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Stream water quality is directly influenced by land use and human practices in the surrounding environment. Understanding such effects and the spatial extent of impacts is essential to generate reliable information for ecosystem-based management of water resources. We identified sources of impact on water quality and characterized indicator-specific landscape influence on samples collected during base flow along the Chubut River (43 °S, 69 °W). We modeled Total Nitrogen (TN), Total Phosphorous (TP), Soluble Reactive Phosphorous (SRP) concentrations and δ15N of particulate organic matter along the river, as a function of effective contribution areas (AEC) of Land Use/Land Cover (LULC). AECs were calculated by assuming that landscape influence decays exponentially with the Euclidean distance between a given LULC parcel and the sampling point. We calibrated the model to the observations by estimating an indicator-specific decay rate. Agriculture and barren lands were the main sources of phosphate nutrients whereas urban areas were the main source of TN. Radius of landscape influence for SRP (100–180 km) was larger than for TP (10–25 km), reflecting different patterns of mobilization and delivery in the catchment. δ15N variation was explained by vegetation cover but the influence rapidly decreased (1–4 km) reflecting a mostly autochthonous source of organic matter.  相似文献   

Preliminary analysis of spatiotemporal pattern of global land surface water   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Land surface water (LSW) is one of the most important resources for human survival and development, and it is also a main component of global water recycling. A full understanding of the spatial distribution of land surface water and a continuous measuring of its dynamics can support to diagnose the global ecosystem and environment. Based on the Global Land 30-water 2000 and Global Land 30-water 2010 products, this research analyzed the spatial distribution pattern and temporal fluctuation of land surface water under scale-levels of global, latitude and longitude, continents, and climate zones. The Global Land 30-water products were corrected the temporal inconsistency of original remotely sensed data using MODIS time-series data, and then calculated the indices such as water area, water ration and coefficient of spatial variation for further analysis. Results show that total water area of land surface is about 3.68 million km2 (2010), and occupies 2.73% of land area. The spatial distribution of land surface water is extremely uneven and is gathered mainly in mid- to high-latitude area of the Northern Hemisphere and tropic area. The comparison of water ratio between 2000 and 2010 indicates the overall fluctuation is small but spatially differentiated. The Global Land 30-water products and the statistics provided the fundamental information for analyzing the spatial distribution pattern and temporal fluctuation of land surface water and diagnosing the global ecosystem and environment.  相似文献   

钟栗  姚成  李致家  黄鹏年 《湖泊科学》2015,27(5):975-982
为了探明流域产汇流参数变化特征及其演变机理,分析流域下垫面条件变化对设计洪水的影响.通过新安江海河模型研究卫河流域代表区下垫面变化情况,采用综合线性权重法对元村集站设计洪水资料系列进行一致性修正.结果表明:自由水蓄水容量、河网水流退水系数、地表填洼蓄水能力和地下水库出流初始水深这4个参数在1980年后都变大,可见代表区下垫面1980年前、后发生了明显的变化,导致流域内径流量大幅减少;合河—新村—五陵区间在1980年前15场洪水和1980年后32场洪水的预报径流深合格率都超过80%,达到乙等精度;元村集站最大5日洪量修正后比修正前平均减小27.1%;最大15日洪量修正后比修正前平均减小25.4%;最大30日洪量修正后比修正前平均减小23.0%.本研究可为水利工程的建设规模的确定提供科学依据,保障地区的防洪安全,满足人民生活和生产用水需求.  相似文献   

