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郑州市两次不同背景下特大暴雨诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用NCEP资料,根据降水实况分布及各物理量分层平面分布,每隔6 h对特大暴雨中心区所在经、纬向带各物理量场作经、纬向垂直剖面图,结合高空观测图对郑州市两次特大暴雨发生的大环流形势场、触发特大暴雨发生的各物理量场进行诊断分析。结果表明:1)连续性特大暴雨区出现在低空急流轴的前方,一方面是由于低空急流前方水平辐合较强,另一方面低空急流对暖湿空气的输送,使大气不稳定度加强;局地短时性特大暴雨过程主要是冷空气侵入使冷暖湿空气团在郑州上空交汇,其对流不稳定能量释放所致。2)辐合线对暖湿空气的抬升运动起到动力加强作用,是触发中尺度雨团的根源,也是特大暴雨产生的根源。3)连续性暴雨发生、发展时,高空的反气旋起主导作用;局地短时性暴雨发生时,中低空的气旋辐合起主导作用。4)短时性特大暴雨天气,前期有较强的不稳定层结;连续性暴雨天气刚发生时,其前期存在较强的不稳定层结,在暴雨连续发生过程中不一定有强不稳定层结。5)连续性暴雨需要较强的水汽输送带,局地短时性暴雨不要求有明显的水汽输送。  相似文献   

福建省冬季暴雨过程及其环流特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用福建省66个气象观测站1960年12月至2008年2月的暴雨资料,分析了福建冬季暴雨的时空特征及主要影响天气系统。结果表明,冬季暴雨主要发生在闽西;福建冬季暴雨主要是南支槽东移、切变线维持和冷空气南下影响所致;冬季暴雨的产生与充沛的水汽、对流不稳定和辐合上升运动密切相关,但大气层结比汛期暴雨要稳定得多;冬季暴雨异常与500 hPa大气环流和赤道中东太平洋海温异常关系密切,它们可能主要通过大气环流的改变引起福建冬季暴雨异常。  相似文献   

华南前汛期一次特大暴雨过程的数值模拟及其诊断分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
利用WRF3 DVAR同化常规观测和全国自动站资料的WRF模拟结果,对2010年6月18—20日华南前汛期一次特大暴雨过程发生发展的动力条件和热力条件进行详细的诊断分析和研究。结果表明,同化观测资料的WRF模式能较好地模拟出特大暴雨过程的强降水中心、雨带分布及降水强度的变化趋势。稳定的大尺度环流是特大暴雨发生的背景条件。高低空急流及其耦合产生的次级环流的建立是特大暴雨过程的主要动力机制。地面不稳定能量的累积和西南急流输送的充沛水汽和不稳定能量在强垂直运动作用下形成的湿上升,以及中高层冷空气在次级环流的下沉支作用下向低层侵入是特大暴雨过程的热力条件。湿位涡和锋生函数的诊断表明,对流层中高层的干冷空气在次级环流作用下向低层侵入与上升的暖湿空气相互作用,促使斜压不稳定和对流不稳定的释放和发展,是特大暴雨发生发展的触发机制。  相似文献   

台风“海棠”特大暴雨数值模拟研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
在福建中北部登陆的台风,往往会严重影响浙江,尤其值得注意的是台风引起特大暴雨经常会发生在浙江东南沿海的南雁荡山区和北雁荡山区,2005年在福建省连江黄歧登陆的台风"海棠"(0505)对浙江东南沿海造成严重影响,是这类台风比较典型个例。文中利用非静力模式MM5模拟"海棠"台风在浙东南沿海造成的特大暴雨,模拟结果与实况对比分析表明,模式较好地模拟了台风降水强度和分布,特别是成功模拟出南雁荡山区特大暴雨中心(南部暴雨区)和雁荡山区特大暴雨中心(北部暴雨区);运用高时空分辨率模拟资料对特大暴雨成因进行诊断分析表明,南部暴雨区涡度低层到高层向西倾斜结构和北部暴雨区高低空强辐散辐合的耦合结构有利于形成暴雨区强烈上升运动,环境风场垂直切变产生次级环流进一步加强暴雨区上升运动;暴雨区持续不稳定层结和特殊水汽输送通道为特大暴雨提供热力条件和水汽条件。最后对浙南闽北地形对台风特大暴雨影响进行数值敏感性试验表明,温州南、北雁荡山脉地形等高线与台风水汽输送路径正交是造成特大暴雨的重要原因,地形使暴雨增幅明显,地形越高对暴雨增幅越明显,降水分布更加不均匀。比较台风造成南、北特大暴雨条件,发现两者既有环境风场垂直切变产生次级环流进一步加强暴雨区上升运动、持续不稳定层结以及地形对暴雨增幅作用等相同之处,又有动力结构、维持持续不稳定层结条件以及水汽输送等不同之处。  相似文献   

