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The November 13, 1985 eruption of Nevado del Ruiz produced a series of pyroclastic flows and surges that eroded channels on the surface of the summit glacier and generated lahars which descended down most of the rivers that drain the volcano. The stratigraphy of the proximal pyroclastic deposits indicates that there were at least four episodes to the eruption. Episode I, deposited an unusual surge consisting of small pieces of ice mixed with ash and exhibiting planar stratification. Ballistically emplaced fragments are also intercalated with this unit. During Episode II, at least two pyroclastic flows were erupted. Their deposits contain the most evolved pumice of the entire eruption; SiO2 content of matrix glass ranges between 74.5 and 74.9%. Episode III is marked by the emplacement of a welded tuff with an average SiO2 content of about 66% in the matrix glass. The final Episode IV was characterized by the development of a high-altitude eruption column and the emplacement of several nonwelded pyroclastic flows. Banded pumice are common in the pyroclastic flow as well as in the pumice fall deposits. Co-existing dark and light pumice bands differ in SiO2 content by 3.5% and in general are similar to the composition of the welded pumice from Episode III.The compositional zonation of the pyroclastic deposits from Episode I to IV suggests that a nearsurface compositionally-stratified portion of the magma body was tapped during Episode II. During Episodes III and IV the main body of magma was involved although the coexistence of the compositionally distinct pumice clasts at similar stratigraphic levels argues for mixing of magma from different levels in the chamber during the eruptive process.  相似文献   

The virtue of studying the chronology of an event is the insight it affords as to how man views and responds to the forces of nature. This chronology reflects the fumbling nature of mankind (as only appreciated in hindsight) when faced by an impending event of uncertain nature, in this case in a developing nation, but it might have happened anywhere. It is hoped that we as volcanologists might improve our response to such crises knowing how they have evolved previously.  相似文献   

Hot springs and steam vents on the slopes of Nevado del Ruiz volcano provide evidence regarding the nature of hydrothermal activity within the summit and flanks of the volcano. At elevations below 3000 m, alkali-chloride water is discharged from two groups of boiling springs and several isolated warm springs on the western slope of Nevado del Ruiz. Chemical and isotopic geothermometers suggest that the boiling springs are fed by an aquifer having a subsurface equilibration temperature of at least 175°C, and the sampled warm spring is fed by an aquifer having a subsurface equilibration temperature near 150°C. Similarities in conservative solute ratios (e.g., B/Cl) indicate that the alkali-chloride waters may be related to a single reservoir at depth. Isotopic ratios of hydrogen and oxygen indicate that recharge for the alkali-chloride aquifers comes mostly from higher elevations on the volcano. Steam vents and steam-heated bicarbonate-sulfate springs at higher elevations, along a linear structural trend with the alkali-chloride springs, may be derived partly from the alkali-chloride water at depth by boiling. Steam from the vents (84°C) yields a gas geothermometer temperature of 209°C. Acid-sulfate-chloride and acid-sulfate waters are discharged widely from warm springs above 3000 m on the northern and eastern slopes of Nevado del Ruiz. Similarities in B/Cl and SO4/Cl ratios suggest that the acid waters are mixtures of water from an acid-sulfate-chloride reservoir with various proportions of shallow, dilute groundwater. The major source of sulfate, halogens, and acidity for the acid waters may be high-temperature magmatic gases. Available data on hot spring temperatures and compositions indicate that they have remained fairly stable since 1968. However, the eruption of November 13, 1985 apparently caused an increase in sulfate concentration in some of the acid springs that peaked about a year after the eruption. Long-term monitoring of hot spring compositions over many years will be required to better define the effects of volcanic activity on the Nevado del Ruiz hydrothermal system.  相似文献   

The purpose of this letter is to document the occurrence of anhydrite within a pumice phenocryst, and to determine the sulfur contents of the quenched melts in this pumice and to consider if the anhydrite could have crystallized from the magma. Additionally, the presence is noted in the Central Cordillera, potentially below Nevado del Ruiz, of sulfide- and sulfate-bearing deposits of possible relevance to this problem.  相似文献   

