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Radiometric measurements were carried out for the beach sands from East Rosetta estuary to determine the activity concentrations of 238 U, 226 Ra, 232 Th, and 40 K, using a Hyper Pure Germanium spectrometer, to estimate the dose rates and radiation hazard indices. The average specific activities are 778.20 Bq/kg for 238 U; 646.89 Bq/kg for 226 Ra; 621.92 and 627.85 Bq/kg for the 222 Rn daughters 214 Pb and 214 Bi respectively. The average specific activity of 232 Th is 1510.25 Bq/kg, while the calculated specific activity for 40 K has an average of 8.41 Bq/kg. The average specific activity of 235 U is 38.61 Bq/kg. The average absorbed dose rate is 1211.36 nGy/h, 20 times higher than the estimated average global primordial radiation of 60 nGy/h and 6 times higher than that of the world range (10-200 nGy/h). The radium equivalent (Ra eq ) values are from 6 to 9 times the recommended value. The internal and external hazard indices (H int , H ex ) indicate that their values are from 6 to 11 times the permissible values of these indices. These higher values may be due to the presence of economic heavy minerals containing radionuclides as zircon and monazite as well as some trace minerals, thorite and uranothorite. The mineralogical study indicates the beach sands contain heavy minerals, zircon, monazite, rutile, ilmenite, leucoxene, magnetite and garnet. The average abundance of zircon is 0.175 wt% ranging from 0.125 wt% to 0.239 wt%, while it is 0.004wt% ranging from 0.001 wt% to 0.007 wt% for monazite. The average abundance is 0.087 wt% for rutile; 2.029 wt% for ilmenite; 1.084 wt% for magnetite; 0.384 wt% for leucoxene and 0.295 wt% for garnet.  相似文献   

Reported here are the first 187Os/188Os ratios and abundances of Os and Re for Taklimakan Desert sands and glacial moraines from the Kunlun Mountains. Osmium isotopic data are also reported for river sediments around the Taklimakan Desert, river sediments from the Kunlun and Tianshan Mountains, Tibetan soils and loesses from the Loess Plateau, as well as Sr and Nd isotopic data for these samples. The Taklimakan Desert sands from various regions show surprisingly homogeneous Os isotopic ratios (187Os/188Os = 1.29 ± 0.08) and abundances (Os = 11 ppt), with some variations in Re abundances (Re = 130 to 260 ppt) and 187Re/188Os ratios (60 to 140). The 187Os/188Os ratios for the Taklimakan Desert sands are close to the average for Kunlun moraines, river sediments around the Taklimakan Desert sands, and the Tibetan soils, supporting the idea that the Taklimakan Desert sands are derived from moraines and river sediments around the desert or from Tibetan soils and are homogenized by aeolian activity in the desert. Furthermore, the Os isotopic data for the sediments studied here are compared with those (187Os/188Os = 1.04, Os = 32 ppt, Re = 206 ppt, 187Re/188Os = 35) of loesses from the Loess Plateau reported elsewhere, and it is concluded that the Re-Os data for the loess can be used as proxy for the upper continental crust.  相似文献   

Aeolian Facies Belts in the Taklimakan Desert   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
At least at the beginning of the last glacial epoch, the facies belts of dune sand, sandy loam and loess formed by winds had existed in the Taklimakan desert and areas south of it. There were no appreciable changes in the NE and NW wind systems and their wind fqrces that deposited dune sand, sandy loam and loess in the global cold stage since the last glacial epoch (accordingly no marked shifts of the boundaries of these aeolian facies belts took place. In the global warm stage since then, the climate in the Taklimakan desert and areas south of it became warm and dry, resulting in ablation of substantial volumes of ice and snow in their surrounding mountains and thus forming alluvial and diluvial deposits in the region. The alluvial-diluvial actions, however, failed to change the general framework of aeolian facies belts.  相似文献   

