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In case of autocyclic sedimentation, direct relationship exists between net thickness of strata and number of coal cycles. Many of the coal basins including coal bearing Gondwana basins of India are good examples of autocyclic sedimentation, in which the cyclicity is attributed to intrabasinal differential subsidence of the basin floor. In the present work an attempt has been made to quantify the intrabasinal subsidence in a part of the Barakar Formation of the Talchir Gondwana basin. Eight undisturbed intervals were delineated in the Barakar stratigraphy. During different phases of sedimentation, different parts of the study area subsided with varying magnitudes. The areas of maximum subsidence accommodated thicker sediment column in comparison to the areas of slow subsidence rate.  相似文献   

Elemental and organic geochemical studies have been carried out on the Gondwana sediments, collected from the outcrops of Permian and Jurassic–Cretaceous rocks in the Krishna–Godavari basin on the eastern coast of India, to understand their paleo and depositional environment and its implications for hydrocarbon generation in the basin. Amongst the studied formations, the Raghavapuram, Gollapalli and Tirupati form a dominant Cretaceous Petroleum System in the west of the basin. Raghavapuram shales and its stratigraphic equivalents are the source rock and Gollapalli and Tirupati sandstones form the reservoirs, along with basaltic Razole formation as the caprock. Major element systematics and X-ray diffraction study of the sandstones indicate them to be variably enriched with SiO2 relative to Al2O3 and CaO, which is associated, inherently with the deposition and diagenesis of the Gondwana sediments. Post-Archean Average Shale normalized rare earth elements in shales show enrichment in most of the samples due to the increasing clay mineral and organic matter assemblage. A negative europium and cerium anomaly is exhibited by the REE's in majority of rocks. Composed primarily of quartz grains and silica cement, the Gollapalli and Tirupati sandstones have characteristics of high quality reservoirs. The shales show a significant increase in the concentration of redox sensitive trace elements, Ni, V, Cr, Ba and Zn. The total organic carbon content of the shales ranges between 0.1 and 0.5 wt%. Programmed pyrolysis of selected samples show the Tmax values to range between 352–497 °C and that of hydrogen index to be between 57–460 mgHC/gTOC. The organic matter is characterized by, mainly, gas prone Type III kerogen. The n-alkane composition is dominated by n-C11–C18 and acyclic isoprenoid, phytane. The aromatic fraction shows the presence of naphthalene, anthracene, phenanthrene, chrysene and their derivatives, resulting largely from the diagenetic alteration of precursor terpenoids. The organic geochemical proxies indicate the input of organic matter from near-shore terrestrial sources and its deposition in strongly reducing, low oxygen conditions. The organic matter richness and maturity derived from a favorable depositional setting has its bearing upon the Gondwana sediments globally, and also provides promising exploration opportunities, particularly in the Raghavapuram sequence of the KG basin.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2007,11(3-4):363-369
In peninsular India, Gondwana strata are disposed linearly as strings of isolated basins conforming to the trend of the present day Koel–Damodar, Son–Mahanadi and Prahnita–Godavari river valleys. There are seven exposed and one concealed Gondwana basins/outliers in Orissa belonging to the Son–Mahanadi valley system. The present study is concerned with the consanguinity of the Talchir and Ong-river basins of Orissa. Similarity and dissimilarity of palaeocurrent population in these two basins were taken into consideration to test the consanguinity of the basins under consideration. Statistical analysis suggests that the sampled palaeocurrent data of the same formation belong to the same population when considered for both basins. In geologic terms, the basin parameters were identical when considered for either the Talchir or the Karharbari Formation that proves the consanguinity of both the basins and the possible existence of a master basin that encompassed other sister Gondwana basins in Orissa.  相似文献   

