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多发点情况下地震救援路径的优选算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大地震后的救灾中交通运输任务十分紧急,而地震对于道路的破坏使交通网络结构发生明显变动,无法实施原有的配送计划。前人的救灾运输路径优选算法只能解决运输的单发点问题,难以满足救灾中多处救援物资及时到达和救援物资量上的需要。为此,设计的优化算法将救援的单发点扩展为多发点,将各条路段的最大运输量考虑进去同时兼顾震后道路权值的修正,以此得出的最优路径,不仅能满足运输任务的及时性,同时又能满足运输量上的需求。  相似文献   

城市避震救灾最优体系模型仿真   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陈越平 《地震工程学报》2018,40(5):1105-1110
传统GIS空间分析模型进行城市避震救灾疏散方案规划时,未考虑疏散路径的当量长度,获取的避震救灾模型疏散效率较低。采用通行难度系数、次生灾害干扰系数、桥梁阻碍系数获取避震救灾疏散路径当量长度;通过目标函数获取避震救灾疏散路径当量长度的最小值,同时考虑避难场所的容纳量要求、清空避难场所固有人员、疏散距离小于避难场所的服务半径3个约束条件,设计新的城市避震救灾疏散最优模型。实验结果表明,新的城市避震救灾疏散最优模型能够给出精确的疏散路径与方案,高效率地完成城市避震救灾疏散任务。  相似文献   

环绕着南极大陆陆缘海冰隐伏冰裂缝发育,严重威胁我国南极科考海冰运输的安全.探地雷达可以精确、快速、有效探测海冰层序空间结构、隐伏冰裂缝两翼形态、冰裂缝的分布范围等关键要素.探冰队对拟选东部线路约22 km进行雷达探冰作业,新发现规模较大隐伏冰裂缝5条.评估了中国第30次南极科考队海冰卸货运输路线,为科考船"雪龙"号上大量物资、科考设备和重型装备安全运抵中山站保驾护航.  相似文献   

高压直流输电线路对地磁观测的干扰幅度大,随意性大.泾县地震台地磁观测目前受到附近穿行的多条高压直流输电影响,且无法避免.通过对泾县地震台观测资料分析,就高压直流输电对地磁观测的干扰原理和一些识别的方法有一定认识,并掌握有效剔除方法.  相似文献   

全国范围内越来越多的高压直流输电工程投入运行,其中5条线路运行对陕西地磁观测造成一定干扰。统计2014年1月-2018年6月陕西地磁观测受高压直流输电影响情况,分析各地磁观测台受高压直流输电线路影响的特征,提出判别直流输电干扰线路的方法和应对高压直流输电干扰的建议。  相似文献   

我国减灾救灾法制建设以采取母子法模式为宜,尽早制定"减灾救灾基本法",用以指导和规范防灾减灾、备灾、救灾及灾后重建等环节的立法。在此基础上,以制定《防灾减灾法》为依托完善防灾减灾法律制度,以灾害准备金立法为重心完善备灾法律制度,以《自然灾害救助条例》为依托完善救灾法律制度,以《汶川地震灾后恢复重建条例》为基础完善灾后恢复重建法律制度,同时推进减灾救灾团体及人员奖惩保障立法,最终实现减灾救灾的法治化目标。  相似文献   

李清亚 《地震工程学报》2018,40(6):1272-1277
传统三维城市规划模型是利用三维技术通过计算机生成模型对城市进行规划,没有考虑城市地理位置因素,不能保障城市震后应急救灾工作效率。为此,构建一种新的地震带城市规划模型。通过对城市抗震防灾空间及防灾分区定义,并对其规划原则进行分析,从而为城市防灾空间规划提供依据;以此为基础,采用风险评估方法构建出地震带城市抗震防灾空间规划的基本模型。实验结果表明,所设计模型性能极佳,考虑到了城市地理因素,在进行城市规划的同时,能够促进城市震后应急救灾工作的高效运行。  相似文献   

叙述了1695年临汾8级大地震后,清政府和山西地方军政当局采取的一系列救灾措施,包括派遣中央和地方军要员赶赴现场实施救灾;救治伤员、处理遇难者、清理灾害现场;惩治罪犯,安定社会秩序;制订抚恤标准,发布减免租赋、恢复经济的政策措施;严惩救灾不力的地方官员,募集救灾款项等.研究总结了临汾大震的救灾对策,这对加强地震重点监视防御区的综合防御体系,具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

