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The correlation of continental sedimentary records with the marine isotope stratigraphy is a challenge of central importance in Quaternary stratigraphy, particularly in Western Europe where long records of glaciation on land areas are particularly rare. Here we demonstrate for the first time the interrelationship of events during the last 1.2 Ma in an ocean-sediment core from the Bay of Biscay (NE Atlantic), SW of the Channel. The identification of discharge variations from tributary river systems to the ‘Fleuve Manche’ palaeoriver during glacio-eustatic sea-level lowstands demonstrates the correlation of the marine sediment stratigraphy to the expansion and recession of the European ice-sheets. The amplitude and chronology of European ice-sheet oscillations since the late Early Pleistocene is discussed and our results demonstrate that the first coalescence of the Fennoscandian and British ice-sheets in the North Sea basin ca 450 ka ago caused a profound change in lowstand European drainage alignment. This change caused a rerouting of Fennoscandian and eastern British ice-sheets-derived meltwaters from northwards into the Nordic Seas to southwards into the eastern North Atlantic thereafter. Besides allowing a thorough synchronisation of the European ice-sheet palaeogeography with the well-dated records of palaeoceanographical changes, our results improve the stratigraphy of the English Channel palaeovalleys and will provide important constraints on paleoclimatic scenarios considering the impact that such rerouting and meltwater surges might have on the stability of the oceanic conveyor belt.  相似文献   

Ultrapotassic rocks are a common, but volumetrically minor, hallmark of post‐collisional magmatism along the Alpine–Himalayan orogenic belt. Here, we document the occurrence of ultrapotassic volcanic rocks from the Eslamy peninsula, NW Iran in the Arabia–Eurasia collision zone. Our results indicate that magma genesis involved melting of phlogopite‐ and apatite‐bearing peridotites in the sub‐continental lithospheric mantle at ~11 Ma. These peridotites likely formed by metasomatism involving components derived from subducted sediments during Neotethyan subduction. The ~11 Ma ultrapotassic volcanism was preceded by a magmatic gap of ~11 Ma after the cessation of arc magmatism in NW Iran and Armenia, thus likely representing the initiation of post‐collisional magmatism. The age coincides with the onset of collision‐related magmatic activity and topographic uplift in the Caucasus–Iran–Anatolia region, and also with other regional geological events including the closure of the eastern Tethys gateway, the end of Arabian underthrusting and the start of escape tectonics in Anatolia.  相似文献   

