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石墨矿是重要的国家战略保护资源,为了深化对上扬子陆块北缘晶质石墨矿成因的认识,对研究区多个石墨矿床的含矿地层、矿体特征、矿石结构构造、矿石地球化学特征进行了对比研究。结果发现,上扬子陆块石墨矿主要分布于四川南江—旺苍一带,形成一个南西—北东向延伸约60 km的矿化带。由南西至北东,石墨矿具有矿体厚度增加、结晶程度变高的趋势。主量和微量元素指标(SiO2、Al2O3、V/Cr、Ni /Co等)反映出含矿岩系整体形成于相对局限缺氧的浅水碳酸盐台地环境,这种环境有利于炭质保存,从而为石墨成矿提供物质来源。石墨矿的δ13C在-24.9‰~-14.2‰之间,与有机质的δ13C分布范围一致,表明石墨矿的炭质来源于生物有机质。石墨矿围岩含有绢云母、黑云母、石榴子石、红柱石等特征变质矿物,指示其经历了低绿片岩相变质作用。在岩浆岩与石墨矿接触部位固定碳含量明显增加,并伴有石墨片径增大的现象,表明岩体热接触变质促进了石墨矿进一步富集。初步提出了研究区石墨矿三阶段成矿模式,即中元古代原生碳质沉积阶段、中新元古代区域变质石墨晶核形成阶段、新元古代岩体热变质晶体生长成矿阶段。研究结果为深入认识上扬子陆块北缘石墨矿形成机制和中国晶质石墨矿成因提供基础材料。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2020,3(1):28-37
Significant breakthroughs of shale gas exploration have been made in Lower Cambrian and Sinian shale in the north margin of the Yangtze Block, South China. The drill wells with industrial gas flow located in the southern margin of the Huangling dome. Base on the geological survey, 2D seismic, geochronological and drill wells data, the tectonic evolution history of Huangling dome was studied, and its control effect on the preservation condition of shale gas was discussed. The result shows that the Huangling dome might undergo four tectonic stages: (1) About 800 Ma, granite intrusion in the Huangling dome basement, primarily of granites replaced metamorphism rocks; (2) 800–200 Ma, no significant tectonic movement with slowly buried history; (3) From 200 Ma, multi-phase uplift and the sedimentary rocks was eroded in the core of the Huangling dome. Shale gas in the Cambrian and Sinian strata was well preserved in the margin of the Huangling dome as the following reasons: (1) The Sinian shale was buried about 7.8 km in-depth during Middle Jurassic, source rocks have a suitable thermal maturity for shale gas; (2) The rigid basement of the Huangling dome was mainly composed by homogeneity granite, without intensive deformation. As the main challenges of the widely distributed Lower Cambrian and Sinian shale are high-maturity and intensive deformation, a geological unit with a dome probably is a favorable zone for the old age shale gas. Therefore, it indicates that the adjacent zone of the Xuefengshan, Shennongjia and Hannan are the geological units with a dome and probably have potentials for the exploration of shale in the Lower Cambrian and Sinian.  相似文献   