刘磊  蒋一然 《地球物理学报》2019,62(6):2313-2320
列车在高铁上运行能够产生大量的高铁地震事件,这些地震事件既包含了作为震源的列车本身的结构信息,也蕴含了高铁线路的地质环境信息.本文提出了一种频率-空间-时间(FXT)属性描述大量高铁地震事件之间的关联.在FXT属性上,高铁地震信号之间的关联表征为在频率坐标轴F上相互对齐、在空间位置坐标轴X和事件到达时间坐标轴T上连续变化的分立谱线.本文对课题组在深圳为期两天的观测采集得到的4500余条高铁地震信号进行了FXT属性的提取,并对FXT属性进行了统计特性的分析:方差分析表明,高铁线路的地质环境的变化对高铁地震信号特征的影响大于不同列车的结构差异对高铁地震信号特征的影响;聚类分析表明,高铁地震信号的特征按接收点位置能够无监督地聚类为和高铁线路途经地质环境相关联的不同类别.通过上述分析表明,高铁地震信号中蕴含着丰富的可解释的高铁运行地质环境信息,具备对高铁列车运行安全进行监测的潜力.  相似文献   

对美国社会组织参与救灾的管理体系进行了研究,梳理了美国社会组织参与救灾工作的制度依据和主要参与救灾的社会组织情况,总结了美国在培育促进社会组织发展、发挥大型枢纽型社会组织平台作用、建设信息互动服务平台、构建公开透明的监管机制等方面的经验做法.汶川地震以来,中国社会力量参与救灾的热情持续高涨,发挥的作用日益显著,但依然存...  相似文献   

Road transportation has attracted extensive attention throughout the world because of its high energy demands and numerous externalities. Sustainable road transportation has thus become a great challenge for politicians and decision-makers all over the world. There have been a series of studies indicating that appropriate pricing of fuel can be both effective and efficient for reducing overconsumption of transport fuel. However, relatively little research has been done on fuel price approaches in developing country contexts. For a country like China, where road traffic today is growing more than in other countries, there is a strategic interest to do more economic analyses of fair and efficient pricing of fuel. In this study, we present a strategic assessment of fuel pricing in energy conservation and CO2 reduction from road transportation in China, both in a retrospective and a prospective perspective. First of all, the correlation between fuel price and road transport gasoline demand, based upon data from 1995 to 2007, was examined with an econometric model. Secondly, on basis of the elasticity model, the potential reductions with respect to fuel demand and Green House Gas (GHG) emissions as a consequence of a strategic fuel tax implementation in China were examined up to 2030. The results indicate that such strategic fuel taxation can play a considerable role in steering the growth of road transport gasoline demand, and thus also Chinese GHG emissions.  相似文献   

在灾后救援中,交通系统既是救援物资运输的通道,也是抢救和安置受伤群众的重要保证。然而破坏性地震后,交通系统的破坏以及急增的运输量给伤亡人员的转移和救援物资的运送都带来了极大的困难。因此,在灾后第一时间给出最优路径的建议,帮助救援队快速高效的进行灾后的救援工作,有重要的意义。考虑震后条件及应急需求,对已有的最短路径,最大容量路径进行改进。利用Dijkstra算法和深度优先算法,考虑路段的通行能力、抢修效率和应急期限,给出了以最大运输量为目标的最优路径的评价方法,为震后应急决策提供技术支持。  相似文献   

桥梁地震破坏等级划分标准浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了制订一套新的科学、合理、可操作性强的桥梁震害等级划分标准,搜集整理了国内外现有桥梁地震破坏等级划分方面的有关标准、规定,采用归纳总结、对比分析的方法,从分级、破坏宏观描述、震后通行能力分级等3方面总结了不同标准的特点,并对不同标准、规定的实际应用进行了讨论。结果表明:现有桥梁地震破坏等级划分标准需在以下几个方面予以完善:(1)依据不同的桥型分别给出相应的划分标准;(2)尽量采用定性描述,少用具体的量化数据;(3)应先给出承重构件破坏程度等级标准;(4)引入构件破坏数量用语。  相似文献   

