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Diverse and well‐preserved palynomorph assemblages recovered from the Deurne Sands, a local member of the Upper Miocene Diest Formation near Antwerp, allow the recognition of dinoflagellate cyst biozones defined in the North Atlantic realm (East Coast, USA) and the North Sea region (Nieder Ochtenhausen well, northern Germany). Based on the dinoflagellate cyst assemblages and the calcareous microfossils, the deposition of the Deurne Sands took place at some time during middle to late Tortonian (Late Miocene). These sands can be correlated biostratigraphically with the Dessel Sands in the Campine area of northern Belgium. This correlation demonstrates the existence of two separate and contemporary depositional areas in northern Belgium during early Late Miocene times. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Lower–Middle Miocene Berchem Formation of northern Belgium is an essentially sandy sequence with a varying glauconite content and often abundant shelly intervals. The formation was deposited in a shallow marine environment and rests unconformably on stiff Rupelian clays or Chattian sands. The lithological recognition of the four members (Edegem Sands, Kiel Sands, Antwerpen Sands and Zonderschot Sands members) of the Berchem Formation solely based on lithological criteria proved to be difficult, especially in boreholes. The geometry of the Formation in the subsurface of northern Belgium remained largely unknown. Diverse and well preserved dinoflagellate cyst associations have been recovered from the four members in seven boreholes and two outcrops, and allow a refinement of the biostratigraphy of these deposits. A Miocene biozonation defined in mid‐latitude shallow marine deposits in the Atlantic Coastal Plain of the USA (Salisbury Embayment, Maryland) is readily applicable to this material, and has led to a detailed stratigraphic assessment of each member. Three detailed profiles depicting the distribution of the biozones in the subsurface of northern Belgium allow the reconstruction of the geometry and depositional history of the Berchem Formation. The oldest Miocene deposits are of early Burdigalian age and they testify to a transgression, which invaded Belgium from a north–northwestern direction. The maximum flooding took place during early Serravallian times. The upper boundary of the formation is a major erosional surface of late Serravallian or (slightly) younger age. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Sedimentary Geology》2004,163(3-4):175-210
The Mio–Pliocene in Western Europe is a period of major climatic and tectonic change with important topographic consequences. The aim of this paper is to reconstruct these topographic changes (based on sedimentological analysis and sequence stratigraphy) for the Armorican Massif (western France) and to discuss their significance. The Mio–Pliocene sands of the Armorican Massif (Red Sands) are mainly preserved in paleovalleys and are characterized by extensive fluvial sheetflood deposits with low-preservation and by-pass facies. This sedimentological study shows that the Red Sands correspond to three main sedimentary environments: fluvial (alluvial fan, low-sinuosity rivers and braided rivers), estuarine and some rare open marine deposits (marine bioclastic sands: “faluns” of French authors). Two orders of sequences have been correlated across Brittany with one or two minor A/S cycles comprised within the retrogradational trend of a major cycle. The unconformity at the base of the lower cycle is more marked than the unconformity observed at the top, which corresponds to a re-incision of the paleovalley network. A comparison of the results of the sequence stratigraphy analysis with eustatic variations and tectonic events during the Mio–Pliocene allows (1) to discuss their influence on the evolution of the Armorican Massif and (2) to compare the stratigraphic record with other west-European basins. The unconformity observed at the base of the first minor cycle may be attributed to Serravallian–Tortonian tectonic activity and/or eustatic fall, and the unconformity of the second minor cycle may be attributed to Late Tortonian–Early Messinian tectonic activity. The earlier unconformity is coeval with the development of a “smooth” paleovalley network compared to the jagged present-day relief. A single episode of Mio–Pliocene deformation recorded in Brittany may be dated as Zanclean, thus explaining the lack of the maximum flooding surface except in isolated areas. From this study, five paleogeographic maps were drawn up also indicating paleocurrent directions: three maps for the lower cycle (Tortonian retrogradational trend, Late Tortonian to Early Messinian maximum flooding surface and Messinian progradational trend) and two for the upper cycle (Pliocene retrogradational trend and Piacenzian maximum flooding surface). These maps show (1) the variations of paleocurrent directions during the Mio–Pliocene, (2) the extent of estuarine environments during the maximum flooding intervals and (3) a paleodrainage watershed oriented NNW–SSE following the regional Quessoy/Nort-sur-Erdre Fault during the retrogradational trend of the upper cycle and possibly during the progradational trend of the lower cycle. The present-day morphology of the Armorican Massif is characterized by (1) incised valleys and jagged topography, in contrast with the “smooth” morphology described for Mio–Pliocene times and (2) a main East–West drainage watershed, located to the north, separating rivers flowing towards the English Channel from rivers flowing towards the Atlantic Ocean. The Mio–Pliocene/Pleistocene paleotopographic changes seem to be controlled by climatic effects. These can be related to the change in runoff associated with warmer and wetter conditions during the Mio–Pliocene, which control the river discharge and lead to the development of extensive fluvial sheetflood deposits. Tectonic or eustatic factors exert a second-order control.  相似文献   