Drill core and outcrop samples of pure marine chemical sediments (banded iron formation (BIF), manganese formation (MnF), jaspilites, lutites, and cherts) from the transition of the ~2426 Ma old Ongeluk Formation into the 2413 Ma old Hotazel Formation, Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa, reveal remarkable changes of seawater chemistry in the Transvaal Ocean. Similar to pre-Ongeluk chemical sediments, the shale-normalized rare earths and yttrium (REYSN) patterns of jaspilites intercalated with the volcanic rocks of the Ongeluk large igneous province and directly overlying cherts do not show positive EuSN anomalies, indicating that high-temperature (>250 °C) hydrothermal fluids did not contribute significantly to the REY budget of ambient waters. However, a 10 cm drill core section in the lower Hotazel Formation is characterized by conspicuous positive EuSN anomalies, revealing temporary inflow of water masses strongly affected by high-temperature hydrothermal fluids. After this short episode, the REYSN pattern of Transvaal seawater returned to that of pre-Ongeluk times, showing heavy REYSN enrichment, positive LaSN, GdSN and YSN anomalies, but no CeSN or EuSN anomalies. Higher up in the stratigraphy, the Hotazel Formation shows negative CeSN anomalies in some of the lutites, BIFs and MnFs, reflecting Ce depletion in ambient seawater. All Hotazel lutite, BIF, and MnF samples studied show unradiogenic εNd(t) values (−0.5 ± 0.2 to −2.4 ± 0.2), indicating a mostly continental REY source. The REY distribution and Nd isotope data combined suggest that oxidative terrestrial weathering of this continental crustal source supplied most of the dissolved REY to local “Transvaal seawater”. Precipitation of the Hotazel lutites, BIFs and MnFs with negative CeSN anomalies, therefore, suggests that oxic conditions prevailed on the Kaapvaal Craton and in Hotazel seawater already at ~2.413 Ga, i.e. 80 m.y. before the disappearance of mass-independent sulfur isotope fractionation (MIF-S) that defines the Great Oxidation Event at ~2.33 Ga.  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》2006,144(1-2):92-125
This paper presents a plate tectonic model for the evolution of the Australian continent between ca. 1800 and 1100 Ma. Between ca. 1800 and 1600 Ma episodic orogenesis occurred along the southern margin of the continent above a north-dipping subduction system. During this interval multiple orogenic events occurred. The West Australian Craton collided with the North Australian Craton (ca. 1790–1770 Ma), the Archaean nucleus of the Gawler Craton amalgamated with the North Australian Craton (ca. 1740–1690 Ma), and numerous smaller terranes accreted along the western Gawler Craton and the southern Arunta Inlier (ca. 1690–1640 Ma). The pattern of accretion suggests southward migration of the plate margin, which occurred due to a combination of slab rollback and back stepping of a subduction system behind the accreted continental blocks. Coeval with subduction a series of continental back-arc basins formed in the interior of the North Australian Craton and parts of the South Australian Craton, which were attached to the North Australian Craton prior to 1500 Ma. Extension of the North Australian Craton led to the opening of an oceanic basin along the eastern margin of the continent at ca. 1660 Ma. Continuing divergence was accommodated by oceanic spreading whereas the continental basins thermally subsided resulting in the development of sag-phase basins throughout the North Australian Craton. This oceanic basin was subsequently consumed during convergence, which ultimately led to development of a ca. 1600–1500 Ma orogenic belt along the eastern margin of Proterozoic Australia. Between ca. 1470 and 1100 Ma, the South Australian Craton, consisting of the Curnamona Province and the Gawler Craton rifted from the North Australian Craton and was re-attached in its present configuration during episodic ca. 1330–1100 Ma orogenesis, which is preserved in the Albany-Fraser Belt and the Musgrave Block.  相似文献   

C. M. BELL 《Sedimentology》1981,28(3):321-329
Sandstones of the uppermost Witteberg Group in the Cape fold belt of South Africa exhibit unusual and distinctive soft-sediment deformation structures. These structures include folds, axial planar cleavage and micro-fold lineations. Interfering fold patterns and intersecting sets of lineations are indicative of repeated deformation. The sandstones are immediately overlain by glacial and proglacial sediments of the Carboniferous Dwyka Group, indicating that the deformation was related to glaciation. Possible environments of deformation include: (a) subglacial dragging of unconsolidated material, (b) subaqueous slumping beyond the limit of floating ice, and (c) englacial deformation of material incorporated by freezing into the base of the glacier.  相似文献   

Multiple lines of evidence show that the Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, and Ar-Ar isotopic systems individually give robust crystallization ages for basaltic (or diabasic) shergottite Northwest Africa (NWA) 1460. In contrast to other shergottites, NWA 1460 exhibits minimal evidence of excess 40Ar, thus allowing an unambiguous determination of its Ar-Ar age. The concordant Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, and Ar-Ar results for NWA 1460 define its crystallization age to be 346 ± 17 Ma (2σ). In combination with petrographic and trace element data for this specimen and paired meteorite NWA 480, these results strongly refute the suggestion by others that the shergottites are ∼4.1 Ga old. Current crystallization and cosmic-ray exposure (CRE) age data permit identification of a maximum of nine ejection events for Martian meteorites (numbering more than 50 unpaired specimens as of 2008) and plausibly as few as five such events. Although recent high resolution imaging of the Martian surface has identified limited areas of sparsely cratered terrains, the meteorite data suggest that either these areas are representative of larger areas from which the meteorites might come, or that the cratering chronology needs recalibration. Time-averaged 87Rb/86Sr = 0.16 for the mantle source of the parent magma of NWA 1460/480 over the ∼4.56 Ga age of the planet is consistent with previously estimated values for bulk silicate Mars in the range 0.13-0.16, and similar to values of ∼0.18 for the “lherzolitic” shergottites. Initial εNd for NWA 1460/480 at 350 ± 16 Ma ago was +10.6 ± 0.5, which implies a time-averaged 147Sm/144Nd of 0.217 in the Martian mantle prior to mafic melt extraction, similar to values of 0.211-0.216 for the “lherzolitic” shergottites. These time-averaged values do not imply a simple two-stage mantle/melt evolution, but must result from multiple episodes of melt extractions from the source regions. Much higher “late-stage” εNd values for the depleted shergottites imply similar processes carried to a greater degree. Thus, NWA 1460/480, the “lherzolitic” shergottites and perhaps EET 79001 give the best (albeit imperfect) estimate of the Sr- and Nd-isotopic characteristics of bulk silicate Mars.  相似文献   

