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美国卡罗莱纳州区域海洋观测预报系统简介   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了美国卡罗莱纳州区域海洋观测预报系统(Caro-COOPS系统)。该系统通过"实时观测-模式模拟-数据同化-业务应用"形成的一个完整链结,为卡罗莱纳州及其周边海域的科研、经济以及军事应用提供服务。观测系统依靠沿岸水文气象台站、海上浮标、潜标以及卫星遥感装置等,获得研究海区的准确观测资料。数值模拟模块是Caro-COOPS系统的核心部分,使用三重网格嵌套技术,并耦合了大气、海浪、泥沙输运以及生物化学模型,真实、全面地模拟出该海区的状况。Caro-COOPS系统中采用集合卡曼滤波和四维变分同化的方式,利用观测数据来调整计算误差。在模式的运行过程中,数据同化的作用主要体现在对初始场和强迫场的修正上,其观测结果经过统计分析处理后,可对原有的强迫场进行校正,将相对真实的强迫场提供给模式计算;模式计算的结果与观测数据相融合,通过滤波的方法调整积分的方向,以便更加逼近物理场的真实状态,将滤波调整后形成的物理场作为模拟下一个时刻计算所需的初始场。经过数据同化的调整,优化了模式计算所依赖的初始场和强迫场,减小了其与真实状态的误差,使模式的计算结果更加逼近真实值。Caro-COOPS系统的一大优势亮点是通过将预报结果与地理信息系统(GIS)相结合,快速而准确地定位洪水、风暴潮等自然灾害的影响区域,可准确至每一条街道乃至住宅,极大方便了决策部门有针对性地进行灾害预防和救助工作。GIS与模式结果的结合也极大地增强了Caro-COOPS系统服务社会的能力。  相似文献   

Secular variations of the mean pole and the z-term in the latitudinal vatiations are discussed geophysically in relation to oceanic motions on the large scale, particularly, to the variations of the Kuroshio system.It is shown that the large scale meanders of the Kuroshio occurred when the direction of displacement of the mean pole turned to the European continent from the North East Pacific and when the z-term changed from decrease to increase. The libration of the mean pole has connection with the zonal circulation of the oceanic mass and the secular variation of the z-term has connection with that of the meridional circulation. The large abrupt decrease in the z-term during 1955–1959 has close connection with the wellknown abnormal variation of sea surface temperature in the North Pacific during the same period.The structures of occurrence of the Kuroshio meanders in 1934 and 1969 may be different from those in 1953 and 1959, and the Kuroshio meander perhaps occurred after 1916 and existed during 2 or 3 years. Particularly the occurrence of the Kuroshio meander in 1959 may originate in the abrupt southward flow of oceanic mass in the Pacific.Except for some cases great earthquakes with magnitude of nearly 8 occurred near the Japan Trench and the Kurile-Kamchatka Trench about one year before the occurrences of the Kuroshio meander, and in the regions from the Alaska Peninsula to the Japan Islands great earthquakes occurred during the disappearance of the Kuroshio meander with a few exceptions.Existence of dynamical interactions between the ocean and the solid-earth may be suggested.  相似文献   

Naval mines have been in use for over 200 years. They are a cheap and effective way to significantly affect naval operations. Bottom mines in shallow water are particularly difficult to find when they are partially or wholly buried. The U.S. Office of Naval Research (Arlington, VA) and the Naval Research Laboratory (Stennis Space Center, MS) sponsored a six-year-long program to upgrade the capability to predict mine burial. The program consisted of laboratory studies, computer modeling, and field observation programs. Results of the studies have been combined into stochastic predictive programs that utilize state of the art process models and incorporate uncertainty in model capability and in our ability to know the correct values of model inputs.  相似文献   