Modeling fractured rocks with numerical methods requires some derived parameters, among which the fracture network connectivity and the size of the representative elementary volume (REV) are both of crucial importance. Percolation and REV analyses were made by the RepSim code. The program uses input parameters such as fractal dimension of the fracture midpoints (D c), length exponent (E) and relative dip (α r) data. For percolation analysis, the relative sizes of the largest percolation clusters have been calculated by stochastic realizations of the simulated fracture networks with different parameter triplets. Furthermore, fracture networks can be classified into three major types on the basis of their (E,D c,α r) parameters. For the REV calculations, the porosity of the generated fracture network was calculated. The derived REV size of a fracture network depends essentially on input parameters and shows a decreasing tendency with increasing D and E and vice versa. The method mentioned above was tested on both metamorphic samples of the Pannonian Basin and Variscan granitoid rocks of the Mórágy Complex. Percolation values predicted for the Mórágy granite are highly sensitive to alterations in the input parameters. The amphibolite bodies displayed a modeled fracture network with 80 to 90% of all fractures being interconnected, while the largest achievable percolation cluster size of gneiss is less than 10%. The REV size of the amphibolite is about 20 m as a result of connected fractures filling the whole body, while gneiss has lower porosity and higher REV (approximately 70 m).  相似文献   

An extraordinarily strong and persistent earthquake swarm (Andaman swarm 2005) originated in the Andaman back-arc following the aftershock sequences of the 26 December 2004 Sumatra earthquake. The swarm (n = 651, mbmax= 5.9) came mainly in two phases: January 26–31 and Feb.–Aug. 2005, in an area of size 90 × 40 km2, at the centre of which lies a broad bathymetric depression and high gravity zone. The swarm demonstrates a complex faulting series, initially the strike-slip motion followed by normal faulting in repetitive sequences, whose representative fault planes orient at high angle to the regional faults. The swarm character as well as the distribution of stress-axes and their correlation to tectonic features lends speculation for formation of a nascent rift segment in NW-SE direction at the doorstep of the Sewell Seamount. The swarm has given rise to 21 episodes of rifting activities of variable time extent within 26–31 January 2005. The r-t plots corresponding to the swarm data, modelled with variable hydraulic diffusivity (D) values 4, 6, 8 and 10 m2/s, suggest for excess pressure front from ascending magmatic fluid. This eventually heralded the rifting; causing pore pressure perturbations that propagated in accordance with known diffusion parabolic equations.  相似文献   

The Coal Bed Methane (CBM), a dreadful mining hazard, became eco-friendly clean gas for the third world country when humanity is facing challenges against pollution and energy crisis. It is observed from the studies that the Korba and Ib valley coals have potential for CBM exploration whereas Umaria coals have negligible potential. Though, the Sohagpur coalfields (east of Umaria coalfield) have ample scope of CBM exploration.  相似文献   

The Paleo-Meso Proterozoic Gwalior basin (E - W), lying to NW fringe of Bundelkhand massif is represented by litho-package of lower arenaceous Par Formation and upper chemogenic Morar Formation. It is bounded by Indo-Gangetic alluvium in north and east, Kaimur sediments in west and Bundelkhand granitoids in south. Gwalior Basin has been the exploration target for uranium mineralization right from early 60’s. Surface radioactivity anomalies due to uranium has been reported in both Par and Morar Formations of Gwalior Group and Vindhyan sediments. Besides presence of syngenetic uranium in the system, presence of post-depositional faults and fractures are the favorable factors. Aeromagnetic survey was carried out by AMD in 2002 with N-S lines of 500 m interval covering 9406 line km. The data with sampling interval of 0.1 sec was corrected for spikes, diurnal variation, IGRF, heading and lag. Final processed images are prepared after suitable leveling and gridding. First vertical derivative of TMI-RTP and tilt-angle derivative images are used to map the litho-contacts, lineaments and structural features. Numerous NE-SW trending low amplitude and NW-SE trending high amplitude magnetic linears corroborate with quartz reefs and basic dykes respectively. Besides, E-W to WNW-ESE and ENE-WSW trending fractures are also evident from the processed image maps. Further, the Euler’s depth solution of gridded aeromagnetic data calculated for structural indices of 0 and 1 are very consistent in locating the position of the causative sources. Based on the amplitude and textural character of processed aeromagnetic data, alteration zone is delineated well within the Morar Formation. Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) image with 30m resolution was merged with IRS PAN 1D (5.8 m resolution) for better spatial/radiometric resolution to extract litho-contacts and lineament patterns. Merged PAN band-4 after linear contrast and edge enhancement techniques deciphered detailed lineament pattern, which corroborate the magnetic data. Merged ETM+ (RGB 751) and PC (PC1-PC2-PC5) images depict litho-logical contrast. Integration of aeromagnetic and satellite imagery data helped in understanding the structural fabric of the Gwalior Basin and to identify favorable loci of uranium mineralization.  相似文献   