The natural remanent magnetization of andesitic pumice emitted during the 1985 eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano (Colombia) has a direction opposite to the present geomagnetic field. The self-reversing mechanism can be re-activated in the laboratory during cycles of heating and subsequent cooling in air and zero magnetic field. Laboratory-produced thermoremanent magnetization is dominated by the same self-reversal process in fields up to several mT. Microchemical, optical and Curie temperature analyses indicate that the ferromagnetic minerals are members of the magnetite-ulvöspinel and hematite-ilmenite series with average compositions of Fe2.73Ti0.27O4 and Fe1.38Ti0.62O3, respectively. In analogy with the magnetic behaviour of synthetically grown antiferromagnetic-ferromagnetic FeMn-FeNi films, the self-reversal can probably be interpreted in terms of an exchange field acting between a Ti-poor canted antiferromagnetic and a Ti-rich ferrimagnetic phase in the hemoilmenite grains.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to analyze in an objective way the circumstances and events that contributed to the 1985 Nevado del Ruiz catastrophe, in order to provide useful guidelines for future emergencies. The paper is organized into two principal parts. In the first part, an Anatomy of the catastrophe is developed as a step-by-step chronicle of events and actions taken by individuals and organizations during the period November 1984 through November 1985. This chronicle provides the essential background for the crucial events of November 13. This year-long period is broken down further to emphasize important chapters: the gradual awareness of the awakening of the volcano; a long period of institutional skepticism reflecting an absence of credibility; the closure of the credibility gap with the September 11 phreatic eruption, followed by an intensive effort to gird for the worst; and a detailed account of the day of reckoning. The second part of the paper, Retrospection, examines the numerous complicated factors that influenced the catastrophic outcome, and attempts to cull a few “lessons from Armero” in order to avoid similar occurrences in the future.In a nutshell, the government on the whole acted responsibly but was not willing to bear the economic or political costs of early evacuation or a false alarm. Science accurately foresaw the hazards but was insufficiently precise to render reliable warning of the crucial event at the last possible minute. Catastrophe was therefore a calculated risk, and this combination - the limitations of prediction/detection, the refusal to bear a false alarm and the lack of will to act on the uncertain information available - provided its immediate and most obvious causes. But because the crucial event occurred just two days before the Armero emergency management plan was to be critically examined and improved, the numerous circumstances which delayed progress of emergency management over the previous year also may be said to have contributed to the outcome. Thus the catastrophe was not caused by technological ineffectiveness or defectiveness, nor by an overwhelming eruption, or by an improbable run of bad luck, but rather by cumulative human error - by misjudgment, indecision and bureaucratic shortsightedness. Armero could have produced no victims, and therein dwells its immense tragedy.  相似文献   

The seismic activity of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano was monitored during August–September 1985 using a three-component portable seismograph station placed on the upper part of the volcano. The objective was to investigate the frequency content of the seismic signals and the possible sources of the volcanic tremor. The seismicity showed a wide spectrum of signals, especially at the beginning of September. Some relevant patterns from the collected records, which have been analyzed by spectrum analysis, are presented. For the purpose of analysis, the records have been divided into several categories such as long-period events, tremor, cyclic tremor episodes, and strong seismic activity on September 8, 1985.The origin of the seismic signals must be considered in relation to the dynamical and acoustical properties of fluids and the shape and dimensions of the volcano's conduits.The main results of the present experiment and analysis show that the sources of the seismic signals are within the volcanic edifice. The signal characteristics indicate that the sources lie in fluid-phase interactions rather than in brittle fracturing of solid components.  相似文献   

