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Analysis of body supercavitation in shallow water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eduard Amromin   《Ocean Engineering》2007,34(11-12):1602-1606
Motion of a cavitating body in shallow waters undergoes a blockage effect. There are influences of the rigid boundary (the sea bottom) and the free boundary (sea surface) in shallow waters. As shown by computation carried out with the ideal fluid theory, the combination of these influences leads to an increase of cavitation number for a cavity of a fixed length and to 3D deformations of the cavity cross-sections, with a swelling of the down cavity part.  相似文献   

In order to determine the temporal and spatial variations of nutrient profiles in the shallow pore water columns (upper 30 cm depth) of intertidal sandflats, we measured the salinity and nutrient concentrations in pore water and seawater at various coastal environments along the southern coast of Korea. In the intertidal zone, salinity and nutrient concentrations in pore water showed marked vertical changes with depth, owing to the active exchange between the pore water and overlying seawater, while they are temporally more stable and vertically constant in the sublittoral zone. In some cases, the advective flow of fresh groundwater caused strong vertical gradients of salinity and nutrients in the upper 10 cm depth of surface sediments, indicating the active mixing of the fresher groundwater with overlying seawater. Such upper pore water column profiles clearly signified the temporal fluctuation of lower-salinity and higher-Si seawater intrusion into pore water in an intertidal sandflat near the mouth of an estuary. We also observed a semimonthly fluctuation of pore water nutrients due to spring-neap tide associated recirculation of seawater through the upper sediments. Our study shows that the exchange of water and nutrients between shallow pore water and overlying seawater is most active in the upper 20 cm layer of intertidal sandflats, due to physical forces such as tides, wave set-up, and density-thermal gradient.  相似文献   

The water exchange and water quality around coastal structures are considered by analytical, numerical and experimental methods. Water exchange for a small yacht harbour at the Black Sea coast is discussed as an application example. Physical and numerical experiments were carried out to determine the wave induced current field and to correlate the water exchange inside the area around the harbour mole. A hydraulic approach was applied to estimate the water exchange intensities for typical zones. The proposed mathematical model is an irregular wave-current model which includes the interaction between waves and current and a modified breaking criterion. The evolution of salinity concentration during the experimental investigations shows the water exchange intensity. A satisfactory agreement between calculated and measured concentration evolution was obtained.  相似文献   

A numerical method for non-hydrostatic, free-surface, irrotational flow governed by the nonlinear shallow water equations including the effects of vertical acceleration is presented at the aim of studying surf zone phenomena. A vertical boundary-fitted grid is used with the water depth divided into a number of layers. A compact finite difference scheme is employed for accurate computation of frequency dispersion requiring a limited vertical resolution and hence, capable of predicting the onset of wave breaking. A novel wet–dry algorithm is applied for a proper handling of moving shoreline. Mass and momentum are strictly conserved at discrete level while the method only dissipates energy in the case of wave breaking. The numerical results are verified with a number of tests and show that the proposed model using two layers without ad-hoc assumptions enables to resolve propagating nonlinear shoaling, breaking waves and wave run-up within the surf and swash zones in an efficient manner.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the T/S structures, water mass exchange and deep circulation in the Andaman Sea are investigated based on the simulation from a high-resolution general circulation model(MITgcm). The results show that, below 1 000 m, the water mass is saltier, warmer and more homogeneous in the Andaman Sea than that in the Bay of Bengal, attributing to the strong vertical mixing at the depth of ~1 800 m. The water mass exchange between the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal goes through three major channels, which manifests itself as follows: the northern channel(Preparis Channel) is the main passage of water mass transport from the Bay of Bengal to the Andaman Sea, whereas the Middle Channel(the south of Andaman Islands and the north of Nicobar Islands) has an opposite transport; the southern channel(Great Channel) features with a four-layer water exchange which results in the least net transport among the three channels; all the transports through the three channels have an intra-annual variation with a period of half a year. At 1 000-m depth, the entire Andaman Sea is occupied by a cyclonic circulation in January and July while by an anticyclonic one in April and October. The semiannual cycle found in both the deep circulation and water mass exchange is likely associated with the downwelling eastward-propagating Kelvin waves induced by the semiannual westerly component in the equatorial Indian Ocean during intermonsoon seasons.  相似文献   

