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Four specimens of the thyasirid Conchocele bisecta (Conrad) and one small specimen of the vesicomyid Hubertschenckia ezoensis (Yokoyama), each with a drill hole made by a naticid gastropod, were found at a cold‐seep site in the upper Eocene Poronai Formation of Hokkaido. This is apparently the oldest record not only of drill holes, but also of predation scars, in a cold‐seep fauna. In addition, drilled vesicomyids are known from several Miocene cold‐seep sites in Japan. We suggest that the Eocene and Miocene chemoautotrophic bivalves were drilled only in the shallow‐water settings preferred by most naticids. The lack of drill holes in Oligocene chemoautotrophic bivalves in the northwestern USA suggests that this innovation, which allowed naticids to prey upon highly toxic bivalves, first appeared in the western Pacific during the Eocene.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between variations in the thermal conductivity of surface sediments and the topography in the Nankai subduction zone off Tokai, central Japan, the easternmost part of the Nankai subduction zone, which has an accretionary prism with varied topography. We analyzed sediment thermal conductivity data obtained from the trough floor and accretionary prism. Variations in the thermal conductivity of sediments were related to the topographic features formed by accretionary prism development. Thermal conductivities of 1.1?W/m?K were measured on the trough floor where thick terrigenous turbidites have been deposited. The thermal conductivity of Nankai Trough floor sediments decreases from northeast to southwest along the trough, probably because of the decreased grain size and/or changes in sediment mineral composition. High thermal conductivities (??1.0?W/m?K) were measured in fault scarps on the accretionary prism. A landward increase in these values on the prism may be explained by decreased porosity of the sediments attributable to tectonic deformation during accretionary prism development. At the base of the fault scarp of the frontal thrust, low thermal conductivities (<0.9?W/m?K) were measured, likely reflecting the high porosity of the talus deposits. Low thermal conductivity (0.9?W/m?K) was also measured in slope basins on the accretionary prism, likely also related to the high porosity of the sediments. Our results demonstrate that, for accurate heat flow measurement in an area of varied topography, the geothermal gradient and the thermal conductivity of the sediments must be measured within regions with similar topographic features.  相似文献   

Demersal fish communities were studied on the lower continental shelf and the upper continental slope along the Pacific coast of northeastern Japan. Species composition, number and weight of each species were examined based on otter trawl samples at 45 stations. Mean density and biomass of demersal fishes were 131 ha–1 and 21 kg ha–1, respectively. The ten most abundant species comprised of about 95% of total number and weight of overall catch indicating simple species composition. Gadiform fishesTheragra chalcogramma, Gadus macrocephalus andPhysiculus maximowiczi were the most important species by number, weight and frequency of occurrences, and three main community types represented by the three key species were recognized.Theragra-dominant community showed higher density and biomass, and lower diversity thanPhysiculus-dominant community did. Species diversity of demersal fish community was negatively correlated to density and biomass. Density and biomass of demersal fish community were high on the uppermost slope, and the high abundance resulted from low-diversity communities dominated byT. chalcogramma andG. macrocephalus.  相似文献   

