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An introduction to ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Abstract Ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphism refers to mineralogical and structural readjustment of supracrustal protoliths and associated mafic-ultramafic rocks at mantle pressures greater than ∼ 25 kbar (80-90 km). Typical products include metapelite, quartzite, marble, granulite, eclogite, paragneiss and orthogneiss; minor mafic and ultramafic rocks occur as eclogitic-ultramafic layers or blocks of various dimensions within the supracrustal rocks. For appropriate bulk compositions, metamorphism at great depths produces coesite, microdiamond and other characteristic UHP minerals with unusual compositions. Thus far, at least seven coesite-bearing eclogitic terranes and three diamond-bearing UHP regions have been documented. All lie within major continental collision belts in Eurasia, have similar supracrustal protoliths and metamorphic assemblages, occur in long, discontinuous belts that may extend several hundred kilometers or more, and typically are associated with contemporaneous high-P blueschist belts. This paper defines the P-T regimes of UHP metamorphism and describes mineralogical, petrological and tectonic characteristics for a few representative UHP terranes including the western gneiss region of Norway, the Dora Maira massif of the western Alps, the Dabie Mountains and the Su-Lu region of east-central China, and the Kokchetav massif of the former USSR. Prograde P-T paths for coesite-bearing eclogites require abnormally low geothermal gradients (approximately 7°C/km) that can be accomplished only by subduction of cold, oceanic crust-capped lithosphere ± pelagic sediments or an old, cold continent. The preservation of coesite inclusions in garnet, zircon, omphacite, kyanite and epidote, and microdiamond inclusions in garnet and zircon during exhumation of an UHP terrane requires either an extraordinarily fast rate of denudation (up to 10 cm/year) or continuous refrigeration in an extensional regime (retreating subduction zone).  相似文献   

An introduction to electromagnetic induction in the ocean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The governing equations for the induction of electromagnetic fields in the ocean by ionospheric and oceanic sources are presented. A uniformly conducting layered model and a nonuniformly conducting thin-sheet model are discussed with reference to the interpretation of fields observed in the ocean. A procedure for the separation of the electric field continuum into parts of ionospheric and oceanic origin is presented.  相似文献   

by P. A. Davidson, Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics, Cambridge University Press, 2001, XVIII+431 pp., £ 24.95, paperback (ISBN 0 521 79487 0), £ 70.00, hardback (ISBN 0 521 79149 9).  相似文献   

电离层垂直探测方法获得的频高图是电离层观测中历史最为悠久的资料,利用现代微电子和计算机技术对大量历史胶片频高图的数字化转换、分析和保存,已成为拯救保护和利用这些珍贵历史资料的十分紧迫和重要的工作.本文采用数字和图像处理等技术对胶片频高图像进行数字化、校正、修复和格式转换,并开发出胶片频高图分析与转换程序,结合常用的SAO Explorer软件对武汉地区的胶片频高图进行了实例的分析.结果表明,该方法具有较好的可靠性和通用性,对大量历史频高图的数字化转换和分析具有实用性.  相似文献   

On days that are quiet with respect to solar-terrestrial activity phenomena, the geomagnetic field has variations, tens of gamma in size, with major spectral components at about 24, 12, 8, and 6 hr in period. These quiet daily field variations are primarily due to the dynamo currents flowing in theE region of the earth's ionosphere, are driven by the global thermotidal wind systems, and are dependent upon the local tensor conductivity and main geomagnetic field vector. The highlights of the behavior and interpretation of these quiet field changes, from their discovery in 1634 until the present, are discussed as an introduction to the special journal issue on Quiet Daily Geomagnetic Fields.  相似文献   

IRIS等于1996年提出的网络化数据中心NetDC为用户访问各地震数据中心数据提供了一个统一的入口和界面,给用户访问数据带来极大的便利。NetDC是用C语言编写,建立在各地震数据中心的数据管理系统之上的软件系统,它很好地实现了与各数据中心现有的数据管理系统的集成,使得每个数据中心都能为用户提供更好的数据服务。本文简要介绍了网络化数据中心NetDC的概念、数据请求方法和格式,以及数据请求的处理过程等,并探讨了在我国地震系统的应用前景。  相似文献   