广西特大暴雨的特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对1971~2001年发生在广西的特大暴雨和特大暴雨天气过程的时空分布特征及其环流形势特点作一较系统的分析,得出广西特大暴雨的月际分布具有明显的"单峰型";多发区域在沿海地区;造成广西特大暴雨的影响系统主要是热带气旋或热带低压系统。  相似文献   

本文对7106,8309,8517,8609四个登陆热带气旋造成广西境内突发性特大暴雨的中尺度能量系统进行分析,揭示出暴雨发生的前一天对流层下半部存在一个Tσ中尺度位势不稳定能量系统。这个系统在垂直结构上700hPa层附近有一明显的低能区叠加在850hPa层以下的高能区上,具有比较强的对流不稳定性、能够产生和贮存丰富的不稳定能量。当和热带气旋环流结合时,便能产生强烈的对流运动,造成强的暴雨.  相似文献   

近10年海南岛后汛期特大暴雨环流配置及其异常特征   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
冯文  符式红  赵付竹 《气象》2015,41(2):143-152
通过对2000年10月11—14日、2008年10月12—14日和2010年10月1—8日3次持续性特大暴雨典型个例的对比分析,总结了近10年来后汛期特大暴雨的环流配置和异常特征。研究结果表明,近10年后汛期特大暴雨个例的天气系统配置都具有非常相似的特征:在对流层上层,南亚高压位于南海北部上空,高层存在稳定的辐散区。在对流层中、低层,热带低值系统、中纬槽后冷高压和副热带高压三者之间的相互作用,使得南海北部地区南北向和东北—西南向气压梯度加大,海南岛上空锋区结构建立,涡旋增强和维持,同时诱发偏东低空急流;南海北部存在强盛的偏东风低空急流是后汛期特大暴雨的天气学特征中最显著的强信号,其由热带低值系统东北侧的东南风,冷高压前缘的东北风和副热带高压南缘的偏东风汇合而成。最强降水发生前急流核的变化呈现出自东向西移动,高度逐日上升,风速脉动剧烈三个明显的特征。后汛期特大暴雨过程中大尺度环流相对气候同期平均态的异常特征也很显著:北半球亚洲区内热带辐合带(ITCZ)异常活跃,南海季风槽和印度季风槽南撤速度缓慢,比常年平均异常偏北偏强。南亚高压的位置比常年同期明显偏东偏南,东亚中纬槽,副热带高压的强度也比常年明显偏强。异常偏强的天气系统配置为强天气的发生提供了有利的环流背景;造成暴雨增幅的水汽主要来自大陆冷高压东南侧的东北气流和副热带高压南侧的偏东气流。  相似文献   

广西特大暴雨的特征分析   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
对1971-2001年发生在广西的特大暴雨和特大暴雨天气过程的时空分布特征及其环流形势特点作一较系统的分析,得出广西特大暴雨的月际分布具有明显的“单蜂型”,多发区域在沿海地区,造成广西特大暴雨的影响系统主要是热带气旋或热带低压系统。  相似文献   

1994、1995年陕西汛期暴雨特征分析侯建忠(陕西省气象台西安·710015)1994、1995年陕西天气异常,连续发生特大干旱。但汛期暴雨却表现出北强南弱,陕北的暴雨多且强于常年,并不同程度地造成北部洪涝灾害。本文从大的环流形势及西太平洋副热带高...  相似文献   

用天气学原理,分析环流背景与天气形势,及有关的一些物理量场,指出时间相隔不长的两次持续性暴雨过程形成的洪水相叠加是造成梧州6.23特大洪水的主要原因,洪峰水位还与致洪暴雨的落区和移向有关,致洪暴雨是副高在南海北部维持和低空急流在广西上空存在等有利的天气形势下形成的。  相似文献   

Twelve very heavy rainstorms that caused severe floods in Pearl River drainage basin from 1949 to 1994 are analyzed here. It is found that the rainstorms can be divided into three kinds. and they have different characteristics in circulation and physical quantities. Rainstorms that caused floods in the Xijiang River and Beijiang River usually happen during the first flood season of the year(Apr.-Jun.). They last long. cover large areas and cause severe disasters. There are Stable circulation backgrounds and complete tyontal precipitation systems, and large stratification instability fields. Rainstorms often cause floods in coastal rivers and small tributaries during the second floods season(Jul.-Sept.). They happen suddenly, last a short time but have strong raillfail intensity. They are always caused by tropical cyclones but show significant instability only in rainstorm fields.The characteristics of rainstorms causing floods in the Dongjiang River or other main tributaries are similar to the two above. That is, they may be connected with fronts or tropical cyclones, and its stability degree is between the preceding two kinds.  相似文献   