The temperature and salinity data obtained by the Iwate Fisheries Technology Center for the 25-year period from 1971 to 1995 were analyzed to clarify the seasonal variations in the sea off Sanriku, Japan. The variations of three typical waters found in this region, the Tsugaru Current water, the Oyashio water, and the Kuroshio water are discussed in terms, of a T-S scatter diagram referring to the water mass classification proposed by Hanawa and Mitsudera (1986). The mean temperature and salinity fields averaged for each month show clear seasonal variation. Distributions of the Tsugaru Current water and the Oyashio water can barely be distinguished in the fields deeper than 200 m since the Tsugaru Current has a shallow structure; however, the fields at 100 m depth indicate remarkable seasonal variation in the area of the Tsugaru Current. At 100 m depth, the temperature and salinity fronts between the Tsugaru Current water and the Oyashio water gradually disappear in January through April, appear again in May, then become clearest in September. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The tsunami caused by the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake seriously damaged the Pacific coast of northeastern Japan. In addition to its direct disturbance, a tsunami can indirectly affect coastal pelagic ecosystems via topographical and environmental changes. We investigated seasonal changes in the phytoplankton community structure in Otsuchi Bay, northeastern Japan, from May 2011, which was 2 months after the tsunami, to May 2013. The phytoplankton species composition in May 2011 was similar to that observed in May 2012 and 2013. The present results are consistent with the dominant species and water-mass indicator species of phytoplankton in past records. These results suggest that there was no serious effect of the tsunami on the phytoplankton community in Otsuchi Bay. Community analysis revealed that two distinct seasonal communities appeared in each year of the study period. The spring–summer community was characterized by warm-water Chaetoceros species, and dinoflagellates appeared from May to September. The fall–winter community was characterized by cold neritic diatoms, which appeared from November to March. The succession from the spring–summer community to the fall–winter community took place within a particular water mass, and the fall–winter community appeared in both the surface water and the Oyashio water mass, suggesting that water-mass exchange is not the only factor that determines the phytoplankton community structure in Otsuchi Bay.  相似文献   

We study fish scales as a proxy of fish abundance and preservation biases together with phosphorus from fish remains (Pfish) in a sediment core retrieved off Callao, Peru (12°1′S, 77°42′W; water depth=179 m; core length=52 cm). We interpret our results as a function of changing redox conditions based on ratios of redox-sensitive trace elements (Cu/Al, Mo/Al, Ni/Al, Zn/Al, V/Al), terrigenous indicators (Fe in clays, Ti, Al), and biogenic proxies (CaCO3, biogenic opal, total nitrogen, organic carbon, barite Ba). The core covers roughly 700 years of deposition, based on 210Pb activities extrapolated downcore and 14C dating at selected intervals. Our fish-scale record is dominated by anchovy (Engraulis ringens) scales followed by hake (Merluccius gayii) scales.The core presented an abrupt lithological change at 17 cm (corresponding to the early 19th century). Above that depth, it was laminated and was more organic-rich (10–15% organic carbon) than below, where the core was partly laminated and less organic-rich (<10%). The lithological shift coincides with abrupt changes in dry bulk density and in the contents of terrigenous and redox-sensitive trace elements, biogenic proxies, and fish scales. The remarkable increase in redox-sensitive trace elements in the upper 17 cm of the core suggests more reducing conditions when compared with deeper and older horizons, and is interpreted as an intensification of the oxygen minimum zone off Peru beginning in the early 19th century. Higher fish-scale contents and higher Pfish/Ptotal ratios were also observed within the upper 17 cm of the core. The behavior of biogenic proxies and redox-sensitive trace elements was similar; more reduced conditions corresponded to higher contents of CaCO3, Corg, total nitrogen and fish scales, suggesting that these proxies might convey an important preservation signal.  相似文献   

Sinking particles collected from year-long time-series sediment traps at 1674, 4180, 5687 and 8688 m depths, the underlying bottom sediment at 9200 m depth, and suspended particles from surface and subsurface waters in the northwestern North Pacific off Japan were analyzed for long-chain alkenones and alkyl alkenoates (A&A) which are derived mainly from Gephyrocapsacean algae, especially Emiliania huxleyi and Gephyrocapsa oceanica. Alkenone temperature records in sediment trap samples at 1674 m were almost similar to observed sea surface temperatures (SST) with a time delay of one half to one full month. However, alkenone temperatures in trap samples were about slightly lower than measured SST in late spring to early fall. The lowering might be caused by formation of the seasonal thermocline. Nevertheless, these temperature drops observed in trap samples were smaller than those actually observed in a subsurface layer off central Japan. Vertical profiles of A&A concentrations and alkenone temperatures in suspended particles collected from the subsurface waters in early fall indicated that these compounds were produced mostly in a surface mixed layer above the depth of the chlorophyll maximum even in warm seasons. These results suggested that alkenone temperatures strongly reflected SST rather than the temperatures of thermocline waters in these study areas even in such a warm season. Pronounced maxima in A&A fluxes found in sediment trap samples at 1674 m in late spring to summer showed that A&A productions were highest during the periods of spring bloom, according to a time delay between alkenone temperatures and observed SST. Seasonal patterns of alkenone records in trap samples at 4180 and 5687 m could also preserve SST signals well, suggesting that A&A in deep sea waters were mainly derived from primary products in the surface layer. A&A fluxes tended to decrease with water depth, and the ratios of A&A to particulate organic carbon (POC) rapidly decreased in underlying bottom sediment. This clearly indicates that A&A were decomposed and diluted by other refractory organic materials in either the water column or the sediment–water interface. However, A&A compositions were consistently uniform between the trap samples and the underlying bottom sediments, so that A&A could not qualitatively alter during early diagenetic processes.  相似文献   

