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利用Modflow预测某基坑降水引起的地面沉降   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在掌握场区水文地质条件和抽水试验成果的基础上,通过利用Modflow对某基坑降水工程建立了较合理的渗流计算模型,并针对可能采用的基坑降水方案,模拟预测出基坑降水下的基坑内外地下水位变化,定量评估了基坑降水引起的附加地面沉降问题,为结构设计核算和施工应对措施提供了重要依据.  相似文献   

深基坑开挖降水导致地面沉降机理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过漳州新城大厦地下室基坑开挖工程降水导致地面沉降的机理研究,阐述了引起地面沉降的因素、原理和预测方法,为类似工程降水地面沉降的预测计算提供理论计算依据和方法。  相似文献   

戴根宝  杨民 《江苏地质》2011,35(1):45-49
长江三角洲地区深基坑降水复杂,且极易引起地面沉降地质灾害问题,传统的基于地下水动力学原理的解析解模型(Theis公式或Dupuit公式)已难以满足降水设计模拟计算的需要,尤其是无法预测降水引起的地面沉降问题,深基坑降水与地面沉降耦合模型将地下水渗流模型和土体应力-应变模型耦合起来,可根据基坑地下水位的控制要求,同时模拟计算出降水井的布局、各井的开采量和地面沉降量。据此确定出的基坑降水方案既能满足地下水位的控制要求,又能对降水引起的地面沉降进行最优化控制。  相似文献   

基坑降水引起地面沉降的实时预测   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
张勇  赵云云 《岩土力学》2008,29(6):1593-1596
由于基坑降水引起周围土体应力的重新调整,造成基坑相邻建筑物地基不均匀沉降,情况严重则造成相邻建筑物破坏,因此对不均匀沉降量的预测具有现实意义。利用地下水动力学的非稳定流原理及土力学基本理论,介绍了基坑降水设计中引起周围地面沉降的实时预测方法,探讨了不同土层在降水过程中孔隙水压力消散对土层固结的影响,通过实例分析了公式中不同参数的取值合理性,编制了相关程序。该方法对分析、预测由于基坑降水所引起的周围地面沉降有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

上海地面沉降近年呈现出不均匀性特征,深基坑减压降水等工程活动是其主要原因之一.根据某地铁车站深基坑工程减压降水和地质环境监测结果,分析了深基坑工程的地面沉降效应.研究表明,减压降水是导致基坑周边地面沉降的主要因素,浅层地下水回灌可作为地面沉降控制的有效措施,而基坑围护与工程降水一体化设计是未来工程性地面沉降防治的重要方向.该研究成果可为工程性地面沉降防治提供科学依据和实践指导.  相似文献   

白龙港污水排放系统某浦东工作井降水工程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
上海市白龙港污水排放系统浦东工作井降水工程利用上海市二十多年的降水经验,采用非完整井理论,线性规划设计理念。尤其是在南浦大桥桥堍下,在上海市第一、二、三承压含水层相连通的含水层组中采取此种降水手段,科学设计、施工和管理降水工程保证了顶管前期工作的正常进行,既顺利地配合工作井开挖干封底,又保证了顶管出洞干施工的有效环境,同时还保障了周围环境的安全与稳定,取得了可观的社会、环境和经济效益。  相似文献   

赵珍  李贵仁 《地下水》2014,(4):43-45
深基坑降水引起的地面沉降给工程和周边环境带来很大的危害,以天津地铁 XX站深基坑为例,通过使用有限差分模拟软件Processing Modflow建立三维地下水渗流场与地面沉降耦合模型,利用抽水试验数据反演识别场区的水文地质参数,对基坑降水对周边环境的影响进行预测。结合施工要求,本着在规定时间内用最少的抽水量完成降水要求,并对基坑周围造成的环境影响最小的原则,对基坑降水进行优化设计。  相似文献   

降水预压软基处理技术中孔隙水压力效应研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
降水预压是通过降低地下水位而加固软土地基的一种软基处理技术。这项处理技术的中孔压变化与堆载预压的孔压变化有所不同, 它是在通过降水减小静水压力增大有效正应力, 从而使土体固结沉降。通过上海浦东某工程降水预压试验的孔压测试, 本文分析了降水预压加固软土地基原理及孔隙水压力效应。  相似文献   

针对黄土地区深基坑降水导致地层不均匀沉降,危及坑周建筑物的问题,论文基于基坑降水诱发地面沉降机理分析,以分层总和法和剪切位移法为基础,推导出降水引起地面沉降的简化计算公式。在忽略群井效应和土层侧向变形的前提下,依据Dupuit公式得出基坑降水曲线方程,将坑周土体以降水曲线为界分为疏干区和饱和区。引入修正系数,对黄土地区不同性质土层因孔隙水压力减小产生的有效应力增量修正,同时考虑桩-土界面侧摩阻力对土体的约束作用,分别计算距井轴不同距离处的沉降量,叠加后得出最终的沉降值。对比数值模拟计算结果及工程实例监测值,分析表明:在桩-土交界处,侧摩阻力对土体竖向沉降的约束作用最明显;在1.5倍降水深度范围内的沉降计算值精度远高于规范算法,能够较好的预测降水期间黄土地区坑周不同距离处的地面沉降量。  相似文献   