Summary Hysteresis curves of Rajmahal Trap basalts in Bihar are drawn and their coercivities obtained. The experimental arrangements and the procedure are described. The initial remanent magnetisation curves of the specimens are also drawn with the help of the same arrangement. Coercive forces of the rock specimens tested range from 70 to 237 oersteds. The values of saturation magnetisation and remanent magnetisation of two typical specimens are also given.  相似文献   


by R. B. Stull. Kluwer Academic Publishers, ix + 666 pp. US $99.00 (ISBN 90–277–2768–6) and US $35.00 (ISBN 90–277–2769–4 paperback) 1988.  相似文献   

There is no doubt that although the price of PCs has fallen, the performance for money continues to rise. As this happens, so the suitability of using general-purpose computing platforms, especially PCs, for specific technical applications increases. This article discusses recent developments and reviews some of the systems which are currently available for data acquisition and analysis in the environmental sciences.  相似文献   

Agrigan is the tallest (965 m a.s.l.) and largest (44 km2) of the volcanoes of the northern Mariana Islands. Its slopes are asymmetric to the east; a small caldera (4 km2) dominates the interior. The volcanic edifice has been disrupted along three sets of faults: 1) exterior slump faults, 2) radial faults, and 3) interior faults related to caldera-collapse. The rocks of the volcano are characterized by porphyritic clinopyroxene-olivine-plagioclase basalts and subordinate andesites. Cumulate xenoliths composed of Fo81, An95 and diopside are common in the basalts. Development of the volcano began with 3–4 km of submarine growth. The earliest recognizable flows are the result of fissural Hawaiian- and Strombolian-type eruptions. These were followed by the eruption of more viscous lavas from above the present summit. Flank eruptions of basalt and andesite preceded voluminous outpourings of andesitic pyroclastics contemporaneous with caldera-collapse. Subsequent magmatic resurgence is localized along a N10E rift zone. Violent ejection of lapilli and ash occurred in 1917.  相似文献   

Arc volcanoes occur at convergent margins with a wide range in subduction parameters, and variations in these parameters might be expected to lead to variations in the chemistry of magmas parental to arcs. Major element analyses from approximately 100 volcanic centers within 30 arcs, normalized to 6% MgO to minimize the effects of crystal fractionation, display wide variations. Na2O and CaO at 6% MgO (Na6.0 and Ca6.0) correlate remarkably well with the thickness of the overlying crust. These systematics are consistent with two possible models. In the first model, the crust behaves as a chemical filter; where the crust is thick, magmas crystallize at higher pressure and interact more extensively with the arc crust. Modeling of high-pressure crystallization and assimilation, however, does not reproduce the associated variations in Na6.0 and Ca6.0 without calling upon complicated combinations of fractionating phases and assimilants. In the second model, crustal thickness determines the height of the mantle column available for melting beneath arc volcanoes. If melting begins beneath arcs at similar depths, then the column of mantle that undergoes decompression melting is much shorter beneath the thickest arc crust. The shorter mantle column for arcs built on thick crust will lead to smaller extents of melting in the mantle, and hence higher Na6.0 and lower Ca6.0 in the parental magmas. Modeling shows that variations in the extent of melting in the mantle can easily account for the associated variations in Ca6.0 and Na6.0. The abundances of the other major elements at 6% MgO do not correlate well with crustal thickness, or any other subduction parameter. Co-variation of some of these other major elements (e.g., Si6.0 and Fe6.0) within individual arcs suggests that they are strongly influenced by local crustal level processes that obscure partial melting systematics. Correction for the crustal processes improves the relationship between Na6.0 and Ca6.0 that is so readily explained by partial melting. The extents of melting in the mantle beneath arc volcanoes estimated from the ranges in Na6.0 and Ca6.0 are remarkably similar to those estimated beneath mid-ocean ridges. This observation provides further evidence that the mantle wedge, and not the slab, melts beneath arc volcanic fronts.  相似文献   

