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INTRODUCTIONPhytoplaktonhasakeyroleinthemarineecosystemasthebasicpartinthefoodchain ,whichisimportantinformationforassessingproductivitypotentialandfisheryresources.Phytoplanktonalsohasanimportantroleinthecarbonbiogeochemicalcycle,becauseitcanabsorbala…  相似文献   

【目的】探讨放养鱼类对乌梁素海水生态的影响。【方法】2017年7月-2018年4月共设置6个采样点,分别对乌梁素海现存水草区与鱼类放养区水体表层浮游植物进行调查分析,并对两区域的营养状态与水质状况进行分析评价。【结果】调查共鉴定出浮游植物8门76属154种,其中现存水草区(142种)多于鱼类放养区(88种),现存水草区浮游植物种属组成为硅藻-绿藻-蓝藻型,鱼类放养区为绿藻-硅藻-蓝藻型。现存水草区平均多样性指数(H′)、丰富度指数(D)分别为4.29、4.23,明显高于鱼类放养区(2.46、2.30)。两区域浮游植物优势种共26种,其中现存水草区(24种)多于鱼类放养区(11种),现存水草区以蓝藻、绿藻、硅藻为主要优势种,而鱼类放养区则以蓝藻为绝对优势种。浮游植物平均密度现存水草区(25.19×106 cell/L)显著低于鱼类放养区(275.79×106 cell/L)(P <0.05),而平均生物量现存水草区(13.34 mg/L)虽低于鱼类放养区(36.20 mg/L),但差异不显著(P> 0.05)。研究显示,现存水草区营养状态为中营养-轻度富营养,鱼类放养区为中度富营养-重度富营养;两区域水质均为中度污染到重度污染状态。【结论】与历史数据相比,现存水草区浮游植物群落表现为浮游植物多样性下降、种类小型化、优势种转变为蓝藻为主。与现存水草区相比,鱼类放养区浮游植物群落因放养鲢、鳙的摄食导致浮游植物多样性下降、种类小型化、优势种向可食性差、生长快的群体型蓝藻演替。  相似文献   

Phytoplankton pigment patterns and community composition were investigated in the northern South China Sea using high-performance liquid chromatography and the CHEMTAX software from February 11 to 23, 2009. We recognized four different vertical distribution patterns of pigments: chlorophyll a (Chl a)-like type, divinyl chlorophyll a (DV Chl a) type, even distribution type, and surface type. The average value of ratios of accessory photo-protective pigments (APP) to accessory photo-synthetic pigments was 0.89±0.63 in the upper 50 m and 0.16±0.06 below 50 m depth. With increasing depth, APP decreased and photo-synthetically active radiation was attenuated. There was an obvious succession in the phytoplankton community from inshore to the open sea. Diatoms were dominant in the inshore region, while pelagophytes, Prochlorococcus, cyanobacteria and prymnesiophytes were dominant in the open sea. The vertical distribution of phytoplankton also differed greatly from inshore to the open sea. In the coastal and shelf region, diatoms were important components in the whole water column. Cyanobacteria also had a high abundance at the Subsurface Chlorophyll a Maxima (SCM) in the shelf region. In the slope and open sea, Prochlorococcus and cyanobacteria were important groups above the SCM, while pelagophytes dominated below the SCM.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton pigment patterns and community composition were investigated in the northern South China Sea using high-performance liquid chromatography and the CHEMTAX software from February 11 to 23, 2009. We recognized four different vertical distribution patterns of pigments: chlorophyll a (Chl a)-like type, divinyl chlorophyll a (DV Chl a) type, even distribution type, and surface type. The average value of ratios of accessory photo-protective pigments (APP) to accessory photo-synthetic pigments was 0.8...  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONTheWestLake ( 30°1 5′N ,1 2 0°1 6′E)isasmallshallowlakeinthewesternpartofHangzhouCityinthesoutheasterncoastalareaofChina.Thelakeissur roundedonthreesidesbyhills ;andisfamousforitspicturesquesceneryandinterfusionofhillsandwaterbodies.Thesurfaceareaisabout 5 .66km2 andmeandepthis 1 .8m .Beforethe 1 95 0s ,thelakewaterwascleanandmacrophytesgrewveryluxuriantlyinthelit toralareasofthelake .In 1 95 2 ,WestLakewasdredgedand 70 0× 1 0 4m3 mudwasremovedfromthebottomofthelake …  相似文献   