Petrochronology of magmatic monazite and apatite from a single paragneiss leucosome derived by in situ partial melting documents the thermal evolution of the Allochthonous Belt of the central Grenville Province. Monazite records suprasolidus metamorphism from ca. 1080 to 1020 Ma under high temperature up to 850°C. Apatite from the same leucosome yields an age of 960 Ma, consistent with cooling of this crustal segment down to subsolidus conditions of ca. 450°C. A pegmatitic granite dyke, with lobate contacts, previously dated at ca. 1005 Ma (Turlin et al., 2017 ) is interpreted to intrude the paragneisses at a temperature of ca. 650°C close to the wet‐solidus. These data document slow cooling at a rate of 2–6°C/Ma for the middle crust of this part of the Grenville hinterland marked by protracted suprasolidus conditions for at least 70 Ma. It supports the definition of the Grenville Orogen as a large, hot, long‐duration orogen.  相似文献   

正Objective Mafic magmas can form in different tectonic settings with various geochemical characteristics depending on their mantle sources. Basalts generated in back-arc basins provide valuable perspectives on mantle structure and composition, on controls for melt generation, and on the sources responsible for arc magma genesis. This is because back-arc basin basalts (BABB) are generated by  相似文献   

The last stage in the formation of the Arabian Nubian Shield in Jordan was dominated by post-orogenic igneous activity of the ∼610–542 Ma Araba Suite, including a monzogabbroic stock intruding the Saramuj Conglomerate, near the southeastern corner of the Dead Sea. The geological setting, petrography, geochemistry and geothermometry of the monzogabbro and other cogenetic varieties are used to shed light on the petrogenesis of this stock and reveal its magma source. The monzogabbro, megaporphyry dikes, and scattered syenite pockets are co-magmatic and alkaline, potassic and shoshonitic in nature. REE and trace elements patterns indicate that these magmas were produced from a mantle that had been modified by subduction-related metasomatism. The parental mafic magma could have been derived by 10% partial melting of LILE-enriched phlogopite-bearing spinel lherzolite, probably lithospheric mantle, in association with post-collisional extension. Fractional crystallization of this parental magma by olivine and pyroxene gave rise to the monzogabbroic magma.The megaporphyry dikes with their giant labradorite plagioclase megacrysts represent feeders of a voluminous volcanic activity that could have lasted for about 105 years.Thermodynamic modeling applying the MELTS software indicates crystallization of this suite in the temperature range of 1184–760 °C at a pressure of 2 kbars, agreeing with olivine-pyroxene, pyroxene, and two-feldspar thermometry. The modeled mineralogy and sequence of crystallization of constituent minerals using MELTS is in remarkable agreement with the observed modal mineralogy of the monzogabbro. Furthermore, a great degree of congruity exists between the modeled and observed chemistry of the major minerals with only minor discrepancies between modeled composition of biotite and olivine.  相似文献   

