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A thermodynamic model is proposed for calculation of liquidus relations in multicomponent systems of geologic interest. In this formulation of mineral-melt equilibria, reactions are written in terms of the liquid oxide components, and balanced on the stoichiometry of liquidus phases. In order to account for non-ideality in the liquid, a ‘Margules solution’ is derived in a generalized form which can be extended to systems of any number of components and for polynomials of any degree. Equations are presented for calculation of both the excess Gibbs free energy of a solution and the component activity coefficients.Application to the system CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 at one atmosphere pressure is achieved using linear programming. Thermodynamic properties of liquidus minerals and the melt are determined which are consistent with adopted error brackets for available calorimetric and phase equilibrium data. Constraints are derived from liquidus relations, the CaO-SiO2 binary liquid immiscibility gap, solid-solid P-T reactions, and measured standard state entropies, enthalpies, and volumes of minerals in this system.Binary and ternary liquidus diagrams are recalculated by computer programs which trace cotectic boundaries and isothermal sections while checking each point on a curve for metastability. The maximum differences between calculated and experimentally determined invariant points involving stoichiometric minerals are 17°C and 1.5 oxide weight per cent. Because no solid solution models have been incorporated, deviations are larger for invariant points which involve non-stoichiometric minerals.Calculated heats of fusion, silica activities in the melt, and heats of mixing of liquids compare favorably with experimental data, and suggest that this model can be used to supplement the limited amount of available data on melt properties.  相似文献   

The energetics of multicomponent diffusion in molten CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 (CAS) were examined experimentally at 1440 to 1650°C and 0.5 to 2 GPa. Two melt compositions were investigated: a haplodacitic melt (25 wt.% CaO, 15% Al2O3, and 60% SiO2) and a haplobasaltic melt (35% CaO, 20% Al2O3, and 45% SiO2). Diffusion matrices were measured in a mass-fixed frame of reference with simple oxides as end-member components and Al2O3 as a dependent variable. Chemical diffusion in molten CAS shows clear evidence of diffusive coupling among the components. The diffusive flux of SiO2 is significantly enhanced whenever there is a large CaO gradient that is oriented in a direction opposite to the SiO2 gradient. This coupling effect is more pronounced in the haplodacitic melt and is likely to be significant in natural magmas of rhyolitic to andesitic compositions. The relative magnitude of coupled chemical diffusion is not very sensitive to changes in temperature and pressure.To a good approximation, the measured diffusion matrices follow well-defined Arrhenius relationships with pressure and reciprocal temperature. Typically, a change in temperature of 100°C results in a relative change in the elements of diffusion matrix of 50 to 100%, whereas a change in pressure of 1 GPa introduces a relative change in elements of diffusion matrix of 4 to 6% for the haplobasalt, and less than 5% for the haplodacite. At a pressure of 1 GPa, the ratios between the major and minor eigenvalues of the diffusion matrix λ12 are not very sensitive to temperature variations, with an average of 5.5 ± 0.2 for the haplobasalt and 3.7 ± 0.6 for the haplodacite. The activation energies for the major and minor eigenvalues of the diffusion matrix are 215 ± 12 and 240 ± 21 kJ mol−1, respectively, for the haplodacite and 192 ± 8 and 217 ± 14 kJ mol−1 for the haplobasalt. These values are comparable to the activation energies for self-diffusion of calcium and silicon at the same melt compositions and pressure. At a fixed temperature of 1500°C, the ratios λ12 increase with the increase of pressure, with λ12 varying from 2.5 to 4.1 (0.5 to 1.3 GPa) for the haplodacite and 4 to 6.5 (0.5 to 2.0 GPa) for the haplobasalt. The activation volumes for the major and minor eigenvalues of the diffusion matrix are 0.31 ± 0.44 and 2.3 ± 0.8 cm3 mol−1, respectively, for the haplodacite and −1.48 ± 0.18 and −0.42 ± 0.24 cm3 mol−1 for the haplobasalt. These values are quite different from the activation volumes for self-diffusion of calcium and silicon at the same melt compositions and temperature. These differences in activation volumes between the two melts likely result from a difference in the structure and thermodynamic properties of the melt between the two compositions (e.g., partial molar volume).Applications of the measured diffusion matrices to quartz crystal dissolution in molten CAS reveal that the activation energy and activation volume for quartz dissolution are almost identical to the activation energy and activation volume for diffusion of the minor or slower eigencomponent of the diffusion matrix. This suggests that the diffusion rate of slow eigencomponent is the rate-limiting factor in isothermal crystal dissolution, a conclusion that is likely to be valid for crystal growth and dissolution in natural magmas when diffusion in liquid is the rate-limiting factor.  相似文献   

