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We investigate the influence of a stellar fly-by encounter on the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt objects through numerical orbital calculations, in order to explain both mass depletion and high orbital inclinations of the classical Edgeworth-Kuiper belt (CEKB) objects, which have semimajor axis of 42-48 AU and perihelia beyond 35 AU. The observationally inferred total mass of the CEKB is ∼1/10 Earth masses, which is only ∼0.02 of that extrapolated from the minimum-mass solar nebula model. The CEKB consists of bimodal population: “hot population” with inclinations i?0.2-0.6 radians and “cold population” with i?0.1. The observationally suggested difference in size and color of objects between the two populations may imply different origins of the two populations. We find that both the depletion of solid materials in the CEKB and the formation of the hot population are accounted for by a single close stellar encounter with pericenter distance of 80-100 AU and inclination relative to the initial protoplanetary disk ?50°-70°. Such a stellar encounter highly pumps up eccentricities of most objects in the CEKB and then their perihelia migrate within 35 AU. These objects would be removed by Neptune's perturbations after Neptune is formed at or migrates to the current position (30 AU). Less than 10% of the original objects remain in stable orbits with small eccentricities and perihelion distances larger than 35 AU, in the CEKB, which is consistent with the observation. We find that i of the remaining objects are as large as that of the observed hot population. The only problem is how to stop Neptune's migration at ∼30 AU, which is addressed in a separate paper. The depletion by the stellar encounter extends deeply into ∼30-35 AU, which provides the basis of the formation model for the cold population through Neptune's outward migration by Levison and Morbidelli (2003, Nature, 426, 419-421). The combination of our model with Levison and Morbidelli's model could consistently explain the mass depletion, truncation at 50 AU, bimodal distribution in i, and differences in size and color between the hot and the cold populations in the CEKB. 相似文献
Shoko Oshigami Shinya Okuno Yasushi Yamaguchi Makiko Ohtake Junichi Haruyama Takao Kobayashi Atsushi Kumamoto Takayuki Ono 《Icarus》2012,218(1):506-512
Comparison of the Lunar Radar Sounder (LRS) data to the Multiband Imager (MI) data is performed to identify the subsurface reflectors in Mare Serenitatis. The LRS is FM-CW radar (4–6 MHz) and the 2 MHz bandwidth leads to the range resolution of 75 m in a vacuum, whereas the sampling interval in the flight direction is about 75 m when an altitude of the spacecraft with polar orbit is nominal (100 km). Horizontally continuous reflectors were clearly detected by LRS in limited areas that consist of about 9% of the whole maria. The typical depth of the reflectors is estimated to be a few hundred meters. Layered structures of mare basalts are also discernible on some crater walls in the MI data of the visible bands (VIS). The VIS range has nine wavelengths of 415, 750, 900, 950, and 1000 nm, and their spatial resolution is 20 m/pixel at a nominal altitude. The stratigraphies around Bessel and Bessel-H craters in Mare Serenitatis are examined in this paper. It was revealed that the subsurface reflectors lie on the boundaries between basalt units with different chemical compositions. In addition, model calculations using the simplified radar equation indicate that the subsurface reflectors are not compositional interfaces but layer boundaries with a high-porosity contrast. These results suggest that the detected reflectors in Mare Serenitatis are regolith accumulated during so long hiatus of mare volcanisms enough for chemical composition of magma to change, not instantaneously. Therefore combination of the LRS and MI data has a potential to reveal characteristics of a series of magmatism forming each lithostratigraphic unit in Mare Serenitatis and other maria. 相似文献
Qiang Chang Xu-Li Zheng Xia Zhang Dong-Hui Quan Yang Lu Qing-Kuan Meng Xiao-Hu Li Long-Fei Chen 《天文和天体物理学研究(英文版)》2021,(2):113-120
At low temperatures(10 K),hydrogen atoms can diffuse quickly on grain ice mantles and frequently encounter hydrogen molecules,which cover a notable fraction of grain surface.The desorption energy of H atoms on H2 substrates is much less than that on water ice.The H atom encounter desorption mechanism is adopted to study the enhanced desorption of H atoms on H_(2 )substrates.Using a small reaction network,we show that the steady-state surface H abundances predicted by the rate equation model that includes H atom encounter desorption agree reasonably well with the results from the more rigorous microscopic Monte Carlo method.For a full gas-grain model,H atom encounter desorption can reduce surface H abundances.Therefore,if a model adopts the encounter desorption of H atoms,it becomes more difficult for hydrogenation products such as methanol to form,but it is easier for C,O and N atoms to bond with each other on grain surfaces. 相似文献
V. N. Sazonov 《Astrophysics and Space Science》1972,19(1):25-45
The degree of circular polarizationp c is calculated for two models of a source of synchrotron radiation:
- A source with an inhomogeneous magnetic field and isotropic angular distribution of the electrons with respect to the magnetic field;
- A source with a homogeneous magnetic field and anisotropic angular distribution of the electrons in which the anisotropy of angular distribution substantially increases with the electron energy.