Abundance of deep-sea meiobenthos off Sanriku, Northeastern Japan was studied quantitatively using sediment samples collected by box corers or an Okean grab. Sampling stations were established along a line transect which covered areas from off the mouth of Otsuchi Bay to the abyssal plain of the western Pacific crossing over the Japan Trench (water depths from 120 m to 7460 m). Abundance of meiobenthos decreased linearly with water depth down to 1503 m and became constant at stations deeper than 4130 m. Nematodes predominated over the other taxonomic groups at all stations. An equation to estimate meiofaunal abundance from several sediment characteristics, which was previously proposed by the first author based on data from tropical and subtropical regions of the western Pacific, was applied to the present boreal area. At one station where the Okean grab was used, the estimated value was 4.7 times more than the observed one. Except for the station, however, observed values fell within the confident range of estimated values. The estimated values were always higher than the observed ones at boxcorer stations, whereasvice versa at Okean-grab stations. These results suggested that keen attention is necessary in selecting sampling gear for ecological studies of deep-sea meiobenthos.  相似文献   

One year records of four current meters moored at two sites off Sanriku (39°26′ N, 142°45′ E and 143°E) have been analyzed. Mean currents flowed southward to southwestward with velocity 2.5–7.8 cm s−1. The geostrophic velocity appeared to be surface-intensified, and the flows at 500 m depth have a relationship with the 100 m depth temperature distribution, suggesting the influence of the upper layer flows. At a depth of 1500 m and 2500 m, southward to southwestward flows are thought to be a part of the current flowing southward on the western flank of the Japan Trench. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Sendai Bay in northern Japan suffered serious damage from massive tsunamis generated by the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake. The physical disturbance caused by a tsunami may affect the coastal ecosystem, including the planktonic diatom community. We investigated seasonal changes in the diatom community structure at a coastal and an offshore station in Sendai Bay, from June 2011 (3 months after the tsunami) to April 2014. Diatom abundance increased at both stations during the spring. Sporadic increases were also recorded at the coastal station during the summer because of silicate input from river discharge. Seasonal succession of the diatom communities was similar at both the coastal and offshore stations. The onset of the spring bloom consisted mainly of Chaetoceros spp. when water temperatures were low. Subsequently, species such as Skeletonema costatum s.l. became dominant as salinity and nutrient concentrations decreased. Cell density decreased from summer into early winter. Leptocylindrus danicus became dominant in the summer, but was replaced by Thalassiosira cf. mala from autumn into winter. Redundancy analysis (RDA) showed that most of the variation in the diatom community could be explained by temperature, salinity, NO3 ?, NO2 ?, PO4 3?, and SiO2. In addition, the occurrence of diatom species before the tsunami showed a similar pattern to that after the tsunami, suggesting that the tsunami did not have a serious impact on the diatom community in Sendai Bay.  相似文献   

