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Several source parameters (source dimensions, slip, particle velocity, static and dynamic stress drop) are determined for the moderate-size October 27th, 2004 (MW = 5.8), and the large August 30th, 1986 (MW = 7.1) and March 4th, 1977 (MW = 7.4) Vrancea (Romania) intermediate-depth earthquakes. For this purpose, the empirical Green's functions method of Irikura [e.g. Irikura, K. (1983). Semi-Empirical Estimation of Strong Ground Motions during Large Earthquakes. Bull. Dis. Prev. Res. Inst., Kyoto Univ., 33, Part 2, No. 298, 63–104., Irikura, K. (1986). Prediction of strong acceleration motions using empirical Green's function, in Proceedings of the 7th Japan earthquake engineering symposium, 151–156., Irikura, K. (1999). Techniques for the simulation of strong ground motion and deterministic seismic hazard analysis, in Proceedings of the advanced study course seismotectonic and microzonation techniques in earthquake engineering: integrated training in earthquake risk reduction practices, Kefallinia, 453–554.] is used to generate synthetic time series from recordings of smaller events (with 4 ≤ MW ≤ 5) in order to estimate several parameters characterizing the so-called strong motion generation area, which is defined as an extended area with homogeneous slip and rise time and, for crustal earthquakes, corresponds to an asperity of about 100 bar stress release [Miyake, H., T. Iwata and K. Irikura (2003). Source characterization for broadband ground-motion simulation: Kinematic heterogeneous source model and strong motion generation area. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 93, 2531–2545.] The parameters are obtained by acceleration envelope and displacement waveform inversion for the 2004 and 1986 events and MSK intensity pattern inversion for the 1977 event using a genetic algorithm. The strong motion recordings of the analyzed Vrancea earthquakes as well as the MSK intensity pattern of the 1977 earthquake can be well reproduced using relatively small strong motion generation areas, which corresponds to small asperities with high stress drops (300–1200 bar) and high particle velocities (3–5 m/s). These results imply a very efficient high-frequency radiation, which has to be taken into account for strong ground motion prediction, and indicate that the intermediate-depth Vrancea earthquakes are inherently different from crustal events.  相似文献   

Klaus-G. Hinzen   《Tectonophysics》2003,377(3-4):325-356
Fault plane solutions (FPS) from 110 earthquakes in the northern Rhine area with local magnitudes, ranging from 1.0 to 6.1, and occurring between 1976 and 2002 are determined. FPS are retrieved from P-wave first motions using a grid search approach allowing a detailed exploration of the parameter space. The influence of the 1D velocity model on take-off angles and resulting FPS is examined. All events were relocated with a recently developed minimum 1D model of the velocity structure [J. Geophys. Res. (2003)]. Rose diagrams of the orientation of P, T and B axes show a clear preference of trends of P and T axes at N292°E and N27°E, respectively. The majority of B axes trend in northerly directions. Plunges of P and T axes are mostly around 45° while most B axes are subhorizontal. The main direction of the maximum horizontal stress directly inferred from the fault plane solutions is N118°E.To calculate the orientations of the principal stress axes and the shape of the stress tensor, the inversion method of Gephard and Forsyth [J. Geophys. Res. 89 (1984) 9305] was applied to the whole data set and to several subsets of data. The subsets were formed by grouping events from various geological and tectonic areas and by grouping events into different depth ranges. The subset areas include the Lower Rhine Embayment, the Rhenish Massif, the middle Rhine area, the Neuwied Basin and the area known as the Stavelot–Venn Massif. Inversion of the entire data set shows some ambiguity between a strike-slip and extensional stress regime, with a vertical axis for the medium principal stress and a trend of N305°E and N35°E for the σ1 and σ3 axis, respectively, as the best fitting tensor. Earthquakes from the Lower Rhine Embayment and, to some degree, from the middle Rhine area indicate an extensional stress regime. In the Lower Rhine Embayment, plunge and trend of the σ1 axis are 76° and N162°E and for the σ3 axis 7° and N42°E. The best fitting solution for the area of the Stavelot–Venn Massif is a strike-slip regime with subhorizontal σ1 and σ3 axes with a trend of N316°E and N225°E, respectively. Stress orientations found here agree overall with the results from earlier studies based on smaller data sets. The directions of the maximum and minimum horizontal stresses inverted from focal mechanisms agree well with the stress field predicted by the European Stress Map. This confirms earlier interpretations that the stress field of the Rhine Graben system is controlled by plate driving forces acting on the plate boundaries. However, amplitudes of the stresses change on a local scale and with depth. Estimates of the absolute magnitude of principal stresses favor a normal faulting regime in the shallow crust (above 12-km depth) and a strike-slip regime in the lower crust.  相似文献   