In this study, data from MODIS land surface temperature product level 3 (MOD11A2) were used to investigate the spatiotemporal variation of Eurasian lakes water surface temperature (LSWT) from 2001 to 2015, and to examine the most influencing factors of that variation. The temperature of most lakes in the dry climate zone and in the equatorial climatic zone varied from 17 to 31°C and from 23 to 27°C, respectively. LSWTs in the warm temperate and cold climatic zones were in the range of 20 to 27°C and −0.6 and 17°C, respectively. The average day time LSWT in the polar climate zone was −0.71°C in the summer. Lakes in high latitude and in the Tibetan Plateau displayed low LSWT, ranging from −11 to 26°C during the night time. Large spatial variations of diurnal temperature difference (DTD) were observed in lakes across Eurasia. However, variations in DTDs were small in lakes located in high latitude and in tropical rainforest regions. The shallow lakes showed a rapid response of LSWT to solar and atmospheric forcing, while in the large and deep lakes, that response was sluggish. Results of this study demonstrated the applicability of remote sensing and MODIS LST products to capture the spatial–temporal variability of LSWT across continental scales, in particular for the vast wilderness areas and protected environment in high latitude regions of the world. The approach can be used in future studies examining processes and factors controlling large scale variability of LSWT.  相似文献   

基于卫星资料的北京陆表水体的热环境效应分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用不同分辨率的卫星资料对北京水体类别、密云水库及城区典型水体的热环境特性及城区水体对其周围热环境影响进行研究分析.利用2006年的MODIS卫星地表温度产品对北京不同类型的地表温度研究显示:就北京四季平均状态来说,水体类别在白天具有降温作用,在秋季和冬季夜晚具有保温作用,在春季和夏季夜晚具有降温作用.利用NOAA/AVHRR卫星资料对密云水库的研究分析显示:密云水库在夏季白天具有"冷湖效应",夜晚具有"暖湖效应";密云水库在冬季未结冰时白天和夜间具有"暖湖效应",在结冰时白天具有"冷湖效应"而晚上无冷暖效应.利用FY-3A/MERSI、NOAA/AVHRR和Landsat-TM卫星资料对北京城区典型水体监测结果显示:城区水体不会有热岛现象出现,大面积的水体易出现"冷岛效应".利用2008年夏季Landsat-TM卫星资料对城区典型水体和天坛公园绿地500 m范围内的建筑地温研究分析显示:城区水体温度明显低于天坛公园绿地.城区各水体周边100 m范围内建筑区地温平均下降1.2℃;100~200 m内下降0.6℃;200~300 m内下降0.4℃,300 m范围外无明显变化.天坛公园绿地周边仅100 m内的建筑区地温下降,下降值为0.4℃.这些研究结果表明:卫星资料能有效监测水体的热环境效应,大面积的水体是降低城市地表热岛效应的重要来源,北京城区水体对周边最大300 m范围内的建筑区地表温度具有降温效应.  相似文献   

Physically-based model SWAP, developed by the authors earlier and describing the processes of heat and water exchange between the land surface and the atmosphere was adapted for calculating the components of heat and water balance for the entire land surface of the globe. An information base for the model was prepared as a version of global dataset with one-degree spatial resolution for three-hour hydrometeorological data and land surface parameters. The dynamics of various parameters of heat and water regimes of the soil-vegetation (snow) cover-atmosphere system was calculated by using a new version of the land surface model SWAP with a three-hour time step from July 1, 1982, to December 31, 1995. Calculation results were compared with estimates available from the literature.  相似文献   