A stratigraphical and palaeoenvironmental analysis with organic‐walled palynomorphs of the Bolderberg and Diest formations provides new insights in the depositional history during Miocene times at the southern border of the North Sea Basin. The Neogene transgression invaded Belgium from a north–northwestern direction and fully marine sediments were deposited in the northern part of Belgium. The age and the palaeoenvironment of the deposits at the very border of the southern North Sea Basin remained till a few decades ago incomplete. The recovered dinoflagellate cysts, acritarchs and green algae from the Bolderberg Formation in the Wijshagen Borehole indicate a marginal marine depositional environment during late Burdigalian and Langhian times in the eastern Campine area, in contrast to the deeper marine conditions prevailing to the north–northwest. The relative dating of the Bolderberg Formation confirms that maximum flooding occurred during Langhian to early Serravallian times. Deposition apparently took place during the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum, and ended when the climatic deterioration set in at around 14 Ma. A hiatus spanning ca. 2 Ma separates the Middle Miocene Bolderberg Formation from the Upper Miocene Diest Formation in the eastern Campine area at the border of the North Sea Basin. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) resulted from a significant multi-phase drop and subsequent reflooding of the Mediterranean Sea from 5.96 to 5.33 Ma. Well-developed drainage networks, characterized by step-like profiles and abrasion platforms, are associated to this event. The Ebro Continental Margin (Western Mediterranean) presents an additional complexity since the capture of the drainage of the adjacent subaerial Ebro Basin took place sometime prior to the Messinian stage. Using 3D seismic reflection data, this work provides new insights into the origin of the step-like profile of the Messinian erosional surface (MES) and timing of the capture of the subaerial Ebro Basin. The results obtained indicate a sedimentary-active continental slope and delta progradation during Middle-Late Miocene, in a normal regressive context associated to a pre-Messinian proto-Ebro River. The mature development attained by the Messinian Ebro River network during the MSC corroborates that the capture of the Ebro Basin occurred prior to the MSC. The configuration of the clinoforms below the MES suggests that deltaic sediments of the Messinian Paleo-Ebro River deposited during the Tortonian and initial Messinian sea-level drawdown. The MES formed at the top of the Tortonian Highstand, where a fluvial network was deeply carved, and in the topset region of the Messinian Falling Stage Systems Tract, where minor erosion occurred. Fluvial deposits are outstandingly preserved on the main valleys of the MES. Therefore, the step-like profile of the MES was not created during Zanclean inundation, but during the latest stages of the main Messinian sea-level fall and lowstand.  相似文献   

The Palomares Fault Zone (PFZ) is one of the main strike-slip brittle shear zones found in the Betics. It is segmented in several faults that have been active between the Upper Tortonian and present day. Data from drill cores in the Palomares area have permitted us to define the geometry and location of sedimentary depocentres related with the PFZ. These data show an eastward displacement between the Upper Tortonian to Messinian and the Pliocene–Quaternary sedimentary depocentres, towards the presently active Arteal fault, which bounds the western mountain front of Sierra Almagrera, showing that deformation along this fault zone has migrated towards the east, from the Palomares segment, with its main activity during the Upper Tortonian and Messinian, towards the Arteal fault, active during the Pliocene and Quaternary. To cite this article: G. Booth-Rea et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   