The shear viscosity of 66 liquids in the systems CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 (CAS) and MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 (MAS) have been measured in the ranges 1-104 Pa s and 108-1012 Pa s. Liquids belong to series, nominally at 50, 67, and 75 mol.% SiO2, with atomic M2+/(M2++2Al) typically in the range 0.60 to 0.40 for each isopleth. In the system CAS at 1600°C, viscosity passes through a maximum at all silica contents. The maxima are clearly centered in the peraluminous field, but the exact composition at which viscosity is a maximum is poorly defined. Similar features are observed at 900°C. In contrast, data for the system MAS at 1600°C show that viscosity decreases with decreasing Mg/(Mg + 2Al) at all silica contents, but that a maximum in viscosity must occur in the field where Mg/2Al >1. On the other hand, the viscosity at 850°C increases with decreasing Mg/(Mg + 2Al) and shows no sign of reaching a maximum, even for the most peraluminous composition studied. The data from both systems at 1600°C have been analysed assuming that shear viscosity is proportional to average bond strength and considering the equilibrium:
Al[4]-(Mg,Ca)0.5⇔(Mg,Ca)0.5-NBO+AlXS  相似文献   

Activity coefficients of oxide components in the system CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 (CMAS) were calculated with the model of Berman (Berman R. G., “A thermodynamic model for multicomponent melts with application to the system CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2,” Ph.D. dissertation, University of British Columbia, 1983) and used to explore large-scale relationships among these variables and between them and the liquid composition. On the basis of Berman’s model, the natural logarithm of the activity coefficient of MgO, ln(γMgOLiq), and ln(γMgOLiqSiO2Liq) are nearly linear functions of ln(γCaOLiq). All three of these variables are simple functions of the optical basicity Λ with which they display minima near Λ ∼ 0.54 that are generated by liquids with low ratios of nonbridging to tetrahedral oxygens (NBO/T) (<0.3) and a mole fraction ratio, XSiO2Liq/XAl2O3Liq, in the range 4 to 20. Variations in ln(γCaOLiq) at constant Λ near the minimum are due mostly to liquids with (XCaOLiq + XMgOLiq)/XAl2O3Liq < 1. The correlations with optical basicity imply that the electron donor power is an important factor in determining the thermodynamic properties of aluminosilicate liquids.For a constant NBO/T, ln(γCaOLiqAl2O3Liq) and ln(γMgOLiqγAl2O3Liq) form curves in terms of XSiO2Liq/XAl2O3Liq. The same liquids that generate minima in the Λ plots are also associated with minima in ln(γCaOLiqγAl2O3Liq) and ln(γMgOLiqγAl2O3Liq) as a function of XSiO2Liq/XAl2O3Liq. In addition, there are maxima or sharp changes in slope for NBO/T > 0.3, which occur for XSiO2Liq/XAl2O3Liq ranging from ∼0 to ∼6 and increase with increasing NBO/T. The systematic variations in activity coefficients as a function of composition and optical basicity reflect underlying shifts in speciation as the composition of the liquid is changed. On the basis of correlations among the activity coefficients, it is likely that the use of CaO, an exchange component such as SiMg−1 and two of MgO, CaAl2O4, or MgAl2O4 would yield significant savings in the number of parameters required to model the excess free energy surface of liquids over large portions of CMAS relative to the use of oxide end members.Systematic behavior of thermodynamic properties extends to small amounts of other elements dissolved in otherwise CMAS liquids. For example, ln(XFe2+Liq/XFe3+Liq) at constant oxygen fugacity is linearly correlated with ln(γCaOLiq). Similarly, ln(CS), where CS is the sulfide capacity is linearly correlated at constant temperature with each of the optical basicity, ln(aCaOLiq) and ln(γCaOLiq), although the correlation for the latter breaks down for low values of Λ. The well-known systematic behavior of sulfide capacity as a function of optical basicity for systems inside as well as outside CMAS suggests that ln(γCaSLiq) is also a simple function of optical basicity and that the relationships observed among the activity coefficients in CMAS may hold for more complex systems.  相似文献   

