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Liu  Yibing  Liu  Shiwen  Liu  Bingli  Qin  Jianguang  Xu  Tong  Li  Xiaoxu 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2018,36(6):2351-2357
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - In this study, a programmable freezing technique has been developed for strip spawned sperm in the blue mussel, Mytilus galloprovincialis. The optimized key...  相似文献   

Organic pollution is a serious environmental problem in coastal areas and it is important to establish quantitative methods for monitoring this pollution.This study screened a series of sensitive biomarkers to construct an integrated biomarker response(IBR)index using Mytilus edulis.Mussels were exposed to the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon anthracene under controlled laboratory conditions and the activities of components of the glutathione antioxidant system,and the concentrations of oxidative-damage markers,were measured in the gills and digestive glands.Anthracene exposure resulted in increased levels of malondialdehyde(MDA)and superoxide radicals(O~ˉ_2?),indicating that oxidative damage had occurred.Correspondingly,anthracene exposure induced increased activities of glutathione S-transferase(GST),glutathione peroxidase(GPx)and reduced glutathione(GSH)in digestive glands,and GPx and glutathione reductase(GR)in gills,consistent with stimulation of the antioxidant system.A fi eld experiment was set up,in which mussels from a relatively clean area were transplanted to a contaminated site.One month later,the activities of GST,GPx and GR had increased in several tissues,particularly in the digestive glands.Based on the laboratory experiment,an IBR,which showed a positive relationship with anthracene exposure,was constructed.The IBR is suggested to be a potentially useful tool for assessing anthracene pollution.  相似文献   

INTRODUCnON-WatertemperatheanddissolvedoxygenareimportantenvironmentalfactorsinthegmwthanddevelOPmntofaqUaticorgAnsms.ThereareInanPublishedstUdiesontheox-.ygenconsUInPtionrate(OCR)oftheprawn')(WangJim,l986;WangDanghenetal-,199l;ZangWeilingetal-,l992,l993),buttheydidnotcontalndetailedinfonnaionabouttheeffectoftemPerabeontheOCR-ThePresentstudydetendnedtheOCRofju-venilesofChineseprawn,gianttiserprawnandgiantfreshwaterprawnthatwererearedatdifferenttemperatllresforaboutaweekattheCaoj…  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted to examine the effects of salinity fluctuation frequency on the growth, molting rate and hemolymph 20-hydroxyecdysone (20-HE) concentration for juvenile Fenneropenaeus chinensis with an initial wet body weight of 1.115 g±0.012 g. The salinity of the control treatment (represented by D0) was 28 throughout the experiment, whereas treatments D2, D4, D6 and D8 were subjected to different salinity fluctuation frequencies of 2, 4, 6 and 8 d, respectively. The range of salinity fluctuation was 4. The salinity in treatments D2, D4, D6 and D8 was kept at 28 for 2, 4, 6 and 8 d, respectively; each original salinity was decreased abruptly to salinity 24, which first lasted for another 2 d and was then raised to its initial value 28. This constituted a salinity fluctuation cycle and afterwards the cycle repeated. It was found that: 1) The weight gain of shrimp in treatment D4 was 202.9% and significantly higher than that in treatment D0 (P<0.05). The molting rate in treatment D2 was the lowest, while that in treatment D6 was the highest and significantly higher than those in treatments D0 and D2 (P<0.05). 2) The hemolymph 20-HE concentration of shrimps in all treatments was at low levels and increased first gradually during the inter-molt period and then increased sharply. It reached a peak value during the pre-molt stage, and then decreased abruptly during the post-molt stage when the lowest level occurred. 3) During the post-molt stage, the hemolymph 20-HE concentration in treatment D2 was 7.47 pg μL−1 and significantly higher than that in treatment D0 (P<0.05). There were, however, no significant differences in hemolymph 20-HE concentration among all five treatments during the inter-molt stage (P>0.05). During the pre-molt stage, the hemolymph 20-HE concentration in treatment D6 was significantly higher than that in treatment D0 (P<0.05), whereas the hemolymph 20-HE concentration in treatment D2 was significantly lower than that in other treatments (P<0.05). Adequate salinity fluctuation promoted the molting rate through increasing hemolymph 20-HE concentration at the pre-molt stage.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地东胜地区侏罗系煤与铀矿关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鄂尔多斯盆地东胜地区侏罗系煤与砂岩型铀矿在空间上密切共存,为探讨煤与铀矿的关系,进行了广泛的野外调研和系统的室内分析。在煤岩特征、煤的成岩演化和煤地球化学特征研究的基础上,发现从泥炭至褐煤的煤化过程中,铀的含量不断增加;铀含量与煤岩显微组分中的镜质组含量成正比;砂岩成岩矿物与煤化作用有关;煤的微量元素和稀土元素的含量特征与含矿砂岩具一致性。研究认为,在同生成岩阶段和早成岩阶段,煤对铀的作用主要包括吸附作用、络合作用及还原作用;表生成岩阶段,煤对铀的再分配和“保矿”起到积极作用。  相似文献   

