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Lunar rilles and Hawaiian volcanic features: Possible analogues   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we consider the origin of rilles on the lunar maria, both sinuous and those having straight line segments, from the point of view of lava tubes formed in surface lava flows, and also in terms of collapses along active fissures. Terrestrial examples of tube formation and collapse, as well as the large-scale collapse of a chain of craters built over an active fissure were observed on the Island of Hawaii by the writers and serve as the basis of comparison with lunar topography shown on Orbiter photographs of the Moon. We also consider the origin of apparent flow channels on steep slopes on the Moon, and conclude that these are often related to early stages in the formation of covered lava tubes.Paper presented to the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Lunar Studies, Patras, Greece, September, 1971.  相似文献   


Evidence for very recent emission of volatiles on the Moon is primarily of four types: (1) transient lunar optical events observed by Earth-based astronomers; (2) excursions on Apollo SIDE and mass spectrometer instruments; (3) localized Rn222/Po210 enhancements on the lunar surface detected by Apollo 15 and 16 orbital alpha spectrometers; (4) presence in lunar fines of retrapped Ar40 and other volatiles. Available evidence indicates that the release rate of volatile substances into the lunar atmosphere is not steady, but instead sporadic and episodic. Rn222/Po210 anomalies are at locations that are among those from which transient events have most often been reported (edges of maria, certain specific craters), and are probably related to them. Volatiles emitted at maria rims may originate in the Moon's fluid core, reaching the surface through deep cylindrical fault systems that ring the maria borders. The sources of volatiles emitted at craters such as Aristarchus or Tsiolkovsky, which possess floors which are cracked or filled with dark lava and possess central peaks, are more likely to be local pockets of magma or trapped gas at shallower depths. The volatiles are produced directly by radioactive decay (He4, Ar40, Rn) and by heating (other volatiles). The release by heating can occur either during melting or by ‘bakeout’ of unmelted materials. Release of gas into the lunar atmosphere is probably triggered by buildup of its own pressure. This may be assisted by tidal forces exerted on the Moon by the Earth. In addition to independent release, volatile emission is also expected to accompany other lunar activity, such as ash flows, if any lunar volcanism is presently active.


Many lunar craters greater than 10 km in diam exhibit a variety of morphological characteristics which are not produced by meteorite impact or meteorite erosion. Most such craters are located in or near the margins of the maria. Although some could have resulted from processes such as cauldron resurgence, caldera formation, or ring dike emplacement, most have formed by modification of impact craters by endogenic processes including erosion by flowing lava, fissure volcanism, plutonism and uplift of crater floors along ring fractures of impact origin.  相似文献   

An analysis has been made of the tendency of large lunar craters to lie along circles. A catalog of the craters ? 50 km in diameter was prepared first, noting position, diameter, rim sharpness and completion, nature of underlying surface, and geological age. The subset of those craters 50–400 km in diameter was then used as input to computer programs which identified each ‘family’ of four or more craters, of selected geological age, lying on a circular arc. For comparison, families were also identified for randomized crater models in which the crater spatial density was matched to that on the Moon, either overall or, separately, for mare and highland areas. The observed frequency of lunar arcuate families was statistically highly significantly greater than for the randomized models, for craters classified as either late pre-Imbrian (Nectarian), middle pre-Imbrian, or early pre-Imbrian, as well as for a number of larger age-classes. The lunar families tend to center in specific areas of the Moon: these lie in highlands rather than maria and are different for families of Nectarian craters than for pre-Nectarian. The origin of the arcuate crater groupings is not understood.  相似文献   