Using the model of fictive ideal components, Gibbs free energies of formation of pyrope and Al2O3-enstatite have been determined from the experimental data on coexisting garnet and orthopyroxene and orthopyroxene and spinel in the temperature range of 1200–1600 K. The negative free energies in kJ/mol are:

The enthalpies of solution of several synthetic garnets on the join Mg3Al2Si3O12-Ca3Al2Si3O12 (pyrope-grossular) and of several synthetic clinopyroxenes on the join CaMgSi2O6-CaAl2SiO6 (diopside-Ca-Tschermak's molecule) were measured in a melt of composition 2PbO · B2O3 at 970 K. The determinations were made with sufficient precision so that thermochemical characterizations of the solid solutions could be achieved.The pyrope-grossular solutions show positive enthalpies of mixing. The non-ideality in the range 0–30 mole % grossular is relatively the largest and is in good agreement with the predictions of Ganguly and Kennedy (1974) based largely on cation partitioning of natural high grade metamorphic garnets with biotite, and with the deductions of Hensenet al. (1975) based on measurement of the compositions of synthetic pyrope-rich garnets equilibrated with anorthite, Al2SiO5 and quartz. However, the garnets show smaller excess enthalpies at higher grossular contents. This would lead to an asymmetric solvus with a critical temperature lower than predicted by the symmetrical regular solution model of Ganguly and Kennedy (1974). The composition-dependent non-ideality can be understood by simple ionic size considerations in solid substitution and is analogous to the situations for the calcite-dolomite and enstatite-diopside solvi.The heats of solution of pyropes crystallized in the range 1000–1500°C were all the same, within the precision of measurement, and thus we have found no evidence for temperature-dependent cation disordering as a possible explanation of the high entropy of pyrope, as suggested by Charluet al. (1975). Positional disorder of dodecahedral Mg is a more probable reason.The diopside-CaTs join is also non-ideal, with the larger positive enthalpy deviations near the diopside end. The calorimetric data in the magnesian range are consistemt with the model for completely disordered tetrahedral Si and Al which results from the free energy derivations of wood (1975) based on syntheses of diopside-rich aluminous pyroxenes in the presence of anorthite and quartz. At higher Al concentrations the calorimetric data seem more consistent with the ‘local charge-balance’ model of Wood (1975).No evidence for temperature-dependent disorder was found for either the diopside or CaTs end-members.  相似文献   

One petrogenetic grid for plagioclase-, spinel- and garnet-lherzolite analogues in the system CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 is presented from 1 bar to 30 kbar and 400 to 1500°C. Another grid for olivine-gabbro, spinel-gabbro and garnet-pyroxenite analogues in the same system is presented from 1 bar to 25 kbar and 500 to 1500°C. Both grids show the distribution of the mineral assemblages and the variations in the composition of clinopyroxene with temperature and pressure. They were developed by applying simple thermodynamic mixing models of clinopyroxene to experimentally determined clino-pyroxene compositions.Calcium tschermak's pyroxene (CaAl2SiO6) in complex CaMgSi2O6-CaAl2SiO6-Mg2Si2O6 clinopyroxenes is best represented by a local charge balance mixing model where aCaAl2SiO6? (XCaM2)(XAlM1) Enthalpy and entropy changes of subsolidus reactions involving variations in the CaAl2SiO6 and Mg2Si2O6 content of clinopyroxene are interdependent due to nonideal mixing of these two end-members. CaAl2SiO6 can strongly reduce the mutual solubility of clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene at moderate pressures and high temperatures. Failure to take this into account can result in temperature underestimates (up to 150°C) of spinel-lherzolites, garnet-pyroxenites, low pressure garnet-lherzolites, spinel-gabbros, and high pressure plagioclase-lherzolites and olivine-gabbros. However, at temperatures and pressures where the Al2O3 content of clinopyroxene is low (e.g. garnet-lherzolite nodules in kimberlite), the mutual solubility is adequantely represented by experimental results in the system CaO-MgO-SiO2.  相似文献   