The effects of small water bodies or lakes on the surface sensible and latent heat fluxes and the transport of heat and water vapour in the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) over the Mackenzie River Basin (MRB) are studied from two cases, which occurred on 2 and 8 June 1999 during the warm season. The synoptic condition for the cases is representative of about 33% of the synoptic situation over the MRB. The two events are simulated using the Canadian mesoscale compressible community (MC2) model. A one‐way nesting grid approach is employed with the highest resolution of 100 m over a domain of 100 km2. Experiments were conducted with (LAKE) and without (NOLAKE) the presence of small water bodies, whose size distribution is obtained through an inversion algorithm using information of their linear dimension determined from aircraft measurement of surface temperature during MAGS (the Mackenzie GEWEX (Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment) Study) in 1999. The water bodies are assumed to be distributed randomly in space with a fractional area coverage of 10% over the MRB. The results show that, in the presence of lakes, the domain‐averaged surface sensible heat flux on 2 June 1999 (8 June 1999) decreases by 9·3% (6·6%). The surface latent heat flux is enhanced by 18·2% (81·5%). Low‐level temperature advection and the lake surface temperature affect the air–land/lake temperature contrast, which in turn controls the sensible heat flux. In the absence of lakes the surface wind speed impacts the latent heat flux, but in the presence of lakes the moisture availability and the atmospheric surface layer stability control the latent heat flux. The enhancement is smaller on 2 June 1999 as a result of a stable surface layer caused by the presence of colder lake temperatures. The domain‐averaged apparent heat source and moisture sink due to turbulent transports were also computed. The results show that, when lakes are present, heating and drying occur in the lowest 100 m from the surface. Above 100 m and within the ABL, there was apparent cooling. However, the apparent moistening profiles reveal that lakes tend to moisten the ABL through transfer of moisture from the lowest 50–100 m layer. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Water vapor plays a crucial role in atmospheric processes that act over a wide range of temporal and spatial scales, from global climate to micrometeorology. The determination of water vapor distribution in the atmosphere and its changing pattern is very important. Although atmospheric scientists have developed a variety of means to measure precipitable water vapor(PWV) using remote sensing data that have been widely used, there are some limitations in using one kind satellite measurements for PWV retrieval over land. In this paper, a new algorithm is proposed for retrieving PWV over land by combining different kinds of remote sensing data and it would work well under the cloud weather conditions. The PWV retrieval algorithm based on near infrared data is more suitable to clear sky conditions with high precision. The 23.5 GHz microwave remote sensing data is sensitive to water vapor and powerful in cloud-covered areas because of its longer wavelengths that permit viewing into and through the atmosphere. Therefore, the PWV retrieval results from near infrared data and the indices combined by microwave bands remote sensing data which are sensitive to water vapor will be regressed to generate the equation for PWV retrieval under cloud covered areas. The algorithm developed in this paper has the potential to detect PWV under all weather conditions and makes an excellent complement to PWV retrieved by near infrared data. Different types of surface exert different depolarization effects on surface emissions, which would increase the complexity of the algorithm. In this paper, MODIS surface classification data was used to consider this influence. Compared with the GPS results, the root mean square error of our algorithm is 8 mm for cloud covered area. Regional consistency was found between the results from MODIS and our algorithm. Our algorithm can yield reasonable results on the surfaces covered by cloud where MODIS cannot be used to retrieve PWV.  相似文献   

Peatlands play an important role in the global carbon cycle, and loss of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) has been shown to be important for peatland carbon budgets. The objective of this study was to determine how net production and export of DOC from a northern peatland may be affected by disturbance such as drainage and climate change. The study was conducted at a poor fen containing several pool–ridge complexes: (1) control site–no water table manipulation; (2) experimental site–monitored for one season in a natural state and then subjected to a water table drawdown for 3 years; (3) drained site–subjected to a water table drawdown 9 years prior to monitoring. The DOC concentration was measured in pore water along a microtopographic gradient at each site (hummock, lawn and hollow), in standing water in pools, and in discharge from the experimental and drained sites. The initial water table drawdown released ~3 g of carbon per square metre in the form of DOC, providing a large pulse of DOC to downstream ecosystems. This value, however, represents only 1–9% of ecosystem respiration at this site. Seasonal losses of DOC following drainage were 8–11 g of carbon per square metre, representing ~17% of the total carbon exchange at the experimental study site. Immediately following water table drawdown, DOC concentrations were elevated in pore water and open water pools. In subsequent seasons, DOC concentration in the pool declined, but remained higher than the control site even 11 years after water‐table drawdown. This suggests continued elevated net DOC production under lower water table conditions likely related to an increase in vegetation biomass and larger water table fluctuations at the experimental and drained sites. However, the increase in concentration was limited to initially wet microforms (lawns and hollows) reflecting differences in vegetation community changes, water table and soil subsidence along the microtopographic gradient. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada.  相似文献   

