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David Demeritt 《Geoforum》2008,(6):1811-1813
This essay contributes to the discussions initiated by Setten [Setten, 2008. Encyclopaedic vision: speculating on The Dictionary of Human Geography. Geoforum 39 (3), 1097–1104], about The Dictionary ofHuman Geography. Rather than focusing on the identity and relative exclusiveness of the contributors, I emphasize how successive editions of the Dictionary have helped reshape the discipline in two ways. First, the proliferation of texts, like the Dictionary, aimed squarely at a student market has gone hand in hand with a variety of changes to the political economy of publishing in geography. Second, human geography has increasingly come to be defined in terms of its concepts and theories. The paper ends by considering the implications of these changes for disciplinary unity and the future of geography given the increasing prominence of both of integrated environmental science and of GIS.  相似文献   

Citizens as sensors: the world of volunteered geography   总被引:62,自引:0,他引:62  
In recent months there has been an explosion of interest in using the Web to create, assemble, and disseminate geographic information provided voluntarily by individuals. Sites such as Wikimapia and OpenStreetMap are empowering citizens to create a global patchwork of geographic information, while Google Earth and other virtual globes are encouraging volunteers to develop interesting applications using their own data. I review this phenomenon, and examine associated issues: what drives people to do this, how accurate are the results, will they threaten individual privacy, and how can they augment more conventional sources? I compare this new phenomenon to more traditional citizen science and the role of the amateur in geographic observation.  相似文献   

In a recent article, Thrift has presented an optimistic account of the future of Geography. While this reply is broadly supportive of his claims that Geography is more diverse, and has more to offer than ever before, it is less optimistic with respect to the prospects for the survival of Geography as a unitary academic discipline. Experiences over the last 20 years in the UK higher education, in particular, the 2001 RAE exercise, point to an unfavourable institutional climate for the discipline. Within Geography, the ever-increasing diversity of its subject matter and research philosophy poses problems for disciplinary identity. This is reflected in the more restricted perspective of the subject outside the universities, and is compounded by a weakening of the link between Geography in the universities and the schools. In these circumstances, serious attention must be given to the changing nature of the discipline, to its positioning with respect to other subjects, and to its relations with the wider world. At a time of academic, cultural, technological and social dynamism, there are, nevertheless, opportunities as well as dangers for the subject. Although this reply is an explicitly bleak one regarding the future, the implicit message is that Geography can (and should) still prosper. The more positive outcome, however, rests on an appreciation and nurturing of a more traditional geographical heritage than Thrift identifies, as well as a more creative view of the relationship between fundamental and applied research.  相似文献   

Scale and the other: Levinas and geography   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Richard Howitt 《Geoforum》2002,33(3):299-313
This paper seeks to contribute to Geography's recent conversation of identity, landscape, scale and difference. It brings into dialogue previously divergent discussions about space, place and difference and proposes an approach that treats time, space, place and scale as co-equal conceptual and/or analytical elements of cultural landscapes. It argues that many philosophical debates about embodiment, emplacement and difference abstract a universalized notion of `place', `body' and `self' which confounds and conflates scale issues and consequently confuses the dialectical interplay of `time', `space', `being' and `culture' across scales. The paper takes the work of Emmanuel Levinas (1906-1995) and the discursive communities around it as a philosophical entry point into these debates.  相似文献   

In an era of late capitalism and climate crisis, an expanding, heterogeneous network of people find themselves precariously positioned at the edge of disaster. This paper explores how Stop FEMA Now, a coalition of U.S. flood disaster survivors and other coastal homeowners, used social media to challenge neoliberal policies that produced – and then privatized – environmental risk. I find that social media played a crucial and sometimes unexpected role in enabling activists to organize across difference and cohere around an identity that emphasized their multiple layers of vulnerability and responsibilization. Through images that reembedded natural disasters in their political and economic contexts, activists exposed their historic and ongoing abandonment by neoliberal policies and state failures. Ultimately, such abandonments forfeited coastal homeowners to a future marked by fiscal and climate crisis, constituting them as sacrificed citizens. And yet, I also propose that the struggles of sacrificed citizens offer new possibilities for coalitions and pluralisms.  相似文献   