The Linzizong Group (64–44 Ma) of the Lhasa Terrane in Tibet is critically positioned for establishing the paleoposition of the southern leading edge of the Asian continent during Paleogene times and constraining onset of the India–Asia collision. Here we report paleomagnetic results from a collection comprising 384 drill-core samples from 34 sites embracing all three formations of this group. Comprehensive demagnetization and field tests isolate characteristic remanent magnetizations (ChRM) summarized by overall tilt-corrected formation-mean directions of D = 183.6°, I = −12.4° (α95 = 8.1°) for the Dianzhong (64–60 Ma), D = 1.0°, I = 18.1° (α95 = 8.1°) for the Nianbo (60–50 Ma), and D = 12.4°, I = 23.2° (α95 = 7.3°) for the Pana (50–44 Ma). Fold tests are positive in each formation suggesting a pre-folding origin and we interpret the magnetizations as quasi-primary and acquired at, or slightly later than, formation of the Linzizong Group. Revised Paleogene paleopoles with Ar–Ar age constraints for the Lhasa Terrane indicate that onset of the India–Asia collision occurred no later than ∼60.5 ± 1.5 Ma at a low paleolatitude of ∼10°N. Analysis of 60 site-mean observations from a range of studies of the Pana Formation in the higher part of the succession highlight a large dispersion of ChRM directions; a number of possible causes are suggested but further study of this formation over a wider area is required to resolve this issue.  相似文献   

