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Calculation similar to those of Mestel and Moss (1983) are performed to investigate the decay of a toroidal field through configurations satisfying the torque free condition, imposed by the presence of a poloidal field of dipolar form confined beneath the solar convection zone. It is found that initially stable field configurations diffuse into unstable configurations on time-scales of order a few x 108 yr. The results are similar to those of Tayler (1982) for a simpler field model without any dynamical constraints.  相似文献   

Horizontal large-scale velocity field describes horizontal displacement of the photospheric magnetic flux in zonal and meridian directions. The flow systems of solar plasma, constructed according to the velocity field, create the large-scale cellular-like patterns with up-flow in the center and the down-flow on the boundaries. Distribution of the largescale horizontal eddies (with characteristic scale length from 350 to 490 Mm) was found in the broad equatorial zone, limited by 60‡ latitude circles on both hemispheres. The zonal averages of the zonal and meridian velocities, and the total horizontal velocity for each Carrington rotation during the activity cycles no. 21 and 22 varies during the 11-yr activity cycle. Plot of RMS values of total horizontal velocity is shifted about 1.6 years before the similarly shaped variation of the magnetic flux.  相似文献   

Observations demonstrate a nearly 22-year periodic zonal flow superimposed on general solar differential rotation (LaBonte and Howard, 1982) and some meridional motions (e.g., Tuominen, Tuominen, and Kyrolänen, 1983). Such flows can be excited by the magnetic wave generated by the dynamo in the solar convective zone.An approximate analytical solution for the zonal and meridional flows for a given magnetic wave is constructed. This approach is justified by the fact that the magnetic field is generated by differential rotation and mean helicity, and the magnetic field in the time interval under consideration does not affect much this main flow; it can, however, strongly influence the perturbations of this flow.The density gradient in the convective zone is taken into account as an essential point in the solution construction. The solution agreed well with observational features and, in particular, it gives a phase shift between the rotational (zonal) wave and solar activity. A polar branch of the rotational wave can be described as an effect created by a poleward moving dynamo wave.Secular variations in the symmetrical part of the differential rotation and in the asymmetry between the north and south hemispheres are predicted.The alternative approaches to the explanation of the origin of the observed large-scale flows are discussed.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to infer the structure of the solar convection zone from observedp-mode frequencies of solar oscillations. The differential asymptotic inversion technique is used to find the sound speed in the solar envelope. It is found that envelope models which use the Canuto-Mazzitelli (CM) formulation for calculating the convective flux give significantly better agreement with observations than models constructed using the mixing length formalism. This inference can be drawn from both the scaled frequency differences and the sound speed difference. The sound speed in the CM envelope model is within 0.2% of that in the Sun except in the region withr > 0.99R . The envelope models are extended below the convection zone, to find some evidence for the gravitational settling of helium beneath the base of the convection zone. It turns out that for models with a steep composition gradient below the convection zone, the convection zone depth has to be increased by about 6 Mm in order to get agreement with helioseismic observations.  相似文献   

H. C. Spruit 《Solar physics》1974,34(2):277-290
A model of the convection zone is presented which matches an empirical model atmosphere (HSRA) and an interior model. A mixing length formalism containing four adjustable parameters is used. Thermodynamical considerations provide limits on two of these parameters. The average temperature-pressure relation depends on two or three combinations of the four parameters. Observational information on the structure of the outermost layers of the convection zone, and the value of the solar radius limit the range of possible parameter combinations. It is shown that in spite of the remaining freedom of choice of the parameters, the mean temperature-pressure relation is fixed well by these data.The reality of a small density inversion in the HSRA model is investigated. The discrepancy between the present model and a solar model by Mullan (1971) is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Howard (1993) finds a relationship between the tilt angles of BMRs (Bipolar Magnetic Regions) and the separation between their leading and following polarities; the tilt angle increases with polarity separation. Here we present a more detailed analysis of this relationship and show that this effect constrains the strength of the magnetic field at the bottom of the convection zone to a value between 40 and 150 kG, which confirms the constraints put by D'Silva and Choudhuri (1993) based on Joy's law (the tilt-latitude relationship), through an entirely different approach.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under CooperativeOperated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under Cooperative  相似文献   

Basu  Sarbani  Antia  H.M. 《Solar physics》2000,192(1-2):449-458
Using data from the Global Oscillations Network Group (GONG) that covers the period from 1995 to 1998 we study the change in frequencies of solar oscillations with solar activity. From these frequencies we attempt to determine any possible variation in solar structure with solar activity. We do not find any evidence of a change in the convection zone depth or extent of overshoot below the convection zone during the solar cycle.  相似文献   

