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华南东段早古生代造山带研究   总被引:41,自引:5,他引:36  
对华南东段早古生代沉积环境、火山岩、超镁铁岩—镁铁岩年代、韧性变形运动学、早古生代造山带特色等方面进行了研究。研究结果表明,震旦纪—奥陶纪期间(680~440Ma)的沉积岩以泥砂质碎屑岩为主体,岩层中浅海相沉积构造发育;缺乏鲍玛层序,不含火山熔岩和爆发火山碎屑岩;原定早古生代玄武岩实为杂砂岩。结合沉积岩地球化学成果,认为本区早古生代为被动大陆边缘浅海—半深海沉积环境。对区内部分镁铁岩和火山岩作SHRIMP岩浆锆石U-Pb定年,年龄集中在860~800Ma之间。韧性变形运动学研究表明,武夷山南东麓从北西向南东逆冲推覆,北麓从南向北逆冲推覆,剖面上呈花状构造样式。稍后发生了韧性走滑剪切作用。对糜棱岩的云母矿物作40Ar-39Ar定年,年龄集中在430~390Ma之间。与国内外典型加里东期造山带相比,华南早古生代造山带具有鲜明的地域特色,造山机制大致可与西欧比利牛斯造山带相比。  相似文献   

龙新岩体和夏郢岩体位于扬子地块与华夏地块拼合带的西南端,岩体中的Ⅰ型花岗岩成因研究对揭示桂东南地区早古生代的地球动力学背景及其构造演化具有重要的地质意义.对龙新岩体的寄主岩和其暗色微粒包体,以及夏郢岩体岩石进行了LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年、Lu-Hf同位素和全岩地球化学研究.锆石U-Pb定年结果显示,龙新岩体的寄主岩(花岗闪长岩)的年龄为440±2 Ma;龙新岩体的暗色包体(闪长岩)的年龄为441±1 Ma,寄主岩与暗色包体为同期岩浆作用的产物.夏郢岩体花岗闪长岩和二长花岗岩年龄分别为447±3 Ma和436±3 Ma,说明夏郢岩体至少发生了2期岩浆侵入事件.Hf同位素研究表明,龙新岩体寄主岩和暗色微粒包体的锆石εHf(t)值分别为-3.32~-5.83和-17.89~-1.82,二阶段模式年龄(TDM2)分别为1.62~1.76 Ga和1.57~2.54 Ga;夏郢岩体早期花岗岩闪长岩和晚期二长花岗岩的锆石εHf(t)值分别为-15.43~3.03和-4.79~6.82,TDM2分别为1....  相似文献   

华南东段加里东期花岗岩类形成构造背景探讨   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
根据近年对区域地质调查取得的认识和前人的研究成果,研究了华南东段加里东期花岗岩类的地质产状、分布规律、形成时代以及Nd、Sr同位素特征;结合研究区超镁铁质-镁铁质岩及火山岩的形成时代、震旦纪—奥陶纪的沉积环境、加里东期构造事件的构造变形特征,对加里东期花岗岩类的形成背景进行了探讨。结果表明,加里东期花岗岩类形成于410~460Ma,大部分岩体属于S型花岗岩,岩浆来源于地壳物质的部分熔融;极少数为I型花岗岩,有幔源物质参与。研究区在早古生代不存在与俯冲有关的弧火山岩,也不存在大面积的早古生代I型花岗岩,震旦纪—奥陶纪地层主要形成于浅海环境。研究提出,加里东期花岗岩类主体形成于板内构造环境。  相似文献   

西武夷地区加里东期花岗岩与造山过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾勇  廖群安 《地质通报》2000,19(4):344-349
将西武夷地区的加里东花岗岩划分为早奥陶世麻姑山超单元、中晚奥陶世付坊超单元、中晚志留世棠阴超单元和晚志留世鹅婆超单元 ,它们构成武夷山超单元组合 (序列 )。分别与剪切深熔作用有关的花岗质片麻岩、俯冲熔融作用的浅色花岗岩、伸展热隆作用的混合花岗岩和走滑作用的正长花岗岩 ,产生于加里东造山旋回的碰撞前期—主碰撞期—主碰撞后—同碰撞的后期。由此反演出区内的加里东造山作用过程是早期挤压—主期挤压—有限伸展—区域走滑的 4阶段模式。  相似文献   