近50a长江中下游不同量级暴雨的年代际变化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周晶  翟伶俐  高辉 《气象科学》2018,38(6):780-789
利用1966—2015年中国地面气候资料数据集降水数据,对长江中下游地区春、夏、秋三季不同量级暴雨的年代际变化特征进行了研究。结果表明,暴雨在各季节变化特征明显不同,不同量级间也存在明显差异。暴雨在春秋季变化平稳,但在夏季呈现1990s频发,2000年之后少发的特征,并存在准20 a周期变化。大暴雨则在近30 a来呈现频发的特征,其中春季大暴雨在2010年之后显著增加,秋季大暴雨则在2000年之后明显增加。特大暴雨发生概率很小,但夏季特大暴雨在1990s之后一直呈现频发的趋势,并表现为准32 a的周期变化特征,秋季特大暴雨在2000年之后明显频发。大暴雨、特大暴雨在各季节均表现为近十几年来显著增加的趋势。暴雨和大暴雨均存在明显年代际跃变,这种跃变在暴雨、大暴雨频发的区域增幅更为显著。  相似文献   

With rainfall data of 51 stations in April-September in the Pearl River basin during 1954-2003, we have applied the Principal Component Analysis method to research the spatial distribution characteristics of April-September rainfall. The results reveal the following. In the Pearl River basin, there is different precipitation varying from 600 mm to 1900 mm in April-September and precipitation decreases gradually from southeast to northwest. The standard deviation distribution decreases gradually from east to west on the whole. The rainfall distribution of the Pearl River basin has five main types Type Ⅰthere is flood (drought) in the whole region, Type Ⅱ there is flood (drought) in the north and drought (flood) in the south, Type Ⅲ there is flood (drought) in the east and drought (flood) in the west, Type Ⅳ there id flood (drought) in the central part and drought (flood) in the east and west, and Type Ⅴ there is flood (drought) in center and drought (flood) in north and south. The types of the flood (drought) in the whole region and flood (drought) in the north and drought (flood) in the south appear much more than the others,being 64% of the total. From the 10-year moving average, it is seen that rainfall between April and September in the Pearl River basin region is mainly dry in 1983-1992, and mainly dry in the east and wet in the west in 1967-1971 and wet in the east and dry in the west in 1979.  相似文献   

Daily precipitation data for the period of 1960–2005 from 42 precipitation gauging stations in the Pearl River basin were analyzed using the Mann–Kendall trend test and copula functions. The standardized precipitation index method was used to define drought episodes. Primary and secondary return periods were also analyzed to evaluate drought risks in the Pearl River basin as a whole. Results indicated that: (1) in general, the drought tendency was not significant at a 95 % confidence level. However, significant drought trends could be found in November, December, and January and significant wetting trends in June and July. The drought severity and drought durations were not significant at most of the precipitation stations across the Pearl River basin; (2) in terms of drought risk, higher drought risk could be observed in the lower Pearl River basin and lower drought risk in the upper Pearl River basin. Higher risk of droughts of longer durations was always corresponding to the higher risk of droughts with higher drought severity, which poses an increasing challenge for drought management and water resources management. When drought episodes with higher drought severity occurred in the Pearl River basin, the regions covered by higher risk of drought events were larger, which may challenge the water supply in the lower Pearl River basin. As for secondary return periods, results of this study indicated that secondary return periods might provide a more robust evaluation of drought risk. This study should be of merit for water resources management in the Pearl River basin, particularly the lower Pearl River basin, and can also act as a case study for determining regional response to drought changes as a result of global climate changes.  相似文献   

夏季长江中游大暴雨过程中天气系统的共同特征   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
通过对长江中游8次大暴雨过程的合成分析研究, 揭示了长江中游大暴雨发生前后, 对流层高空急流轴和低空SW急流的演变特征及其与大暴雨发生发展之间的关系, 并进一步探讨了暴雨发生前, 西太平洋副高的增强西伸与高空急流轴的东移之间存在的可能联系。  相似文献   

WRF模式中微物理和积云参数化方案的对比试验   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
为了研究微物理参数化方案对珠江三角洲(简称珠三角)降水模拟的影响,利用WRF中尺度数值预报模式,在3 km模式分辨率下,在微物理方案为WSM6方案条件下,选用KF、BMJ、GD以及G3等四种积云参数化方案对2010年5月14日广东珠三角地区的一次暴雨过程进行了模拟试验。结果显示,KF方案对于降水带和降水量的模拟与实况较为一致。在积云参数化方案为KF条件下,分别选用Kessler、Lin et al、WSM 3、WSM5、Ferrier(New eta)和WSM6等6种微物理方案再次对这次暴雨过程进行模拟试验,模拟结果的对比分析表明:选用Lin et al微物理方案时,模式较好地模拟出了强降水雨带的位置和降水强度;而其他5种参数方案的模拟效果均不好,降水量明显偏小,雨带位置偏差较大;同时对低空急流、K指数和上升速度等物理量分析可知,Lin et al方案能较好地模拟出降水实况。  相似文献   