明挖法是隧道施工中常用的一种方法,但其降水和开挖施工不可避免地会引起周围地面沉降.为了防止隧道施工对周围环境及建筑物产生严重的不良影响,地面沉降控制是检验施工支护设计合理性的关键.隧道施工造成地面沉降的主要原因有降水、开挖和支护作业,以往研究大多集中于单一因素的影响分析,为使分析结果更接近于工程实际,需将三者综合考虑,...  相似文献   

Foundation dewatering has become a major cause of land subsidence in Shanghai. The burial depth of foundations in relation to geotechnical construction works is less than 75 m, and the corresponding groundwater includes phreatic, low-pressure artesian, and the first confined aquifers. Based on the geological and hydrogeological conditions beneath Shanghai, methods of dewatering may be divided into three modes and further five patterns according to the insertion depth of the dewatering-retaining system. The most common dewatering mode aims to reduce the water pressure in the confined aquifer by setting the dewatering wells inside the pit, whilst the retaining walls are buried in the confined aquifer and partially cut off the confined aquifer layer. To predict the settlement due to foundation dewatering, numerical models are generally adopted, which are similar to those used to predict land subsidence induced by regional groundwater withdrawal; however, since foundation dewatering is conducted along with the setting of retaining walls and foundation pit excavation, which differs from regional groundwater withdrawal, interactions between the retaining wall-dewatering well, the dewatering-excavation, and dewatering-recharge are important factors affecting the analytical model. Since the grading of the shallow soil layers is different, stratified settlement characteristics of the shallow soil strata and seepage erosion, which results in additional deformation, need to be given particular consideration.  相似文献   

Analysis of urbanisation-induced land subsidence in Shanghai   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Since 1980, land subsidence has accelerated and groundwater levels have decreased in the centre of Shanghai, although the net withdrawn volume of groundwater has not increased. Theoretical analysis of the monitored data shows that the decrease in the groundwater level is the primary reason for the observed land subsidence. Meanwhile, the net withdrawn volume of groundwater in the urban centre of Shanghai has not increased during this period. Many underground structures have been constructed in the multi-aquifer-aquitard system of Shanghai since 1980. This paper discusses the factors related to the development of land subsidence during the process of urbanisation in Shanghai during the past 30?years. These factors include additional load during and after structure construction, the cut-off and/or partial cut-off effect of underground structures in aquifers, the decrease in the groundwater level due to leakage of underground structures and the reduction in recharge of groundwater from the surroundings.  相似文献   

Shanghai, in China, has experienced two periods of rapid land subsidence mainly caused by groundwater exploitation related to economic and population growth. The first period occurred during 1956–1965 and was characterized by an average land subsidence rate of 83 mm/yr, and the second period occurred during 1990–1998 with an average subsidence rate of 16 mm/yr. Owing to the establishment of monitoring networks for groundwater levels and land subsidence, a valuable dataset has been collected since the 1960s and used to develop regional land subsidence models applied to manage groundwater resources and mitigate land subsidence. The previous geomechanical modeling approaches to simulate land subsidence were based on one-dimensional (1D) vertical stress and deformation. In this study, a numerical model of land subsidence is developed to simulate explicitly coupled three-dimensional (3D) groundwater flow and 3D aquifer-system displacements in downtown Shanghai from 30 December 1979 to 30 December 1995. The model is calibrated using piezometric, geodetic-leveling, and borehole extensometer measurements made during the 16-year simulation period. The 3D model satisfactorily reproduces the measured piezometric and deformation observations. For the first time, the capability exists to provide some preliminary estimations on the horizontal displacement field associated with the well-known land subsidence in Shanghai and for which no measurements are available. The simulated horizontal displacements peak at 11 mm, i.e. less than 10 % of the simulated maximum land subsidence, and seems too small to seriously damage infrastructure such as the subways (metro lines) in the center area of Shanghai.  相似文献   

上海地面沉降研究的过去、现在与未来   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
地面沉降是我国东部沿海平原地区城市化进程中,资源与环境如何由对立走向统一的焦点之一.上海地面沉降具有一定的代表性,经几代地质工作者的努力,在地面沉降监测、研究与防治方面取得了一定的经验与成绩.本文初步总结了上海地面沉降研究与防治工作的现状与存在的问题,并分析了我们在新世纪所面临的机遇和挑战.  相似文献   