Hydrological simulations at multi-temporal time scales by a widely used land surface model (LSM) are investigated under contrasting vegetation and meteorological conditions. Our investigation focuses particularly on the effects of two different representations of root water uptake and root profile on simulated evapotranspiration (ET) and soil moisture by the Integrated BIosphere Simulator (IBIS). For this purpose, multi-year eddy covariance measurements, collected at four flux-tower sites across North America, were used to gauge IBIS simulations with: (a) its standard version (IBIS2.1), in which static root water uptake (RWU) and root profile schemes are incorporated; and (b) a modified version in which dynamic RWU and root profile schemes replaces the static schemes used in the standard version. Overall, our results suggest that the modified version of the model performs more realistically than the standard version, particularly when high atmospheric demand for evaporation is combined with high atmospheric vapour pressure deficit and low soil water availability. The overall correlation between simulated and measured monthly ET rates at the simulated sites reached 0.87 and 0.91 for the standard and the modified versions, respectively. Our results also show that the incorporation of the dynamic RWU in IBIS yields improved simulations of ET under very dry conditions, when soil moisture falls down to very low levels. This suggests that adequate representations of vegetation responses to drought are needed in LSMs as many state of the art climate models projections of future climate indicate more frequent and/or more intense drought events occurring in some regions of the globe. Our analysis also highlighted the urgent need for adequate methodologies to correct field measurements that exhibit energy imbalances in order to provide rigorous assessments of land surface model simulations of heat and mass exchanges between the land surface and the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Uruguay has stimulated the development of its forest sector since the promulgation of Forest Law N° 15 939 in December of 1987. Nevertheless, the substitution of natural grasslands with forest plantations for industrial use has raised concerns regarding hydrological processes of groundwater recharge and water consumption involving evapotranspiration. The purpose of this study is to assess the effects of this substitution approach on water resources. Input data were collected from two small experimental watersheds of roughly 100–200 hectares located in western Uruguay. The watersheds are characterized by Eucalyptus Globulus ssp. Maidenni and natural grasslands for cattle use. Total rainfall, stream discharge, rainfall redistribution, soil water content and groundwater level data were collected. Groundwater recharge was estimated from water table fluctuations and from groundwater contributions to base flows. Seasonal and annual water budgets were computed from October of 2006 to September of 2014 to evaluate changes in the hydrological processes. The data show a decrease in annual specific discharge of roughly 17% for mean hydrological years and no conclusive effects on annual groundwater recharge in the forested watershed relative to the reference pasture watershed. Reduced annual specific discharge is equivalent to the mean annual interception. The computed actual annual evapotranspiration is consistent with international catchment measurements. Reduction rates vary seasonally and according to accumulated rainfall and its temporary distribution. The degree of specific discharge decline is particularly high for drier autumns and winters (32 to 28%) when the corresponding rainfall varies from 275 to 400 mm. These results are of relevance for water resources management efforts, as water uses downstream can be affected. These findings, based on a study period dominated by anomalous wet springs and summers and by dry autumns and winters, oppose earlier results based on 34 years of rainfall and discharge data drawn from Uruguayan large basins. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have shown the significance of representing groundwater in land surface hydrologic simulations. However, optimal methods for model parameter calibration in order to realistically simulate baseflow and groundwater depth have received little attention. Most studies still use globally constant groundwater parameters due to the lack of available datasets for calibration. Moreover, when models are calibrated, various parameter combinations are found to exhibit equifinality in simulated total runoff due to model parameter interactions. In this study, a simple lumped groundwater model is incorporated into the Community Land Model (CLM), in which the water table is interactively coupled to soil moisture through the groundwater recharge fluxes. The coupled model (CLMGW) is successfully validated in Illinois using a 22-year (1984–2005) monthly observational dataset. Baseflow estimates from the digital recursive filter technique are used to calibrate the CLMGW parameters. The advantage obtained from incorporating baseflow calibration in addition to traditional calibration based on measured streamflow alone is demonstrated by a Monte Carlo-type simulation analysis. Using the optimal parameter sets identified from baseflow calibration, flow partitioning and water table depth simulations using CLMGW are improved, and the equifinality problem is alleviated. For other regions that lack observations of water table depth, the baseflow calibration approach can be used to enhance parameter estimation and constrain water table depth simulations.  相似文献   

