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Roccamonfina, part of the Roman Potassic Volcanic Province, is an example of a composite volcano with a complex history of caldera development. The main caldera truncates a cone constructed predominantly of this caldera may have been associated with one of the ignimbritic eruptions of the Brown Leucitic Tuff (BLT) around 385 000 yr BP. The Campagnola Tuff, the youngest ignimbrite of the BLT, however, drapes the caldera margin and must postdate at least the initial stages of collapse. During the subsequent history of the caldera there were several major explosive eruptions. The largest of these was that of the Galluccio Tuff at about 300 000 yr BP. It is likely that there was further collapse within the main caldera associated with these eruptions. It is of note that despite these subsequent major explosive eruptions later collapse occurred within the confines of the main caldera. Between eruptions caldera lakes developed producing numerous lacustrine beds within the caldera fill. Extensive phases of phreatomagmatic activity generated thick sequences of pyroclastic surge and fall deposits. Activity within the main caldera ended with the growth of a large complex of basaltic trachyandestite lava domes around 150 000 yr BP. Early in the history of Roccamonfina sector collapse on the northern flank of the volcano formed the northern caldera. One of the youngest major events on Roccamonfina occurred at the head of this northern caldera with explosive activity producing the Conca Ignimbrite and associated caldera. There is no evidence that there was any linkage in the plumbing systems that fed eruptions in the main and northern calderas.  相似文献   

Ruapehu is a very active andesitic composite volcano which has erupted five times in the past 10 years. Historical events have included phreatomagmatic eruptions through a hot crater lake and two dome-building episodes. Ski-field facilities, road and rail bridges, alpine huts and portions of a major hydroelectrical power scheme have been damaged or destroyed by these eruptions. Destruction of a rail bridge by a lahar in 1953 caused the loss of 151 lives. Other potential hazards, with Holocene analogues, include Strombolian and sub-Plinian explosive eruptions, lava extrusion from summit or flank vents and collapse of portions of the volcano. The greatest hazards would result from renewed phreatomagmatic activity in Crater Lake or collapse of its weak southeastern wall. Three types of hazard zones can be defined for the phreatomagmatic events: inner zones of extreme risk from ballistic blocks and surges, outer zones of disruption to services from fall deposits and zones of risk from lahars, which consist of tongues down major river valleys. Ruapehu is prone to destructive lahars because of the presence of 107 m3 of hot acid water in Crater Lake and because of the surrounding summit glaciers and ice fields. The greatest risks at Ruapehu are to thousands of skiers on the ski field which crosses a northern lahar path. Three early warning schemes have been established to deal with the lahar problems. Collapse of the southeastern confining wall would release much of the lake into an eastern lahar path causing widespread damage. This is a long-term risk which could only be mitigated by drainage of the lake.  相似文献   

Volcán Las Navajas, a Pliocene-Pleistocene volcano located in the northwestern portion of the Mexican volcanic belt, erupted lavas ranging in composition from alkali basalt through peralkaline rhyolite, and is the only volcano in mainland Mexico known to have erupted pantellerites. Las Navajas is located near the northwestern end of the Tepic-Zacoalco rift and covers a 200-m-thick pile of alkaline basaltic lavas, one of which has been dated at 4.3 Ma. The eruptive history of the volcano can be divided into three stages separated by episodes of caldera formation. During the first stage a broad shield volcano made up of alkali basalts, mugearites, benmoreites, trachytes, and peralkaline rhyolites was constructed. Eruption of a chemically zoned ash flow then caused collapse of the structure to form the first caldera. The second stage consisted of eruptions of glassy pantellerite lavas that partially filled the caldera and overflowed its walls. This stage ended about 200 000 years ago with the eruption of pumice falls and ash flows, which led to the collapse of the southern portion of the volcano to form the second caldera. During the third stage, two benmoreite cinder cones and a benmoreite lava flow were emplaced on the northwestern flank of the volcano. Finally, the calc-alkaline volcano Sanganguey was built on the southern flank of Las Lavajas. Alkaline volcanism continued in the area with eruptions of alkali basalt from cinder cones located along NW-trending fractures through the area. Although other mildly peralkaline rhyolites are found in the rift zones of western Mexico, only Las Navajas produced pantellerites. Greater volumes of basic alkaline magma have erupted in the Las Navajas region than in the other areas of peralkaline volcanism in Mexico, a factor which may be necessary to provide the initial volume of material and heat to drive the differentiation process to such extreme peralkaline compositions.  相似文献   