Terrestrial ring dike structures are features consisting of one or more series of concentric fracture systems along which the central block often subsided and up through which lavas intruded and extruded and other volcanic features formed. Before the lunar probe satellites, a search for lunar features that showed characteristics of terrestrial ring dikes was conducted using the LAC charts andKuiper Atlas photographs. More recently the search was extended on the nearside features and to the farside features using the Lunar Orbiter series of photographs resulting in a catalog of 559 nearside candidates and 82 farside. Features exhibiting one or more of the following four criteria were included as lunar analogs to terrestrial ring dikes: (1) inner ridge(s) approximately concentric with the crater wall, (2) inner rill(s) approximately concentric with the crater wall, (3) outer ridge(s) and/or rill(s) approximately concentric with the crater wall, and (4) interior and exterior slopes of the crater wall approximately equal (implying extrusion of lava along a ring fracture). Equal slopes are in contradistinction to a central source eruptive feature or an impact feature both of which usually produce craters with walls whose inner slopes are about twice as steep as their outer flanks, which characterize the vast majority of lunar craters. Features exhibiting each of the four criteria were found and some had combinations of two or more including rills merging into ridges, e.g., in Taruntius and Posidonius. Gambart is an example of equal inner and outer slopes, while Hesiodus A and Marth are two of the best examples of complete inner rings concentric with the outer rings. Ten percent of the candidates were probable impact craters but had subsequent volvanic activity of a ring dike nature. The initial search showed a distribution of the possible lunar ring dikes that was non-random and strongly associated with the margins of the maria, further implying that they are volcanic features. This relation was upheld when extended by the recent survey. The anticipated dearth of farside ring dikes was corroborated in our study and their distribution is restricted to those few mare-like areas on the farside, further supporting the volcanic nature of these features  相似文献   

The satellite impact interpretation of the surface distribution of lunar maria is presented according to Barricelli and Metcalfe (1969). It is emphasized that the formation of molten rock (lava) which, according to the Apollo 11 findings, seems to have been the origin of the material of which maria are composed, can be the result of heat developed by the impacts which created the respective maria (Gilbert 1893) and does not necessarily imply a volcanic or internal origin of this material.The distribution of mascons and some of its possible interpretations are discussed.Present address: Oslo Universitet, Dept. of Mathematics, Blindern, Norway.  相似文献   

The intensity distribution of lunar radar echoes has been mapped for two-thirds of the earth-visible lunar surface at a wavelength of 70 cm. The depolarizing effects of the lunar surface were observed by simultaneously receiving the radar echoes in opposite polarizations. These echoes were mapped with areal resolutions of 25–100 km2. Mappings with this resolution confirmed that the young craters have enhanced returns. A few craters were found to have enhanced echoes only from their rims. Backscattering differences were also observed between various areas within a mare, between different highland areas, and between maria and adjacent highlands. These scattering differences were interpreted with a simple model, which assumed that the surface backscattered with varying amounts of quasi-specular and diffuse power. Only an increase in the diffuse power was needed to give the numerical values of the enhancements.  相似文献   

This paper discusses formation of pathological cases of crater morphology due to interaction of craters with molten lavas. Terrestrial observations of such a process are discussed. In lunar maria, a number of small impact craters (D < 10 km) may have been covered by thin layers of fluid lavas, or formed in molten lava. Some specific lunar examples are discussed, including unusual shallow rings resembling experimental craters deformed by isostatic filling.Paper dedicated to Professor Harold C. Urey on the occasion of his 80th birthday on 29 April 1973.  相似文献   

Charles A. Wood 《Icarus》1973,20(4):503-506
The heights of central peaks in lunar craters are directly proportional to crater diameters, implying that peak height is a function of crater-forming energy. A similar relationship exists for terrestrial meteorite and TNT craters whose uplifts are of rebound origin. A rebound origin for lunar central peaks implies an impact origin for central peak craters. Correlation of peak heights and crater depths provides direct evidence for lava filling of crater floors.  相似文献   

The circular maria - Orientale, Imbrium, Serenitatis, Crisium, Smythii, and Tsiolkovsky -lie nearly on a lunar great circle. This pattern can be considered the result of a very close, non-capture encounter between Moon and Earth early in solar-system history. Of critical importance in analyzing the effects of such an encounter is the position of the weightlessness limit of the Earth-Moon System which is located at about 1.63R e, measured from the center of Earth to center of Moon. Within this weightlessness limit, material can be pulled from the lunar surface and interior by Earth's gravity and either escape from the Moon or be redistributed onto the lunar surface. In the case of an encounter with a non-spinning Moon, backfalling materials would be distributed along a lunar great circle. However, if the Moon is rotating during the encounter, the backfall pattern will deviate from the great circle, the amount depending on the rate and direction of spin. Such a close encounter model may be related to the pattern of circular maria if materials departing from the source region are visualized as spheroids of molten lunar upper mantle basalt. These spheroids, then, would impact onto the lunar surface to form a pattern of lava lakes. Radiometric dates from mare rocks are consistent with this model of mare formation if the older mare rock dates are considered to date the encounter and younger dates are considered to date subsequent volcanic eruptions on a structurally weakened Moon.  相似文献   