The coal-bearing sequences of Barakar and Raniganj formations exposed in Bina and Jhingurdah open-cast collieries, respectively, are analysed for their macro- and miofloral content. The sediment successions primarily comprise of sandstones, shales, claystones and coal seams. In addition to the diverse glossopterid assemblage, four palynoassemblage zones, namely Zones I and II in Bina Colliery and Zones III and IV in Jhingurdah Colliery, have also been recorded in the present study. The megafossil assemblage from the Barakar strata of Bina Colliery comprises of three genera, namely Gangamopteris, Glossopteris and cf. Noeggerathiopsis. Palynoassemblage-I is characterised by the dominance of non-striate bisaccate pollen genus Scheuringipollenites and subdominance of striate bisaccate Faunipollenites and infers these strata to be of Early Permian (Artinskian) age (Lower Barakar Formation). The palynoassemblage has also yielded a large number of naked fossil spore tetrads, which is the first record of spore tetrads from any Artinskian strata in the world and has a significant bearing on the climatic conditions. The palynoassemblage-II is characterised with the dominance of Faunipollenites over Scheuringipollenites and is indicative of Kungurian age (Upper Barakar Formation). The megafossil assemblage from the Raniganj Formation of Jhingurdah Colliery comprises of five genera with 26 species representing four orders, viz., Equisetales, Cordaitales, Cycadales and Glossopteridales. The order Glossopteridales is highly diversified with 23 taxa and the genus Glossopteris, with 22 species, dominates the flora. The mioflora of this colliery is represented by two distinct palynoassemblages. The palynoassemblage-III is correlatable with the palynoflora of Early Permian (Artinskian) Lower Barakar Formation. The assemblage suggests the continuity of older biozones into the younger ones. The palynoassemblage-IV equates the beds with composition V: Striatopodocarpites–Faunipollenites–Gondisporites assemblage zone of Tiwari and Tripathi (1992) of Late Permian (Lopingian) Raniganj Formation in Damodar Basin. The FAD’s of Alisporites, Klausipollenites, Falcisporites, Arcuatipollenites pellucidus and Playfordiaspora cancellosa palynotaxa in this assemblage enhance the end Permian level of the Jhingurdah Top seam, as these elements are the key species to mark the transition of Permian into the Lower Triassic.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2016,29(4):1257-1281
This work examines the relations between the Cadomian-type peri-Gondwana blocks and West and North Africa and Arabia (WNA) and the sediments derived therefrom during the Neoproterozoic. This provides insights regarding the formation, development, and paleogeography of the Cadomian domain, and when interpreted in the framework of plate tectonic processes allows proposing an internally consistent, though tentative, picture of the Neoproterozoic history of the domain before the Cadomian orogeny. Since WNA is built of terranes that were originally dispersed over a ≥ 2000 km wide area (E–W), it was only when their assembly was well advanced (≤ ca. 680–650 Ma ago) that they formed a continuous continental area with a well-defined margin next to which a continuous peripheral Cadomian domain could be shaped. Most likely it formed by accretion of various elements to the newly formed WNA margin, which is supported by several lines of evidence. The exposed basement rocks of the Cadomian domain are usually ≤ 600–580 Ma old (Late Ediacaran and Early Paleozoic). Before the Cadomian orogeny much of the domain comprised marine basins, several hundred kilometers wide, filled mainly by thick siliciclastics associated with variable amounts of igneous rocks. A large fraction of the sediments was produced by extensive erosion of WNA, but the West African Craton probably had a secondary role as a sediment source. Subduction-related igneous rocks occur in basinal areas close to the northern active margin of the Cadomian domain, and these areas were affected by the Cadomian orogeny. There arc-derived, rather than WNA-derived detritus appears to be present, proving the existence of adjacent magmatic arcs, although the arcs are little exposed. As sediment transport was necessarily down-slope, the distribution of WNA- and arc-derived detritus and its termporal changes provide insights regarding the slopes of basin-floors and thus the paleogeography, while changes in their distribution most likely record tectonic activity. However, these issues still require further study. The Late Ediacaran paleogeographic setting recorded by the exposures is interpreted as comprising backarc basins and magmatic arcs, with igneous activity and deformation being more pronounced in the outboard parts of the domain (including basinal areas), similar to the situation in the Western Pacific. It is hypothesized that, as in the latter area, the entire system was controlled by retreat (roll back) of the bordering subduction zone, and that this setting was produced ca. 600 Ma ago or somewhat earlier by modification of a pre-existing active margin that was initially shaped by the accretion of the Cadomian domain to WNA. However, the absence of direct evidence about the early history of the domain does not allow interpretation beyond this general picture.  相似文献   

Mantle xenoliths from the Obnazhennaya kimberlite pipe, Yakutia, possess a large range of mineralogical and chemical compositions, from both group A and B eclogites. Major-element contents of the group A eclogites exhibit transitional features between the group B eclogites and peridotite. The Mg# of clinopyroxenes is 0.86–0.94, with 0.60–0.84 for garnets. Differences in concentration of LREEs exist between the Obnazhennaya group A and the well-studied group B eclogites from the Udachnaya kimberlite pipe. In general, garnets in the group A eclogites contain lower LREEs than those from the group B eclogites; however, the trend for clinopyroxene is reversed. High d 18O (5.46–7.81) values, and the positive Eu anomalies in the garnets and clinopyroxenes (Eu/Eu* 1.2–1.4) demonstrate the involvement of an oceanic crustal component in the formation of the group A eclogites. The group A eclogites formed between 21.0 and 37.6 kbar, and 711 and 923 °C, in a time interval of 1,071–1,237 Ma. An innovative model is proposed to explain the formation of the group A eclogites and websterites. It involves the reaction of a depleted mantle peridotite with TTG and carbonatite melts closely related to the subduction of oceanic crust.  相似文献   

Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) is investigated in samples of Peralimala (PM) pluton (ca. 550 Ma) and adjacent gneiss, gabbro, mylonite and amphibolite from the Moyar Shear Zone (MSZ), Southern Granulite Terrane (SGT) with an aim to decipher the time-relationship between fabric development in the pluton and regional tectonics. Magnetic foliation recorded in the PM pluton is sub-parallel to the WNW-ESE striking MSZ. Magnetic foliation and lineation trajectories are sigmoidal and curve into the shear zone. A dextral sense of shear is deciphered from the trajectories, which is similar to that reported within the MSZ in some earlier studies. It is inferred that the PM pluton has developed post-emplacement deformation-fabric related to reactivation of the MSZ during Pan-African age. Based on the data and existing information about regional tectonics of the area, the possibility of the (a) PM pluton being a Deformed Alkali Rock and Carbonatite (DARC) and (b) MSZ marking an ancient suture zone, is discussed.  相似文献   

The Quaternary sediments in the Yili Basin can serve as archives for studying the Cenozoic basin–mountain relationship. In this study, based on typical natural sections and boreholes, the surficial sediments of the Huocheng area were studied, and their sedimentary ages were obtained using the optically stimulated luminescence(OSL) and electron spin resonance(ESR) dating methods. These dates, combined with changes in the sedimentary facies, provided details of the neotectonic movement in the Yili Basin and adjacent areas. By dating sediments from five sections and three boreholes, we determined that the surficial sediments of the Huocheng area were mainly formed in the Late Pleistocene, with scattered instances of Holocene sediments. The surficial sediments mainly consisted of alluvial fan facies, fluvial facies, lacustrine facies, and desert facies. Based on the activity on the Hongshanzui fault and the northern margin fault of the Wusun Mountains, the Huocheng area was uplifted synchronously with the Tianshan Mountains during the last stage of the Late Pleistocene, causing the desert facies sediments to be superimposed on the former paleo–lake sediments.  相似文献   

Summary The Degana pluton hosts one of the few known tungsten deposits in India It is an epizonal, moderately high silica pluton emplaced during the Proterozoic in a posttectonic setting. Though homogeneous in composition, it displays textural heterogeneity from coarse-grained hypidiomorphic to fine-grained porphyritic to hypabyssal granite porphyry. Genetically related rhyolites are also present. Coherency of geochemical and mineralogical attributes in the Degana pluton can be explained by fractional crystallisation. Complex variety of hydrothermal and pneumatolytic features is also present. At shallow depths, emanation differentiation has led to progressive enrichment of Li, Rb, and W. Both the plutonic and volcanic phases of the magma show development of rapakivi texture and other diagnostic characteristics of the rapakivi granites.The Degana granite is a specialised granite and classified as an A-type intraplate anorogenic granite of mantle plume origin. The mineralogy and chemistry of the Degana pluton compares well with the various rapakivi granites of south-eastern Fennoscandia. Chemical and textural characteristics of the Degana pluton provide a constraint on the formation of the rapakivi texture when interpreted in terms of experimentally determined phase equilibria. The mantling process is interpreted as a result of pressure fluctuations due to escape and recharging of volatiles (e.g., H2O and F) accompanying the emplacement of the magma.
Geologie und Geochemie des Degana-Plutons—ein proterozoischer Rapakivi Granite in Rajasthan, Indien
Zusammenfassung Der Degana Pluton enhält eine der wenigen in Indien bekannten Wolfram-Lagerstätten. Es handelt sich hier um einen epizonalen Pluton mit höheren Si-Gehalten, der während des Proterozoikums in ein posttektonisches Setting intrudiert wurde. Obwohl er in seiner Zusammensetzung homogen ist, zeigt er Heterogenität auf dem texturellen Bereich, die von grobkörnig hypidiomorph bis feinkörnig porphyritisch und schließlich bis zu hypabyssischen Granitporphyren reicht. Genetisch verwandte Rhyolite kommen im Untersuchungsgebiet auch vor. Übereinstimmende geochemische und mineralogische Parameter können auf fraktionierte Kristallisation zurückgeführt werden. Eine komplexe Vielfalt von hydrothermalen und pneumotolytischen Erscheinungen ist bemerkenswert. In geringen Tiefen hat die Emanations-Differentiation zu einer progressiven Anreicherung von Li, Rb und W geführt. Sowohl die plutonischen als auch die vulkanischen Erstarrungsprodukte des Magmas zeigen die Entwicklung von Rapakivi-Texturen und anderen diagnostischen Eigenschaften der Rapakivi-Granite.Der Degana-Granit ist ein spezialisierter Granit und ist als ein anorogener Intraplattengranit des A-Typs zu klassifizieren, der auf einen mantle plume zurückgeführt wird. Die Mineralogie und Chemie des Degana-Plutons läßt sich gut mit der verschiedener Rapakivi Granite im südöstlichen Fennoskandien vergleichen. Chemische und texturelle Eigenheiten des Degana Plutons ermöglichen eine Eingrenzung der Bildung von Rapakivi Texturen, sofern sie im Sinne experimentell bestimmter Phasen-Gleichgewichte interpretiert werden. Die Entstehung von Überwachsungen einzelner Kristalle wird als Resultat von Druckschwankungen interpretiert, die auf das Entweichen und die Neuzufuhr von volatilen Phasen (i.e. H2O und F) im Gefolge der Platz nahme des Magmas zurückzuführen sind.

