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地理国情监测利用遥感、地理信息等技术,动态获取地表覆盖等多样化的地理要素,经统计、分析、评价和应用,服务于政治、经济、文化、资源、环境等多个领域,为政府提供全面、准确、基础的地理信息情报。针对地理国情监测在全国范围基于多时相遥感影像采集水面信息存在时空不一致性的现状,提出一种基于精细DEM的水面数据时空一致性优化方法。利用栅格图形区域生长算法,采用8邻域算子,对水面种子点进行迭代生长计算,得出基于精细DEM的区域生长结果;通过与地理国情监测水面数据对比分析,实现空间化结果的修正,从而达到时空一致性优化的目的。分析了典型研究区水面数据特征,利用该方法进行了优化处理,结果显示:研究区水面数据空间范围相对于时点监测修正了7.99%,满足了地理国情监测时点一致性需求。研究表明:该方法的应用,能够使得在全国尺度上统计的水面数据反映同一季节或可接受时段内的状况,避免或缩小了由于影像数据源的差异造成的时间和空间上的不一致性带来的误差,满足了地理国情监测时点一致性需求,能够在地理国情监测等地表覆盖水面信息提取、优化中推广应用,为政府有效决策提供客观、准确和基础的水面信息。  相似文献   

自陈述彭院士20世纪80年代初创立我国第一个GIS研究室以来,GIS在我国得到了巨大发展.无论是早期的"技术驱动",还是后来的"应用牵引",抑或是现在的"理论先导",GIS总是与应用紧密联系在一起.许多专家对GIS中的"S"曾给出一系列的解释:从软件(software)、系统(system)到科学(science)、服务(service),甚至是标准(standard)或体系(system),但无论如何,GIS都被印上了技术和工具的胎记.事实上,对于应用来说,GIS到底是什么或许并不重要,重要的是GIS能做什么又做了什么.  相似文献   

报道了中国南沙群岛的双壳纲贝类141种,分隶于5亚纲8目36科77属.从种类的组成中,帘蛤科有18种,蚶科15种,扇贝科11种,鸟蛤科10种,锉蛤科8种,贻贝科、海菊蛤科和樱蛤科各7种,砗磲科6种,其他各科的种类均在5种以内.按种的性质而论,大多数属于和珊瑚礁有密切联系的热带种或亚热带种,区系性质为印度-西太平洋区的印尼-马来亚区.  相似文献   

Fan  Maoting  Wang  Huizan  Zhang  Weimin  Han  Guijun  Wang  Pinqiang 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2020,38(6):1640-1653
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - The daily regional reanalysis product of the China Ocean Reanalysis (CORA) product was released in website in 2018. Using in situ observational data including...  相似文献   

We reviewed ampharetid genus Anobothrus Levinsen, 1884 in China seas based upon material deposited in the Marine Biological Museum of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Qingdao). The genus includes A. glandularis (Hartmann-Schröder, 1965), A. gracilis (Malmgren, 1866), A. mironovi Jirkov, 2008 and A. nataliae (Jirkov, 2008). A. glandularis and A. mironovi are recorded for the first time in Chinese waters. A key to Chinese species of Anobothrus is given.  相似文献   

报道中国红质藻科的新记录种,尖根星丝藻Erythrotrichia biseriata,加粗星丝藻E.incrassata,日本星丝藻E.japonica,垫状星丝藻E.pulvinata,分枝星丝藻E.welwitschii。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between soil biota such as microbial activity, soil fauna(e.g., earthworms and enchytraeids), and soil physical and chemical properties. The study area was located in Pieniny National Park(PNP) in the Carpathian Mountains in southern Poland. Soil samples were collected from six forest monitoring areas of PNP from two soil layers(at 0–15 cm and 15–30 cm down, respectively). The investigated soils were classified to eutric cambisols and had silt or silt loam soil texture. Upon analysis, soil aggregate stability index was connected with other physical, chemical, and biological soil properties.It was noted that the stability index of 3 mm to 5 mm soil aggregates influenced pH and dissolved organic carbon. The stability index of 2 mm to 3 mm soil aggregates was positively correlated with dissolved organic carbon, soil moisture, microbial biomass carbon, total organic carbon, total nitrogen, and enchytraeid density, and negatively correlated with bulk density, particle density, porosity, and permanent wilting point. The stability index of 1 mm to 2 mm soil aggregates was positively correlated with total nitrogen, enchytraeid and earthworm density and negatively correlated with particle density, porosity, and permanent wilting point. The study has shown what factors create a stable soil structure in the forest soils of PNP.  相似文献   