M. J. Valtonen L. Valtaoja B. Sundelius K. J. Donner G. G. Byrd 《Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy》1990,48(2):95-113
In a previous paper, we have studied dynamical friction during a parabolic passage of a companion galaxy past a disk galaxy. This paper continues with the study of satellites in circular orbits around the disk galaxy. Simulations of orbit decay in a self gravitating disk are compared with estimates based on two-body scattering theories; the theories are found to give a satisfactory explanation of the orbital changes. The disk friction is strongly dependent on the sense of rotation of the companion relative to the rotation of the disk galaxy as well as on the amount of mass in a spherical halo. The greatest amount of dynamical friction occurs in direct motion if no spherical halo is present. Then the infall time from the edge of the disk is about one half of the orbital period of the disk edge. A halo twice as massive as the disk increases the infall time four fold. The results of Quinn and Goodman, obtained with a non-self-gravitating method, agree well with our experiments with massive halos (Q
0 1.5), but are not usable in a more general case. We give analytic expressions for calculating the disk friction in galaxies of different disk/halo mass ratios. 相似文献
R.D. Wolstencroft 《Icarus》1976,29(2):235-243
McDonnell JA Alexander WM Burton WM Bussoletti E Evans GC Evans ST Firth JG Grard RJ Green SF Grun E Hanner MS Hughes DW Igenbergs E Kissel J Kuczera H Lindblad BA Langevin Y Mandeville JC Nappo S Pankiewicz GS Perry CH Schwehm GH Sekanina Z Stevenson TJ Zarnecki JC et AL 《Astronomy and Astrophysics》1987,187(1-2):719-741
Analysis of the data from Giotto's Dust Impact Detection System experiment (DIDSY) is presented. These data represent measurement of the size of dust grains incident on the Giotto dust shield along its trajectory through the coma of comet P/Halley on 1986 March 13/14. First detection occurred at some 287000 km distance from the nucleus on the inbound leg; the majority of the DIDSY subsystems remained operational after closest approach (604 km) yielding the last detection at about 202000 km from the nucleus. In order to improve the data coverage (and especially for the smallest grains, to approximately 10(-19) kg particle mass), data from the PIA instrument has been combined with DIDSY data. Flux profiles are presented for the various mass channels showing, to a first approximation, a 1/R2 flux dependence, where R is the distance of the detection point from the cometary nucleus, although significant differences are noted. Deviations from this dependence are observed, particularly close to the nucleus. From the flux profiles, mass and geometrical area distributions for the dust grains are derived for the trajectory through the coma. Groundbased CCD imaging of the dust continuum in the inner coma at the time of encounter is also used to derive the area of grains intercepted by Giotto. The results are consistent with the area functions derived by Giotto data and the low albedo of the grains deduced from infrared emission. For the close encounter period (-5 min to +5 min), the cumulative mass distribution function has been investigated, initially in 20 second periods; there is strong evidence from the data for a steepening of the index of the mass distribution for masses greater than 10(-13) kg during passage through dust jets which is not within the error limits of statistical uncertainty. The fluences for dust grains along the entire trajectory is calculated; it is found that extrapolation of the spectrum determined at intermediate masses (cumulative mass index alpha = 0.85) is not able to account for the spacecraft deceleration as observed by the Giotto Radio Science Experiment and by ESOC tracking operations. Data at large masses (>10(-8) kg) recently analysed from the DIDSY data set show clear evidence of a decrease in the mass distribution index at these masses within the coma, and it is shown that such a value of the mass index can provide sufficient mass for consistency with the observed deceleration. The total particulate mass output from the nucleus of comet P/Halley at the time of encounter would be dependent on the maximum mass emitted if this change in slope observed in the coma were also applicable to the emission from the nucleus; this matter is discussed in the text. The flux time profiles have been converted through a simple approach to modeling of the particle trajectories to yield an indication of nucleus surface activity. There is indication of an enhancement in flux at t approximately -29 s corresponding to crossing of the dawn terminator, but the flux detected prior to crossing of the dawn terminator is shown to be higher than predicted by simple modelling. Further enhancements corresponding to jet activity are detected around +190 s and +270 s. 相似文献