In the early morning hours on Wednesday November 08, 2006 at 04:32:10(GMT) a small earthquake of ML 4.1 has occurred at southeast Beni-Suef, approximately 160 km SEE of Cairo, northern Egypt. The quake has been felt as far as Cairo and its surroundings while no casualties were reported. The instrumental epicentre is located at 28.57°N and 31.55°E. Seismic moment is 1.76 E14 Nm, corresponding to a moment magnitude Mw 3.5. Following a Brune model, the source radius is 0.3 km with an average dislocation of 1.8 cm and a 2.4 MPa stress drop. The source mechanism from a first motion fault plane solution shows a left-lateral strike-slip mechanism with a minor dip-slip component along fault NNW striking at 161°, dipping 52° to the west and rake −5°. Trend and plunging of the maximum and minimum principle axes P/T are 125°, 28°, 21°, and 23°, respectively. A comparison with the mechanism of the October, 1999 event shows similarities in faulting type and orientation of nodal planes.Eight small earthquakes (3.0  ML < 5.0) were also recorded by the Egyptian National Seismological Network (ENSN) from the same region. We estimate the source parameters and fault mechanism solutions (FMS) for these earthquakes using displacement spectra and P-wave polarities, respectively. The obtained source parameters including seismic moments of 4.9 × 1012–5.04 × 1015 Nm, stress drops of 0.2–4.9 MPa and relative displacement of 0.1–9.1 cm. The azimuths of T-axes determined from FMS are oriented in NNE–SSW direction. This direction is consistent with the present-day stress field in Egypt and the last phase of stress field changes in the Late Pleistocene, as well as with recent GPS measurements.  相似文献   

We estimated the stress fields of the aftershocks of the 2000 western Tottori earthquake (Mw 6.6) and the northern Hyogo swarm (max Mw 5.2) by a stress tensor inversion of moment tensor solutions reported from the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (Japan). The maximum principal stress direction of the western Tottori sequence was estimated as N107°E with a strike–slip regime. In the northern Hyogo swarm, the orientations of the principal stress directions could not be well constrained by the observed data, but after examining the detailed characteristics of the solution, we obtained a most probable solution of N113°E for the σ1 direction. These solutions are consistent with the maximum horizontal directions roughly estimated from the strike directions of large earthquakes occurring geographically between these two seismic activities. We measured the angle between each fault–slip direction and maximum principal stress direction to investigate the frictional properties of earthquakes. The distribution of the angles was forward modeled to estimate the coefficient of friction and the stress ratio, assuming uniformly distributed fault orientations. For the western Tottori sequence, a homogeneous stress field with a coefficient of friction less than 0.4 was estimated. A high stress level was also suggested because very little change occurred in the stress field during the mainshock. For the northern Hyogo sequence, the coefficient of friction was estimated to be between 0.5 and 1.0.  相似文献   

We have studied the focal mechanisms of the 1980, 1997 and 1998 earthquakes in the Azores region from body-wave inversion of digital GDSN (Global Digital Seismograph Network) and broadband data. For the 1980 and 1998 shocks, we have obtained strike–slip faulting, with the rupture process made up of two sub-events in both shocks, with total scalar seismic moments of 1.9 × 1019 Nm (Mw = 6.8) and 1.4 × 1018 Nm (Mw = 6.0), respectively. For the 1997 shock, we have obtained a normal faulting mechanism, with the rupture process made up of three sub-events, with a total scalar seismic moment of 7.7 × 1017 Nm (Mw = 5.9). A common characteristic of these three earthquakes was the shallow focal depth, less than 10 km, in agreement with the oceanic-type crust. From the directivity function of Rayleigh (LR) waves, we have identified the NW–SE plane as the rupture plane for the 1980 and 1998 earthquakes with the rupture propagating to the SE. Slow rupture velocity, about of 1.5 km/s, has been estimated from directivity function for the 1980 and 1998 earthquakes. From spectral analysis and body-wave inversion, fault dimensions, stress drop and average slip have been estimated. Focal mechanisms of the three earthquakes we have studied, together with focal mechanisms obtained by other authors, have been used in order to obtain a seismotectonic model for the Azores region. We have found different types of behaviour present along the region. It can be divided into two zones: Zone I, from 30°W to 27°W; Zone II, from 27°W to 23°W, with a change in the seismicity and stress direction from Zone I. In Zone I, the total seismic moment tensor obtained corresponded to left-lateral strike–slip faulting with horizontal pressure and tension axes in the E–W and N–S directions, respectively. In Zone II, the total seismic moment tensor corresponded to normal faulting, with a horizontal tension axis trending NE–SW, normal to the Terceira Ridge. The stress pattern for the whole region corresponds to horizontal extension with an average seismic slip rate of 4.4 mm/yr.  相似文献   