The studied serpentinites occur as isolated masses, imbricate slices of variable thicknesses and as small blocks or lenses incorporated in the sedimentary matrix of the mélange. They are thrusted over the associated island arc calc-alkaline metavolcanics and replaced by talc-carbonates along shear zones. Lack of thermal effect of the serpentinites upon the enveloping country rocks, as well as their association with thrust faults indicates their tectonic emplacement as solid bodies. Petrographically, they are composed essentially of antigorite, chrysotile and lizardite with subordinate amounts of carbonates, chromite, magnetite, magnesite, talc, tremolite and chlorite. Chrysotile occurs as cross-fiber veinlets traversing the antigorite matrix, which indicate a late crystallization under static conditions. The predominance of antigorite over other serpentine minerals indicates that the serpentinites have undergone prograde metamorphism or the parent ultramafic rocks were serpentinized under higher pressure. The parent rocks of the studied serpentinites are mainly harzburgite and less commonly dunite and wehrlite due to the prevalence of mesh and bastite textures. The serpentinites have suffered regional metamorphism up to the greenschist facies, which occurred during the collisional stage or back-arc basin closure, followed by thrusting over a continental margin. The microprobe analyses of the serpentine minerals show wide variation in SiO2, MgO, Al2O3, FeO and Cr2O3 due to different generations of serpentinization. The clinopyroxene relicts, from the partly serpentinized peridotite, are augite and similar to clinopyroxene in mantle-derived peridotites. The chromitite lenses associated with the serpentinites show common textures and structures typical of magmatic crystallization and podiform chromitites. The present data suggest that the serpentinites and associated chromitite lenses represent an ophiolitic mantle sequence from a supra-subduction zone, which were thrust over the continental margins during the collisional stage of back-arc basin.  相似文献   

The studied serpentinites occur as isolated masses, imbricate slices of variable thicknesses and as small blocks or lenses incorporated in the sedimentary matrix of the mélange. They are thrusted over the associated island arc calc-alkaline metavolcanics and replaced by talc-carbonates along shear zones. Lack of thermal effect of the serpentinites upon the enveloping country rocks, as well as their association with thrust faults indicates their tectonic emplacement as solid bodies. Petrographically, they are composed essentially of antigorite, chrysotile and lizardite with subordinate amounts of carbonates, chromite, magnetite, magnesite, talc, tremolite and chlorite. Chrysotile occurs as cross-fiber veinlets traversing the antigorite matrix, which indicate a late crystallization under static conditions. The predominance of antigorite over other serpentine minerals indicates that the serpentinites have undergone prograde metamorphism or the parent ultramafic rocks were serpentinized under higher pressure. The parent rocks of the studied serpentinites are mainly harzburgite and less commonly dunite and wehrlite due to the prevalence of mesh and bastite textures. The serpentinites have suffered regional metamorphism up to the greenschist facies, which occurred during the collisional stage or back-arc basin closure, followed by thrusting over a continental margin. The microprobe analyses of the serpentine minerals show wide variation in SiO2, MgO, Al2O3, FeO and Cr2O3 due to different generations of serpentinization. The clinopyroxene relicts, from the partly serpentinized peridotite, are augite and similar to clinopyroxene in mantle-derived peridotites. The chromitite lenses associated with the serpentinites show common textures and structures typical of magmatic crystallization and podiform chromitites. The present data suggest that the serpentinites and associated chromitite lenses represent an ophiolitic mantle sequence from a supra-subduction zone, which were thrust over the continental margins during the collisional stage of back-arc basin.  相似文献   

Paleocurrent analysis indicates an easterly and a westerly source, respectively, for the Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments in the middle and upper Benue Trough. Petrographic differentiation of the pre-Santonian and post-Santonian sediments is based on their feldspar contents. Petrographic evidence suggests that the Tertiary sediments are polycycled; this fact, coupled with the inferred westerly source, suggests that the present limits of the trough are not the paleolimits. Thus the rift boundary faults are probably further westward and eastward of the present trough margins.  相似文献   

At least at the beginning of the last glacial epoch, the facies belts of dune sand, sandy loam and loess formed by winds had existed in the Taklimakan desert and areas south of it. There were no appreciable changes in the NE and NW wind systems and their wind forces that deposited dune sand, sandy loam and loess in the global cold stage since the last glacial epoch; accordingly no marked shifts of the boundaries of these aeolian facies belts took place. In the global warm stage since then, the climate in the Taklimakan desert and areas south of it became warm and dry, resulting in ablation of substantial volumes of ice and snow in their surrounding mountains and thus forming alluvial and diluvial deposits in the region. The alluvial-diluvial actions, however, failed to change the general framework of aeolian facies belts.  相似文献   

