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Choosing appropriate techniques for quantifying groundwater recharge   总被引:37,自引:18,他引:37  
Various techniques are available to quantify recharge; however, choosing appropriate techniques is often difficult. Important considerations in choosing a technique include space/time scales, range, and reliability of recharge estimates based on different techniques; other factors may limit the application of particular techniques. The goal of the recharge study is important because it may dictate the required space/time scales of the recharge estimates. Typical study goals include water-resource evaluation, which requires information on recharge over large spatial scales and on decadal time scales; and evaluation of aquifer vulnerability to contamination, which requires detailed information on spatial variability and preferential flow. The range of recharge rates that can be estimated using different approaches should be matched to expected recharge rates at a site. The reliability of recharge estimates using different techniques is variable. Techniques based on surface-water and unsaturated-zone data provide estimates of potential recharge, whereas those based on groundwater data generally provide estimates of actual recharge. Uncertainties in each approach to estimating recharge underscore the need for application of multiple techniques to increase reliability of recharge estimates. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Vulnerability assessment for the Gaza Strip, Palestine using DRASTIC   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The main usefulness of groundwater vulnerability assessment maps is their ability to be an effective preliminary tool for planning, policy, and operational levels of decision-making. DRASTIC is one such assessment method. The DRASTIC index is made up of a calculated sum of products rating and weights for seven hydrogeological parameters that contribute to aquifer vulnerability. With the help of GIS, and based on the available data, maps of DRASTIC parameters were prepared for the Gaza Strip area in a case study. Each map was given a proper rate and a special weight factor developed. The final vulnerability map was obtained as a summation of the seven maps after multiplying each one with the appropriate weight. The vulnerability map was checked against the actual pollution potential in the area and nitrate concentration. The obtained vulnerability map is strongly correlated to known pollution values in the area.  相似文献   

Nitrate represents one of the major pollutants of groundwater in the Gaza Strip. Several cases of blue babies disease were reported in the last couple of years. The present study is an investigation of the seasonal variations in nitrate concentration to better understand the mechanisms and parameters controlling this perilous pollutant. Nitrate was analysed in 100 wells (47 agricultural and 53 domestic) in five governorates. The results showed that 90% of the tested wells have nitrate far beyond the allowed values set by the World Health Organization (WHO). The average concentration of nitrate in domestic wells is 128 mg/L in June-July and 118 mg/L in Jan-Feb, and for the agricultural wells, the average is 100 mg/L in June-July, and 96 mg/L for Jan-Feb. The results suggest that the seasonal differences in nitrate concentrations of the domestic wells are slightly more observable than those of the agricultural wells. The environmental factors that control nitrate in groundwater are: a partially-confined aquifer, lack of a sewage system, population density, the presence of refugee camps, the presence of fertilizers and the annual rain. The variations in nitrate concentration of the domestic wells are not of considerable values. It is suggested that concrete policies in pollution control and/or prevention measures could be formulated upon better understanding of the environmental factors.  相似文献   

Groundwater from 73 municipal and 21 private wells were analyzed for Ag, Al, As, B, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Li, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr and Zn over a 3 year monitoring program in the Gaza Strip. The results show that the trace elements of the groundwater of the Gaza Strip do not generally pose any health or environmental hazard. In spite of that, only 10% of the municipal wells meet the WHO standards. Cl-, NO 3 and F- concentrations exceeded 2–9 times the WHO standards in 90% of the wells tested with maximum concentrations of 3,000, 450 and 1.6 mg/l, respectively. Several private wells should not be used for drinking purposes as the average of Zn, Cd, Pb, Fe and As was 58, 30, 270, 468 and 10 μg/l, respectively. A severe water dilemma will appear in the near future from both quality and quantity aspects.  相似文献   