The April 2006 earthquake sequence near Zakynthos (Western Greece) is analysed to identify the fault plane(-s). The sequence (33 events) was relocated to assess physical insight into the hypocenter uncertainty. Moment tensor solution of three major events was performed, simultaneously with the determination of the centroid position. Joint analysis of the hypocenter position, centroid position and nodal planes indicated sub-horizontal fault planes. Moment tensor solutions of 15 smaller events were performed under assumption that the source positions are those of the hypocenters (without seeking centroids). Their focal mechanisms are highly similar and agree with the analysis of the three major events. The preferable seismotectonic interpretation is that the whole sequence activated a single sub-horizontal fault zone at a depth of about 13 km, corresponding to the interplate subduction boundary. Considering that the Ionian Sea is a high-seismicity area, the identification of the seismic fault is significant for the seismic hazard investigation of the region.  相似文献   

Active faulting and seismic properties are re-investigated in the eastern precinct of the city of Thessaloniki (Northern Greece), which was seriously affected by two large earthquakes during the 20th century and severe damage was done by the 1759 event. It is suggested that the earthquake fault associated with the occurrence of the latest destructive 1978 Thessaloniki earthquake continues westwards to the 20-km-long Thessaloniki–Gerakarou Fault Zone (TGFZ), which extends from the Gerakarou village to the city of Thessaloniki. This fault zone exhibits a constant dip to the N and is characterised by a complicated geometry comprised of inherited 100°-trending faults that form multi-level branching (tree-like fault geometry) along with NNE- to NE-trending faults. The TGFZ is compatible with the contemporary regional N–S extensional stress field that tends to modify the pre-existing NW–SE tectonic fabric prevailing in the mountainous region of Thessaloniki. Both the 1978 earthquake fault and TGFZ belong to a ca. 65-km-long E–W-trending rupture fault system that runs through the southern part of the Mygdonia graben from the Strymonikos gulf to Thessaloniki. This fault system, here called Thessaloniki–Rentina Fault System (TRFS), consists of two 17–20-km-long left-stepping 100°-trending main fault strands that form underlapping steps bridged by 8–10-km-long ENE–WSW faults. The occurrence of large (M6.0) historical earthquakes (in 620, 677 and 700 A.D.) demonstrates repeated activation, and therefore the possible reactivation of the westernmost segment, the TGFZ, could be a major threat to the city of Thessaloniki. Changes in the Coulomb failure function (ΔCFF) due to the occurrence of the 1978 earthquake calculated out in this paper indicate that the TGFZ has been brought closer to failure, a convincing argument for future seismic hazard along the TGFZ.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal analysis of global seismological data 1964–2005 reveals a distinct teleseismic earthquake activity producing a columnar-like formation in the continental wedge between the Krakatau volcano at the surface and the subducting slab of the Indo-Australian plate. These earthquakes occur continuously in time, are in the body-wave (m b) magnitude range 4.5–5.3 and in the depth range 1–100 km. The Krakatau earthquake cluster is vertical and elongated in the azimuth N30°E, suggesting existence of a deep-rooted fault zone cutting the Sunda Strait in the SSW-NNE direction. Possible continuation of the fault zone in the SW direction was activated by an intensive 2002/2003 aftershock sequence, elongated in the azimuth of N55°E. Beneath the Krakatau earthquake cluster, an aseismic gap exists in the Wadati-Benioff zone of the subducting plate at the depths 100–120 km. We interpret this aseismic gap as a consequence of partial melting inhibiting stress concentration necessary to generate stronger earthquakes, whereas the numerous earthquakes observed in the overlying lithospheric wedge beneath the volcano probably reflect magma ascent in the recent plumbing system of the Krakatau volcano. Focal depth of the deepest events (~100 km) of the Krakatau cluster constrains the location of the primary magma generation to greater depths. The ascending magmatic fluids stress fault segments within the Sunda Strait fault zone and change their friction parameters inducing the observed tectonic earthquakes beneath Krakatau.  相似文献   