Spatial distribution and temporal dynamics of phytoplankton community and their relationships with environmental factors were studied in the Pearl River Estuary (PRE), South China, in three seasons. Salinity was considered as the key environmental variable controlling horizontal distributions of phytoplankton community composition. A transition from dominance of freshwater diatoms (Aulacoseira granulata and A. granulata v. angustissima) to estuarine species (Skeletonema costatum and Pseudonitzschia delicatissima) was observed in the high flow season (summer) along the estuary gradient; in the low flow season (spring), the inner estuary was relatively homogeneous and some typical estuarine species could be found near the river mouth. In the normal flow season (autumn), a potentially toxic bluegreen species, Microcystis spp. was predominant in the middle reaches of the estuary, which should be seeded from upstream and transported downstream by river discharges. Phytoplankton abundance was negatively correlated with suspended solid content and nutrient concentration in the PRE, suggesting that turbidity and nutrient availability were the crucial factors regulating the algal biomass. Phytoplankton abundance in the outer estuary was enhanced by increasing irradiance and continued to be enhanced until phosphorus-limitation.  相似文献   

Biomarkers including brassicasterol, dinosterol and alkenone in sediments are used as indicators to reconstruct changes to the phytoplankton community in surface and sub-aerial sediments of Prydz Bay, Antarctica. The results indicate that the bio- marker records in surface and core sediment samples changed with time and space. The total content of phytoplankton biomarkers ranges from 391.0--1 470.6 ng.g-l. The phytoplankton biomass has increased in Prydz Bay over the past 100 years. This variation may be mainly related with climate change in the region. The total biomarker contents in surface sediments from 5 stations in Prydz Bay are in the range of 215.8--1 294.3 ng.g4. The phytoplankton biomass in Prydz Bay is higher than that outside of the bay. This is similar to the distributions of chlorophyll a, organic carbon and biogenic silica in surface waters determined through in situ investigation. Such consistency indicates a coupling between the bottom of the ocean and biogeochemical processes in the upper water.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Dongting Lake (28°18'–29°45'N, 111°35'– 113°18'E) is the second largest freshwater lake in China, and directly connected with the Changjiang River (Yangtse River) through the channel. The sur- face area was about 2 740 km2 (at the low  相似文献   

Mesozooplankton are key components of coastal ecosystems, linking the microbial food web to the classic food chain. In this study, species composition and abundance of mesozooplankton is studied for the Daya Bay in April (spring) and October (fall), 2006. A total of 27 species of mesozooplankton were identified in spring and 58 species in fall. Dominant species were Oithona tenuis, Flaccisagitta enflata, Penilia avirostris and Centropages tenuiremis in spring, shifting to Microsetella norvegica, Oithona tenuis and Parvocalanus crassirostris in fall. Higher mesozooplankton abundance was found at Aotou Cove and Dapeng’ao Cove compared to other stations, indicating the influence of eutrophication on mesozooplankton community in the Daya Bay. The outbreak of Noctiluca scintillans bloom in spring reduced the species diversity and abundance of mesozooplankton.  相似文献   

The community structure of intertidal macrobenthos in Changdao Archipelago(north of Shandong Peninsula,between Bohai Bay and the northern Yellow Sea) was examined based on samples collected from 14 stations in five transects in June 2007.Three stations corresponding to high,medium and low tidal areas were set up for each transect.A total of 68 macrobenthic species were found in the research region,most of which belonged to Mollusca and Crustacea.The average abundance and biomass of the macrobenthos was 1 38...  相似文献   

The increasing riverine pollutants have resulted in nutrient enrichment and deterioration of water quality in the coastal water of Guangxi Province, China. However, the quantitative relationship between nutrient loads and water quality responses, which is crucial for developing eutrophication control strategies, is not well studied. In this study, the riverine fluxes of nutrients were quan- tified and integrated with nutrient cycling and phytoplankton dynamics by using box models for Guangxi coastal bays. The model concepts and biogeochemical equations were the same; while most model parameters were specific for each bay. The parameters were calibrated with seasonal observations during 2006--2007, and validated with yearly averaged measurements in 2009. The gen-eral features of nutrient and phytoplankton dynamics were reproduced, and the models were proved feasible under a wide range of bay conditions. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen was depleted during the spring algal bloom in Zhenzhu Bay and Fangcheng Bay with relatively less nutrient inputs. Phosphorus concentration was high in spring, which decreased then due to continuous phytoplankton consumption. Chlorophyll-a concentration reached its annual maximum in summer, but was the minimum in winter. Eutrophication was characterized by both an increase in nutrient concentrations and phytoplankton biomass in Lianzhou Bay. Either about 80% re-duction of nitrogen or 70% reduction of phosphorus was required to control the algal bloom in Lianzhou Bay. Defects of the models were discussed and suggestions to the environmental protection of Guangxi coastal bays were proposed.  相似文献   