A semi-distributed groundwater recharge model is presented, which estimates water-table fluctuation and water-balance variables. The model is expressed by the water-balance concept linking atmospheric and hydrogeological parameters to different water uses (industrial, agricultural, domestic, etc). It was calibrated and validated using 5 years of data collected in the Dogo Plain in Japan. A 3-year dataset, from 2000 to 2002, was used in the calibration, while a 2-year dataset, from 2003 to 2004, was used for the validation. Calibration of the model was achieved by the shuffled complex evolution automatic optimization of model parameters to match simulated results with measured water-table depth. Square roots of relative error (R2) are 0.88 and 0.90 for calibration and validation processes, respectively. Monthly evolution of water storage change was then estimated and the water-table drawdown in different pumping scenarios was simulated. Finally, the groundwater-pumping amount planned by the government for future sustainable groundwater utilization was evaluated. The government-planned groundwater-pumping amount is feasible in most regions while the midstream region should be paid more attention. This study offers a scientific basis to control and prevent depletion of groundwater resources.  相似文献   

Using entropy theory, a methodology was developed for the evaluation and redesign of groundwater quality monitoring wells in the Gaza Strip in Palestine. Essential to the methodology is the development of a Transinformation Model (TM) which yields the amount of information transfer and the dependency between the wells as a function of distance. The TM parameters, such as the minimum transinformation and the range, were employed for evaluating the network which revealed that most of the distances between wells were less than the range. It also indicated that a high percentage of redundant information existed in the network. Therefore, the network was reduced by superimposing a square pattern over the monitored area and selecting one well per square block in a stratified pattern. The methodology was tested using the chloride data collected from 1972–2000 from 417 groundwater quality monitoring wells in the Gaza Strip. The number of the groundwater quality monitoring wells in the Gaza Strip was reduced by 53%, while there was 26% redundant information based on the minimum existing distance between wells. This methodology is meant to help monitor the groundwater quality (salinity) in the Gaza Strip.  相似文献   

The recharge and origin of groundwater and its residence time were studied using environmental isotopic measurements in samples from the Heihe River Basin, China. δ18O and δD values of both river water and groundwater were within the same ranges as those found in the alluvial fan zone, and lay slightly above the local meteoric water line (δD=6.87δ18O+3.54). This finding indicated that mountain rivers substantially and rapidly contribute to the water resources in the southern and northern sub-basins. δ18O and δD values of groundwater in the unconfined aquifers of these sub-basins were close to each other. There was evidence of enrichment of heavy isotopes in groundwater due to evaporation. The most pronounced increase in the δ18O value occurred in agricultural areas, reflecting the admixture of irrigation return flow. Tritium results in groundwater samples from the unconfined aquifers gave evidence for ongoing recharge, with mean residence times of: less than 36 years in the alluvial fan zone; about 12–16 years in agricultural areas; and about 26 years in the Ejina oasis. In contrast, groundwater in the confined aquifers had 14C ages between 0 and 10 ka BP.  相似文献   

