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Abstract— Micrometeorites (MMs) currently represent the largest steady‐state mass flux of extraterrestrial matter to Earth and may have delivered a significant fraction of volatile elements and organics to the Earth's surface. Nitrogen and noble gases contents and isotopic ratios have been measured in a suite of 17 micrometeorites recovered in Antarctica (sampled in blue ice at Cap Prudhomme) and Greenland (separated from cryoconite) that have experienced variable thermal metamorphism during atmospheric entry. MMs were pyrolized using a CO2 laser and the released gases were analyzed for nitrogen and noble gas abundances and isotopic ratios by static mass spectrometry after specific purification. Noble gases are a mixture of cosmogenic, solar, atmospheric, and possibly chondritic components, with atmospheric being predominant in severely heated MMs. δ15N values vary between ?240 ± 62‰ and +206 ± 12‰, with most values being within the range of terrestrial and chondritic signatures, given the uncertainties. Crystalline MMs present very high noble gas contents up to two orders of magnitude higher than carbonaceous chondrite concentrations. In contrast, nitrogen contents between 4 ppm and 165 ppm are much lower than those of carbonaceous chondrites, evidencing either initially low N content in MMs and/or degradation of phases hosting nitrogen during atmospheric entry heating and terrestrial weathering. Assuming that the original N content of MMs was comparable to that of carbonaceous chondrites, the contribution of nitrogen delivery by these objects to the terrestrial environment would have been probably marginal from 3.8 Gyr ago to present but could have been significant (?10%) in the Hadean, and even predominant during the latest stages of terrestrial accretion.  相似文献   

We report light noble gas (He, Ne, and Ar) concentrations and isotopic ratios in 11 achondrites, Tafassasset (unclassified primitive achondrite), Northwest Africa (NWA) 12934 (angrite), NWA 12573 (brachinite), Jiddat al Harasis (JaH) 809 (ureilite), NWA 11562 (ungrouped achondrite), four lodranites (NWA 11901, NWA 7474, NWA 6685, and NWA 6484), NWA 2871 (acapulcoite), and Sahara 02029 (winonaite), most of which have not been previously studied for noble gases. We discuss their noble gas isotopic composition, determine their cosmogenic nuclide content, and systematically calculate their cosmic ray exposure (CRE) and gas retention ages. In addition, we estimate their preatmospheric radii and preatmospheric masses based on the shielding parameter (22Ne/21Ne)cos. None of the studied meteorites shows evidence of contribution from solar cosmic rays (SCRs). JaH 809 and NWA 12934 show evidence of 3He diffusive losses of >90% and 40%, respectively. The winonaite Sahara 02029 has lost most of its noble gases, either during or before analysis. The average CRE age of Tafassasset of ~49 Ma is lower than that reported by Patzer et al. (2003), but is consistent with it within the uncertainties; this confirms that Tafassasset and CR chondrites are not source paired, CR chondrites having CRE ages from 1 to 25 Ma (Herzog & Caffee, 2014). The ureilite JaH 809 has a CRE age of ~5.4 Ma, which falls into the typical range of exposure ages for ureilites; the angrite NWA 12934 has a CRE age of ~49 Ma, which is within the main range of exposure ages reported for angrites (0.2–56 Ma). We calculate a CRE age of ~2.4 Ma for the brachinite NWA 12573, which falls into a possible “cluster” in the brachinite CRE age histogram around ~3 Ma. Three lodranites (NWA 11901, NWA 7474, and NWA 6685) have CRE ages higher than the average CRE ages of lodranites measured so far, NWA 11901 and NWA 6685 having CRE ages far higher than the CRE age already reported by Li et al. (2019) on NWA 8118. The measured 40K-40Ar gas retention ages fit well into established systematics. The gas retention age of Tafassasset is consistent, within respective uncertainties, with that previously calculated by Patzer et al. (2003). Our study indicates that Tafassasset originates from a meteoroid with a preatmospheric radius of ~20 cm, however discordant with the radius of ~85 cm inferred in a previous study (Patzer et al., 2003).  相似文献   