The Nuweibi albite granite is one of 14 known Sn-Ta-Nb bearing granitoids in the Eastern Desert region of Egypt. The granite is a highly leucocratic, albite-rich rock with accessory columbite-tantalite, cassiterite, microlite and ixiolite as well as topaz, garnet and white mica. Ages of 450–600 Ma were obtained from zircons by the 207Pb/206Pb evaporation method. Great uncertainty is caused by the small size and poor quality of the grains, but the precision is sufficient to indicate that the granite is late- or postorogenic with respect to the Panafrican orogeny. The Nuweibi granite is divided into a western and an eastern part by a regional fault. Both parts of the granite are compositionally similar but there are important differences and a clear compositional gap between them, so they are considered separate facies of an intrusive complex. The eastern part of the granite is more highly mineralized, has higher modal albite contents and higher Ta/Nb ratios, both in the whole rock and in the ore minerals. It is suggested that the two parts of the granite evolved from a common source and were emplaced sequentially, the eastern part representing a later, more fractionated magma. Textural evidence strongly suggests that the granite has a magmatic origin overall, but disturbance of geochemical trends at the whole-rock scale and at the scale of zoning profiles in individual grains of columbite-tantalite indicate post-magmatic overprinting. By analogy with other Ta-bearing albite granites, the sodic bulk composition of the Nuweibi granite can be explained by fluorine enrichment in the magma. Fluorine contents in the magma were high enough to stabilize topaz, and muscovites contain 2–4 wt.%. F. However, whole-rock F contents are low. We speculate that the low Ca, Al and P contents of the magma prevented abundant F-bearing minerals to form and led to loss of fluorine to now-eroded roof rocks. Received: 8 November 1995 / Accepted: 10 June 1996  相似文献   

Tailings generated during processing of sulfide ores represent a substantial risk to water resources. The oxidation of sulfide minerals within tailings deposits can generate low-quality water containing elevated concentrations of SO4, Fe, and associated metal(loid)s. Acid generated during the oxidation of pyrite [FeS2], pyrrhotite [Fe(1−x)S] and other sulfide minerals is neutralized to varying degrees by the dissolution of carbonate, (oxy)hydroxide, and silicate minerals. The extent of acid neutralization and, therefore, pore-water pH is a principal control on the mobility of sulfide-oxidation products within tailings deposits. Metals including Fe(III), Cu, Zn, and Ni often occur at high concentrations and exhibit greater mobility at low pH characteristic of acid mine drainage (AMD). In contrast, (hydr)oxyanion-forming elements including As, Sb, Se, and Mo commonly exhibit greater mobility at circumneutral pH associated with neutral mine drainage (NMD). These differences in mobility largely result from the pH-dependence of mineral precipitation–dissolution and sorption–desorption reactions. Cemented layers of secondary (oxy)hydroxide and (hydroxy)sulfate minerals, referred to as hardpans, may promote attenuation of sulfide-mineral oxidation products within and below the oxidation zone. Hardpans may also limit oxygen ingress and pore-water migration within sulfide tailings deposits. Reduction–oxidation (redox) processes are another important control on metal(loid) mobility within sulfide tailings deposits. Reductive dissolution or transformation of secondary (oxy)hydroxide phases can enhance Fe, Mn, and As mobility within sulfide tailings. Production of H2S via microbial sulfate reduction may promote attenuation of sulfide-oxidation products, including Fe, Zn, Ni, and Tl, via metal-sulfide precipitation. Understanding the dynamics of these interrelated geochemical and mineralogical processes is critical for anticipating and managing water quality associated with sulfide mine tailings.  相似文献   

该文在对不同始干密度的塔克拉玛干沙漠砂压缩试验结果进行分析的基础上,引入了一条归一化压缩曲线并定义了与这相对应的坚一化因子。利用该归一化压缩曲线可计算不同初始干密度、不同应力范围下浙江省砂的压缩模量,并将其结果应用于沙漠地基的沉降计算。  相似文献   

