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We use the present observed number density of large X-ray clusters to constrain the amplitude of matter density perturbations induced by cosmic strings on the scale of 8  h −1 Mpc ( σ 8), in both open cosmologies and flat models with a non-zero cosmological constant. We find a slightly lower value of σ 8 than that obtained in the context of primordial Gaussian fluctuations generated during inflation. This lower normalization of σ 8 results from the mild non-Gaussianity on cluster scales, where the one-point probability distribution function is well approximated by a χ 2 distribution and thus has a longer tail than a Gaussian distribution. We also show that σ 8 normalized using cluster abundance is consistent with the COBE normalization.  相似文献   

Using the ray-bundle method for calculating gravitational lens magnifications, we outline a method by which the magnification probability may be determined specifically in the weak lensing limit for cosmological models obtained from N -body simulations.
16 different models are investigated, which are variations on three broad classes of cold dark matter model: the standard model with  (Ω0, λ 0)=(1.0,0.0)  , the open model with  (Ω0, λ 0)=(0.3,0.0)  and the lambda model, which is a flat model with a cosmological constant  (Ω0, λ 0)=(0.3,0.7)  .
The effects of varying the Hubble parameter, H 0, the power spectrum shape parameter, Γ, and the cluster mass normalization, σ 8, are studied. It is shown that there is no signature of these parameters in the weak lensing magnification distributions. The magnification probability distributions are also shown to be independent of the numerical parameters such as the lens mass and simulation box size in the N -body simulations.  相似文献   

We attempt to put constraints on different cosmological and biasing models by combining the recent clustering results of X-ray sources in the local ( z ≤0.1) and distant Universe ( z ∼1) . To this end we compare the measured angular correlation function for bright (Akylas et al.) and faint (Vikhlinin & Forman) ROSAT X-ray sources respectively with those expected in three spatially flat cosmological models. Taking into account the different functional forms of the bias evolution, we find that there are two cosmological models which match the data well. In particular, low-Ω cosmological models (ΩΛ=1−Ω=0.7) that contain either (i) high σ 8mass=1.13 value with galaxy merging bias, b ( z )∝(1+ z )1.8 or (ii) low σ 8mass=0.9 with non-bias, b ( z ) ≡ 1 best reproduce the AGN clustering results, while τ CDM models with different bias behaviour are ruled out at a high significance level.  相似文献   

The number density of rich galaxy clusters still provides the most robust way of normalizing the power spectrum of dark matter perturbations on scales relevant to large-scale structure. We revisit this constraint in the light of several recent developments: (1) the availability of well-defined samples of local clusters with relatively accurate X-ray temperatures; (2) new theoretical mass functions for dark matter haloes, which provide a good fit to large numerical simulations; (3) more accurate mass–temperature relations from larger catalogues of hydrodynamical simulations; (4) the requirement to consider closed as well as open and flat cosmologies to obtain full multiparameter likelihood constraints for CMB and SNe studies. We present a new sample of clusters drawn from the literature and use this sample to obtain improved results on σ 8, the normalization of the matter power spectrum on scales of 8  h −1 Mpc, as a function of the matter density and cosmological constant in a universe with general curvature. We discuss our differences with previous work, and the remaining major sources of uncertainty. Final results on the normalization, approximately independent of power spectrum shape, can be expressed as constraints on σ at an appropriate cluster normalization scale R Cl. We provide fitting formulas for R Cl and σ ( R Cl) for general cosmologies, as well as for σ 8 as a function of cosmology and shape parameter Γ. For flat models we find approximately σ 8≃(0.495−0.037+0.034M−0.60 for Γ=0.23, where the error bar is dominated by uncertainty in the mass–temperature relation.  相似文献   