Taxonomic composition, size composition, standing stock, and chemical composition of mesozooplankton were determined to examine the contribution of their fecal pellets to the vertical flux of organic carbon at the outside, the edge, and the center of the warm core ring. The warm core ring significantly affects not only their taxonomic composition and size composition but also their standing stock and chemical composition. The zooplankton at the center of the warm core ring was characterized by the absence of carnivores at the top of the size-trophic relation and filter feeding planktonic tunicates at the bottom. Zooplankton carbon biomass at the outside of the ring was one-third less than that at the center of the ring. The vertical flux of fecal pellets obtained from the pellet volume (12.3 mgC m−2d−1) contributed 19 to 96% of the flux (13 to 64 mgC m−2 d−1) estimated from the body carbon and the fecal pellet production rate. The estimated flux of fecal pellets was 6 to 27% of vertical carbon flux (236 mgC m−2d−1) determined by the sediment traps. Microscopic determination of fecal pellets and plankton in the sediment trap samples indicated high grazing activity during the sinking process. Those observations might suggest that particles other than fecal pellets contributed significantly to the vertical carbon flux and fecal pellets were settled directly without loss or being recycled within the surface mixed layer.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which nutrient is supplied to a warm-core ring (WCR) was investigated in order to understand the greater productivity of WCR than that of the Kuroshio, where the WCR originattes. A single WCR was observed in January and May, 1997. The thermostad (a layer of isothermal and isohaline water) of the WCR had different properties from January to May, the differences: Δwater temperature: −0.698°C, Δsalinity: −0.048, Δsigma θ: +0.072, Δnitrite+nitrate-N: +1.83 μM, Δphosphate: +0.011 μM and Δsilicate: +3.2 μM. We examined three possible mechanisms for nutrient supply to WCR in winter, namely: 1) inflow of the Oyashio surface water into WCR; 2) isopycnal mixing with Oyashio water; 3) entrainment of the water below the WCR into the WCR. The results were as follows: 1) When the decrease of salinity was due to the inflow of the Oyashio surface water, the increase of nutrients (nitrite+nitrate-N, phosphate-P and silicate-Si) was estimated to be only 17–27% of the observed increase. 2) When the decrease of salinity was due to isopycnal mixing, the increase of nutrients was estimated to be 30–42% of the observed increase. 3) When the decrease of salinity in the WCR in May was due to entrainment of the water below the WCR in winter by convection, the mixing depth was calculated be 620 m according to the salt budget. The increase of nutrients in this case was calculated to be 82–95% of the observed increase. The main mechanism of nutrient supply to WCR was concluded to be due to the entrainment of the water below the WCR by winter mixing. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We report several biogeochemical parameters (dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), total alkalinity (TA), dissolved oxygen (DO), phosphate (PO4), nitrate + nitrite (NO3 + NO2), silicate (Si(OH)4)) in a region off Otaru coast in Hokkaido, Japan on a “weekly” basis during the period of April 2002–May 2003. To better understand the long-term temporal variations of the main factors affecting CO2 flux in this coastal region and its role as a sink/source of atmospheric CO2, we constructed an algorithm of DIC and TA using other hydrographic properties. We estimated the CO2 flux across the air–sea interface by using the classical bulk method. During 1998–2003 in our study region, the estimated fCO2sea ranged about 185–335 μatm. The maximum of fCO2sea in the summer was primarily due to the change of water temperature. The minimum of fCO2sea in the early spring can be explained not only by the change of water temperature but also the change of nutrients and chlorophyll-a. To clarify the factors affecting fCO2sea (water temperature, salinity, and biological activity), we carried out a sensitivity analysis of these effects on the variation of fCO2sea. In spring, the biological effect had the largest effect for the minimum of fCO2sea (40%). In summer, the water temperature effect had the largest effect for the maximum of fCO2sea (25%). In fall, the water temperature effect had the largest effect for the minimum of fCO2sea (53%). In winter, the biological effect had the largest effect for the minimum of fCO2sea (35%).We found that our study region was a sink region of CO2 throughout a year (−0.78 mol/m2/yr). Furthermore, we estimated that the increase of fCO2sea was about 0.56 μatm/yr under equilibrium with the atmospheric CO2 content for the period 1998–2003, with the temporal changes in the variables (T, S, PO4) on fCO2sea, thus as the maximum trend of each variable on fCO2sea was 0.22 μatm/yr, and the trend of residual fCO2 including gas exchange was 0.34 μatm/yr. This result suggests that interaction among variables would affect gas exchange between air and sea effects on fCO2sea. We conclude that this study region as a representative coastal region of marginal seas of the North Pacific is special because it was measured, but there is no particular significance in comparison to any other area.  相似文献   

