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青藏高原东北缘壳幔过渡带研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
利用穿过青藏高原东北缘的两条地震测深剖面提供的PMP波形资料,研究了该区不同构造单元壳幔过渡带的复杂性、频谱特征和速度模型.结果表明, 鄂尔多斯盆地和陵中盆地Moho具有稳定的构造特征,壳幔耦合为简单的一级间断面;海原地震区和巴颜喀拉地块与柴达木地块结合带莫霍面具有明显的活动迹象,壳幔耦合为复杂的高、低速相间的多层壳幔过渡带,总厚度达到20多千米.不同构造单元的莫霍面差异性反映了研究区壳幔耦合层的非均匀特征;海原地震区和玛沁断裂壳幔过渡带的细结构差异, 则反映了两个陆 陆碰撞带不同的深部物质结构与地块之间的相互作用结果.  相似文献   

Through the analysis and 2-D inversion for the 5 profiles in Haiyuan arcuate tectonic region (105°~107°E,36°~37.5°N) in the northeastern margin of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, we have obtained the electric structure within a range of 160 km in width (east-west) and 60 km in depth in the studied area. The results show that the crustal electric structure can be divided into 6 sections, corresponding respectively to Xiji basin (Ⅰ), Xihuashan-Nanhuashan uplift (Ⅱ), Xingrenbu-Haiyuan basin (Ⅲ), Zhongwei-Qingshuihe basin (Ⅳ), Zhongning-Hongsibu basin (Ⅴ) and west-margin zone of Ordos (Ⅵ) from the southwest to the northeast. The crustal electric structure is characterized by a broom-shaped pattern, which scatters to the northwest and shrinks to the southeast. The structures in the top part of Haiyuan arcuate tectonic region are complete and large, however, they diminish from the arc top to the northwest and southeast ends. In the depth from 0 km to 10 km, the resistivity is high in the sections Ⅱ and Ⅵ, but relatively low in the other four sections, showing a similar pattern of basin depression. The electrical basement in the section Ⅲ is the deepest, displaying a "dustpan" shape that is deep in the southwest and shallow in the northeast. A series of discontinuous zones with high conductivity exist in the middle-lower crust in Haiyuan arcuate tectonic region, which is possibly related to the moderate and strong earthquakes in the region. The resistivity distribution in the focal area of the 1920 Haiyuan earthquake is significantly heterogeneous with an obviously high conductivity zone near the hypocenter regime.  相似文献   

The traveling time of the reflection waves of each shot point from the crust-mantle transitional zone has been obtained by data processing using wavelet transform to the waves reflected from the crust-mantle transitional zone. The crust-mantle transitional zone of the Xayar-Burjing geoscience transect can be divided into three sections: the northern margin of the Tarim Basin, the Tianshan orogenic belt and Junggar Basin. The crust-mantle transitional zone is composed mainly of first-order discontinuity in the Tarim Basin and the Junggar Basin, but in the Tianshan orogenic belt, it is composed of 7–8 thin layers which are 2-3 km in thickness and high and low alternatively in velocity, with a total thickness of about 20km. The discovery of the crust-mantle transitional zone of the Tianshan orogenic belt and Junggar Basin and their differences in tectonic features provide evidence for the creation of the geodynamic model “lithospheric subduction with intrusion layers in crust” for the Tianshan orogenic belt.  相似文献   

Introduction The northeast margin of Qinghai-Xizang block has become the place with close attentions from geo-specialists at home and abroad for its significant tectonic movement and intensive seismicity. Quite a number of achievements have been obtained from the studies on geological structures and strong earthquake activities (DING, LU, 1989, 1991; GUO, et al, 1992, 2000; GUO, XIANG, 1993; HOU, et al, 1999; Tapponnier, et al, 1990; Gaudemer, et al, 1995). In the Development Program…  相似文献   

We performed a receiver function analysis on teleseismic data recorded along two dense seismic profiles and from 4 broadband regional seismic stations across the northeastern Tibetan plateau. The crustal thickness and vP/vS ratio were measured by the H-κ domain search algorithm. The Moho discontinuity across the Haiyuan arc fault zone was also revealed by common conversion point (CCP) imaging. Our study results show that the crustal thickness and the vP/vS ratio were 42–56 km and 1.60–1.88, respectively. The crustal thickening on the northeastern margin indicates that the crust is shortening or that there was a superimposition of crusts during the collision of the Tibetan plateau with Eurasian block. Our results suggest that Haiyuan fault likely resulted from the interactions of high temperature and pressure conditions during the collision of the Indian and Asian continents. The Moho beneath the Haiyuan tectonic region exhibits an obvious offset and a vague discontinuity according to CCP imaging. This study suggests that the Haiyuan arc fault zone is a trans-crustal fault that cuts through the Moho in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Moreover, there are indications of strong deformation in the intensive crustal extrusion from the interior of the Tibetan Plateau to its northeastern margin.  相似文献   

