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The results of three-dimensional MHD numerical simulations are used to investigate the characteristic properties of the magnetic-field structures in the accretion disks of semi-detached binary systems. It is assumed that the intrinsic magnetic field of the accretor star is dipolar. Turbulent diffusion of the magnetic field in the disk is taken into account. The SS Cyg system is considered as an example. The results of the numerical simulations show the intense generation of a predominantly toroidal magnetic field in the accretion disk. Magnetic zones with well defined structures for the toroidal magnetic field form in the disk, which are separated by current sheets in which there ismagnetic reconnection and current dissipation. Possible observational manifestations of such structures are discussed. It is shown that the interaction of a spiral precessional wave with the accretor’s magnetosphere could lead to quasi-periodic oscillations of the accretion rate.  相似文献   

The accretion of neutral gas (hydrogen and helium) onto a neutron star is studied. The gas is gravitationally captured into the magnetosphere of the star, where it is ionized by thermal radiation from the stellar surface and accelerated by the electric field at the light cylinder and in a tube of open magnetic lines. Particles accelerated at light cylinder generate gamma-ray, some particles move to the star and heat its polar regions, resulting in the emission of X-rays. Our calculations of the model parameters of the X-ray and gamma-ray radiation indicate that the radiation intensities should be sufficient to be observed.  相似文献   

Several scenarios for the formation of accretion and decretion disks in single and binary Ae and Be stars are proposed. It is shown that, in order for a rapidly rotating main-sequence Be star to lose mass via a disk, the star’s rotation must be quasi-rigid-body. Estimates show that such rotation can be maintained by the star’s magnetic field, which is probably a relict field. The evolution of single Be main-sequence stars is numerically simulated allowing for mass loss via the stellar wind and rotational mass loss assuming rigid-body rotation. The stellar wind is the factor that determines the maximum mass of Be stars, which is close to 30M . The evolution of Be stars in close binaries is analyzed in the approximation adopted in our scenario. Long gamma-ray bursts can be obtained as a result of the collapse of rapidly rotating oxygen—neon degenerate dwarfs—the accreting companions of Be stars—into neutron stars.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional numerical model in the axisymmetric approximation that describes the flow structure in the magnetosphere of the white dwarf in the EX Hya system has been developed. Results of simulations show that the accretion in EX Hya proceeds via accretion columns, which are not closed and have curtain-like shapes. The thickness of the accretion curtains depends only weakly on the thickness of the accretion disk. This thickness developed in the simulations does not agree with observations. It is concluded that the main reason for the formation of thick accretion curtains in the model is the assumption that the magnetic field penetrates fully into the plasma of the disk. An analysis based on simple estimates shows that a diamagnetic disk that fully or partially shields the magnetic field of the star may be a more attractive explanation for the observed features of the accretion in EX Hya.  相似文献   

We have calculated profiles for the CIV 1550 doublet arising in an accretion shock in a T Tauri star assuming that (i) the accretion zone at the stellar surface is axially symmetric (a circular spot or spherical belt), (ii) the velocity and density of the gas in front of the shock do not vary within the accretion zone, and (iii) the gas falls radially inward toward the star. The calculated CIV 1550 profiles differ qualitatively from those observed in the spectra of T Tauri stars, probably because the velocity of the infalling gas in T Tauri stars has a tangential component of some tens of km/s due to the nonradial magnetic field near the stellar surface.  相似文献   

We present results of two-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of mass transfer in the close binary system β Lyr for various radii of the accreting star and coefficients describing the interaction of the gaseous flow and the main component (primary). We take the stellar wind of the donor star into account and consider various assumptions about the radiative cooling of the gaseous flow. Our calculations show that the initial radius of the flow corresponding to our adopted mass-transfer rate through the inner Lagrange point (L1) of (1–4) × 10?5M/yr is large: 0.22–0.29 (in units of the orbital separation). In all the models, the secondary loses mass through both the inner and outer (L1 and L2) Lagrange points, which makes the mass transfer in the system nonconservative. Calculations for various values of the primary radius show a strong dependence on the coefficient fv that models the flow-primary interaction. When the radius of the primary is 0.5, there is a strong interaction between the gas flow from L1 and the flow reflected from the primary surface. For other values of the primary radius (0.1 and 0.2), the flow does not interact directly with the primary. The flow passes close to the primary and forms an accretion disk whose size is comparable to that of the Roche lobe and a dense circum-binary envelope surrounding both the disk and the binary components. The density in the disk varies from 1012 to 1014 cm?3, and is 1010–1012 cm?3 in the circum-binary envelope. The temperature in the accretion disk ranges from 30000 to 120000 K, while that in the circum-binary envelope is 4000–18000 K. When radiative cooling is taken into account explicitly, the calculations reveal the presence of a spiral shock in the accretion disk. The stellar wind blowing from the secondary strongly interacts with the accretion disk, circum-binary envelope, and flow from L2. When radiative cooling is taken into account explicitly, this wind disrupts the accretion disk.  相似文献   