It generally is assumed that the Early Permian Gondwana deglaciation in South Africa started with a collapse of the marine ice‐sheet. The northeast part of the Karoo Basin became ice‐free as a result of this collapse. The deglaciation here probably took place under temperate glacial conditions. Three glacial phases have been identified. Phase 1: the marine ice retreat of 400 km over the northeast Karoo Basin, which may have been completed over a few thousand years. The glaciers grounded in the shallower areas around the shore of the basin. Phase 2: the smaller, now mainly continental ice‐sheet here re‐stabilised and remained more or less stationary for several tens of thousand years. During this phase, between 50 and 200 m of massive glaciomarine mud with dropstones accumulated in the open, marine basin that became ice‐free during Phase 1. Isostatic uplift, as a response to the first rapid deglaciation phase, can be traced in the inland part of the region. Phase 3: the final deglaciation may have taken 10 to 20 kyr. After this time no new ice sheet was built up over southern Africa. The entire Early Permian deglaciation of the northeast Karoo Basin was completed within thousands rather than millions of years. Phases 1 and 3 had lengths similar to typical Quaternary deglaciations, whereas Phase 2 was a long, stable phase, more similar to a full Quaternary glaciation. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2003,22(15-17):1717-1728
Sedimentological and geochemical proxy records of a deep-sea sediment core from the southern central Nordic seas were used to reconstruct the development of glacial and interglacial conditions during the Early and Middle Pleistocene, i.e., late Matuyama to middle Brunhes Chron (1.5–0.35 Ma). An enhancement of both glacial and interglacial characteristics is observed during early Brunhes oxygen isotope stages (OIS) 16 and 15, respectively. Any intensification of the climatic conditions prior to this, as was previously described for the eastern part of the Nordic seas, is not recognized at our study site. It is further shown that the glacial–interglacial environmental contrasts increased from the early to the middle Bruhnes Chron. Of all glacial periods investigated OIS 12 is characterized by the most severe conditions, showing both maximum input of iceberg-rafted debris (IRD) as well as planktic foraminiferal δ18O values comparable to those of the Last Glacial Maximum. Among the interglaciations, OIS 11 is by far the longest interval and the first to show fully developed interglacial conditions, i.e., Holocene-like δ18O values and a minimum of IRD deposition. Hence, our comparison supports bottom water δ18O studies that have indicated the existence of a gradual intensification of glacial–interglacial climate contrasts during the Middle Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Tectonic fold tests conducted in Namibia demonstrate that the inclination with respect to bedding of geoplumb (palaeovertical) tubular structures in the Marinoan (635 Ma) syndeglacial cap dolostone is mainly the result of tectonic strain. Therefore, tubestone inclination data cannot be used to estimate the gradient of the sea floor on the foreslope of the Otavi carbonate platform during the Marinoan glaciation. A gradient steeper than 0·1 (slope angle ca 5·7°), implying a glacial base‐level fall ≥0·5 km, is nevertheless supported by boulder‐size intraclast debrite in the falling‐stand wedge directly beneath the glacigenic sequence. Cryogenian oceans lacked skeletal carbonate production, raising the carbonate saturation state and persistent deep water anoxia excluded acid‐producing aerobic respiration, facilitating early diagenetic carbonate precipitation, lithification and steep submarine slopes.  相似文献   

The West African Craton hosts major resources of gold, iron ore, aluminium ore, diamonds, phosphates and manganese. This portfolio of ore deposits is linked to the formation of Archean–Paleoproterozoic greenstone belts, Jurassic rifting and extended periods of Mesozoic to Cenozoic weathering and erosion. We give a brief overview of the temporal and spatial distribution patterns of West African ore deposits with emphasis on the main commodity types. The oldest ore forming processes generated major resources in iron ore and gold in the Kénéma–Man and Reguibat Shields during the Neo-Archean. The majority of gold, porphyry copper, lead–zinc and sedimentary manganese deposits formed during the Paleoproterozoic, dominantly within the Baoulé-Mossi domain. At the same time diamond-bearing kimberlites developed in Ghana. Another distinct diamond event has been recognized in the Mesozoic of the Kénéma–Man shield. Isolated occurrences of IOCG's as well as copper–gold and gold formed in Pan-African/Variscan belts. During the Neoproterozoic, the majority of mineralization consists of sedimentary iron ore and phosphate deposits located within intracratonic basins. During the Phanerozoic aluminium ore, phosphates and mineral sands concentrated along the margins of the coastal and intracratonic basins.  相似文献   

