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Wave attenuation characteristics of a tethered float system have been investigated for various wave heights, wave periods, water depths, depths of submergence of floats and float sizes. As the floats are similar in size and shape, only a single tethered spherical float is considered for the theoretical analysis. Float motion is determined through the dynamical equation of motion, developed for a single degree of freedom. From incident and transmitted wave powers, transmission coefficients are computed. The results show that transmission coefficient does not vary with changes in wave height or water depth. When depth of submergence of float increases, wave attenuation decreases, showing that the system performs well when it is just submerged. As float velocity decreases with increase in float size, transmission coefficient increases with increase in float size. The influence of wave period on wave attenuation is remarkable compared to other parameters. The effect of drag on wave attenuation is studied for varying drag coefficient values. Theoretical results are compared with experimental values and it is found that theory overestimates wave attenuation which may probably be due to various linearisations involved in the theoretical formulation.  相似文献   

This paper provides a practical method by which the drag force on a vegetation field beneath nonlinear random waves can be estimated. This is achieved by using a simple drag formula together with an empirical drag coefficient given by Mendez et al. (Mendez, F.J., Losada, I.J., Losada, M.A., 1999. Hydrodynamics induced by wind waves in a vegetation field. J. Geophys. Res. 104 (C8), 18383–18396). Effects of nonlinear waves are included by using Stokes second order wave theory where the basic harmonic motion is assumed to be a stationary Gaussian narrow–band random process. An example of calculation is also presented.  相似文献   

管道施工质量直接关系到海底管道能否长久地安全运行,施工期间各种环境载荷对管道施工质量影响较大,因此,对海洋管道进行应力计算和分析是确保管道施工质量的不可缺少的重要手段。从海洋管道漂浮拖运过程中的受力极限情况入手,应用五弯矩方程,建立管道在拖运过程中的力学分析模型,并开发相应的计算程序,经实例验证,计算结果满足实际应用要求。  相似文献   

In this paper a representation is obtained of the first Fourier component of the drag F given by: FQ{Q·Q}1/2

The relative velocity Q is assumed to consist of a mean current plus a single Fourier component, and may come from all directions during the course of a cycle. The expression is shown to agree well with the usual two-dimensional expressions, (when the relative velocity is always in one direction) and also with the exact expression in the three-dimensional case. A good representation of the drag in this manner is important if the quasi-linear spectral approach is to be used in the evaluation of the response of a three-dimensional compliant structure to ocean waves.  相似文献   

A frame invariant linearisation method for three-dimensional drag force in random seas with current is presented. Numerical results are compared with those obtained from a commonly used linearisation method which is based on a non-frame invariant approximation to the drag force. Significant differences are discovered and the present method is found to show closer agreement with computed time histories of the true drag force.  相似文献   

A system-theoretic approach is proposed to investigate the feasibility of reconstructing a sound velocity profile (SVP) from acoustical hydrophone measurements. A state-space representation of the normal-mode propagation model is used. It is shown that this representation can be utilized to investigate the so-called observability of the SVP from noisy measurement data. A model-based processor is developed to extract the required information, and it is shown that even in cases where limited SVP information is available, the SVP can be estimated using this approach. Based on this framework, investigations are made of model-based solutions to the sound velocity profile and related parameter estimation problems. In particular, a processor is designed that allows in situ recursive estimation of the sound velocity profile from simulated data  相似文献   

Zhen Gao  Torgeir Moan 《Ocean Engineering》2009,36(15-16):1244-1250
This paper deals with drag forces due to irregular waves on a vertical slender structure in the splash zone, i.e. in the vicinity of still-water free surface, by considering the inundation effect due to instantaneous wave elevation. The force turns out to be a third-order quantity with respect to wave elevation. The focus of this paper is however limited to extreme value prediction of this force in stochastic waves. Based upon a transformation of random variables and use of the Rice formula, the mean up-crossing rate of inundation drag force is obtained in the frequency domain both by direct numerical integration and asymptotic evaluation for high levels using the Laplace method. The extreme value distribution of this force is then established by the Poisson probability law assuming independent up-crossing events. The proposed method agrees very well with time-domain simulations both for the mean up-crossing rate and the extreme value prediction. The effect of correlation between wave elevation and horizontal water particle velocity and the presence of current have been studied.  相似文献   