Proper management of groundwater resources requires knowledge of the processes of recharge and discharge associated with a groundwater basin. Such processes have been identified in the Jakarta groundwater basin, Indonesia using a theory that describes the simultaneous transfer of heat and fluid in a porous medium. Temperature-depth profiles in monitoring wells are used to determine the geothermal gradient. To examine the rules of groundwater flow in the distortion of the isotherms in this area, several methods are compared. Subsurface temperature distribution is strongly affected by heat advection due to groundwater flow. Under natural flow conditions, the recharge area is assumed to occur in the hills and uplands, which are located on the periphery of the Jakarta basin, and the discharge area is located in the central and northern part of the Jakarta groundwater basin. A transition area, which could act as local recharge and discharge areas, occupies the middle of the lowland. Subsurface temperatures show good correlation with the groundwater flow conditions, and the data yield important information on the location of recharge and discharge areas.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new model of the rainfall-runoff-groundwater flow processes applicable to semiarid and arid catchments in south-east Iran. The main purpose of the model is to assess the groundwater recharge to aquifers in these catchments. The model takes into account main recharge mechanisms in the region, including subsurface flow in the valley alluvium in mountainous areas and recharge from the bed of ephemeral rivers. It deals with the effects of spatial variation in the hydrological processes by dividing the catchment into regions of broad hydrologic similarity named as highland, intermediate and aquifer areas. The model is based on the concept of routing precipitation within and through the catchment. The model has been applied to the Zahedan catchment and the results indicate that the groundwater level estimated by the recharge model generally is in agreement with the behaviour of groundwater levels in observation wells. The sensitivity analysis indicates that when the rainfall in the aquifer area is used to replace the values recorded in the intermediate area and the highland area, the recharge estimates are reduced by 42-87%. This result supports the division of the catchment into different zones of hydrological similarity to account for spatial variability of hydrological processes. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Estimating recharge at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, USA: comparison of methods   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
Obtaining values of net infiltration, groundwater travel time, and recharge is necessary at the Yucca Mountain site, Nevada, USA, in order to evaluate the expected performance of a potential repository as a containment system for high-level radioactive waste. However, the geologic complexities of this site, its low precipitation and net infiltration, with numerous mechanisms operating simultaneously to move water through the system, provide many challenges for the estimation of the spatial distribution of recharge. A variety of methods appropriate for arid environments has been applied, including water-balance techniques, calculations using Darcy's law in the unsaturated zone, a soil-physics method applied to neutron-hole water-content data, inverse modeling of thermal profiles in boreholes extending through the thick unsaturated zone, chloride mass balance, atmospheric radionuclides, and empirical approaches. These methods indicate that near-surface infiltration rates at Yucca Mountain are highly variable in time and space, with local (point) values ranging from zero to several hundred millimeters per year. Spatially distributed net-infiltration values average 5 mm/year, with the highest values approaching 20 mm/year near Yucca Crest. Site-scale recharge estimates range from less than 1 to about 12 mm/year. These results have been incorporated into a site-scale model that has been calibrated using these data sets that reflect infiltration processes acting on highly variable temporal and spatial scales. The modeling study predicts highly non-uniform recharge at the water table, distributed significantly differently from the non-uniform infiltration pattern at the surface. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Water balance in the playa-lakes of an arid environment,Monegros, NE Spain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The playa-lakes of the Monegros desert in north-east Spain are saline wetlands in an arid environment, a rare phenomenon in Europe. These extremely valuable habitats are threatened by changes associated with agricultural expansion and incorporation of new irrigated areas. An understanding of the present hydrologic regime will enable changes to be identified, particularly those brought about by flooding and pollution caused by irrigation surplus. This study sets out to show the results of applying a daily water balance in three selected playa-lakes. The balance was in two parts and consisted of: (1) the average balance for all the endorheic basin using the BALAN_11 program, and (2) the water balance in some playa-lakes, applying discharge flows obtained from the previous balance. The resulting volumes of water were converted to water depths and contrasted with reference volumes taken from field and Landsat images. The model was calibrated by applying various hypotheses of function which enabled the results to be adjusted. The proposed balance is an acceptable reproduction of field water measurements during this period, and underlines the consistency of the conceptual model. The methodology used is appropriate for understanding the playa-lakes function and for monitoring them for conservation purposes.  相似文献   

Understanding sources and rates of recharge to the Badain Jaran Desert in northern China is important for assessing sustainability of the area’s oasis lake ecosystem and its water resources in general. For this purpose, direct recharge was investigated with the chloride mass balance method for 18 unsaturated zone profiles (6–16 m depth). Spatial variability is low across the area (range in mean Cl in profiles: 62–164 mg/L Cl), largely attributable to the uniformity of sandy unsaturated zone conditions. No strong correlations between environmental factors of profile locations and recharge rates were found, though a weak relationship between recharge and vegetation density was suggested. The study area’s complex dune morphology appears to have no measurable impact on recharge variability. Mean estimated diffuse recharge is 1.4 mm/year (1.0–3.6 mm/year for 95% confidence level), approximately 1.7% of mean annual precipitation. Temporal fluctuations in recharge due to climate variability are apparent and there is good correspondence in temporal trends over a time span of 200–300 years. Water balance considerations indicate that direct recharge is insufficient to support the numerous perennial lakes in the study area, suggesting that diffuse recharge presently plays a minor role in the overall water balance of the desert’s shallow Quaternary aquifer.  相似文献   