Average data for igneous and/or metaigneous rocks and soils from seven lunar sites are presented. There are compositional similarities between Apollo 11 and Luna 16 eastern maria, Ap 12 and 15 western maria and between Ap 16 and L 20 highlands. Subtle differences do exist between the paired mare sites and the two highland sites and striking differences between the eastern and western maria. Chondritic normalized REE (rare earth element) patterns for igneous rocks and soils from all sites range from 7-350 generally with negative Eu anomalies. Anorthositic gabbroes to anorthosites, presumably highland material, exhibit a positive Eu anomaly. The REE patterns or Sr isotopic ratios suggest two lava flows each for the L 16 and Ap 14 sites, at least four lava flows for the Ap 11 and 12 site and about six for the Ap 15 site. Paucity of lunar andesites suggests rather limited lunar chemical differentiation. Norite-KREEP is a prominent component at Ap 12, 14 and 15, less at Ap 11 and 16 and L 16 and apparently very low at the L 20 highland site. Derivation of lunar soils can be best explained using multi-component mixing systems. Characterization of meteoritic impacting bodies is also observed in addition to a steady state veil of 1.9% carbonaceous Cl like material in soils. Interelement correlations impose constraints on the primitive composition of the Moon and on magmatic processes like selective volatilization.Paper dedicated to Prof. Harold C. Urey on the occasion of his 80th birthday on 29 April 1973.  相似文献   

A classification of over 200 lunar mare domes shows that they have two major modes of occurrence: (1) low, flat, generally circular structures with convex shapes, slopes less than about 5°, and displaying summit craters, and (2) irregular structures often adjacent to highland regions and rarely containing summit craters. On the basis of morphologic and morphometric similarities, the first mode of occurrence appears to be analogous to small terrestrial shield volcanoes, and to represent primary volcanic constructs, while the second class of domes appears to result from secondary volcanic effects (flooding of highland material to produce kipukas and draping of lavas to produce irregular dome-like topography).Domes comparable to small shield volcanoes generally range from 3–17 km in diameter and up to several hundred meters in height and occur predominantly in groupings in the lunar equatorial region in northeast Tranquillitatis (Cauchy area), between Kepler and Copernicus (Hortensius area), and in the Marius Hills. In the Marius Hills, domes generally lack summit craters and have a rough surface texture formed in part by superposed cones and steep-sided flows. Elsewhere, domes representing volcanic sources are smooth-surfaced and usually contain a summit crater. These features are similar in general morphology to small terrestrial lava shields. They are generally intermediate in volume, slope, and height between small shields of terrestrial basaltic plains (such as the Snake River Plains) and larger Icelandic shields. Summit craters on lunar domes are considerably larger than craters on terrestrial shields of comparable diameters, apparently due to a combination of factors, including vent enlargement during extrusion, possibly higher lunar extrusion rates, different amounts of collapse, and impact erosion.Most vent-related domes appear to be associated with, and are thus approximately the same age as, surrounding lava plains, although relationships in specific areas have not yet been established. On the basis of age ranges of mare deposits established by Apollo samples, mare vent-related domes formed over an approximately one billion year period starting about 3.7 b.y. ago. Extrusion rates were apparently relatively low compared to the very high values characteristic of flows associated with major lunar sinuous rilles and terrestrial flood basalts, but may have been relatively high compared to similar terrestrial shields. Large shield volcanoes equivalent to the terrestrial Hawaiian-type or to the martian edifices such as Olympus Mons, do not occur on the Moon. Lack of these features may be due to the low viscosities and high effusion rates typical of many lunar eruptions and the lack of continuous eruptions from single sources.Paper presented at the European Workshop on Planetary Sciences, organised by the Laboratorio di Astrofisica Spaziale di Frascati, and held between April 23–27, 1979, at the Accademia Nazionale del Lincei in Rome, Italy.  相似文献   