During the late Miocene, the Guadalquivir Basin and its satellite basin, the Ronda Basin, were under Atlantic cool-water influence. The aim of our study is to develop a sequence stratigraphic subdivision of the Ronda Basin fill and to provide models for the cool-water carbonates. The Upper Miocene of the Ronda Basin can be divided into three depositional sequences. Sequence 1 is early Tortonian, Sequence 2 late Tortonian to earliest Messinian, and Sequence 3 Messinian in age. The sediments were deposited in a ramp depositional system. Sequence 1 is dominated by conglomerates and marls. In Sequence 2 and Sequence 3, carbonate deposits dominate in the inner ramp whereas siliciclastics preferentially occur in the middle and outer ramp. Bryomol carbonate sediments occur in all sequences whereas rhodalgal carbonates are restricted to Sequence 3. In bays protected from siliciclastic influx, rhodalgal deposits formed under transgressive conditions. A bryomol factory occurs in zones of continuous siliciclastic supply. This distribution results from facies partitioning during the flooding of the Ronda Basin, which has a rugged and irregular relief. Embayments were protected from siliciclastic influx and provided regions with less hydraulic energy.  相似文献   

The study focuses on the formation of lacustrine dolomite in late Miocene lakes, located at the East Mediterranean margins (Northern Israel). These lakes deposited the sediments of the Bira (Tortonian) and Gesher (Messinian) formations that comprise sequences of dolostone and limestone. Dolostones are bedded, consist of small‐sized (<7 μm), Ca‐rich (52 to 56 mol %) crystals with relatively low ordering degrees, and present evidence for replacement of CaCO3 components. Limestones are comprised of a wackestone to mudstone matrix, freshwater macrofossils and intraclasts (mainly in the Bira Formation). Sodium concentrations and isotope compositions differ between limestones and dolostones: Na = ~100 to 150 ppm; ~1000 to 2000 ppm; δ18O = ?3·8 to ?1·6‰; ?2·0 to +4·3‰; δ13C = ?9·0 to ?3·4‰; ?7·8 to 0‰ (VPDB), respectively. These results indicate a climate‐related sedimentation during the Tortonian and early Messinian. Wet conditions and positive freshwater inflow into the carbonate lake led to calcite precipitation due to intense phytoplankton blooms (limestone formation). Dry conditions and enhanced evaporation led to precipitation of evaporitic CaCO3 in a terminal lake, which caused an increased Mg/Ca ratio in the residual waters and penecontemporaneous dolomitization (dolostone formation). The alternating lithofacies pattern reveals eleven short‐term wet–dry climate‐cycles during the Tortonian and early Messinian. A shift in the environmental conditions under which dolomite formed is indicated by a temporal decrease in δ18O of dolostones and Na content of dolomite crystals. These variations point to decreasing evaporation degrees and/or an increased mixing with meteoric waters towards the late Messinian. A temporal decrease in δ13C of dolostones and limestones and appearance of microbial structures in close association with dolomite suggest that microbial activity had an important role in allowing dolomite formation during the Messinian. Microbial mediation was apparently the main process that enabled local growth of dolomite under wet conditions during the latest Messinian.  相似文献   

Several gateways connected the Mediterranean with the Atlantic during the late Miocene but the timing of closure and therefore their role prior to and during the Messinian Salinity Crisis (5.97–5.33 Ma) is still under debate. The timing of closure of the Guadalhorce Corridor is especially disputed as the common lack of marine microfossils hampers precise age determination. Here we present new biostratigraphic age constraints on the sediments of the Ronda, Antequera and Arcos regions, which formed the northern part of the Guadalhorce Corridor. The general presence of Globorotalia menardii 4 in the youngest deep‐marine sediments of all three regions indicates a late Tortonian age, older than 7.51 Ma. We conclude that the Guadalhorce Corridor closed during the late Tortonian, well before the onset of the Messinian Salinity Crisis and that the late Tortonian tectonic uplift of the eastern Betics extended into the western Betics.  相似文献   