Su-Xi-Chang area and Shanghai City, located in the south of Yangtze Delta, China, has subsided due to groundwater overpumping. Because of the regional scale of the groundwater exploitation, cone of depression and land subsidence at present, Su-Xi-Chang area and Shanghai City are treated as a single area for land subsidence study to avoid the uncertainty of boundary condition due to the regionalism. The characteristics of aquifer system compaction are complex because of the difference in the types, compositions and structures of the soils that the hydrostratigraphic units are composed of, and in the histories of groundwater level change the hydrostratigraphic units have experienced. Considering the fact that different hydrostratigraphic units have different kinds of deformation and that an identical unit may also present different deformation characteristics, such as elasticity, elasto-plasticity, and visco-elasto-plasticity, at different sites of the cone of depression or in different periods, corresponding constitutive laws have been adopted. This avoids the shortcomings of the previous research that the same constitutive law was adopted in all the hydrostratigraphic units during the entire time period. A coupled flow and subsidence model, which includes a three-dimensional flow model with variable coefficients and a one-dimensional (vertical) subsidence model, is built according to the complicated hydrological condition in the region. The simulation model is calibrated using observed data, which include compression of individual strata from groups of extensometers and groundwater levels from observation wells from 1995 to 2002. The model reproduced that the primary subsidence layer in Shanghai shifts from the shallow aquitard to the fourth confined aquifer because of the groundwater yield variations and the change of exploitation aquifers. However the third aquitard was the primary subsidence layer in Su-Xi-Chang area and the compaction deformation of the sandy aquifers was remarkable. The simulation results could provide some reasonable advice about groundwater exploitation in the future.  相似文献   

为了贯彻执行国家和上海市地质灾害防治政策,上海市地质调查研究院等单位根据上海市城乡建设和交通委员会的要求编制了上海市工程建设规范<地面沉降监测与防治技术规程>,对上海市地面沉降监测与防治工作的技术要求进行了规定.本文从<规程>的编制原则出发,解析了<规程>的主要内容和几个重要环节,为技术人员在<规程>执行过程中提供参考.  相似文献   

上海城区建筑密度与地面沉降关系分析   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
工程建设逐渐成为上海近年来新的地面沉降制约因素.本文选择4个典型的高层建筑及多层建筑密集区段,分析了建筑密度与地面沉降的关系,探讨了其时空变化特征.建筑规模及其增长速度直接导致工程性地面沉降同步增长,集中建设较分散建设、新区建设较旧城改造、高层建筑较多层建筑地面沉降效应明显.建筑密度越大,建筑容积率越高,地面沉降越显著.城市规划宜选择低密度、低容积率的建设模式,降低建筑高度、扩大建筑间距.提出了沉降控制条件下适宜的建筑容积率应在0.9~1.2之间,从而为城市规划提供了决策性技术指标.  相似文献   

Economic benefit risk assessment of controlling land subsidence in Shanghai   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Land subsidence, a major and well-known geological hazard in Shanghai, has caused serious losses. Based on past studies, the cost and benefit of the Shanghai's land subsidence hazard control were assessed and forecasted by risk assessment. An economic benefit-risk assessment was taken in order to control completely land subsidence and make rational safety elevations of the flood control wall. The result of risk assessment shows that the present 6.9-m elevation of the floodwall is not sufficient for the standard of occurring only once in a thousand years. After 200 years, the spring tide hazardous risk losses caused by land subsidence would amount to 49.73 million yuan per year. The proportion of expense in thoroughly controlling land subsidence to the economic benefit is 1:41.44; to construct the flood control wall to an elevation that would prevent inundation from a flood event, to reach the standard of occurring only once in a thousand years, and to avoid tide losses, the ratio of the investment of reducing tide hazard to the economic benefit should be 1:53.24.  相似文献   

Land-subsidence prediction depends on an appropriate subsidence model and the calibration of its parameter values. A modified inverse procedure is developed and applied to calibrate five parameters in a compacting confined aquifer system using records of field data from vertical extensometers and corresponding hydrographs. The inverse procedure of COMPAC (InvCOMPAC) has been used in the past for calibrating vertical hydraulic conductivity of the aquitards, nonrecoverable and recoverable skeletal specific storages of the aquitards, skeletal specific storage of the aquifers, and initial preconsolidation stress within the aquitards. InvCOMPAC is modified to increase robustness in this study. There are two main differences in the modified InvCOMPAC model (MInvCOMPAC). One is that field data are smoothed before diagram analysis to reduce local oscillation of data and remove abnormal data points. A robust locally weighted regression method is applied to smooth the field data. The other difference is that the Newton-Raphson method, with a variable scale factor, is used to conduct the computer-based inverse adjustment procedure. MInvCOMPAC is then applied to calibrate parameters in a land subsidence model of Shanghai, China. Five parameters of aquifers and aquitards at 15 multiple-extensometer sites are calibrated. Vertical deformation of sedimentary layers can be predicted by the one-dimensional COMPAC model with these calibrated parameters at extensometer sites. These calibrated parameters could also serve as good initial values for parameters of three-dimensional regional land subsidence models of Shanghai.  相似文献   

该文详细论述与分析了上海传统监测地面沉降方法及InsAR技术方法的特点,着重阐述了上海地区应用InSAR技术监测地面沉降的最新进展,通过介绍国外先进InSAR技术软件在上海地区的应用分析,与自主开发的InSAR技术软件在上海地区的应用进行对比,采用大量实测数据及多种评价方法对解译结果进行校正,由此得到一些初步认识.  相似文献   

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