The petrological and chemical composition of a coal reflects all its inherent characters. Together with the variation in thickness of the coal seams, these aspects have been studied in detail around Salanpur (Raniganj Coalfield), India. The data reveal that any coal seam having its mother material supplied continuously from the same source will show a variation in its composition, the resultant being closely related to the environmental factors of the site of deposition, namely its morphology, including the disposition of its channel axis, and the palaeocurrent direction. Thus, it is suggested that these coal-seam properties may be used just as other sedimentary parameters in interpreting the characteristics of the site of deposition and depositing current.  相似文献   

In this paper, we, for the first time, report geochemistry of sandstone from Somanpalli Group from Pomburna area in the Eastern Belt of Pranhita–Godavari (PG) Valley, central India and studied to infer their provenance, intensity of paleo-weathering and depositional tectonic setting. Petrographic study of sandstones show QFL modal composition of arenite. Chemical results show high \(\hbox {SiO}_{2}\) and CIA but lower \(\hbox {Al}_{2}\hbox {O}_{3}, \hbox {TiO}_{2}\), Rb, Sr, \(\hbox {K}_{2}\hbox {O}\) indicating mixed sources. Major elements chemistry parameters such as, \(\hbox {K}_{2}\hbox {O/Al}_{2}\hbox {O}_{3}\) ratio and positive correlation of Rb with \(\hbox {K}_{2}\hbox {O}\), reflects a warm and humid climate for study area. The tectonic discrimination plots (\(\hbox {SiO}_{2}/20\)\(\hbox {K}_{2}\hbox {O} + \hbox {Na}_{2}\hbox {O}\)\(\hbox {TiO}_{2} + \hbox {Fe}_{2}\hbox {O}_{3} + \hbox {MgO};\,\hbox {K}_{2}\hbox {O}/\hbox {Na}_{2}\hbox {O}\) vs. \(\hbox {SiO}_{2}\); Th–Sc–Zr/20) indicate dominantly passive margin and slight active tectonic setting. Concentrations of Zr, Nb, Y, and Th are higher compared to the UCC values and the trends in Th/Cr, Th/Co, La/Sc and Cr/Zr ratios support a felsic and mafic source for these sandstones and deposition in passive margin basin. Chondrite normalized REE pattern reflects LREE depletion, negative Eu anomaly and flat HREE similar to UCC, felsic components. ICV value (0.95) also supports tectonically quiescent passive margin settings. CIA values (74) indicate high degree of chemical weathering and warm and humid paleoclimatic condition.  相似文献   

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