以广东海洋大学2009级53个专业1 876名(男生1 156人,女生720人)新生为对象,研究心理控制源、学习动机、学业成绩的特点及相互关系。研究结果表明:1)大多数新生的心理控制源为内控,没有显著的性别差异;2)学习动机多元化趋势明显,有非常显著的性别差异,男生学习动机更强;3)学业成绩有非常显著的性别差异,女生学业成绩更好;4)心理控制源、学习动机、学业成绩之间存在明确关系,心理控制源与学习动机、心理控制源与学业成绩有非常显著负相关,学习动机与学业成绩有非常显著正相关;5)学业成绩受心理控制源、学习动机等综合影响。  相似文献   

Knowledge of oxygen consumption rates and asphyxiation points in fish is important to determine appropriate stocking and water quality management in aquaculture.The oxygen consumption rate and asphyxiation point in Chanodichthys mongolicus were detected under laboratory conditions using an improved respirometer chamber.The results revealed that more accurate estimates can be obtained by adjusting the volume of the respirometer chamber,which may avoid system errors caused by either repeatedly adjusting fish density or selecting different equipment specifications.The oxygen consumption rate and asphyxiation point of C.mongolicus increased with increasing water temperature and decreasing fish size.Changes in the C.mongolicus oxygen consumption rate were divided into three stages at water temperatures of 11-33℃:(1) a low temperature oxygen consumption rate stage when water temperature was 11-19℃,(2) the optimum temperature oxygen consumption rate stage when water temperature was19-23℃,and(3) a high temperature oxygen consumption rate stage when water temperature was 27℃.The temperature quotients(Q_(10)) obtained suggested that C.mongolicus preferred a temperature range of19-23℃.At 19℃,C.mongolicus exhibited higher oxygen consumption rates during the day when the maximum values were observed at 10:00 and 14:00 than at night when the minimum occurred at 02:00.  相似文献   

为了进一步认识北极涛动与行星波之间的关系,利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料并借助谐波分析、相关分析等方法讨论了北极涛动异常下行星波的活动情况。结果表明:在北极涛动指数强(弱)值年,纬向平均风场在中纬度明显减小(增大),在中高纬度明显增大(减小);行星波1波振幅在低纬度对流层中层和中纬度平流层明显增大(减小),在高纬度平流层明显减小(增大);2波振幅在中纬度对流层明显减小(增大),在高纬度平流层有所增大(减小)。E-P通量反映出在北极涛动强(弱)值年,行星波1波在中高纬度从地面向上传播显著增强(减弱),低纬度波导显著增强(减弱),极地波导显著减弱(增强);2波在中高纬度从地面向上传播显著减弱(增强),低纬度波导和极地波导变化不明显。  相似文献   

广东实际蒸散发与潜在蒸散发的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用广东86个气象站1961-2008年的观测资料,采用高桥浩一郎经验公式、Penman公式分别计算了广东省6个子区域1961-2008年实际蒸散发(Actual Evapotranspiration)Ea和潜在蒸散发(Potential Evapotranspiration)Ep,并定量化分析了供水条件变化下Ea与Ep的关系,对它们的理论从属性进行了判定。结果表明,广东省年实际蒸散发量远低于潜在蒸散发量,全省平均Ea为791.0 mm/a,Ep为1 034.1 mm/a,多数子区域Ea不足Ep的3/4,Ea的变异性明显高于Ep。随降水量R的增加,粤东沿海、珠三角、粤北、粤中、粤西南5个子区域Ea增加趋势明显,粤东Ea随R的变化趋势不明显;除粤东外,各子区域的Ep与降水量呈显著负相关关系;随着R的增加,全省平均Ea呈明显的增加趋势,Ep则呈明显的下降趋势。通过对降水量R与实际蒸散发Ea、潜在蒸散发Ep的联合回归方程R-E回归系数的T检验,判定粤东沿海、珠三角、粤北、粤中、粤西南5个子区域Ea与R和Ep与R的关系满足理论意义上的完全互补相关;粤东Ea与R和Ep与R关系不明确。  相似文献   

红海湾海水养殖水域的营养盐、盐度、温度、浮游植物和叶绿素的观测结果表明,该水域中氨氮、亚硝酸盐及磷酸盐的消长受水系混合所制约。春季硝酸盐、氨氮和秋季磷酸盐与浮游植物之间存在着负相关,秋季表层叶绿素与营养盐(除氨外)存在着正相关,而底层叶绿素与营养盐存在密切负相关  相似文献   