为定量研究多冰脊之间的尾流遮掩作用对海冰漂移运动的影响,物理模型试验(试验有限水深为0.45 m)测量了多冰脊拖曳力的衰减变化。冰脊模型选用底角为45°的等腰直角三角形,选取了4种入水深度、9种冰脊间距进行测量。试验得到了前后冰脊拖曳力及其比值在尾流遮掩情况下的变化规律。前冰脊拖曳力与单冰脊情况一致,与冰脊速度的平方保持线性关系;而后冰脊在间距较小时出现了反向拖曳力,随冰脊间距的增大,后冰脊拖曳系数先减小再增大至不变。前后冰脊拖曳力比值的变化规律可以用指数遮掩函数来描述,该遮掩函数与冰脊间距和入水深度有关而与流速无关。通过与现有海冰模式中的遮掩函数对比,研究结论增强了该指数公式的适用性,加强了对海冰动力学模式中遮掩函数的理解。  相似文献   

This study has been undertaken to quantify the tank wall effects on resistance estimation of ship models. Given the finite width of a tank, the flow around a ship model has been numerically modelled and the pressure and pressure related drag have been estimated.Since the model runs at speeds essentially in the laminar and transient speed range, an inviscid model has been chosen for obtaining the pressure drag component in the numerical studies. Grid dependency study has been done to optimize the mesh in the control volume for the numerical studies. An unstructured grid consisting of hexahedral cells has been used in the volume of fluid (VOF) model. The model chosen is a medium speed, ocean going barge and the residuary resistance has been obtained for different tank width conditions. The tank width has been defined using a non-dimensionalized parameter W/B (tank width W, model width B) ratio. The study shows that the residuary resistance obtained at W/B=5.0 is free from tank wall influence for the chosen model. The findings of the study have been compared by testing two geosim models under the same tank width conditions. The residuary resistance values have been compared with numerical results. The combined numerical experimental approach provides interesting results of consistency for comparison. The tank wall influences suggested by the numerical study are well quantified in the experimental study and give useful guideline for limiting wall influences.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of a sloping float (or inclined pontoon) breakwater with respect to expected wave climate for protection of small commercial vessels and yatch marinas. A two-dimensional model study was carried out for regular waves in intermediate water depths. The experimental results showed that the transmission coefficient was relatively insensitive to wave height and that it consistently increased as the wave period decreased. The performance of this type of breakwater was found to be promising for intermediate water depths.  相似文献   

分析比对了GPS单点测速技术与其他已有测波手段的不同,讨论了基于多普勒频移的GPS测速方法,并分析了各类误差对测速精度的影响。分别利用原始多普勒值和导出多普勒值进行了静态测速试验和动态测速试验,将导出多普勒测速结果与RTK(RealTimeKinematic,实时动态测量系统)位置差分测速进行了比测。结果表明,使用静态数据采用高频导出多普勒值测速的精度可以达到亚厘米级每秒,而采用原始多普勒观测值进行测速因接收机型号的不同,结果差异较大;动态测速试验中,采用导出多普勒测速的方法与RTK位置差分测速的符合精度可达cm/s。  相似文献   

Under conditions common in muddy coastal and estuarine environments, acoustic Doppler velocimeters (ADVs) can serve to estimate sediment settling velocity (w s) by assuming a balance between upward turbulent Reynolds flux and downward gravitational settling. Advantages of this method include simple instrument deployment, lack of flow disturbance, and relative insensitivity to biofouling and water column stratification. Although this method is being used with increasing frequency in coastal and estuarine environments, to date it has received little direct ground truthing. This study compared in situ estimates of w s inferred by a 5-MHz ADV to independent in situ observations from a high-definition video settling column over the course of a flood tide in the bottom boundary layer of the York River estuary, Virginia, USA. The ADV-based measurements were found to agree with those of the settling column when the current speed at about 40 cm above the bed was greater than about 20 cm/s. This corresponded to periods when the estimated magnitude of the settling term in the suspended sediment continuity equation was four or more times larger than the time rate of change of concentration. For ADV observations restricted to these conditions, ADV-based estimates of w s (mean 0.48±0.04 mm/s) were highly consistent with those observed by the settling column (mean 0.45±0.02 mm/s). However, the ADV-based method for estimating w s was sensitive to the prescribed concentration of the non-settling washload, C wash. In an objective operational definition, C wash can be set equal to the lowest suspended solids concentration observed around slack water.  相似文献   