Moisture samples obtained from unsaturated-zone profiles in sands from northern Nigeria were used to obtain recharge estimates using the chloride (Cl) mass-balance method and to produce records of past recharge and climatic events. Recharge rates range from 14–49 mm/year, on the basis of unsaturated-zone Cl values and rainfall chemistry measured over eight years at three local stations. The unsaturated-zone results also provide a record of the changing recharge and climatic events of the past 80 years; this record compares quite well with modelling results using precipitation data from Maiduguri, especially for the late 20th-century period of drought. The best fit for the model is made, however, by using a lower mean rainfall Cl (0.65 mg/l) than that obtained from the mean of the field results (1.77 mg/l Cl). This result implies that the measured rainfall Cl probably overestimates the depositional flux of Cl, although the lower value is comparable to the minimum of the measured rainfall Cl values (0.6 mg/l Cl). Recharge estimates made using these lower Cl values range from 16–30 mm/year. The spatial variability was then determined using results from 360 regional shallow wells over 18,000 km2. Using the revised rainfall estimate, the Cl balance indicates a value of 43 mm for the regional recharge, suggesting that either additional preferential flow is taking place over and above that from the vadose one, or that the regional recharge represents inputs from earlier wetter periods. These recharge estimates compare favourably with those from hydraulic modelling in the same area and suggest that the recharge rates are much higher than values previously published for this area. High nitrate (NO3) concentrations (NO3-N>Cl) preserved under aerobic conditions in the vadose zone reflect secondary enrichment from N-fixing vegetation, as occurs elsewhere in the Sahel. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Environmental problems of groundwater contamination in the Gaza Strip are summarized in this paper. The Gaza Strip is a very narrow and highly populated area along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea (360 km2). Human activities greatly threaten the groundwater resources in the area, while the unconfined nature of some parts of the coastal main aquifer favors groundwater contamination. Recent investigations show contamination of the aquifer with organic substances from detergents, agrochemicals, sewage (cesspools), and waste degradation. These effects enhance each other because there is no recycling industry, sewage system, or any type of environmental protection management at present. Inorganic contamination results from overpumping, which increases the salinity of the groundwater. Seawater intrusion also increases the salinity of the groundwater that are used for drinking and agricultural purposes. Consequently, at present about 80 percent of the groundwater in the Gaza Strip is unfit for both human and animal consumption. Solutions are very urgently needed for these problems in order to prevent the spread of dangerous diseases.  相似文献   

Gaza Strip is a highly populated, small area in which the groundwater is the main water source. During the last few decades, groundwater quality has deteriorated to a limit that the municipal tap water became brackish and unsuitable for human consumption in most parts of the strip. To overcome this serious situation, several attempts were made to replace the tap water or to improve its quality by water desalination applying the reverse osmosis (RO) technology, bottled water, importing water, and storm water harvesting. Water desalination, which is widely applied in the strip, has environmental and health risks. Brine water resulting from the RO systems has adverse environmental effects, whereas the produced fresh water with very low chemical concentrations may have harmful effects on human health. Therefore, introducing international water quality standards to delineate the harmless minimum limits is necessary. Storm water harvesting can provide a partial solution for the water problems in the strip.  相似文献   

A simple, well-constrained simulation of solute increases in a downgradient direction was used in the shallow unconfined aquifer of eastern Abu Dhabi Emirate (United Arab Emirates). The simulation indicates that the observed exponential increase in solute concentrations results from a combination of upward transport of solutes from underlying mudstones and evaporites, and groundwater losses by evaporation. Groundwater recharge and discharge flux in unconfined regional aquifers in arid regions commonly are difficult to estimate because there are few constraints on the flux of water lost or gained from the system. Total dissolved solids (TDS) and deuterium isotopes (δ2H) in groundwater are used to constrain estimated fluxes to the shallow aquifer of eastern Abu Dhabi Emirate. Vertical upward transport of solutes from underlying mudstones and evaporites accounts for solute increases along approximately the first 80 km of the simulated flow path, but a combination of upward solute transport and evaporation is necessary to explain observed solute concentrations beyond 80 km. Mobilization and transport of solutes in the unsaturated zone by recharging precipitation is not a significant factor.
Résumé Une simulation simple et bien contrainte de l’augmentation des solutés dans la direction de l’écoulement a été réalisée sur l’aquifère phréatique et libre de l’Est de l’émirat d’Abu Dhabi (émirats Arabes Unis). La simulation indique que l’augmentation observée de solutés, de forme exponentielle, est le produit de la combinaison du transport ascendant de solutés provenant des mudstones et des évaporites sous-jacents, et de l’évaporation des eaux souterraines. La recharge des eaux souterraines et les flux de vidange dans les aquifères régionaux libres des régions arides sont habituellement difficiles à estimer du fait du peu de contraintes agissant sur la perte ou le gain d’eau dans le système. La charge dissoute totale (TDS, en anglais) et les isotopes deutérium (δ2H) des eaux souterraines sont utilisés pour contraindre l’estimation des flux en direction de l’aquifère phréatique de l’Est de l’émirat d’Abu Dhabi. Le transport vertical ascendant des solutés à partir des mudstones et des évaporites fait parti des processus qui concentrent les solutés approximativement le long des 80 premiers kilomètres du trajet des écoulements simulés, mais une combinaison du transport ascendant des solutés et de l’évaporation est nécessaire pour expliquer les concentrations observées en soluté au delà des 80 km. La mobilisation et le transport des solutés par les précipitations efficaces dans la zone non saturée ne représentent pas des facteurs significatifs.