The evolution of the abundance of galaxy clusters depends sensitively on the value of the cosmological density parameter, Ω0. Recent ASCA data are used to quantify this evolution as measured by the cluster X-ray temperature function. A χ2 minimization fit to the cumulative temperature function, as well as a maximum-likelihood estimate (which requires additional assumptions about cluster luminosities), leads to the estimate Ω0 ≈ 0.45 ± 0.25 (1σ statistical error). Various systematic uncertainties are considered, none of which significantly enhances the probability that Ω0 = 1. These conclusions hold for models with or without a cosmological constant, i.e., with Λ0 = 0 or Λ0 = 1 − Ω0. The statistical uncertainties are at least as large as any of the individual systematic errors that have been considered here, suggesting that additional temperature measurements of distant clusters will allow an improvement in this estimate. An alternative method that uses the highest redshift clusters to place an upper limit on Ω0 is also presented and tentatively applied, with the result that Ω0  1 can be ruled out at the 98 per cent confidence level. Whilst this method does not require a well-defined statistical sample of distant clusters, there are still modelling uncertainties that preclude a firmer conclusion at this time.  相似文献   

We generate mock galaxy catalogues for a grid of different cosmologies, using rescaled N -body simulations in tandem with a semi-analytic model run using consistent parameters. Because we predict the galaxy bias, rather than fitting it as a nuisance parameter, we obtain an almost pure constraint on σ8 by comparing the projected two-point correlation function we obtain to that from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). A systematic error arises because different semi-analytic modelling assumptions allow us to fit the r -band luminosity function equally well. Combining our estimate of the error from this source with the statistical error, we find  σ8= 0.97 ± 0.06  . We obtain consistent results if we use galaxy samples with a different magnitude threshold, or if we select galaxies by b J-band rather than r -band luminosity and compare to data from the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS). Our estimate for σ8 is higher than that obtained for other analyses of galaxy data alone, and we attempt to find the source of this difference. We note that in any case, galaxy clustering data provide a very stringent constraint on galaxy formation models.  相似文献   

The subject of this paper is a quantification of the impact of uncertainties in bias and bias evolution on the interpretation of measurements of the integrated Sachs–Wolfe (ISW) effect, in particular on the estimation of cosmological parameters. We carry out a Fisher matrix analysis for quantifying the degeneracies between the parameters of a dark energy cosmology and bias evolution, for the combination of the PLANCK microwave sky survey with the EUCLID main galaxy sample, where bias evolution   b ( a ) = b 0+ (1 − a ) ba   is modelled with two parameters b 0 and   ba   . Using a realistic bias model introduces a characteristic suppression of the ISW spectrum on large angular scales, due to the altered distance-weighting functions. The errors in estimating cosmological parameters if the data with evolving bias is interpreted in the framework of cosmologies with constant bias are quantified in an extended Fisher formalism. We find that the best-fitting values of all parameters are shifted by an amount comparable to the statistical accuracy: the estimation bias in units of the statistical accuracy amounts to 1.19 for Ωm, 0.27 for σ8 and 0.72 for w for bias evolution with   ba = 1  . Leaving   ba   open as a free parameter deteriorates the statistical accuracy, in particular on Ωm and w .  相似文献   

In the context of cold dark matter (CDM) cosmological models, we have simulated images of the brightness temperature fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) sky owing to the Sunyaev–Zel'dovich (S–Z) effect in a cosmological distribution of clusters. We compare the image statistics with recent ATCA limits on arcmin-scale CMB anisotropy. The S–Z effect produces a generically non-Gaussian field and we compute the variance in the simulated temperature-anisotropy images, after convolution with the ATCA beam pattern, for different cosmological models. All the models are normalized to the 4-yr COBE data. We find an increase in the simulated-sky temperature variance with increase in the cosmological density parameter Ω0. A comparison with the upper limits on the sky variance set by the ATCA appears to rule out our closed-universe model: low-Ω0 open-universe models are preferred. The result is independent of any present day observations of σ 8.  相似文献   

Cold collapse of a cluster composed of small identical clumps, each of which is in virial equilibrium, is considered. Since the clumps have no relative motion with respect to each other initially, the cluster collapses under its own gravity. At the first collapse of the cluster, most of the clumps are destroyed, but some survive. In order to find the condition for the clumps to survive, we made a systematic study in two-parameter space: the number of the clumps N c and the size of the clump r v . We obtained the condition N c ≫ 1 and n k  ≥ 1, where n k is related to r v and the initial radius of the cluster R ini through the relation R ini/ r v  = 2 N ( n k +5)/6c. A simple analytical argument supports the numerical result. This n k corresponds to the index of the power spectrum of the density fluctuation in the cosmological hierarchical clustering, and thus our result may suggest that in the systems smaller than 2/Ω h 2)Mpc, the first violent collapse is strong enough to sweep away all the substructures that exist before the collapse.  相似文献   