Using serial observations, evidence of the existence of upwelling in the region between the northeast flowing Kuroshio and the coast of Ibaraki and Fukushima Prefectures is presented. The complex and variable oceanic condition in this region sometimes conceals some of the evidence of upwelling. Evidence of upwelling can be seen in the distributions of temperature and salinity, and more clearly in those of dissolved oxygen and phosphate. The average position of the upwelling region is just off Cape Shioyazaki in Fukushima Prefecture. Such an upwelling phenomenon may be a general oceanic feature characteristic of the region at the poleward edge of western boundary currents.  相似文献   

The benthic fish community off Namibia (between the Cunene River and Walvis Bay) in 50–650 m of water was studied during three bottom trawl surveys. The community was investigated on the basis of distribution, abundance and diet of 51 species, constituting 95 per cent of the demersal fish biomass. Dietary studies revealed the existence of three major trophic groups, one containing species that prey on pelagic and nektonic organisms, a second dominated by predators that feed on benthic polychaetes and copepods and a third group containing predators of benthic crabs, demersal shrimps and fish. Well differentiated from these groups are a few species that prey mainly on jellyfish and ophiuroids. Because for most of the species, their trophic level changes with growth, they were divided into size classes which are analysed independently. To describe interactions between the size classes, a similarity index combining diet affinity with spatial coincidence was applied. Cluster analysis showed that, for Merluccius capensis, Raja straeleni, R. clavata and Trachurus trachurus, there is a large difference in both geographic distribution and dietary preference between the size classes. For species such as Hoplostethus atlanticus, Austroglossus microlepis and Coelorinchus flabellispinis, the different size classes seem to share the same ecological niche. Variation in the number of species and the parameters mean abundance and niche width are described to enhance knowledge of the general structure of the community.  相似文献   

As a result of the sea bottom survey of continental shelf northwest off Kyushu including Tsushima, Iki and Goto Islands which has been carried out by the Hydrographic Department of Japan, the following features of the area are revealed. Topographically, three groups of shelf channels, trending NE-SW, N-S and NW-SE respectively, are discovered and several small banks are found. Sand wave-like shapes are also seen in a seafloor about 200 m deep in the vicinity of Tsushima Straits. Geologically, remarkable tectonic lines characterized by faults and folding axes are confirmed and named Tsushima, Iki, Hirato and Goto Tectonic Lines. Several tectonic provinces can be defined by these tectonic lines. Each province consists of small geological blocks formed by indivisual tectonic movement such as tilting, uplifting and sinking. Such differential tectonic movement is often seen on the continental shelves around active island arc. In this area, these tectonics might be caused by activity of the Ryukyu Arc. This area may thus be a metastable portion existing between the northwestern Kyushu and the Asiatic continental block. The present submarine topography is probably closely related to these tectonics in addition to the eustatic sea-level changes in Quaternary age.  相似文献   