The recently discovered Hanshan gold deposit in northern Gansu Province, northwestern China, is hosted by a WNW-striking shear zone in Ordovician andesite and basalt. Mineralization consists of surface to near-surface oxidized ore (the yellow sandy gossan type) and three types of primary ore, i.e. early-stage quartz-sericite-pyrite ores in stockworks, early-stage disseminated ore, and the most important late-stage quartz ± calcite-sulfide veins. The ore system is characterized by variable degrees of potassic and silicic alteration. Late-stage gold-related fluid inclusions have homogenization temperatures between 170 to 310 °C, with a peak around 260 °C and low salinities. The ore fluids had high contents of CO2, CH4, and N2. Sulfur isotope measurements of −1.9 to +1.7 per mil for hydrothermal pyrites could be consistent with a hydrothermal fluid source from the mantle, but the oxygen and carbon isotope data from calcite and quartz suggest mixing between mantle and crustal fluid sources. K-Ar ages for hydrothermal sericite from ore zones are 213.9 ± 3.1 and 224.4 ± 3.2 Ma. Due to the arid Cenozoic climate, a yellow gold-bearing gossan developed, which consists of jarosite, gypsum, and relict quartz. It could be a widespread and useful prospecting guide for gold in northwestern China. Received: 1 February 1999 / Accepted: 1 August 1999  相似文献   

造山型金矿中金的来源是目前广泛争论的问题,尽管变质成因模式受到了较多的关注,但研究实例还不多。加里东期是华南地区重要的金矿成矿期,浙江诸暨陈蔡杂岩发育了从绿片岩相到角闪岩相的岩石组合,变质时代为加里东期,同时,其变质温度和压力等都已经得到精确厘定,为研究华南加里东期金矿形成与变质作用的关系提供理想的研究剖面对象。通过系统采集陈蔡杂岩岩石样品,在详细的岩相学研究的基础上对其中的黄铁矿中的金及亲硫元素进行了激光剥蚀-电感耦合-等离子体质谱(LA-ICP-MS)原位微区微量元素分析。研究结果表明:陈蔡杂岩角闪岩相岩石岩相学特征中有绿泥石,角闪石退变质为黑云母,反映退变质作用中有变质流体的回流。华南加里东期变质过程中,从绿片岩相到角闪岩相的相变过程中金及其他亲硫元素从主要赋存矿物黄铁矿中释放出来,进入变质流体,为江南造山带造山型金矿提供了金属来源。利用硫化物单矿物进行金的含量原位分析是解决变质过程中金活化迁移的重要手段。并提出华南加里东期变质过程中金的来源模式图。  相似文献   

Two Neoarchean alkaline feldspar-rich granites sourced from partially melted granulite-facies granodioritic orthogneiss have been here recognised in the eastern part of the North China Block (NCB). These poorly foliated granites have previously been assumed to be Mesozoic in age and never dated, and so their significance has not been recognised until now. The first granite (AG1) is a porphyritic syenogranite with megacrystic K-feldspar, and the second (AG2) is a quartz syenite with perthitic megacryst. Zircons from the granites yield LA-ICP-MS U-Pb ages of 2499 ± 10 Ma (AG1), and 2492 ± 28 Ma (AG2), which are slightly younger than the granodioritic orthogneiss that they intrude with a crystallisation U-Pb age of 2537 ± 34 Ma. The younger granites have higher assays for SiO2 (71.91% for AG1 and 73.22% for AG2) and K2O (7.52% for AG1 and 8.37% for AG2), and much lower assays for their other major element than the granodioritic orthogneiss. All of the granodioritic orthogneiss and granite samples have similar trace element patterns, with depletion in Th, U, Nb, and Ti and enrichment in Rb, Ba, K, La, Ce, and P. This indicates that the granites are derived from the orthogneiss as partial melts. Although they exhibit a similar REE pattern, the granites have much lower total REE contents (30.97×10−6 for AG1, and 25.93×10−6 for AG2), but pronounced positive Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 8.57 for AG1 and 27.04 for AG2). The granodioritic orthogneiss has an initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.70144, εNd(t) value of 3.5, and εHf(t) values ranging from −3.2 to +2.9. The orthogneiss is a product of fractional crystallisation from a dioritic magma, which was derived from a mantle source contaminated by melts derived from a felsic slab. By contrast, the AG1 sample has an initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.6926 that is considered too low in value, εNd(t) value of 0.3, and εHf(t) values between +0.57 and +3.82; whereas the AG2 sample has an initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.70152, εNd(t) value of 1.3, and εHf(t) values between +0.5 and +14.08. These assays indicate that a Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic disequilibrium exists between the granite and granodioritic orthogneiss. The elevated εHf(t) values of the granites can be explained by the involvement of Hf-bearing minerals, such as orthopyroxene, amphibole, and biotite, in anatectic reactions in the granodioritic orthogneiss. Based on the transitional relationship between the granites and granodioritic orthogneiss and the geochemical characteristics mentioned above, it is concluded that the granites are the product of rapid partial-melting of the granodioritic orthogneiss after granulite-facies metamorphism, and their crystallisation age of about 2500 Ma provides the minimum age of the metamorphism. This about 2500 Ma tectonic-metamorphic event in NCB is similar to the other cratons in India, Antarctica, northern and southern Australia, indicating a possible connection between these cratons during the Neoarchean.  相似文献   

