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湛江市古树名木资源调查与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
调查了湛江城市建成区及城乡结合带的古树名木299株,其中古树292株,名木7株,分属 16科20属24种。树木种类以榕属(Ficus)植物最为显著,占总资源的77.9%;箭毒木(Antiaris toxicaria)、鹊肾树(Streblusasper)秋茄树(Kandeliacandel)、竹节树(Caralliabrachiata)、叉叶木 (Crescentiaalata)和牛蹄豆(Pithecellobiumdulce)等,为湛江特有的古树名木资源。分析了古树名 木资源的分布与湛江城市建设的关系,讨论了古树名木的生长状况,并提出保护建议。  相似文献   

调查了湛江城市建成区及城乡结合带的古树名木299株,其中古树292株,名木7株,分属16科20属24种。树木种类以榕属(Ficus)植物最为显著,占总资源的77.9%;箭毒木(Antiaris toxicaria)、鹊肾树(Streblus asper)秋茄树(Kandelia candel)、竹节树(Carallia brachiata)、叉叶木(Crescentia alata)和牛蹄豆(Pithecello biumdulce)等,为湛江特有的古树名木资源。分析了古树名木资源的分布与湛江城市建设的关系,讨论了古树名木的生长状况,并提出保护建议。  相似文献   

在线路调查和样方调查的基础上分析了广州白云山常绿阔叶林的结构特征.群落主要由亚热带科属组成,优势科为芸香科、五加科、茜草科、山茶科、壳斗科、鼠刺科、樟科等.优势树种也以相应的优势科属树种为主.群落中胸径≥3cm的个体密度较小,只有1964株/hm2;群落较为低矮,平均高度只有6m;乔木垂直分化不明显,树种水平分布不均.白云山的植被是次生植被和人工造林改造的结果,只在山谷少数植被没受人类干扰.其现状植被是天然次生植被和人工植被的混合体.在一些由马尾松发展起来的群落,天然侵入的阔叶树种已在主要层中居优势;群落中可见马尾松衰退的痕迹.  相似文献   

2 0 0 2年 7~ 8月 ,对雷州半岛的高桥、特呈岛、北潭、太平、附城、海角和和安 7个红树林集中海区作业的渔具渔法进行调查 ,发现在红树林海区作业的渔具有六大类 :陷阱类、刺网类、敷网类、笼壶类、掩罩类和拖网类。其中陷阱类的插笼网和笼壶类的虾笼是主要的作业渔具。鱼笼、蟹笼和百袋网是红树林区作业的特色渔。  相似文献   

正广西东兴的万尾、巫头、山心三个岛屿及其附近村落,是中国惟一的京族聚居地。因而,这里习惯上被称为京族三岛。在20世纪60年代至70年代,中国小学语文课本上有一篇非常著名的课文叫做《京族三岛换新装》,许多人对于京族的最初印象,就源自于这篇有强烈时代烙印的小小文章。京族三岛是典型的冲积岛。所谓"冲积岛",是指河流或海流作用堆积而成的水边新陆地,一般位于河流出海口或平原海岸的外侧。由于三岛邻近的大陆海岸线有着丰富的河流资源,  相似文献   

利用随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)技术分别分析了五岛西部日本鲐、东海西部日本鲐和澳洲鲐三群体的样本,共产生226个分子标记,其中143个为多态性标记,多态百分率达到63.3%,每条引物产生的平均标记数为7.29。五岛西部日本鲐、东海西部日本鲐和澳洲鲐群体内遗传相似度分别为0.949、0.877和0.936,而群体间遗传距离依次为:五岛西部日本鲐-东海西部日本鲐(0.2357)<东海西部日本鲐-澳洲鲐(0.3030)<五岛西部日本鲐-澳洲鲐(0.3528),五岛西部日本鲐与东海西部日本鲐个体在UPGMA系统树独立聚类为两个类群,初步支持东、黄海的日本鲐存在东海西部和五岛西部的两个种群的观点。Shannon多样性指数表明,其遗传多样性大小依次为东海西部日本鲐、澳洲鲐、五岛西部日本鲐。  相似文献   