This study describes the lithostratigraphic character of mid-Cenozoic (Oligocene-Pliocene) sequences in different parts of the northeastern Mediterranean area and offers a detailed stratigraphic correlation for this region. The sequences concerned are drawn from the Camardi area (south-central Anatolia), the Adana Basin, the Misis Mountains and the Kyrenia Range (northern Cyprus) and the submerged Florence Rise (west of Cyprus). The stratigraphic relationships identified here indicate the following: (a) Following the middle Eocene (Lutetian) regression there was uplift throughout the entire region; (b) Episodes of fluvial and lacustrine deposition in intramontane settings ensued in most of this region during the late Eocene/early Miocene interval; (c) Following a regionally extensive phase of tectonic compression, major marine transgression commenced in the late Oligocene in northern Cyprus and in the early Miocene in adjacent southern Turkey, with the exception of the Ecemi§ Fault Zone where continental deposition continued; (d) These Oligo-Miocene transgressive sequences comprise a broadly diachronous complex of both shallow and deeper marine facies, including reefal carbonates, littoral clastics, basinal shales and fan-turbidites; (e) Deeper marine Miocene facies persisted longer in the Misis area and in northern Cyprus; (f) A regional regression occurred throughout most of the area during the late Serravallian to Tortonian interval and is marked by the abrupt, locally discordant appearance of extensive shallow marine, deltaic and fluvial deposits; (g) Continued regression in the Messinian led to the formation of significant evaporite deposits in the western and southern parts of the region, but localized uplift of the Misis area is attested by the initial deformation of the Neogene rocks there and the absence of Messinian sediments from this area; (h) In the Pliocene there was extensive emergence of the northern parts of the region interrupted by brief marine incursions. The present-day drainage pattern was established at this time; (i) Marine conditions persisted longer in northern Cyprus, where emergence occurred only in the latest Pliocene.  相似文献   

The Betics are a key area to study an orogenic landscape disrupted by late‐orogenic extension. New low‐temperature thermochronology (LTT) data (AHe and AFT) coupled with geomorphic constraints in the Sierra de Gador (Alpujarride complex) are used to reconstruct the cooling history and evolution of relief during the Neogene. We document three stages: (1) a fast cooling event between 23 and 16 Ma associated with the well‐known extensive tectonic exhumation of the Alpujarride unit, (2) a period of slow cooling between 16 and 7.2 Ma related to a planation event and (3) a post‐7.2 Ma surface uplift associated with the inversion of the Alboran domain undetected by LTT. The planation event followed by this late uplift can explain the occurrence of inherited low‐relief surfaces overlain by Tortonian–Messinian platform deposits at the top of the range. Finally, we propose that the Sierra de Gador is a more transient landscape than the nearby Sierra Nevada.  相似文献   