The November 13, 1985, eruption was characteristic of the Arenas eruptive stage of Nevado del Ruiz, the most recent of a series of twelve eruptive stages that have occurred in the past 11,000 years. Eruptive sequences, deposits and processes similar to that of 1985 have characterized the behavior of Nevado del Ruiz during three major prehistorical and historical eruptive stages: the approximately 3300-3100 yr. B.P. Hedionda, the 16th century Azufrado, and the mid-1800's Lagunillas eruptive stages, that partly destroyed the present Ruiz summit.According to the interpretation of the stratigraphic record of prehistorical eruptions and historical accounts, almost every recent magmatic event was small or short-lived. Nevertheless, rockslide-debris avalanches and catastrophic debris flows were triggered in all the eruptions owing to slope failures related to specific tectonic features of Ruiz volcano and/or to significant interactions between pyroclastic debris and the ice cap. Evidence for headward retreat of avalanche scarps during multiple eruptions reinforce the case that large slope failures can occur repeatedly at a large-volume volcano like Ruiz without reconstruction of the edifice. The latest Ruiz eruptions that involved rockslide-debris avalanches resemble in part the Shiveluch 1964 event for which evidence of lateral blast deposits are lacking, but differ in part from this type because non-eruptive and mass-wasting processes also triggered rockslide-debris avalanches.Many factors render the cluster of domes of the Ruiz summit unstable, including: (1) deeply dissected troughs opened toward the north-northeast (Azufrado), east (Lagunillas), and south (Recio) flanks; (2) strongly hydrothermally altered north and east flanks of the summit; (3) currently glaciated or recently deglaciated, high cliffs; (4) steep unstable margins of the ice cap on the north and east.Thus, in light of its past behavior, a small eruption or an earthquake might trigger catastrophic rockslide-debris avalanches. Furthermore, such avalanches as well as glacial outburst-floods and ice avalanches could induce debris flows by mobilizing weathered, water-saturated, and unconsolidated rocks or deposits.  相似文献   

We have collected 14 water and gas samples from 9 thermal springs and gas vents near Nevado del Ruiz volcano, Colombia. The 3He/4He and 4He/20Ne ratios vary significantly from 0.98 Ratm (where Ratm is the atmospheric 3He/4He ratio of 1.4 × 10−6) to 6.30 Ratm, and from 0.37 to 7.0, respectively. The 3He/4He ratio (corrected for air contamination) decreases with increasing distance from the central crater of the volcano to the sampling site. The trend is very similar to that observed at Ontake volcano, Japan. A hydrodynamic porous-media dispersion model can explain the 3He/4He trend. The temporal variations in the 3He/4He ratio at four sites provide useful information on the apparent velocity of the magmatic fluid flow brought on by a volcanic eruption. The estimated value of several tens m day−1 agrees well with the inferred velocity of flow in Oshima volcano, Japan and is comparable to the largest rate of groundwater movement in a deep sedimentary basin.  相似文献   

The eruptions of Nevado del Ruiz in 1985 were unusually rich in sulfur dioxide. These eruptions were observed with the Nimbus 7 Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) which can quantitatively map volcanic sulfur dioxide plumes on a global scale. A small eruption, originally believed to be of phreatic origin, took place on September 11, 1985. However, substantial amounts of sulfur dioxide from this eruption were detected with TOMS on the following day. The total mass of SO2, approximately 9 ± 3 × 104 metric tons, was deposited in two clouds, one in the upper troposphere, the other possibly at 15 km near the stratosphere.The devastating November 13 eruptions were first observed with TOMS at 1150 EST on November 14. Large amounts of sulfur dioxide were found in an arc extending 1100 km from south of Ruiz northeastward to the Gulf of Venezuela and as an isolated cloud centered at 7°N on the Colombia-Venezuela border. On November 15 the plume extended over 2700 km from the Pacific Ocean off the Colombia coast to Barbados, while the isolated mass was located over the Brazil-Guyana border, approximately 1600 km due east of the volcano. Based on wind data from Panama, most of the sulfur dioxide was located at 10–16 km in the troposphere and a small amount was quite likely deposited in the stratosphere at an altitude above 24 km.The total mass of sulfur dioxide in the eruption clouds was approximately 6.6 ± 1.9 × 105 metric tons on November 14. When combined with quiescent sulfur dioxide emissions during this period, the ratio of sulfur dioxide to erupted magma from Ruiz was an order of magnitude greater than in the 1982 eruption of El Chichon or the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens.  相似文献   