Cortés  & Maestro 《地学学报》1998,10(5):287-294
Palaeostresses inferred from brittle mesostructures in the eastern Duero Basin show a recent stress field characterized by an extensional regime, with local strike-slip and compressional stress states. Orientations of the maximum horizontal stress ( SHmax ) show a relative scattering with two main modes: NNE to NE–SW and NW–SE. These orientations suggest the existence of two stress sources responsible for the dominant directions of the maximum horizontal stress in northeastern Iberia. Extensional structures within a broad-scale compressional stress field can be related to both the decrease in relative stress magnitudes from active margins to intraplate regions and rifting proccesses ocurring in eastern Iberia. Stress states with NW–SE-trending SHmax are compatible with the dominant pattern established for western Europe. NE–SW orientations of SHmax suggest the occurrence of tectonic forces coming from the Pyrenean zone. Geological and geophysical data indicate the existence of both orientations from the upper Miocene to the present-day in NE Iberia.  相似文献   

The Concud fault is a 13.5 km long, NW–SE striking normal fault at the eastern Iberian Chain. Its recent (Late Pleistocene) slip history is characterized from mapping and trench analysis and discussed in the context of the accretion/incision history of the Alfambra River. The fault has been active since Late Pliocene times, with slip rates ranging from 0.07 to 0.33 mm/year that are consistent with its present-day geomorphologic expression. The most likely empirical correlation suggests that the associated paleoseisms have potential magnitudes close to 6.8, coseismic displacements of 2.0 m, and recurrence intervals from 6.1 to 28.9 ka. At least six paleoseismic events have been identified between 113 and 32 ka. The first three events (U to W) involved displacement along the major fault plane. The last three events (X to Z) encompassed downthrow and hanging-wall synthetic bending prompting fissure opening. This change is accompanied by a decrease in slip rate (from 0.63 to 0.08–0.17 mm/year) and has been attributed to activation of a synthetic blind fault at the hanging wall. The average coseismic displacement (1.9–2.0 m) and recurrence period (6.7–7.9 ka) inferred from this paleoseismic succession are within the ranges predicted from empirical correlation. Such paleoseismic activity contrasts with the moderate present-day seismicity of the area (maximum instrumental Mb = 4.4), which can be explained by the long recurrence interval that characterizes intraplate regions.  相似文献   