EpisodesandagesofseismiclandslidesalongtheChangmafaultzoneLai-XunKANG;(康来迅)andJian-RongWANG(王建荣)(EarthquakeResearchInstituteo...  相似文献   

The deep seismic reflection data on profile HY2 are reprocessed by the method of simultaneous inversion of velocity distribution and interface position. By the travel-time inversion with the data of the diving wave Pg and fault plane reflection wave, we determine the geometric form and velocity of Haiyuan fault zone interior and surrounding rock down to 10 km depth. The measured data show that the amplitudes have strong attenuation in the range of stake number 37–39 km, suggesting the fault zone has considerable width in the crustal interior. The results of this paper indicate that to the north of the fault zone the crystalline basement interface upheaves gradually from southwest to northeast and becomes shallow gradually towards northeast, and that to the south of the fault zone, within the basin between Xihua and Nanhua mountains, the folded basement becomes shallow gradually towards southwest. The obliquity of the fault zone is about 70° above the 3 km depth, about 60° in the range of the 3–10 km depths. From the results of this paper and other various citations, we believe that Haiyuan fault zone is in steep state from the Earth’s surface to the depth of 10 km. Foundation item: Joint Seismological Science Foundation of China (201001) and State Key Basic Research Development and Programming Project (95-13-02-02). Contribution No. RCEG200308, Exploration Geophysical Center, China Earthquake Administration.  相似文献   

The ProP waveform data obtained from a deep seismic sounding profile, which ran through Zhangbei seismic region, were processed by means of both seismic wave complexity coefficient and frequency spectrum analysis methods, and the complexity characteristics of crest-mantle boundary beneath the studied area and its adjacent region were determined. The results show that the place below epicenter can be taken as boundary, the northern side of which is Inner Mongolia axis with small complexity coefficient and the southern side of which is Huai'an basin with large complexity coefficient. The different spectrum patterns at the two sides of the epicenter were inferred from spectrum analysis. In the epicentral area, there have been multi-period magmatic eruptions since Meso-Cenozoic and craters exist at the surface. From the velocity imaging of middle and upper crust in Zhangbei seismic region it can be found that there are crustal low velocity bodies around the craters and also there are low velocity zones, which went into deep crust. It is suggested that the distinct zones of crust-mantle boundary complexity may be the margin, where the magma had intruded due to magma activity in Meso-Cenozoic. The southern side with large complexity coefficient is deep magmatic activity area and the northern side with small complexity coefficient is stable crust-mantle tectonics. The difference of crust-mantle complexity provides deep background for the development of strong earthquake.  相似文献   

Introduction The deep faults in the crust have direct relation to the occurrence of earthquakes and the dis-tribution of active seismic zones, so the researches on the geometric form and physical parametersof deep crustal faults are always an important problem in seismology. The researches are not onlysignificant to knowledge the deep tectonic background of strong earthquake and seismogenicmechanism, but also play a very important role in earthquake hazard estimation and earthquakeprevent…  相似文献   

The 1° × 1° distribution map of crust-mantle structural ratio R for the lithosphere along the Longitudinal Seismic Belt of China has been compiled using computer based on the results of geophysical prospecting by previous researchers, and the latest results by the present authors. Based on this map, an insight into the structural features of the crust-mantle assemblage along the Longitudinal Seismic Belt has been gained, while their relation to seismic activity and the distributions of geothermal flux and intracrustal high conductivity-low velocity layers, as well as their tectonic effect to seismicity have been discussed. Contribution No. 97A0079, Institute of Geophysics, State Seismological Bureau, China.  相似文献   

Another comparative interpretation was conducted with respect to the data from 5 DSS profiles in the central and southern parts of Shanxi, leading to the conclusion that in Linxian, Linfen and Xingtai earthquake regions, through which the five profiles pass, there exist anomalous crust-mantle structure and abyssal crustal faults extending to Moho, all being regarded as the deep indications for earthquake occurrence.  相似文献   

根据前人对西秦岭北缘断裂带上历史地震及古地震复发周期和离逝时间等的综合研究,得出该断裂存在发生强震的较大潜在风险,因此加强对该断裂现今构造活动的定点监测和地震预测预报具有重要现实意义.据此,根据断裂逸出气体测项剖面浓度分布(变化)特征,在西秦岭北缘断裂带(天水段)上新建3个断层土壤气连续观测站,开展断层气(H2、CO2...  相似文献   

IntroductionAccording to the division of Neo-tectonically active blocks northeastern Qinghai-Xizang (abbreviated as QX thereafter) plateau is a juncture region where 3 intra-continental subplates, the Qinghai-Xizang, Xinjiang and North China subplate, meet with each other (DING, 1991). The subplates generally consist of blocks. Specifically, around the Yinchuan-Haiyuan (quasi-trijuncture( (TIAN, DING, 1998), where the 3 subplates meet, to the south locates the Gansu-Qinghai (GQ) blo…  相似文献   