Regolith thickness distributions associated with crater populations observed on selected maria surfaces have been calculated using a Monte Carlo computer technique. The calculations assume that the crater type produced and the volume of debris ejected and added to the growing regolith depends on the ratio of crater diameter and regolith thickness present at the time and place of formation of each crater. Calculated thickness distributions obtained are in agreement with those estimated using a previously described statistical method based on the morphology of small lunar craters. Additionally, the Monte Carlo calculations accurately predict the size frequency distributions of the same types of small, fresh lunar craters used in the statistical method. The model employed is therefore realistic. Furthermore, the model calculations presented are shown to have value (a) in predicting the thickness of the regolith from crater populations at various lunar sites, (b) relative dating applications in which crater populations are compared, and (c) in interpreting the origin and history of regolith deposits at specific locations.  相似文献   

The Marius Hills region, a volcanic plateau in Oceanus Procellarum, contains numerous rilles, rille-like structures, and chains of elongate craters. Most of these structures characteristically: (1) originate on or near irregular shaped craters associated with features previously interpreted as volcanic domes, (2) trend downslope onto Plateau Plains, (3) generally taper in width and become shallower, (4) are often discountinuous, (5) occupy the center, or apparent crest of a broad ridge, (6) may contain cut-off branches and distributary structures, and (7) may have local reversals in longitudinal slope. Structures having these characteristics are interpreted to be lava channels or partly collapsed lava tubes. Terrestrial lava tubes form exclusively, and commonly, in fluid basalt flows. Recent evidence indicates that viscosities of lunar mare basalt lava flows were conducive for lava tube formation.Terrestrial analogs are offered for structures described in the Marius Hills. The analogs are comparable in qualitative and quantitative geomorphic aspects, excluding that of width. Scaling consideration of lunar reduced gravity accounts for increased width of the lunar structures. Linear and curvilinear rilles trending along equal elevations are interpreted to result from fracturing or faulting.  相似文献   

Similarity is found in crater densities on the most heavily cratered surfaces throughout the solar system. This is hypothesized to result from a steady-state “saturation equilibrium” being approached or achieved by cratering processes. This hypothesis conflicts with some recent interpretations. However, it accounts for (1) a similarity in maximum relative crater density, below certain theoretically predicted values, on all heavily cratered surfaces; (2) a leveling off at this same relative density among 100-m scale (secondary?) craters in populations on lunar maria and other sparsely cratered lunar surfaces; (3) the approximate uniformity of maximum relative densities on Saturn satellites (in spite of dramatic variations predicted from nonsaturation models assuming heliocentric impactors). The lunar frontside upland crater population, sometimes described as a well-preserved production function useful for interpreting other planetary surfaces, is found not to be a production function. It was modified by intercrater plains formed (at least partly) by early upland basaltic lava flooding, recently confirmed spectrophotometrically. Consistent with this, counts in “pure uplands” (those lacking intercrater plains) match the proposed saturation equilibrium density. Variations among large (D > 64 km) crater populations are found, but these may involve several hypothesized mechanisms that rapidly obliterate large craters, especially on icy surfaces. Recent models, in which different populations of interplanetary bodies hit different planets, need further appraisal.  相似文献   

Radar, infrared, and photogeologic properties of lunar craters have been studied to determine whether there is a systematic difference in blocky craters between the maria and terrae and whether this difference may be due to a deep megaregolith of pulverized material forming the terra surface, as opposed to a layer of semi-coherent basalt flows forming the mare surface. Some 1310 craters from about 4 to 100 km diameter have been catalogued as radar and/or infrared anomalies. In addition, a study of Apollo Orbital Photography confirmed that the radar and infrared anomalies are correlated with blocky rubble around the crater.Analysis of the radar and infrared data indicated systematic terra—mare differences. Fresh terra craters smaller than 12 km were less likely to be infrared and radar anomalies than comparable mare craters: but terra and mare craters larger than 12 km had similar infrared and radar signatures. Also, there are many terra craters which are radar bright but not infrared anomalies.Our interpretation of these data is that while the maria are rock layers (basaltic flow units) where craters eject boulder fields, the terrae are covered by relatively pulverized megaregolith at least 2 km deep, where craters eject less rocky rubble. Blocky rubble, either in the form of actual rocks or partly consolidated blocks, contributes to the radar and infrared signatures of the crater. However, aging by impacts rapidly destroys these effects, possibly through burial by secondary debris or by disintegration of the blocks themselves, especially in terra regions.PSI Contribution No. 110.  相似文献   