In order to extend the abilities of the αΩ dynamo model to explain the observed regularities and anomalies of the solar magnetic activity, the negative buoyancy phenomenon and the magnetic quenching of the α effect were included in the model, as well as newest helioseismically determined inner rotation of the Sun were used. Magnetic buoyancy constrains the magnitude of toroidal field produced by the Ω effect near the bottom of the solar convection zone (SCZ). Therefore, we examined two “antibuoyancy” effects: i) macroscopic turbulent diamagnetism and ii) magnetic advection caused by vertical inhomogeneity of fluid density in the SCZ, which we call the ∇ρ effect. The Sun's rotation substantially modifies the ∇ρ effect. The reconstruction of the toroidal field was examined assuming the balance between mean‐field magnetic buoyancy, turbulent diamagnetism and the rotationally modified ∇ρ effect. It is shown that at high latitudes antibuoyancy effects block the magnetic fields in the deep layers of the SCZ, and so the most likely these deep‐rooted fields could not become apparent at the surface as sunspots. In the near‐equatorial region, however, the upward ∇ρ effect can facilitate magnetic fields of about 3000 – 4000 G to emerge through the surface at the sunspot belt. Allowance for the radial inhomogeneity of turbulent velocity in derivations of the helicity parameter resulted in a change of sign of the α effect from positive to negative in the northern hemisphere near the bottom of the SCZ. The change of sign is very important for direction of the Parker's dynamo‐waves propagation and for parity of excited magnetic fields. The period of the dynamo‐wave calculated with allowance for the magnetic quenching is about seven years, that agrees by order of magnitude with the observed mean duration of the sunspot cycles. Using the modern helioseismology data to define dynamo‐parameters, we conclude that north‐south asymmetry should exist in the meridional field. At low latitudes in deep layers of the SCZ, the αΩ dynamo excites most efficiency the dipolar mode of the meridional field. Meanwhile, in high‐latitude regions a quadrupolar mode dominates in the meridional field. The obtained configuration of the net meridional field is likely to explain the magnetic anomaly of polar fields (the apparent magnetic “monopole”) observed near the maxima of solar cycles. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Solar meridional drift motions are vitally important in connection with the origin of magnetic fields, the source of differential rotation, and perhaps convection. A large body of observational evidence is collated with the following conclusions. (i) Sunspot motions reveal latitudinal drifts (Figures 2 and 3) of a few metres per second which vary with latitude and have a strong 11-yr periodicity. There may also be a 22-yr component polewards during even cycles and equatorwards during odd. (ii) Various other tracers, all basically magnetic structures, show the 11-yr drifts at mid- and high latitudes up to the polar caps, motion being polewards during the three years starting just before minimum activity (Figure 4). (iii) The earlier evidence for giant cells or Rossby-type waves is shown to be merely misinterpretation of the hydromagnetic motions of tracers. Evidence against such giant eddies is found in the great stability of other tracer structures. (iv) From the various tracer motions a four cell axisymmetric meridional drift system is determined (Figure 5 (b)) with an 11-yr period of oscillation and amplitude a few metres per second. (v) These meridional oscillations must be a basic component of the activity cycle. They add to the difficulties of the dynamo theory, but may explain the emergence of stitches of flux ropes to form relatively small bipolar magnetic regions. (vi) The two cells also throw light on thetwo sunspot zones in each hemisphere, discussed earlier by Becker and by Antalová and Gnevyshev.  相似文献   

The flux-rope-fibre model of solar magnetic fields is developed further to cover post-spot evolution of the fields, faculae, and the influence of magnetic fields on some convective motions. (i) Unipolar magnetic regions of a strongly dominant polarity are explained, as are some fields outside the network, and some tiny reversed polarity fields. (ii) The migration of magnetic regions is explained: the following regions to the poles where most of the flux just vanishes and the preceding towards the equator. (iii) The model explains the rotation of the gross pattern of background fields with a period of 27 days. It explains the puzzling features of active longitudes and of magnetic longitudes extending across the equator. (iv) The magnetic model provides a framework for the various chromospheric fine structures, the rosettes, bushes, double chains, mottles and spicules. It provides qualitative models of these features and points the way to a very complicated quantitative model of the network. (v) Several new convective patterns are described and explained in terms of magnetic stresses. The first is the moat around sunspots, which replaces the supergranule motions there. The second is the long-lived (4–7 days) supergranule cell enclosed by strong fields. The third is a small-scale () convective motion, and the fourth is aligned or long granules, both caused by small-scale magnetic fields. (vi) Photospheric line faculae and photospheric continuum faculae are different phenomena. The former, like the chromospheric faculae, are caused by Alfvén-wave heating. The latter are caused by a new small-scale convective motion. (vii) A model of the 3-min oscillation is described.  相似文献   