The Yilgarn Craton has hosted some of the largest earthquakes within the Australian continent in the last 100 years. Earthquakes have mainly been studied in the western part of the craton, and are thought to result from the reactivation of Precambrian structures in an E–W compressive regional stress field imposed by plate-scale processes. Here we present moment tensor solutions for three recent moderate-sized earthquakes around the town of Kalgoorlie that are inconsistent with E–W compression, but instead suggest E–W extension in the eastern Yilgarn Craton. Waveforms of earthquakes at Boulder (MW = 4.0, 20 April 2010), Kalgoorlie (MW = 4.3, 26 February 2014) and Coolgardie (MW = 3.9, 31 October 2014) were inverted for moment tensors. All three earthquakes were shallow (centroid depth ≤4 km) normal-faulting events that occurred along roughly N–S-striking planes, either with a steep westward or a relatively shallow eastward dip. The robustness of the retrieved mechanisms has been thoroughly tested, employing different earth models, assuming different locations for the earthquakes and using different period bands for the inversion. The fit of synthetic long-period waveforms to the observations was in all cases substantially improved by assuming a two-layered crust with high S wavespeeds (about 3.9–4 km/s) overlying substantially slower material. Since there is independent evidence from active source profiles for a P velocity increase between the upper and lower crust, a large difference in vp/vs ratio between upper and lower crust is the only way to explain both lines of evidence. This vertical contrast could represent a dominance of felsic material in the upper crust, and substantially more mafic material in the lower crust. Taken together, our results also appear to imply that the regional stress field is E–W extensive in the Kalgoorlie area, and possibly for the entire Kalgoorlie Terrane. This is contrary to current assumptions from continent-scale stress modelling. That the orientations of rupture planes roughly align with the regional structural grain could indicate that Archean structures are reactivated in response to the current stress field.  相似文献   

It is shown that the foci of the recent earthquakes in the Thessaloniki area of northern Greece are located in an arcuate seismic zone which is associated with the Serbomacedonian geologic zone. Three main lines of fracture have been observed in the epicentral area after the May–June 1978 earthquakes. Field and macroseismic observations as well as fault plane solutions for the main shock and for the largest foreshock show that both earthquakes are due to a strike slip sinistral motion with a small reverse component on a steeply dipping and trending southeast-northwest fault.  相似文献   

The northern part of the Dead Sea Fault Zone is one of the major active neotectonic structures of Turkey. The main trace of the fault zone (called Hacıpaşa fault) is mapped in detail in Turkey on the basis of morphological and geological evidence such as offset creeks, fault surfaces, shutter ridges and linear escarpments. Three trenches were opened on the investigated part of the fault zone. Trench studies provided evidence for 3 historical earthquakes and comparing trench data with historical earthquake records showed that these earthquakes occurred in 859 AD, 1408 and 1872. Field evidence, palaeoseismological studies and historical earthquake records indicate that the Hacıpaşa fault takes the significant amount of slip in the northern part of the Dead Sea Fault Zone in Turkey. On the basis of palaeoseismological evidence, it is suggested that the recurrence interval for surface faulting event is 506 ± 42 years on the Hacıpaşa fault.  相似文献   