We measured the concentrations and isotopic compositions of He, Ne, and Ar in 14 fragments from 12 different meteorites: three carbonaceous chondrites, six L chondrites (three most likely paired), one H chondrite, one R chondrite, and one ungrouped chondrite. The data obtained for the CV3 chondrites Ramlat as Sahmah (RaS) 221 and RaS 251 support the hypothesis of exposure age peaks for CV chondrites at approximately 9 Ma and 27 Ma. The exposure age for Shi?r 033 (CR chondrite) of 7.3 Ma is also indicative of a possible CR chondrite exposure age peak. The three L chondrites Jiddat al Harasis (JaH) 091, JaH 230, and JaH 296, which are most likely paired, fall together with Hallingeberg into the L chondrite exposure age peak of approximately 15 Ma. The two L chondrites Shelburne and Lake Torrens fall into the peaks at approximately 40 Ma and 5 Ma, respectively. The ages for Bassikounou (H chondrite) and RaS 201 (R chondrite) are approximately 3.5 Ma and 5.8 Ma, respectively. Six of the studied meteorites show clear evidence for 3He diffusive losses, the deficits range from approximately 17% for one Lake Torrens aliquot to approximately 45% for RaS 211. The three carbonaceous chondrites RaS 221, RaS 251, and Shi?r 033 all have excess 4He, either of planetary or solar origin. However, very high 4He/20Ne ratios occur at relatively low 20Ne/22Ne ratios, which is unexpected and needs further study. The measured 40Ar ages fit well into established systematics. They are between 2.5 and 4.5 Ga for the carbonaceous chondrites, older than 3.6 Ga for the L and H chondrites, and about 2.4 Ga for the R chondrite as well as for the ungrouped chondrite. Interestingly, none of our studied L chondrites has been degassed in the 470 Ma break‐up event. Using the amount of trapped 36Ar as a proxy for noble gas contamination due to terrestrial weathering we are able to demonstrate that the samples studied here are not or only very slightly affected by terrestrial weathering (at least in terms of their noble gas budget).  相似文献   

Abstract— We report measurements of 26AI, 10Be, 41Ca, and 36Cl in the silicate and metal phases of 11 mesosiderites, including several specimens each of Budulan and Estherville, of the brecciated meteorite Bencubbin, and of the iron meteorite Udei Station. Average production rate ratios (atom/atom) for metal phase samples from Estherville and Budulan are 26Al/10Be = 0.77 ± 0.02; 36Cl/10Be = 5.3 ± 0.2. For a larger set of meteorites that includes iron meteorites and other mesosiderites, we find 26Al/10Be = 0.72 ± 0.01 and 36Cl/10Be = 4.5 ± 0.2. The average 41Ca/36Cl production rate ratio is 1.10 ± 0.04 for metal separates from Estherville and four small iron falls. The 41Ca activities in dpm/(kg Ca) of various silicate separates from Budulan and Estherville span nearly a factor of 4, from <400 to >1600, indicating preatmospheric radii of >30 cm. After allowance for composition, the activities of 26Al and 10Be (dpm/kg silicate) are similar to values measured in most ordinary chondrites and appear to depend only weakly on bulk Fe content. Unless shielding effects are larger than suggested by the 36Cl and 41Ca activities of the metal phases, matrix effects are unimportant for 10Be and minor for 26Al. Noble gas concentrations and isotopic abundances are reported for samples of Barea, Emery, Mincy, Morristown, and Marjalahti. New estimates of 36Cl/36Ar exposure ages for the metal phases agree well with published values. Neon‐21 production rates for mesosiderite silicates calculated from these ages and from measured 21Ne contents are consistently higher than predicted for L chondrites despite the fact that the mesosiderite silicates have lower Mg contents than L chondrites. We suggest that the elevation of the 21Ne production rate in mesosiderite silicates reflects a “matrix effect,” that is, the influence of the higher Fe content of mesosiderites, which acts to enhance the flux of low‐energy secondary particles and hence the 21Ne production from Mg. As 10Be production is relatively insensitive to this matrix effect, 10Be/21Ne ages give erroneously low production rates and high exposure ages. By coincidence, standard 22Ne/21Ne based “shielding” corrections give fairly reliable 21Ne production rates in the mesosiderite silicates.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have measured Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe in Si2O3 “smokes” that were condensed on Al substrates, vapor-deposited with various mixtures of CH4, NH3, H2O and noble gases at 10 K and subsequently irradiated with 1 MeV protons to simulate conditions during grain mantle formation in interstellar clouds. The noble gases were analyzed using conventional stepwise heating and static noble gas mass spectrometry. Neither Ne nor Ar is retained by the samples upon warming to room temperature, but Xe is very efficiently trapped and retained. Kr is somewhat less effectively retained, typically depleted by factors of about 10–20 relative to Xe. Isotopic fractionation favoring the heavy isotopes of Xe and Kr of about 5–10‰/amu is observed. Correlations between the specific chemistry of the vapor deposition and heavy noble gas retention are most likely the result of competition by the various species for irradiation-produced trapping sites. The concentration of Xe retained by some of these smokes exceeds that observed in phase Q of meteorites and, like phase Q, they do not seem to be carriers of the light noble gases. Such artificially prepared material may, therefore, offer clues concerning the incorporation of the heavy planetary noble gases in meteoritic material and the nature of phase Q.  相似文献   