Emissions of acidic gases and thermal waters from Nevado del Ruiz volcano have recently increased in concert with the November 13, 1985 eruption. This study examines the downwind and downstream effects of these emissions on alpine ecosystems high on the slopes of the volcano (4100 m) and on coffee plantations at lower elevations (< 2000 m) and greater distances from the active vent (> 30 km). Samples of bulk deposition, rain, soils, soil solutions, and streams were collected over a six-month period (January–July, 1987) to examine the impacts of this volcanogenic acidity.Bulk deposition falling on the higher slopes of the volcano is usually acidified; however, deposition reaching the distal coffee plantations seldom is acidic. The sources of the acids are hydrogen chloride and sulfur dioxide in the plume of the volcano. Although sulfur dioxide is by far the more abundant gas, hydrogen chloride is most responsible for acidification of rain falling on the slopes of the volcano. With distance from the vent, the chloride/sulfate ratio drops exponentially. The only major influence on regional precipitation chemistry in addition to the volcano appears to be land-use-related activities around the coffee plantations. Deposition on these areas is enriched by an order of magnitude in nitrate and base cations, compared to all other stations.Throughfall chemistry in the coffee plantations shows a dramatic response to occasional acid-rain events. A base-leaching process on coffee plant leaves is triggered by acid rain. For each equivalent of hydrogen ion in rain on the leaf surface, over 23 equivalents of potassium ion are leached from the leaf.In spite of this dramatic response by the vegetation, the plantation soils appear relatively unaffected by acidic deposition. In contrast, the alpine soils on the volcano exhibit low pHs, high sulfate and chloride concentrations in soil solutions, and high extractable sulfate concentrations. All of these factors indicate that these soils have undergone significant acid loading.While the deposition of the region is acidified by hydrogen chloride, the streams flowing off the volcano are apparently acidified by sulfuric acid in thermal waters discharging into the streams. The acidity of these streams decreases downstream, while the silica concentrations increase downstream. The composition of stream water is most influenced by thermal-water discharges as well as equilibrium dissolution of amorphous silica glass and non-equilibrium leaching of unweathered ash.The impacts of acid gases and thermal water released from the volcano appear to be restricted to ecosystems on the slope of the volcano. The only impact of Nevado del Ruiz on surrounding coffee plantations appears to be potassium leaching of coffee leaves from occasional acid-deposition events.  相似文献   

Trace-element concentrations of the eruptive products from the Nevado del Ruiz volcano indicate that at least for the last 1 Ma, the major controlling factor in the evolution of the magma has been a simple fractional crystallization.The Zr/Hf ratios suggest that the source material is mantle-like in origin and whilst subduction-related contamination of the source material has taken place, there is no evidence that assimilation of continental crust has affected the series.No convincing geochemical evidence for magma mixing was found, and data on banded pumices of Pleistocene, Historic and the 1985 eruptions strongly support a crystal fractionation model to explain the compositional variation of their glasses. Therefore, if mixing has taken place it can only be a mixing of layers within a stratified or partially stratified magma chamber.Modeling of fractional crystallization using a stepwise program has been undertaken and least-squares approximations with small residuals are commensurate with analyzed samples. Crystal fractionation models with plagioclase dominating two-pyroxenes and iron oxides give good fits for all calculations. We conclude that simple crystal fractionation is the process most consistent with major- and trace-element variations in the Ruiz series. This closed-system model requires at least 77% crystal fractionation of a basaltic parent to generate the observed compositions of dacites.  相似文献   