张贵兴的早期小说曾受到台湾文坛热捧,但其创作中的异质风格与台湾文坛创作风气是不同的。从留台生文学的青涩模仿,到不同经验的书写实践,再到自成一脉的雨林书写,他用自己的笔墨展现出自己创作生涯中的不同的艺术实践过程,后期的南洋雨林魔幻世界的书写,集合象征、寓言和历史再现于一体,展现出一位旅台马华作家对原乡书写的不懈追求。  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic Tonian strata(ca.870-725 Ma)in the western Jiangnan Orogen archive the records of sedimentary provenance and tectonic setting which can be used to understand the geological evolution of the South China Continent.These strata are separated into the basement and cover sequences by a regional angular unconformity.The basement sequence can be subdivided into the lower and the upper parts by the widespread interbedded ca.840 Ma basalt with pillow structure.In the present work,234 concordant detrital zircon analyses are obtained from three Tonian sandstone samples in the Fanjingshan district,Guizhou Province.Combined with previous results,a total of 1736 analyses of detrital zircon U-Pb ages derived from 12 formations of Tonian strata in the western Jiangnan Orogen are used to decipher the integrated sedimentary and tectonic histories.The zircons from the lowermost part of the basement sequence(the Yujiagou Formation)show oval morphology and display two Paleoproterozoic age peaks at 2325 Ma and 1845 Ma which are similar with the detrital zircon age peaks from the Late Paleoproterozoic to Early Mesoproterozoic Dongchuan/Dahongshan/Hekou groups,suggesting a passive margin basin in which the sediments were mainly sourced from the southwestern Yangtze Block.However,the zircon age population of the lower part of the basement sequence(the Xiaojiahe,Huixiangping formations and their equivalents)indicates the sedimentary derivation from bidirectional sources(the ca.870 Ma arc materials in the south and the old detritus from the southwestern Yangtze Block)which is consistent with a back arc setting for the deposition of the sediments.Zircons from the upper part of the basement sequence(the Duyantang Formation and its equivalent)show euhedral and subangular morphology and display a unimodal age peak at ca.835 Ma.This sequence was possibly deposited in a convergent setting and the detritus were came from the locally distributed syn-collisional igneous rocks.The lower part of the cover sequence(the Xinzhai and Wuye formations and their equivalents)shows a distinct zircon age peak at 815—809 Ma and two subordinate peaks at 2485 Ma and 2018 Ma,suggesting that the basin had gradually transformed into a continental rift basin and received the detritus from the ca.815 Ma post-collisional magmatic rocks as well as from different Paleoproterozoic source rocks in the northern Yangtze Block.We propose a tectonic evolution model that envisages eruption of ca.840 Ma basalt in a back arc basin that existed during ca.870-835 Ma,an angular unconformity was formed during amalgamation of the Yangtze Block and the Cathaysia Block at ca.835-820 Ma and the rifting of the South China Continent was initiated at ca.800 Ma.Our study concludes that the South China Continent was formed on the periphery of the Rodinia supercontinent.  相似文献   

本文简要介绍国家科技专项"深部探测技术实验研究"第二项目"深部探测技术实验与集成"(SinoProbe-02)的研究目标、国际趋势与国内需求、主要研究内容、技术路线与研究方法等,着重介绍拟聚焦研究的关键科技问题.预期通过本项目的实施,实验并集成可行的深部探测方法技术组合和综合解释方法技术平台;项目实施的深部探测实验剖面...  相似文献   

Jebel Mecella and Sidi Taya F–(BaPbZn) deposits are located within the Fluorite Zaghouan Province (NE Tunisia). The mineralization occurs along the unconformity surface between the Jurassic limestones and Upper Cretaceous rocks. The mineralization consists mainly of fluorite, barite, sphalerite, and galena. The δ34S values of barite at Jebel Mecella (14.8–15.4‰) and at Sidi Taya (21.6–22.2‰) closely match those of the Triassic evaporites and Messinian seawater, respectively. The range of δ34S values of galena and sphalerite in both deposits (?6.9 to +2.4‰) suggests the involvement of thermochemical sulfate reduction and possibly organically-bound sulfur in the generation of sulfur. Lead isotope data with 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, and 208Pb/204Pb ratios of 18.893–18.903, 15.684–15.699, and 38.850–38.880, respectively suggests a single homogeneous source reservoir of Paleozoic age and/or the homogenization of the Paleozoic–Cretaceous multireservoir-derived fluids along their long migration paths to the loci of deposition during the Alpine orogeny.  相似文献   

为研究冲积性河流造床机理,基于能量耗散原理分析河床调整与水沙过程(变异特性)间的关系十分必要。以黄河游荡型河段为例,利用实测资料分析和平面二维水沙数值模拟方法,进行了各种洪水泥沙条件下河流冲淤规律的探讨。研究发现平滩面积、河相系数与径流泥沙特征值间存在的关联性映射出冲积性河流能量关系中的制约机制;不同洪水泥沙过程的河床冲刷强度变化具有阶段性,主槽累积刷槽效应与洪水泥沙过程有密切响应关系;高效输沙的洪水过程通过塑造最适宜的河床断面形态,能实现最佳输沙效率与主槽的最大冲刷。在不同漫滩洪水条件中,综合系数Φ最大时的洪水过程具有最大累积刷槽效应,因此对应流量可作为黄河下游漫滩洪水的调控指标。  相似文献   

