to that of other highlands meteorites, such as MAC 88105 and Y-86032 and to average lunar highlands crust. One small porous clast was found to be very rich in volatile elements, as well as in most lithophile and siderophile elements. As this sample also contains abundant sulfides, the enrichments could be related to element mobilization and redistribution by volatile sulfur species.  相似文献   

The Winchcombe meteorite fell on February 28, 2021 and was the first recovered meteorite fall in the UK for 30 years, and the first UK carbonaceous chondrite. The meteorite was widely observed by meteor camera networks, doorbell cameras, and eyewitnesses, and 213.5 g (around 35% of the final recovered mass) was collected quickly—within 12 h—of its fall. It, therefore, represents an opportunity to study very pristine extra-terrestrial material and requires appropriate careful curation. The meteorite fell in a narrow (600 m across) strewn field ~8.5 km long and oriented approximately east–west, with the largest single fragment at the farthest (east) end in the town of Winchcombe, Gloucestershire. Of the total known mass of 602 g, around 525 g is curated at the Natural History Museum, London. A sample analysis plan was devised within a month of the fall to enable scientists in the UK and beyond to quickly access and analyze fresh material. The sample is stored long term in a nitrogen atmosphere glove box. Preliminary macroscopic and electron microscopic examinations show it to be a CM2 chondrite, and despite an early search, no fragile minerals, such as halite, sulfur, etc., were observed.  相似文献   

To date, the CM2 class of carbonaceous chondrites has provided the most detailed view of organic synthesis in the early solar system. Organic‐rich chondrites actually observed falling to Earth (“Falls”), for example, the Murchison meteorite in 1969, are even more rare. The April 23, 2019 fall of the Aguas Zarcas meteorite is therefore the most significant CM2 fall since Murchison. Samples collected immediately following the fall provide the rare opportunity to analyze its bulk mineralogy and organic inventory relatively free of terrestrial contamination. According to the Meteoritical Bulletin, Aguas Zarcas (“AZ” or “Zarcas”) is dominated by serpentine, similar to other CM2 chondrites. Likewise, our initial analyses of AZ were meant to give a broad view of its soluble organic inventory relative to other carbonaceous chondrites. We observe that while it is rich in hydrocarbons, carboxylic acids, dicarboxylic acids, sugar alcohols, and sugar acids, some of these classes may be of lesser abundance than in the more well known carbonaceous chondrites such as Murchison. Compared generally with other CM2 meteorites, the most significant finding is the absence, or relatively low levels, of three otherwise common constituents: ammonia, amino, acids, and amines. Overall, this meteorite adds to the building database of prebiotic compounds available to the ancient Earth.  相似文献   

Abstract— Mixing models using major and trace elements show that the bulk composition of lithology A (xenocryst-bearing magnesian basalt) of Elephant Moraine A79001 (EETA79001) can be reasonably approximated as a simple mixture of ~44% EETA79001 lithology B (ferroan basalt) and ~56% of Allan Hills A77005 (ALHA7705) light lithology (incompatible element-poor lherzolite). Micro-instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) data on xenocryst-free groundmass samples of lithology A show that about 20–25% of the melt phase could be dissolved lherzolite. The bulk and groundmass samples of lithology A have excesses in Au, which indicates either meteoritic contamination or addition by some unknown martian geochemical process. Previous workers have suggested that lithology A was formed by either assimilation of cumulates (like ALHA77005), by a basalt (like lithology B), or by mixing of basaltic and lherzolitic magmas. The former scenario is energetically improbable and unlikely to explain the normal Fe/Mg zonation in lithology A groundmass pyroxenes, whereas the latter scenario is unlikely to satisfy the constraints of the mixing model indicating the ultramafic component is poor in incompatible elements. We suggest rather that EETA79001 lithology A is an impact melt composed dominantly of basalt like lithology B and lherzolitic cumulates like the trace-element-poor fraction of ALHA77005 or Y-793605. This model can satisfy the energetic, petrologic, and geochemical constraints imposed by the samples. If EETA79001 lithology A is an impact melt, this would have considerable consequences for current models of martian petrologic evolution. It would call into question the generally accepted age of magmatism of martian basalts and preclude the use of lithology A groundmass as a primary martian basalt composition in experimental studies. Regardless, the latter is required because lithology A groundmass is a hybrid composition.  相似文献   