The features of seismic activity on Stromboli are discussed and compared in terms of their relationship with the main changes of volcanic activity from 1990 to 1993.We considered a statistical approach for our data analysis. Cluster analysis was used to seek out classes of spectra which might characterize the condition of the volcanic system. The classes we have found provide insights into a scenario which evolves through different phases of volcanic activity, from paroxysms to low activity. We show that episodes of lava effusion and lava fountaining are heralded by variations in the spectral features of tremor after a preparation time. This result highlights the importance of tremor, and reveals that long-term observations are key to examine slow modifications in a volcanic system such as Stromboli, characterized by open conduits, and persistent explosive activity.  相似文献   

Determinations of the local mechanisms of three volcanic earthquakes are given connected with the eruption of the Sheveluch volcano (November, 1964). As initial material the data on first arrivals of P-waves are used. The local mechanism of all three earthquakes is close to a strike-slip type of faulting and similar to the focal mechanism of tectonic earthquakes of Kamchatka. One nodal surface of all the volcanic earthquakes strikes in the same direction as the outbursts of the directed volcano explosions.  相似文献   

The densely populated metropolitan area of Quito is located on the slopes of the active Guagua Pichincha volcano at only 10 km from the crater. Recently, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs sponsored a project for the mitigation of volcanic hazard in this area. The geochemical study carried out as part of this project was aimed at constructing a geochemical model of the zone for use in volcanic surveillance.According to this geochemical model, a hydrothermal aquifer (T = 200–240°C), fed both by meteoric waters and by fluids released by a magma body, lies at shallow levels beneath Guagua Pichincha crater. The crater fumaroles are essentially fed by steam boiled off from the hydrothermal aquifer. The high flow rate fumaroles located in the dome area show significant SO2 contents, which suggest a relatively high contribution of magmatic fluids in the zone of the aquifer feeding them. The absence of SO2 in the fumarolic discharges near the southern crater wall indicates instead that the magmatic fluids dissolve entirely into the aquifer here. The hot springs located at the western end of the crater represent the lateral discharge of the hydrothermal aquifer.On the basis of this model, it is likely that an increment in the flux of both the magmatic fluids and the heat from a magma body produces an increase, albeit small, of the pressure-temperature conditions of the hydrothermal system and consequent changes in flow rate and fluid chemistry of the fumarolic vents. In particular, total sulphur and possibly hydrochloric acid may increase in all the vents and sulphur dioxide may appear in other fumarolic discharges. The varying thermodynamic conditions in the hydrothermal aquifer can be evaluated on the basis of the equilibria among carbon species and hydrogen. Only minor delayed changes are expected in the physical-chemical characteristics of the springs located at the western end of the crater.  相似文献   

Over 330 bulk chemical analyses of rocks (Oligocene or Miocene to Recent) from the Mexican Volcanic Belt (MVB) have been compiled. These analyses all together represent a calc-alkaline sequence of continental margin type. The North-Eastern part of the Belt seems to overlap with another volcanic province, namely. Eastern Cordillera in which magmas are mostly of alkaline sequence. A model involving fractional crystallization as the principal mechanism is proposed for magma genesis in the MVB.  相似文献   