This paper presents the results of a hydrological study aimed at characterizing flood-prone areas in the urban growth zone in the city of Manizales based on the potential effects of melting of the Nevado del Ruiz glacier, in Caldas, Colombia. These results constitute a basis for decision making regarding possible urban growth zones in Andean areas that face risks from volcanic eruptions producing lahars and floods caused by glacier melt. Conservative estimates of extreme flows in the Chinchiná River in the urban growth area of El Rosario can be obtained by considering the effects of rain triggered by airborne particulate material following a volcanic explosion combined with the effects of glacier melt. The effects of global warming on tropical glaciers contribute to their retreat, leading to their disappearance. Therefore, the worst scenario would take place if these events occurred in the short term as glacier volume decreases with time.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor not assigned  相似文献   

Nevado del Huila, a glacier-covered volcano in the South of Colombia’s Cordillera Central, had not experienced any historical eruptions before 2007. In 2007 and 2008, the volcano erupted with phreatic and phreatomagmatic events which produced lahars with flow volumes of up to about 300 million m3 causing severe damage to infrastructure and loss of lives. The magnitude of these lahars and the prevailing potential for similar or even larger events, poses significant hazards to local people and makes appropriate modeling a real challenge. In this study, we analyze the recent lahars to better understand the main processes and then model possible scenarios for future events. We used lahar inundation depths, travel duration, and flow deposits to constrain the dimensions of the 2007 event and applied LAHARZ and FLO-2D for lahar modeling. Measured hydrographs, geophone seismic sensor data and calculated peak discharges served as input data for the reconstruction of flow hydrographs and for calibration of the models. For model validation, results were compared with field data collected along the Páez and Simbola Rivers. Based on the results of the 2007 lahar simulation, we modeled lahar scenarios with volumes between 300 million and 1 billion m3. The approach presented here represents a feasible solution for modeling high-magnitude flows like lahars and allows an assessment of potential future events and related consequences for population centers downstream of Nevado del Huila.  相似文献   

The determination of signal properties like frequency, amplitude, “signature” of the sequence of arrivals of P- and S-phases and the subsequent computation of hypocenter parameters, are the steps of a procedure in the analysis of swarms of high-frequency seismic events from Nevado del Ruiz volcano, which could be useful in other volcanic areas. The use of this procedure on Ruiz data led to the determination of various seismic source volumes, which together with hypocenters of non-swarmed events and the identification of geological features such as faults which cross the area, alignment of domes and volcanic edifices, and the record of low-frequency seismic events not centered in the area of the active vent, suggest the existence of a magma chamber of a rather complex geometry. This hypothesis would suggest that magma, emplaced in zones of weakness (faults) that affect the area, may act as the source of seismic activity. This demands a revision of the methodology used in the deformation measurements, and in the analysis of released energy and event occurrence too. The relations between hypocenters (sources), location and relative energy of the swarms, as well as the general volcanic activity (tremor, ash and gas emission, deformation) could turn out to be a possible means to assist in the identification of premonitory activity and thus be relevant to the process of monitoring and forecasting.  相似文献   

The coda Q has been calculated for Nevado del Ruiz Volcano, Colombia (NRV) from 1985 to 1999 by using a single scattering model. During this period, the inverse of Q (Q-1 proportional to attenuation) exhibited a long-term decrease with time, as well as shorter-term variations related to the volcanic activity. Q-1 increased prior to volcanic crises and decreased afterward. Based on these observations, a seismic warning criterion has been developed. The parameters (frequency band, size of moving average window, and threshold levels) necessary to evidence clear and significant short-term changes in Q-1 have been investigated and appropriated values are proposed. We suggest a phenomenological model with three stages for the short-term temporal changes in Q-1 at NRV. Firstly, Q-1 increases before a volcanic crises because of accumulation of gas and/or liquid, which decreases the aspect ratio of fluid pockets and increases the fractional volume of fluid in the rocks and the pore aspect ratio. Secondly, Q-1 starts to decrease during the crises by the discharging of fluids such as gas, water, etc. from the volcano. Finally, Q-1 becomes more stable after the crisis at a lower value because of the degassing and/or increasing of rigidity of the medium because of the long-term crystallization and cooling processes. Q-1 seems to be a promising monitoring tool at NRV. It is possible that the observed temporal changes of Q-1, combined with other parameters, may help to predict with greater accuracy a volcanic crisis at NRV.  相似文献   