The Paris meteorite is one of the most primitive carbonaceous chondrites. It is reported to be the least aqueously altered CM chondrite, and to have experienced only weak thermal metamorphism. We have analyzed for the first time the amino acid and hydrocarbon contents of this pristine meteorite by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). When plotting the relative amino acids abundances of several CM chondrites according to the increasing hydrothermal scale (petrologic subtypes), from the CM2.7/2.8 Paris to the CM2.0 MET 01070, Paris has the lowest relative abundance of β‐alanine/glycine (0.15), which fits with the relative abundances of β‐alanine/glycine increasing with increasing aqueous alteration for CM chondrites. These results confirm the influence of aqueous alteration on the amino acid abundances and distribution. The amino acid analysis shows that the isovaline detected in this meteorite is racemic (d /l  = 0.99 ± 0.08; l ‐enantiomer excess = 0.35 ± 0.5%; corrected d /l  = 1.03; corrected l ‐enantiomer excess = ?1.4 ± 2.6%). The identified hydrocarbons show that Paris has n‐alkanes ranging from C16 to C25 and 3‐ to 5‐ring nonalkylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The lack of alkylated PAHs in Paris seems to be also related to this low degree of aqueous alteration on its parent body. The extraterrestrial hydrocarbon content, suggested by the absence of any biomarker, may well have a presolar origin. The chemistry of the Paris meteorite may thus be closely related to the early stages of the solar nebula with a contribution from interstellar (molecular cloud) precursors.  相似文献   

Lunar meteorite Northwest Africa (NWA) 5744 is a granulitic breccia with an anorthositic troctolite composition that may represent a distinct crustal lithology not previously described. This meteorite is the namesake and first‐discovered stone of its pairing group. Bulk rock major element abundances show the greatest affinity to Mg‐suite rocks, yet trace element abundances are more consistent with those of ferroan anorthosites. The relatively low abundances of incompatible trace elements (including K, P, Th, U, and rare earth elements) in NWA 5744 could indicate derivation from a highlands crustal lithology or mixture of lithologies that are distinct from the Procellarum KREEP terrane on the lunar nearside. Impact‐related thermal and shock metamorphism of NWA 5744 was intense enough to recrystallize mafic minerals in the matrix, but not intense enough to chemically equilibrate the constituent minerals. Thus, we infer that NWA 5744 was likely metamorphosed near the lunar surface, either as a lithic component within an impact melt sheet or from impact‐induced shock.  相似文献   

High entry speed (>25 km s?1) and low density (<2500 kg m?3) are the two factors that lower the chance of a meteoroid to drop meteorites. The 26 g carbonaceous (CM2) meteorite Maribo recovered in Denmark in 2009 was delivered by a bright bolide observed by several instruments across northern and central Europe. By reanalyzing the available data, we confirmed the previously reported high entry speed of (28.3 ± 0.3) km s?1 and trajectory with slope of 31° to the horizontal. In order to understand how such a fragile material survived, we applied three different models of meteoroid atmospheric fragmentation to the detailed bolide light curve obtained by radiometers located in Czech Republic. The Maribo meteoroid was found to be quite inhomogeneous with different parts fragmenting at different dynamic pressures. While 30–40% of the (2000 ± 1000) kg entry mass was destroyed already at 0.02 MPa, another 25–40%, according to different models, survived without fragmentation up to the relatively large dynamic pressures of 3–5 MPa. These pressures are only slightly lower than the measured tensile strengths of hydrated carbonaceous chondrite (CC) meteorites and are comparable with usual atmospheric fragmentation pressures of ordinary chondritic (OC) meteoroids. While internal cracks weaken OC meteoroids in comparison with meteorites, this effect seems to be absent in CC, enabling meteorite delivery even at high speeds, though in the form of only small fragments.  相似文献   

