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Hysteretic cyclic response of concrete columns reinforced with smooth bars   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The application of smooth (plain) bars in reinforced concrete (RC) construction has been abandoned since the 1970s; however, there are many old reinforced concrete buildings in the world whose construction is based on this old style that are now in need of structural seismic rehabilitation according to the requirements of present day seismic rehabilitation codes. The focus of this study concerns the investigation of the hysteretic cyclic response of RC columns with smooth bars. The results of six column specimens having a variety of details for overlapping splices of longitudinal bars while experiencing two different levels of axial loads under cyclic loading reversals are presented. Through analysis of test observations and the obtained experimental results, it is attempted to clarify major aspects of hysteretic response for RC columns with smooth bars, from a seismic assessment point of view. The hysteretic force–drift responses of columns are deeply investigated and a new concept explaining the flag shape form of the hysteretic response is presented. Furthermore, the rocking response of columns is predicted with a new formulation that assumes an internal compression strut inside the column body as a consequence of rocking that originated from high base rotations. Finally, a simple hysteresis rule is proposed which is the result of considering the combination of two springs in parallel to provide the total hysteretic response as the summation of rocking hysteretic and bottom anchor (smooth bar) hysteretic responses.  相似文献   

Cyclic tests of single concrete columns with smooth (plain) bars are not representative of building columns with lap splices at floor levels and story-long starter bars. Column specimens with fixity at top and bottom resemble building columns best, but few of those tested so far had smooth bars and even then without bar lap-splicing at floor level or FRP jackets at column ends. Empirical models based on single-column tests, especially the numerous ones with cantilever-type specimens, cannot be readily extended to columns with smooth bars in real-life buildings. Physical models of the Strut-and-Tie type are developed and are validated or calibrated through comparisons with laboratory tests. Their scope includes anchorage and splicing of bars with either 180° hooks or straight ends. Once validated, they are adapted to real-life multistory rectangular RC columns with smooth bars, in order to obtain the column properties of interest: the chord rotation at yielding and the cyclic ultimate chord rotation, with or without FRP jacketing. Different expressions apply to the top and bottom end of a column in a story, but a single one is used to estimate the column’s effective stiffness. Empirical alternatives fitted to the single-element test results have slightly less scatter than physical models, but caution is needed for their application to columns of real buildings. Simulations of the 3D seismic response of a plan wise asymmetric full size building, tested pseudo-dynamically before or after retrofitting all columns with FRPs or just two of them with RC jackets, provide certain confidence in the extension of the physical models for the estimation of the stiffness and ultimate deformation of columns with smooth bars in real-life buildings.  相似文献   