A geological and geophysical survey off Tottori, southern-west of Honshu, Japan, was carried out by the Hydrographic Department of Japan during May and June (26 days) of 1974.In the survey area, there is marginal plateau which lies under the slope of the continental shelf adjacent to the Sanin district. By the closely-spaced surveying the marginal plateau was divided into two different zones based on differences of genesis and structure, which are identified in this paper as marginal plateaus A (west side) and marginal plateau B (east side). The tectonic boundary between marginal plateaus A and B, previously believed to exist near Tottori City, was not confirmed. An erosional plane, beneath the horizontally bedded upper layer was found to be 75 m lower than the submerged surface of marginal plateau A. Marginal plateau B is hypothesized to have been generated by the sliding of the upper layer. This is suggested by the presence of prominent slumping directed toward the bottom of the Oki Trough. This result implies that the submergence of the Oki Trough area and formation of the marginal plateau are closely related.  相似文献   

Meiofaunal assemblages were investigated (in terms of abundance, biomass, individual size and community structure) at bathyal and hadal depths (from 1050 to 7800 m) in the Atacama Trench in the upwelling sector of the eastern South Pacific Ocean, in relation to the distribution and availability of potential food sources (phytopigments, biochemical compounds and bacterial biomass) in this highly productive region. Meiofaunal density and biomass in the Atacama Trench were one to two orders of magnitude higher than values reported in other “oligotrophic” hadal systems. The Atacama Trench presented very high concentrations of nutritionally rich organic matter at 7800-m depth and displayed characteristics typical of eutrophic systems. Surprisingly, despite a decrease in chlorophyll-a and organic matter concentrations of about 50% from bathyal to hadal depths, meiofaunal abundance in hadal sediments was 10-fold higher than at bathyal depths. As indicated by the higher protein to carbohydrate ratio observed in trench sediments, the extraordinarily high meiofaunal density reported in the Atacama Trench was more dependent upon organic matter quality than on its quantity. The trophic richness of the system was reflected by a shift of the size structure of the benthic organisms. In contrast with typical trends of deep-sea systems, the ratio of bacterial to meiofaunal biomass decreased with increasing depth and, in the Atacama Trench, meiofaunal biomass largely dominated total benthic biomass. Nematodes at 7800-m depth accounted for more than 80% of total density and about 50% of total meiofaunal biomass. In hadal sediments a clear meiofaunal dwarfism was observed: the individual body size of nematodes and other taxa was reduced by 30–40% compared to individuals collected at bathyal depths. The peculiarity of this trophic-rich system allows rejection of previous hypotheses, which explained deep-sea dwarfism by the extremely oligotrophic conditions typical of deep-sea regions.  相似文献   

河口三角洲是人类活动最为剧烈的区域, 陆海作用复杂, 生态环境脆弱。2021年6月以潮汕韩江三角洲河口群为研究区, 开展了河-海交互区沉积环境和小型底栖动物群落综合研究。结果表明, 研究区沉积物以黏土质粉砂为主, 中值粒径为6.66~1 301.34 μm; 盐度为15.91~35.11, 具有典型的河-海交互区特征; 有机碳(TOC)、叶绿素a (chl a)、脱镁叶绿酸含量(Phaeo)均呈现由陆向海减少趋势。重金属Cu和Zn、Phaeo、透明度和砂含量是造成沉积环境差异的主要因素。共鉴定出13个小型底栖动物主要类群, 其中自由生活海洋线虫在丰度和生物量上均为最优势类群(90%和38%), 桡足类和多毛类居次。小型底栖动物的平均丰度和生物量(干重)分别为(295±195) inds./10 cm2和(277.8±202.8) μg/10 cm2,整体上从陆向海呈增加趋势, 在不同河口断面间差异显著。盐度和河口也是控制小型底栖动物群落空间分布的主要因素, 真盐区(盐度>30)的群落相似性较高。小型底栖动物丰度、生物量和物种数与Phaeo和重金属(Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd)呈负相关关系; 解释小型底栖动物群落结构差异的最佳环境组合是盐度和重金属Cd含量。基于重金属、有机污染指数及海洋线虫与桡足类比值三种环境评价方法, 其结果均显示污染较严重的区域位于河口入海口门处。研究结果可为海岸带资源保护、生态监测以及基于生态系统实施综合管理提供基础数据支撑。  相似文献   

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