During May 2003 a swarm of 16 earthquakes (ML = 0.6–2.1) occurred at Anjalankoski, south-eastern Finland. The activity lasted for three weeks, but additional two events were observed at the same location in October 2004. A comparison of the waveforms indicated that the source mechanisms and the hypocentres of the events were nearly identical.A relative earthquake location method was applied to better define the geometry of the cluster and to identify the fault plane associated with the earthquakes. The relocated earthquakes aligned along an ENE–WSW trending zone, with a lateral extent of about 1.0 km by 0.8 km. The relative location and the waveform-modelling of depth sensitive surface wave (Rg) and S-to-P converted body wave (sP) phases indicated that the events were unusually shallow, most likely occurring within the first 2 km of the surface. The revised historical earthquake data confirm that shallow swarm-type seismicity is characteristic to the area.The focal mechanism obtained as a composite solution of the five strongest events corresponds to dip-slip motion along a nearly vertical fault plane (strike = 250°, dip = 80°, rake = 90°). The dip and strike of this nodal plane as well as the relocated hypocentres coincide with an internal intrusion boundary of the Vyborg rapakivi batholith.The events occur under a compressive local stress field, which is explained by large gravitational potential energy differences and ridge-push forces. Pore-pressure changes caused by intrusion of ground water and/or radon gas into the fracture zones are suggested to govern the swarm-type earthquake activity.  相似文献   

A catalogue of 1873–1972 earthquakes with M > 6.9 for the New Guinea—Solomon Islands region (130–165° E) is compiled. There are 152 events listed. Duda's (1965) results for 1900–1968 are improved for the Papua New Guinea area (141–156° E) because of the availability of historical data for that area.Although there is evidence of rapid Holocene uplift in the main seismic zones, there is little historical evidence for visible uplift or subsidence resulting directly from modern major earthquakes. Coastal subsidences commonly reported as a result of earthquakes are of smaller extent and appear to be due to settlement. However, the occurrence of tsunamigenic earthquakes does suggest that surface deformations do take place off-shore.Using Davies and Brune's (1971) method, regional fault slip rates over 5° -segments of the shallow seismic zone are determined from the seismicity catalogue. The slip rate for the island of New Guinea (Gutenberg and Richter's Region 16) is found to be at least 4.4 cm/y which is almost double the very anomalously low rate of 2.3 cm/y found by Davies and Brune (1971). If allowance is made for shear movement without seismicity and for the approximately ratio of dip-slip versus strike-slip faulting indicated by fault plane solutions, the agreement with Le Pichon's (1970) approach value of 10.7 cm/y for the Pacific—India (Australia) plates is reasonable. The fault slip rate in the area between east New Britain and Bougainville at the Pacific—Bismarck—Solomon triple junction is extremely high (20.6 cm/y at least). The smallest slip rate (1.5 cm/y) is found for westernmost New Guinea (130–135° E).Temporal cumulative summation of moments curves show a periodicity of approximately 25 years in the seismic activity at the triple junction (150–155° E). Elsewhere the rate of seismic activity is aperiodic.  相似文献   

Cenka Christova   《Tectonophysics》2004,384(1-4):175-189
The study addresses the space distribution of the stress field in the Kyushu–Ryukyu Wadati–Benioff zone based on homogeneous data of earthquake focal mechanisms and the inverse technique by Gephart and Forsyth [J. Geophys. Res. 89 (1984) 9305]. The used data set consists of 148 Harvard CMT solutions and 22 earthquake focal mechanisms listed in previous studies. The stress field parameters are determined for 0–40, 41–100 and h>100 km depth ranges. The top 100-km layer of the Wadati–Benioff zone (WBZ) is characterized by strike normal maximum compression σ1 and steeper than the slab minimum compression σ3, the last indicating for unbalanced slab pull force. The Tokara channel ‘divides’ the subduction into two parts of different stress regime at depth greater than 100 km. To the south of the channel the slab is under slab parallel σ1 and slab normal σ3 while its northern part, beneath Kyushu, is under slab parallel extension and slab normal compression. The results of recent studies on the regional velocity structure and geochemistry of the volcanic lava indicate that the most plausible reason for the observed stress field difference below 100 km in the northern and rest part of the arc is the presence of hot low viscosity upper mantle west of Kyushu.The results of this study indicate that the forces involved in the contemporary subduction dynamics in the Ryukyu–Kyushu Wadati–Benioff zone are related to the convergence between the Philippine Sea Plate and the Eurasian plate, the trench suction force, slab pull, the slab anchor force and, in the southern-central part of the arc, mantle resistance.  相似文献   