 Lava drainback has been observed during many eruptions at Kilauea Volcano: magma erupts, degasses in lava fountains, collects in surface ponds, and then drains back beneath the surface. Time series data for melt inclusions from the 1959 Kilauea Iki picrite provide important evidence concerning the effects of drainback on the H2O contents of basaltic magmas at Kilauea. Melt inclusions in olivine from the first eruptive episode, before any drainback occurred, have an average H2O content of 0.7±0.2 wt.%. In contrast, many inclusions from the later episodes, erupted after substantial amounts of surface degassed lava had drained back down the vent, have H2O contents that are much lower (≥0.24 wt.% H2O). Water contents in melt inclusions from magmas erupted at Pu'u 'O'o on the east rift zone vary from 0.39–0.51 wt.% H2O in tephra from high fountains to 0.10–0.28 wt.% H2O in spatter from low fountains. The low H2O contents of many melt inclusions from Pu'u 'O'o and post-drainback episodes of Kilauea Iki reveal that prior to crystallization of the enclosing olivine host, the melts must have exsolved H2O at pressures substantially less than those in Kilauea's summit magma reservoir. Such low-pressure H2O exsolution probably occurred as surface degassed magma was recycled by drainback and mixing with less degassed magma at depth. Recognition of the effects of low-pressure degassing and drainback leads to an estimate of 0.7 wt.% H2O for differentiated tholeiitic magma in Kilauea's summit magma storage reservoir. Data for MgO-rich submarine glasses (Clague et al. 1995) and melt inclusions from Kilauea Iki demonstrate that primary Kilauean tholeiitic magma has an H2O/K2O mass ratio of ∼1.3. At transition zone and upper mantle depths in the Hawaiian plume source, H2O probably resides partly in a small amount of hydrous silicate melt. Received: 31 March 1997 / Accepted: 17 November 1997  相似文献   

Compositional heterogeneity (56–64 wt% SiO2 whole-rock) in samples of tephra and lava from the 1986 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska, raises questions about the physical nature of magma storage and interaction beneath this young and frequently active volcano. To determine conditions of magma storage and evolutionary histories of compositionally distinct magmas, we investigate physical and chemical characteristics of andesitic and dacitic magmas feeding the 1986 eruption. We calculate equilibrium temperatures and oxygen fugacities from Fe-Ti oxide compositions and find a continuous range in temperature from 877 to 947°C and high oxygen fugacities (ΔNNO=1–2) for all magmas. Melt inclusions in pyroxene phenocrysts analyzed by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and electron probe microanalysis are dacitic to rhyolitic and have water contents ranging from <1 to ∼7 wt%. Matrix glass compositions are rhyolitic and remarkably similar (∼75.9–76.6 wt% SiO2) in all samples. All samples have ∼25% phenocrysts, but lower-silica samples have much higher microlite contents than higher-silica samples. Continuous ranges in temperature and whole-rock composition, as well as linear trends in Harker diagrams and disequilibrium mineral textures, indicate that the 1986 magmas are the product of mixing between dacitic magma and a hotter, more mafic magma. The dacitic endmember is probably residual magma from the previous (1976) eruption of Augustine, and we interpret the mafic endmember to have been intruded from depth. Mixing appears to have continued as magmas ascended towards the vent. We suggest that the physical structure of the magma storage system beneath Augustine contributed to the sustained compositional heterogeneity of this eruption, which is best explained by magma storage and interaction in a vertically extensive system of interconnected dikes rather than a single coherent magma chamber and/or conduit. The typically short repose period (∼10 years) between Augustine's recent eruptive pulses may also inhibit homogenization, as short repose periods and chemically heterogeneous magmas are observed at several volcanoes in the Cook Inlet region of Alaska.  相似文献   

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