An end member of the tourmaline series with a structural formula □(Mg2Al)Al6(BO3)3[Si6O18](OH)4 has been synthesized in the system MgO-Al2O3-B2O3-SiO2-H2O where it represents the only phase with a tourmaline structure. Our experiments provide no evidence for the substitutions Al → Mg + H, Mg → 2H, B + H → Si, and AlAl → MgSi and we were not able to synthesize a phase “Mg-aluminobuergerite” characterized by Mg in the (3a)-site and a strong (OH)-deficiency reported by Rosenberg and Foit (1975). The alkali-free tourmaline has a vacant (3a)-site and is related to dravite by the □ + Al for Na + Mg substitution. It is stable from at least 300°C to about 800°C at low fluid pressures and 100% excess B2O3, and can be synthesized up to a pressure of 20 kbars. At higher temperatures the tourmaline decomposes into grandidierite or a boron-bearing phase possibly related to mullite (“B-mullite”), quartz, and unidentified solid phases, or the tourmaline melts incongruently into corundum + liquid, depending on pressure. In the absence of excess B2O3 tourmaline stability is lowered by about 60°C. Tourmaline may coexist with the other MgO-Al2O3-B2O3-SiO2-H2O phases forsterite, enstatite, chlorite, talc, quartz, grandidierite, corundum, spinel, “B-mullite,” cordierite, and sinhalite depending on the prevailing PTX-conditions.The (3a)-vacant tourmaline has the space group R3m with a =15.90 A?, c = 7.115 A?, and V = 1557.0 A?3. However, these values vary at room temperature with the pressure-temperature conditions of synthesis by ±0.015 A? in a, ±0.010 A? in c, and ±4.0 A?3 in V, probably as a result of MgAl order/disorder relations in the octahedral positions. Despite these variations intensity calculations support the assumed structural formula. Refractive indices are no = 1.631(2), nE = 1.610(2), Δn = 0.021. The infrared spectrum is intermediate between those of dravite and elbaite. The common alkali and calcium deficiencies of natural tourmalines may at least partly be explained by miscibilities towards (3a)-vacant end members. The apparent absence of (3a)-vacant tourmaline in nature is probably due to the lack of fluids that carry boron but no Na or Ca.  相似文献   

Large discrepancies are reported for the near-solidus, pressure-temperature location of the spinel to garnet lherzolite univariant curve in the system CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 (CMAS). Experimental data obtained previously from the piston-cylinder apparatus indicate interlaboratory pressure differences of up to 30% relative. To investigate this disparity—and because this reaction is pivotal for understanding upper mantle petrology—the phase boundary was located by means of an independent method. The reaction was studied via in situ X-ray diffraction techniques in a 6-8 type multianvil press. Pressure is determined by using MgO as an internal standard and is calculated from measured unit cell volume by using a newly developed high-temperature equation of state for MgO. Combinations of real-time and quenched-sample observations are used to bracket the phase transition. The transition between 1350 and 1500°C was reversed, and the reaction was further constrained from 1207 to 1545°C. Within this temperature range, the transition has an average dT/dP slope of ∼40 ± 10°C/kbar, consistent with several previous piston-cylinder studies. Extrapolation of our curve to 1575°C, an established temperature of the P-T invariant point, yields a pressure of 25.1 ± 1.2 kbar. We also obtained a real-time reversal of the quartz-coesite transition at 30.5 ± 2.3 kbar at 1357°C, which is about 2 to 4 kbar lower in pressure than previously determined in the piston-cylinder apparatus.  相似文献   