积雪深度是表征积雪特征的重要参数,也是区域气候变化最敏感的响应因子之一。利用1979-2010年逐日中国雪深长时间序列数据集,采用GIS空间分析和地统计方法,分析了青藏高原积雪深度的时空变化规律及异常空间分布特征。结果表明:近32年来,青藏高原雪深呈显著增加趋势,增加速率为0.26 cm/10a,其中,昆仑高寒荒漠地带雪深增加最为明显,增加速率达0.73 cm/10a;20世纪80年代至90年代青藏高原雪深呈逐步增加趋势,21世纪初变化平稳;青藏高原4个季节雪深变化均呈现为上升趋势,尤以冬季增加最为明显,增加速率达0.57 cm/10a。青藏高原东南、西部和南部为雪深分布高值区;逐像元回归分析表明,高原雪深呈增加趋势的像元数占全区像元总数的67.1%,其中有91.3%为轻度和中度增加,主要分布在高原北部和西部;最大雪深变化基本维持在-0.1~0.1 cm/a(45.47%)之间,在昆仑北翼山地、柴达木山地、羌塘高寒地带南部等局部地区最大雪深有增加趋势,主要是轻度增加,面积比例为36.66%。果洛那曲高寒地带、青南高寒地带和羌塘高寒地带为青藏高原积雪深度异常变化敏感区。  相似文献   

一、前言湛江市位于雷州半岛东北岸(北纬21°10′,东经110°24′),是我国南海主要的商港和渔港之一。海区称为广州湾,亦名湛江港,包括湛江市区及其所属的南三、特呈、东头山、东海和(石匈)洲等岛屿沿海。常年水温变化幅度平均最低为8℃、最高为34.6℃,盐度20‰~31.6‰,底质由沙泥、泥沙、岩礁和珊瑚礁等组成。沿岸曲折、藻类丰富,自然环境颇适于贝类的繁殖和生长。  相似文献   

为迎接第23个全国"土地日",河南省国土资源厅在全系统范围内开展了以"珍惜土地资源、节约集约用地"为主题的摄影、书法比赛活动。共收到参赛作品近千幅,其中摄影作品近700幅,书法类作品近300幅。经过省内知名书画家、摄影家认真评选,共评出书法类作品一等奖3幅,二等奖5幅,三  相似文献   

红鳍笛鲷弧菌病病原的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从广东湛江特呈岛鱼排取患病红鳍笛鲷进行病原分离、纯化,得到一株病原菌Ls 1。该菌 为革兰阴性短杆菌,有运动性,菌落半透明,最适温度28~30℃,需盐生长,氧化酶反应阳性,发酵 葡萄糖不产气,不发酵肌醇,对弧菌抑制剂O/129敏感。经API ID32E细菌鉴定系统及弧菌科细 菌生化鉴定管鉴定,该菌为一株溶藻弧菌(Vibrioaginolyticus);其对红鳍笛鲷的半数致死量为6.32 ×105mL-1。药敏试验结果表明,该菌对阿莫西林、先锋V不敏感,对新生霉素、卡那霉素、多粘菌 素B、四环素中度敏感,而对庆大霉素、氟哌酸、氯霉素、红霉素、链霉素和复方新诺明等有较高的敏 感性。  相似文献   

Analyzing and understanding the structure and growth dynamics of forests at different stages is helpful to promote forest succession, restoration and management. Three spots representing three succession stages of spruce-fir mixed forest(SF: polar-birch secondary forest, MF: spruce-fir mixed forest and PF: spruce-fir near primary forest) were established. Structure, growth dynamics during two growth seasons for dominant tree species, regeneration were examined, and a univariate O-ring function statistic was used to analyze the spatial patterns of main regeneration tree species. Results showed that,(1) composition of tree species, periodic annual increment(PAI) of the diameter at breast height(DBH), basal area for overstory trees and of ground diameter(DGH) for saplings, were significantly different with the succession;(2) the current species composition and regeneration dynamics of SF suggested a development towards spruce-fir mixed forests. Pioneer species like Betula platyphyllaa will gradually disappear while climax species, such as Abies nephrolepis, Pinus koraiensis, Picea koraiensis and Tilia amurensis will dominate forest stands;(3) Despite the highest volume occurring in PF, and saplings in it grew better than in the others, this forest type is unstable because of its unsustainable structure of DBH class and insufficient regeneration; and(4) MF had the most reasonable distribution of DBH class for adult trees(DBH 5.0 cm) and DGH class for saplings(H ≥30 cm and DBH ≤5 cm), as well as an optimal volume increment. Limiting canopy opening size can lessen the physiological stress and promote the growth and competitive status of regeneration. Management implications for increasing the gaps and thus creating better growth conditions for understory saplings and facilitating forest succession were discussed.  相似文献   