Joshua C. Koch 《水文研究》2016,30(21):3918-3931
Arctic thaw lakes are an important source of water for aquatic ecosystems, wildlife, and humans. Many recent studies have observed changes in Arctic surface waters related to climate warming and permafrost thaw; however, explaining the trends and predicting future responses to warming is difficult without a stronger fundamental understanding of Arctic lake water budgets. By measuring and simulating surface and subsurface hydrologic fluxes, this work quantified the water budgets of three lakes with varying levels of seasonal drainage, and tested the hypothesis that lateral and subsurface flows are a major component of the post‐snowmelt water budgets. A water budget focused only on post‐snowmelt surface water fluxes (stream discharge, precipitation, and evaporation) could not close the budget for two of three lakes, even when uncertainty in input parameters was rigorously considered using a Monte Carlo approach. The water budgets indicated large, positive residuals, consistent with up to 70% of mid‐summer inflows entering lakes from lateral fluxes. Lateral inflows and outflows were simulated based on three processes; supra‐permafrost subsurface inflows from basin‐edge polygonal ground, and exchange between seasonally drained lakes and their drained margins through runoff and evapotranspiration. Measurements and simulations indicate that rapid subsurface flow through highly conductive flowpaths in the polygonal ground can explain the majority of the inflow. Drained lakes were hydrologically connected to marshy areas on the lake margins, receiving water from runoff following precipitation and losing up to 38% of lake efflux to drained margin evapotranspiration. Lateral fluxes can be a major part of Arctic thaw lake water budgets and a major control on summertime lake water levels. Incorporating these dynamics into models will improve our ability to predict lake volume changes, solute fluxes, and habitat availability in the changing Arctic. Published 2016. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

Rain and throughfall drops were sampled during rain events in a New Zealand beech forest and the frequency distributions of drop mass and kinetic energy calculated. The kinetic energy of throughfall under the canopy was always greater than that of rainfall in the open, notwithstanding interception losses. During a typical rain event in which 51 mm fell in 36 h, the total kinetic energy of throughfail was 1.5 times greater than that of rainfall, and the mean amount of sand splashed from sample cups was 3.1 times greater under the canopy than in the open. It appears that where mineral soil is exposed at the surface, by animal trampling or burrowing for example, rates of soil detachment by splash under a forest canopy will probably exceed those in the open.  相似文献   

Increased nitrogen(N) deposition and land-use and land-cover change(LUCC) have influenced the terrestrial ecosystem carbon budget in China over the past few decades.However,the coupling effects of N deposition and LUCC on the carbon cycle remain unclear.This study first evaluated the effects of LUCC on N deposition based on estimated N deposition data from NO_2 column remote sensing data and the GlobeLand30 LUCC dataset,and then assessed the coupling effects of N deposition and LUCC on carbon budgets in China based on a terrestrial ecosystem process-based model.The results showed that the average rate of increase in N deposition in China was 0.35 Tg N yr~(-1)(Tg = 10~(12) g),which caused net primary production(NPP) and net ecosystem production(NEP) to rise by 92.2 Tg C yr~(-1) and 46.9 Tg C yr~(-1),respectively.The effects of LUCC reduced N deposition by 0.21 GgNyr~(-1)(Gg= 10~9g).The land changed from forest to cropland had the greatest rate of increase in N deposition among all types of land-cover change.Changes from cropland to forest slowed the rate of N deposition increase the most.Generally,the change in N deposition resulting from LUCC reduced NPP and NEP by 0.7 and 0.4 Gg C yr~(-1),respectively.Compared with the total effects of N deposition on NPP and NEP,N deposition changes caused by LUCC had a limited aggregate effect on the C budget.  相似文献   

