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The Miocene Tejeda caldera on Gran Canaria erupted ~ 20 rhyolite–trachyte ignimbrites (Mogán Group 14–13.3 Ma), followed by ~ 20 phonolitic lava flows and ignimbrites (Fataga Group 13–8.5 Ma). Upper-Mogán tuffs have been severely altered immediately within the caldera margin, whereas extra-caldera Mogán ignimbrites, and overlying Fataga units, are apparently unaltered. The altered intra-caldera samples contain minerals characteristic of secondary fluid–rock interaction (clays, zeolites, adularia), and relics of the primary mineral assemblage identified in unaltered ignimbrites (K-feldspar, plagioclase, pyroxene, amphibole, and groundmass quartz). Major and trace-element data indicate that Si, Na, K, Pb, Sr, and Rb, were strongly mobilized during fluid–rock interaction, whereas Ti, Zr, and Nb behaved in a more refractory manner, experiencing only minor mobilization. The δ18O values of the altered intra-caldera tuffs are significantly higher than in unaltered extra-caldera ignimbrites, consistent with an overall low-temperature alteration environment. Unaltered extra-caldera ignimbrites have δD values between − 110‰ and − 173‰, which may reflect Rayleigh-type magma degassing and/or post-depositional vapour release. The δD values of the altered intra-caldera tuffs range from − 52‰ to − 131‰, with ambient meteoric water at the alteration site estimated at ca. − 15‰. Interaction and equilibration of the intra-caldera tuffs with ambient meteoric water at low temperature can only account for whole-rock δD values of around − 45‰, given that ?Dclay–water is ca. − 30‰ at 100 °C, and decreases in magnitude at higher temperatures. All altered tuff samples have δD values that are substantially lower than − 45‰, indicating interaction with a meteoric water source with a δD value more negative than − 15‰, which may have been produced in low-temperature steam fumaroles. Supported by numerical modeling, our Gran Canaria data reflect the near-surface, epithermal part of a larger, fault-controlled hydrothermal system associated with the emplacement of the high-level Fataga magma chamber system. In this near-surface environment, fluid temperatures probably did not exceed 200–250 °C.  相似文献   

 Non-welded, lithic-rich ignimbrites, hereintermed the Roque Nublo ignimbrites, are the most distinctive deposits of the Pliocene Roque Nublo group, which forms the products of second magmatic cycle on Gran Canaria. They are very heterogeneous, with 35–55% volume lithic fragments, 15-30% mildly vesiculated pumice, 5–7% crystals and 20–30% ash matrix. The vitric components (pumice fragments and ash matrix) are largely altered and transformed into zeolites and subordinate smectites. The Roque Nublo ignimbrites originated from hydrovolcanic eruptions that caused rapid and significant erosion of vents thus incorporating a high proportion of lithic clasts into the eruption columns. These columns rapidly became too dense to be sustained as vertical eruption columns and were transformed into tephra fountains which fed high-density pyroclastic flows. The deposits from these flows were mainly confined to palaeovalleys and topographic depressions. In distal areas close to the coast line, where these palaeovalleys widened, most of the pyroclastic flows expanded laterally and formed numerous thin flow units. The combined effect of the magma–water interaction and the high content of lithic fragments is sufficient to explain the characteristic low emplacement temperature of the Roque Nublo ignimbrites. This fact also explains the transition from pyroclastic flows into lahar deposits observed in distal facies of the Roque Nublo ignimbrites. The existence of hydrovolcanic eruptions generating high-density pyroclastic flows, unable to efficiently separate the water vapour from the vitric components during transport, also accounts for the intense zeolitic alteration in these deposits. Received: 5 November 1996 / Accepted: 3 March 1997  相似文献   

A new pyroclastic stratigraphy is presented for the island of Ischia, Italy, for the period ∼75–50 ka BP. The data indicate that this period bore witness to the largest eruptions recorded on the island and that it was considerably more volcanically active than previously thought. Numerous vents were probably active during this period. The deposits of at least 10 explosive phonolite to basaltic-trachyandesite eruptions are described and interpreted. They record a diverse range of explosive volcanic activity including voluminous fountain-fed ignimbrite eruptions, fallout from sustained eruption columns, block-and-ash flows, and phreatomagmatic eruptions. Previously unknown eruptions have been recognised for the first time on the island. Several of the eruptions produced pyroclastic density currents that covered the whole island as well as the neighbouring island of Procida and parts of the mainland. The morphology of Ischia was significantly different to that seen today, with edifices to the south and west and a submerged depression in the centre. The largest volcanic event, the Monte Epomeo Green Tuff (MEGT) resulted in caldera collapse across all or part of the island. It is shown to comprise at least two thick intracaldera ignimbrite flow-units, separated by volcaniclastic sediments that were deposited during a pause in the eruption. Extracaldera deposits of the MEGT include a pumice fall deposit emplaced during the opening phases of the eruption, a widespread lithic lag breccia outcropping across much of Ischia and Procida, and a distal ignimbrite in south-west Campi Flegrei. During this period the style and magnitude of volcanism was dictated by the dynamics of a large differentiated magma chamber, which was partially destroyed during the MEGT eruption. This contrasts with the small-volume Holocene and historical effusive and explosive activity on Ischia, the timing and distribution of which has been controlled by the resurgence of the Monte Epomeo block. The new data contribute to a clearer understanding of the long-term volcanic and magmatic evolution of Ischia.  相似文献   