A scenario for hard impulsive flares due to magnetic reconnection and particle acceleration in cosmic plasma is proposed. The properties of fast reconnection in an appreciably non-equilibrium nagnetosphere of a compact relativistic object, such as a neutron star, magnetar, or white dwarf, are discussed. Such a magnetosphere could form as the result of the action of a relativistic shock on the strong magnetic field of the star. An analytical solution is presented for the generalized, two-dimensional structure, shape, and boundaries of the magnetosphere, together with the magnitudes of the direct and reverse currents in the reconnecting current layer. The uncompensated magnetic force acting on the reverse current is determined. The characteristic parameters of the non-equilibrium magnetospheres of compact stellar objects are estimated. The excess magnetic energy of the magnetosphere is comparable to the mechanical energy carried by the shock at the time of impact. The possible acceleration of particles to gigantic energies is discussed.  相似文献   

We investigate the role of the magnetic field in the collapse of a gas-dust cloud into a massive gravitating object. Observations of one such object (G31.41) indicate that the magnetic field has an hourglass shape oriented along the rotation axis of the matter, due to the freezing-in of the magnetic-field lines in the accreting matter. It is believed that accretion in stellar disks is associated with the transport of angular momentum from the center to the periphery, which could be initiated by large-scale vortex structures arising in the presence of unstable rotational flows of matter. The numerical simulations have established that the equilibrium configuration of a gas-dust disk rotating in a spherically symmetrical gravitational potential is subject to the development of strong instability in the presence of a weak magnetic field. It is shown that the development of instability leads to a transport of angular momentum to the disk periphery by large-scale vortex structures, together with the accretion of matter onto the gravitating object. The magnetic-field lines near the equator take on a chaotic character, but an hourglass configuration is observed near the rotation axis, in agreement with observations.  相似文献   

We discuss characteristic features of the magnetic gas-dynamical structure of the flows in a semi-detached binary system obtained from three-dimensional simulations, assuming that the intrinsic magnetic field of the accreting star is dipolar. The turbulent diffusion of the magnetic field is taken into account. The SS Cyg system is considered as an example. Including the magnetic field can alter the basic parameters of the accretion disk, such as the accretion rate and the characteristic density. The magnetic field in the disk is primarily toroidal.  相似文献   

Typical changes of the accretion-disk structures in intermediate polars are studied as a function of the inclination of the accretor’s magnetic field. Thre-dimensional numerical modeling was performed for seven differentmagnetic-axis inclinations. The results showthat the system forms a magnetosphere region, and that column accretion occurs. The action of the magnetic field tilts the inner parts of the disk along the magnetic axis of the accretor. The magnetic-field inclination appreciably influences matter transfer in the disk and accretion processes. Generation of toroidal magnetic field, magnetic braking, and alignment of the dipole magnetic field result in oscillations of the accretion rate. A direct relationship between the field inclination and the oscillation amplitude is found, as well as an inverse relationship between the field inclination and the oscillation period.  相似文献   

Measurements of the longitudinal magnetic field of the CP star HD 62140 with high accuracy (σ ~ 50 G) are used to construct a magnetic-dipole model for this star. The model describes the observed phase dependence of the field very well, supporting the idea that CP stars have dipolar magnetic fields. Based on an analysis of the CP stars HD 32633 and HD 142301, which were earlier suggested to have dipoles shifted perpendicular to the dipole axis, it is concluded that the only possible models in this case have one or two shifted dipoles, with the distance between the monopoles being comparable to the stellar radius. Such configurations may occur as a consequence of deformations of the field in early stages of the star’s evolution, due to the accretion of higher-mass objects or a merger with another component, as well as the influence of a convective core.  相似文献   