The traditional model of solar magnetic fields is based on convection which dominates generally weak, diffuse fields and so tends to create increasingly tangled fields. Surplus fields must be eliminated by merging of opposite polarities; for example a solar dynamo of period≈10 yr requires fields to be reduced to a scale of<100 km or diffusivity to be increased by a factor of≈107 over molecular diffusivity. It is now shown that the true requirements of any diffuse-field theory are far more stringent, and that surplus fields must be eliminated within a single eddy period of 1 day (10 min) for the supergranules (granules). The reason is that during that period fresh fields are created with flux and energy comparable with those of the old fields. The numerical models of Weiss and Moss are used to confirm this result which is fatal to all diffuse-field theories. The basic error in these theories is found in the assumption that because heat and other passive properties of a fluid diffuse much faster in the presence of turbulence, passive magnetic fields should do likewise. The error is that the heat content of an eddy is not increased by the motion while the magnetic flux and energy are increased rapidly. It is shown that the observed concentrations of surface fields into strengths of?100 G cannot be accounted for by observed surface motions. Nor are they accounted for by the numerical models of turbulence of Weiss or Moss whatever values of the magnetic Reynolds number are assumed. A detailed comparison is made between both small-scale and large-scale surface magnetic features and the predictions of the diffuse-field theory. The differences appear irreconcilable and the features only explicable in terms of the twisted flux-rope model.  相似文献   

The solar magnetic fields observed in active regions and their residues are thought to be parts of toroidal field systems renewed every 11-yr cycle from a poloidal field. The latter may be either a reversing (dynamo) field or a non-reversing, primordial field. The latter view was held for some 70 yr, but the apparent reversals of the polar-cap fields in 1957–8 and the development of dynamo theory brought wide acceptance of the former. Here we consider evidence for and against each model, with these conclusions. (i) Several errors combine so that the non-spot measurements of gross magnetic fluxes are too low by factors of 10 or more. A permanent field of 2 G or more might remain unobserved. (ii) Measurements of average magnetic field strength are subject to various large errors. In particular, the reported reversals of the polar-cap fields are better explained in terms of tilts of toroidal field residues. (iii) Observations of new-cycle magnetic fields among old-cycle fields, of the gradual fading away of large unipolar regions, and the ubiquitous jumble of very small magnetic loop structures appear explicable only in terms of a primordial field. (iv) More positive evidence of a primordial field is found in the extreme order, symmetry and long-term stability of the polar cap streamers or rays. During one eclipse (1954) the primordial field was seen in the absence of all toroidal field residues. (v) A form of reversal of the interplanetary magnetic field is re-interpreted and shown to be consistent with a primordial, but not a dynamo, field. (vi) A test for a primordial field is that the fields below coronal holes should tend to be positive (outwards) in the northern hemisphere and negative in the southern hemisphere. (vii) Further evidence may be available by studying various plasma structures below coronal holes. An urgent requirement is a study of fibrils, faculae, macrospicules and rays in these regions.  相似文献   

Recent developments in solar dynamo and other theories of magnetic fields and convection are discussed and extended. A basic requirement of these theories, that surplus fields are eliminated by turbulent or eddy diffusion, is shown to be invalid. A second basic requirement, that strong surface fields are created by granule or supergranule motions, is shown to be improbable. Parker's new thin-filament dynamo, based on the Petschek mechanism, is shown to provide the alternative possibilities: either the magnetic fields halt all convection or a steady state is reached in which the fields are a tangle of long, thin filaments. From the above and other considerations it is concluded that the dynamo and related diffuse-field theories are unacceptable, that solar magnetic fields are not dominated by convection, and that all the fields emerge as strong, concentrated fields (flux ropes) which were wound and twisted from a permanent, primordial field. The discussion may, incidentally, provide the physical elements of a deductive theory of hydromagnetic convection.  相似文献   

Kuzanyan  Kirill  Bao  Shudong  Zhang  Hongqi 《Solar physics》2000,191(2):231-246
An attempt to extract maximum information on signatures of the alpha-effect from current helicity and twist density calculations in the solar photosphere is carried out. A possible interpretation of the results for developing the dynamo theory is discussed. The analysis shows that the surface magnetic current helicity is mainly negative/positive in the northern/southern hemispheres of the Sun. This indicates the actual alpha-effect at the photospheric level to be positive/negative, respectively. However, at the bottom of the convection zone, we may assume this effect to change the sign to negative/positive. We reveal some quantities related to the alpha-effect and discuss its spatial and temporal distribution. It is also found that there are a small number of active regions where the sign of the alpha-effect is opposite to that in most active regions. Such exceptional active regions seem to localize at certain active longitudes. We compare the determined regularities with theoretical predictions of the alpha-effect distribution in the solar convection zone.  相似文献   