Resumen Se utilizó una simulación simple y muy restringida, de incrementos de soluto en la dirección del flujo, en el acuífero libre poco profundo del Emirato oriental de Abu Dhabi, (Emiratos árabes Unidos). La simulación indica que el aumento exponencial observado en las concentraciones del soluto, resulta de una combinación de transporte ascendente de solutos desde las evaporitas y lodolitas subyacentes, y por pérdidas del agua subterránea por evaporación. Los flujos de recarga y descarga de agua subterránea, en los acuíferos libres regionales en regiones áridas, normalmente son difíciles estimar, porque hay algunas restricciones en el flujo de agua perdido o ganado por el sistema. Los sólidos disueltos totales (TDS) y los isótopos de deuterio (δ2H) en el agua subterránea, se usan para forzar los flujos estimados hacia el acuífero poco profundo del Emirato oriental de Abu Dhabi. El transporte ascendente vertical de solutos desde las lodolitas y evaporitas subyacentes, involucra los aumentos del soluto a lo largo de aproximadamente los primeros 80 Km. de la dirección de flujo simulada, pero es necesaria una combinación de transporte ascendente del soluto y la evaporación para explicar las concentraciones del soluto observadas más allá de 80 Km. La movilización y transporte de solutos en la zona no saturada, por recarga debida a precipitación, no es un factor significante.

A geographic information systems (GIS)-based model was used to derive spatially explicit estimates of recharge using the elevation-dependent chloride mass-balance (EDCMB) approach in a 14-basin area in southwestern Nevada, USA. For each of the 14 basins, a non-linear regression equation was developed relating chloride enrichment to the elevation of spring watersheds. The ratio of chloride enrichment as a function of elevation was used in a GIS framework to transform continuous precipitation data to recharge. Spatial masks that represented two definitions of the lower limits of recharge—one definition based on alluvium/non-alluvium boundaries, the other based on both alluvium/non-alluvium boundaries and an elevation threshold—were applied to each basin. Resultant recharge estimates were then summed for each basin. When compared to summaries of previous recharge estimates for the study area, the EDCMB approach produced results that were within 14 and 3% of two studies, but were significantly greater (31%) than a third. GIS proved to be a very effective tool for combining large spatial data with widely different resolutions into an integrated data set, and also proved to be an efficient mechanism for implementing robust statistical models to estimate recharge.
Résumé Un modèle basé sur les systèmes d’informations géographiques (SIG) a été utilisé pour obtenir des estimations explicites de la recharge dans l’espace, en utilisant l’approche du bilan des chlorures en fonction de l’altitude (EDCMB en anglais) dans une zone de 14 bassins, dans le Sud-Ouest du Nevada aux Etats-Unis. Pour chacun des 14 bassins, une régression non-linéaire a été établie, reliant l’enrichissement des chlorures à l’altitude des bassins d’alimentation des sources. Le rapport d’enrichissement des chlorures en fonction de l’altitude a été utilisé dans une approche SIG pour transformer des données pluviométriques continues en terme de recharge. Des masques spatiaux représentant deux définitions des limites de recharge les plus basses ont été appliquées à chaque bassin ; l’une basée sur les limites alluvions/autres formations, l’autre sur ces mêmes limites ainsi que sur un seuil altitudinal. Les recharges estimées résultantes ont ensuite été additionnées pour chaque bassin. Comparée aux précédents bilans de recharge estimés dans la zone d’étude, l’approche EDCMB conduit à des résultats se situant entre 14 et 3% de ceux de deux autres études et largement supérieurs (31%) à ceux d’une troisième étude. Le SIG s’est révélé être un outil très efficace pour combiner dans une base de données intégrée, des données spatiales étendues avec des résolutions largement différentes, ainsi que pour implémenter des modèles statistiques conséquents permettant d’estimer la recharge.