We deployed two profiling floats in the region south of the Kuroshio Extension in March 2000. Temperature and salinity profiles from a depth of 1500 × 104 Pa to the surface are reported every two and four weeks, respectively. The floats performed very well for first four months after deployment. Later they failed in surfacing for a few months when the sea surface temperature in the region was high. The salinity sensors seemed to suffer from some damage during their failure-in-surfacing period. Despite this trouble, the results clearly demonstrate that the profiling float is a very useful and cost-effective tool for physical oceanographic observation in the open sea. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We have executed numerical experiments using a two-layer, wind-driven ocean model with simplified coastal geometry and bottom topography to investigate the possibility of the Kuroshio path transition due to mesoscale eddies. A straight path easily changes into a meandering path due to the eddy action. For this transition, an anticyclonic eddy is preferable to a cyclonic one when imposed in the beginning region of the Kuroshio (east of Taiwan). When imposed southeast of Kyushu, on the other hand, a cyclonic eddy is more effective than an anticyclonic one. The reverse transition, from a meandering to a straight path, did not occur at all in this experiment. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

王若璞  郑勇  鲁强 《海洋测绘》2010,30(1):35-37
分析了空间目标两行轨道根数(TLE)的格式及构成;阐述了相应的SGP4/SDP4轨道近似解析模型算法;提供了轨道坐标系与J2000.0坐标系及观测地平坐标系之间的转换关系。研究了ASCOM控件的用法,并结合TLE数据计算结果编程实现了用Meade望远镜对空间目标的自动搜索与跟踪观测。  相似文献   

I have been concerned with oceanographic observations made since 1948 by the oceanographic group of the Japan Meteorological Agency. My primary interest has been to describe physical aspects of the Kuroshio current system and its adjacent regions. Much efforts have been devoted to observing current and water characteristics of the Kuroshio south of Japan and the Kuroshio extension east of Japan and to describing various kinds of fluctuations ranging from diurnal to seasonal or year-to-year variations. I have also attempted to study the equatorial current system particularly in the western Pacific and those characteristic water-types in the central region of the North Pacific.  相似文献   

基于日本海洋信息中心提供的东海黑潮PN断面CTD资料,本文采用动力高度法计算了1991-2011年间90个航次的断面流速,并对流场结构、最大流速、流幅和流量进行了统计分析。结果表明:东海黑潮PN断面流场存在单核、双核、多核3种结构;其中单核结构出现的概率为50%,双核结构为39%,多核结构为11%。东海黑潮的流结构存在显著的季节变化:秋季多核结构所占的比重为4个季节最大,平均流核数最多;冬季主要为单核结构,平均流核数最少;夏季和春季则没有明显的倾向性,单核、双核、多核3种结构出现概率相近,平均流核数介于秋季和冬季之间。其次东海黑潮的流量也存在显著的季节变化:冬季与夏季最强,秋季最小,春季居中。最后东海黑潮的最大流速和流幅也存在季节变化:夏季最大,秋季最小,春季和冬季居中。  相似文献   

In order to study the characteristics of the surface circulation in Sagami Bay, long-term current measurements were carried out at five moored stations during the period from October 1982 to January 1984. The majority of current patterns show the existence of a cyclonic eddy in the bay, while at times the direction of the circulation is reversed. When the Kuroshio current flows over the Izu-Ogasawara Ridge and approaches Sagami Bay, the current that passes through the Oshima-West Channel north of Oshima Island (COWC), has a strong clockwise flow, while the counterclockwise circulation in the bay becomes intensified. When the Kuroshio shifts southward off the shore, the COWC and the flow in the bay are weak or at times reverse their directions.  相似文献   

冲绳海槽表层沉积硅藻对黑潮流的响应   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文报道了冲绳海槽表层沉积物中优势硅藻种的相对含量、热带远洋种和硅藻组合的分布特征 ,讨论了热带远洋种的相对含量与黑潮流、硅藻组合的分布与物质来源的关系等问题 .结果表明 ,热带远洋种的相对含量 >2 0 %的界线与黑潮流的边界基本上一致 ;优势硅藻种和硅藻组合的分布留下了与物质来源的关系较为密切的记录 .  相似文献   

As the spatio-temporal variability of the Kuroshio is highly influenced by mesoscale eddies, representing its seasonal variability characteristics requires sufficiently long term observations to reduce...  相似文献   

This paper describes the relative contents of dominant diatom species and the distributive characteristics of tropical pelagic species and diatom assemblages, and also discusses the relations between the relative content of tropical pelagic species and Kuroshio Current and between the distribution of diatom assemblages and material sources. The results show that the limit of>20% relative content of tropical pelagic species is basically consistent with the demarcation of Kuroshio Current, and that the distributions of dominant diatom species and diatom assemblages reserve the records of their closer relations to material sources.  相似文献   