J. E. van Cleve T. Herter B. Pirger G. Gull J. Huffman D. Seib B. L. Halleck D. B. Reynolds 《Experimental Astronomy》1994,3(1-4):177-178
The first 128×128 Si:Sb blocked impurity band (BIB) detectors, manufactured by Rockwell International, are sensitive detectors from 10 to at least 40 m. While further work is required to make these arrays suitable for the low backgrounds of space infrared telescopes, they can be used now for observations from the ground and aircraft. 相似文献
In this paper we calculate the number of close binaries formed during the evolution process of a globular cluster core. The globular cluster core is assumed to contain a massive black hole at its center. We show that the central black hole can drive binaries formation in the core and the rate of binaries formation depends on the mass of the black hole at its center. When the massM of the black hole is between 102
and 3×103
, there will be a few binaries formed. When the mass of the black hole is 4×103
, the number of binary star formation will suddenly increase with a jump to the maximum value 58. When the mass of the black hole is 7×103
, the number of binary star will immediately decrease. Whether cluster X-ray is produced mainly by the central black hole or by binaries in the core depends on the mass of the central black hole. Therefore, two cases arise: namely, black hole accretion domination and binaries radiation domination. We do think that we cannot exclude the possibility of the existence of a central black hole even when binary radiation characteristics have been observed in globular cluster X-ray sources. 相似文献
《Planetary and Space Science》1967,15(2):301-329
Gross statistical data on optical- and radio-auroral phenomena are examined to establish the latitude-versus-time pattern for the causal particle precipitation. Although these phenomena may occur at any time of day at auroral-zone latitudes, they are shown to occur most frequently at about 08 and 22 hours geomagnetic time. These two dominant diurnal maxima exhibit radically different characteristics, indicating that two distinct particle populations are involved on the average. Further, the two types of precipitation are recognizable at other times of day in the statistical data, although at a reduced intensity, leading to a two-zoned precipitation pattern in which there is a clear separation between the zones during most of the day. The most prominent features of the precipitation in the zone with the night-time maximum are shown to be the impulsive character of the precipitation and its steep energy spectrum, whereas the zone with the morning maximum is best described as having a continuous influx with a much flatter particle spectrum. On the basis of detailed studies of these characteristics, of observations on other related ionospheric parameters, and of direct particle measurements made with rockets and satellites it seems plausible to associate the two particle populations with different regions of the magnetosphere. This relationship to the magnetospheric structure and to the processes therein is discussed for both the ‘splash’ and ‘drizzle’ types of precipitation. 相似文献
H.W. Gretton 《Planetary and Space Science》1973,21(1):97-111
It is shown how the density of electric currents flowing in a horizontal conducting slab (the sea) may be calculated by B.G. Galerkin's method of moments, when a uniform electric field acts in the slab. The slab is uniform except for a hole, symmetrical about a vertical axis (an island). The cross-section of the hole may be arbitrary. Electric current streamlines are drawn for an island whose shape is a frustum of a cone. The magnetic field of the disturbing currents is numerically computed using successive over-relaxation. These results are compared with a two dimensional model which is a modification of the model due to Ashour and Chapman (1965). It is shown that introducing the vertical current component in the sea affects the magnetic field at the surface of the island by only a few per cent of the total magnetic field. The computer model is applied to the study of the island effect on Oshima and Jarvis Islands. The computed results for Oshima Island explain the observed enhancement of Zat some points and the reversal, in fact, of Z at other points on the island. 相似文献