Abstract— A spherical, 220-μm diameter, spinel-hibonite-perovskite inclusion from the Allende C3V meteorite contains a central hibonite cluster with an angular boundary. This central hibonite is enclosed within spinel that is zoned from Mg-rich at the hibonite boundary to more Fe-rich at the inclusion boundary. This spinel zone includes lath-shaped hibonites usually oriented subradial to the central hibonites. Two textural types of perovskites are present as exsolution from the central hibonite and as equidimensional grains within both the central hibonite and spinel. These second perovskites have exsolution lamellae of Al2O3. Within the central hibonite and adjacent to some equidimensional perovskites, a fine porous phase interpreted as alteration has a composition of nearly pure Al2O3 with minor amounts of Na and Si. This is possibly either an intergrowth of corundum and nepheline or a modified Al2O3, β-alumina. The central hibonites and equidimensional perovskites are considered relict grains on which the spinel-hibonite layer crystallized. The relict material had undergone slow cooling in a previous event to produce exsolution of original high-temperature compositions. Later alteration caused breakdown of hibonite to give an Al2O3-rich phase. This inclusion represents a composite body which formed in a Ca-Al-rich environment.  相似文献   

By dissolving 30–400 kg of marine limestone in HCl and HF acid, our group has previously recovered common relict chromite grains (approximately 63–250 μm) from ordinary chondritic micrometeorites that fell on ancient sea floors, up to 500 Myr old. Here, we evaluate if CM group carbonaceous chondritic material, which makes up an important fraction of the micrometeorite flux today, contains analogous grains that can be searched for in acid residues. We dissolved 8 g of CM2 meteorite Acfer 331 in HF, which yielded a characteristic assemblage of both transparent Mg‐Al‐ and opaque Cr‐spinels >28 μm. We find on average 4.6 and 130 Mg‐Al‐spinel grains per gram in the 63–250 and 28–63 μm size fractions, respectively. These grains are mostly pink or colorless, and often characterized by heterogeneous Cr‐content. Black, opaque Cr‐spinel grains are absent from the >63 μm fraction, but in the 28–63 μm fraction we find approximately 65 such grains per gram meteorite. The individual grains have a characteristic composition, with heterogeneous major element compositions (e.g., 44.4–61.7 wt% Cr2O3), but narrow ranges for maximum TiO2 (0.6–1.6 wt%) and V2O3 (0.5–1.0 wt%) concentrations. The content of spinel grains in the 28–63 μm fraction of CM meteorites appears comparable at the order of magnitude level with the content of >63 μm sized chromite grains in fossil L‐chondrites from Ordovician limestone. Our approach of recovering meteoritic spinel from sediment may thus be extended to include CM meteorites, but the smaller size fraction of the acid residues should be searched.  相似文献   

The Ko?ice meteorite was observed to fall on 28 February 2010 at 23:25 UT near the city of Ko?ice in eastern Slovakia and its mineralogy, petrology, and geochemistry are described. The characteristic features of the meteorite fragments are fan‐like, mosaic, lamellar, and granular chondrules, which were up to 1.2 mm in diameter. The fusion crust has a black‐gray color with a thickness up to 0.6 mm. The matrix of the meteorite is formed mainly by forsterite (Fo80.6); diopside; enstatite (Fs16.7); albite; troilite; Fe‐Ni metals such as iron and taenite; and some augite, chlorapatite, merrillite, chromite, and tetrataenite. Plagioclase‐like glass was also identified. Relative uniform chemical composition of basic silicates, partially brecciated textures, as well as skeletal taenite crystals into troilite veinlets suggest monomict breccia formed at conditions of rapid cooling. The Ko?ice meteorite is classified as ordinary chondrite of the H5 type which has been slightly weathered, and only short veinlets of Fe hydroxides are present. The textural relationships indicate an S3 degree of shock metamorphism and W0 weathering grade. Some fragments of the meteorite Ko?ice are formed by monomict breccia of the petrological type H5. On the basis of REE content, we suggest the Ko?ice chondrite is probably from the same parent body as H5 chondrite Morávka from Czech Republic. Electron‐microprobe analysis (EMPA) with focused and defocused electron beam, whole‐rock analysis (WRA), inductively coupled plasma mass and optical emission spectroscopy (ICP MS, ICP OES), and calibration‐free laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (CF‐LIBS) were used to characterize the Ko?ice fragments. The results provide further evidence that whole‐rock analysis gives the most accurate analyses, but this method is completely destructive. Two other proposed methods are partially destructive (EMPA) or nondestructive (CF‐LIBS), but only major and minor elements can be evaluated due to the significantly lower sample consumption.  相似文献   

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