Five hundred eighty-five viscosity measurements on 40 melt compositions from the ternary system CaMgSi2O6 (Di)-CaAl2Si2O8 (An)-NaAlSi3O8 (Ab) have been compiled to create an experimental database spanning a wide range of temperatures (660-2175°C). The melts within this ternary system show near-Arrhenian to strongly non-Arrhenian properties, and in this regard are comparable to natural melts. The database is used to produce a chemical model for the compositional and temperature dependence of melt viscosity in the Di-An-Ab system. We use the Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann equation (VFT: log η = A + B/(T − C)) to account for the temperature dependence of melt viscosity. We also assume that all silicate melts converge to a common viscosity at high temperature. Thus, A is independent of composition, and all compositional dependence resides in the parameters B and C. The best estimate for A is −5.06, which implies a high-temperature limit to viscosity of 10-5.06 Pa s. The compositional dependence of B and C is expressed by 12 coefficients (bi=1,2.6, cj=1,2..6) representing linear (e.g., bi=1:3) and higher order, nonlinear (e.g., bi=4:6) contributions. Our results suggest a near-linear compositional dependence for B (<10% nonlinear) and C (<7% nonlinear). We use the model to predict model VFT functions and to demonstrate the systematic variations in viscosity due to changes in melt composition. Despite the near linear compositional dependence of B and C, the model reproduces the pronounced nonlinearities shown by the original data, including the crossing of VFT functions for different melt compositions. We also calculate values of Tg for melts across the Di-An-Ab ternary system and show that intermediate melt compositions have Tg values that are depressed by up to 100°C relative to the end-members Di-An-Ab. Our non-Arrhenian viscosity model accurately reproduces the original database, allows for continuous variations in rheological properties, and has a demonstrated capacity for extrapolation beyond the original data.  相似文献   

In this experimental study, we examine the mineral-melt partitioning of major and trace elements between clinopyroxene and CO2-rich kimberlitic melts at a pressure of 6 GPa and temperatures of 1410°C and 1430°C. The melts produced contain ∼ 28 wt% dissolved CO2, and are saturated with olivine and clinopyroxene. To assess the effects of temperature, crystal and melt compositions on trace element partitioning, experiments were performed in the model CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-CO2 system. Our results reveal that all the elements studied, except Al, Mg, Si, and Ga, are incompatible in clinopyroxene. Partition coefficients show a considerable range in magnitude, from ∼ 10−3 for DU and DBa to ∼ 2.5 for DSi. The two experimental runs show similar overall partitioning patterns with the D values being lower at 1430°C. Rare earth elements display a wide range of partition coefficients, DLa (0.012-0.026) being approximately one order of magnitude lower than DLu (0.18-0.23). Partition coefficients for the 2+ and 3+ cations entering the M2-site exhibit a near-parabolic dependence on radius of the incorporated cations as predicted from the lattice strain model. This underlines the contribution made by the crystal structure toward controlling the distribution of trace elements. Using data obtained in this study combined with that in the published literature, we also discuss the effects that other important parameters, namely, melt composition, pressure, and temperature, could have on partitioning.Our partition coefficients have been used to model the generation of the Group I (GI) kimberlites from South Africa. The numerical modeling shows that kimberlitic melts can be produced by ∼0.5% melting of a MORB-type depleted source that has been enriched by small-degree melts originating from a similar depleted source. This result suggests that the source of GI kimberlites may be located at the lithosphere-asthenosphere transition. Percolation of small degree melts from the asthenosphere would essentially create a metasomatic horizon near the bottom of the non-convecting sublithospheric mantle. Accumulation of such small degree melts together with the presence of volatiles and conductive heating would trigger melting of the ambient mantle and subsequently lead to eruption of kimberlitic melts. Additionally, our model shows that the GI source can be generated by metasomatism of a 2 Ga old MORB source ca. 1 Ga ago. Assuming that MORB-type mantle is the most depleted source of magmas on earth, then this is the oldest age at which the GI source could have existed. However, this age most likely reflects the average age of a series of metasomatic events than that of a single event.  相似文献   