《Planetary and Space Science》1967,15(4):627-632
An analysis of the orbit of the satellite Calsphere 1 confirms the large semi-annual variation in density at heights near 1100 km previously found from the orbit of Echo 2, and not predicted by present atmospheric models. This variation is probably due to relatively smaller variations at much lower altitudes, in particular variations at heights near 120 km, which is taken as the lower boundary for the construction of upper-atmosphere models. 相似文献
We present a method to access efficiently and effectively images in large astronomical archives. This method allows users to interactively participate in the retrieval process. They may virtually 'navigate' through the archive for choosing images that are relevant for their purposes. The navigation process is performed by switching back and forth between three retrieval-system modes: a query mode, a browse mode and an inspection mode. The method has been applied to an image retrieval system to access solar radio spectrograms archived at ETH in Zurich. The system, called ASPECT, allows access to over 50000 data sets on-line. 相似文献
Hans J. Sperling 《Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy》1972,6(3):278-293
Let a rigid satellite move in a circular orbit about a spherically symmetric central body, taking into account only the main term of the gravitational torque. We shall investigate and find all solutions of the following problem: Let the satellite be permitted to spin about an axis that is fixed in the orbit frame; the satellite need not be symmetric, the spin not uniform, and the spin axis not a principal axis of inertia. The complete discussion of this type of spin reveals that the cases found by Lagrange and by Pringle - and the well-known spin about a principal axis of inertia orthogonal to the orbit plane — are essentially the only ones possible; the only further (degenerate) case is uniform spin of a two-dimensional, not necessarily symmetric satellite about certain axes that are orthogonal to the plane containing the body and to the orbit of the satellite around the central body. 相似文献
We present results about the stability of vertical motion and its bifurcations into families of 3-dimensional (3D) periodic orbits in the Sitnikov restricted N-body problem. In particular, we consider ν = N ? 1 equal mass primary bodies which rotate on a circle, while the Nth body (of negligible mass) moves perpendicularly to the plane of the primaries. Thus, we extend previous work on the 4-body Sitnikov problem to the N-body case, with N = 5, 9, 15, 25 and beyond. We find, for all cases we have considered with N ≥ 4, that the Sitnikov family has only one stability interval (on the z-axis), unlike the N = 3 case where there is an infinity of such intervals. We also show that for N = 5, 9, 15, 25 there are, respectively, 14, 16, 18, 20 critical Sitnikov periodic orbits from which 3D families (no longer rectilinear) bifurcate. We have also studied the physically interesting question of the extent of bounded dynamics away from the z-axis, taking initial conditions on x, y planes, at constant z(0) = z 0 values, where z 0 lies within the interval of stable rectilinear motions. We performed a similar study of the dynamics near some members of 3D families of periodic solutions and found, on suitably chosen Poincaré surfaces of section, “islands” of ordered motion, while away from them most orbits become chaotic and eventually escape to infinity. Finally, we solve the equations of motion of a small mass in the presence of a uniform rotating ring. Studying the stability of the vertical orbits in that case, we again discover a single stability interval, which, as N grows, tends to coincide with the stability interval of the N-body problem, when the values of the density and radius of the ring equal those of the corresponding system of N ? 1 primary masses. 相似文献