Kimberlites, carbonatites and ultramafic, mafic and potassic lamprophyres have been produced in West Greenland in recurrent events since the Archaean. Five distinct age groups are recognised: Archaean (>2500 Ma). Early Proterozoic (1700–1900 Ma), Middle Proterozoic (Gardar, c. 1100–1300 Ma), Late Proterozoic (600 Ma) and Mesozoic-Tertiary (200-30 Ma) The rocks comprise two large and four small carbonatite occurrences, four kimberlite dyke swarms, one lamproite dyke swarm and one lamproite pipe, one dyke swarm of potassic lamprophyre (shonkinite) and some ten dyke swarms of ultramafic lamprophyre and monchiquite. Geochemical data for the various rock groups are presented. Some of the carbonatites may represent relatively unmodified mantle-derived melts. The kimberlites range from primitive to differentiated compositions, and there are regional differences between kimberlites within Archaean and Proterozoic basement. The ultrapotassic lamproites and shonkinites have strong negative Nb spikes in their trace element spectra. The ultramafic and monchiquitic lamprophyres encompass a large compositional variation; however, several of the dyke swarms have individual chemical characters.

The rocks are very unevenly distributed in West Greenland, indicating a lithospheric control, probably by old weakness zones providing access to the surface. The kimberlites are considered to be mainly of asthenospheric derivation. The regional differences are interpreted in terms of melting with phlogopite as a residual phase, with smaller degrees of melting at deeper levels beneath the Archaean lithosphere than beneath the Proterozoic. The ultrapotassic lamproites and shonkinites occur almost exclusively within a continental collision zone with possible two-way subduction and they are interpreted as mainly of lithospheric derivation, with a contribution from a subducted slab. Data for the other rock types are equivocal.

Except for the Archaean rocks, the age groups can be related to major geotectonic events. The Early Proterozoic group is related to continental collision at 1850 Ma and subsequent rifting; the Middle Proterozoic group is related to continental rifting (Gardar) and the Mesozoic group is likewise related to continental rifting prior to continental break-up in the Tertiary. The 600 Ma kimberlites and carbonatite are envisaged as cratonic, extra-rift activity in relation to continental break-up and formation of the Iapetus ocean further south, perhaps with a common cause in a broad, impinging mantle plume.  相似文献   

The Batouri gold mining area in southeastern Cameroon is part of the Adamawa–Yadé Domain of the Central African Fold Belt (Pan-African). It is underlain by a variety of granitic rocks, including alkali-feldspar granite, syeno-monzogranite, granodiorite, and tonalite. Geochemical data suggest that these rocks formed by differentiation of I-type tonalitic magma under oxidizing conditions in a continental volcanic arc setting. U–Pb dating of zircons from gold-associated monzogranite-granodiorite at Kambélé gave concordant ages of 619 ± 2 and 624 ± 2 Ma, while Ar–Ar dating of alkali-feldspar granite yielded a non-plateau maximum age of 640–620 Ma. These ages imply that the Batouri granitoids were emplaced during the collision of the West African Craton and the Congo Craton.

The geochemical characteristics of the Batouri granitoids as well as their oxidized state (magnetite series) are typical of gold-associated felsic rocks in subduction settings elsewhere. The similarities in age, composition, and geochemical affinities of these granitoids with those reported from other localities in the Adamawa–Yadé Domain reinforce the earlier assumption that the granitic rocks of this domain represent parts of a regional-scale batholith, with commonly small-scale, high-grade auriferous quartz veins in structurally favourable sites. The spatial and temporal association of gold mineralization and the Batouri granitoids may suggest potential for regional-scale, high-tonnage, granite-related gold ore.  相似文献   