Changes in permanent sample plots in the lowland,submontane and montane forests on Mount Cameroon(4,095 m above sea level),an active volcano,are described for 15 years from 1989 to 2004.Throughout the study period,the stocking level of trees with a diameter at breast height(DBH) ≥ 10 cm in the three forests were lower than in pan-tropical stands suggesting a significant impact of volcanic and human-related activities on the vegetation communities on the mountain.Annual mortality rates in the submontane and montane forests were consistent with those reported for comparable altitudinal ranges in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica.The annual mortality rate was higher in the lowland forest than other lowland sites included.Divergence between recruitment and mortality rates was large suggesting that the three vegetation communities have not reached their climax.The seven-year difference in half-life of large trees(with a DBH ≥ 50 cm) in the submontane and montane forests suggests an altitudinal effect on turnover of larger trees that in turn contributes to the frequent small stature of high altitude forests.There was little evidence of an altitudinal effect on species turnover and growth rate.This finding supports generalizations about the zero effect of growth on the stature of high altitude trees.Understanding forest dynamics is crucially important in the management of tropical montane environmentsand in this instance particularly so given the recent creation of the Mount Cameroon National Park.  相似文献   

Epiphytic plant species are an important part of biological diversity. It is therefore essential to understand the distribution pattern and the factors influencing such patterns. The present study is aimed at observing the patterns of species richness, abundances and species composition of epiphytic orchids and ferns in two subtropical forests in Nepal. We also studied the relationship of host plants (Schima wallichii and Quercus lanata) and epiphyte species. Data were collected in Naudhara community forest (CF) and the national forest (NF) in Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park. The data were analyzed using univariate and multivariate tests. In total, we recorded 41 species of epiphytes (33 orchid and 8 fern species). Orchid species abundance is significantly higher in CF compared to NF. Orchid species richness and abundance increased with increasing southern aspect whereas it decreased with increasing canopy cover, and fern species richness increased with host bark roughness. Orchid abundance was positively correlated with increasing bark pH, stem size, tree age and tree height and negatively correlated with increasing steepness of the area. Likewise, fern abundances were high in places with high canopy cover, trees that were tall and big, but decreased with increasing altitude and southern aspect. The composition of the orchid and fern species was affected by altitude, aspect, canopy cover, DBH, number of forks and forest management types. We showed that the diversity of orchid and fern epiphytes is influenced by host characteristics as well as host types. The most important pre-requisite for a high epiphyte biodiversity is the presence of old respectively tall trees, independent of the recent protection status. This means: (i) for protection, e.g. in the frame of the national park declaration, such areas should be used which host such old tall trees; and (ii) also in managed forests and even in intensively used landscapes epiphytes can be protected by letting a certain number of trees be and by giving them space to grow old and tall.  相似文献   

In Europe, very small forest areas can be considered to be old-growth, and they are mainly located in Eastern Europe. The typical structures of old growth forests infrequently occur in Mediterranean mountainous environments, since they have been affected by human activities for centuries. This study focused on a remote and almost pure Italian maple stand located in southern Italy, which has not been managed for long time due to its inaccessibility. The effects of natural evolution on the forest stand were evaluated through the analysis of the spatial and chronological structure and the regeneration patterns, then estimating the amounts and quality of deadwood occurrence. Across the whole stand, all the trees with DBH (diameter at breast height) larger than 50 cm (LLT, large living trees) were measured (DBH and height) and age was also determined through a dendrochronological approach. The diameters observed ranged between 50 and 145 cm with ages of 120 to 250 years. The Latham index calculated for trees within the sample plot highlighted a multilayered canopy with a dominant layer of large living trees (age > 120 years). The size-class distribution of stems had a reverse-J shape, and basal area was 52 m2 ha-1. Deadwood was exclusively constituted by standing dead trees and CWD and its volume was on average 31 m3 ha-1.Pure Italian maple forests are generally rare in Europe, and it was unexpected to find a forest stand characterized by a so complex structure with old growth attributes. The study of complex forest stand, even if small, could give precious information on the forest evolution, clarifying also diverse auto-ecological traits of tree species that usually are not common in our forests.  相似文献   