The degree to which the climate change signal can be seen in the increasing frequency and/or magnitude of extreme events forms a key part of the global environmental change agenda. Geomorphology engages with this debate through extending the instrumental record with palaeogeomorphological research; studying resilience and recovery of geomorphic systems under extreme disturbance; documenting the mediation by catchment organisation of transport processes during extreme events; applying new monitoring methods to better understand process‐response systems; and illustrating how process, experimental and modelling insights can be used to define the buffering of geomorphic systems and human assets from the effects of extremes, providing practical outcomes for practitioners. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Basalts dredged from ridge axes within 70 km of the Indian Ocean triple junction in the western Indian Ocean have many geochemical and petrologic characteristics in common with depleted mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs) from the Atlantic and Pacific. For example there is overlap in major and trace element abundances, and in diagnostic ratios such as K/Rb (700–925) and La/Sm (less than chondritic). Also, glass inclusions in calcic plagioclase (An89–90) provide evidence for a primitive high Mg/Fe, low TiO2 melt. In contrast, basalts dredged from 250 to 400 km southwest of the triple junction on the Southwest Indian Ridge are compositionally distinct from depleted MORB. They are nepheline-normative or slightly hypersthene normative and have higher alkali metal and incompatible element abundances than depleted MORBs with similar MgO contents.All of these Indian Ocean basalts have Sr, Nd and Pb isotope ratios which corroborate previous studies showing that relative to depleted Atlantic and Pacific MORB, many Indian Ocean MORBs have low206Pb/204Pb and high87Sr/86Sr. However, individual Indian Ocean ridges have different radiogenic isotope characteristics, and basalts from the vicinity of the triple junction have unusually high87Sr/86Sr (∼ 0.7032) at low206Pb/204Pb ratios (17.3–18.2). Moreover, the shallow axial region of the Central Indian Ridge from ∼ 12°S to the triple junction (26°S) has high87Sr/86Sr (> 0.7030). Apparently, the depleted component of Indian Ocean MORBs has been contaminated by an isotopically unusual component which does not occur in Pacific and Atlantic MORBs, and is not dominant in basalts from many Indian Ocean islands. The degree of this contamination is not uniform in western Indian Ocean MORB; the most contaminated basalts occur from 12°S on the Central Indian Ridge to the triple junction (∼ 26°S) and easterly along the Southeast Indian Ridge to ∼ 72°E.  相似文献   

Petrogenesis of basalts from the FAMOUS area: Mid-Atlantic Ridge   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fresh basalt glasses most of which have Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) of 0.66–0.72 from outcrops within 3 km of one other in the rift valley at the Project FAMOUS locality have been analyzed for major, minor and trace elements in order to determine their petrogenesis.Transition metal abundances of the FAMOUS samples are similar to a wide variety of continental and oceanic basalts with high MgO and Ni, all of which show remarkably little variation, with the exception of Cu, Zn and Ti, on a chondrite-normalized plot. Modelling of these data suggests that the mantle beneath both continents and oceans is systematically fractionated relative to chondrites. This fractionation provides a constraint for models of earth formation and subsequent evolution.The abundances of the rare earth and the incompatible elements, Ba, La, Th, U, and Nb, vary by more than a factor of three and the La/Yb and La/Sm ratios vary by factors of 3.1 and 1.6, respectively, in samples with similar, high Mg/(Mg + Fe2+). There is no correlation between the degree of light-REE enrichment and the heavy-REE abundance. Furthermore, the trace element variations do not appear correlated with respect to location in the rift valley or to time of eruption. These trace element features demonstrate that successive eruptions in one small area of the rift valley can show wide variations in trace element chemistry over a short span of time; they preclude the derivation of these basalt glasses from a single magma chamber.Despite the heterogeneities in REE and the variable trace element abundances, a homogeneous mantle source is suggested by the similarities among the samples in the incompatible element ratios of La/Ce, Ba/Th, Zr/Nb and K/Ba and the small range in87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios observed in other samples from the FAMOUS region (White and Bryan, 1977). Thus, trace element heterogeneities appear to be generated by processes in the mantle during melting. However, processes such as batch partial melting, fractional fusion, fractional crystallization, zone refining, or mixing of magmas or sources acting alone are incapable of explaining the lack of correlation between the light and heavy REE.It is suggested that the observed variations are a consequence of dynamic partial melting of a homogeneous mantle source region. This process includes varying degrees of partial melting of an uprising mantle source with continuous but incomplete removal of melt as melting proceeds, varying extents of batch partial melting, and zone refining. Dynamic melting can produce different melts from a homogeneous source which have different degrees of light-REE enrichment and crossing REE patterns. The variable trace element abundances which may be produced through dynamic melting may be the cause of the apparent decoupling of major and trace elements (Bryan et al., 1976) which previously has been suggested for the FAMOUS region (Bryan and Moore, 1977).  相似文献   