The variation in water-vapor content W in the atmosphere of the arid zone is studied. The seasonal oscillations in W for the arid zone are characterized by changes in the moisture content from 2.3 to 3.6 times during the transition from winter to summer. The summer-fall period is characterized by a well-expressed midday minimum of moisture content. In winter the moisture content monotonically decreases during the day. In spring the water-vapor content has a wide maximum in midday. The water-vapor content in the atmosphere during dust haze increases up to two times.  相似文献   

Shallow bays with soft sediment bottoms are common habitats along the Swedish and Finnish Baltic Sea coastline. These bays undergo a process of geomorphometric evolution with the natural isostatic land-uplift process, whereby open bays and sounds decrease in depth and are gradually isolated from the sea, forming bays with narrow openings. This study tested the relationship between the morphometric isolation of the bays from the sea and the macroinvertebrate fauna community of these bays. Additionally, we tested the specific role of the submerged vegetation as an indicator of the macroinvertebrate fauna community. We chose two environmental factors for the analyses, water exchange of the bays and the taxon richness of the macroflora in the bays. We found a hierarchical relationship between water exchange, flora taxon richness, and fauna biomass and taxon richness using structural equation modelling: decreased biomass and taxon richness of fauna were related to decreased flora taxon richness, which in turn was related to decreased water exchange. Using multivariate redundancy analysis, the two environmental factors included in the model were found to explain 47.7% of the variation in the fauna taxon composition and 57.5% of the variation in the functional feeding groups of the fauna. Along the morphometric isolation gradient of the bays, the fauna assemblages changed from a community dominated by gastropods, bivalves, and crustaceans, to a community mainly consisting of a few insect taxa. Moreover, the proportion of predators, gathering collectors, and shredders increased while that of filtering collectors and scrapers decreased. Our results indicate that the density and taxon richness of macroinvertebrate fauna are higher in less morphometrically isolated bays than in more isolated bays in the Baltic Sea. Furthermore, we suggest that the taxon richness of macroflora can serve as an indicator of the fauna community.  相似文献   

Evidence for the applicability of GEK (Geomagnetic Electrokinetography) measurements to shallow water regions is provided from observations in the shelf region of the East China Sea. The reason for the effectiveness of GEK measurements in this case is investigated theoretically, and it is shown to be attributable to the existence of a thick conductive sedimentary layer. In addition, it is shown that low conductive basement rock can be regarded as a good conductor for GEK measurements if the current width is broad enough and if the ratio of current width to water depth is larger than the resistivity ratio of basement rock to sea water. This implies that barotropic tidal currents can be measured with GEK in any ocean on the earth if they have significant magnitudes.  相似文献   

The steady state bifurcation structure of the double-gyre wind-driven ocean circulation is examined in a shallow water model where the upper layer is allowed to outcrop at the sea surface. In addition to the classical jet-up and jet-down multiple equilibria, we find a new regime in which one of the equilibrium solutions has a large outcropping region in the subpolar gyre. Time dependent simulations show that the outcropping solution equilibrates to a stable periodic orbit with a period of 8 months. Co-existing with the periodic solution is a stable steady state solution without outcropping.A numerical scheme that has the unique advantage of being differentiable while still allowing layers to outcrop at the sea surface is used for the analysis. In contrast, standard schemes for solving layered models with outcropping are non-differentiable and have an ill-defined Jacobian making them unsuitable for solution using Newton’s method. As such, our new scheme expands the applicability of numerical bifurcation techniques to an important class of ocean models whose bifurcation structure had hitherto remained unexplored.  相似文献   

J. Li  D.-S. Jeng   《Ocean Engineering》2007,34(8-9):1336-1343
In this technical note, the phenomena of non-linear water-wave propagation above a seabed with variable depth is re-examined. The conventional Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation is re-derived for the general case of variable water depth. In the new form of KdV equation, the seabed bottom function is included. Two different bottom profiles are considered in this study; case 1: b(x)=cεsinλx and case 2: b(x)=cεe-λ(x-x0)2. The effects of three bottom profile parameters, c, λ and ε on the wave profile are examined. Numerical results indicate that both ε and λ affect the wave profile significantly in case 1, while ε significantly affects the wave profile in case 2.  相似文献   