Ecological variables play a significant role in determining the diversity and distribution of any living organism on earth. Lichens are not exceptional and are quite sensitive in comparison to other organisms; hence the present study focuses on the impact of ecological variables on the diversity and distribution of epiphytic macrolichens colonizing Quercus leucotrichophora across eight different sites (50 m × 50 m) in Thal Ke Dhar forest, Kumaun Himalaya, Uttarakhand, India. For sampling of macrolichens, 200 trees (25 trees from each site) of Q. leucotrichophora were selected from each site and five quadrats of 5 cm × 10 cm (1000 quadrats in totality) were drawn at the tree trunk. From all the sampled trees, a total of 54 species of epiphytic macrolichens belonging to 18 genera and five families were recorded. Various ecological variables, namely altitude, aspect, slope, diameter at breast height (DBH), and lopping percent (partial cutting of the twigs as disturbance), were also analyzed to investigate their influence on macrolichen species composition and distribution pattern in the study area. For the determination of relationships between these variables, statistical analysis, namely Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient, Polynomial regression analysis and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) were performed. Out of all variables, lopping was significantly correlated to species richness of epiphytic macrolichens (0.712*, p<0.05) and it was confirmed by Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient. Despite of having high anthropogenic pressure or impact through lopping, the maximum number of macrolichen species was recorded at elevation 2267 meter above sea level (m asl). The present study revealed that besides other ecological variables, lopping practices can act as a key parameter in controlling the diversity and distribution not only of epiphytic macrolichens but also of other life forms such as bryophytes, pteridophytes, insects, birds etc. and can be either negatively or positively correlated.  相似文献   

Impact of anthropogenic disturbance on species diversity and vegetation structure of a lowland tropical rainforest was studied in the foothills of Eastern Himalaya, India. Tree species richness, density, basal area and the diversity indices were found significantly (P<0.05) decreased with the increasing level of disturbances whereas, shrub density, basal area and herb density significantly increased with increasing disturbance level. In case of shrubs, Simpson’s dominance index significantly (P<0.007) increased along the disturbance gradient, whereas Pielou’s evenness index significantly (P<0.005) decreased with an increasing level of disturbance. Shannon-Weiner diversity index for herbs significantly (P<0.016) increased with increasing disturbance whereas, Simpson’s dominance index was significantly (P<0.013) declined along the disturbance gradient. Results revealed that 10–50 cm dbh classes constituted the highest stem density, and highest basal area was recorded in the >100 cm dbh class in all three sites. Density of the matured trees decreased with increasing DBH whereas, tree basal area tended to increase with increasing DBH in all three sites. Tree species richness was highest in the lower DBH classes. 62.07% of the total tree species regenerated in the largely undisturbed site followed by 50% in the mildly disturbed and 26.32% in the highly disturbed site. The overall regeneration condition was found to be good in the largely undisturbed site. Mildly disturbed site exhibited fair regeneration and so was in the highly disturbed site. Discernable variations in species composition, diversity, regeneration and tree population structure revealed the impact of anthropogenic disturbances on rainforest vegetation dynamics. Higher degree of disturbance was furtherly found not only affecting species diversity but also promoting the growth of invasive weed species. Dominance of Hydnocarpus kurzii and Crypteronia paniculata in the highly disturbed site also indicated that these less-valued timber species may benefit from the vegetation mosaic produced by the disturbance; so differences in abundance of these species may be useful for bio-indication. Furthermore, present study suggests the need of adequate biodiversity conservation measures and adaptation of sustainable forest management approaches in disturbed areas of lowland tropical rainforest in the foothills of eastern Himalaya, India.  相似文献   

The effects of reforestation on carbon(C) sequestration in China′s Loess Plateau ecosystem have attracted much research attention in recent years. Black locust trees(Robinia pseudoacacia L.) are valued for their important use in reforestation and water and soil conservation efforts. This forest type is widespread across the Loess Plateau, and must be an essential component of any planning for C sequestration efforts in this fragile ecological region. The long-term effects of stand age on C accumulation and allocation after reforestation remains uncertain. We examined an age-sequence of black locust forest(5, 9, 20, 30, 38, and 56 yr since planting) on the Loess Plateau to evaluate C accumulation and allocation in plants(trees, shrubs, herbages, and leaf litter) and soil(0–100 cm). Allometric equations were developed for estimating the biomass of tree components(leaf, branch, stem without bark, bark and root) with a destructive sampling method. Our results demonstrated that black locust forest ecosystem accumulated C constantly, from 31.42 Mg C/ ha(1 Mg = 10~6 g) at 5 yr to 79.44 Mg C/ha at 38 yr. At the ′old forest′ stage(38 to 56 yr), the amount of C in plant biomass significantly decreased(from 45.32 to 34.52 Mg C/ha) due to the high mortality of trees. However, old forest was able to accumulate C continuously in soil(from 33.66 to 41.00 Mg C/ha). The C in shrub biomass increased with stand age, while the C stock in the herbage layer and leaf litter was age-independent. Reforestation resulted in C re-allocation in the forest soil. The topsoil(0–20 cm) C stock increased constantly with stand age. However, C storage in sub-top soil, in the 20–30, 30–50, 50–100, and 20–100 cm layers, was age-independent. These results suggest that succession, as a temporal factor, plays a key role in C accumulation and re-allocation in black locust forests and also in regional C dynamics in vegetation.  相似文献   