Internal solitons can bring about strong force on the oil drilling platform and pipeline at sea, which causes severe threat to the ocean engineering. Cai et al. (2003) introduced Morison's empirical formula, modal separation method and regression analyses to estimate the forces exerted by internal soliton on cylindrical piles. However, this method is very complicated and it requires some observational current data which are generally very difficult to obtain synchronically. In this paper, it is shown that the force by the first mode internal wave dominates most part of the global force, thus a new simple estimation method of the force based on only the first mode internal wave is put forward without some complicated steps and observational current data in the old method. The force can be estimated by the local vertical observational temperature, salinity data and amplitude of internal soliton.  相似文献   

The effect of the drag coefficient on a typhoon wave model is investigated.Drag coefficients for Pingtan Island are derived from the progress of nine typhoons using COARE 3.0 software.The wind parameters are obtained using the Weather Research and Forecasting model.The simulation of wind agrees well with observations.Typhoon wave fields are then simulated using the third-generation wave model SWAN.The wave model includes exponential and linear growths of the wind input,which determine the wave-growth mode.A triple triangular mesh is adopted with spatial resolution as fine as 100 m nearshore.The SWAN model performs better when using the new drag coefficient rather than the original coefficient.  相似文献   

首先分析比对了已有的测波方法,阐述了将GPS单点测速应用到测波中的优点.然后讨论了基于多普勒频移的测速方法,并分析了各类误差对测速精度的影响.最后利用静态数据进行动态测速模拟试验和实测动态数据测速与RTK (Real Time Kinematic,实时动态测量系统)位置差分测速进行—致性检验.结果表明,使用静态数据采用...  相似文献   

An investigation to improve trajectory prediction using Lagrangian data is presented. The velocity field of a data assimilating model, EAS-16, is corrected using drifter observations taken during an experiment off Taiwan. The results are tested using another independent Lagrangian data set provided by sonobuoys launched in the same area. The latter have instrument chains that extend well into the water column. Consequently the corrected model velocities were projected into the water column in order to calculate sonobuoy trajectories. The drifter and sonobuoy trajectories both show two distinct regimes in the considered area of approximately 1/2° square. One regime is dominated by shelf dynamics, the other by meandering of the Kuroshio, with a sharp boundary dividing the two. These two regimes are not reproduced by the trajectories of the EAS-16 model. When the drifter data are blended with the model velocities, synthetic sonobuoy trajectories track the observed ones much better, and the two regimes are clearly depicted. Two different methods for the velocity reconstruction are tested. One is based on a variational approach and the other on a normal mode decomposition. Both methods show qualitatively similar improvements in the prediction of sonobuoys trajectories, with a quantitative improvement in the total rms error of approximately 50% and 25%, respectively.  相似文献   

The free motions in waves of submerged vehicles with a spherical hull from but different metacentric heights are sought. The problem is analysed by considering the submerged vehicle as a neutrally buoyant sphere. The solutions to two independent problems, namely the radiation problem and the diffraction problem, are required. Nondimensional parameters known as the added mass, damping and diffraction coefficients for neutrally buoyant spheres are derived and computed values of these coefficients are presented in tabulated form. The responses of surge, heave and pitch are explicitly expressed by these coefficients and the metacentric height of the submarine. A spherical submarine is practically motionless relative to the particle movement of waves except at the vicinity of reasonant frequency, which is governed by the value of metacentric height.  相似文献   

The use of flow volume continuity to estimate depth-averaged cross-shore swash flow velocity is validated using appropriate field data. Swash surface and beach face elevation were measured by a network of ultrasonic altimeters mounted through the swash zone of a sandy beach. Estimates of cross-shore flow velocity derived from these data compare well with concurrent measurements obtained from a vertical array of four electromagnetic current meters (EMCMs). Significantly, the continuity technique allows swash velocity to be estimated throughout the full swash cycle. This is not possible using fixed current meters and the new measurements indicate that swash velocity is more negatively skewed than previously observed.  相似文献   

J. L. Mead   《Ocean Modelling》2005,8(4):369-394
We implement an approach for the accurate assimilation of Lagrangian data into regional general ocean circulation models. The forward model is expressed in Lagrangian coordinates and simulated float data are incorporated into the model via four-dimensional variational data assimilation. We show that forward solutions computed in Lagrangian coordinates are reliable for time periods of up to 100 days with phase speeds of 1 m/s and deformation radius of 35 km. The position and depth of simulated floats are assimilated into the viscous, Lagrangian shallow water equations. The weights for the errors in the model and data are varied and the assimilation results react appropriately. We show the effect of different spatial and temporal samplings of float data on all Lagrangian trajectories in the computational domain. At the end of the assimilation period, results from the Lagrangian shallow water equations could be interpolated and used as initial and boundary conditions in an Eulerian general ocean circulation model.  相似文献   

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