In the Beni Issef Massif, nearly 30 km west of Chefchaouen (Morocco), the thickest post-nappe succession within the Rifian sector of the Maghrebian Chain seals the tectonic contact between the Intrarifian External Tanger and Loukkos Units, related to the Rifian External Domain. This succession is very important for the reconstruction of the deformation timing of the Rifian Maghrebids. The age of its base, in fact, is an important constraint for defining an upper boundary to the stacking of both the Intrarifian and Maghrebian Flysch Basin Units, because clasts fed by the Melloussa and Numidian Flysch Nappes are abundant in the conglomerate layers. Field and biostratigraphic analyses pointed out the presence of a Lower Beni Issef Fm, unconformable on the Intrarifian External Tanger and Loukkos Units, and an Upper Beni Issef Fm, unconformable on both the Intrarifian Units and the Lower Beni Issef Fm. The Lower Beni Issef Fm, 150 m thick, consists of lenticular conglomerates with huge blocks in a marly-clayey matrix, followed by marls and minor sandstones. It deposited in a siliciclastic platform, shows a fining upward trend and is affected by metre- to hectometre-sized, locally reversed, folds. Samples collected 45–50 m above the base of the formation resulted not older than Late Tortonian in age, but an older age for the base of the formation cannot be excluded. The Upper Beni Issef Fm, up to 550 m thick, starts with coarse conglomerates followed by medium- to coarse-grained well-bedded sandstones and by grey-blue marls and mudrocks. It indicates deposition in a channelized marine delta, with evolution towards pro-delta pelites, and shows sub-horizontal or gently dipping beds towards the east. Biostratigraphic data indicate a probable Messinian age for this formation. The composition of the arenites of both Lower Beni Issef and Upper Beni Issef Fms is quartzolithic and all samples show a notable content of monocrystalline well-rounded quartz and sedimentary lithic fragments. Detrital modes, all falling in the Quartzose Recycled and Transitional Recycled fields, suggest a provenance from recycling of sedimentary successions, easily recognizable in the Flysch Basin and External Units, mainly the Numidian Nappe sandstones. A Tortonian age of the Lower Beni Issef Fm would agree with the Late Serravallian age of the uppermost beds of the External Tanger Unit and indicate that the most probable age for the stacking of the Intrarifian Units falls in the Late Serravallian-Middle Tortonian time span. The Lower Beni Issef Fm was involved in a compressive tectonic phase testified by north-south striking folds. Later, probably during Messinian, the Upper Beni Issef Fm deposited in a younger intramontane basin, resting on both the Intrarifian Units and the Lower Beni Issef Fm. Successively, the Upper Beni Issef Fm was passively transported piggyback on top of the fold and thrust belt during later tectonic evolution of the Rifian Maghrebids. This tectonic evolution results quite similar to that recognized in the Tellian and Sicilian Maghrebids and also in the southern Apennines.  相似文献   

Messinian evaporites, which resulted from the salinity crisis during the final closure of the Mediterranean Sea, are exposed in SE Turkey. These evaporites formed in two isolated sub-basins, Iskenderun-Arsuz (IA) and Hatay-Samanda? (HS), which belong to different depositional configurations and tectonic structures. The Neogene fill of these sub-basins consists of a thick sedimentary succession that started with Early Miocene terrestrial clastics, followed by reefs (Middle Miocene) and shallow water siliciclastics (Tortonian - Early to Late Miocene) and finally Messinian evaporates. These sub-basins accumulated in a diverse range of depositional environments from very shallow to deeper water. Evaporite facies in the IA sub-basin consist of sabkhas, saline lagoons and ponds. They are mainly represented by chemical deposits such as scattered gypsum nodules and balls, nodular bedded gypsum, laminated gypsum (Type-A) and selenites (Type-S1). Evaporites in the HS sub-basin mainly consist of detrital gypsum composed of gypsum laminae (Type-B, C), gypsum arenite-rudites and deeper water selenites (≤ 20 m), and resedimented selenites (Type-S2), which were deposited on a sulfate platform with a slope-basin transitional zone. Secondary gypsum with alabastrine and porphyroblastic textures as well as satin spar veins is commonly associated with the sabkha-type evaporites of the IA sub-basin. Deeper-water clastic evaporites of the HS sub-basin have generally remained as primary gypsum or have only been slightly affected by diagenetic alterations. The isotope values (87/86Sr; δ18O SMOW; and δ34S CDT) from the different kinds of gypsum lithofacies of the sub-basin are similar to those of the Messinian evaporites in other peri-Mediterranean basins, indicating an origin from marine water without external or basinal contributions.The Messinian evaporites examined in this paper are overlain by Early Pliocene (Zanclean) deposits composed of shallow- and deep-water siliciclastics and carbonates with local intercalations of Lago-Mare-type strata. Throughout the Messinian evaporitic stage, the IA sub-basin was mainly comprised of shallow water evaporites, while the HS sub-basin underwent deepening related to regional tectonics induced by the Dead Sea Fault during the construction of the Hatay Graben.  相似文献   