Constructing concrete jackets is a common technique when strengthening reinforced concrete (RC) columns, particularly in seismic regions. However, there are many uncertainties concerning the behavior of the composite specimen, particularly at the interface between the old and new concrete. In this paper, monotonic finite element (FE) analyses are performed to examine the behavior of strengthened columns under monotonic and cyclic loading. Through investigating two independent series of experimental results, it is demonstrated that monotonic FE analysis with appropriate assumptions can simulate both monotonic and cyclic loading conditions to a reasonable degree of accuracy. According to the results of this study, it is found that a simulation of the interface between the old and the new concrete is vital and cannot be ignored by simply considering a perfect bond at the interface. In the case of strengthened RC columns subjected to cyclic loading, strength degradation at the interface has to be included and can be effectively modeled by reducing the coefficients of friction and adhesion by using a proposed formula. Finally, the effect of jacket concrete shrinkage is simulated that leads to a reduced maximum load and stiffness of strengthened columns. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study presents a cyclic load test of four RC columns to obtain data on stresses and strains on lateral shear‐reinforcing bars that contact buckled longitudinal reinforcing bars. The specimens include columns laterally jacketed with all‐elastic fibre‐reinforced polymer (FRP) sheets. The buckling lengths and modes in the longitudinal bars of the four column specimens stabilized at a buckling deflection (= lateral deformation of buckled longitudinal bar) from 0.3 to 0.6 mm. The yield portion ratio rby of shear reinforcement around the buckled longitudinal bars was introduced as an index of the development of buckling conditions. Here, the yield portion ratio rby was defined as the ratio of the length of the region where the shear reinforcements yield lby, to the buckling length lb. The rby values of the tested columns ranged from 0.45 to 0.76. The test results show that the buckling stress and the specific compressive stress of the longitudinal bars in the columns were smaller than those of the bare bars. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A procedure for displacement‐based seismic design (DBD) of reinforced concrete buildings is described and applied to a 4‐storey test structure. The essential elements of the design procedure are: (a) proportioning of members for gravity loads; (b) estimation of peak inelastic member deformation demands in the so‐designed structure due to the design (‘life‐safety’) earthquake; (c) revision of reinforcement and final detailing of members to meet these inelastic deformation demands; (d) capacity design of members and joints in shear. Additional but non‐essential steps between (a) and (b) are: (i) proportioning of members for the ULS against lateral loads, such as wind or a serviceability (‘immediate occupancy’) earthquake; and (ii) capacity design of columns in flexure at joints. Inelastic deformation demands in step (b) are estimated from an elastic analysis using secant‐to‐yield member stiffnesses. Empirical expressions for the deformation capacity of RC elements are used for the final proportioning of elements to meet the inelastic deformation demands. The procedure is applied to one side of a 4‐storey test structure that includes a coupled wall and a two‐bay frame. The other side is designed and detailed according to Eurocode 8. Major differences result in the reinforcement of the two sides, with significant savings on the DBD‐side. Pre‐test calculations show no major difference in the seismic performance of the two sides of the test structure. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An original reinforced concrete(RC) column and four strengthened specimens, two with RC jackets and two with wing walls, were tested in this study. The original column specimen was designed to comply with older(pre-1999) design standards so that the usual detailing defi ciencies in existing school buildings in Taiwan could be simulated. Two different structural details were chosen to fabricate the full-scale specimens for each retrofi tting technique. The study confi rmed that either RC jacketing or the installation of wing walls with two different structural details can effectively improve the stiffness and strength of an existing column. RC jacketing shows a better improvement in energy dissipation and ductility when compared to the columns with wing walls installed. This is because the two RC jacketed columns experienced a fl exural failure, while a shear failure was found in the two columns with the wing walls installed, and thus led to a drastic decrease of the maximum lateral strengths and ductility. Since many factors may affect the installation of a post-installed anchor, it is better to use standard hooks to replace post-installed anchors in some specifi c points when using RC jacketing or installing wing walls.  相似文献   

中高层钢筋混凝土异形柱框架结构弹塑性时程分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
用杆模型编制了钢筋混凝土异形柱框架结构的弹塑性时程分析程序FEANT。采用该程序对一中高层大开间钢筋混凝土异形柱框架结构振动台试验模型进行了计算分析,计算值与试验值吻合较好,能满足工程需要。  相似文献   

An original reinforced concrete(RC) column and four strengthened specimens, two with RC jackets and two with wing walls, were tested in this study. The original column specimen was designed to comply with older(pre-1999) design standards so that the usual detailing defi ciencies in existing school buildings in Taiwan could be simulated. Two different structural details were chosen to fabricate the full-scale specimens for each retrofi tting technique. The study confi rmed that either RC jacketing or the installation of wing walls with two different structural details can effectively improve the stiffness and strength of an existing column. RC jacketing shows a better improvement in energy dissipation and ductility when compared to the columns with wing walls installed. This is because the two RC jacketed columns experienced a fl exural failure, while a shear failure was found in the two columns with the wing walls installed, and thus led to a drastic decrease of the maximum lateral strengths and ductility. Since many factors may affect the installation of a post-installed anchor, it is better to use standard hooks to replace post-installed anchors in some specifi c points when using RC jacketing or installing wing walls.  相似文献   

本文按现行规范及技术规程设计了设防烈度为8度的一个规则的钢筋混凝土异形柱框架,并进行了单向水平地震作用下的空间三维非线性地震反应分析,考查了异形柱框架结构在设防和罕遇地震水准下的整体抗震性能,对结构能否达到抗震设防目标进行了初步评价。结果表明,8度区按规范设计的结构在设防烈度及罕遇烈度地震作用下基本能够达到预期的抗震设防目标。  相似文献   