The Sutter's Mill (SM) CM chondrite fell in California in 2012. The CM chondrite group is one of the most primitive, consisting of unequilibrated minerals, but some of them have experienced complex processes occurring on their parent body, such as aqueous alteration, thermal metamorphism, brecciation, and solar wind implantation. We have determined noble gas concentrations and isotopic compositions for SM samples using a stepped heating gas extraction method, in addition to mineralogical observation of the specimens. The primordial noble gas abundances, especially the P3 component trapped in presolar diamonds, confirm the classification of SM as a CM chondrite. The mineralogical features of SM indicate that it experienced mild thermal alteration after aqueous alteration. The heating temperature is estimated to be <350 °C based on the release profile of primordial 36Ar. The presence of a Ni‐rich Fe‐Ni metal suggests that a minor part of SM has experienced heating at >500 °C. The variation in the heating temperature of thermal alteration is consistent with the texture as a breccia. The heterogeneous distribution of solar wind noble gases is also consistent with it. The cosmic‐ray exposure (CRE) age for SM is calculated to be 0.059 ± 0.023 Myr based on cosmogenic 21Ne by considering trapped noble gases as solar wind, the terrestrial atmosphere, P1 (or Q), P3, A2, and G components. The CRE age lies at the shorter end of the CRE age distribution of the CM chondrite group.  相似文献   

The Paris carbonaceous chondrite represents the most pristine carbonaceous chondrite, providing a unique opportunity to investigate the composition of early solar system materials prior to the onset of significant aqueous alteration. A dual origin (namely from the inner and outer solar system) has been demonstrated for water in the Paris meteorite parent body (Piani et al. 2018 ). Here, we aim to evaluate the contribution of outer solar system (cometary‐like) water ice to the inner solar system water ice using Xe isotopes. We report Ar, Kr, and high‐precision Xe isotopic measurements within bulk CM 2.9 and CM 2.7 fragments, as well as Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe isotope compositions of the insoluble organic matter (IOM). Noble gas signatures are similar to chondritic phase Q with no evidence for a cometary‐like Xe component. Small excesses in the heavy Xe isotopes relative to phase Q within bulk samples are attributed to contributions from presolar materials. CM 2.7 fragments have lower Ar/Xe relative to more pristine CM 2.9 fragments, with no systematic difference in Xe contents. We conclude that Kr and Xe were little affected by aqueous alteration, in agreement with (1) minor degrees of alteration and (2) no significant differences in the chemical signature of organic matter in CM 2.7 and CM 2.9 areas (Vinogradoff et al. 2017 ). Xenon contents in the IOM are larger than previously published data of Xe in chondritic IOM, in line with the Xe component in Paris being pristine and preserved from Xe loss during aqueous alteration/thermal metamorphism.  相似文献   

Abstract— We studied the elemental and isotopic abundances of noble gases (He, Ne, Ar in most cases, and Kr, Xe also in some cases) in individual chondrules separated from six ordinary, two enstatite, and two carbonaceous chondrites. Most chondrules show detectable amounts of trapped 20Ne and 36Ar, and the ratio (36Ar/20Ne)t (from ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites) suggests that HL and Q are the two major trapped components. A different trend between (36Ar/20Ne)t and trapped 36Ar is observed for chondrules in enstatite chondrites indicating a different environment and/or mechanism for their formation compared to chondrules in ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites. We found that a chondrule from Dhajala chondrite (DH‐11) shows the presence of solar‐type noble gases, as suggested by the (36Ar/20Ne)t ratio, Ne‐isotopic composition, and excess of 4He. Cosmic‐ray exposure (CRE) ages of most chondrules are similar to their host chondrites. A few chondrules show higher CRE age compared to their host, suggesting that some chondrules and/or precursors of chondrules have received cosmic ray irradiation before accreting to their parent body. Among these chondrules, DH‐11 (with solar trapped gases) and a chondrule from Murray chondrite (MRY‐1) also have lower values of (21Ne/22Ne)c, indicative of SCR contribution. However, such evidences are sporadic and indicate that chondrule formation event may have erased such excess irradiation records by solar wind and SCR in most chondrules. These results support the nebular environment for chondrule formation.  相似文献   