The enthalpies of solution of petrologically important phases in the system MgO-Al2O3-SiO 2 were measured in a melt of composition 2PbO · B2O3 at 970 ± 2K. The substances investigated included synthetic and natural (meteoritic) enstatite (MgSiO3), synthetic aluminous enstatite (MgSiO30.9Al2O30.1), synthetic and natural cordierite (Mg2Al4Si5O18), synthetic and natural sapphirine (approx. 7MgO·9Al2O3 · 3SiO2), synthetic spinel (MgAl2O4), natural sillimanite (Al2SiO5), synthetic forsterite (Mg2SiO4), synthetic pyrope (Mg3Al2Si3O12), natural quartz (SiO2), synthetic periclase (MgO) and corundum (Al2O3). Improvement in standardization of the calorimeter solvent made possible greater precision in this study than obtainable in former work in this laboratory on some of the same substances.The enthalpies of formation of enstatite, synthetic cordierite, forsterite and spinel are in reasonable agreement with values previously determined by solution calorimetry. The enthalpy of formation of enstatite is about 0.7 kcal less negative than the value for clinoenstatite resulting from the HF calorimetry of Torgesen and Sahama (J. Amer. Chem. Soc.70. 2156–2160, 1948), and is in accord with predictions based on analysis of published pyroxene equilibrium work. Aluminous enstatite with 10 wt.% Al2O3 shows an enthalpy of solution markedly lower than pure MgSiO3: the measurements lead to an estimate of the enthalpy of formation at 970 K for MgAl2SiO6 (Mg-Tschermak) orthopyroxene of + 9.4 ± 1.5 kcal/mole from MgSiO3 and Al2O3.Comparison of the enthalpies of formation of synthetic cordierite and anhydrous natural low-iron cordierite shows that they are energetically quite similar and that the synthetic cordierite is not likely to have large amounts of (Al, Si) tetrahedral disorder. Comparison of the enthalpies of formation of synthetic sapphirine and natural low-iron sapphirine shows, on the other hand, that the former is not a good stability model for the latter. The lower enthalpy of formation of the high-temperature synthetic sample is undoubtedly a consequence of cation disordering.The enthalpy of formation of natural sillimanite is considerably less negative than given by the tables of Robie andWaldbaum (U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull.1259 1968).The measured enthalpy of formation of synthetic pyrope is consistent with that deduced from published equilibrium diagrams in conjunction with the present measured enthalpy of formation of aluminous enstatite. Calculation of the entropy of synthetic pyrope from the present data yields surprisingly high values and suggests that synthetic pyrope is not a good stability model for natural pyrope-rich garnets. Hence, considerable doubt exists about the direct quantitative application of experimental diagrams involving pyropic garnet to discussions of the garnet stability field in the Earth's outer regions.  相似文献   

Enthalpies of solution in 2PbO· B2O3 at 712°C have been measured for glasses in the systems albite anorthite diopside, NaAlO2-SiO2, Ca0.5AlO2-SiO2 and albite-anorthite-quartz. The systems albite-anorthite and diopside-anorthite show substantial negative enthalpies of mixing, albite-diopside shows significant positive heats of mixing. For compositions up to NaAlO2 = 0.42 (which includes the subsystem albite-silica) the system NaAlO2-SiO2 shows essentially zero heats of mixing. A negative ternary excess heat of mixing is found in the plagioclase-rich portion of the albite-anorthite-diopside system. The join Si4O8-CaAl2Si2O8 shows small but significant heats of mixing. In albite-anorthite-quartz. ternary glasses, the ternary excess enthalpy of mixing is positive.Based on available heat capacity data and appropriate consideration of the glass transition, the enthalpy of the crystal-glass transition (vitrification) is a serious underestimate of the enthalpy of the crystal-liquid transition (fusion) especially when the melting point, Tf, is many hundreds of degrees higher than the glass transition temperature, Tg. On the other hand, the same heat capacity data suggest that the enthalpies of mixing in albite-anorthite-diopside liquids are calculated to be quite similar to those in the glasses. The enthalpies of mixing observed in general support the structural models proposed by Taylor and Brown (1979a, b) and others for the structure of aluminosilicate glasses.  相似文献   

K. K. Podlesskii 《Petrology》2010,18(4):350-368
Consistent thermodynamic data on the properties of pure mineral end members and the mixing properties of solid solutions in the system FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 were employed to simulate phase relations of sapphirine, garnet, spinel, orthopyroxene, cordierite, quartz, Al silicates, and corundum. Compositional variations of the solid solutions with temperature notably modify the topology of the P-T diagrams, which differ from the petrogenetic grids widely used in the literature. It is worth noting that the evaluation of P-T metamorphic conditions based on reaction relations in sapphirine-bearing assemblages cannot be so far considered reliable enough. The lower stability limit of the sapphirine + quartz assemblage in the system in question is possibly located at much lower P-T parameters: at least 835°C and ∼6 kbar. The sapphirine + kyanite assemblage can be stable at temperatures below 860°C and a pressure of ∼11 kbar, and the stability field of the sapphirine + olivine assemblage is narrow and constrained to temperatures no higher than ∼800°C.  相似文献   