We found a characteristic space–time pattern of the tidal triggering effect on earthquake occurrence in the subducting Philippine Sea plate beneath the locked zone of the plate interface in the Tokai region, central Japan, where a large interplate earthquake may be impending. We measured the correlation between the Earth tide and earthquake occurrence using microearthquakes that took place in the Philippine Sea plate for about two decades. For each event, we assigned the tidal phase angle at the origin time by theoretically calculating the tidal shear stress on the fault plane. Based on the distribution of the tidal phase angles, we statistically tested whether they concentrate near some particular angle or not by using Schuster's test. In this test, the result is evaluated by p-value, which represents the significance level to reject the null hypothesis that earthquakes occur randomly irrespective of the tidal phase angle. As a result of analysis, no correlation was found for the data set including all the earthquakes. However, we found a systematic pattern in the temporal variation of the tidal effect; the p-value significantly decreased preceding the occurrence of M ≥ 4.5 earthquakes, and it recovered a high level afterwards. We note that those M ≥ 4.5 earthquakes were considerably larger than the normal background seismicity in the study area. The frequency distribution of tidal phase angles in the pre-event period exhibited a peak at the phase angle where the tidal shear stress is at its maximum to accelerate the fault slip. This indicates that the observed small p-value is a physical consequence of the tidal effect. We also found a distinctive feature in the spatial distribution of p-values. The small p-values appeared just beneath the strongly coupled portion of the plate interface, as inferred from the seismicity rate change in the past few years.  相似文献   

F. Di Luccio  E. Fukuyama  N.A. Pino   《Tectonophysics》2005,405(1-4):141-154
On October 31, 2002 a ML = 5.4 earthquake occurred in southern Italy, at the margin between the Apenninic thrust belt (to the west) and the Adriatic plate (to the east). In this area, neither historical event nor seismogenic fault is reported in the literature. In spite of its moderate magnitude, the earthquake caused severe damage in cities close to the epicenter and 27 people, out of a total of 29 casualties, were killed by the collapse of a primary school in S. Giuliano di Puglia. By inverting broadband regional waveforms, we computed moment tensor solutions for 15 events, as small as ML = 3.5 (Mw = 3.7). The obtained focal mechanisms show pure strike-slip geometry, mainly with focal planes oriented to NS (sinistral) and EW (dextral). In several solutions focal planes are rotated counterclockwise, in particular for later events, occurring west of the mainshock. From the relocated aftershock distribution, we found that the mainshock ruptured along an EW plane, and the fault mechanisms of some aftershocks were not consistent with the mainshock fault plane. The observed stress field, resulting from the stress tensor inversion, shows a maximum principal stress axis with an east–west trend (N83°W), whereas the minimum stress direction is almost N–S. Considering both the aftershock distribution and moment tensor solutions, it appears that several pre-existing faults were activated rather than a single planar fault associated with the mainshock. The finite fault analysis shows a very simple slip distribution with a slow rupture velocity of 1.1 km/s, that could explain the occurrence of a second mainshock about 30 h after. Finally, we attempt to interpret how the Molise sequence is related to the normal faulting system to the west (along the Apennines) and the dextral strike-slip Mattinata fault to the east.  相似文献   

Weak tidal correlation of NW-Bohemia/Vogtland earthquake swarms   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We analyze the possible effect of solid Earth tidal stresses upon a vertical strike-slip fault in NW-Bohemia/Vogtland, central Europe, typical by occurrence of swarm earthquakes. The horizontal components of solid Earth tidal stresses were found strongly to prevail and to reach the level of 2 kPa. We examined tidal triggering as influence of tidal stresses to launching the swarm activity in relative absence of other stress disturbances. The onset times of 46 swarms of mostly ML < 3 earthquakes that occurred in the period 1991–2005 displayed an increased occurrence near the fortnightly maximum of tidal extensive normal stress. The statistical test however did not prove a statistically significant correlation indicating a triggering effect of fault extension due to tidal loading. We also examined tidal effects to the already running seismic activity of the prominent 2000 swarm by comparing the tidal stress distribution in the investigated period with the distribution of tidal stresses in the occurrence times of each earthquake. The results show that these distributions are almost similar, which indicates that individual earthquakes occur independent of tidal stresses. The unclear tidal correlation of the swarm seismicity may be interpreted by small amplitudes and rates of tidal stress changes compared to the amplitudes and rates of coseismic stress perturbations and of pressure bursts of deep generated fluids.  相似文献   