Disturbances in the heat flow in the solar convection zone are calculated with a turbulent thermal diffusion coefficient based on a mixing length approximation. As a consequence of the radiative boundary condition at the surface and the strong increase of the diffusion coefficient with depth, the convection zone resembles a thermally superconducting shell enclosed between a thin surface layer and an interior core of low thermal conductivity. Thermal disturbances originating in the convection zone do not penetrate into the interior, and penetrate only weakly through the solar surface. A thermally isolating obstacle buried entirely in the convection zone casts a shadow of reduced temperature at the solar surface; the brightening surrounding this shadow is undetectable. The shadow is weak unless the object is located close to the surface (less than 2000 km). Assuming a sunspot to be an area of reduced thermal conductivity which extends a finite depth into the convection zone, the heat flow around this obstacle is calculated. The heat flux blocked below the spot (missing flux) spreads over a very extended area surrounding the spot. The brightening corresponding to this missing flux is undetectable if the reduction of the thermal conductivity extends to a depth greater than 1000 km. It is concluded that no effect other than a decrease of the convective efficiency is needed to explain the temperature change observed at the solar surface in and around a sunspot. The energy balance is calculated between magnetic flux tubes, oriented vertically in the solar surface, (magnetic elements in active regions and the quiet network) and their surroundings. Near the visible surface radiation enters the tube laterally from the surrounding convection zone. The heating effect of this influx is important for small tubes (less than a few arcseconds). Due to this influx tubes less than about 1 in diameter can appear as bright structures irrespective of the amount of heat conveyed along the tube itself. Through the lateral influx, small tubes such as are found in the quiet network act as little leaks in the solar surface through which an excess heat flux escapes from the convection zone.  相似文献   

The condition of minimum total dissipation is used to derive stationary rotation and azimuthal magnetic field distributions in the bulk of the solar convection zone with an upper boundary at which the relative radius is r/R=0.95. General equilibrium con figurations with symmetric and antisymmetric (about the equator) angular-velocity and field components are determined. The calculated rotation law matches the observed one in general parameters, but the decrease in angular velocity at high latitudes in theory is larger than that in observations. Besides, there are additional sharp variations in the rotation and field distributions in the theoretical curves near the generation zone of solar torsional waves. The possible cause of the latter discrepancy is discussed. The change in equilibrium distributions due to the presence of an inverse molecular-weight gradient at the base of the convection zone is also studied. This gradient is known to be produced by accelerated gravitational helium settling in the convection zone.  相似文献   

Turbulent convection models (TCMs) based on hydrodynamic moment equations are compared with the classical mixing-length theory (MLT) in solar models. The aim is to test the effects of some physical processes on the structure of the solar convection zone, such as the dissipation, diffusion and anisotropy of turbulence that have been ignored in the MLT. Free parameters introduced by the TCMs are also tested in order to find appropriate values for astrophysical applications. It is found that the TCMs usually give larger convective heat fluxes than the MLT does, and the heat transport efficiency is sensitively related to the dissipation parameters used in the TCMs. As a result of calibrating to the present solar values, our solar models usually have rather smaller values of the mixing length to local pressure scaleheight ratio than the standard solar model. The turbulent diffusion is found to have important effects on the structure of the solar convection zone. It leads to significantly lowered and expanded profiles for the Reynolds correlations, and a larger temperature gradient in the central part of the superadiabatic convection region but a smaller one near the boundaries of the convection zone. It is interesting to note that, due to a careful treatment of turbulence developing towards isotropic state, our non-local TCM results in radially dominated motion in the central part and horizontally dominated motion near the boundaries of the convection zone, just as what has been observed in many 3D numerical simulations. Our solar models with the TCMs give small but meaningful differences in the temperature and sound speed profiles compared with the standard solar model using the MLT.  相似文献   

Extremely strong magnetic fields change the vacuum index of refraction. Although this polarization-dependent effect is small for typical neutron stars, it is large enough to decouple the polarization states of photons travelling within the field. The photon states evolve adiabatically and follow the changing magnetic field direction. The combination of a rotating magnetosphere and a frequency-dependent-state decoupling predicts polarization phase lags between different wavebands, if the emission process takes place well within the light cylinder. This QED effect may allow observations to distinguish between different pulsar-emission mechanisms and to reconstruct the structure of the magnetosphere.  相似文献   

A simple non-linear, non-axisymmetric mean field dynamo model is applied to a differentially rotating spherical shell. Two approximations are used for the angular velocity, to represent what is now believed to be the solar rotation law. In each case, stable solutions are found which possess a small non-axisymmetric field component. Although the model has a number of obvious shortcomings, it may be relevant to the problem of the solar active longitudes.  相似文献   

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