《Ore Geology Reviews》2003,22(1-2):41-59
In the eastern Central Andes and its foreland (6°–34°S), abundant quartz veins emplaced along brittle–ductile deformation zones in Ordovician to Carboniferous granites and gneisses and in saddle-reefs in lower Paleozoic turbidites represent a coherent group of middle to late Paleozoic structurally hosted gold deposits that are part of three major Au (±Sb±W) metallogenic belts. These belts, extending from northern Peru to central Argentina along the Eastern Andean Cordillera and further south in the Sierras Pampeanas, include historical districts and mines such as Pataz–Parcoy, Ananea, Santo Domingo, Yani–Aucapata, Amayapampa, Sierra de la Rinconada and Sierras de Córdoba. On the basis of the available isotopic ages, two broad mineralization epochs have been identified, with Devonian ages in the Sierras Pampeanas Au belt (26° to 33°30′S), and Carboniferous ages for the Pataz–Marañón Valley Au-belt in northern Peru (6°50′ to 8°50′S). The absolute timing of the southeastern Peruvian, Bolivian and northwestern Argentinian turbidite-hosted lodes, which form the Au–Sb belt of the southern Eastern Andean Cordillera (12° to 26°S), is poorly constrained. Field relationships suggest overlap of gold veining with Carboniferous deformation events. The northernmost belt, which includes the Pataz province, is over 160-km-long and consists of sulfide-rich quartz veins hosted by brittle–ductile shear zones that have affected Carboniferous granitic intrusions. Gold mineralization, at least in the Pataz province, occurred a few million years after the emplacement of the 329 Ma host pluton and an episode of molassic basin formation, during a period of rapid uplift of the host units. The two southern belts are associated with syn- to post-collisional settings, resulting from the accretion of terranes on the proto-Andean margin of South America. The Au–Sb belt of the southern Eastern Andean Cordillera presumably formed in the final stages of the collision of the Arequipa–Antofalla terrane and the Sierras Pampeanas Au belt is considered concurrent with the late transpressional tectonics associated with the accretion of the Chilenia terrane.The three Devono–Carboniferous Andean belts are the South American segments of the trans-global orogenic gold provinces that were formed from Late Ordovician to Middle Permian in accretionary or collisional belts that circumscribed the Gondwana craton and the paleo-Tethys continental masses. A paleogeographic map of the Gondwana supercontinent in its Middle Cambrian configuration appears as a powerful tool for predicting the location of the majority of the Paleozoic orogenic gold provinces in the world, as they develop within mobile belts along its border. The three South American belts are sited in the metallogenic continuation of the Paleozoic terranes that host the giant eastern Australian goldfields, such as Bendigo–Ballarat and Charters Towers, with which they share many features. When compared to deposits in the French Massif Central, direct counterparts of the Andean deposits such as Pataz and Ananea–Yani are respectively the Saint Yrieix district and the Salsigne deposit. Considering the ubiquity of the Au (±Sb±W) vein-type deposits in the Eastern Cordillera and Sierras Pampeanas, and the relatively little attention devoted to them, the Devonian and Carboniferous orogenic gold deposits in the eastern section of the Central Andes constitute an attractive target for mineral exploration.  相似文献   

An Early Triassic (Griesbachian) gastropod fauna is reported from South China (Shanggan, Guangxi) and consists of four species: Bellerophon abrekensis, Wannerispira shangganensis Kaim & Nützel sp. nov., Naticopsis sp., and Palaeonarica guangxinensis Kaim & Nützel sp. nov. The taxon Wannerispira Kaim & Nützel nom. nov. replaces Pagodina Wanner non Van Beneden. This is the first report of Bellerophon abrekensis from China. Previously, it was only known from its type locality in Far East Russia. Wannerispira shangganensis sp. is the first certain Triassic report of the Permian subfamily Neilsoniinae and represents a holdover taxon. The neritimorph Palaeonarica is reported for the first time from the Early Triassic and this is the oldest occurrence of this genus. Compared with other Griesbachian gastropods, the present material is relatively well preserved so that the taxonomy rests on rather firm ground. Very few nominal taxa have been reported from the Griesbachian and therefore the present report presents substantial additional information about gastropods from the aftermath of the end-Permian mass extinction event. The gastropod association from Shanggan shares one species with Primorye, Far East Russia (B. abrekensis). Two species, W. shangganensis and P. guangxinensis, closely resemble specimens reported from the Griesbachian of Oman. This could suggest that Griesbachian gastropod faunas of the Tethys were rather homogenous although the data are still scarce.  相似文献   

吴富江  张芳荣 《中国地质》2003,30(2):166-172
华南板块北缘东段武功山地区出露大面积的片麻状花岗岩,前人在该区工作时认为属混合成因的“混合岩”,本次工作证实属同熔性花岗岩。采用岩石谱系单位法进行研究,共划分出5个单元,归并为2个超单元。其成岩年龄(U-Pb法)分别为(462.3±3.2)Ma、(409.4±5.1)Ma,属加里东期造山花岗岩。后又经印支—燕山期伸展滑覆构造的叠加、改造,形成片麻状花岗岩。  相似文献   

Mineralogy and Petrology - This study presents data of in-situ mineral major and trace element chemistry, whole-rock major and trace element and Sr–Nd isotope geochemistry, as well as zircon...  相似文献   