Pavlides  S.B.  Papadopoulos  G.  Ganas  A. 《Natural Hazards》2002,27(1-2):61-84
On 7 September 1999 the Athens Metropolitan area (Greece) was hit by a moderate size (Ms = 5.9) earthquake. The severely damaged area is localized in the northwestern suburbs of the city, at the foothills of Mt. Parnitha (38.1°N, 23.6°E), about 18 km from the historic centre of Athens. In this paper, we present our results on the surface expression of the seismogenic structure. Methods applied were: field observations, geological mapping, fault geometry and kinematics, evaluation of macroseismic data, interpretation of LANDSAT images, construction of a DEM and application of shading techniques. Aftershock distribution and fault plane solutions were also considered. Our results suggest that the earthquake source is located within the NW-SE trending valley bearing a few outcrops of Neogene-Quaternary sediments across the south foothills of Mt. Parnitha, never known in the past to have been activated by such strong earthquakes. The earthquake occurred along a 10 km long normal fault, striking N110°–133° and dipping 64°–85°SW, extending from the Fili Fort (4th century BC) in the NNW to the Fili town and then to Ano Liossia, to the SSE. Tensional stress field with 3 axis almost horizontal striking NNE-NE prevails in the area. The fault strike and the extensional direction (3) are compatible with the focal mechanism of the main shock.  相似文献   

A first-order seismotectonic model was created for South Africa. This was done using four logical steps: geoscientific data collection, characterisation, assimilation and zonation. Through the definition of subunits of concentrations of earthquake foci and large neotectonic and structural domains, seismotectonic structures, systems and domains were created. Relatively larger controls of seismicity exist between the Great Escarpment and the coast. In the south, this region is characterised by large aeromagnetic anomalies and large EW trending faults. In the west, it is characterised by the NW–SE trending Wegener stress anomaly, radial-trending dykes and earthquake clusters. In the east, it is characterised by a large neotectonic domain where several large historical earthquakes occurred. In the centre of South Africa, several clusters of earthquake activity are found, often related to mining activity. Further north, seismicity is related to both mining activity and neotectonic deformation. This work contributes to the development of a seismotectonic model for South Africa by (1) bringing together, digitally, several data sets in a common GIS platform (geology, geophysics, stress, seismicity, neotectonics, topography, crustal and mantle structure and anisotropy), (2) understanding the significance of data sets for seismotectonic zonation and limitations thereof and (3) obtaining a reasonable regional model for use in seismic hazard assessments.  相似文献   

The magnitude of the in situ stresses in the Cooper–Eromanga Basins have been determined using an extensive petroleum exploration database from over 40 years of drilling. The magnitude of the vertical stress (Sv) was calculated based on density and velocity checkshot data in 24 wells. Upper and lower bound values of the vertical stress magnitude are approximated by Sv = (14.39 × Z)1.12 and Sv = (11.67 × Z)1.15 functions respectively (where Z is depth in km and Sv is in MPa). Leak-off test data from the two basins constrain the lower bound estimate for the minimum horizontal stress (Shmin) magnitude to 15.5 MPa/km. Closure pressures from a large number of minifrac tests indicate considerable scatter in the minimum horizontal stress magnitude, with values approaching the magnitude of the vertical stress in some areas. The magnitude of the maximum horizontal stress (SHmax) was constrained by the frictional limits to stress beyond which faulting occurs and by the presence of drilling-induced tensile fractures in some wells. The maximum horizontal stress magnitude can only be loosely constrained regionally using frictional limits, due to the variability of both the minimum horizontal stress and vertical stress estimates. However, the maximum horizontal stress and thus the full stress tensor can be better constrained at individual well locations, as demonstrated in Bulyeroo-1 and Dullingari North-8, where the necessary data (i.e. image logs, minifrac tests and density logs) are available. The stress magnitudes determined indicate a predominantly strike-slip fault stress regime (SHmax > Sv > Shmin) at a depth of between 1 and 3 km in the Cooper–Eromanga Basins. However, some areas of the basin are transitional between strike-slip and reverse fault stress regimes (SHmax > Sv ≈ Shmin). Large differential stresses in the Cooper–Eromanga Basins indicate a high upper crustal strength for the region, consistent with other intraplate regions. We propose that the in situ stress field in the Cooper–Eromanga Basins is a direct result of the complex interaction of tectonic stresses from the convergent plate boundaries surrounding the Indo-Australian plate that are transmitted into the center of the plate through a high-strength upper crust.  相似文献   

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