Abstract— Active capture is a new process for the incorporation of large quantities of heavy noble gases into growing surfaces. Adsorption in the conventional sense involves surface bonding by polarization (Van der Waals forces). What is referred to as “anomalous adsorption” of heavy noble gases involves chemical bonds and can occur when other (more chemically active) species are not available to preempt sites with unfilled bonds. Anomalous adsorption has been observed under conditions of fracture, vacuum deposition and ionizing radiation. Active capture depends upon anomalous adsorption to retain noble gases on a surface long enough to be captured in a growing surface film as it is deposited. The fundamental principle may be the impingement onto the growing film with sufficient energy to liberate surface electrons (work function energy of a few electronvolts) so that they are retained by anomalous adsorption long enough to be entrapped in the growing surface. Trapping efficiencies of ?1% have been observed for Kr and Xe in laboratory experiments, implying a fundamentally new mechanism for the incorporation of heavy noble gases onto surfaces. It may play a role in explaining the large concentrations of planetary noble gases contained in phase‐Q.  相似文献   

Abstract— A glass separate from the LEW88516 shergottite was analyzed by step-wise combustion for N and noble gases to determine whether it contained trapped gas similar in composition to the martian atmosphere-like component previously observed in lithology C of EETA79001. Excesses of 40Ar and 129Xe were in fact observed in this glass, although the amounts of these excesses are ≤20% of those seen in the latter meteorite, and are comparable to the amounts seen in whole-rock analyses of LEW88516. The isotopic composition of N in LEW88516 does not show an enrichment in 15N commensurate with the amount of isotopically-heavy N expected from the noble gases excesses. One must posit some extreme assumptions about the nature of the N components present in LEW88516 in order to allow the presence of the trapped nitrogen component. Alternatively, the N has somehow been decoupled from the noble gases, and was either never present or has been lost.  相似文献   

Abstract— Isotopic abundances of the noble gases were measured in the following Martian meteorites: two shock glass inclusions from Elephant Moraine (EET) 79001, shock vein glass from Shergotty and Yamato (Y) 793605, and whole-rock samples of Allan Hills (ALH) 84001 and Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 94201. These glass samples, when combined with literature data on a separate single glass inclusion from EET 79001 and a glass vein from Zagami, permit examination in greater detail of the isotopic composition of Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe trapped from the Martian atmosphere. The isotopic composition of Martian Ne, if actually present in these glasses, remains poorly defined. The 40Ar/36Ar ratio of trapped Martian atmospheric Ar is probably considerably lower than the nominal ratio of 3000 measured by Viking, and data on impact glasses suggest a value of ~1900. The atmospheric 36Ar/38Ar ratio is ≤4.0. Martian atmospheric Kr may be enriched in lighter isotopes by ~0.5%/amu compared to both solar-wind Kr and to the Martian composition previously reported. The isotopic composition of Xe in these glasses agrees with that previously reported in the literature. The Martian atmospheric 36Ar/132Xe and 84Kr/132Xe elemental ratios are higher than those reported by Viking by factors of ~2.5–1.6 (depending on the 40Ar/36Ar ratio adopted) and ~1.8, respectively, and are discussed in a separate paper. Cosmogenic gases indicate space exposure ages of 2.7 ± 0.6 Ma for QUE 94201 and Shergotty and 14 ± 1 Ma for ALH 84001. Small amounts of 21Ne produced by energetic solar protons may be present in QUE 94201 but are not present in ALH 84001 or Y-793605. The space exposure age for Y-793605 is 4.9 ± 0.6 Ma and appears to be distinctly older than the ages for basaltic shergottites. However, uncertainties in cosmogenic production rates still makes somewhat uncertain the number of Martian impact events required to produce the exposure ages of Martian meteorites.  相似文献   

