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针对现有水下定位方法在精度和效率上的不足,提出了一种基于LBL建立海底局部控制网的方法。首先根据对称原则,给出了海底控制网布设方法;其次,给出了圆走航海底绝对基准传递方法和数据处理方法;最后,建立了海底控制网无约束和约束平差模型,实现了控制点绝对坐标的高精度确定。将控制网布设、测量和数据处理方法应用于实际工程,300m水深情况下,取得了优于5cm的定位精度。  相似文献   

海底基准点定位精度和可靠性均与定位几何构型有关。为探讨海面非对称走航条件下声学测距误差对海底基准定位的影响,从声速误差影响函数出发,构建了顾及定位精度与系统误差影响的海面-海底控制网综合优化准则。考虑声速场常系统误差和声速场时变系统误差,开展了非对称走航观测仿真实验。结果表明:关于海底基准点中心对称的海面控制网,可以将声速场常系统误差的影响降到最低,而声速时变系统误差对海底基准点定位的影响,会随着定位构型几何强度的衰减在水平、高程分量间相互转化。  相似文献   

等效声速剖面法将实际复杂的声速剖面用一个简单的声速剖面等效替代,在声线跟踪时可以提高计算效率。但在多波束测深系统归位计算中,由于地形的起伏,对每ping各个波束使用单一的等效声速剖面会影响计算精度。通过仿真实验分析了地形起伏对等效声速剖面法计算精度的影响,提出了一种等效声速迭代算法,通过实验发现,相比于常梯度声线跟踪算法,迭代算法可达到同等精度水平,并有更高的计算效率。  相似文献   

海底沉积物孔隙度计算方法与声速反演的误差分析研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究海底沉积物孔隙度的测量误差,采用参数计算方法时,分析了基于不同物理量应用不同公式所得到的误差不同,通过运用误差传递理论,分别推导出3种孔隙度计算式基于单次测量和多次测量两个不同过程的误差公式,以此为基础定量分析孔隙度参数的误差,以不断提高孔隙度的精度;采用反演方法时,分析了基于正演经验公式解析结果存在的歧义性,应用南海海域实验数据拟合反演公式,并且运用Hamilton、Chen Minben的数据进行验证,得出反演公式的基本误差限,为反演的准确性提供一个定性分析的依据。  相似文献   

In this paper, the recent development in modeling seabed dissipative mechanisms in shallow water is reviewed. Specifically, laminar and turbulent boundary layer solutions as well as viscous mud flow solutions under transient waves are presented. These analytical solutions are compared with experimental data for both solitary waves and cnoidal waves. Very goed agreement is ohtained. The Boussinesq equations with boundary layer effects and the muddy seabed effects are also shown.  相似文献   

开展基于反射法的海底浅层沉积物声学原位测量方法研究,针对实际海洋环境中具有分层结构的沙或泥质沉积物,建立了具有粗糙界面的层状介质中球面波的三维反射模型,根据特点优化算法并建立海底沉积物特性参数快速反演方法,设计了海底浅层沉积物声学原位测量装置,该研究结果将为海底浅层沉积物快速实时原位精确观测提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Based on the Boussinesq assumption,derived are couple equations of free surface elevationand horizontal velocities for horizontal irrotational flow,and analytical expressions of the correspondingpressure and vertical velocity.After the free surface elevation and horizontal velocity at a certain depth areobtained by numerical method,the pressure and vertical velocity distributions can be obtained by simplecalculation.The dispersion at different depths is the same at the O(ε)approximation.The waveamplitude will decrease with increasing time due to viscosity,but it will increase due to the matching ofviscosity and the bed slope.thus,flow is unstable.Numerical or analytical results show that the waveamplitude.velocity and length will increase as the current increases along the wave direction.but theamplitude will increase.and the wave velocity and length will decrease as the water depth decreases.  相似文献   

介绍了采用座底式轻型仪器架进行30 m以内浅水深海流观测的两种系统布放方法:先锚后仪器架法和先仪器架后锚法。其中,详细介绍了先锚后仪器架法的布放过程,对先仪器架后锚法作了简要介绍。  相似文献   

王艳  林君  刘斌 《海洋技术学报》2005,24(3):22-24,35
针对TEM仪器置于海底进行资源勘探存在的问题,采用带网卡的PC/104-HXL/P300作为接收机的主处理器.在Windows98系统下同时运行采集和网络通讯应用程序,实现了底层数据采集和远程高效高速数据传输等功能.  相似文献   

滩海桶形基础极限水平承载力研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
桶形基础是90年代初期发展起来的一种新型海洋工程结构,与传统的海洋结构基础型式相比有很多优点。但是,目前尚无计算桶形基础的承载力的规范依据和简单实用的计算方法。文章在分析与研究室内、外模型试验结果的基础上,利用Winkler假定,按空间问题推出了一个形式简单的桶形基础水平极限承载力计算公式,并由试验结果验证了这一公式的合理性。  相似文献   

针对浅水水域水声信号多途效应导致信道衰落,真实时延信号获取难度大的问题,研制了一种适用于浅水定位的超短基线装置,并提出一种附有约束条件的互相关时延估计方法。采用脉冲挑选和时延差相位修正方法对目标轨迹进行精确跟踪定位,某湖试实验结果表明,该方法的定位轨迹光滑稳定,野点少,定位精度高。  相似文献   

以质量控制为主线开展了《海道测量规范》水位控制部分的修订工作,简要阐述了拟修订要点:(1)对水位改正方法,遵循开放性与要求的针对性原则;(2)基准面采用传递确定技术,平均海面与深度基准面分别以10cm与15cm作为95%置信度的精度指标;(3)技术文档实现全过程控制,充分体现质量控制的要求。最后,对规范部分条目设置问题与需开展的相关工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

To deal with the moving boundary hydrodynamic problems of the tidal flats in shallow water flow models, a new wetting and drying (WD) method is proposed. In the new method, a “predicted water depth” is evaluated explicitly based on the simplified shallow water equations and used to determine the status (wet or dry) together with the direction of flow. Compared with previous WD method, besides the water elevation, more factors, such as the flow velocity and the surface shear stress, are taken into account in the new method to determine the moving boundary. In addition, a formula is deduced to determine the threshold, as critical water depth, which needs to be preset before simulations. The new WD method is tested with five cases including three 1D ones and two 2D ones. The results show that the new WD method can simulate the wetting and drying process, in both typical and practical cases, with smooth manner and achieves effective estimation of the retention volume at shallow water body.  相似文献   

To deal with the moving boundary hydrodynamic problems of the tidal flats in shallow water flow models,a new wetting and drying (WD) method is proposed.In the new method,a "predicted water depth" is evaluated explicitly based on the simplified shallow water equations and used to determine the status (wet or dry) together with the direction of flow.Compared with previous WD method,besides the water elevation,more factors,such as the flow velocity and the surface shear stress,are taken into account in the new method to determine the moving boundary.In addition,a formula is deduced to determine the threshold,as critical water depth,which needs to be preset before simulations.The new WD method is tested with five cases including three 1D ones and two 2D ones.The results show that the new WD method can simulate the wetting and drying process,in both typical and practical cases,with smooth manner and achieves effective estimation of the retention volume at shallow water body.  相似文献   

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