薛莹    梁瑾璠    赵晗萍    蔡思达   《世界地震工程》2021,(4):100-108
灾后信息缺失易导致应急决策失效和调整困难,针对2021年5月下旬云南大理州漾濞县及青海果洛州玛多县分别发生6.4级和7.5级地震,本文设计了一种基于共享数据平台实时信息的灾后应急物资配置方法。该方法主要利用基于地震台网发布灾害信息确定灾区范围,基于人口分布数据估测需求与供给缺口,并通过高德开放平台接口获取交通态势确定可供通行的路网与实时最优运输路径,利用这些实时信息做出震后物资分配调度快速决策。通过漾濞和玛多地震案例分析结果显示:通过震后第一时间数据,可快速处理收集数据并进行供需评估与物资调度辅助决策。当灾区存在供需缺口,利用相邻县物资可维系震后短期内物资需求;对于物资运输,实时更新的信息可为其选择最佳路线。本方法为震后应急物资动态配置中决策实时更新与调整提供依据,为日后地震应急响应提供参考。  相似文献   

2021年5月21日21时48分34秒,云南省大理州漾濞县发生6.4级地震,中国地震局组织专家迅速进入灾区开展烈度评定和损失评估等现场应急工作。为加深业内同行对交通系统地震破坏的认识和理解,本文主要针对此次地震中交通系统的破坏情况进行宏观性描述,展现地震中交通系统的地震破坏现象,对道路和桥梁的主要震害特征进行总结,对典型震害的形成原因进行了探讨。最后,结合此次地震的破坏特点,为我国交通系统的抗震策略提出思考与建议。  相似文献   

We evaluated benthic habitat quality along a presumed contamination gradient in the Mar del Plata port (Southwestern Atlantic) by coupling biological and chemical proxies in a multidisciplinary approach. Organic matter and photosynthetic pigment contents were higher in silty-clay bottoms of the inner port sites. Levels of all fecal steroids decreased from the inner sites to the port inlet. High concentrations of coprostanol in the inner sites seemed to derive from a permanent population of sea lions rather than from sewage outfalls due to coprostanol/epicoprostanol ratio (IV) values <2.5. PAHs levels were also higher in the inner sector, related to both biomass combustion and petroleum combustion associated to local marine traffic. High disturbance and low ecological status were reflected in low benthic diversity and high AMBI values in the inner sites.  相似文献   

交通系统是生命线工程重要的组成部分,交通系统的破坏对震后的抗震救灾以及社会功能的恢复影响重大。伽师M S6.4地震造成交通系统中桥梁构件破坏、路面开裂及路基受损等多种形式的震害,影响正常使用,造成了比较严重的经济损失。文中通过现场调查及资料收集,总结了伽师M S6.4地震中交通系统的震害现象,简要分析了交通系统的震害特点及原因,为今后交通系统抗震设防、减轻地震灾害以及抗震救灾工作提供依据。  相似文献   

The irregularity analysis of exceedance time series of gaseous pollutants CO, NO2 and O3 is carried out using Shannon entropy and Fisher information measure. The data observed during 2007–2010 at three sites with different land-use activities in Delhi are analyzed. CO and NO2 showed irregular behavior at both, low anthropogenic activity and commercial activity sites, whereas at traffic site both the pollutant concentrations showed regular behavior. The irregularity is attributed to the multiplicity in emission sources at low activity and commercial site and regular behavior is observed due to the uniformity and well defined source characteristics at the traffic site. O3 at three sites showed irregular behavior owing to its secondary nature. Fisher–Shannon information plane showed the grouping of three pollutants except CO and NO2 at traffic and O3 at low activity site suggesting the similar temporal characteristics of the pollutants even at the sites with different land-use activities.  相似文献   

Bridges are crucial to the transportation network in a region struck by an earthquake. Collapse of a bridge determines if a road is passable. Ability of a bridge to carry traffic load after an earthquake determines the weight and speed of vehicles that can cross it. Extent of system and component structural damage in bridges determines the cost and time required for repair. Today, post‐earthquake bridge evaluation is qualitative rather than quantitative. The research presented in this paper aims to provide a quantitative engineering basis for quick and reliable evaluation of the ability of a typical highway overpass bridge to function after an earthquake. The Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) Center's probabilistic performance‐based evaluation approach provides the framework for post‐earthquake bridge evaluation. An analytical study was performed that linked engineering demand parameters to earthquake intensity measures. The PEER structural performance database and reliability analysis tools were then used to link demand parameters to damage measures. Finally, decision variables were developed to describe three limit states, repair cost, traffic function, and collapse, in terms of induced damage. This paper presents the analytical models used to evaluate post‐earthquake bridge function, decision variables and their correlation to the considered limit states, and fragility curves that represent the probability of exceeding a bridge function limit state given an earthquake intensity. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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