Regular eruptions from Sakurajima volcano, Japan, repeatedly cover local urban areas with volcanic ash. The frequency of exposure of local populations to the ash led to substantial concerns about possible respiratory health hazards, resulting in many epidemiological and toxicological studies being carried out in the 1980s. However, very few mineralogical data were available for determination of whether the ash was sufficiently fine to present a respiratory hazard. In this study, we review the existing studies and carry out mineralogical, geochemical and toxicological analyses to address whether the ash from Sakurajima has the potential to cause respiratory health problems. The results show that the amount of respirable (<4 μm) material produced by the volcano is highly variable in different eruptions (1.1–18.8 vol.%). The finest samples derive from historical, plinian eruptions but considerable amounts of respirable material were also produced from the most recent vulcanian eruptive phase (since 1955). The amount of cristobalite, a crystalline silica polymorph which has the potential to cause chronic respiratory diseases, is ~3–5 wt.% in the bulk ash. Scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope imaging showed no fibrous particles similar to asbestos particles. Surface reactivity tests showed that the ash did not produce significant amounts of highly reactive hydroxyl radicals (0.09–1.35 μmol m−2 at 30 min.) in comparison to other volcanic ash types. A basic toxicology assay to assess the ability of ash to rupture the membrane of red blood cells showed low propensity for haemolysis. The findings suggest that the potential health hazard of the ash is low, but exposure and respiratory conditions should still be monitored given the high frequency and durations of exposure.  相似文献   

Ruapehu composite volcano is a dynamic volcanic-sedimentary system, characterised by high accumulation rates and by rapid lateral and vertical change in facies. Four major cone-building episodes have occurred over 250 Ka, from a variety of summit, flank and satellite vents. Eruptive styles include subplinian, strombolian, phreatomagmatic, vulcanian and dome-related explosive eruptions, and extrusion of lava flows and domes. The volcano can be divided into two parts: a composite cone of volume 110 km3, surrounded by an equally voluminous ring plain. Complementary portions of Ruapehu's history are preserved in cone-forming and ring plain environments. Cone-forming sequences are dominated by sheet- and autobrecciated-lava flows, which seldom reach the ring plain. The ring plain is built predominantly from the products of explosive volcanism, both the distal primary pyroclastic deposits and the reworked material eroded from the cone. Much of the material entering the ring plain is transported by lahars either generated directly by eruptions or triggered by the high intensity rain storms which characterise the region. Ring plain detritus is reworked rapidly by concentrated and hyperconcentrated streams in pulses of rapid aggradation immediately following eruptions and more gradually in the longer intervals between eruptions.  相似文献   

本文概略介绍了中国大陆4个火山(岩)为主题的世界地质公园和16个国家地质公园,以及中国香港和中国台湾的两个地质公园。文章还介绍了这些地质公园火山岩喷发时代、火山类型、大地构造环境和火山(岩)景观特征与分类。它们的喷发时代主要为更新世-全新世、中新世、始新世和白垩纪。四个时期的火山地质公园,在不同年代火山中均具代表性与典型性,为中国火山/火山岩研究提供了真实的材料。作者还针对火山地质公园建设现状提出加强科学研究与实施解说系统工程两条建议。  相似文献   

Characterization of the microseismic activity (M L <2.0) has been performed at Mt. Melbourne since 1990. We recorded a group of low frequency events with common morphological characteristics, i.e., an emerging onset, an unclear second phase and a sharply dropping coda. Spectral analysis of events recorded at more than one station indicates that the seismogram characteristics and spectral content are largely due to source effects. A polarization filter applied to a set of three component data revealed a first phase made up ofP waves followed (after about 0.9–1.4 sec.) by a second phase probably composed ofSH-type waves. Particle motion analysis detected a seismic ray angle direction mainly between N70°E and N110°E and apparent angle of incidence between 35° and 48° for the first phase. The studied seismicity was localized in an area on the eastern slope of Mt. Melbourne Volcano which presents a surface temperature anomaly (Mazzarini andSalvini, 1994). We formulate two hypotheses for the type of earthquakes recorded: 1) long-period events involving active presence of magmatic fluids in the source processes; 2) or the result of fracturing processes (shear?) in a medium characterized by transition between brittle and plastic behaviors. In the latter hypothesis the superficial thermal anomaly may be a symptom of this behavior at depth and is confirmed by the lown values observed for the exponential fit in the codaQ analysis.  相似文献   