An ultra-high-pressure (UHP) metamorphic slab at Yangkou Beach near Qingdao in the Sulu region of China consists of blocks of eclogite facies metagabbro, metagranitoid, ultramafic rock and mylonitic orthogneisses enclosed in granitic gneiss. A gradational sequence from incipiently metamorphosed gabbro to completely recrystallized coesite eclogite formed at ultra-high-pressures was identified in a single 30 m block; metagabbro is preserved in the core whereas coesite eclogite occurs along the block margins. The metagabbro contains an igneous assemblage of Pl+Aug+Opx+Qtz+Bt+Ilm/Ti-Mag; it shows relict magmatic textures and reaction coronas. Fine-grained garnet developed along boundaries between plagioclase and other phases; primary plagioclase broke down to Ab+Ky+Ms+Zo±Grt±Amp. Augite is rimmed by sodic augite or omphacite, whereas orthopyroxene is rimmed by a corona of Cum±Act and Omp+Qtz layers or only Omp+Qtz. In transitional rocks, augite and orthopyroxene are totally replaced by omphacite, and the lower-pressure assemblage Ab+Ky+Phn+Zo+Grt coexists with domains of Omp (Jd70–73)+Ky±Phn in pseudomorphs after plagioclase. Both massive and weakly deformed coesite-bearing eclogites contain Omp+Ky+Grt+Phn+Coe/Qtz+Rt, and preserve a faint gabbroic texture. Coesite inclusions in garnet and omphacite exhibit limited conversion to palisade quartz; some intergranular coesite and quartz pseudomorphs after coesite also occur. Assemblages of the coronal stage, transitional and UHP peak occurred at about 540±50 °C at c. 13 kbar, 600–800 °C at ≥15–25 kbar and 800–850 °C at >30 kbar, respectively. Garnet from the coronal- through the transitional- to the eclogite-stage rocks show a decrease in almandine and an increase in grossular±pyrope components; garnet in low-grade rocks contains higher MnO and lower pyrope components. The growth textures of garnet within pseudomorphs after plagioclase or along grain boundaries between plagioclase and other phases are complex; the application of garnet zoning to estimate P–T should be carried out with caution. Some garnet enclosing quartz aggregates as inclusions shows radial growth boundaries; these quartz aggregates, as well as other primary and low-P phases, persisted metastably at UHP conditions due to sluggish reactions resulting from the lack of fluid during prograde and retrograde P–T evolution.  相似文献   

苏鲁造山带超高压变质作用及其P-T-t轨迹   总被引:23,自引:25,他引:23  
基于超高压变质岩的岩石学,特别是超高压矿物生长成分环带、扩散环带和蚀变作用研究,综合前人的岩石学和年代学研究成果,提出苏鲁造山带超高压变质作用峰期发生在1000~1100℃和6—7GPa条件下,俯冲深度相当于200km,形成年代为240~250Ma。在此基础上,重塑了一个包括八期变质作用的P—T—t轨迹,揭示出超高压变质岩经历了三个不同的折返阶段,即从200km到100km深度的快速折返阶段,抬升速率为5km/Ma,冷却速率为10℃/Ma;从100km到30km的快速折返,抬升速率为4km/Ma,或为近等温降压,或为缓慢降温的快速降压过程;从下地壳到近地表的缓慢折返阶段,抬升速率为1km/Ma,但为快速降温过程,冷却速率可达20℃/Ma。  相似文献   

首次发现于蓟县高于庄组(约1 450 Ma)的遗迹化石Spirelluchnum(ichnogen.nov.)是垂直层面的螺旋型潜穴,穴深3~3.5 cm,最大宽度为3 cm.化石产于岩层内,呈规则的顺时针螺旋体,颜色比围岩深,随着围岩新鲜程度的增加,二者反差变小.这些特征表明该化石为后生动物的遗迹.距今约14.5亿年前动物遗迹化石的发现,有可能使后生动物出现的时间推前8~9亿年,同时为后生动物的起源和进化提供可靠的化石证据.  相似文献   

To evaluate the scale of tectonic movements within the northern sector of the 500-400 Ma Caledonian orogenic belt and its Precambrian foreland zone between the Great Glen Fault (GGF) zone to the southeast and the Laurentian Block to the northwest, we have studied the palaeomagnetism of minor intrusive rocks within the Northern Highlands terrain. These rocks include
1. (1) amphibolites and other metamorphic rocks predating deformation,
2. (2) microdiorities, dolentes and related suites emplaced, and probably magnetised, between 450 and 420 Ma, and
3. (3) Lower-Middle Devonian lamprophyres.
A range of predominantly NNE negative and SSW positive components are resolved by cleaning treatment with a dispersion of declinations towards a minority WNW-ESE axis; isolated southerly negative directed hematite-held components suggests limited, but no widespread, remagnetisation in Devonian-Carboniferous times.Comparison is made with data from other tectonic divisions in the Caledonian orogenic belt and the bordering forelands. Palaeopoles from the Northern Highlands closely conform in part with North American Ordovician poles and in part with the post-Ordovician palaeopoles from Britain south of the GGF. The definitive motions of the British Caledonides to emerge from the palaeomagnetic analysis are an anticlockwise rotation of the Caledonian terrain in early Ordovician times, small relative motions during the remainder of Ordovician times followed by large clockwise and then anticlockwise rotations during late Ordovician to early Silurian times contemporary with the last major movements on the Moine Thrust (ca. 430 Ma). Late Silurian-Devonian movements along the GGF were probably below the limits of palaeomagnetic detectability. The collective data require that apparent polar wander movements and concomitant continental movements have currently been incompletely recovered by North American studies and the path for Lower Palaeozoic times is more complex than recognised hitherto.  相似文献   

