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井间地震资料测井约束层析成像 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
王守东 《CT理论与应用研究》2009,18(4):44-52
利用井间地震资料进行层析成像,由于受观测角的限制,其成像过程具有很强的不稳定性。为了提高成像过程的稳定性,本文将测井资料引入到反演过程中,利用测井资料约束井间地震反演成像过程。采用假设模型进行数值模拟和反演实验,并与无约束反演方法进行对比实验,多种反演结果对比表明,测井约束反演方法改善了层析成像过程的稳定性,提高了成像结果的精度。 相似文献
虽然煤田三维地震勘探已经过了十多年的发展,但构造解释问题仍是目前需要解决的主要问题之一.随着三维地震资料解释方法的不断发展,小波分析技术、相干体技术、地震属性技术、图像处理等提高解释精度的方法相继在地震勘探领域中得到应用.另一方面,由于煤矿采区三维地震勘探资料一般具有高信噪比和高分辨率的特点,为做好三维地震资料精细构造解释提供了物质基础.本文结合小波分析技术、相干体技术、地震属性技术等多种方法,结合两个采区的实例,对小断层和小规模陷落柱做了精细构造解释.解释结果显示联合使用以上几种解释技术,能提高三维地震资料的构造解释精度和可靠信. 相似文献
利用井间地震层析成像方法探测隐伏断层 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对目前隐伏断层探测中存在的技术难题,提出了在地面反射地震勘探初步确定的断点附近,用井间地震层析成像方法探测隐伏断层及其上断点的埋深。首先介绍井间地震技术的应用现状和井间地震层析成像的基本原理,并结合实例讨论了井间初至走时层析成像的野外数据采集和室内资料处理方法。芦花台隐伏断层的井间地震层析成像结果表明,采用弯曲射线追踪方法反演得到的跨芦花台隐伏断层的井间纵波速度结构图像与钻孔联合剖面揭示的断层特征相吻合。 相似文献
分频解释技术已经越来越多的应用到地震储层预测和油藏描述中,成为地震解释的一种常规技术手段,分频解释技术中分频RGB颜色融合显示方法因其独有的视觉效果也开始受到关注.本文介绍了分频混色技术在高精度地震解释中的应用以及在应用过程中应注意的几点问题,包括优选高精度频谱分解方法、RGB颜色融合技术应用中频率选择的原则等.在此基础上,进一步探讨了分频数据RGB混色方法能有效解决地震沉积学中地层切片精度不满足薄储层预测的问题.RGB颜色融合显示方法能充分发掘高精度地震数据宽频的优势,得到精度更高的储层预测结果. 相似文献
1966年邢台地震区地震测深资料再解释 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
1968至1970年国家地震局与石油工业部合作在河北省元氏到山东省济南长270km地段上,进行了人工地震剖面探测(简称元—济剖面)。1974年中国科学院地球所滕吉文教授等人对该资料进行了分析解释。本文在此基础上,重新对比追踪了邢台震中区反射波的震相,并根据石油工业部SJ79—366的剖面结果进行了沉积层校正,在所得出的一维模型的基础上,用二维反演程序进行了射线追踪和走时拟合,进一步得到该区二维速度结构,并对该区强震发生的深部条件进行了讨论。 相似文献
按照井间地震的观测系统,用改进的突变点加插值射线追踪方法,追踪每炮每道的射线路径,计算几种主要类型的波沿射线路径的波至时间和射线振幅,制作井间地震多炮多道水平分量和垂直分量的合成记录.并将合成记录选排为井间共炮点道集、共接收点道集、共偏移距道集和共中心深度点道集,系统地分析了不同道集内几种主要类型的地震波的传播特征.对野外观测的实际井间地震记录进行了模拟,从复杂的井间地震记录中,识别出井间地震实际观测到的不同类型的波场,为随后的井间地震资料处理和应用提供了依据. 相似文献
井间地震资料具有极高的分辨率,但是,其波场十分复杂,特别是有效一次反射波场能量较弱,且往往被管波等强相干干扰淹没,波场的识别与分离难度较大.地震物理模拟技术是认识复杂地震波场的有效手段.我们通过单一地质体模型、复杂地质体模型和真实井间模拟模型等多种逼真地质模型的物理模拟,揭示了井间地震观测下直达波、透射波、反射波、折射波,多次波和导波等各类波型的特征.物理模拟试验表明,在炮检域平面上分析直达波的信噪比与能量分布,可以使处理人员对旅行时的误差有更直观的认识.所以识别初至与拾取旅行时间时,不仅要在共震源点道集(CSG)上分析拾取,而且还要在共炮检距道集(COG)上分析拾取,这样就提高了直达波识别的可靠性与拾取时间的精度. 相似文献
This paper investigates the sensitivity of the predicted seismic response of buildings in a PWR nuclear power station to the potential changes in the techniques and methods of interpreting soil data that have occurred over the last decade. The investigation is based on the soil-structure interaction (SSI) response of a typical PWR reactor building on a soft site during a seismic event. The current techniques and methods of interpretation of soils data tend to lead to a stiffer site with lower soil material damping than the earlier techniques. This leads to an increase in the SSI natural frequencies of typical buildings and an increase in its seismic response. This increase in the seismic response could put into question any seismic design based on seismic loads derived using the previously accepted generic soil data. The paper concludes with a recommendation for further consideration of the proposed departure from the previously accepted soil data. 相似文献
ZhouJinming 《应用地球物理》2004,1(2):95-102
Nowadays, it becomes very urgent to find remain oil under the oil shortage worldwide.However, most of simple reservoirs have been discovered and those undiscovered are mostly complex structural, stratigraphic and lithologic ones. Summarized in this paper is the integrated seismic processing/interpretation technique established on the basis of pre-stack AVO processing and interpretation.Information feedbacks occurred between the pre-stack and post-stack processes so as to improve the accuracy in utilization of data and avoid pitfalls in seismic attributes. Through the integration of seismic data with geologic data, parameters that were most essential to describing hydrocarbon characteristics were determined and comprehensively appraised, and regularities of reservoir generation and distribution were described so as to accurately appraise reservoirs, delineate favorite traps and pinpoint wells. 相似文献
Colin MacBeth 《Geophysical Prospecting》2014,62(1):75-96
An approximation is developed that allows mapped 4D seismic amplitudes and time‐shifts to be related directly to the weighted linear sum of pore pressure and saturation changes. The weights in this relation are identified as key groups of parameters from a petroelastic model and include the reservoir porosity. This dependence on groups of parameters explains the inherent non‐uniqueness of this problem experienced by previous researchers. The proposed relation is of use in 4D seismic data feasibility studies and inversion and interpretation of the 4D seismic response in terms of pore pressure and water saturation changes. A further result is drawn from analysis of data from the North Sea and West Africa, which reveals that the relative interplay between the effects of pore pressure and saturation changes on the seismic data can be simplified to the control of a single, spatially variant parameter CS/CP. Combining these results with those from published literature, we find that CS/CP = 8 appears to be a generality across a range of clastic reservoirs with a similar mean porosity. Using this CS/CP value, an in situ seismic‐scale constraint for the rock stress sensitivity component of the petroelastic model is constructed considering this component carries the largest uncertainty. 相似文献