Palaeomagnetic data from lithic clasts collected at 46 sites within layers 1 and 2 of the 1.8-ka Taupo ignimbrite, New Zealand, have been used to determine the palaeotemperatures and thermal structure of the deposit on its emplacement. Equilibrium temperatures from sites less than 30–40 km from vent are 150–300 °C, whereas at greater distances site equilibrium temperatures increase up to 400–500 °C. This variation is seen in both layer 1 and 2 deposits, with values for layer 1 being somewhat cooler, and with its increase in temperature occurring at a greater distance from vent. A temperature maximum at ~50 km from vent coincides with a zone of pink thermal-oxidation colouration of pumices previously inferred to reflect higher emplacement temperatures. Additional palaeomagnetic data collected by us and others from pumice clasts show comparable temperature variations, but these temperature estimates are shown here to be due to a chemical remanence and unreliable for accurate temperature estimates. Cooler temperatures in proximal parts of the ignimbrite are consistent with admixture of >20% cold lithic clasts at source and interaction with the pre-eruption Lake Taupo. The similar, but offset, increases in equilibrium temperatures for medial and distal layers 1 and 2 are consistent with both layers being deposited from the same flow. However, any proximal deposits left by the later, hotter material must have been subsequently eroded, or be so thin that our collection failed to sample them. Radial asymmetries in equilibrium temperatures as well as other physical parameters suggest that the deposit emplacement temperature is primarily determined at source, rather than by interaction with air during transport. These data support previous interpretations that a concentrated basal flow played a dominant role in emplacement and deposition of the Taupo ignimbrite.Editorial responsibility: T. Druitt  相似文献   

 High-grade ignimbrites are thought to be deposited by pyroclastic flows at temperatures exceeding minimum welding temperature or even solidus temperature. Corresponding pyroclastic-flow particles range from plastic to partially liquid and are able to aggregate or coalesce. This contrasts with particles in pyroclastic flows producing unwelded ignimbrite, which are capable of elastic grain interactions. The low aspect ratio and great areal extent of high-grade ignimbrites requires transport in a particulate state either by (a) high-concentration mass flow facilitated by fluidizing gas reducing internal friction, or by (b) expanded turbulent flow of low but downward increasing concentration. This paper presents experiments designed to investigate the effects of plastic to liquid particles on these two contrasting transport mechanisms. Gas fluidization experiments using polyethyleneglycole (PEG) powders heated above minimum sintering (Tms) and melting (Tm) temperatures cover a wide range of fluidization velocities (Umf>Ua>0.6·Ut) but are always in the bubbly fluidization regime similar to fluidized ignimbrite ash, where particle volume concentration outside the bubbles is high (≈10–1). When the powders reach a critical temperature Tm≥T≥Tms, defluidization by catastrophic particle aggregation immediately commences in both stationary and laterally moving fluidized beds as well as in experiments using mixtures of high- and low-Tm (≥30 wt.%) PEG powders, when T≥Tms of the lower-Tm powder. This indicates that extended particulate transport at T≥Tms is not possible at such high particle concentrations. In the turbulent flow experiments, liquid sprays of molten PEG or water, vertically injected into a high-Re (>104) horizontal air flow, form a low-concentration (10–5 to 10–4) turbulent suspension current. Proximal formation of partially coalesced aggregates, which settle faster than individual particles, causes the measured downstream decay of sedimentation rate to be steeper than predicted by theory of single solid-particle sedimentation from turbulent suspensions. As particles become finer downstream and coalescence efficiency decreases in response to cooling, more distally formed aggregates become too small and rare to modify sedimentation-rate decay from that of suspension flows containing solid particles. The key difference between the two transport systems is particle concentration, C. Since particle collision rate Rcoll∝C2, collision rates in fluidized beds are so high that all particles immediately aggregate when coalescence efficiency (1≥Ecoal≥0) is larger than 10-3. Low-concentration suspensions, on the other hand, require much higher values of Ecoal for significant aggregation to occur. Dilute pyroclastic flows will have higher particle volume fractions (≈10–3) than the experimental currents, but then viscous pyroclasts should have lower coalescence efficiencies than PEG droplets. Experimental results thus support an expanded turbulent transport mechanism of pyroclastic flows generating extensive high-grade ignimbrite sheets. Received: 28 August 1996 / Accepted: 3 December 1997  相似文献   

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