The Seve Nappes consist of long-transported thrust sheets belonging to the Upper Allochthon within the Scandinavian Caledonides. Eclogites from two different megalenses within the Seve Nappe Complex in Norrbotten (northern Sweden) have been dated with the Sm-Nd method. The two eclogite-bearing megalenses have been subjected to different pressure and temperature conditions during the high-pressure metamorphism. Garnet + omphacite + whole-rock from TS2 within the Tsäkkok Lens give an age of 505±18 Ma (2), I=0.512231±0.000024, MSWD=0.10. Garnet and whole-rock from TS5 and whole-rock TS3 also fall on the above isochron. The composite isochron gives an age of 503±18 Ma (2). These results are interpreted to date the peak of the high-pressure metamorphism (500–630° C and 12–15 kbars) for the Tsäkkok Lens. The eclogites in the Vaimok Lens (at Grapesvarre) were subjected to higher pressure and temperature conditions and more extensive reequilibration during the early cooling stages. Retrograde breakdown-reactions accompanied by retrograde zoning of relict garnet seems to be associated with disturbance of the Sm-Nd isotopic systems. In contrast, a sample with unzoned garnet and well preserved high-pressure mineralogy from Grapesvarre gives a Sm-Nd garnet + omphacite age of 503±14 Ma (2), I = 0.512010±0.000038 (2). The ages for the Seve eclogites are significantly older than the Sm-Nd eclogite dates from the Western Gneiss Region of Norway (WGR), suggesting the existence of at least two eclogite-forming events in the Caledonide Orogen. The younger event has been related to the main continent-continent collision stage of the Caledonian Orogeny, while the older event that led to the production of the Norrbotten eclogites must have taken place several hundred kilometres to the north and in a different tectonic setting more oceanward to the WGR. It appears that the older event (ca. 505 Ma) was restricted to the subduction of dyke-intruded sedimentary cover rocks which are thought to represent the rifted edge of the Baltic continent.  相似文献   

界牌W-Cu矿床产于苗儿山-越城岭复式岩体东北部斑状黑云母花岗岩与灰岩接触带的矽卡岩中,是苗儿山-越城岭复式岩体矿集区最大的矽卡岩型W-Cu矿床。矿区出露的主要岩体为斑状黑云母花岗岩及后期浅色花岗岩体,矿区外围则大面积出露斑状黑云母二长花岗岩。矿化产于斑状黑云母花岗岩与灰岩接触带矽卡岩,及斑状黑云母花岗岩中灰岩捕虏体矽卡岩化带中。黑云母花岗岩发育花岗岩型钨矿床成矿早期常见的钠长石化、云英岩化及从岩体至外接触带蚀变矿物组合显示形成温度逐渐降低。这些现象表明斑状黑云母花岗岩与矿床具有紧密成因联系。本文获得矿区斑状黑云母花岗岩、斑状黑云母二长花岗岩和浅色花岗岩体锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年龄分别为:422±11 Ma,428±7 Ma,410±7 Ma,表明界牌W-矿床及区内主要岩体均形成于加里东期。本文的同位素年龄及前人报道的苗儿山-越城岭矿集区和华南加里东期与花岗岩有关矿床同位素年龄表明苗儿山-越城岭矿集区W-Mo-Cu矿床成矿主要发生在加里东期和印支期,U矿成矿主要发生在燕山期,华南在加里东期发生了分布广泛、成矿元素组合多样的与花岗岩有关的成矿事件,有很好的找矿前景,今后应加强华南加里东期矿床的找矿工作。  相似文献   

Mineralogy and Petrology - Gabbro plutons, consisting of clinopyroxene and plagioclase with trace amounts of magnetite, titanite, and apatite, intruded into Early Carboniferous volcanic-sedimentary...  相似文献   

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