Resumen Se utilizó un modelo basado en un Sistema de Información Geográfico (SIG) para derivar espacialmente estimados explícitos de recarga usando el enfoque de balance de masa de cloruro dependiente de elevación (EDCMB) en un área de 14 cuencas en el suroeste de Nevada, Estados Unidos. Para cada una de las 14 cuencas se desarrolló una ecuación de regresión no linear que relaciona el enriquecimiento de cloruro con la elevación de las cuencas con manantiales. La relación de enriquecimiento de cloruro en función de la elevación se usó en un marco SIG para transformar datos continuos de precipitación a recarga. Se aplicaron máscaras espaciales a cada cuenca las cuales representaron dos definiciones de los límites inferiores de recarga, una definición basada en límites de aluvión/sin aluvión, el otro basado en ambos límites aluvión/sin aluvión y una elevación normal de fondo. Los estimados resultantes de recarga fueron sumados para cada cuenca. Al compararse con estimados de recarga previos para el área de estudio se encontró que el enfoque EDCMB produjo resultados que estaban entre el 14 y 3% de dos estudios pero fueron significativamente mayores (31%) que un tercer estudio. El SIG ha demostrado ser una herramienta muy efectiva para combinar datos espaciales grandes con resoluciones muy distintas en un grupo integrado de datos y también ha mostrado ser un mecanismo eficiente para implementar modelos estadísticos robustos para estimar recarga.

Aquifer recharge can be determined by conventional methods such as hydrodynamic or hydrologic balance calculations, or numerical, hydrochemical or isotopic models. Such methods are usually developed with respect to detrital aquifers and are then used on carbonate aquifers without taking into consideration their hydrogeological particularities. Moreover, such methods are not always easy to apply, sometimes requiring data that are not available. Neither do they enable determination of the spatial distribution of the recharge. For eight regions in southern Spain, the APLIS method has been used to estimate the mean annual recharge in carbonate aquifers, expressed as a percentage of precipitation, based on the variables altitude, slope, lithology, infiltration landform, and soil type. The aquifers are representative of a broad range of climatic and geologic conditions. Maps of the above variables have been drawn for each aquifer, using a geographic information system; thus they can be superimposed to obtain the mean value and spatial distribution of the recharge. The recharge values for the eight aquifers are similar to those previously calculated by conventional methods and confirmed by discharge values, which corroborates the validity of the method.  相似文献   

Agricultural practices in semi-arid parts of southwestern Australia have increased recharge and raised groundwater levels. As a result, land salinization has occurred. Managers aim to address the problem by reducing recharge, but it is not known whether all recharge is regular and seasonal or whether a substantial component is episodic (i.e. occurs in irregular pulses). Approaches that reduce regular recharge may not be effective at reducing recharge that is episodic. Water balances were used to assess the potential for recharge to be episodic at 53 sites throughout Western Australia. The results show that, for the conditions modeled, a substantial proportion of the recharge in drier parts of the agricultural areas occurred episodically, and that direct episodic recharge could be as important in some semi-arid areas as in arid regions. Therefore, mean annual rainfall is not a strong predictor of the ratio of episodic to total recharge at a site. The model indicates that in agricultural areas, most significant and episodic recharge events occurred over just a few days in winter months, when rainfall was dominated by frontal systems. However, substantial episodic recharge also resulted from large storms during the months of January, February, and March. The implication is that it will be difficult to reduce recharge substantially, and thus control salinity, as long as agriculture relies heavily on shallow-rooted winter-growing plants. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

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