The paper represents an attempt to understand how, in a democratic and pluralistic state, it is possible to reconcile the values of individual freedom with those granted to minority groups. In this perspective, the paper argues that, without questioning the importance of differentiated cultural rights that allow cultural minorities to be on an equal footing with the mainstream society, women’s rights cannot be ignored. Instead, rights for women are not exclusive of any particular culture or society, being indeed one of the human rights common to all groups of people, those rights which attest to the existence of a bond among individuals as members of the human community.  相似文献   

华北克拉通东部中生代期间受到古太平洋板块俯冲并引发一系列的构造-岩浆-成矿作用,但古太平洋俯冲作用开始的具体时限仍未有定论.本文对辽西兴城地区中生代药王庙~磨盘山岩体进行了系统的岩相学研究、锆石U-Pb同位素定年、全岩地球化学和锆石原位Hf同位素测试分析,结果显示,花岗质岩石中岩浆成因锆石加权平均年龄为193~186 ...  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地车排子地区北部新近系沙湾组砂岩储层中发育碳酸盐胶结物,该胶结物含量直接影响储层的含油性。为了定量识别碳酸盐胶结物,本文以岩芯常规分析数据为基础,利用图像分析软件进行微观薄片定量测量,弥补了岩芯常规分析数据的不足,发现车排子地区北部沙湾组砂岩中碳酸盐胶结物的含量(Y)与地层水中Ca~(2+)浓度(X)呈很好的正相关性(Y=0.0512·X~(0.7155)),相关系数达到0.93。利用地层水Ca~(2+)的浓度定量计算碳酸盐胶结物获得比较好的结果,解决了无实验分析井的碳酸盐胶结物含量求取的难题。对比分析碳酸盐胶结物数据和试油试采数据,发现碳酸盐胶结物含量≥20%的井基本不产油,碳酸盐胶结物含量20%的井产油性较好,表明碳酸盐胶结物控制车排子地区北部新近系沙湾组砂岩储层的含油性。  相似文献   

Abstract: Systematic data of rare earth elements (REEs) are presented in order to put some constraints on the origin of hydrothermal fluids responsible for two contrastive skarn deposits in Japan; the Kamioka Zn-Pb and Yoshiwara-Sannotake Cu(-Fe) deposits. Carbon and oxygen isotopic studies have demonstrated that the hydrothermal fluids responsible for the Kamioka Zn-Pb deposits are of meteoric water origin whereas those for the Yoshiwara-Sannotake Cu(-Fe) deposits are of magmatic water origin. The REE abundances of epidote skarn derived from aluminous rocks, garnet and clinopyroxene in calcic exoskarn derived from limestone, and interstitial calcite associated with sulfide minerals were determined for these contrastive skarn deposits by inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). A significant difference in the REE concentrations is not found between epidote skarn and aluminous original rock (plagioclase-clinopyroxene rock, called Inishi rock) from the Kamioka Zn-Pb deposits, indicating that the REEs are generally immobile during the formation of epidote skarn, and that the REE concentrations of the hydrothermal fluid are considerably low relative to the aluminous original rock. In contrast, the epidote skarn exhibits enrichment of Eu with increasing total REE concentrations relative to the aluminous original rock (quartz diorite) in the Yoshiwara-Sannotake Cu(-Fe) deposits, implying a contribution of magmatic fluid derived from granitoids during the skarn formation. Limestone generally has much lower REE concentrations related to surrounding aluminous rocks, and thus the REE concentrations of garnet and clinopyroxene in calcic exoskarn, originated from limestone, are variable due to the interaction with the hydrothermal fluids. The chondrite-normalized REE patterns of garnet, clinopyroxene, and interstitial calcite exactly provide useful information on origins of hydrothermal fluids. The REE patterns of these minerals from the Kamioka Zn-Pb deposits show lower (Pr/Yb)cn ratios, and negative Ce and Eu anomalies inherited from limestone with the decrease of This suggests that the hydrothermal fluids responsible for the Kamioka Zn-Pb deposits were depleted in REEs, and were not magmatic water in origin, but presumably meteoric one. In striking contrast, the REE patterns of exoskarn minerals and calcite from the Yoshiwara-Sannotake Cu(-Fe) deposits exhibit a positive Eu anomaly, and high (Pr/Yb)cn ratios with the considerable increase of σREE and the disappearance of negative Ce anomaly, implying that the fluids were dominantly of magmatic origin. The REE indices are very likely to be an excellent indicator to origins of the skarn deposits.  相似文献   

从成因角度将徐深气田徐东地区营城组一段火山岩储层裂缝划分为构造裂缝、冷凝收缩裂缝、炸裂缝、溶蚀裂缝、缝合缝、风化裂缝等多种类型.根据动静结合的思路,综合岩心、镜下薄片、常规和FMI测井资料、地震等多信息以及地震相干分析和蚂蚁追踪等技术.对各类型裂缝发育特征进行详细表征.结果表明,上述井震资料的结合可以完成火山岩储层裂缝...  相似文献   

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