岩相古地理重建对认识盆地的沉积环境演化、沉积建造时空分布和油气勘探具有重要意义。为揭示上扬子地区寒武纪古地理背景这一先决条件对新发现的安岳巨型气田的控制作用及其对碳酸盐岩油气勘探的启示,本文综合油气勘探的地震、钻井资料及盆地周缘的露头剖面地质调查成果,重建了寒武纪两个构造层序的岩相古地理,分析了寒武系生储盖组合发育的特征。结果表明:早寒武世早期,伸展背景形成了破碎型克拉通盆地,近南北向的深水槽切割了上扬子克拉通,充填了丰富的富有机质沉积物,成为深层巨型生烃灶;早寒武世晚期—晚寒武世,上扬子板块转变为准稳定的构造背景,盆地性质转换为陆表海型克拉通坳陷盆地,沉积建造以发育潮坪楔及伴生的膏盐为特征,陆表海潮汐作用和古隆起控制了储层宏观分布;构造活跃期的裂陷沉积之上叠加以准稳定期的克拉通内坳陷沉积,形成了类似裂陷盆地的由裂谷层序和后裂谷层序组成的剖面形态像牛头的牛头型沉积建造结构;与大板块若即若离的亲缘过程中,构造活跃期和构造准稳定期交替叠合的盆地古地理特点是我国前晚三叠世小陆块离散演化阶段的一大特色,在沉积建造上形成良好的生-储-盖空间配置,是克拉通油气勘探的两大重要领域。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2023,6(1):50-60
The Lomagundi-Jatuli Event (LJE) refers to the significant positive carbon isotope excursion in seawater constituents that occurred immediately after the increase in atmospheric oxygen content during the Paleoproterozoic (2.22–2.06 Ga). The δ13C values of 46 dolostone samples collected from the Paleoproterozoic Yongjingshao Formation varied in the range of 0.05 ‰–4.95 ‰ (V-PDB; maximum: 4.95‰) in this study, which may be related to the multicellular eukaryotes in the Liangshan Formation in the Yimen Group. They are much higher than the δ13C values of marine carbonates (?1.16‰ on average). The δ13C values of other formations in the Paleoproterozoic Yimen Group are negative. The notable positive carbon isotope anomalies of the Yongjingshao Formation indicate the response to the LJE at the southwestern margin of the Yangtze Block, which is reported for the first time. Furthermore, they are comparable to the δ13C values of carbonates in the Dashiling Formation of the Hutuo Group in the Wutaishan area in the North China Craton, the Wuzhiling Formation of the Songshan Group in the Xiong’ er area, Henan Province, and the Dashiqiao Formation of the Liaohe Group in the Guanmenshan area, Liaoning Province. Therefore, it can be further concluded that the LJE is a global event. This study reveals that LJE occurred in Central Yunnan at 2.15–2.10 Ga, lasting for about 50 Ma. The macro-columnar, bean-shaped, and microfilament fossils and reticular ultramicrofossils of multicellular eukaryotes in this period were discovered in the Liangshan Formation of the Yimen Group. They are the direct cause for the LJE and are also the oldest paleontological fossils ever found. The major events successively occurring in the early stage of the Earth include the Great Oxygenation Event (first occurrence), the global Superior-type banded iron formations (BIFs), the Huronian glaciation, the Great Oxygenation Event (second occurrence), the explosion of multicellular eukaryotes, the positive carbon isotope excursion, and the global anoxic and selenium-rich sedimentary event. The authors think that the North China Craton and the Yangtze Craton were possibly in different tectonic locations of the same continental block during the Proterozoic.©2023 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯地块西南缘新构造运动活跃,其河流阶地发育过程和水系演化历史蕴藏了丰富的新构造运动信息。发育于鄂尔多斯西南缘的千河水系两岸不对称分布5级河流阶地,通过野外调查和钻探揭露,厘清了阶地结构和发育特征,利用电子自旋共振(ESR)测年、光释光(OSL)测年和黄土地层对比定年,分析了阶地形成的时代和下切速率,结合区域地质背景,探讨千河阶地发育和水系变迁的动力背景。研究结果表明,千河干流T5~T1阶地分别形成于1.176 Ma、0.766 Ma、0.504 Ma、0.131 Ma和0.04 Ma,各级阶地对应的下切速率分别为76.6 mm/ka、88.3 mm/ka、111.3 mm/ka、149.6 mm/ka和115 mm/ka。通过研究认为,早更新世—晚更新世中期,千河流域区构造运动逐渐加强,晚更新世晚期以后,构造运动逐渐趋缓。河流演化受断裂构造控制,但不同时期构造应力场对千河水系的影响有差别,使千河向不同方向迁移。构造应力场的变化受控于鄂尔多斯地块所处大地构造位置,很可能是青藏高原构造系和西太平洋构造系晚新生代以来在鄂尔多斯西南缘共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