A new continuous monitoring system has been developed for the measurement of volcanic gas from the steam well located 3 km north from the summit of Izu-Oshima volcano, Japan. After removing the water vapor using three sequential dehydration methods, CO2 and SO2 contents are measured using IR sensors, and O2 and H2 using a zirconia sensor and a semiconductor sensor, respectively. This system has been in operation without any significant trouble for 3 years.The dehydrated volcanic gas from the well consists of a mixture of CO2, O2 and N2. A decreasing trend of the CO2 content was observed from 1995 to 1998 together with a decrease of volcanic activity. Seasonal changes have also been observed in CO2 and O2 contents, CO2 being higher and O2 lower in summer, which suggests larger contribution of magmatic components in summer. While changes in short-term variation in CO2 and O2 are influenced by atmospheric pressure changes; the CO2 content correlates inversely with atmospheric pressure unlike O2 with some hours delay. In contrast, the H2 content increased intermittently up to 1200 ppm one to several hours after a sudden drop in the atmospheric pressure and without any apparent correlation with seasonal changes.This system allows us to study temporal variation in chemical composition of volcanic gas during quiescent periods of volcanic activity of Izu-Oshima volcano, and might help us detect anomalous changes before future eruptive events.  相似文献   

We have collected 14 water and gas samples from 9 thermal springs and gas vents near Nevado del Ruiz volcano, Colombia. The 3He/4He and 4He/20Ne ratios vary significantly from 0.98 Ratm (where Ratm is the atmospheric 3He/4He ratio of 1.4 × 10−6) to 6.30 Ratm, and from 0.37 to 7.0, respectively. The 3He/4He ratio (corrected for air contamination) decreases with increasing distance from the central crater of the volcano to the sampling site. The trend is very similar to that observed at Ontake volcano, Japan. A hydrodynamic porous-media dispersion model can explain the 3He/4He trend. The temporal variations in the 3He/4He ratio at four sites provide useful information on the apparent velocity of the magmatic fluid flow brought on by a volcanic eruption. The estimated value of several tens m day−1 agrees well with the inferred velocity of flow in Oshima volcano, Japan and is comparable to the largest rate of groundwater movement in a deep sedimentary basin.  相似文献   

The Senyama volcanic products of the late Pliocene to early Pleistocene O’e Takayama volcano overlie a 100-m-thick, late Pliocene coastal quartz-sandstone and are intruded by an early Pleistocene dacite dome. The Senyama volcanic products are the remains of a cone that retains a basal part 1.5 km across and 150–250 m high from the substrate. The cone comprises dacite block-and-ash flow deposits and minor base-surge deposits occur at the base. Single beds of the block-and-ash flow deposits are 1–16 m thick and dip inward 20–40° at the base of the cone and inward or outward 10–20° at the summit. Juvenile fragments in the block-and-ash flow deposits are non- to poorly vesicular and commonly have curviplanar surfaces and prismatic joints extending inward from the surfaces, which imply quenching and brittle fracturing of dacite lava. They are variably hydrothermally altered. Nevertheless, juvenile blocks appear to retain a uniform direction of the magnetization vector residual during thermal demagnetization between 280°C and 625°C. At the time of the eruption, the well-sorted sand of the substrate was at the coast and a good aquifer that facilitated explosive interaction of water and the ascending dacite lava. The mechanism of the explosion perhaps involved thermal contraction cracking of the dacite lava, water-inflow into the interior of the lava, and explosive expansion of the water. Initial phreatomagmatic explosions opened the vent. Succeeding phreatomagmatic or phreatomagmatic–vulcanian explosions produced block-and-ash flow deposits around the vent. Hydrothermal silver-ore deposits and manganese-oxide deposits occur in the Senyama volcanic products and the underlying sandstone, respectively. They could represent post-eruptive activity of the hydrothermal system developed in and around the cone.  相似文献   