A partly modified planimetric/square graph paper method of mechanical analysis was developed for analyzing the Riasi Tillite which is of quartzitic composition and whose mineral or rock components cannot be separated from each other without much loss of their size by any reported chemical or mechanical techniques so far used. The method works under the principal of model analysis (Chayes, 1956), but here any size of specimen which contains grains having different shades of color can be used. The rock specimen to be analysed by these methods is polished very fine from all possible sides and then with the help of a planimeter/square graph paper the area of the various polished surfaces and the grains on them is calculated and the percent frequency of each size range determined. Based on such calculations, many samples of the Riasi Tillite were analysed and their histograms and cumulative curves have been drawn. The character of these curves confirms that the socalled “brecciated quartzitic grit” (Middlemiss, 1928) is nothing but tillite (Riasi Tillite by Wakhaloo and Sharma, 1970).  相似文献   

Twenty-one surficial sand samples from the Altar Desert coastal and desert dune systems were analysed for rare earth elements (REE) content. This was done to observe the provenance signatures for four strategic dune localities near the Colorado River Delta, the El Pinacate dune fields, and the beaches of the north of the Gulf of California in the state of Sonora, Mexico. Our goals are to show which mechanisms (i.e., aeolian, marine) exert more influence on the composition of the Altar Desert dune sands. This study also shows the usefulness of REE spatial distribution to determine the relative mobility of the sand. Some sand samples from the dune systems in San Luis Río Colorado (SLRC), Golfo de Santa Clara (GSC), and Puerto Peñasco (PP) displayed dissimilar REE concentrations with respect to the rest of the sand samples from the same sites. These differences can be related to short aeolian transport distance in the sands with high REE concentrations and long aeolian transport distance in the sands with low REE concentrations. Besides, high REE concentration in the sands might be due to their closeness to the Colorado River Delta sediments and to recycled sands derived from granitic rocks. In contrast, all the sand samples from the El Pinacate (EP) site have similar REE concentration values, suggesting that the El Pinacate dune sands are influenced by more selective aeolian processes and less diverse heavy mineral content. The Altar Desert dune sands are derived from granitic sources eroded by the Colorado River. Our results also indicate that the Altar Desert dune sands are low in heavy mineral content (with the exception of Fe and Ti bearing minerals) and enriched in carbonates with phosphates (especially at the PP site) yielding poor correlations between REE and major element concentrations. The REE geographical distribution values in the Altar Desert dune sands indicate that light and heavy REE concentration values are related to aeolian transport, maturity of the sands, their low weathering rates, proximity of the source rocks, and the biogenic debris input from beach sands into the dune.  相似文献   

The Elura Zn-Pb-Ag deposit, situated 43 km NNW of Cobar, western New South Wales, is hosted by the C.S.A. Siltstone, a distal turbidite sequence. Deep weathering has given rise to a bleached quartz-muscovite-kaolinite rock to a depth of approximately 80 m. Weathered bedrock is mantled by a thin (0.3–2 m) layer of soil and transported overburden which contains thin layers of maghemite-bearing gravels. Outcrop in the area is extremely poor with the insignificant gossan subcrop covered by 0.2 m of soil. The water table is presently at a depth of about 80 m. Groundwater is saline with up to 2.5% total dissolved solids.Oxidation of the orebody has resulted in the formation of a gossan and ferruginization of wall rocks. Elements associated with ore and retained at high concentration in the gossan are Ag, As, Ba, Cu, Hg, Mo, Pb, Sb, (Se) and Sn; much of the Zn has been leached whilst Cd and Tl are below the detection limits. Silver, Cu and Hg have been partially leached and concentrated in the supergene zone. Ferruginous wall rock contains substantial amounts of Pb, As and Ba but other element contents are substantially lower than in the gossan.Secondary dispersion from the Elura orebody is largely restricted to an interpreted paleodrainage channel SW of the orebody and has occurred in two distinct periods. Mobile elements, particularly Zn, leached during gossan formation, occur in anomalous concentrations at or near the water table. More recently, the less mobile elements Pb, As, Bi, Hg and Sb have been leached from mechanically transported fragments of ferruginized wall rock and gossan by the saline groundwaters and occur as anomalies up to 150 m from the gossan in near-surface bedrock. Copper and Zn form broad low-contrast anomalies whilst Sn is retained within the gossan.Iron-rich bands, 50–1200 mm in thickness, which are common in the weathered zone about the Elura orebody, were formed by precipitation from groundwater passing along bedding planes, shears, fractures and cracks. They have higher As, Bi, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Zn, lower values of Ba and Sr, and similar Pb, Sb and Sn contents to the weathered siltstones. Iron may be derived from Fe-rich carbonates in the siltstones and be redeposited as goethite and minor hematite. These Fe-rich bands have trapped target and pathfinder elements which are believed to be from primary haloes rather than from the orebody or gossan.A two-stage mechanism for the formation of some secondary minerals within the weathered zone has been confirmed by stable light isotope studies. These studies have also shown that fractionation of S isotopes is minimal during gossan formation, and that a S isotopic halo in weathered bedrock may be used as an exploration tool.  相似文献   