The pores in shales are mainly on a nanometer scale, and the pore-size distribution is vital with regard to the preservation and exploitation of shale gas. This study focuses on the organic-rich lower Cambrian black shale in the Upper Yangtze Platform, South China and investigates their TOC, mineralogical composition and nanopore structure. Low-pressure N2 and CO2 adsorption experiments were conducted at 77.35 K and 273.15 K, respectively, and the nanopore structures were characterised by the modified Brunauer–Emmett–Teller, Dubinin–Radushkevich, t-plot, Barrett–Joyner–Halenda and density functional theory (DFT) methods. The results indicate the following. (1) The lower Cambrian shale has a high TOC content (1.77–7.23 wt%) and a high quartz content (27.7–51.6 vol%). The total specific surface area varies from 12.02 to 28.87 m2/g. Both the total specific surface area and quartz content are positively associated with the TOC content. (2) Shale samples with a higher TOC content have a greater number of micropores, resulting in more complicated nanopore structures. Micropore volumes/surface areas and non-micropore surface areas all increase with increasing TOC content, indicating that TOC is the key factor determining the nanopore structure of the lower Cambrian shale. (3) A combination of N2 and CO2 adsorption provides the most suitable detection range (~0.3–60 nm) and is both highly reliable and accurate with regard to nanopore structure characterisation.  相似文献   

孔令耀  杨成  李琳静  周峰  郭盼  陈超 《地质通报》2022,41(12):2224-2243
扬子北缘出露的武当群是南秦岭地区最重要的基底组成物质, 记录了南秦岭最古老的物质信息。为探讨扬子北缘南华纪的地层序列与裂谷演化模式, 对湖北随州地区武当群典型剖面上的碎屑岩和火山岩进行锆石U-Pb测年, 确定了武当群的沉积层序, 并结合武当、随州地区的武当群锆石年龄, 认为武当地区武当群年龄较随州地区老30 Ma左右, 显示扬子北缘的南华纪裂谷具有自西向东逐渐打开的"剪刀式"裂解特征。武当群碎屑锆石主要峰值年龄为722 Ma、759 Ma、820 Ma、2014 Ma和2445 Ma, 与扬子陆块碎屑锆石的峰值具有较好的对应, 指示了武当群与扬子陆块强烈的亲缘性, 峰值2014 Ma则反映武当群可能有来自桐柏—大别地区的物源信息; 722~759 Ma的峰值代表扬子北缘南华纪早期裂解最强烈的时期, 该裂解事件可能是扬子北缘Rodinia超大陆裂解过程的体现。  相似文献   

滇东北镇雄县羊场磷矿为近年来新发现的超大型优质磷矿床,矿床储量大(预测远景资源量达130×108 t)、矿体厚度大(30余米),且矿石质量优(为低镁高钙石灰岩型磷矿石)。矿床位于上扬子陆块西南缘前部碳酸盐台地威宁-昭通褶-冲带中硝滩-羊场聚磷盆地半封闭的浅水台地相中,为典型的早寒武世浅海相沉积型磷矿床。古构造、岩相古地理及成磷条件研究表明,硝滩-羊场聚磷盆地西部的绥江-永善-昭通成磷区,已发现永善县务基、金沙厂、官房等中型磷矿床。盆地东部的羊场磷矿所属的镇雄-威信成磷区与其具有相似的成矿背景,成矿地质条件好,找矿潜力巨大。通过对羊场磷矿成矿地质背景、古构造、岩相古地理等综合分析,总结区域磷矿成矿规律和找矿方向,为上扬子地块西南缘早寒武世海相沉积型磷矿床找矿突破提供依据。  相似文献   