M. Ozima  Y.N. Miura 《Icarus》2004,170(1):17-23
Surface-correlated noble gases in lunar soils are primarily implanted SW (solar wind) noble gases. However, they also include apparently orphan radiogenic 40Ar, 129Xe, and 244Pu-derived fission Xe in excess of plausible primordial solar origin. These orphan radiogenic components are usually assigned a lunar origin, in a scenario in which radiogenic noble gases produced in the lunar interior were degassed into the transient atmosphere and then re-implanted to the lunar surface together with SW. There are some quantitative difficulties with this scenario, however, and it requires special constraints on the degassing history of the Moon that have not emerged from more general thermal history models. We therefore urge consideration of alternative hypotheses. As a possible source for the orphan radiogenic noble gases, we have examined planetary pollution of the Sun, as suggested by studies of extrasolar planetary systems (e.g., Murray et al., 2001, Astrophys. J. 555, 801-815; Israelian et al., 2001, Nature 411, 163-166). Pollution of the Sun by 2M (two Earth mass) planetary materials (Murray et al., 2001, Astrophys. J. 555, 801-815) is likely not significant for Ar but could be important to account for orphan Xe in the Moon.  相似文献   

Abstract— Five indochinites from Hainan Island and the Leizhou Peninsula, China were analyzed for noble gas abundances and isotopic ratios. These splash‐form tektites show vesiculation ranging from 0.4 vol% to 8 vol%, as determined by digital image analysis (software SXM®) on thin section photographs. To study the distribution of noble gases in vesicles and in glass, the gases were extracted by heating and by crushing, respectively, on 2 aliquots of the same sample. The results show that 5 to 53% of the total measured 20Ne resides in vesicles. The calculated concentration of neon dissolved in the glass is higher (0.7‐1 times 10?7 cm3STP/g) than that expected from solubility equilibrium (1 times 10?8 cm3STP/g), assuming solubility data from MORB glasses. The neon concentration of splash‐form tektites, those analyzed in this work and those from other strewn‐fields worldwide, is correlated with the SiO2 content of glass and with the nonbridging oxygen per tetrahedral cation in the melt (hereafter NBO/T ratio), the latter being an index of the free‐volume in the silica network where neon could be dissolved. These correlations suggest that the glass structure of tektite has a larger free‐volume available for dissolving noble gases than MORB glasses.  相似文献   

Abstract Noble gases and N were analyzed in handpicked metal separates from lunar soil 68501 by a combination of step-wise combustions and pyrolyses. Helium and Ne were found to be unfractionated with respect to one another when normalized to solar abundances, for both the bulk sample and for all but the highest temperature steps. However, they are depleted relative to Ar, Kr and Xe by at least a factor of 5. The heavier gases exhibit mass-dependent fractionation relative to solar system abundance ratios but appear unfractionated, both in the bulk metal and in early temperature steps, when compared to relative abundances derived from lunar ilmenite 71501 by chemical etching, recently put forward as representing the abundance ratios in solar wind. Estimates of the contribution of solar energetic particles (SEP) to the originally implanted solar gases, derived from a basic interpretation of He and Ne isotopes, yield values of about 10%. Analysis of the Ar isotopes requires a minimum of 20% SEP, and Kr isotopes, using our preferred composition for solar wind Kr, yield a result that overlaps both of these values. It is possible to reconcile the data from these gases if significant loss of solar wind Ar, Kr and presumably Xe has occurred relative to the SEP component, most likely by erosive processes that are mass independent, although mass-dependent losses (Ar > Kr > Xe) cannot be excluded. If such losses did occur, the SEP contribution to the solar implanted gases must have been no more than a few percent. Nitrogen is a mixture of indigenous meteoritic N, whose isotopic composition is inferred to be relatively light, and implanted solar N, which has probably undergone diffusive redistribution and fractionation. If the heavy noble gases have not undergone diffusive loss, then N/Ar in the solar wind can be inferred to be at least several times the accepted solar ratio. The solar wind N appears, even after correction for fractionation effects, to have a minimum δ15N value ≥+150‰ and a more probable value ≥+200‰.  相似文献   

Ronen Jacovi 《Icarus》2008,196(1):302-304
Titan's haze, formed by photolysis of C2H2, C2H4 and HCN, was found experimentally to trap Ar, Kr and Xe with efficiencies of 3.5 × 10−4, 1.9 × 10−3 and 6.5 × 10−2 [noble gas atom]/[carbon atom] in the polymer, respectively. The rate of aerosol formation and settling down of 3 × 10−13 kg m−2 s−1, as inferred from our experiments on CH4 photolysis in the far UV [Podolak, M., Bar-Nun, A., 1979. Icarus 39, 272-276], is sufficient to reduce the mixing ratios of 36Ar and 40Ar to their low values of (2.8 ± 0.3) × 10−7 and (4.3 ± 0.1) × 10−3, respectively, and those of Kr and Xe to below the detection limit of 10−8.  相似文献   