We estimate the two- and three-dimensional power spectra, P 2( K ) and P 3( k ), of the galaxy distribution by applying a maximum likelihood estimator to pixel maps of the APM Galaxy Survey. The analysis provides optimal estimates of the power spectra and of their covariance matrices if the fluctuations are assumed to be Gaussian. Our estimates of P 2( K ) and P 3( k ) are in good agreement with previous work, but we find that the errors at low wavenumbers have been underestimated in some earlier studies. If the galaxy power spectrum is assumed to have the same shape as the mass power spectrum, then the APM maximum likelihood P 3( k ) estimates at k ≤0.19  h  Mpc−1 constrain the amplitude and shape parameter of a scale-invariant CDM model to lie within the 2 σ ranges 0.74≤( σ 8)g≤1.28 and 0.06≤Γ≤0.46 . Using the Galactic extinction estimates of Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis, we show that Galactic obscuration has a negligible effect on galaxy clustering over most of the area of the APM Galaxy Survey.  相似文献   

We forecast the constraints on the values of  σ8, Ωm  and cluster scaling-relation parameters which we expect to obtain from the XMM Cluster Survey (XCS). We assume a flat Λ cold dark matter Universe and perform a Monte Carlo Markov Chain analysis of the evolution of the number density of galaxy clusters that takes into account a detailed simulated selection function. Comparing our current observed number of clusters shows good agreement with predictions. We determine the expected degradation of the constraints as a result of self-calibrating the luminosity–temperature relation (with scatter), including temperature measurement errors, and relying on photometric methods for the estimation of galaxy cluster redshifts. We examine the effects of systematic errors in scaling relation and measurement error assumptions. Using only  ( T , z )  self-calibration, we expect to measure Ωm to ±0.03 (and  ΩΛ  to the same accuracy assuming flatness), and σ8 to ±0.05, also constraining the normalization and slope of the luminosity–temperature relation to ±6 and ±13 per cent (at 1σ), respectively, in the process. Self-calibration fails to jointly constrain the scatter and redshift evolution of the luminosity–temperature relation significantly. Additional archival and/or follow-up data will improve on this. We do not expect measurement errors or imperfect knowledge of their distribution to degrade constraints significantly. Scaling-relation systematics can easily lead to cosmological constraints 2σ or more away from the fiducial model. Our treatment is the first exact treatment to this level of detail, and introduces a new 'smoothed ML' (Maximum Likelihood) estimate of expected constraints.  相似文献   

The current methods available to estimate gravitational shear from astronomical images of galaxies introduce systematic errors which can affect the accuracy of weak lensing cosmological constraints. We study the impact of KSB shape measurement bias on the cosmological interpretation of tomographic two-point weak lensing shear statistics.
We use a set of realistic image simulations produced by the Shear Testing Programme (STEP) collaboration to derive shape measurement bias as a function of redshift. We define biased two-point weak lensing statistics and perform a likelihood analysis for two fiducial surveys. We present a derivation of the covariance matrix for tomography in real space and a fitting formula to calibrate it for non-Gaussianity.
We find the biased aperture mass dispersion is reduced by  ∼20 per cent  at redshift ∼1, and has a shallower scaling with redshift. This effect, if ignored in data analyses, biases σ8 and w 0 estimates by a few per cent. The power of tomography is significantly reduced when marginalizing over a range of realistic shape measurement biases. For a Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey (CFHTLS)-Wide-like survey,  [Ωm, σ8]  confidence regions are degraded by a factor of 2, whereas for a Kilo-Degree Survey (KIDS)-like survey the factor is 3.5. Our results are strictly valid only for KSB methods, but they demonstrate the need to marginalize over a redshift-dependent shape measurement bias in all future cosmological analyses.  相似文献   