We investigated the abundance of different picophytoplankton groups and the phytoplankton pigment ratio in relation to environmental factors such as nutrients and suspended solids along a salinity gradient in the Changjiang River Estuary.The average numbers of Synechococcus spp.(Syn) and picoeukaryotes (Euk) were (2.7 ±5.1)×l03 and (1.1±1.4)×l03 cells mL-1,respectively.Prochlorococcus spp.(Pro) was only found in the high-salinity brackish water with the concentration of 3.0× 10^3 cells mL-1.Syn and Euk numbers both tended to increase offshore and Syn showed a larger variation in cell abundance than Euk.The contribution of picophytoplankton to total phytoplankton biomass increased with increasing salinity and decreasing nutrient concentrations from the estuary to the open ocean.The response of different picophytoplankton groups to environmental variables was different.Water temperature was more important in its control over Euk than over Syn,while nutrients were more important in their influence over Syn than over Euk.Phytoplankton pigment ratios were different in the three different ecological zones along the salinity gradient (i.e.,freshwater zone with 0-5 range,fresh and saline water mixing zone with 5-20 range,and high-salinity brackish water zone with 20-32 range),where three different phytoplankton communities were discovered,suggesting that phytoplankton pigment ratios can be considered as a complementary indicator of phytoplankton community structure in the Changjiang River Estuary.  相似文献   

Volcanic rocks of the late Mesozoic are very important reservoirs for the commercial natural gases including hydrocarbon, carbon dioxide and rare gases in the northern Songliao Basin. The reservoir volcanic rocks include rhyolite,andesite, trachyte, basalt and tuff. Facies of the volcanic rocks can be classified into 5 categories and 15 special types.Porosity and permeability of the volcanic reservoirs are facies-controlled. Commercial reservoirs were commonly found among the following volcanic subfacies: volcanic neck (Ⅰ1), underground-explosive breccia (Ⅰ3), pyroclastic-bearing lava flow (Ⅱ3), upper effusive (Ⅲ3) and inner extrusive ones (Ⅳ1). The best volcanic reservoirs are generally evolved in the interbedded explosive and effusive volcanics. Rhyolites show in general better reservoir features than other types of rocks do.  相似文献   

Volcanic rocks of the late Mesozoic are very important reservoirs for the commercial natural gases including hydrocarbon, carbon dioxide and rare gases in the northern Songliao Basin. The reservoir volcanic rocks include rhyolite, andesite, trachyte, basalt and tuff. Facies of the volcanic rocks can be classified into 5 categories and 15 special types. Porosity and permeability of the volcanic reservoirs are facies-controlled. Commercial reservoirs were commonly found among the following volcanic subfacies: volcanic neck (I1) , underground-explosive breccia (I3), pyroclastic-bearing lava flow (II3), upper effusive (III3) and inner extrusive ones (IV1). The best volcanic reservoirs are generally evolved in the interbedded explosive and effusive volcanics. Rhyolites show in general better reservoir features than other types of rocks do.  相似文献   

珠海地区凡纳滨对虾淡水养殖池浮游植物群落的演替   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对珠海凡纳滨对虾淡水养殖池塘浮游植物及其理化因子进行了调查和分析.结果表明:调查中共检出浮游植物143种.优势种主要有林氏藻、螺旋鱼腥藻、小颤藻、微囊藻和点状平裂藻等.物种多样性指数在0.24~2.77之间.优势度与多样性指数呈显著的负相关.相关系数r=-0.984;而均匀度与多样性指数呈显著的正相关.相关系数r=0.967.养殖后期优势度不高。浮游植物的密度及化学因子的浓度到后期都有所上升.藻类密度的剧烈变化会引起氨氮和硫化氢含量的变化;藻类密度的波动滞后于无机氮的波动。群落演替具有突发性、时间短、速度快等特点。  相似文献   