Bertotti  Casolari  & Picotti 《地学学报》1999,11(4):168-173
The Gargano Promontory lies on the Adriatic plate between the Dinaride and Apennine fold-and-thrust belts and associated foredeeps. Neogene sediments and structures in the Gargano Promontory demonstrate the existence of significant contrac-tional structures which have not been reported previously. Beginning in early Miocene times, the future Gargano Promontory experienced shortening along NW-trending, mainly SW-vergent folds and thrusts. Deformation persisted until the Tortonian, and, most likely, until the Messinian. Limited NW-directed contraction affected the Promontory probably during Pliocene times. Morphological relief was minimal until the Messinian but from the middle Pliocene onwards, it was substantially similar to the present-day one partly as a consequence of extension along NE–SW-trending normal faults. The along-strike projection of kinematic relationships and quantities observed in the Gargano might call for a re-interpretation of previously underestimated structures NW and SE of the Promontory.  相似文献   

The Bajo Segura Basin is located in the eastern Betic Cordillera, at present connected with the Mediterranean Sea to the east. It has a complete stratigraphic record from the Tortonian to the Quaternary, which has been separated into six units bounded by unconformities. This paper is concerned with the northern edge of the basin, controlled by a major strike–slip fault (the Crevillente Fault Zone, CFZ), where the most complete stratigraphic successions are found. The results obtained (summarised below) are based on an integrated analysis of the sedimentary evolution and the subsidence-uplift movements. Unit I (Early Tortonian) is transgressive on the basin basement and is represented by ramp-type platform facies, organised in a shallowing-upward sequence related to tectonic uplift during the first stages of movement along the CFZ. Unit II (lower Late Tortonian) consists of shallow platform facies at bottom and pelagic basin facies at top, forming a deepening-upward sequence associated with tectonic subsidence due to sinistral motion along the CFZ. Unit III (middle Late Tortonian) is made up of exotic turbiditic facies related to a stage of uplift and erosion of the southern edge of the basin. Unit IV (upper Late Tortonian) consists of pelagic basin facies at bottom and shallow platform facies at top, defining a shallowing-upward sequence related to tectonic uplift during continued sinistral movement on the basin-bounding fault. Units V (latest Tortonian–Messinian) and VI (Pliocene–Pleistocene p.p.) consist of shallowing-upward sequences deposited during folding and uplift of the northern margin of the basin. No definitive evidence of any major eustatic sea-level fall, associated with the ‘Messinian salinity crisis’, has been recorded in the stratigraphic sections studied.  相似文献   

在对淮南地区二叠系岩性、矿物和生物化石进行观测研究以及相关地球化学参数测试的基础上,对淮南地区这一时期的沉积相演化特征及其与烃源岩之间关系进行分析。结果表明:淮南地区早、中二叠世时期海水震荡性后退,总体以水下沉积为主,大致可划分为2种沉积亚相:山西组的三角洲沉积和下石盒子组的水下分流河道沉积,又可以进一步细分为前三角洲、泥炭沼泽、分流河道、决口扇、河漫滩等微相,泥页岩在前三角洲和河漫滩相最发育。岩性和显微组分的组成受沉积微环境变化的控制作用明显,“(腐泥组+壳质组)/∑显微组分”以大于等于70%为主,利于生气;有机碳含量则受沉积亚相和沉积微环境的共同控制,山西组泥页岩中有机碳平均质量分数约2.78%,明显高于下石盒子组泥页岩中的1.11%。综合考虑泥页岩累计厚度、有机碳含量及有机质的显微组成等因素认为,研究区山西组和下石盒子组都可作为页岩气的有利勘探层位,尤以“潘集镇-潘集区-泥河镇-平圩镇”这一带最为有利。   相似文献   