Abstract— Several experimentally and naturally shocked silicate samples were analyzed for noble gas contents to further characterize the phenomenon by which ambient gases can be strongly implanted into silicates by shock and to evaluate the possible importance of this process in capturing planetary atmospheres in naturally shocked samples. Gas implantation efficiency is apparently mineral independent, as mono-mineralic powders of oligoclase, labradorite, and diopside and a powdered basalt shocked to 20 GPa show similar efficiencies. The retentivity of shock-implanted gas during stepwise heating in the laboratory is defined in terms of two parameters: activation energy for diffusion as determined from Arrhenius plots, and the extraction temperature at which 50% of the gas is released, both of which correlate with shock pressure. These gas diffusion parameters are essentially identical for radiogenic 40Ar and shock-implanted 40Ar in oligoclase and labradorite shocked to 20 GPa, suggesting that the two 40Ar components occupy analogous lattice sites. Our experiments indicate that gas implantation occurs through an increasing production of microcracks/defects in the lattice with increasing shock pressure. The ease of diffusive loss of implanted gas is controlled by the degree of annealing of these microcracks/defects. Identification of a shock-implanted component requires relatively large concentrations of implanted gas which is strongly retained (i.e., moderate activation energy) in order to separate implanted gas from surface adsorbed gases. Literature data on shocked terrestrial samples indicate only weak evidence for shock-implanted gases, with an upper limit for 40Ar of ~ 10?6 cm3STP/g. New analyses of shocked samples from the Wabar Crater indicate the presence of shock-implanted Ar, having concentrations (~ 10?4 cm3STP/g) and activation energies for diffusive loss which are essentially that expected from experimental studies. Lack of sufficient target porosity or the presence of ground water may explain the sparse evidence for shock-implanted gas at other terrestrial craters. Although Wabar Crater may represent an unusually favorable environment on Earth for shock-implanting gases, surfaces of other planetary bodies, such as Mars, may frequently provide such environments. Analyses of returned samples from old Martian terraines may document temporal changes in earlier atmospheric composition.  相似文献   

T.D. Swindle  J. Masarik  K.J. Kim 《Icarus》2005,174(1):205-214
The age of the surface of Europa is probably tens of Myr or less, but is poorly constrained. Two different geochronology schemes could potentially be applied to near-surface samples to provide far more precise ages. First, the surface salts apparently contain enough potassium to make potassium-argon dating feasible. Second, the bombardment of the surface with both galactic cosmic rays and protons trapped within the jovian magnetosphere will cause nuclear reactions that can lead to measurable buildups of cosmogenic noble gases, which can be used to determine both cosmic-ray exposure ages and erosion, deposition, or mixing rates for surface modification. The major differences between Europa's salt-rich ice and the rocks (meteorites, lunar samples and terrestrial rocks) in which cosmogenic noble gases are normally measured are that the abundance of target elements for nuclear reactions creating neon and argon are lower (because of the high water content), but neutron-capture reactions, particularly 35Cl(n,γ)36Cl(β)36Ar, are enhanced because of the thermalizing effects of the water. As well as presenting calculations of noble gas production near the surface of Europa, we also show that the measurements required to determine ages are within reach of technology in the near future, if an instrument can be landed on the surface of Europa.  相似文献   

A model for the selective loss of noble gases by thermal escape of the gases from planetesimals as they grow to form the terrestrial planets has been developed. The initial elemental and isotopic abundance ratios are assumed to be solar. Competition between gravitational binding and escape determines the degree of fractionation that occurs. Two classes of planetesimals can be formed on a time scale consistent with modern models of accretion. One class is depleted in neon and, in some cases, partly in 36Ar. The other class is neon rich. Subject to the validity of some assumptions regarding loss of planetary atmospheres following collisions between very large embryo planets and a strong radial dependence in the rate of accumulation of neon-rich planetesimals, the mechanism can account for all known properties of the noble gas volatiles on the terrestrial planets except one. This is the 36Ar/38Ar ratios for Earth and Mars which are predicted to be much lower than observed. This failure is probably fatal for the hypothesis.  相似文献   

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