We carried out an integrated paleomagnetic, rock-magnetic and paleointensity study of Miocene volcanic succession from the trans-Mexican volcanic belt (TMVB) north of Guadalajara. A total of 37 consecutive basaltic lava flows (326 oriented standard paleomagnetic cores) were collected at Lazo locality. Continuous susceptibility measurements with temperature and hysteresis experiments yield in most cases reasonably reversible curves with Curie points close to that of pseudo-single-domain magnetite. Two geomagnetic reversals were observed in the 300 m thick composite section. Paleosecular variation was lower than the one observed in general during Miocene. It appears that the volcanic units have been emplaced during a relatively short time span of about 1 Ma. The mean paleomagnetic directions obtained from this study do not differ significantly from that expected for the middle Miocene. The mean paleomagnetic direction calculated from all data is I=31.1°, D=354.6°, k=124 and 95=2.1°, N=37. Seventy-two samples with apparently preserved primary magnetic mineralogy and without secondary magnetization, mostly belonging to reverse polarity chron were pre-selected for Thellier paleointensity determination. The flow-mean paleointensity values are ranging from 22.4±3.4 to 53.8±6.0 μT and the corresponding virtual dipole moments (VDMs) are ranging from (5.4±0.8) to (12.0±1.4)×1022 A m2. This corresponds to mean value of (7.7±2.2)×1022 A m2, which is close to present day geomagnetic field strength. Altogether, our data suggest the existence of relatively high geomagnetic field strength undergoing low fluctuations.  相似文献   

Flow by flow mapping of the 65-km-long anbaerial part of the southwest rift zone and adjacent flanks of Mauna Loa Volcano, Hawaii, and about 50 new14C dates on charcoal from beneath these flows permit estimates of rates of lava accumulation and volcanic growth over the past 10,000 years. The sequence of historic eraptions along the southwest rift zone, beginning in 1868, shows a general pattern of uprift migration and increasing eruptive volume, culminating in the great 1950 eruption. No event comparable to 1950, in terms of volume or vent length, is evident for at least the previous 1,000 years. Rates of lava accumulation during the historic period were several times higher than the average rate for the preceding few thousand years along the southwest rift zone and adjacent flanks. Rates of lava accumulation along the zone have been subequal to those of Kilauea Volcano during the historic period but they were much lower in late prehistoric time (anpubl. Kilauea data byR.T. Holcomb). Thus, only about 30% of the surface of the southwest side of Mauna Loa has been covered by lava during the last 1,000 years, as contrasted with about 90% of the subaerial surface of Kilauea. Rates of surface covering and volcanic growth have been markedly asymmetric along Mauna Loa’s southwest rift zone. Accumulation rates have been about half again as great on the northwest side of the rift zone in comparison with the southeast side. The difference apparently reflects a westward lateral shift of the rift zone of Mauna Loa away from Kilauea Volcano, which may have acted as a barrier to symmetrical growth of the rift zone.  相似文献   

Seismic data from the MVT-SLN sesmic station located 7 km from the summit area of Mt Etna volcano, which has been operating steadily for the last two decades, have been analysed together with the volcanic activity during the same period. Cross-correlation techniques are used to investigate possible relationships between seismic and volcanic data and to evaluate the statistical significance of the results. A number of significant correlations have been identified, showing that there is an evident relation between seismic events and flank eruptions, and a less clear relation with summit activity, which appears more linked to tremor rather than to the low-frequency events. Particularly interesting are the low-frequency events whose rate of occurrence increases, starting from 17 to 108 days, prior to the onset of the flank activity and are candidates for a useful precursor. On the other hand, a tendency towards the increase in both the duration and the occurrence rate of transients in the volcanic tremor was observed before the onset of summit eruptions. As a result of this study different stages in the volcanic activity of Mt Etna, represented by changes in the characteristics of the recorded seismic phenomena, are identified.  相似文献   

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