In this paper we have extended the entropy-driven model of cluster evolution developed by Bower in order to be able to predict the evolution of galaxy clusters for a range of cosmological scenarios. We have applied this model to recent measurements of the evolution of the L x− T normalization and X-ray luminosity function in order to place constraints on cosmological parameters. We find that these measurements alone do not select a particular cosmological framework. An additional constraint is required on the effective slope of the power spectrum to break the degeneracy that exists between this and the background cosmology. We therefore include a theoretical calculation of the Ω0 dependence on the power spectrum, based on the cold dark matter paradigm, which infers Ω0<0.55 (0.1<Ω0<0.7 for Ω00=1), at the 95 per cent confidence level. Alternatively, an independent measurement of the slope of the power spectrum from galaxy clustering requires Ω0<0.6 (Ω0<0.65 for Ω00=1), again to 95 per cent confidence. The rate of entropy evolution is insensitive to the values of Ω0 considered, although it is sensitive to changes in the distribution of the intracluster medium.  相似文献   

To study the kinematics of O-B5 giant stars (luminosity class III), 290 non-Gould belt stars with proper motions taken from the Hipparcos catalogue are used, of which 107 have radial velocities taken from other sources. Semidefinite programming solves for the kinematical parameters and the coefficients of the velocity ellipsoid. The condition that both solutions must yield the same solar velocity is enforced. The results obtained are reasonable: solar velocity of 13.83 ± 0.17 km s−1; Oort's constants, in units of km s−1 kpc−1, A = 16.08 ± 0.72 and   B =−10.74 ± 0.65,  implying a rotational velocity of 228.0 ± 21.4 km s−1 if we take the distance to the Galactic Centre as 8.5 ± 1.1 kpc; velocity dispersions, in units of km s−1, of  σ x = 32.44 ± 5.04, σ y = 26.16 ± 2.75, σ z = 18.71 ± 2.39  with a vertex deviation of      相似文献   

We use three-integral models to infer the distribution function (DF) of the boxy E3–E4 galaxy NGC 1600 from surface brightness and line-profile data on the minor and major axes. We assume axisymmetry and that the mass-to-light ratio is constant in the central ∼1 R e. Stars in the resulting gravitational potential move mainly on regular orbits. We use an approximate third integral K from perturbation theory and write the DF as a sum of basis functions in the three integrals E , L z and K . We then fit the projected moments of these basis functions to the kinematic observables and deprojected density, using a non-parametric algorithm. The deduced dynamical structure is radially anisotropic, with σ θ σ r ≈ σ φ σ r ≈0.7 on the major axis. Both on the minor axis and near the centre the velocity distribution is more isotropic; thus the model is flattened by equatorial radial orbits. The kinematic data are fitted without the need for a central black hole; the central mass determined previously from ground-based data therefore overestimates the actual black-hole mass. The mass-to-light ratio of the stars is M L V =6  h 50. The anisotropy structure of NGC 1600 with a radially anisotropic main body and more nearly isotropic centre is similar to that found recently in NGC 1399, 2434, 3379 and 6703, suggesting that this pattern may be common amongst massive elliptical galaxies. We discuss a possible merger origin of NGC 1600 in the light of these results.  相似文献   

We cross-correlate WMAP and ROSAT diffuse X-ray background maps and look for common features in both data sets. We use the power spectrum of the product maps and the cross-power spectrum to highlight a possible correlation. The power spectrum of the product maps does not detect any correlation and the cross-power spectrum does not show any significant deviation from zero. We explore different explanations for this lack of correlation. A universe with a low value of  σ8  could naturally explain the lack of correlation. We also discuss the systematic effects that can affect this result, in particular the subtraction of some cluster signal from the ROSAT diffuse maps, which could significantly suppress the correlation signal. These systematic effects considerably reduce the significance of our constraints on the cosmological model. When we include the systematic effects, we find a weaker constraint on  σ8  , allowing models with values as large as  σ8= 1  (for  Ωm= 0.3  ) to be consistent with the lack of correlation. To illustrate the capabilities of the method with future high-quality data, we show how from the correlation signal it should be possible to predict the level of contamination of the Sunyaev–Zel'dovich effect on the power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background. Within the systematic errors, we find evidence that this contribution is negligible for WMAP and is expected to be small in experiments like ACBAR or CBI, but can be important for future high-resolution experiments.  相似文献   