How to accurately simulate the distribution of forest species based upon their biological attributes has been a traditional biogeographical issue.Forest gap models are very useful tools for examining the dynamics of forest succession and revealing the species structure of vegetation.In the present study,the GFSM(Gongga Forest Succession Model) was developed and applied to simulate the distribution,composition and succession process of forests in 100 m elevation intervals.The results indicate that the simulated results of the tree species,quantities of the different types of trees,tree age and differences in DBH(diameter at breast height) composition were in line with the actual situation from 1400 to 3700 MASL(meters above sea level) on the eastern slope of Mt.Gongga.Moreover,the dominant species in the simulated results were the same as those in the surveyed database.Thus,the GFSM model can best simulate the features of forest dynamics and structure in the natural conditions of Mt.Gongga.The work provides a new approach to studying the structure and distribution characteristics of mountain ecosystems in varied elevations.Moreover,the results of this study suggest that the biogeochemistry mechanism model should be combined with the forestsuccession model to facilitate the ecological model in simulating the physical and chemical processes involved.  相似文献   

We studied distribution and site conditions of epiphytic orchids in a gradient of human interference in Kathmandu valley, central Nepal. The aim was to understand the recent distribution pattern of epiphytic orchids, with respect to (i) the micro-site conditions and (ii) the type and intensity of land use. The occurrence of epiphytic orchids was recorded for a grid with 1.5 km cell size. The cells represent different types and intensities of human impact. Site factors such as bark rugosity, bark pH, diameter at breast height (dbh; 1.3 m) of host trees, exposure to wind and sunlight intensity were recorded. With regard to the species richness and abundance of epiphytic orchids, we compared different human impact categories from very strong human impact (settlement area) to very low human impact (national park). Remote sensing was used for a supervised classification of land cover. Ficus religiosa turned out to be the most important host species for orchids in urban areas, while Schima wallichii and Alnus nepalensis significantly host orchids in the other categories. Both species richness and abundance of epiphytic orchids were significantly higher under very low human impact (forest in national park) and also some remaining patches of primary forest than the other regions. Micro-climate is crucial for orchid populations. Host bark pH, bark rugosity, sunlight intensity and host exposure were significantly different for all human impact categories in order to harbour epiphytic orchid species. Habitats with a mixture of mature trees are suitable and essential for the conservation of viable populations of epiphytic orchids in settled areas. The study reveals that to improve the population size of orchids it is essential for future urban forestry to: (i) Protect old trees as carriers of existing epiphytic orchid diversity, (ii) protect medium old trees to ensure that they may become old trees, (iii) plant new host trees for the future, (iv) plant in groups instead of single isolate trees. Trees should especially be planted in areas where orchids still exist to provide more trees for orchid population enlargement (e.g. along riparian system). Native species should be favoured; the pool of such native host species is wide.  相似文献   

The Gongga Mountain of eastern Tibet Plateau is a representative of the alpine regions with high peaks and deep valleys. Climate change over the last thousand years has controlled the dynamics of glacier and debris flow occurrence, which resulted in substantial changes in the mountainous environment. The authors surveyed the community structure of primary forests in Gongga Mountain and forest successign processes in woodland plots. The changing features in the subalpine environment are discussed in this paper. Tree species and sizes between the glacier shrinking areas and debris flow fans in Hailuogou Valley are compared. The pioneer species that settle in debris flow fans and the glacier shrinking areas are Salix spp. and Populus purdomii. Abies fabri and Picea brachytyla are the climax tree species. The succession process of primary vegetation in Hailuogou (2700 ~ 3200 m) can be divided into four stages:  相似文献   

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