Characteristics of present-day tectonic movement in the northeastern margin of Qinghai-Xizang plateau (Tibetan) are studied based on earthquake data. Evidence of earthquake activity shows that junctures between blocks in this area consist of complicated deformation zones. Between the Gansu-Qinghai block and Alxa block there is a broad compressive deformation zone, which turns essentially to be a network-like deformation region to the southeast. The Liupanshan region, where the Gansu-Qinghai block contacts the Ordos block, is suffering from NE-SW compressive deformation. Junction zone between the Ordos and Alxa block is a shear zone with sections of variable trend. The northwestern and southeastern marginal region of the Ordos is under NNW-SSE extension. The above characteristics of present-day tectonic deformation of the northeastern Qinghai-Xizang plateau may be attributed to the northeastward squeezing of the plateau and the resistance of the Ordos block, as well as the southeastward extrusion of the plateau materials. Foundation item: State Natural Science Foundation of China (49732090) and the Development Program on National Key Basic Researches under the Project Mechanism and Prediction of Continental Strong Earthquakes (95-13-02-05). Contribution No. 00FE2003, Institute of Geophysics, China Seismological Bureau.  相似文献   




StudyonfinestructureofcrustmantletransitionzoneinYanqingHailaibasinbasedonCDPandDSSdataJINCHENG1)(成瑾)QINGHELI2)(李清河)1)In...  相似文献   

青藏高原东北缘深地震测深震相研究与地壳细结构   总被引:15,自引:17,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
通过对青藏高原东北缘不同构造单元深地震测深资料震相的综合分析,利用反射率理论地震图方法对实际记录模拟计算,进一步研究东北缘区域内部不同构造单元地壳细结构.结果显示:西秦岭褶皱造山带分隔了南北不同性质的地壳结构,北侧为相对稳定的临夏—兰州新生代盆地、南侧为强烈改造的松潘—甘孜地块;松潘—甘孜地块在青藏高原东北缘的构造演化过程中改造为萎缩的若尔盖高原盆地和盆地边缘褶皱造山两类不同的地壳结构;青藏高原东北缘中下地壳普遍存在以多层高低速相间、低速度结构为主的破碎松弛结构,这种特征在缝合带和造山带尤为明显,显示为地壳形变增厚、流变滑动的重要场所;结合二维速度结构及GPS研究结果,对青藏高原东北缘地壳形变及动力学过程进行了讨论.  相似文献   

The Mianlue tectonic zone (Mianlue zone), an ancient suture zone in addition to theShangdan suture in the Qinling-Dabie orogenic belt, marks an important tectonic division geo-logically separating north from south and connecting east with west in China continent. To de-termine present structural geometry and kinematics in the Mianlue tectonic zone and to recon-struct the formation and evolution history involving plate subduction and collision in theQinling-Dabie orogenic belt, through a multidisciplinary study, are significant for exploring themountain-building orogenesis of the central orogenic system and the entire process of the majorChinese continental amalgamation during the Indosinian.  相似文献   

根据广义海原断裂带断层气汞、氡浓度现场测量结果,对该断裂带不同段断层气浓度空间分布特征以及整体分布趋势进行深入分析,结合该区历史大震背景、现今地震活动性以及地震时空分布特征及b值空间扫描,深入探讨断层气分布特征与地震活动性之间的关系。研究表明,该断裂带断层气浓度强度分段性明显,与地震活动性存在较好的对应关系。研究结果可为该断裂地震危险性分析提供现今深部流体地球化学活动方面的证据,也为今后地震中长期预报提供重要基础资料。  相似文献   

海原弧形构造区地壳三维精细速度结构成像   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文

利用海原弧形构造区及周围区域地震台网1970—2015年期间记录的天然地震到时数据,采用双差地震层析成像方法对构造区地壳三维速度结构与地震震源位置进行联合反演,获得了高分辨率的三维VPVS以及VP/VS模型,分析讨论了速度、波速比分布与强震发生以及断裂等之间的关系.结果显示:研究区域内地震主要沿断裂呈弧状展布,速度在横向分布上具有较大的差异,波速比变化范围为1.60~1.80,平均值约为1.70.大型断裂诸如海原—六盘山断裂带、青铜峡—固原断裂带等位于高速与低速的过渡带,断裂两侧地震波速差异较大.研究区内历史强震多处于高低速过渡区域,海原强震下方下地壳存在低速、高导薄弱层(25~30 km深度),推测原因主要为流体作用所致.依据相对较低的速度与波速比分布推测研究区地壳主要组成成分为酸性的长英质.速度剖面显示地壳可分为上、下两层,上、下地壳厚度变化由西南向东北逐渐减薄,减薄幅度相近;结合前人研究结果推测构造区地壳增厚模式可能主要为上、下地壳共同增厚.


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