Spatio-temporal variation of actual evapotranspiration (ETa) in the Pearl River basin from 1961 to 2010 are analyzed based on daily data from 60 national observed stations. ETa is calculated by the Advection-Aridity model (AA model) in the current study, and Mann–Kendall test (MK) and Inverse Distance Weighted interpolation method (IDW) were applied to detect the trends and spatial variation pattern. The relations of ETa with climate parameters and radiation / dynamic terms are analyzed by Person correlation method. Our findings are shown as follows: 1) Mean annual ETa in the Pearl River basin is about 665.6 mm/a. It has significantly decreased in 1961–2010 at a rate of -24.3 mm/10a. Seasonally, negative trends of summer and autumn ETa are higher than that of spring and winter. 2) The value of ETa is higher in the southeast coastal area than in the northwest region of the Pearl River basin, while the latter has shown the strongest negative trend. 3) Negative trends of ETa in the Pearl River basin are most probably due to decreasing radiation term and increasing dynamic term. The decrease of the radiation term is related with declining diurnal temperature range and sunshine duration, and rising atmospheric pressure as well. The contribution of dynamic term comes from increasing average temperature, maximum and minimum temperatures in the basin. Meanwhile, the decreasing average wind speed weakens dynamic term and finally, to a certain extent, it slows down the negative trend of the ETa.  相似文献   

In this study, we thoroughly analyzed abrupt behaviors, trends, and periodicity properties of water vapor flux and moisture budget entering and exiting the four edges of the Pearl River basin based on the NCAR/NCEP reanalysis dataset by using the continuous wavelet transform and the simple two-phase linear regression technique. Possible implications for hydrological cycle and water resource management of these changes are also discussed. The results indicate that: (1) the water vapor propagating through the four edges of the Pearl River basin is decreasing, and it is particularly true for the changes of the water vapor flux exiting from the north edge of the study river basin. The transition point from increase to decrease occurs in the early 1960s; (2) The wavelet transform spectra indicate that the monthly water vapor flux through the north edge decreases and this decrease is mainly reflected by intermittent distribution of the wavelet power spectra after early 1980s. The periodicity properties of the water vapor flux through the north edge imply that the northward propagation of water vapor flux decreases after the 1980s; (3) close relations between water vapor flux, precipitation and streamflow implies that the altered hydrological cycle in the Pearl River basin is mainly manifested by seasonal shifts of water vapor flux after early 1960s. One of the direct consequences of these changes of water vapor flux is the seasonal transition of wet and dry conditions across the Pearl River basin. Regional responses of hydrological cycle to climate variation/change could be different from one river basin to another. Hydrological responses of the Pearl River basin to the global warming are mainly demonstrated by seasonal shifts of precipitation changes: winter comes to be wetter and summer tends to be dryer. The finding of the seasonal transition of precipitation in the Pearl River basin is of great scientific and practical merits in basin scale water resource management in the Pearl River basin under the changing climate and global warming in particular.  相似文献   

近年来江淮流域致洪暴雨特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
江淮流域暴雨研究与预报是大家所共同关注的课题.对近年江淮梅雨尤其是2010年汛期致洪暴雨(以江西为例)特征进行了探讨.强调暴雨预报仍是一项很具挑战性的任务,并提出了一些需要继续突破的科学和技术问题.  相似文献   

基于ERA5再分析资料、广东省风廓线雷达、雷达拼图产品和实况观测数据,分析了2020年6月7日夜间—8日珠三角(珠江三角洲)北部暖区强降水过程中主雨带与南岭南部地形走势一致的原因,阐释地形对此次强降水的触发和维持作用。结果表明:(1)此次过程发生在典型的暖区暴雨环流特征的背景下,主要影响系统为对流层中层弱短波槽扰动、低空急流和边界层急流脉冲等;(2)雷达回波表现为团状结构,多以对流单体形态生消,伴随明显的“列车效应”现象,但3个不同发展阶段内回波的持续时间、强度,以及触发地、传播和移动方向等均存在差异;(3)由于边界层西南(偏南)风增强和地形作用,新的对流单体在珠江口附近和珠三角西北侧被触发,同时由于南岭南侧地形对边界层暖湿气流的阻挡和拦截等作用,使得气流在珠三角北部形成明显的辐合抬升,造成该区域内对流单体移速减慢和汇聚,增强了降水强度;(4)强降水长时间的持续与海陆热力差异、冷池和边界层暖湿气流增强等引起的地面露点锋和中尺度辐合线有关。露点锋为强降水的发展和维持提供了热力不稳定条件,地面辐合线加强了对流层底层气流的辐合抬升,进一步增强了强降水区的降水强度。研究结果有助于认识珠三角北部...  相似文献   

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