Photogrammetric measurements of dye dispersion in a high-energy surf zone provided semi-quantitative measurements of the pattern and flux of water exchange between the surf zone and nearshore. The intensity of current flow, the rip morphology and its position within the surf zone have important ecological implications for the surf zone and nearshore biota. A variety of water-movement patterns was found, ranging from currents which remained confined to the beach terrace to those which involved substantial exchange across the breaker line. In considering rips as exchange mechanisms, two rip types are recognized. Depending on the exchange of water across the breaker line, a rip may be classified as ‘exchange’ or ‘non-exchange’. The ecological significance of these current types is discussed and a classification scheme for rip currents is proposed. Offshore fluxes across the breaker line by rip currents ranged from negligible to 80 m3s−1 rip−1. The estimated maximum flux per running meter of the Sundays River Beach was calculated as 0·0.32m 3 s−1. The half-residence period of surf-zone water ranged from as little as 22 min t0 5 days, averaging 3·6 h.A dichotomy of current patterns found between the water column and surface layers is used to explain the build up of a concentration gradient in cell numbers of the surf diatom Anaulus birostratus within the surf zone despite extensive flushing by surf circulation.  相似文献   

The influence that cool skin has on the energy exchange between the atmosphere and the ocean is investigated in this work. For this purpose, a series of numerical experiments with the use of the one-dimensional LAKE model of a water body were performed. Three types of cold-skin parameterization were used in this model. The data of in situ measurements in the coastal zone of the Black Sea, in the Arctic Ocean, and over Lake Sparkling served as the boundary and initial conditions. It has been established from the results of experiments that the LAKE model with the incorporated parameterization of the cool skin successfully reproduces cold-skin characteristics, namely, the difference between the temperature of the cool skin surface and the water temperature below the skin. The results of numerical experiments are within the variability of the results of in situ measurements. It has been shown that the presence of a cool skin reduces the heat losses of a body of water. The numerical experiments showed that the presence of a cool skin can change the thermal regime of a water body and its stratification by changing the heat balance at the surface. This result can be important for the modeling of many processes inside a body of water and at its surface, for example, gas and heat exchange.  相似文献   

Intra-annual variability of the wave activity in the eastern Tropical Atlantic atmosphere is studied through the use of multidimensional spectrum estimation involving the method of maximum entropy. Investigation of the composition of the wave field spectrum relies on the pressure data recorded by four weather stations located on the West African coast. It has been found that in the region under study meridionally-orientated waves occur whose dynamics are largely determined by meridional displacements of the intra-tropical convergence zone in the annual cycle.UDK 551.460:629.78.Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

Underwater acoustic transient signals are generated mechanically at known positions along a wharf. These signals are received by a wide aperture planar array of four underwater acoustic sensors, whose positions relative to the wharf are unknown. A method is described that enables the positions of the sensors to be estimated from accurate differential time-of-arrival measurements (with 0.1 /spl mu/s precision) as the signal wavefronts traverse the array. A comparison of the estimated positions with the nominal positions of the first three sensors, which form a 20-m-wide aperture horizontal line array, reveals a 2-cm displacement of the middle sensor from the line array axis. This slight bowing of the line array results in overranging (bias error of 3%) when the wavefront curvature method is used with the nominal collinear sensor positions to locate a static source of active sonar transmissions at a range of 59.2 m. The use of the spherical intersection method coupled with the estimated sensor positions of the line array provides an order of magnitude improvement in the range estimate (within 0.3% of the actual value). However, systematic ranging errors are observed when the sound propagation medium becomes nonstationary. Next, the differences in the arrival times of the direct path and boundary-reflected path signals at the middle sensor of the wide aperture line array are estimated using the differential phase residue of the analytic signal at the sensor output. These multipath delays are used to estimate the range and depth of the source. Although the average value of the multipath range estimates is within 0.5% of the actual value, the variance of the range estimates is 50 times larger when compared with the results of the spherical intersection and wavefront curvature methods. The multipath delay data are also processed to provide a reliable estimate of the temporal variation in the water depth enabling the tidal variation to be observed.  相似文献   