中国矿业城市(基地)发展模式选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁国华 《国土资源》2003,(10):22-25
矿地与中心地的矛盾运动 1. 矿产资源开发导致大规模生产力聚集 矿产资源的发现与开发,能吸引(拉动)生产要素的聚集,对生产力布局具有很大影响。矿产资源开发对产业布局及生产力聚集的影响主要有下面3种情况。 (1)平面延展型。在原来生产力很低的地区,由于发现了储量丰富的矿产资  相似文献   

当前,我国正在加快城镇化进程,新型智慧城市的建设对城市时空信息基础设施建设提出了更高的要求。为了充分展示我国城市发展现状和满足城市建设需要,新世纪版《国家普通地图集》专门设计和编制了城市图组。城市地图存在资料复杂、内容广泛、形式多样、标准不一、语义不清等问题,项目组采用数据挖掘、深度学习、语义空间匹配、粗差数据发现、数据检核等技术手段,对多元时空数据进行融合及综合处理,同时依据制图综合处理原则与专家经验,结合自动缩编和增量更新技术,生产图幅数据并建立图形数据库。然后采用数据库驱动制图技术,基于图形数据库和符号库实现自动配图,最后通过人工处理少量的协调关系和地图美化,制作完成城市地图。  相似文献   

The prime function of the Philippine National Collection of Microorganisms (PNCM), being the national repository of microbial strains, is to collect and preserve strains for their continued viability and availability for future use. To date, a total of 2144 strains of bacteria (1357), yeasts (250), filamentous, fungi (377), algae (14), and strains still to be identified (146) are maintained at the PNCM. These are preserved and maintained using various methods which include modified liquid drying (lyophilization), ultra-low temperature (−70°C) storage in 10% glycerol, storage in sterile soil, distilled water and overlaying with mineral oil. Periodic viability testing is done to assess the stability of these preserved cultures under storage. Aside from preservation and maintenance of cultures, the PNCM is also involved in several research activities. One of these is the isolation, characterization and identification of some Vibrio isolates from the Philippines. Details on this particular study is presented in this report.  相似文献   

【目的】描述分布在广东省雷州半岛鳍虾虎鱼属的一中国新纪录种湖栖鳍虾虎鱼(Gobiopterus lacustris)。【方法】用体视显微镜对样品进行拍照,用cell Sens Standard软件测量样本各形态学测量指标;依据线粒体Cytb基因以邻接法构建鳍虾虎鱼属系统发育树。【结果】该虾虎鱼半透明、无色或淡黄色等体色特征与大鳞鳍虾虎鱼(G.macrolepis)最为相似,与后者明显区别的特征为:从第2背鳍和臀鳍起点处的鳞片向前凸出,呈""状(vs.第1排纵列鳞排列整齐,呈"\");雄鱼上颌具犬齿9对,下颌后半部有小犬齿8对(vs.雄鱼上颌具犬齿11对,下颌后半部有小犬齿9对);纵列鳞19~21(vs.17~19),横列鳞5(vs.5~6);胸鳍条13(vs.14),尾鳍主鳍条13(vs.14);鳍上有斑点(vs各鳍均无斑纹)。鳍虾虎鱼属4个物种间的系统发育树表明,新纪录种与湄公河鳍虾虎鱼(G.chuno)亲缘关系最近,与半饰鳍虾虎鱼(G.semivestita)亲缘关系最远。【结论】雷州半岛分布的鳍虾虎鱼的形态参数及Cytb分子结果均显示其为中国新纪录种。  相似文献   

This paper describes 14 species of the family Dentaliidae collected from China by the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica during the surveys on marine invertebrate animals and benthos in the past years. Of which 4 species are considered as new to science; 2 species are first recorded in China. The system adopted is mainly that of T. Habe (1964), but reference is also made to the works of W. Emerson (1962), P. Palmer (1974) and S. D. Chistikov. About 20 Chinese species of Dentaliidae have been described. We consider our study is still not complete and are sure that more species shall be found in further studies. Contribution No. 1456 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica.  相似文献   

The family Nassariidae includes a number of species that are distributed throughout the world. Each species has a characteristic shell shape, tooth shape, and behavior. However, the classification of species in this family of the Rhachiglossa is controversial. We describe the radulae of 22 species from China in detail using optical and scanning electron microscopy. These species are considered to be representatives of two subfamilies, two genera, and 10 subgenera. Our results suggest that the morphology of the central tooth and the pair of lateral teeth and the presence or absence of a pair of intermediate accessory lateral teeth could be used to distinguish among species. We found no support for the subgeneric differentiation of the species. However, the presence or absence of the intermediate lateral accessory plate was characteristic of species divisions. We noted sexual dimorphism in the shape of the teeth in some species, and considerable variability of the shape of teeth within a single species. Based on our results, the genus Nassarius cannot be split into subgenera using radula morphology.  相似文献   

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