In addition to modes of formation offered by previous investigators, terrestrial drainage craters formed over lava tubes in Oregon are presented as analogs to lunar drainage craters. Craters associated with lava tubes result from: (1) drainage of surface material through roof fractures; (2) plastic collapse of the partially cooled lava tube roof; and (3) drainage of surface material into roof collapses. The former two categories result in shallow, often elongate craters; the latter category forms classic dimple shaped craters. Elongate dimple craters formed over volcanic fissures in southern Idaho are also discussed and presented in support of one mode of formation proposed by previous investigators for lunar drainage craters.Movement of surface material toward the orifice is initiated on Earth largely by wind and water; in lunar conditions, initial movement is attributed to micro- and macro-meteoritic bombardment, seismic disturbances generated by internal and external processes, and by thermal creep.Nat. Res. Council Postdoctoral Resident Research Associate.  相似文献   

Twenty-one lunar craters have radar bright ring appearances which are analogous to eleven complete ring features in the earth-based 12.5 cm observations of Venus. Radar ring diameters and widths for the lunar and Venusian features overlap for sizes from 45 to 100 km. Radar bright areas for the lunar craters are associated with the slopes of the inner and outer rim walls, while level crater floors and level ejecta fields beyond the raised portion of the rim have average radar backscatter. We propose that the radar bright areas of the Venusian rings are also associated with the slopes on the rims of craters.The lunar craters have evolved to radar bright rings via mass wasting of crater rim walls and via post impact flooding of crater floors. Aeolian deposits of fine-grained material on Venusian crater floors may produce radar scattering effects similar to lunar crater floor flooding. These Venusian aeolian deposits may preferentially cover blocky crater floors producing a radar bright ring appearance.We propose that the Venusian features with complete bright ring appearances and sizes less than 100 km are impact craters. They have the same sizes as lunar craters and could have evolved to radar bright rings via analogous surface processes.  相似文献   

Thomas W. Thompson 《Icarus》1978,36(2):174-188
A high-resolution map of lunar radar reflectivity has been obtained using delay-Doppler interferometry techniques and the 7.5 m (40 Mhz) radar at the Arecibo Observatory in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. This new mapping, an extension of an earlier experiment, demonstrated an improvement of surface resolution to 25–40 km. The new map shows scattering behavior similar to other radar maps at 3.8 and 70 cm wavelengths. The maria backscatter less power than the terrae by factors of one-half to one-fourth, although a few terrae areas have the same low back-scatterer as the mare. The large young rayed craters like Tycho have backscatterer enhancement (over the environs) by about 1.5:1, a smaller difference than that observed at centimeter wavelengths. In addition, the mean scattering behavior of the Moon was measured for a range of angles from 10° to 67° and the new measurements differ little from previous measurements at 6 m wavelength. The radar map and mean backscatter data indicate that: (1) the average radar backscatter at 7.5 m wavelength for the large angles of incidence differs little from scatter at centimeter wavelengths; (2) the maria and terrae have a qualitatively similar scattering behavior although maria backscatter less power by factors of one-half to one quater; and (3) the large rayed craters show relatively small enhancements compared with enhancements at meter and centimeter wavelengths. Several different physical properties of the lunar surface could account for these results.  相似文献   

The UK-built Chandrayaan-1 X-ray Spectrometer (C1XS) will fly as an ESA instrument on India's Chandrayaan-1 mission to the Moon, launched in October 2008. C1XS builds on experience gained with the earlier D-CIXS instrument on SMART-1, but will be a scientifically much more capable instrument. Here we describe the scientific objectives of this instrument, which include mapping the abundances of the major rock-forming elements (principally Mg, Al, Si, Ti, Ca and Fe) in the lunar crust. These data will aid in determining whether regional compositional differences (e.g., the Mg/Fe ratio) are consistent with models of lunar crustal evolution. C1XS data will also permit geochemical studies of smaller scale features, such as the ejecta blankets and central peaks of large impact craters, and individual lava flows and pyroclastic deposits. These objectives all bear on important, and currently unresolved, questions in lunar science, including the structure and evolution of any primordial magma ocean, as revealed by vertical and lateral geochemical variations in the crust, and the composition of the lunar mantle, which will further constrain theories of the Moon's origin, thermal history and internal structure.  相似文献   

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