为满足当前港口工程对精细化潮流预报的需求,通过比较准调和分析、流体动力——数学模型、最小二乘法三种潮流预报方法,认为最小二乘法的调和分析方法最为适用于小尺度水域的潮流预报。该方法选择以定点及漂流观测获取码头前沿水域的实测流况资料,通过分析实测资料,了解所在水域的潮流特征,再结合最小二乘法调和分析,对前沿水域进行定点的潮流预报。  相似文献   

Vertical distribution of anthropogenic carbon content of the water (exDIC) in the Oyashio area just outside of the Kuroshio/Oyashio Interfrontal Zone (K/O Zone) was estimated by the simple 1-D advection-diffusion model calibrated by the distribution of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). The average concentration of exDIC for = 26.60–27.00 is multiplied by the volume transport of Oyashio water into the North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW) to estimate the annual transport of exDIC into NPIW through K/O Zone. The estimated transport of exDIC was 0.018–0.020 GtC/y, which corresponds to 15% of the whole total exDIC accumulation in the temperate North Pacific. A simple assessment using the NPIW 1-box model indicates that the current study explains at least 70% of the total annual transport of exDIC into NPIW, and that small exDIC sources for NPIW still exists in addition to K/O Zone.  相似文献   

Temporal variations of the net Kuroshio transport are investigated using long-term hydrographic data from repeat section of the 137°E meridian from the south of Japan (34°N) to New Guinea (1°S) conducted by the Japan Meteorological Agency. In this study, boundaries of the Kuroshio and the Kuroshio Counter Current (KCC) are defined based on the sea surface dynamic height distribution. Westward flows associated with the KCC and cold-core eddy north of the Kuroshio are removed from the eastward flow associated with the Kuroshio in order to estimate the net Kuroshio transport strictly. The net Kuroshio transport reveals low-frequency variations: significant signals on a decadal (about 10-year) timescale. The variations of net Kuroshio transport are predominantly caused by changes in the magnitude of oceanic current speed fields associated with a vertical movement of the main pycnocline depth around the southern boundary of the Kuroshio: deepening of the main pycnocline around the southern boundary of the Kuroshio forms a sharp northern upward-tilting slope of the isopycnal surfaces at the Kuroshio region, and eventually the net Kuroshio transport increases together with the Kuroshio eastward transport. By using a wind-driven hindcast model, it is found that the main pycnocline depth variation results from the first-mode baroclinic Rossby waves attributable to two types of Aleutian Low (AL) changes: a change in the magnitude of AL and meridional movement of AL.  相似文献   

An adaptive state estimator for passive underwater tracking of maneuvering targets is developed. The state estimator is designed specifically for a system containing independent unknown or randomly switching input and measurement biases. In modeling the stochastic system, it is assumed that the bias sequence dynamics for both input and measurement can be modeled by a semi-Markov process. By incorporating the semi-Markovian concept into a Bayesian estimation technique, an estimator consisting of a bank of parallel adaptively weighted Kalman filters has been developed. Despite the large and randomly varying biases, the proposed estimator provides an accurate estimate of the system states.  相似文献   

本文采用区域高分辨率海洋数值模型,将谱松弛动力降尺度方法应用于吕宋海峡及其邻近区域,对吕宋海峡黑潮流径的流型特征进行模拟与分析。实验结果显示,应用谱松弛法能够较好地改善区域模型的模拟效果:通过约束大尺度误差,不仅能直接约束区域内的大尺度海洋状态,也间接调整了小尺度过程的演变规律,改善了吕宋海峡黑潮流径的模拟效果。  相似文献   

对港口码头的定点进行潮流精细化预报,是对区域潮流场预报工作的有利补充。结合当前定点潮流预报工作的开展,从基本的4个测站的站点布设,选择合适的时间获取预报所需的原始观测资料,再到实测数据处理,至预报计算方法,以及预报产品开发应用等多方面,深入探讨如何科学有效地开展港口码头潮流精细化预报工作,更好地满足当前市场的需求。关于资料的采集主要侧重目前运用较为成熟的四测站布置方案,并结合实际工作中遇到的一些问题进行具体阐述。  相似文献   

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