四川盆地北部震旦系-下寒武统是继安岳气田发现和绵阳-长宁裂陷提出之后备受关注的另一重点勘探领域,但对其沉积构造格局的认识存在严重分歧。文中基于露头剖面、地震、钻井和地球化学分析资料并结合前人研究成果,提出四川盆地北缘震旦纪-早寒武世期间存在隆坳并存的格局。四川盆地北缘震旦系-下寒武统厚度、岩相、地震反射和地球化学等指标的详细分析表明:(1)沉积构造格局表现为隆坳相间的特点,即自西向东依次为绵阳-长宁裂陷→汉南-米仓山隆起→万源-通江裂坳陷→达州-开江隆起→城口-开县裂坳陷→东安-巫溪隆起→巴东-恩施裂陷→神农架-黄陵隆起;(2)发育台地、斜坡和盆地三种沉积环境,其中斜坡环境以发育大量风暴、重力流、滑塌角砾沉积及同沉积滑移变形等为主要识别标志;(3)经历了三个“隆坳”旋回,即陡二段末期-灯二段早期、灯二段晚期-灯四段早期、灯四段晚期-筇竹寺组晚期。四川盆地北缘震旦纪-早寒武世隆坳格局的形成受控于震旦纪基底构造薄弱带、南秦岭地幔上隆底侵和原特提斯洋壳板片拖拽三者的联合作用,与罗迪尼亚大陆裂解和冈瓦纳大陆聚合的全球构造背景密切相关。四川盆地北缘震旦纪-早寒武世隆坳并存格局的提出不仅有助于进一步认识该时期扬子克拉通区域沉积构造格局和演化,也为川东北地区下一步油气勘探决策提供了参考依据。川东北地区震旦纪-早寒武世隆坳格局控制了烃源岩和储集层的发育及源储配置关系,建议首先将裂坳陷边缘带作为下一步勘探的重点。  相似文献   

四川盆地安岳震旦—寒武系特大型气田的发现,掀起了探索四川盆地深层油气勘探新领域的热潮。然而对于川西北深层原型盆地沉积充填过程及其动力学机制的认识尚处于探索阶段。本文通过对扬子西北缘及盆内典型钻井震旦—寒武纪地层序列的综合调查与区域对比研究,基于关键事件序列的系统厘定,重建了扬子西北缘及邻区新元古代—寒武纪原型盆地沉积充填格架;对比全球冈瓦纳大陆汇聚与泛非造山过程,系统厘定了泛非运动在扬子西缘的沉积-构造-岩浆作用记录,进一步明确了华南扬子克拉通为新元古代末期冈瓦纳大陆的一部分。同时,结合盆内最新深层钻井和二维地震资料解析,研究认为绵阳-长宁克拉通边缘裂陷的成生、发展、充填与折返隆升过程主要受控于扬子西缘的泛非期弧后伸展、弧陆碰撞及陆陆碰撞造山过程,研究提出绵阳-长宁克拉通边缘裂陷经历了如下6个演化阶段:①陡山沱早期克拉通边缘裂陷开启,表现为克拉通边缘的裂陷与快速沉降;②陡山沱晚期—灯影早期为克拉通裂陷的持续沉降与克拉通碳酸盐台地的补偿性生长,区域沉积分异明显;③灯影晚期为克拉通裂陷扩展、定型与碳酸盐台地的活化与重建;④麦地坪期为克拉通边缘的差异隆升与碳酸盐台地的风化剥蚀;⑤筇竹寺期为克拉通增生陆块边缘的构造活化与克拉通边缘的挤压挠曲沉降;⑥沧浪铺期为陆陆碰撞造山与克拉通边缘裂陷的快速充填。至沧浪铺末期,绵阳-长宁克拉通裂陷沉积充填结束,并快速折返隆升为天井山-川中古隆起。因此,本文对扬子西缘克拉通边缘裂陷的盆地动力学过程重塑,不仅为华南板块在冈瓦纳古大陆重建中的构造定位提供了新资料,亦将对探索川西北乃至四川盆地深层油气勘探新领域、新方向具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

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