Studies on composition and distribution of dust deposition are necessary for the risk assessment of dust to atmospheric quality. We studied the vertical distribution pattern of dust and metal (Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn) deposition up to 33 m height in urban environment. Integrated geochemical, mineralogical and magnetic study of the seasonally sampled dust helped to specify our knowledge on the use of magnetic susceptibility for tracking its deposition. Harmful dust and metal deposition may occur even at great heights and at the low-traffic side of buildings. Re-suspension of local surface materials dominates the dust deposition primarily in summer and spring due to weather conditions, and it may overwrite the influence of recent anthropogenic activities on dust composition. The accepted air-flow models should be modified by taking the local conditions (weather, morphology, etc.) into account. All studied metals showed strong enrichment in the dust and could be characterized by similar vertical deposition pattern to dust. The total susceptibility was found to be much more useful proxy for tracking dust and metal deposition than mass-specific susceptibility. Using the former, potential errors arising from sampling practice of settled dust could be eliminated. The most important heavy-metal-bearing phases were iron oxides and clay minerals. Their different behavior during the dust deposition is reflected by the vertical metal distribution patterns. Clay minerals originate primarily from re-suspension and may be one of the most important sources of potentially mobile heavy metals in such materials.  相似文献   

Geochemical and mineralogical studies were conducted on the 12-m-thick weathering profile of the Kata Beach granite in Phuket, Thailand, in order to reveal the transport and adsorption of rare earth elements (REE) related to the ion-adsorption type mineralization. The parent rock is ilmenite-series biotite granite with transitional characteristics from I type to S type, abundant in REE (592 ppm). REE are contained dominantly in fluorocarbonate as well as in allanite, titanite, apatite, and zircon. The chondrite-normalized REE pattern of the parent granite indicates enrichment of LREE relative to HREE and no significant Ce anomaly. The upper part of the weathering profile from the surface to 4.5 m depth is mostly characterized by positive Ce anomaly, showing lower REE contents ranging from 174 to 548 ppm and lower percentages of adsorbed REE from 34% to 68% compared with the parent granite. In contrast, the lower part of the profile from 4.5 to 12 m depth is characterized by negative Ce anomaly, showing higher REE contents ranging from 578 to 1,084 ppm and higher percentages from 53% to 85%. The negative Ce anomaly and enrichment of REE in the lower part of the profile suggest that acidic soil water in an oxidizing condition in the upper part mostly immobilized Ce4+ as CeO2 and transported REE3+ downward to the lower part of the profile. The transported REE3+ were adsorbed onto weathering products or distributed to secondary minerals such as rhabdophane. The immobilization of REE results from the increase of pH due to the contact with higher pH groundwater. Since the majority of REE in the weathered granite are present in the ion-adsorption fraction with negative Ce anomaly, the percentages of adsorbed REE are positively correlated with the whole-rock negative Ce anomaly. The result of this study suggests that the ion-adsorption type REE mineralization is identified by the occurrence of easily soluble REE fluorocarbonate and whole-rock negative Ce anomaly of weathered granite. Although fractionation of REE in weathered granite is controlled by the occurrence of REE-bearing minerals and adsorption by weathering products, the ion-adsorption fraction tends to be enriched in LREE relative to weathered granite.  相似文献   