The cyclic behavior of precast segmental concrete bridge columns with high performance (HP) steel reinforcing bars and that with conventional steel reinforcing bars as energy dissipation (ED) bars were investigated. The HP steel reinforcing bars are characterized by higher strength, greater ductility, and superior corrosion resistance compared with the conventional steel reinforcing bars. Three large‐scale columns were tested. One was designed with the HP ED bars and two with the conventional ED bars. The HP ED bars were fully bonded to the concrete. The conventional ED bars were fully bonded to the concrete for one column, whereas unbonded for a length to delay fracture of the bars and to increase energy dissipation for the other column. Test results showed that the column with the HP ED bars had greater drift capacity, higher lateral strength, and larger energy dissipation than that with fully bonded conventional ED bars. The column with unbonded conventional ED bars achieved the same drift capacity and similar energy dissipation capacity as that with the HP ED bars. All the three columns showed good self‐centering capability with residual drifts not greater than 0.4% drift. An analytical model referred to as joint bar‐slip rotation method for pushover analysis of segmental columns with ED bars is proposed. The model calculates joint rotation from the slip of the ED bars from two sides of the joint. Good agreement was found between analytical predictions and the envelope responses of the three columns. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

提出了在L形截面短柱的腹板中设置交叉钢筋以提高L形短柱的抗震性能的设计方法。通过3根L形截面短柱抗震性能试验研究.分析比较了普通L形短柱、带暗柱L形短柱和带交叉钢筋L形短柱的承载力、弹塑性位移、刚度、延性、滞回特性、耗能能力等性能。试验表明加配交叉钢筋可明显提高L形短柱的抗震性能。  相似文献   

带交叉钢筋T形截面短柱抗震性能试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在提出带暗柱异形柱基础上,进一步提出钢筋混凝土带交叉钢筋异形桩这一设计方法。通过3根T形截面短柱抗震性能的试验研究,分析比较了普通T形短柱、带暗柱T形短柱和带交叉钢筋T形短柱的屈服荷载、极限荷载、屈服位移、弹塑性位移、刚度、延性、滞回特性、耗能能力等性能。试验表明加配交叉钢筋可明显提高T形截面短柱的抗震性能。  相似文献   

本文通过对一幢中高层住宅在不同水准地震作用下进行的弹性计算和弹塑性动力时程分析,研究了钢筋混凝土异形柱框架-剪力墙结构的动力特性和抗震能力。结果显示该结构整体抗侧刚度大,抗震性能较好。进入塑性阶段后,塑性铰分布合理,满足了结构延性设计的要求。  相似文献   

The structural safety assessment procedures proposed in Part 3 of Eurocode 8 (EC8‐3) for the case of reinforced concrete structures are addressed. The practical evaluation of the member chord rotation demand according to EC8‐3 is examined in detail along with several alternative formulations. The need for these formulations is demonstrated by presenting example situations where the EC8‐3 proposal is difficult to apply. The effectiveness of the proposed approaches is assessed through an example application and recommendations for their practical use are defined. Given the importance of the shear span in this context, a sensitivity analysis of the EC8‐3 capacity models with respect to this parameter is carried out and discussed in a later section. This analysis aims to assess the validity of the simplifications proposed by a previous research study for the quantification of the EC8‐3 capacity values. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