Plagioclase ultraphyric basalts in Iceland: the mush of the rift   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Glassy, plagioclase ultraphyric basalts from six locations in Iceland have bimodal phenocryst size distributions where microphenocrysts (ol+plg±cpx±mt) are in equilibrium with the matrix glass, but macrophenocrysts (ol+plg±cpx) are too primitive to be so. Matrix glass compositions are similar to those of other rift zone glasses from Iceland, and oxygen isotope variations suggest they interacted with the Icelandic crust. A lack of negative Eu-anomalies in matrix glasses precludes large amounts of plagioclase crystallisation from their parental liquids. Compositions of glass inclusions in plagioclase and olivine macrophenocrysts indicate that parental magma compositions of the macrophenocryst assemblage are similar to those of primitive, Icelandic rift zone glasses. Temperatures for plagioclase macrophenocryst crystallisation obtained from Linkam® heating stage experiments, and from glass inclusion compositions corrected for post-entrapment crystallisation, give temperatures up to 1260°C, corresponding to crystallisation at middle to deep crustal levels. Temperature differences of less than 100°C between plagioclase-hosted glass inclusions before and after post-entrapment plagioclase crystallisation show that the macrophenocrysts must have been kept at elevated temperatures prior to incorporation in their present host magmas. We suggest that the macrophenocrysts of the plagioclase ultraphyric basalts accumulated in crystal mush bodies underneath the rift zone and were picked up by their present hosts during a rifting event with increased magma supply from the mantle.  相似文献   

Tholeiitic basalt glasses from the FAMOUS area of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge are among the most primitive basaltic liquids reported from the ocean basins. One of the more primitive of these[Mg/(Mg+Fe2+) = 0.68;Ni= 232ppm;TiO2 = 0.61] glasses (572-1-1) was selected for an experimental investigation. This study found olivine to be the liquidus phase from 1 atm to 10.5 kbar where it is replaced by clinopyroxene. The sequence of appearance of phases at 1 atm pressure is olivine (1268°C), plagioclase (1235°C) and clinopyroxene (1135°C). The sample is multiply saturated at 10.5 kbar with olivine (Fo88), clinopyroxene (Wo32En60Fs9), and orthopyroxene (Wo5En83Fs12). From the 1-atm data we have measured (FeO/MgO) olivine/(FeO*/MgO) liquid (K′D) for olivine-melt pairs equilibrated at 12 temperatures in the range 1268–1205°C.K′D varies from 0.30 at 1205°C to 0.27 at 1268°C. Analysis of high-pressure olivine melt pairs indicates a systematic increase inK′D with pressure.Evaluation of the 1-atm experiments reveals that fractionation of olivine followed by olivine + plagioclase can generate much of the variation in major element chemistry observed in the FAMOUS basalt glasses. However, it cannot account for the entire spectrum of glass compositions — particularly with respect to TiO2 and Na2O. The variations in these components are such as to require different primary liquids.Comparison of clinopyroxene microphenocrysts/xenocrysts found in oceanic tholeiites with experimental clinopyroxenes reveal that the majority of those in the tholeiites may have crystallized from the magma at pressures greater than ~ 10 kbar and are not accidental xenocrysts. Clinopyroxene fractionation at high pressures may be a viable mechanism for fractionating basaltic magmas.The major and minor element mineral/meltK′d's from our experiments have been used to model the source region residual mineralogy for given percentages of partial melting. These data suggest that ~20% partial melting of a lherzolite source containing 0–10% clinopyroxene can generate the major and minor element concentrations in the parental magmas of the Project FAMOUS basalt glasses.  相似文献   


By Paul Melchior. Pergamon Press, 1986. vi + 256 pp. $19.95 (ISBN 0080326064).  相似文献   

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