The short range distribution of interatomic distances in three feldspar glasses has been determined by X-ray radial distribution analysis. The resulting radial distribution functions (RDF's) are interpreted by comparison with RDF's calculated for various quasi-crystalline models of the glass structure.The experimental RDF's of the alkali feldspar glasses were found to be inconsistent with the four-membered rings of tetrahedra associated with crystalline feldspars; the structures of these glasses are probably based on interconnected six-membered rings of the type found in tridymite, nepheline, or kalsilite. In contrast, the RDF of calcic feldspar glass is consistent with a four-membered ring structure of the type found in crystalline anorthite. T-O bond lengths (T = Si,Al) increase from 1.60 Å in SiO2 glass [J. H. Konnert and J. Karle (1973) Acta Cryst.A29, 702–710] to 1.63 Å in the alkali feldspar glasses to 1.66 Å in the calcic feldspar glass due to the substitution of Al for Si in the tetrahedra] sites. The T-O-T bond angles inferred from the RDF peak positions are 151° in SiO2 glass (see reference above), 146° in the alkali feldspar glasses, and 143° in the calcic feldspar glass. Detail in the RDF at distances greater than 5 Å suggests that the alkali feldspar glasses have a higher degree of long range order than the calcic feldspar glasses.Assuming that the structural details of our feldspar glasses are similar to those of the melts, the observed structural differences between the alkali feldspar and calcic feldspar glasses helps explain the differences in crystallization kinetics of anhydrous feldspar composition melts. Structural interpretations of some thermodynamic and rheologic phenomena associated with feldspar melts are also presented based on these results.  相似文献   

A thermodynamic model and equation of state (EOS) is developed from the molecular dynamics simulation experiments of Spera et al. (2009) for CaAl2Si2O8 liquid over the temperature range 3500-6000 K and pressure interval 0-125 GPa. The model is constructed utilizing the isothermal Universal EOS of Vinet et al. (1986) combined with an expression for the temperature-dependence of the internal energy derived from density functional theory (Rosenfeld and Tarazona, 1998). It is demonstrated that this model is more successful at reproducing the data than the temperature-dependent Universal EOS (Vinet et al., 1987) or the volume-explicit EOS of Ghiorso (2004a). Distinct parameterizations are required to model low (<20 GPa) and high (>20 GPa) pressure regimes. This result is ascribed to the affect of liquid structure on macroscopic thermodynamic properties, specifically the interdependence of average cation-oxygen coordination number on the bulk modulus. The thermodynamic transition between the high- and low-pressure parameterizations is modeled as second order, although the nature of the transition is open to question and may well be first order or lambda-like in character.Analysis of the thermodynamic model reveals a predicted region of liquid-liquid un-mixing at low-temperatures (<1624 K) and pressures (<1.257 GPa). These pressure-temperature conditions are above the glass transition temperature but within the metastable liquid region. They represent the highest temperatures yet suggested for liquid-liquid un-mixing in a silicate bulk composition. A shock wave Hugoniot curve is calculated for comparison with the experimental data of Rigden et al. (1989) and of Asimow and Ahrens (2008). The comparison suggests that the model developed in this paper underestimates the density of the liquid by roughly 10% at pressures greater than ∼20 GPa.  相似文献   

Anders Lindh 《Lithos》1972,5(4):325-343
Phase relations in the system FeO---Fe2O3---TiO2, at temperatures ranging between 300°C and 700°C, have been investigated experimentally with special refference to the reaction Fe3O4 + TiO2 = Fe2O3 + FeTiO3. Pressure was varied between 500 and 2000 bars but its effect was negligible. Magnetite and rutile are the stable assemblage at temperatures above 550 dgC, and hematite and ilmenite are stable for lower temperatures. The equilibrium oxygen fugacity is estimated to be 10−17.5 bars at equilibrium temperature. It is suggested that intermediate hematite-ilmenite solid solutions are inhomogeneous, consisting of ‘domains’ of hematite and ilmenite. The ‘domains’ are too small to be resolved by X-ray diffraction techniques. The top of the solvus curve in the hematite-ilmenite solution corresponds to a temperature of 660°C. Regular solution theory is not applicable to the solid solution.  相似文献   

Glasses in the systems NaAlSi3O8-KAlSi3O8 and NaAlSi3O8-Si4O8 have been studied by means of hydrofluoric acid solution calorimetry at 50°C. Results indicate small negative enthalpies of mixing in the former system and small positive departures from ideality in the latter.  相似文献   

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