We explore the possibility of explaining Anomalous X-ray Pulsars (AXPs) and Soft Gammaray Repeaters (SGRs) in a scenario with fall-back magnetic accretion onto a young isolated neutron star. The X-ray emission of the pulsar in this case originates due to the accretion of matter onto the surface of the neutron star from a magnetic slab surrounding its magnetosphere. The spin-down rate of the neutron star expected in this picture is close to the observed value. We show that such neutron stars are relatively young and are going through the transition from the propeller state to the accretor state. The pulsar’s activity in gamma-rays is connected with its relative youth, and is enabled by energy stored in a non-equilibrium layer located in the crust of the low-mass neutron star. This energy can be released due to the mixing of matter in the neutron star crust with super heavy nuclei approaching its surface and becoming unstable. The fission of nuclei in the low-density region initiates chain reactions leading to a nuclear explosion. Outbursts are probably triggered by instability developing in the region where the matter accreted by the neutron star accumulates in the magnetic polar regions.  相似文献   

The current evolutionary stage of the binary systems IC 10 X-1 and NGC 300 X-1, which contain a massive black hole and a Wolf–Rayet star with a strong stellar wind that does not fill its Roche lobe, is considered. The high X-ray luminosity and X-ray properties testify to the presence of accretion disks in these systems. The consistency of the conditions for the existence of such a disk and the possibility of reproducing the observed X-ray luminosity in the framework of the Bondi–Hoyle–Littleton theory for a spherically symmetric stellar wind is analyzed. A brief review of information about the mass-loss rates of Wolf–Rayet stars and the speeds of their stellar winds is given. The evolution of these systems at the current stage is computed. Estimates made using the derived parameters show that it is not possible to achieve consistency, since the conditions for the existence of an accretion disk require that the speed of the Wolf–Rayetwind be appreciably lower than is required to reproduce the observedX-ray luminosity. Several explanations of this situation are possible: (1) the real pattern of the motion of the stellar-wind material in the binary is substantially more complex than is assumed in the Bondi–Hoyle–Littleton theory, changing the conditions for the formation of an accretion disk and influencing the accretion rate onto the black hole; (2) some of the accreting material leaves the accretor due to X-ray heating; (3) the accretion efficiency in these systems is nearly an order of magnitude lower than in the case of accretion through a thin disk onto a non-rotating black hole; (4) the intensity of the Wolf–Rayet wind is one to two orders of magnitude lower than has been suggested by modern studies.  相似文献   

We have calculated profiles of the CIV 1550, NV 1240, OVI 1035, and SiIV 1400 resonance doublets for a plane-parallel shock viewed at various angles. Calculations were performed for the range of preshock gas velocities V0 and gas densities ρ0 appropriate for classical T Tauri stars. The parameters of accretion shocks in young stars can be determined by comparing the calculated and observed profiles of the studied lines and their relative intensities. It is not possible to derive the parameters of the accreting gas from the line profiles without knowing the geometry of the accretion zone. The relation I v (µ,V0,ρ0) for a plane shock, where I v is the intensity μ=cosθ, can be used to determine the accretion parameters by either choosing a geometry for the radiating region or using a technique similar to Doppler tomography. The results obtained for DR Tau, T Tau, and RY Tau indicate that, in contrast to current concepts, the inner regions of the accretion disk are not disrupted by the magnetic field of the star, and the disk reaches the stellar surface. As a result, only a small fraction of the accreted matter passes through the shock and falls onto the star.  相似文献   

The role of convection in the gas-dust accretion disk around a young star is studied. The evolution of a Keplerian disk is modeled using the Pringle equation, which describes the time variations of the surface density under the action of turbulent viscosity. The distributions of the density and temperature in the polar directions are computed simultaneously in the approximation that the disk is hydrostatically stable. The computations of the vertical structure of the disk take into account heating by stellar radiation, interstellar radiation, and viscous heating. The main factor governing evolution of the disk in this model is the dependence of the viscosity coefficient on the radius of the disk. The computations of this coefficient take into account the background viscosity providing the continuous accretion of the gas and the convective viscosity, which depends on the parameters of the convection at a given radius. The results of computations of the global evolution and morphology of the disk obtained in this approach are presented. It is shown that, in the adopted model, the accretion has burst-like character: after the inner part of the disk ($$R < 3$$ AU) is filled with matter, this material is transferred relatively rapidly onto the star, after which the process is repeated. Our results may be useful for explaining the activity of young FU Ori and EX Lup objects. It is concluded that convection may be one of the mechanisms responsible for the non-steady pattern of accretion in protostellar disks.  相似文献   