Subsurface regions of alluvial sediments characterized by an abundance of refractory or lignitic organic carbon compounds and reduced Fe and S bearing minerals, which are referred to as naturally reduced zones (NRZ), are present at the Integrated Field Research Challenge site in Rifle, CO (a former U mill site), and other contaminated subsurface sites. A study was conducted to demonstrate that the NRZ contains a variety of contaminants and unique minerals and potential contaminant hosts, investigate micron-scale spatial association of U with other co-contaminants, and determine solid phase-bounded U valence state and phase identity. The NRZ sediment had significant solid phase concentrations of U and other co-contaminants suggesting competing sorption reactions and complex temporal variations in dissolved contaminant concentrations in response to transient redox conditions, compared to single contaminant systems. The NRZ sediment had a remarkable assortment of potential contaminant hosts, such as Fe oxides, siderite, Fe(II) bearing clays, rare solids such as ZnS framboids and CuSe, and, potentially, chemically complex sulfides. Micron-scale inspections of the solid phase showed that U was spatially associated with other co-contaminants. High concentration, multi-contaminant, micron size (ca. 5–30 μm) areas of mainly U(IV) (53–100%) which occurred as biogenic UO2 (82%), or biomass – bound monomeric U(IV) (18%), were discovered within the sediment matrix confirming that biotically induced reduction and subsequent sequestration of contaminant U(VI) via natural attenuation occurred in this NRZ. A combination of assorted solid phase species and an abundance of redox-sensitive constituents may slow U(IV) oxidation rates, effectively enhancing the stability of U(IV) sequestered via natural attenuation, impeding rapid U flushing, and turning NRZs into sinks and long-term, slow-release sources of U contamination to groundwater.  相似文献   

In this paper we present sedimentological, geochemical, mineralogical and 14C Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) dating data of a 21.0‐m core obtained from Alikes Lagoon, Zakynthos Island. It is the first time that sedimentological and geochemical data are presented, up to 21‐m depth, from an Holocene coastal lagoon environment of the Ionia Sea, western Greece. The sedimentological properties and the geochemical composition of sediments were studied for the time period between 8540 years bp to present. Samples were analysed for their particle size, calcium carbonate and total organic carbon (TOC) content. Moreover, bulk sample chemical analyses for major and trace elements were carried out, as well as bulk, oriented mineralogical analyses for the clay fraction (<2 µm) were determined by powder X‐Ray diffraction. The grain size characteristics, statistical parameters and TOC, for the Holocene analysed samples, suggest a coastal environment (restricted‐shallow) with reduced salinity such as a tidal flat and/or particularly marsh in a lagoon margin. Sediment characteristics as well as trace element records may contain additional new palaeoclimate information that provide important new constraint on sediment depositional environment and Holocene climate. Stratigraphic variation of geochemical indices, such as Rb/Ti, Cs/Ti, Eu/Eu*, Th/Ti, La/Ti, Ta/Ti, Yb/Ti and Y/Ti, for the sediments with ages from 8540 to 7210 years bp , remain relatively constant indicating that the provenance of the Alikes Lagoon remained similar throughout the mid Holocene. However, geochemical indices in sediments with ages from 7110 years bp to present, indicate the transition from a warm and wet climate in the middle Holocene to a relatively cold climatic conditions in modern times. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

 The geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of bulk samples and various size fractions of sulfide-bearing fine-grained sediments in the Petalax area, western Finland, were studied with ICP-AES (aqua regia digestion and "total" digestion) and X-ray diffraction. The sediments, which are dominated by particles <0.06 mm (clay and silt size), are composed of phyllosilicates (micas, kaolinite, chlorite, vermiculite), quartz, feldspars, amphiboles, organic matter, and secondary S minerals. The chemical analyses show that Na, Ca, and Sr are enriched in the silt and sand fractions, that Zr is enriched in the silt fraction, and that the concentrations of all other studied metals (Al, Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, La, Mg, Mn, Nb, Ni, Sc, Th, Ti, V, Y, and Zn) increase from the sand to the clay fraction. Sodium, Ca, and Sr occur largely in poorly dissolved feldspars, which explains the distribution of these metals in the sediments. The increase in the concentrations of most metals in the clay fraction is interpreted to be the result mainly of an increase in phyllosilicates in this size fraction. A geochemical comparison between the sulfide-bearing fine-grained sediments and glacial till shows that the former are enriched in several potentially toxic metals. It is therefore argued that the hydrological and ecological problems associated with the sulfide-bearing sediments are related not only to the production of acidity in oxidized layers, but also to mobilization and dispersion of toxic metals. Strategies to minimize damage of freshwater systems in areas covered with sulfide-bearing fine-grained sediments are suggested. Received: 20 February 1997 · Accepted: 25 August 1997  相似文献   

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