冬季大风影响下的渤黄海水交换特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用ROMS海洋数值模式对2006年冬季渤黄海的海洋动力环境进行模拟,基于温度、盐度模拟结果,使用谱混合模型进行水团分析,定义了渤海海峡地区的水交换区。并进一步讨论了冬季大风事件对水交换区的影响,给出了冬季大风影响下的渤黄海水交换特征。研究得出,冬季的黄海水团以“舌”形分布于渤海海峡地区,水交换区则表现为沿“舌”形边缘呈带状分布,具有西北——东南的走向趋势,并且在“舌”尖处的水交换面积最大。通过缩小研究范围,发现位于黄海最北部的沿岸海域并不参与渤黄海之间的水体交换。最后研究发现,冬季大风事件对渤海水交换具有促进作用,具体表现为:大风过程使黄海暖流对渤海的入侵更加深入,水交换区向渤海方向伸展,南部的水交换带变宽,河流径流进入渤海后与渤海水的混合区加大,并发生北移。  相似文献   

Direct measurements of eddy diffusivities for momentum K m and heat K h by Doppler radar and by a radio acoustic sounding system in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere were used to examine the applicability of three Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) schemes of stratified turbulence in the environment: the E — ? turbulence scheme modified for stratified flows, the algebraic two-parameter E — ? Reynolds-stress scheme, and the three-parameter \(E - \varepsilon - \overline {\theta ^2 } \) turbulence scheme. All turbulence parameters-the turbulent kinetic energy (E), the dissipation rate (?), and vertical profiles of potential temperature (atmospheric stability) and mean wind velocity-were derived from direct measurements for all three turbulence schemes. It is shown that the profile of the vertical diffusivity of momentum (K m ) obtained from the three-parameter RANS turbulence scheme agrees well with its directly measured analog. The profile of K m calculated by the two-parameter turbulence schemes fits measurements rather qualitatively.  相似文献   

The cycling representer algorithm of Xu and Daley (2000) is a weak constraint four-dimensional variational data assimilation algorithm. It was successfully applied to a one-dimensional transport problem and was able to successfully extract the signal from noisy and sparse observations. The algorithm, however, has not previously been applied to a multivariate, multidimensional system with dynamic instability. The algorithm is also very computationally demanding and awaits considerable enhancement in computer power before being practical for operational forecast models. We have two objectives in this paper. The first is to apply the cycling representer algorithm to a two-dimensional, multivariate barotropically unstable linear shallow water system. The second objective is to formulate and test an accelerated representer algorithm that is much more computationally tractable than the cycling representer algorithm itself. A linear shallow water system with a barotropically unstable basic state was used as a test bed to conduct data assimilation experiments. The evolution of a 'neutral' eastward-propagating singular vector was selected as the 'truth', against which all data assimilation experiments were to be evaluated. The results indicated that the cycling representer algorithm was capable of providing satisfying state estimates for a multivariate, multidimensional system. The results from the accelerated representer algorithm were very encouraging because it is sufficiently computationally tractable to be used on present day multi-processor machines for operational applications.  相似文献   

渤海油田浅水软刚臂系泊FPSO触底分析   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
在线性三维势流理论的基础上,采用时域计算方法对BZ25—1油田16万吨级FPSO不同吃水条件下的碰底情况作了分析研究。数值计算结果与模型试验进行了比较,两者吻合较好,说明应用时域计算方法可以从理论上预报FPSO在浅水中的触底情况。这对我国渤海等浅水海域油田应用FPSO系统进行开发具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

The influence of the sea surface temperature (SST) on the carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange with the atmosphere at different spatial and temporal scales, which has a multidirectional character, was studied. The initial data included the monthly averages of the CO2 flux during the period of 1982–2011 at grid nodes of 4° by latitude and 5° by longitude, as well as the SST satellite data from January 1, 1982 to December 31, 2012 at the geographical grid nodes of 0.25° × 0.25°. Statistical models of estimation of the resulting global CO2 flux were suggested on the basis of data on SST anomalies. It is demonstrated that the SST variations in the equatorial zone mostly control the interannual fluctuations of the resulting CO2 flux in the ocean-atmosphere system.  相似文献   

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