The magnetic-field structure in regions of stationary, planar accretion disks around active galactic nuclei where general-relativistic effects can be neglected (from 10 to 200 gravitational radii) is considered. It is assumed that the magnetic field in the outer edges of the disk, which forms in the magnetosphere of the central black hole during the creation of the relativisitic jets, corresponds to the field of a magnetic dipole perpendicular to the plane of the disk. In this case, the azimuthal field component Bφ in the disk arises due to the presence of the radial field Bρ and the azimuthal velocity component Uφ. The value of the magnetic field at the inner radius of the disk is taken to correspond to the solution of the induction equation in a diffusion approximation. Numerical solutions of the induction equation are given for a number of cases.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations of gas-dynamical processes taking place in the accretion disk of a stellar binary system are presented. The initial state of the disk is an equilibrium gaseous configuration. Mechanisms for the development of spiral waves and associated variations in the angular momentum of the gas are considered. The influence of the ratio of the binary-component masses and the initial disk configuration are investigated. It is concluded that the existence of a steady-state disk is impossible without a flow of gas from the donor star.  相似文献   

Formation of planets during the evolution of single and binary stars   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Current views of the origin and evolution of single and binary stars suggest that the planets can form aroundmain-sequence single and binary stars, degenerate dwarfs, neutron stars, and stellarmass black holes according to several scenarios. Planets can arise during the formation of a star mainly due to excess angular momentum leading to the formation of an accretion-decretion disk of gas and dust around a single star or the components of a binary. It is the evolution of such disks that gives rise to planetary systems. A disk can arise around a star during its evolution due to the accretion of matter from dense interstellar clouds of gas and dust onto the star, the accretion of mass froma companion in a binary system, and the loss of matter during the contraction of a rapidly rotating star, in particular, if the star rotates as a rigid body and the rotation accelerates with its evolution along the main sequence. The fraction of stars with planetary systems is theoretically estimated as 30–40%, which is close to the current observational estimate of ∼34%.  相似文献   

The results of 3D modeling of the formation of the accretion disks of intermediate polars are presented. A model with misaligned rotation axes of accretor and the orbit is onsidered, in which it is assumed that the white dwarf has a dipolar magnetic field with its symmetry axis inclined to the whitedwarf rotation and orbital axes. The computations show that, in the early stages of formation of the disk, the action of magnetic field is able to create the initial (seed) inclination of the disk. This inclination is then supported mainly by the dynamical pressure of the flow from the inner Lagrangian point L1. As themass of the disk increases, the inclination disappears. Under certain conditions, the disk inclination does not arise in systems with misaligned white-dwarf rotation and orbital axes. The influence of the magnetic field and asynchronous rotation of the accretor may result in the formation of spiral waves in the disk with amplitudes sufficient to be detected observationally.  相似文献   

High resolution observations in the region of the Hα, HeII λ 4686, and Hγ lines in the spectrum of the symbiotic binary Z And were performed during a small-amplitude flare at the end of 2002. The profiles of the hydrogen lines were double-peaked, and suggest that the lines may be emitted mainly by an optically thin accretion disk. Since the Hα line is strongly contaminated by emission from the envelope, the Hγ line is used to investigate the properties of the accretion disk. The Hα line has broad wings, believed to be determined mostly by radiation damping, although the high-velocity stellar wind from the compact object in the system may also contribute. The Hγ line has a broad emission component, assumed to be emitted mainly from the inner part of the accretion disk. The HeIIλ 4686 line also has a broad emission component, but is believed to arise in a region of high-velocity stellar wind. The outer radius of the accretion disk can be calculated from the shift between the peaks. Assuming that the orbital inclination can range from 47° to 76°, we estimate the outer radius to be 20–50 R. The behavior of the observed lines can be interpreted in the model proposed for the line spectrum during the first large 2000–2002 flare of this binary.  相似文献   

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