A cruise was conducted from late August to early September 2004 with the intention of obtaining an interdisciplinary understanding of the Yangtze River Estuary including the biological, chemical and physical subjects. Water sample analysis indicated that total phytoplankton species richness was 137. Of them 81 were found in Bacillariophyta and 48 in Pyrrophyta, accounting for 59.1% and 35.0% respectively. The average cell abundance of surface water samples was 8.8×104 cells L-1, with the maximum, 102.9×104 cells L-1, encountered in the area (31.75°N, 122.33°E) and the minimum, 0.2×104 cells L-1, in (30.75°N, 122.17°E). The dominant species at most stations were Skeletonema costatum and Proboscia alata f. gracillima with the dominance of 0.35 and 0.27. Vertical distribution analysis indicated that obvious stratification of cell abundance and dominant species was found in the representative stations of 5, 18 and 33. Shannon-Wiener index and evenness of phytoplankton assemblage presented negative correlation with the cell abundance, with the optimum appearing in (30.75°N, 122.67°E). According to the PCA analysis of the environmental variables, elevated nutrients of nitrate, silicate and phosphate through river discharge were mainly responsible for the phytoplankton bloom in this area.  相似文献   

对珠海凡纳滨对虾淡水养殖池塘浮游植物及其理化因子进行了调查和分析,结果表明:调查中共检出浮游植物143种,优势种主要有林氏藻、螺旋鱼腥藻、小颤藻、微囊藻和点状平裂藻等,物种多样性指数在0.24~2.77之间,优势度与多样性指数呈显著的负相关,相关系数r=-0.984;而均匀度与多样性指数呈显著的正相关,相关系数r=0.967,养殖后期优势度不高,浮游植物的密度及化学因子的浓度到后期都有所上升,藻类密度的剧烈变化会引起氨氮和硫化氢含量的变化;藻类密度的波动滞后于无机氮的波动,群落演替具有突发性、时间短、速度快等特点。  相似文献   

Using historical and 2010 field data, the distribution of nutrients in the northern Beibu Gulf of China is described. There was a decreasing trend in the concentration of nutrients from the north coast to offshore waters of the northern Beibu Gulf, reflecting the influence of inputs from land-based sources. High concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and phosphate (PO4-P) occurred mainly at Fangchenggang Bay, Qinzhou Bay, and Lianzhou Bay. Four different methods were used to assess eutrophication. The trophic status of the Beibu Gulf was characterized using the single factor, Eutrophication index (El), Trophic index (TRIX) and Assessment of Estuarine Trophic Status (ASSETS) methods. Based on nutrient concentrations, 73.9% of DIN and 26.7% of PO4-P samples exceeded the fourth grade Seawater Quality Standard of China. Eutrophication index values varied widely, but higher levels of eutrophication were generally found in bays and estuaries. TRIX values ranged from 2.61 to 7.27, with an average of 4.98, indicating a mesotrophic and moderately productive system. A positive correlation between TRIX and harmful algal species richness and abundance was observed. The ASSETS model evaluates eutrophication status based on a Pressure-State-Response approach, including three main indices: influencing factors, overall eutrophic condition, and future outlook. The Beibu Gulf was graded as moderate using ASSETS. The single factor and Chinese nutrient index methods were considered inadequate for the assessment of trophic status. TRIX can be used as an indicator of trophic state and ASSETS showed good potential to assess eutrophication. The results of TRIX and ASSETS depend on threshold values. To establish these values, further research is required within the northern Beibu Gulf.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the seasonal variations in copepod community structure and prosome length of dominant species from March 2009 to January 2010 around artificial reefs in Xiaoshi Island,Yellow Sea,Weihai,China.Samples were collected using two types of plankton net(Model I and Model II) for different-sized copepods.The number of taxon was calculated from the data of both the net types,while the copepod abundance was done using the samples from Model II only.Sixteen species of planktonic copepods,including 5 dominant species,were recorded.Results reveal that Oithona similis was the first dominant species from March to June,and was replaced by Paracalanus parvus in September;both dominated the copepod community in January.Acartia hongi was the second dominant species from March to September.Centropages abdominalis was the third dominant species from March to June,and was replaced by O.similis in September and Corycaeus affinis in January.C.affinis was the fourth dominant species in September.Population density of the dominant copepods was compared with that of other similar regions.We found that the dominant species were mostly small copepods(<1 mm) except for adult Centrapages abdominalis.Seasonal variation in prosome length of O.similis,C.abdominalis,and C.affinis,and their copepodites were studied for the first time in China.For P.parvus and A.hongi,seasonal trends in prosome length variation were similar with those in Jiaozhou Bay,Yellow Sea,Qingdao,China,in a similar temperate domain.The results are helpful for future calculation of copepod biomass and production,and for investigation of the relationship between copepods and fish resources.  相似文献   

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