It is of major scientific interests to determine the parameters of momentum, heat and vapor exchange in the planetary boundary layer in order to study the effects of ocean-ice-atmosphere interactions and their feedback mechanisms on global climate[1]. Lin…  相似文献   

We present and analyse a fully coupled physical–biogeochemical model of the uptake and release of carbon dioxide in the Baltic Sea. The modelling includes the interaction between physical (stratification, temperature, salinity, penetration of solar radiation, and ice), chemical (total alkalinity, pH, dissolved inorganic carbon, oxygen, and nutrients), and biological processes (plankton and dissolved organic carbon (DOC)). These processes have been built into an advanced process-oriented coupled basin ocean model that has been extensively explored and validated for the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

There is a general agreement that forest ecosystems in the Northern Hemisphere function as signifi-cant sinks for atmospheric CO2; however, their magnitude and distribution remain large uncertainties. In this paper, we report the carbon (C) stock and its change of vegetation, forest floor detritus, and mineral soil, annual net biomass increment and litterfall production, and respiration of vegetation and soils between 1992 to 1994, for three temperate forest ecosystems, birch (Betula platyphylla) forest, oak (Quercus liaotungensis) forest and pine (Pinus tabulaeformis) plantation in Mt. Dongling, Beijing, China. We then evaluate the C budgets of these forest ecosystems. Our results indicated that total C density (organic C per hectare) of these forests ranged from 250 to 300 t C ha-1, of which 35―54 t C ha-1 from vegetation biomass C and 209―244 t C ha-1 from soil organic C (1 m depth, including forest floor detritus). Biomass C of all three forests showed a net increase, with 1.33―3.55 t C ha-1 a-1 during the study period. Litterfall production, vegetation autotrophic respiration, and soil heterotrophic respira-tion were estimated at 1.63―2.34, 2.19―6.93, and 1.81―3.49 t C ha-1 a-1, respectively. Ecosystem gross primary production fluctuated between 5.39 and 12.82 t C ha-1 a-1, about half of which (46%―59%, 3.20―5.89 t C ha-1 a-1) was converted to net primary production. Our results suggested that pine forest fixed C of 4.08 t ha-1 a-1, whereas secondary forests (birch and oak forest) were nearly in balance in CO2 exchange between the atmosphere and ecosystems.  相似文献   

Kojima  T.  Tanaka  Y.  Katoh  S.  Tahara  K.  Takahashi  N.  Yamada  K. 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2002,45(1):142-147

Afforestation in arid land is a promising method for carbon fixation, but the effective utilization of water is highly important and required. Thus, the evaluation of the amount of water per unit carbon fixed with the tree growth is required to minimize the amount of water supplied to the plants. In this research, a tree is regarded as a carbon fixation reactor with inflows of water and nutrients from roots, and CO2 as the carbon source from leaves with outflow of water vapor from leaves and accumulation in the tree itself. In the process of photosynthesis and respiration nutritional elements are dissolved in water flow in trees. They do not flow out by these reactions, but are accumulated in trees. Thus, we have treated the behaviour of nutrients as a marker to evaluate the water/carbon ratio.

Assuming that nutrient concentration is constant in sap, and the differences in the ratios of nutrient to carbon in living trees and dead (i.e. litter fall, etc.) are neglected, the ratio of the used water to fixed carbon is given as the ratio of nutrient to carbon in the tree body divided by the ratio of nutrient to water in sap. However, some nutrients are translocated and concentrated within the tree and some may be discarded through litter fall. Thus it is important to examine which nutrient element is the most suitable as the tracer.

In this paper, the results of the above method applied toEucalyptus camaldulensis in semiarid land of Western Australia are shown. The value of water requirement per unit carbon fixation determined from potassium balance is between 421 kg-H2O/kg-C for mature trees and 285 kg-H2O/kg-C for young trees, while the values from calcium balance are much larger than these. The cause of the discrepancy between these values is discussed based on the measured element concentrations in sap and trees and the plant physiology. Finally, the actual average value through the life of a tree is suggested to fall between the two values.


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