Promoting active travel behavior and decreasing transport-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions have become a priority in many Chinese cities experiencing rapid urban sprawl and greater automobile dependence. However, there are few studies that holistically examine the physical and social factors associated with travel CO2 emissions. Using a survey of 1525 shoppers conducted in Shenyang, China, this study estimated shopping-related travel CO2 emissions and examined how the built environment and individual socioeconomic characteristics contribute to shopping travel behavior and associated CO2 emissions. We found that, firstly, private car trips generate nearly eight times more carbon emissions than shopping trips using public transport, on average. Second, there was significant spatial autocorrelation with CO2 emissions per trip, and the highest carbon emissions were clustered in the inner suburbs and between the first and second circumferential roads. Third, shopping travel CO2 emissions per trip were negatively correlated with several built environment features including population density, the quantity of public transport stations, road density, and shop density. They were also found to be significantly related to the individual socio-economic characteristics of car ownership, employment status, and education level using a multinomial logistic regression model. These empirical findings have important policy implications, assisting in the development of measures that contribute to the sustainability of urban transportation and meet carbon mitigation targets.  相似文献   

以岭北稀土矿区植被退化的环境为研究背景,数据选择1990、1999、2008、2013四年30 m分辨率LandsatTM数据,利用像元二分模型估算研究区植被覆盖度;利用DEM数据获取研究区的坡度及坡向地形因子,并对不同地形因子进行定量评价。分析定南县岭北矿区植被覆盖度与不同地形因子条件的相关性,及不同地形因子条件下植被覆盖的分布特点。研究结果表明:植被覆盖度受高程、坡度影响较大,其中在高程400 m到500 m,坡度6°~15°区域内植被覆盖度较其他区域高,坡向影响主要表现在阳坡阴坡上,阴坡植被覆盖度普遍比阳坡高。研究结果能够快速、客观地反映稀土矿区植被的状况,为南方稀土矿区环境的治理和监测提供有效科学依据。  相似文献   

成都市热岛效应与城市空间发展关系分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用Landsat卫星影像反演成都市中心城区1992、2001和2009年的地表温度,建筑用地和植被等信息,计算其城市热岛比例指数(URI),对成都市中心城区热岛效应与城市空间发展关系进行了分析。结果表明,在1992-2009年期间成都市主城区范围从91.24km2扩展到403.8km2。成都市建成区的大面积扩展导致了城市热岛空间分布发生迁移,从单中心聚集分布转变为多中心环状分布。回归分析说明,建筑用地和植被都是影响地表温度的重要因素,其中建筑用地与地表温度呈指数型正相关关系,而植被与地表温度呈负相关关系。总的看来,成都市中心城区在这17年间的热岛效应有了明显的缓解,城市热岛比例指数从0.72下降到0.33。城市植被覆盖率的增加和合理的规划对缓解城市热岛效应起到了积极的作用。  相似文献   

Based on the pollen data obtained from thirty-five surface soil samples and investigated vegetation data from seven plant quadrats, the quantitative relationship between surface soil pollen and modern vegetation are studied in the longitudinal range-gorge region (LRGR) in Southwestern China. R-values (referring to pollen assemblages) are calculated with pollen percentage and plant abundance. The coefficients of similarity between pollen and vegetation are analyzed. The results show that the pollen assemblages on surface soil of all vegetation zones can basically represent the native vegetation, but the pollen assemblages are not fully according with the vegetation. This is due to the influencing factors including pollen preservation ability, pollen production, amount of exotic pollen and pollen identification. The pollen representation in surface soil is different in families and genera. The pollen of woody plants such as Pinus, Tsuga, Alnus, Fagus and Castanopsis are over-representative, but those of Quercus, Carpinus Myrica, Elaeocarpaceae, Ericaceae, Theaceae and Llex are underrepresentative; the pollen of herbaceous plants such as Artemisia and Rubiaceae are over-representative, while those of others including Gramineae and Araliaceae are under-representative. The R-values of the same taxon pollen in different vegetation zones are different, depending on their distances from the pollen sources. The coefficients of the similarity between plant communities and pollen assemblages are mostly over 70%, which indicate again that the surface soil pollen and spores assemblages can represent the vegetation. It is concluded that there is a good corresponding relationship between surface pollen assemblages and native vegetation in LRGR, and it is of great significance for reconstructing the past vegetation and paleoclimate using quantitative fossil pollen data in this region.  相似文献   