单排配筋剪力墙结构抗震性能及设计研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以往剪力墙结构主要用于高层建筑并采用双排配筋剪力墙.笔者提出了单排配筋剪力墙多层住宅结构,为了研究其抗震性能,进行了较系统的单排配筋剪力墙结构及构件的抗震试验研究.文中简要介绍了单排配筋剪力墙抗震性能研究概况,将其与传统的砖墙进行了抗震性能比较,给出了其适用范围,提供了其抗震构造措施.研究表明,这种单排配筋剪力墙可以用于多层住宅结构的抗震设计.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the seismic response assessment of an old reinforced concrete viaduct and the effectiveness of friction‐based retrofitting systems. Emphasis was laid on an old bridge, not properly designed to resist seismic action, consisting of 12 portal piers that support a 13‐span bay deck for each independent roadway. On the basis of an OpenSEES finite element frame pier model, calibrated in a previous experimental campaign with cyclic displacement on three 1:4 scale frame piers, a more complex experimental activity using hybrid simulation has been devised. The aim of the simulation was twofold: (i) to increase knowledge of non‐linear behavior of reinforced concrete frame piers with plain steel rebars and detailing dating from the late 1950s; and (ii) to study the effectiveness of sliding bearings for seismic response mitigation. Hence, to explore the performance of the as built bridge layout and also of the viaduct retrofitted with friction‐based devices, at both serviceability and ultimate limit state conditions, hybrid simulation tests were carried out. In particular, two frame piers were experimentally controlled with eight‐actuator channels in the as built case while two frame piers and eight sliding bearings were controlled with 18‐actuator channels in the isolated case. The remaining frame piers were part of numerical substructures and were updated offline to accurately track damage evolution. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Reinforced concrete frame structures built prior to the mid‐1970s are susceptible to brittle column failure under seismic action, potentially leading to progressive collapse of the structure. The behavior of columns susceptible to brittle shear‐axial failure has been studied previously but rarely has the interaction between damaged columns and the surrounding three‐dimensional structure been investigated experimentally and at full scale. In this study, as the second in a series of hybrid simulations, two full‐scale reinforced concrete columns of a representative pre‐1970s structure were tested at the Multi‐axial Full‐scale Substructure Testing and Simulation (MUST‐SIM) laboratory. Through the use of hybrid simulation, the interaction of the columns with the surrounding structure is studied under a severe seismic motion including vertical excitation. The computational model representing the remainder of the representative 10‐story structure is created in the computer program OpenSees. During the hybrid simulation, both physical specimens experience significant loss of shear and axial strength, and the effects of these failures on the surrounding system are described. The three‐dimensional computational model in OpenSees allowed for analytical flexural‐axial failure of a third column in the structure to occur. The effects of these multiple failures on the response of a full structural system under seismic action are quantified, and the progressive collapse resistance mechanisms are discussed. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Bonding fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) has been commonly used to improve the seismic behavior of circular reinforced concrete (RC) columns in engineering practice. However, FRP jackets have a significant stress hysteresis effect in this strengthening method, and pre-tensioning the FRP can overcome this problem. This paper presents test results of 25 circular RC columns strengthened with pre-stressed FRP strips under low cyclic loading. The pre-stressing of the FRP strips, types of FRP strips and longitudinal reinforcement, axial load ratio, pre-damage degree and surface treatments of the specimens are considered as the primary factors in the tests. According to the failure modes and hysteresis curves of the specimens, these factors are analyzed to investigate their effect on bearing capacity, ductility, hysteretic behavior, energy dissipation capacity and other important seismic behaviors. The results show that the initial lateral confined stress provided by pre-stressed FRP strips can effectively inhibit the emergence and development of diagonal shear cracks, and change the failure modes of specimens from brittle shear failure to bending or bending-shear failure with better ductility. As a result, the bearing capacity, ductility, energy dissipation capacity and deformation capacity of the strengthened specimens are all significantly improved.  相似文献   

带交叉筋十字形短柱抗震性能试验研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
在提出带暗柱异形柱基础上,进一步提出带交叉筋异形柱这一设计方法,通过3根十字形短柱抗震性能的试验研究,分析比较了普通十字形柱,带暗柱十字形柱和带交叉筋十字形柱的性能,试验表明加配交叉钢筋可明显提高十字形短柱的抗震性能。  相似文献   

纤维加固混凝土圆截面短柱抗震性能试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对3根抗剪不足的混凝土圆截面短柱的拟静力试验,不仅验证了横向包裹的碳纤维布能提高短柱的抗剪承载力,改善混凝土的变形性能,从而提高短柱的抗震性能,同时验证了具有一定破损的短柱经碳纤维布强约束加固后,同样具有良好的抗震性能。文章最后对碳纤维布加固短柱的延性提高机理进行了分析。  相似文献   

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