This study represents a preliminary investigation of the late Messinian subsurface Marsa Zouaghah Formation in the Western Libyan Offshore, Central Mediterranean Sea. The formation was deposited in three major environmental settings: (a) Marginal Sabkha; (b) Open Lagoon; and (c) Hypersaline Lagoon. The marginal sabkha and open lagoonal settings are locally interrupted by intertidal oolitic shoal deposits. The marginal sabkha facies is replaced in central parts of the Libyan offshore by a narrow zone of aeolian-fluvial facies, the distribution and thickness of which is entirely controlled by a local uplift, the Tripoli Nose'. The marginal sabkha facies broadly defines the late Messinian palaeoshoreline lying parallel to, and north of, the E-W Jifarah fault system which dominated the southern part of the Libyan offshore. This fades is, thus, interpreted as being structurally controlled by fault systems. The hypersaline lagoonal facies is developed in areas of relatively higher rates of subsidence than that of adjacent facies belts. It is therefore, related to restriction formed by continuous subsidence and evaporation. The Marsa Zouaghah Formation constitutes saltern evaporates deposited over a wide platform in sabkha and lagoonal settings, forming part of the 'basin-wide-evaporites' of the Mediterranean Basin deposited during the Messinian salinity crisis. The evaporites formed during a major relative sea-level fall within a subsiding basin situated on the northern continental margin of the African plate. Local, vertical and lateral variations in lithofacies and thickness within the Messinian deposits of the north-west Libyan offshore were controlled by contemporaneous strike-slip movements in addition to sea-level change.  相似文献   

A thick volcanoclastic, biohermal and lagoonal sequence of strata succeeds the Siracusa Limestone Member (Monti Climiti Formation) of SE Sicily. This overlying sequence may be divided into two new formations on the basis of lithostratigraphy, petrology and palaeontology. The older formation, here named the Carlentini Formation, is predominantly a thick volcanoclastic sequence but with two intervening carbonate horizons. Faunas are rare within the volcanic strata but may be abundant and associated with corals and patch-reefs within the two carbonate levels.The younger formation, here named the Monte Carrubba Formation, is almost exclusively composed of oolitic grainstones and lagoonal wackestones. Peritidal carbonates are developed in the northeast of the area. Faunas are frequently of low diversity. Euryhaline mollusc associations are dominant, although Pecten vigolenesis occurs in the lower beds.Collectively the new formations span the late Tortonian—lower Messinian time interval and may be correlated with the Calcare di Base of the main sicilian basin to the west.The palaeoenvironmental reconstruction suggests that both formations were deposited around the SW margins to a low island or landmass lying to the north of the Hyblean region.  相似文献   

Post-Wealden dinosaur remains are rare in the UK, so any material from late Early or Late Cretaceous deposits is potentially of palaeoecological and palaeobiogeographical significance. Four dinosaur specimens collected from the Woburn Sands Formation (Aptian) of Upware, Cambridgeshire were described briefly by Walter Keeping in 1883, but have not been reappraised since. These specimens are identified herein as a ?turiasaurian sauropod tooth and indeterminate iguanodontian ornithopod remains (a tooth, middle caudal vertebra, pollex ungual). Although collected from the Woburn Sands Formation, it is likely that all of these fossils were reworked from older (now absent) sediments and they have usually been regarded as either ‘Wealden’ or Neocomian in age, presumably due to previous identifications of some of these specimens as Iguanodon. However, consideration of UK dinosaur faunas and regional geology indicates that these fossils could potentially be older. Further work is needed on the derived terrestrial fossils of the Lower Greensand Group in order to constrain their ages more precisely so that they can be incorporated into broader studies of regional diversity and palaeoecology.  相似文献   

The Messinian sediments of northeastern Tunisia were deposited under an active tectonic setting. They are organized in sequences indicating a transitional deposit from margin – littoral to lacustrine – continental facies. These series unconformably overlie the Serravallian–Tortonian silty clays packages, and are overlain by the transgressive Early Pliocene marl (Zanclean). The presence of evaporitic strata points out to the Messinian Salinity Crisis described in the peripheral basins of the western Mediterranean. The Messinian sedimentation was found to have been closely controlled by transtensive tectonics and differential subsidence at a large spatio-temporal scale. It is organized in sequences typical of a depositional environment controlled by eustatism, tectonic and maybe by climate changes. Despite the existence of some local specific sedimentological characteristics, our results corroborate previous findings that pointed out to the Messinian times as a singular period all around the Mediterranean Basin. Field and subsurface seismic profile data helped reconstructing either the sedimentary or tectonic unconformities existing between the studied Messinian series and older Neogene successions.  相似文献   

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