Gravity and magnetic analysis provide an opportunity to deduce and understand to a large extent the stratigraphy, structure and shape of the substructure. Euler deconvolution is a useful tool for providing estimates of the localities and depth of magnetic and gravity sources. Wavelet analysis is an interesting tool for filtering and improving geophysical data. The application of these two methods to gravity and magnetic data of the Liberia Basin enable the definition of the geometry and depth of the subsurface geologic structures. The study reveals the basin is sub-divided and the depth to basement of the basin structure ranges from about 5 km at its North West end to 10 km at its broadest section eastward. Magnetic data analysis indicates shallow intrusives ranging from a depth of 0.09 km to 0.42 km with an average depth of 0.25 km along the margin. Other intrusives can be found at average depths of 0.6 km and 1.7 km respectively within the confines of the basin. An analysis of the gravity data indicated deep faults intersecting the transform zone.  相似文献   

The Basement complex of Nigeria is polycyclic and retains memories of events dating back to about 3000 m. y. As in other parts of Africa, it suffered its most pronounced deformation and remobilisation during the Pan African Orogeny (about 650-450 m. y. ago).A review of the geology of this terrain is presented following recent field and geochronological data. It is also shown that the basement may have participated in the 1300-900 m. y. Kibaran Orogeny.In addition, an attempt is made at discussing the evolution of the Precambrian rocks in Nigeria and the conclusion is made that most of the rocks evolved by ensialic rather than plate tectonic processes.
Zusammenfassung Das Basement Nigerias ist polyzyklisch aufgebaut mit Ereignissen, die bis zu 3000 m. y. zurückliegen. Wie in anderen Teilen Afrikas erfolgte die stÄrkste Deformation und Remomobilisation wÄhrend der Panafrikanischen Orogenese (vor etwa 650-450 m. y.).Es wird eine übersicht über die Geologie dieses Gebietes gegeben, die jüngste GelÄndeaufnahmen und geochronologische Daten berücksichtigt. Auch wird gezeigt, da\ das Basement von der Kibarischen Orogenese vor 1300-900 m. y. erfa\t worden sein könnte.ZusÄtzlich wird der Versuch unternommen, die Evolution der prÄkambrischen Gesteine Nigerias zu diskutieren mit dem Schlu\, da\ die meisten Gesteine sich eher aus ensialischen als aus plattentektonischen Prozessen entwickelten.

Résumé Le complexe du soubassement nigérien est polycyclique, et porte la marque d'événements remontant à 3.000 millions d'années. Il a subi sa déformation et sa remobilisation les plus marquées, comme ce fut le cas dans le reste du continent Africain, au cours de l'orogénie Pan Africaine, c-a-d il y a entre 650-450 millions d'années.Dans ce travail, nous présentons la géologie de ce terrain d'après des données cartographiques et géochronologiques récentes. Nous démontrons également que ce soubassement peut très bien avoir participé à l'orogénie kibarienne d'il y a 1.3000 à 900 millions d'années.En outre, nous essayons de discuter l'évolution de roches précambriennes de la Nigérie, et nous en tirons la conclusion que pour la plupart des roches, cette évolution répond à une formation ensialique plutÔt qu'à des processus de tectonique de plaques.

3000 . , ( 650-450 ) . ; , 1300-900 . , , , .

Zircon U–Pb ages of the Mesoproterozoic dyke swarms (Lakhna dyke swarm) at the interface between the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt and Bastar Craton of the Indian Peninsula are reported here to decipher the tectonic evolution of the region. The dyke swarm, which is dominantly N–S in orientation, has intruded the Bastar Craton at ca. 1450 Ma. The dykes vary in composition from dolerite to trachyte and rhyolite and have been emplaced in a continental anorogenic setting. The above age puts a lower time constraint on the sedimentary sequences of the Purana basin (Khariar basin) that have been deposited unconformably over the Bastar Craton. The shale member of the Khariar basin shows evidence of synsedimentary shearing suggesting that the sedimentation probably continued up to 517 Ma, the age of shearing and overthrusting of the granulite nappes of the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt on the Craton. Further, the compression accompanying thrusting of the nappes, uplifted the Purana basins during inversion.  相似文献   

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