砂岩型铀矿是一种水成矿产,研究盆地水文地质条件与铀成矿的关系对揭示铀成矿规律和预测铀成矿靶区十分重要。以伊犁盆地为例,根据盆地地下水系统演化特征分析了不同地质时期铀成矿的水动力条件,运用水文地球化学测试技术分析了地下水化学特征及铀成矿的水化学条件,结合铀矿勘探钻孔资料,统计分析了铀储层及其内部层间氧化带的发育特征与铀矿分布的关系,揭示了盆地内部不同部位、不同时代铀储层的铀成矿水文地质条件的差异以及铀成矿的有利区段。结果表明:空间上,盆地西南部构造稳定,铀储层规模大、连续性好,铀成矿作用的持续性好,具有最有利的铀矿富集的水文地质条件;东南部次之,北部的铀成矿条件最弱。各铀储层中,西山窑组的铀成矿条件最好,八道湾组次之,小泉沟群最弱。   相似文献   

章丘大葱是久负盛名的名特产品,其品质佳、产量高与其生态环境密切相关,其中气候、水质和土壤是最重要的因素.  相似文献   

To understand the relationship between the plankton community and environmental factors and water quality in the Bayuquan Port of Liaodong Bay, China, and investigations were carried out during six different periods (April 2009, April 2010, October 2011, April 2012, October 2012, and April 2013). This area was characterized by high levels of nutrient and suspended solids (SPS) during survey periods, and eutrophication led to the occurrence of red tides in April and October 2012 and April 2013. Our analyses revealed that the plankton communities of Bayuquan Port lacked stability and were affected seriously by external disturbance (e.g., oceanographic engineering and river runoff). Our data indicate that oil, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), SPS, and chlorophyll a (Chl-a) were key factors that regulated the phytoplankton and zooplankton communities. The partial redundancy analysis (partial RDA) suggested that oil and SPS were the most important environmental variables affecting the phytoplankton community in April 2010 and 2012, whereas DIN concentration played a governing role in zooplankton dynamics. Oil and Chl- a concentrations affected significantly the zooplankton community in October 2012. Therefore, the plankton communities could reflect both dynamic changes in coastal environmental factors and the ongoing eutrophication process caused by anthropogenic activities in this area.  相似文献   

Terrain can influence the spatial distribution of settlements. Studies on the terrain characteristics of settlements can help to understand the effects of the environment on human activities. This paper provides a quantitative analysis of the relationship between settlements and topographical factors. A statistically significant sample of residential locations and ASTER GDEM V2 were used to investigate terrain traits and settlements distributions. We selected eight topographical factors and introduced a practical concept, distributive entropy, into assessing the aggregation extent of the settlements' spatial distribution. The study showed that topography varies within the study area, and distributive entropy indicates that settlements have distinctive distribution tendency in statistic approach. According to the results of this study, mountain inhabitants prefer to settle in valleys. Additionally, with distributive entropy, residential suitability was divided to three levels: suitable, normal, and unsuited. The results showed that suitable area is small in Sichuan Province, accounting for 8.2%~29.9%; however, unsuited area is large, accounting for 33%~63.3%.  相似文献   

The mitre squid(U roteuthis chinensis) and the swordtip squid( U. edulis) are Indo-Pacific cephalopod species that are abundant in the western Pacific Ocean. They are currently exploited in the East and South China Seas and make up a significant portion of the Chinese neritic squid catch. Beaks, the feeding organs of squid, are important for individual size and biomass estimation because of their high resistance to degradation in predator stomachs and consistent dimensions. In this study, 104 U. chinensis and 143 U. edulis individuals were sampled from northern South China Sea with mantle length from 70 to 260 mm and 96 to 284 mm, respectively. The results indicated that morphological beak values were greater for U. edulis, compared to U. chinensis, for upper hood length(UHL), upper crest length(UCL), upper lateral wall length(ULWL), lower crest length(LCL), and lower lateral wall length(LLWL). According to principal component analysis, UHL/ML, UCL/ML, ULWL/ML, LCL/ML, LLWL/ML and LWL/ML could represent the characteristics of beaks for U. chinensis, while UHL/ML, UCL/ML, ULWL/ML, LHL/ML, LCL/ML and LLWL/ML could represent it for U. edulis. According to Akaike's information criterion(AIC) values, a power function was the most suitable model for U. chinensis, while a linear function was the most suitable model for U. edulis. The beak variable-mantle length ratio(beak variable/mantle length) declined with the increasing of mantle length and declined sharply at the early stage of growth in both beaks and species. The ratio changed quickly after achieving the mantle length of 140 mm for U. chinensis, while the ratio changed quickly after 170 mm for U. edulis. Beaks in both species experienced sharper changes through maturity stage I to II than other maturity stages. This study gives us basic beak morphology information for U. chinensis and U. edulis in the East and South China Seas. Geometric morphological methods combined with dietary analysis should be used in the future.  相似文献   

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