We measure the matter power spectrum from 31 Lyα spectra spanning the redshift range of 1.6–3.6. The optical depth, τ, for Lyα absorption of the intergalactic medium is obtained from the flux using the inversion method of Nusser & Haehnelt. The optical depth is converted to density by using a simple power-law relation,  τ∝ (1 +δ)α  . The non-linear 1D power spectrum of the gas density is then inferred with a method that makes simultaneous use of the one- and two-point statistics of the flux and compared against theoretical models with a likelihood analysis. A cold dark matter model with standard cosmological parameters fits the data well. The power-spectrum amplitude is measured to be (assuming a flat Universe),  σ8= (0.92 ± 0.09) × (Ωm/0.3)−0.3  , with α varying in the range of 1.56–1.8 with redshift. Enforcing the same cosmological parameters in all four redshift bins, the likelihood analysis suggests some evolution in the temperature–density relation and the thermal smoothing length of the gas. The inferred evolution is consistent with that expected if reionization of He  ii occurred at   z ∼ 3.2  . A joint analysis with the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe results together with a prior on the Hubble constant as suggested by the Hubble Space Telescope key project data, yields values of Ωm and σ8 that are consistent with the cosmological concordance model. We also perform a further inversion to obtain the linear 3D power spectrum of the matter density fluctuations.  相似文献   

In Paper I of this series, we introduced the spherical collapse (SC) approximation in Lagrangian space as a way of estimating the cumulants ξ J of density fluctuations in cosmological perturbation theory (PT). Within this approximation, the dynamics is decoupled from the statistics of the initial conditions, so we are able to present here the cumulants for generic non-Gaussian initial conditions, which can be estimated to arbitrary order including the smoothing effects. The SC model turns out to recover the exact leading-order non-linear contributions up to terms involving non-local integrals of the J -point functions. We argue that for the hierarchical ratios S J , these non-local terms are subdominant and tend to compensate each other. The resulting predictions show a non-trivial time evolution that can be used to discriminate between models of structure formation. We compare these analytic results with non-Gaussian N -body simulations, which turn out to be in very good agreement up to scales where σ ≲ 1.  相似文献   

Stellar velocity dispersion in narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several authors have recently explored, for narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s), the relationship between black hole mass ( M BH) and stellar velocity dispersion (σ*). Their results are more or less in agreement and seem to indicate that NLS1s fill the region below the fit obtained by Tremaine et al., showing a range of σ* similar to that of Seyfert 1 galaxies, and a lower M BH. Until now, the [O  iii ] width has been used in place of the stellar velocity dispersion, but some indications have begun to arise against the effectiveness of the gaseous kinematics in representing the bulge potential, at least in NLS1s. Bian & Zhao have stressed the urgency of producing true σ* measurements. Here, we present new stellar velocity dispersions obtained through direct measurements of the Ca  ii absorption triplet (∼8550 Å) in the nuclei of eight NLS1 galaxies. The resulting σ* values and a comparison with σ[O III] confirm our suspicion that [O  iii ] typically overestimates the stellar velocity dispersion. We demonstrate that NLS1s follow the   M BH–σ*  relation as Seyfert 1, quasars and non-active galaxies.  相似文献   

The universal baryonic mass fraction  (Ωbm)  can be sensitively constrained using X-ray observations of galaxy clusters. In this paper, we compare the baryonic mass fraction inferred from measurements of the cosmic microwave background with the gas mass fractions ( f gas) of a large sample of clusters taken from the recent literature. In systems cooler than 4 keV, f gas declines as the system temperature decreases. However, in higher temperature systems, f gas( r 500) converges to  ≈(0.12 ± 0.02)( h /0.72)−1.5  , where the uncertainty reflects the systematic variations between clusters at r 500. This is significantly lower than the maximum-likelihood value of the baryon fraction from the recently released Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe ( WMAP ) 3-yr results. We investigate possible reasons for this discrepancy, including the effects of radiative cooling and non-gravitational heating, and conclude that the most likely solution is that Ωm is higher than the best-fitting WMAP value (we find  Ωm= 0.36+0.11−0.08  ), but consistent at the 2σ level. Degeneracies within the WMAP data require that σ8 must also be greater than the maximum likelihood value for consistency between the data sets.  相似文献   

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